Thursday, 20 October 2016

As the process of being destroyed by the mind. Depending on the circumstances arise roadmap is divided mind long route, short route, big roads, small highway. Depending on the place being run, the route is distinguished center into two categories: over five-door route and route over the goal. Units of measurement in mind called roadmap Na Sat mind. 
A- na Heart Attack heart of the Roadmap. 
In the passive state, when the mind is not excited by the object, called Family life center (Bhavanga) . When stimulated by objects, then a heart will start up on household life center, then sank to a different mind arises (normally we can not keep on a mind not to sink into their hearts life). Thus,  the life of a center consists of 3 stages: birth (Uppada) , Head  (thiti)  and Kill  (bhanga) . Life is called the moment center  (Cittakhana) .
I) Roadmap through the five-door. 
As the last line in the mind arises doors: Eye door, half Turkish, half Rate, Damage Than subjects and disciplines. Lo contingent subjects are classified into two categories: 
1) average five-door route to date. 
Lo average five-door route to date is subject to contingent interest through acquiring and dealing with everyday life scenes. Lo-date average five-door is classified into four categories. 
A. Huge contingent of professional highway exit 
route is the progressive mind is full of 17 heart moment.
1. When an object into the scope of the mind awareness, through one of five doors, a moment of life is passed interested households. That moment is called  Past household lives (Atitabhavanga). Ie, subjective mental states simultaneously being destroyed with the coming scene.
2.  Tam Ho lifetime  irritated and  vibration  in a center called the moment of household lives doang fibrillation (Bhavangacalana). Ie the subjective state of mind was a new scene dominated.
3. Then  household life heart stopped  moving  in a heart stopping moment called the standing of households lives (Bhavangupaccheda). Ie, subjective mental states ended, giving way to the objective mind arises to acquire and in dealing with the new situation. At that moment the other center will start up and sank following a swift manner.
4.  Mind five-door crowd  (Pancadvaravajjana) ie objective mind arises towards the object (the new scene is to) and to sink in a moment the mind.
5.  awareness  (Cakkhuvinnana) or one of the other four will start up mode in a moment mind.
6.  Acquisition Center  (Sampaticchana) is an objective interest arises caught sight of a moment mind.
7.  Observation Center  (ness) is the mind arises objectively consider the scene (survey objects) in a moment mind.
8.  mind segments  (Votthapana) News  Center Determine  object is good or bad character, clean or dirty ... (this is the work of the Italian crowd interested subjects) arises in a moment mind.
9. - 15.  Speed centromere  (Javana) that is interested in dealing with scenes (also called the center enjoy the scene) arises consecutive 7 na close attention. The main point here is more important than in the whole industry roadmap for the good or evil is created in the moment. In 7 this moment, the first moment a cause, results in one life, now called time reports; Saturday moment, karma, the results in the next life, now called Sanh newspapers; years remaining moments, karma, the results from the next life until evidence Infinite Balance Nirvana, now called Post newspaper.
16. - 17.  Cross Heart di  (Tadālambana) is the center of attention residual effects clan scene but can not afford to commit (as those interested working purely Cross Di vipakacitta). This arises center to preserve and record the scene into the subconscious. This mind repeating in two moments.
Five great scenes reveal the subjects were divided into three roads:
Ngu Mon Lo last great scene Cross Di : is the current roadmap starting center through the full five-door as described above.
Ngu Mon Lo clan last great scenes : the route through the five-door launch center but only 15 heart heart moment because after killing the family line continued interest arises household life and not have the heart Cross Di.
Five subjects Highway HH last great scene Kiep hotels : the route through the five-door launch center, Highway consciousness after killing the clan mind Lives households objective mind arises in a moment to the scene before all interested households Kiep the present up.
b. Large contingent of professional highway exit 
route is the only current starting center until the end of 7 heart rate centromere moment.But the beginning of the route up to 2 or 3 heart of mind Household Kiep past (not as usual only one moment the mind only). In the last part of the route of consciousness, can have life-center hotels clan interest arises later. 
