Thursday 20 October 2016

Since the French Sac appearance and heterogeneous nature should be classified into the following categories: 
* Matter Of  (Nipphannarupa): From Lust Lust Object Food Land to include 18 Lust Lust player called with means obvious, also called feet minister, state property, human existence because the chief achievement was superior. To be used as scenes insight to contemplate the body in the trunk. Sac remaining 10 measures called Identity Unknown (Aniphanna-rupa) or dependency, is not presented clearly. 
* Sac Interior  (Ajjhattikarupa): the five types Sac Neurology (Pure Lust, Pasadarupa), we needed Five parallel set of knowledge, without them it can not form the Five song recorded scenes Gender Identity. The remaining 23 called Sac Sac State (Bahirarupa). 
* Organic Matter Physics  (Vatthurupa): or the Department of Health Excellence, including Neurology and Lust Lust Object Italy. As with the current presentation materials. Six existing material presented Sac there are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and heart. Sac remaining 22 African Department of Health called Lust Lust or inanimate (Avatthurupa) due to lack of standard materials such as male or female based units is just the attitude, personality should not qualify for the Sac. 
* Sac Mon  (Dvararupa ): a type of Sac's or occasion to make an objective mind engenders.Sac include Neurology (Pure Lust) and Tri Sac statement.
- Sac Neurology do expose workers to the five-door delivery should be called born subjects (Upapatthidvasa) accounts for the importance of synergistic Mon.
- Two Tri Sac statement also called Monkey Mon Mon and Export, so to speak, and relatives actions are due to the control center to create Than Industrial and Export Industry. Thanks to Tri Sac statement that state of mind is expressed outside the so-called identity as human subjects in the house thanks to want to go out the door and out.
- The remaining 21 Sac called Africa Mon Sac (Advararupa).
* Sac Rights  (Indriyarupa): Or Apartment Lust, Lust is responsible for limiting the extent of power and his duties. Lust Lust 8 Legal Rights include the following:
- In Lust Neurology (Pure Lust) powers only for five sense only. Example Neurology Labels limited awareness within the show only, otherwise unproductive horizons to be.
- Two Sac Status (Sac Up) Male, Female restrictions body parts, actions, speech, the Prime Minister, the inclinations, ... to the distinction of male and female is clear.
- Network Excellence limited rights for non-corruptible body, limiting the real animal digestion, the body is preserved Sac Industrial and round enough to be 51 moments.
- in addition to the above eight Lust, Lust remaining 20 called Sac African or African Rights Based Sac (Anindriyarupa).
* Sac Thomas  (Olarikarupa): 12 Matter of:
- In Lust Neurology
- Seven Outstanding Landscape About: Sac Thinh, gas, and The Promotion (earth, fire and wind) is presented clearly.
Lust Lust Rough called Near (Close-Sac, Santikarupa) used as a topic to Satipatthana tu, tu Property as very easy to show enlightened.
Lust Lust Rough called touch each other (Friends for Lust, Sappatigharupa) for Lust Lust Scene About Neurology and need to touch each other or with reference to the Soul birth start, as required Warning Labels Neurology Sac, Neurology Turkey reconciliation with Scene Silence, ...
* Excellence International  (Sukkhumarupa): In addition to Crude Matter 12 mentioned above, the remaining 16 Lust Lust International called. Sac are unclear.
Lust Lust International also called Xa (Institute of Excellence, Durirupa) for not revealing, difficult to show enlightened being.
Lust Lust Te is also known as No Touch Each Other (Friends For Lust Africa, Appati-gharupa) because they do not need to rely together to existing titles.
* Outstanding Player  (Upadinnarupa): Accept Huu Tho Or Lust, including 18 French Sac Sac Industrial by birth, by craving and wrong that govern mortgage should accept the hard life do not give up so called Sac Prime (Kammajam upadinnarupam = Sac due Sac Prime now being called). The remaining Sac Mind as Matter, Matter Status, Lust Object Food, ... called non-prime Sac (Tho Huu Chap Africa, Anupadinnarupa). 
* Sac Huu Kien  (Sanidassanarupa): Or Lust Type, is the only one Lust Lust realm of object known as a kind of excellence in Mental Lust, Lust Lust is called Huu Kien. Example: Landscape Lust Lust is being seen for Label Gate, outside Canh Sac Mon Labels may not know the other Sac (such as Silence or Landscape Landscape Area), so Huu Canh Lust Lust is for Label Gate Ants. Sac remaining 27 Mon unknowable Labels should be called Identity Africa Huu Kien (Anidassanarupa). 
* Sac Thau Landscape  (Gocaraggahikarupa): Try scenery, this is the start Lust Lust Neurology Warning About collectors. Sac In the Neurology Neurology Neurology Labels and Turkey should not hit the object (no need to look at the scene), Neurology Rate, Neurology and Neurological Damage Than requires contact with objects ( Sampattavasena = Need to hit the object). Sac remaining 23 called Real Player Sac Landscape (Agocaraggahikarupa). 
* Matter Any Separated  (Avinibbhogarupa): Or Any Special Simplified Sac, eight-Sac: Sac Great, Sac, Gas, Food and Supplies This is the kind of Sac not bear individually or never separated from each other so called form Real Ly.  Eight Sac Any Separated always present in every Sac France  as Property Variables for Tam Hanh in France this list. From alpine mote to have the four elements earth, water, fire and wind, and also has four appearance is dependent Sac Sac, Gas, The Food and Supplies nutrition.  Eight Excellence Real Ly is derived basic material are arising by Karma, Mind, Yin-Yang and their meat.
Buddhism does not not looking for reasons arising out of the first French Sac only accept Sac existence of France and looking for work affect the Sac France. 
According to Abhidhamma, matter whether inanimate objects must also support creating new human is born and four French created the Industrial Excellence , Mind, Yin-Yang and Supplies Food (Kammam, cittam, utu, aharo Ceti rupasamutthani Cattari nāma). 
1) Sac Industrial  (Kammajarupa): the Industrial Excellence by birth (by owning form). Now is the metabolism, circulating of Compassion and Immoral actions in the past to produce fruit and Sac Industrial Center. These belong to the sphere Industrial and Lust, Caution, and only they can create Sac France. Now is the influence of Ownership with 11 Tam Tam Immoral (except Si Reporter Tam Dat), 8 Compassion Center in Tam Thien sphere and 5 in Lust, Caution. 