C. Highway five-door small scene 
is starting to stream of consciousness of mind Segment (Center Determination) and disappear. The next segment is the heart mind and not life-centered clan, so this route can not create industrial center. 
D. Five-door small highway scene 
is purely mindstreams subjective interest (Household Kiep) not have an objective interest arises. In this recipe, just vibrations center Kiep households repeatedly being dominated scene, but only vibrations then return to normal and not have confided arises.
Great scene.

2) Highway near-death five-door. 
As the last line of progression in consciousness bases before deathbed. Highway five near-death subjects were divided into two roads: (i) lower due, (ii) the last line speed. 
In two highway that is divided into two cases: (i) with household alternating Kiep before death, (ii ) do not mix household Kiep. 
mindstream following developments:
- Households past lives
- Kiep vibration households
- households Kiep stopped
- Ngu Mon towels
- Five song form
- receptive mind
- Observation Center
- Center Segment (Center Determination)
- Mind clan in 5 moments
- Cross Di mind (can not start up)
- Family life center (can not start up)
- Tu Tam
- Tam will bear
- Tam Ho lives in the 14 moment
- Kiep Center vibration households
- households Kiep Center stops
- heart the crowd Mon
- Mind clan in 7 moment
- Tam Thap Di in 2 moments
- Tam Ho Kiep
- .......
Note: the five-door route through the heart near death now often presented in two consecutive road map Center: Near Death and Lo Lo Born Process. Because beings after death will be reborn immediately (in accordance with the scriptures, the continuous birth immediately after the electronic serial and not have to wait intermediate take rebirth).Usual, the mind must have enough hair line 7 moment, but when dying or fainted at the Buddha or the current song information (once the country slipped out the fire), the clan center only 5 moments. At present Buddha but because too urgent information by simultaneously captures both water and fire headings; also for people fainted, the stream of consciousness should not be weakened enough 7 as usual moment. Tu Tam is the last moment (HH Kiep Center last kill) of the old life. Process Student Center is the first moment of the new life. According to the law, students must continue progression when full 14 households of mind of mind Kiep and 7 clans born in Process Route.  The reason students must keep  the focus Tham , though is the Bodhisattva's last life, too, the position Bodhisattva's birth as well as keep karma and not the aspirant or manifest as a few mythical theory raises.
Roadmap through the five subjects in mind for Near-Death hours.

Roadmap rebirth Center

II) Roadmap through the goal. 
Lo Mon Italian birth and death is a state of consciousness flows in the inner developments rather than from external objects. The highway is divided into two kinds Mon: 
II.1. Italy Mon Lo Regular 
route is no Ðắc Meditation Center, enlightened, Show Info, Nirvana, ... are divided into two categories: 
1) Highway Binh Italian Japanese Mon 
progression mindstreams As in ordinary life right. To be divided into four categories: 
a. Scenes clearly 
reveal the subject line average mind clearly renovation scene unfolds as follows: Household Kiep past lives shaken households, households lives stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (7 moment), Di Cross Center (2 moment). This can reveal the 10 moments, 41 minutes center, 3 blocks Center, 8 th and 11 planes person. (10 moment are: the technical crowd, 7 clan, 2 Cross Di. 41 th are: the professional crowd, 29 clan Education Center World (12 immoral, Arhat born goofy, 8 and 8 Duy charity work sex is good) and 11 heart Cross Di (3 Observation Center and Pure Resultants perfect 8). 3 block are: the professional crowd, clans and 8 th person Di. Cross is: 4 flesh (human suffering, Lac, the employer and the third binary) and 4 holy (people Profile result, the II results, the Tu Tam fruit and fruit). 11 planes are 11 worlds). 
b. Scenario 
-date Lo average mind-door scenario is like the scene very clearly but no Cross of mind Di. 2 
c. Landscape unknown 
in this recipe takes only mindstreams crowd towards the goal, but the mind has no interest clan. 