Nghiep Sac France's birth 18: 8 Lust Real Ly, 5 Sac Neurology, 1 Sac Void, 1 Sac Rights Network, Object Italy 1 Sac, Sac Nature 2. 
From the moment of birth has had 3 men continue Sac Industrial (French cross Body (Kayadasaka), France Nature cross (Bhavadasaka) and Tam basis y cross France (Vatthudasaka)) being run at the same time as the student Center should be called Continuous Process Sinh Sac, from the moment of the center pillar, the current custom of birth is called Lust Lust Industrial Enterprise Binh Japan. The body is composed of 4 Sac decads four elements, 4 extra Sac (Sac, Gas, Food and Supplies Area), Lust Lust Network and Neurology Rights Body. Decads nature and clinics decads Center also includes the similar method. 
With the birth moment of Process Student Center, the Sac is exercised by the dominant industrial past arises in every moment, like the flame of a lamp, moment until the 17th, at the same time as the ending Sac Tu Tam. 
2) Excellence Center  (Cittajarupa): As Sac created by mind, ie by 75 or 107 birth center (except five sense and Fruit 4 in Formless mind About). 
Mind has no form yet but have the ability to create Sac France. In other words, Tam Tam Thien and Immoral create French Sac nice and not nice, it is possible to experience this when commenting on the physical appearances change in man because he thought change .According to Abhidhamma, even the first moment when Tam Ho Kiep arise (ie immediately after birth Process Center being run), the Excellence Center started to be created. 
In the moment of the universe and destroy every mind, not a French Sac was born due to the birth center, because at that moment a very feeble mind. 
Five are interested but passive mode should not have the ability to create mind Matter. The Formless Mind Fruit Sac France nor created because the formless meditation was developed by non-attachment and craving Sac France. 
The essential Meditation Center of Excellence Center for students. MOIT who attained meditation can create a very strong French Sac meditation makes people can live without food for several days. 
26 clan Tam (Tam Thien and Abyakata 10 Lust, Caution, Compassion and Abyakata 8 Infinite Mind Lust, Caution, 8 Tam Supramundane) can create physical gestures such as flying in the air, walk on water, ... 
Tam segment (Votthapanacitta) is the Italian crowd Mon Mind (-door-vajjana). 29 Mind clan Mind sphere is 12 Immoral, 1 primary offerings advance. 16 Tinh Tam Hao Thien and Abyakata. 2 clinics (Abhinna Citta) is 2 Tam Thien and Abyakata Sac Zen of Social About to sleep. 
13 centromere expectancy rate is 4 Hy Hy immoral life, 8 Tam Tinh Thien Fire and Life Abyakata Hy and 1 Mind Hy Sinh Cung Siu Ying life. 
the ordinary when you laugh or smile is the experience of 4 and 4 Tam Tam Real good Hao Thien Tinh; the Friends School location (Sekha) also have similar experience except 2 Mind Immoral Ly Ta. The A-La-Han experience 4 Abyakata Hao and Xu Ying Tam Cung 1 primary.The Buddha smiled with 4 Abyakata Hao Xu. 
15 by Mind as Matter France's birth is: 8 Lust Real Ly, Sac Thinh, Sac Void, 3 and 2 Special Lust Lust Tri statement. 
3) Outstanding Sound Ocean  (Utujarupa): Yin yang here used in the sense of wildflowers (Tejodhatu) including hot and cold; Ocean warming up, cold is Yin. We already know, when continuous birth, now create custom Sinh Sac Sac News three men (decads Body, Mind and Nature decads Cross clinics France). Fire inside, consisting of three men this Sac with our fire outside the Sac France created the Yin-Yang by birth, at the time of origination of Process Student Center. Even in the first moment, the birth of Fire due to be replaced by Heart of Fire by Industrial birth. 
13 Sac French Yin-Yang by birth are: 8 Lust Real Ly Thinh Lust, Lust Lust Void and Special 3.
4) Matter Physics Food  (Aharajarupa): A Food Excellence created by the materials (nutrients). Food animals involves physical food and nutrients (Oja) contained in the French Excellence by Industry, birth center and yin yang. Internal exchange of nutrients thanks to new nutrients help create French Sac. The French Sac only be born when digested nutrients throughout the body. 
11 Legal Excellence created by the material fact is: 8 Lust Lust Any Separated and Special 3. 
Note:  Lust Lust Object Food Yin-Yang and the need for Combine both internal and external (bahiddha Ajjhattam ca ca) newly created French Sac. 
Sac 4 General  (Lakkhanarupam) not because of any born since they are the natural qualities of all life (Sac France).
1 human identity : Lust is only one way to create, or just due to an artificial. Lust Lust is a Professional Human Mind or Matter.
Industries include Lust Lust 9: 5 Sac Neurology, Distinguished Count 2, 1 and 1 Excellent Italian Materials Sac Rights Network.
Lust Lust Center Table 2 include Tri.
2 human identity : ie Sac Thinh is created by two people and the Yin-Yang Heart.
Thinh identity created by the mind as voice, crying, laughing, ...
Sac Thinh Duong created by sound such as music, the wind howling, ...
3 human identity : is created by law Sac Mind, Yin-Yang and food. French identity that is 3 Special Excellence (Contempt, Demand and Interest). 
Form 4's : 9 Excellence by Industry, Heart, Yin-Yang and Supplies Food created: 8 Lust Lust Any Separated and Void. 
Fertilizer LEGAL IDENTITY (Kalapayojana) 
Noun kalapa translated them, groups, trade unions, mass, ... are very subtle elements, the ultimate small, not even close to being broken. The Sac France is divided into 21 four Sac, because they  conascence (Ekuppada) ,  co-kill  (Ekanirodha) ,  co shifting  (Ekanissaya) and  co live together (Sahavutino). 
1) Sac Industrial  (Kammajakalapa) include 9 men :
a) We Labels (Cakkhudasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 and 1 Lust Lust Rights Network Label Neurology.
b) We Atrium (Sotadasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 Identity and Rights Network 1 Sac Neurology Turkey.
c) We Rate (Ghanadasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 and 1 Lust Lust Rights Network Neurology Billion.
d) Four (Jivhadasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Any Separated , 1 and 1 Lust Lust Rights Network of Neurological Damage.
e) We Monkey (Kayadasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 and 1 Lust Lust Rights Network Neurology Body.
f) four states South (Purisabhavadasakakalapa) have Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 and 1 Lust Lust Rights Network Status South.
g) They Status Women (Itthibhavadasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 and 1 Lust Lust Rights Network Status Female.
h) We Sac Tim (Vatthudasakakalapa) Lust is 10: 8 Lust Real Ly, 1 and 1 Lust Lust Tim Rights Network.