D. Scenes are not clear 
in this route, despite the dominant sense is sight, but not to express views on, so households Kiep only a few moments and then moved back to normal.
Roadmap through Italy SUBJECT: The object is very clear.

2) Near Mon Tu Lo Italy
Italy Mon Highway Near Death is mindstreams arises in the mind deathbed. To be divided into two categories: 
a. Birth death process while 
Italian Mon Lo Near Death as a student progresses further as follows: Q Kiep past, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (5 moment), Di Cross Center (2 moment), Family Lives, heart Death, Birth Process Center, Center Kiep households (14 moments), Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (7 moment), Center Cross di (2 moment), household Kiep, .... Roadmap this center has 8, 32 minutes, 3 blocks, 7 people and 11 planes. (8 ones are: 1 mind-door crowd of mind, of mind clan 5, 2 Cross of mind is Di. 32 minutes: The crowd the subjects, 20 clan Education Center World (12 and 8 immoral Compassion Center sobhana) and 11 heart Cross Di (3 Observation Center and Pure Resultants perfect 8). 3 block are: the professional crowd, clans and 8 th person Di. Cross is: 4 flesh (human suffering, the Lac , the employer and the third binary) and 4 holy (people Profile result, the II results, the Tu Tam fruit and fruit). 11 planes are 11 worlds). 
b. Lo Nirvana. 
Lo Italy Mon Near the sleeping death unfolds as follows: Q Kiep past, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (5 moment), Center Cross Di ( 2 moment, or none), household Kiep (or none), Nirvana. This highway has 8, 21 minutes, 3 blocks, 1, 7 planes. (8 ones are: 1 mind-door crowd of mind, of mind clan 5, 2 Cross of mind stuff is Di. 21: crowd the goal, also because of goofy advance, 8 Education Center Abyakata world and 11 heart cross Di (3 Observation Center and Pure Resultants perfect 8). 3 block are: the professional crowd, clan and Di. 1 cross is Arhat. 7 realms 1 and 6 heavenly realms) . 
II.2. Special Italian Mon Lo 
Lo Italy Mon Especially Ðắc route Zen Center, enlightened, Show Information, Import Meditation, Nirvana. 
1) Dac Lo Zen Center 
Roadmap pharmaceuticals mind goes like: ask Past Lives, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Meditation, Family Lives. This highway has 6 children, 27 minutes, 2 blocks, 5 people, 26 planes. 
Legend:  6 what is: the professional crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, 1 Clear Annoyed and Zen of mind. 27 things are: the professional crowd, 4 world center of Hotel Duc Thien, 4 World Center of Hotel Duy Duc effects, and long knives 9 9 Compassion Center Abyakata mind long knives. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 5 people is one human being third and fourth quarter-holy people. 26 realms are formless realms 31coi unless and 4 realms of suffering. 
Preparation:  the mental state going toward a higher consciousness (meditation center). 
Near Operator:  is close to your state of mind meditation. 
Thuan Thursday:  the proper mental state to moment before and the need agreement with the following moment. 
Leaving Annoyed:  the mentality rid Education Center developed world to meditation. 
meditation:  the state of mind to dwell in a title, burned burning of negativity (indeed Meditation can only extinguish the negativity temporarily). Hue For the weak, the stream of consciousness as a prime example of meditation to 6 stages progress as above; Hui also for the strong, only 5 stages for phase Preparation no. 
2) Highway enlightened mind 
is the mind of the route realized 4 and 4 Fruit Path. Dac Lo Center Admin Path progresses as follows: Q Kiep past, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparing (or without if Hue strong), Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Path , Fruits (2 moment). This highway has 8, 15 minutes, 2 blocks, 3 people, 17 planes. 
NOTE:  8 what is: the professional crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Paths and 2 Fruit of mind. 15 things are: the professional crowd, 4 world center of Hotel Duc Thien, 5 and 5 of Fruit Center Way. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 3 people is: third human being, who Admin Admin Path and results. 17 realms are the human realm, 6 World Education heaven, meditation Admin 3 realms, 3 realms second meditation, meditation realms and realms 3 Charity Quang fruit. 
Lo Dac Tam Dao center unfolds as follows: Q Kiep past, households Kiep shaken, household Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Path, Fruits (2 moment). This highway has 8, 35 minutes, 2 blocks, 7 people, 26 planes. 
NOTE:  8 what is: the professional crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Paths and 2 Fruit of mind. 35 things are: the professional crowd, 4 world center of Hotel Thien Duc, 30 Super World Center (minus 5 heart Admin Center Result Paths and 5). The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 7 people is: 4 fruit and 3 Way (except for some islands). 26 realms are formless realms 31coi unless and 4 realms of suffering. 
3) Enter the Zen Center Road 
An only (Appana): Nhut mind on objects called An Only (Ekaggam cittam arammane appenti). In this recipe, mindstreams dwell on the object, but mindstreams being defeated several times but still a kind heart contracts. This highway has 2 types: Enter the world of Zen and Zen Body Enter. Zen meditation is where that Formless Meditation Lust and sex;Meditation is also the entry to the basic meditation is Kabbalah. The only enter by Zen Meditation Five Lust only. Stream of consciousness to merge two types of meditation is to proceed as follows: Q Kiep past, households shaken Kiep, Ho Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Meditation (1 of 18 heart meditation association). 
4) Road Show Information Center 
mindstreams as treatment progresses (Abhinna, Thang Tri) arises to do the following: 
Eye Communication:  excellent clear whether the raw color, color effect, good color, color negative, color far, nearly excellent, excellent inner, outer color, hue past, present identity, identity and future, ... Eye views are clear. 
Thien Nhi Info:  headphones clearly languages, though loud voice, though little known, distant voice, sound close, well-known, notorious, known past, the current language, the sound of the future, ... Thien Nhi views are heard. 
Tha Heart Information:  info minds of others, but for the Paths and the Fruits, only know the heart of lower co-offended or can not know the mind of the higher realizations. 
Additional Information Network:  recall ancient lifetimes. 
birth death Update:  know who is present where born and knew those who died will continue to give birth yet. 
Unseen:  can turn out in many forms such as flying out of nowhere, walked on water, moving through walls, ground chun, ... 
gonorrhea take info:  is aware of the contraband (10 negativity) took advantage; This information only at the Arhat only. 
Route mind goes like: ask Past Lives, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Skip Annoyed, Communication, household Kiep. This Highway 6 female, 7 minutes, 2 blocks, 5 people and 22 planes. 
Legend:  6 what is: the professional crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed and Communication. 7 things is: crowd the keeper, 2 Fitness Centre Thien Commune world where life position, 2 World Life Education Centre Social Abyakata of position and 2 clinics. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 5 people are: third and fourth person holy. 22 realms are: gender and Education 7coi 15 realms fun Lust (except the formless realms). 
5) Lo Zen Mind Enter Fruit 
Is mindstreams of saints entering World TM (4 or 20 Resultants Supramundane). Roadmap mind goes like: ask Past Lives, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Thuan Thursday (3 or 4 moments), Fruit Chan (countless moments), Household Kiep.This road kill countless heart female, 29 minutes, 2 blocks, 4 people, 26 planes. 
NOTE:  kill countless mind by entering the meditation, whether mundane or supramundane, only a kind heart, dwells heading into nature that suits your body chosen in the headings of meditation. Center nearby was being destroyed in the process, but many still always a secondary interest and a topic. 29 things are: the professional crowd, 4 world center of Hotel Duc Thien, 4 World Center of Education Abyakata location (Abyakata Education Center World is the Thuan Thursday) and 20 Supramundane resultant consciousness. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 4 people is: 4 holy. 26 realms are: 31coi except formless realms and realms of suffering 4. 