i) We Sac Rights Network (Sotadasakakalapa) Lust is 9: 8 and 1 Lust Lust Any Separated Rights Network .
2) Excellence Center  (Cittajakalapa) include 8 men: To be divided into two groups: 
a) Original Group they mean no Sac Special groups (Contempt, Demand and Interest) coordinate, Pali called Mula. 4 men include:
We unfavorable  (Suddanavakakalapa): only 8 Sac Real Ly.
We Thinh Nine  (Saddanavakakalapa): 9 8 Sac Sac Sac Canh Thinh Real Ly and.
We Than Table Prophet  (Kayavinnattinavakakalapa): 8 Lust Lust 9 Real Separated and Single Table Tri.
We Thinh Tri Export Table  (Vacivinnattisaddadasakakalapa): French 10 8 Lust Lust Real Ly, Sac Landscape Tri Thinh and Export Table.
b) Group tops them: they coordinate Special Sac, Sac Special often born of the robust body, not the disease, making the walking, standing, sitting, lying, moving, speaking softly, flexible transfer, without impediment. Pali called Muli. 4 men include:
Special four  (Lahutadi ekadasakakalapa): 11 Lust Lust Any Separated 8 and 3 Special Excellence.
We Thinh Special  (Saddalahutadidvadasakakalapa): 12 8 Lust Lust Real Ly, Lust Lust Scene Special Thinh and 3.
We Body Special  (Kayavinnattilahutadidvadasakakalapa): 12 8 Lust Lust Real Ly, Tri and Than Table 3 Special Excellence.
They Thinh Special Export  (Vacivinnattisaddalahutaditarasakakalapa): 13 8 Lust Lust Real Ly, Export Table Tri Thinh and 3 Lust Lust Scene Special.
3) Excellence Yin-Yang  (Utujakalapa) including 4 men divided into two groups: 
a) original Group:
They Yin Yang Bat Thuan  (Suddahatthakakalapa): 8 Lust Real Ly.
We Thinh Nine  (Saddanavakakalapa): 9 Lust Lust France is 8 and Lust Scene Real Ly Thinh.
b) tops Group:
They Yin Yang Special  (Lahutadi ekadasakakalapa): 11 Lust Lust estate is 8 and 3 Sac Special Glass.
We Thinh Special  (Saddalahutadidvadasakakalapa): 12 8 Lust Lust Real Ly, Lust Lust Scene Special Thinh and 3.
4) Items Food Lust  (Aharajakalapa) with 2 men:
They Bat Vegan Food Materials  (Suddahatthakakalapa): only 8 Sac Real Ly.
Special four lowest  (Lahutadi ekadasakakalapa): 8 of 11 Lust Lust Any Separated and 3 Special colors.
5) Excellence  France by plane:
- 28 worlds have enough French Sac.
- About 23 realms (except Rate, Damage, and Sac Body Count).
- Formless realm Sac France is only 17: 8 Lust Real Ly, Sac Rights Network, Communications World (Sac Void), and the Four Generals Special Sac. This realm without Sac Mind created by Food and Supplies created.
6) Process Sinh Sac by plane: 
Lust Lust Process Students are three men (French Cross Body (Kayadasaka), France Nature Cross (Bhavadasaka) and Center Cross Health Services France (Vatthudasaka)), due Past Kamma, arises with Process Student Center. Being divided into four cases:
Infinite Thought Process Sinh Sac realms:  the whole is biochemistry (Opapatika), often invisible to the naked eye can not see. Due to the dominant industrial past, these beings suddenly turns out, not going through the pregnancy. Often the collapsed position (Petas), Chu Shan (Devas) and Brahma (Brahma) of chemicals being. In this realm Sac France only 17 of them are 9 Lust Lust Rights Network (Sotadasakakalapa) and 8 Sac Any Separated (Avinibbhogarupa).
Sinh Sac Process Excellence About Huu Tuong realms:  the whole is biochemistry, has 14 France 8 Lust Lust Real Ly, Sac Rights Network, Italy Material Sac (Sac heart), Neurology Label Lust, Lust Neurology Turkey, Sac Void and Sinh Sac. We have them calculated at 4: Labels, Turkey, and Tim Lust Lust Rights Network.
Process excellence Born sphere realm  of birth and fetal birth ovum  (ca Jalabuja Andaja) Lust is 19: 8 Lust Real Ly, 5 Sac Neurology, 2 Sac Status, Italy Material Sac, Sac Rights Network, Void and Lust Lust Born. Calculated according to the time when we are born with them Italy Apartment 3 men, four states and four Mental Body.
Sinh Sac custom realms of cultural sphere and low Sanh Sanh  (ca Opapatika Samsedaja) with 19 Sac France: 8 Lust Real Ly, 5 Sac Neurology, 2 Sac Status, Italy Material Sac, Sac Rights Network, Void and Lust Lust Born. Divided by four, then they are 5 they have 7 Neurology, 1 four states, four Sac 1 Tim.
Special, Table with Thinh Tri,
Hetero, there are modeling Killing birth.
When enough clear-date average,
how many of Excellence had not cut off.
Four birth: birth Ovum (Andaja) by egg birth, birth Thai (Jalabuja) due from fetal birth, low birth (Samsedaja) by birth from humid places (like some inferior animals) and Chemistry birth (Opapatika). 
Tam Sanh: Ovum Thai born and unborn human being to ask should also referred to as Blessed birth (Gabbhaseyaka), low birth and turns of life. 
realms have enough third quarter-birth or birth (Yoni). About only 16 planes Sac Hoa Sanh.Formless realms because no French, only Sac Process Student Center (patisandhi) continuation of the old life. 
Mind controls the expression tri
1) How to cry  dictated by 2 Golf Center.
2) How laughter  can be classified in three cases:
- Beings laugh by 8 Tam (4 and 4 Tam Tam Tham Thien Dai) Hy-life.
- Tier Arhat, Career Sravaka and laughing with advance Ðộc Cung Giac primary and Hy 4 Abyakata life.
- Tier 4 Omniscient laughing with heart Abyakata Hy life.
3) How to say  32 eccentricity that is 29 clan Mind sphere (12 Center immoral + 16 + interest Ung Thien Cung primary), Tam Tam Stand Italian Mon Thong and 2 (treatment). 
4) How it works elementary dynamic posture  dictated also by the 32 center (review parlance). 
5) how it works great majesty  dictated also by the 32 center. 
6) the grip  mechanism 3 posture, or 4 majesty's mind 29 58 mind clan sphere, towels Italian Mon, 2 mind Communication (treatment center), 18 Tam Dao Dai clan, 8 (or 40) mind Supramundane. 
7) How trivial  by 75 or 107 control center (except Soul Song Ngu Resultants Formless and 4). 
the control center is due Sac, have failed to make interest for Excellence Center should not affect any way. The mind that is: 4 fruit Formless Mind, Mind custom work students, households and Tam Tu Kiep (like 2 Observation Center) and five sense. 
The rest are interest should dictate the body Excellence Centre action, export talk in different ways. Note: not a kind of mind that can control all the way above 7. 
19 1 Mind dictate how trivial way. The heart is too weak as: 3 Observation Center, 8 Great Fruit, 3 Italy Gender, Gender Identity 5 Mind Fruits. Although this center Sac create too feeble mind but should not dictate otherwise. 
58 Mind Zen lineage dictate only two ways: how trivial and 3 great ways majesty firm grip. 
14 mind-sphere Social life, 4 and Tam Tam Info Italian crowd dictate Mon 5 ways (except crying and laughing). 
12 Hy heart dictate the life sphere is 6 way (except how to cry).