6) Lo Zen Mind Enter Extinction 
When Saints A-Na-Ham and Arhat has attained meditation Phi-Phi-Phi-Thought-Ideas wanted witness to the cessation of state should the stream of consciousness must Meditation killing Enter. When you enter your meditation the evidence to destroy the state is no longer interested (?). Centre itinerary here goes like this: ask Past Lives, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, great Zen Phi Phi Ideas (in 2 moment), do not mind being in 7 days, Fruit Center (A-Na-Ham or Arhat). This roadmap has 8 children, 9 minutes, 2 blocks, 2 people, 22 planes. 
NOTE:  8 what is: the professional crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, 2 Perception of mind meditation Phi Phi Chiang and first African Fruit of mind. 9 th are: crowd the keeper, 2 Fitness Centre Thien Commune world where life position, 2 World Life Education Centre Social Abyakata of mind, heart lineage 2 Phi Phi Phi Chiang Chiang, 1 A-Na-of Fruit Chan and Ham Five 1 of Fruit-A-La-Ngu Thien Han. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 2 people are: people Tam Fruits and Berries. 22 realms are the human realm, 6 World Education heaven, heaven 15 Lust (except the formless). 
7) Contact the sleeping Lo Zen Center 
Area Arhat before he entered the sleeping meditation types Sac and Formless, like Buddha case. Roadmap Contact the sleeping mind goes like Zen: Kiep past asked, shaken Kiep households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, numerous meditation, household existence (or not) and Nirvana.This highway has a wealth of attention because when entering meditation, the mind constantly being destroyed, but is always the same one center, 14 minutes, 2 blocks, 1 person, 26 planes. 
Note: The  14 things are: the professional crowd, 4 heart Duy international cooperation corresponds Education, 9 Abyakata mind long knives. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 1 person is: people from the process. 26 realms are formless realms 31coi except the Beast and 4 planes. 
8) Lo Center the sleeping Contact Information 
The Arhat is Kabbalah before the sleeping. Roadmap mind then as follows: Q Kiep past, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Preparing (or not), the Near Hanh Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Communication, Household existence (or not any) and Nirvana. This highway has 6 children, 4 minutes, 2 blocks, 1 person, 22 planes. 
Legend:  6 what is: the professional crowd, Preparation, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Info. 4 things are: the professional crowd, 2 World Life Education Centre Social Abyakata case management and therapeutic. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 1 person is: people from the process. 22 realms are the human realm, 6 World Education heaven, heaven 15 Lust (except the formless). 
9) Lo Chi Meditation Center crowd Side 
Area Arhat before the sleeping detailed review of meditation (Range , Four, Joy, Bliss, Concentration and Welfare). Roadmap progression mind here are as follows: Q Kiep past, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Zen indeterminate number, household life, life-shaking dynamic, life-stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (7 moment), Family life, life-shaking, life-stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (5 moment), household lives (or no) and Nirvana. This highway has 6 children, 5 minutes, 2 blocks, 1 person, 22 planes. 
Legend:  6 what is: The crowd mind-door and 5 clan. 5 things are: the technical crowd, 4 World Centre Fitness Abyakata corresponds. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 1 person is: people from the process. 22 realms are the human realm, 6 World Education heaven, heaven 15 Lust (except the formless). 
10) Highway Network Good Heart enlightened 
Arhat Area has attained the instant review and afflictions Path and Fruit stock always Nirvana. Roadmap progression mind here are as follows: Q Kiep past, Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, Macro Onions, Thuan Thursday, Clear Annoyed, Center Way, Mind Fruit (3 moment), bhavanga (4 moment), Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stop, mind-door crowd, mind lineage (7 moment), household lives (4 moment), Kiep shaken households, households Kiep stops, crowd the subject, the mind lineage (5 moment), household lives (or not) and Nirvana. This highway has 6 children, 5 minutes, 2 blocks, 1 person, 22 planes. 