Rupa  rupa
French identity is physically inanimate, by Rupa noun, means that the material has personality change and extinction. According to Buddhist terms, French Sac not only refers to physical elements, which can be seen or felt, it also contains all of physics hidden in the physical element which, for example, swift change which we can not knock twice on the same spot. The existence of a center Lust France is 17 or 51 Sat Sat na na sub. 
Sac France consists of 8 characteristics:

1. French or African Human Rootless (Ahetuva): because we do not have the appropriate personnel such as greed, anger, ignorance, incompetence, Wuxi Airport, Wuxi Si.
2. Huu Duyen France (Sappaccaya): because we only relative existence, is conditioned for creating Enterprise (Kamma), Mind (Citta), Yin and Yang or the weather (UTU) and food (ahara).
3. France Huu Lau (Sasava): as they become the object of desire (long).
4. France Huu Vi (Sankhara): because it is governed by four causes Kamma, Citta, Utu and ahara.
5. France The World (Lokiya): because they depend on the five aggregates.
6. French sphere (Kamavacara): because they fall within the scope of the Education sector lost world (including 28 French Excellence).
7. French Unknown Landscape (Anarammanam): also known as Falun Africa Department Duyen, because not aware of the object, do not know the scene (as refuge for the mind to know the scene).
8.Phap Africa Minus (Appahatabba): also known as Falun Africa Department Then, because the French Sac unable sequentially as the cessation of suffering. Here does not mean that the French Sac Impermanence law is not dominant.
Want to master the basics of French Excellence, we have to study and to distinguish carefully, since it is both realistic, subtle medium, moreover, often have misperceptions between Superman and regulatory reasons. 
One speck so small that our eyes can see in a different light called Ratharinu. A Ratharinu can be classified into 16 Tajjaris. A 16 Tajjaris classified Anu Anu and divided into 16 paramanu. Thus, a small dust particles, which can be visible, to be included by 4096 paramanu. 
When the Lord Buddha in the world, paramanu TEU is a unit of elements of material that one can not continue to serve split half was, as today, according to the scientists, the atoms are the smallest particles of matter inseparable split, each atom is composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. In ancient times, the optical mark Buddha's sublime, he saw a paramanu are composed by four pure called Phatu. 
Four were pure land (Pathavì Phatu), Water (APO Phatu), Fire (Tejo Phatu ) and Wind (vàyo Phatu). Four elements which always appear in all French Sac from small to large, from mote to high mountains, with no exceptions. 
For example, when my hand touched the stone, stone outer part is earth, heat or cold is fire, the large and small, light heavyweight is the wind, allowing three elements stick together to create rock is water. Another example such as water, hot or cold the water belongs to Fire factors, the country's soft earth belongs factors, the pressure of water belongs to the wind factor, and the factor is a combination water the other three factors together. 
Land (Pathhavi):  terms based Puth: dilation, inelastic. As the stretching and spreading.The earth element and foundation support to the French Sac and exist in harmony together. No Land of the matter can not occupy a place in space.

Status: hard or soft (Kukkhalattalakkhana).
It is incumbent upon: maintaining (Patitthanarasa), the main factors that took away the topsoil or positions created, maintained for Excellence arises.
The achievements: bear (Sampatachanapaccupatthana) .
Human needs: the three remaining General (Water, Fire and Wind) (Avasesadhatuttayapadatthana).
Water (APO):  Chon Minister is flowing out and forgotten, the land can be touched, but water is a subtle Sac material that we could not get in touch with the five senses. 
The word apartment Ap: to + Pay: grow, increase. APO means to grow up, mature, has the characteristic of making discrete elements combined together and give us an idea of the unique shape. For example, water quality thanks to the piece of paper in front of us with physical existence of it, if not, the combination of water quality piece of paper that will not form in our eyes only those discrete elements heterogeneous .

Status: Outflow or combined (Paggharanalakkana Abandhanalakkhana). When a specific material from the liquid turns (such as metals), the water quality was superior to dominate the other three substances.
It is incumbent upon: how to evolve, thanks to the flow out and forgot to water it makes the copper being watered, lush (Bynhanarasa).
the achievements: tighten again, combined (Sangahapaccupatthana).
Personnel needed: Meeting the remaining three (earth, fire and wind) (Avasesadhatuttayapadatthana).
Fire (Tejo):  As the hot and the cold. Pali glossary: Tejeti paripacetiti = Tejo: Makes nine-called fire. Fire is hot in the physical components, the cold also is a form of fire, both are capable of making the material becomes flexible and highly skilful, words based Tej: make sharp, making mature , Fire energize material, material growth, survival or destruction were caused by the fire element. In the elements of the four elements, only elements capable of Fire makes revive material. 
The fire in itself has five tasks:

Substances in the body is warm (Unmatejo).
As the hot substance in the breath (Samtappanatejo).
As a overheating substances (Dahanatejo).
As Fire makes elderly relatives (Khiranatejo).
As the fire makes the objective real objects (Pacakatejo).
Update Status: How hot (Unhattalakkhana).
incumbent: Makes nine (Paripacanarasa).
the achievements: Make warm (Maddavanuppadanapaccupatthana).
Personnel needed: the three remaining General (Land, Water and Wind) (Avasesadhatuttayapadatthana).
Wind (vàyo):  Words ICE: vibration. Is shaken and the stretch. Wind is the mobile component, which material is by wind movement and is considered a generator of heat capacity, in other words, thanks to winds that fire move throughout the body, or walk everywhere. 
The wind in Friendly six tasks:

The wind was blowing up (Uddhanagamavayo).
As the wind blew down (Adhogamavayo).
As the wind blows in the stomach (Kucchitthavayo).
As the wind in the large intestine (Kotthasayavayo).
As the wind makes as the food consumption (Gamavayo).
Being out breathing (Assasapassasavayo).
status: Lay up or stretch (Sanaranalakkhana and vittham-bhanalakkhana). Any vibrations or all of Sac French pressure are due to the element of proactive.
Incumbent: Make shaken. The wind makes the Sac conascence shaken and swapped, the wind also makes the Sac stiffness arises, not shaken as steam is pumped into the wheel (Samu-diranarasa).
The achievements: As the movement, pulling go. Physical displacement of implementation is due to the kinetic energy of wind (Abhininarapaccu-Patthana).
Personnel needed: The three remaining General (Land, Water and Fire) (Avasesadhatuttayapadatthana).
Four substances mentioned above call  Sac Dai  Ming  generals ie Sac has markedly feet, four Sac This is also the basic unit of every Sac France.
* * *
24 minutes remaining Lust Lust rely on the four elements that should be called born Biomedical Excellence (Upadayarupa). Biomedical identity is divided into 10 groups: 
1) IDENTITY NERVE (Pasadarupa) 
Lust is the shy nervous, the sensitivity, the recording scene, is pure excellence. It is because there Sac Neurology that reveals new contingent shelter thanks to birth. 
Sac Neurology is divided into five categories: 
1.1) Nervous label  (Cakkhupasada) is a shy princess in the eyes to see the scenery so thanks Sac University where born, contact the relatives. There are two types: Human (Pancacakkhu), humiliating label (Mansacakkhu). 
Tri Label  (Pancacakkhu): is divided into five categories: 
a) Buddha label: Wisdom knows the inclinations of beings.

b) All voters label: also known as Kentucky Tri Necessarily ie understanding of Buddhas position.
c) Hue label: Is Intellectual, with interest from the island.
d) France label: As with heart Intellectual Career Path of Zen.
e) Thien label: Immediate label information.
Flesh Label  (Mansacakkhu): is divided into two categories:

a) Neurological label (Pasadacakkha): also known as crystal or main part Sac between pupils in seven classes in the middle of the iris opening. It is through the eyes Neurology label visible. Also known as Label Rights, or Label Based Label Gate.
B) Label phenomenon: that all the parts of the eye.
Status: The sensitivity of the eye's shy or when exposed to scene (Rupabhigatarahabhutappasadalakkhanam).
incumbent: Search scene (Rupasu Avinchanarasam).
the achievements: It's shifting consciousness (Cakkhuvinnanassa adharabhavapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac hall from craving attachment (Datthuthamatanidanakammakhabhutapadattanam).
1.2) Neurology Turkey,
1.3) Neurology Billion,
1.4) Neurological Damage
  similar need to understand that. 
1.5) Nervous Body:  As all beings organs. Sensitive nerve of the body or the body or pure color. To be classified into two categories:

Body being  nervous ie refuge (Pasadakayam); Close.
Specific body  that is relative or body parts.
Status: The University of Sac shy of contact when recording scenes (Photthabbabhighatarahabhutappasadalakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: screening to emotional scenes (Photthabbesu Avinchanarasam).
The achievements: It slash Body of knowledge (Kayavinnanassa adharabhavapadatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes emotional scenes (Busitukamatanidanakamma-jabhutapadattanam).
Lust Scene About the object of the grounds, including: 
2.1) Landscape Excellence  (Ruparammana): Consists of general condition and color, ie the object that the eye can recognize when they appear. Lust Lust scene is being seen or knows Sac that perception. Where the conduct of awareness called (scene) Sac.

Status: For screening with labeled neural phenomena, these organisms form, ie Sac been found (Cakkhapatihananalakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: How the cognitive landscape. Only Knew awareness Sac Landscape (Cakkhuvinnanassuvisayabharasatam).
Achievements: Making food to cognitive (Tassevagocarapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming (Catucahabhutapadatthanam).
2.2) Canh Thinh  (Saddharammane): Includes all kinds of sounds such as voices, wind, carried drums, trumpet, the sound of mine, music, ... Canh Thinh is the kind of player or the type Lust Lust that binomial received know.

Status: For projectors with atrial nerve is being heard Sac (Sotapati-hananalakkhanam).
Incumbent: Making scenes for binomial. (Sotavinnanassuvisayabhavacasam).
Achievements: Making food to the binomial (Tassevogarapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming (Catucahabhutapadatthanam).
2.3) Landscape Engineering  (Gandharamana): As the little things, smells, like fragrant breath, smelly, ... Is that kind Sac Billion Soul said. The rate of evolution of consciousness where called gas scene.

Status: For projectors with Sac nerve is being Billion Billion Soul knows (Ghanapati-hananalakkhanam).
Incumbent: Making the Billion Soul scene. (Ghanavinnanassuvisayabhavacasam).
Achievements: Making food to Rate Formula (Tasseragocurapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming (Catucahabhutapadatthanam).
2.4) Marital status  (Rasanammana): As the sour, spicy, salty, nuts, ... or tasting substances. That practical identity called your taste.

Status: For nerve damage compared with the Sac were tasting (Jvihapati-hananalakkhanam).
Incumbent: Making the practical situation. (Jvihavinnanassuvisayabhavacasam).
Achievements: Making food to practical (Tassevagocarapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming (Catucahabhutapadatthanam).
2.5) Warning contact  (Photthabbanammana) is hard, soft, water sys, straight, hot, cold, or earth, fire, wind except water because the water is too delicate feeling so contact can not be. 
3. IDENTITY STATUS (Bhavarupa) 
Lust Lust Status aka Count, is as a framework, the phenomenon, especially Basing ... male, female. To be divided into two categories: 
3.1) Excellence Status Women  (Itthibhavarupa): or Feminine ie ways belong to women and women based, female minister, body part female, female attitude, modest woman, act in a woman .

Status: The expression in the framework of a woman (Itthibhava-lakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: Presenting a woman (Itthitipakasanarasam).
Achievements: Yes female units (Itthilingadinam karanabhavapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming ( Catucahabhutapadatthanam).
3.2) Outstanding Male Status  (Purisabhavarupa): Masculinity and the state news belong to men as male unit, male minister, male body parts, male attitudes, streak unfortunate men,  acting in a way that man .

Status: The expression in the framework of men (Purisabhava-lakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: Presenting the way men (Purisotipakasunarasam).
Achievements: Having male units (Purisalingadinamkaranabhavapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming ( Catumahabhutapadatthanam).
Sac status different men and women there are four ways:

Apartment: Male and female apartment units.
Appearance: Drama com and willowy.
Trait: Hung brave and meek.
Action: steely and vulnerable.
4. EXCELLENT Italian MATERIAL (Hadayavatthu) 
is entrenched Sac Italy Materials of consciousness. Episode Dhammasangani not mention this French Sac. Episode Atthasalini, Hadayavatthu be interpreted as a base of consciousness (Cittassa vatthu). In the scriptures, the Buddha did not see any point determined by consciousness is in place in the body; but while he was on earth, traditionally the Upanishads, the heart is the stronghold of the mind; according to the commentaries you like Buddhaghosa and Anuruddha, the base of the mind and the heart.So we can say is Lust Lust Object Italian heart, is the essence of the heart. Being divided into two parts: 
4.1) Flesh heart Corporation  (Mansahadayarupa) is the heart, similar shaped like lotus buds also. 
4.2) Identity heart  (Vatthuhayarupa) is a Professional Excellence things, slash interest group Humiliation birth place. In episode Patthana, Buddha comes to every mind of a very general way as follows: Yamrupanissaya (Y itself on the French Excellence).

Status: It's shifting Italian Gender and Gender Consciousness (Manodhatumano-vinnanadhatunam Nissayalakkhanam).
Incumbent: Gender suffered. (Tasannevadhatunam Adharanarasam).
Achievements: Protecting the World (Tadubbahanapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac Dai Ming (Catucahabhutapadatthanam).
5. RIGHTS NETWORK IDENTITY (Jivitindriyarupa) 
Called Lust Network because it protects the existence of coexisting with Sac Industrial duty to preserve and protect the body does not decay. Rights Network identity arises with Process Center Birth and terminated simultaneously with the mind Tzu.

Status: Protecting the Sac conascence (Sahajatarapapanupalakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: Preserving the existence of the Enterprise Excellence (Tesampavattanarasam).
Achievements: Coordination of coexisting together for sustainability (Tesannevathapanapaccupatthanam).
Human needs facilities: There are four elements Air Sac (Yapayitabbapadatthanam).
Consists of four categories:

- Material food (Kabalikarahara): the food, the piece refers nutritious food.
- Promoting Food (Phassahara)
- Bosnian Food (Manosancetaahara) compounded on the list.
- Soul Food (Vinnahara)
Union of Food Supplies Food excellent. Actually there are two objects: 
- carry foreign material (Bahiddhahara): These additives are put into culture outside the body as pieces of food, medicine, ... 
- real internal materials (Ojanattahara): is the self of each nutrient Sac them. Flora Flora internal is external help generate new French Sac. The French Sac gradually arises when real objects moving around the body.

Status: Help for body growth (Ojalakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: Preserving the existence of Excellence France (Rupaharanarasam).
Achievements: Help the body (Kayupatthambhanapaccupatthanam).
Human need: food should be used appropriately (Ojaoharitabbapadat-thanam).
7. IDENTITY NOWHERE (Akasarupa) 
Void or Void Form Gender (Akasadhatu) is blank (nowhere) split the French Sac us together, as gaps or boundaries between French Sac we should also called Term About Lust (Paricchedarupa). According to Abhidhamma Void is also a French Excellence is composed of four France: Industrial (Kamma), Mind (Citta), Yin Yang (Weather, Utu) and food (dishes, ahara). Void are classified into four categories:

- Friends of nowhere (Ajtakasa): The futility of the universe, space, sky.
- Space nowhere (Paricchinnakasa) is approximately vacated between two objects.
- Very pure nothingness (Kasinugghatimakasa) is damaged not deny 9 title (title refers Infinite space).
- Transportation gender nowhere (Paricchedakasa): As the boundaries of the two men Sac France.
status: the space division of the four French Sac (Rupapariccheda-lakkhanam) .
incumbent: presentation of four separate from the Sac France (Rupapariyantappakasa-narasam).
achievements: separate Legal Excellence (Rupamariyadapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: There are boundaries of the four Sac (Paricchinnarupapadatthanam).
is the state of mind is expressed through actions, facial expressions, language. Tri Sac Performing two things: 
8.1) Form Body Form Prophet  (Kayavinnattirupa): As the action itself, there are two types:

- Notice is typical body: the body mentioned Sac on display for others to see meaning or mood, such as anger, the face is red.
- Than Typical behavior: A state body activities or working time , it is not intended to convey a certain message, this is not the minister's feet Body Figure Tri.
When it comes to body Table Prophet, we must understand that the typical body notices.

Status: Do others understand the action through body (Vinnapana-lakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: Presentation meaning, mood (Adhippayapakasanasasam).
Achievements: How to shake itself (Kayavipphandanahetubhavapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Wind by Mind creates identity (Wind essential element for all activities) (Cittasamutthanavayodhatupadatthanam).
8.2) Export Schedule Tri Sac  (Vacivinnattirupa) is sending out by the mouth, there are two types

- Serves Notice is typical: the mouth emits mentioned tell others about the meaning or mood, such as calling each other, talking.
- Serves typical behavior: The mouth action but not for the stated presentation to show understanding to each other , this is not the Minister of Export Table Tri feet.
When it comes to Export Table Prophet, we must understand that the typical Serves notice.

Status: Do others understand through words (the action of Export) (Vinnapanalakkhanam).
It is incumbent upon: Presentation meaning, mood (Adhippayapakavaranam).
Achievements: The mouth speaks (Vacighosahetubhavapaccupatthanam).
Personnel needed: Yes Land created by Sac Mind (Cittasamutthanapathavidhatu-padatthanam).
9. SPECIAL IDENTITY (Vikararupa) 
Lust Lust Especially those wins have personality to use. To be classified into three categories: 
9.1) Sac Contempt  (Rupalahuta): A gentle conditions, flexibility of Sac France, has the task of breaking heavy except Sac personality.

Status: The light (Adandhatalakkhana).
It is incumbent upon: Unless heavily of Excellence (Rupanamgarubhavinodanarasa).
Achievements: Work gently (Sahuparivattitapaccupatthana).
Personnel needed: There is a slight Sac (Sahurupapadatthana).
9.2) Sac Demand  (Mudutarupa): As the highly skilful of Excellence Center, Yin-Yang and their meat cabinet, the state flexibility in employment, with the elimination from the naked parts of Sac hard.

Status: Softness (Athaddhatalakkhana).
It is incumbent upon: Except how hard the naked Sac (Rupanamtaddhavinodananasa).
Achievements: No obstacles in employment (Sabbakriyasu Avinodhi-tapatthana).
Personnel needed: Yes Soft Matter (Mudurupapadatthana) .
9.3) Interest Industrial Excellence  (Rupakammannata) is the adaptation, suitable for the work to resolve the situation like that, always with the work, as if to take, turn, making way also, in accordance with the high and low the arrangements.

Status: The adaptation (suitability).
It is incumbent upon: Except how not to adapt (all except how not to adapt).
Achievements: How to save the forces exist.
Human need: Yes Like Industry Excellence.
IDENTITY 10. Thought (Lakkhanarupa) 
Sac Sac General's minister of state of France in the evolutionary cycle, or a change of material under the time factor. To be classified into four types: 
10.1) Sinh Sac  (Upacaya): As arises from the Sac (from where not become known as the birth). They are newborn status and is considered the first of these arises we Sac. The continuation of the delivery until they Sac common network after a period Sac PhD (Santati). Both phases Upacaya and Santati also known collectively as jāti (birth). Thus, a total of only 27 French Lust Lust.

Status: Comparison (Acayalakkhana).
Incumbent: Making them work born of Lust (Rupanamummujjapanaraso).
Achievements: The full text of the French Excellence (Paripunnabhavapaccupatthano).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac conascence (Uparitarupapadatthano).
10.2) Outstanding PhD  (Santati): is the evolution, growth of material, in the first moment, the law of each Sac Santati Upacaya and copper at moments appear in a profile;then, when Sac development measures, only existing Santati only.

Status: The evolution of French Excellence (Parattilakkhana).
Incumbent: Make evolution is constant (Anuppabandhanarasa).
Achievements: How unbroken together (Anupacehedapaccupatthana).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac concatenated (Anuppabandhakasurupapadatthana ).
10.3) Sac Di  (Jarata): As the old way, fall. Is consumed, degeneration of the French Sac (Sac Sac Di PhD and also collectively known as Sac Head; Sac Head exists in 49 elementary moment).

Status: The wear and tear of Excellence France (Rupaparipalakkhana).
It is incumbent upon: led by attrition (Upanayanarasa).
Achievements: Pass the newborn period (Navabhavapagamanapaccupatthana).
Personnel needed: Yes Sac consumed (Paripaccunanarupapadatthana).
Santati phase and phase Jarata considered thiti (Head) of the Sac. 
10.4) Lust Kill  (aniccata): or impermanence of Sac France. This is the stage Sac ruined or perish (bhanga). From where has become known as the kill.

Status: The damage and loss, making the loss (Paribhidalakkhana).
It is incumbent upon: sunk (Samsidanarasa).
Achievements: The objective necrosis (Khayarayapaccupatthana).
Personnel needed: There are septic Sac loss (Paribhijjamanarupapadatthana).
Except 5 French Sac: Sac Table 2 Tri (Vinnattirupa), birth (jati), Hetero (Jarata) and Kill (aniccata), French Sac remaining 23 have a life expectancy of 17 heart moment, the mind is the first moment Upacaya , Center last moment is aniccata and 15 in the middle is center Jarata moment.
* * *

10 Sac France, from Sac Void (Akasarupa) to Sac Impermanence (aniccata) called Aniphanna = Distinguished Achievement Africa (Africa Department Create Sac, Real Complete Sac) or Identity Unknown.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/10/2016.MHDT