Legend:  6 what is: The crowd mind-door and 5 clan. 5 things are: the technical crowd, 4 World Centre Fitness Abyakata corresponds. The crowd blocked the mind-door 2 or clan. 1 person is: people from the process. 22 7 realms realms is pleased Fitness World, 15 heaven Lust (except the formless).
Roadmap through Meditation Center Lust.

Roadmap through Immaterial World Meditation Center.

The route through the center kind of like Superman.

ONLY AN Roadmap javana 
Security Center only (Appana) here like Range (Vitakka) but it's sharp and more intense.Meditation pounding choose an object with their temperaments, and focused visualization until evidence Zen Admin. Roadmap interest here include: towels Italian courses, Preparation, Close onions, Thuan things, nature and Security Transfer only. 
1) Mind  Preparation : so called because this center appeared to prepare, prepare for a heart higher; or long knives mind, or the mind Supramundane. 
2) Center  for Near act : so called because it arises center very close to Zen mind or the mind is about to witness is super. Usually after two moments of this mind arises is started by An only route. But for mature practitioners, the center will start up the Near operator without going through the mind preparation. 
3) Tam  Thuan things : so called because it has reached with heart and mind before the next agreement with the center. 
4) Mind  Transfer nature : it means that the mind has to eradicate gender identity Education, developing long knives Supramundane nature or nature. 
5) mind  An only : when this mind arises is the center has achieved a very high level. 
Meditation (jhana) Pending develop to the fullest extent is called Near the (Upacarasamadhi). For the ordinary person or school property (Sekha), one of four center right Hao Thien Tri sex arises. For you uneducated (Asekha), is one of four sex work center Hao Duy Tri case arises. An itinerary of mind that only Superman lineage progression is as follows:

In this roadmap, preparation can start or not depending on the level of practice. Here, Move nature means to eradicate sex education center has developed Supramundane nature and character. 
One of 4 Compassion Education Center of Tri lineage world arises in this preliminary stage 4. 3 The object of the first moment of the Education world, but the object of attention Wednesday moment is nirvana. Yet this nature center Transfer moment can not eliminate the negativity. Path arises only interested in two new subsequent fate is to eradicate negativity and may enter Nirvana. Tam Dao arises only once and then followed by 2 Preparation of Fruit-if, or 3 Resultants without Preparation 
In case II, to bathe, To Charity, Centre Forward moment nature is replaced by purity (Vodana). If there is purity Preparing the moment Wednesday mind, otherwise it is mind Tuesday moment. 
One of only 4 interest arises Path once in our lifetime. But the resultant consciousness can be attained continuously all day. Three of Fruit, a Stream, Hybrid Circuit, Real hybrid arises after a friendly clan mind. 
When awarded Arhat, the mind arises clan is Duy work, because an Arhat is not Compassion clan centered. 
in the center roadmap an clan has only one interest arises 26 (age 18 + 8 interest Maturity Super mind that).
- If interest clan Hy life, then life is just mind Security Hy.
- If heart clan commune life, then life is just mind Security Affairs.
- If clan is Compassion Center, the center is also just Thien An.
- If the rate is three heart centromere fruit, it is also only three heart an Resultants lower.
- If heart clan is a clan Duy Business Center, the center is also a center an only clan Duy effects or a-La- results next drought.
* If the mind is the mind lineage of Tri Thien Hy life, the mind is only one of 32 an Thien Hy heart of Tri-life arises:
Lust 4 (4 Meditation of Us).
16 Path (4 x 4 Zen Path).
12 The fruit (3 x 4 Fruit Zen).
* If the mind is the mind clan commune life, the mind Thien An Thien only one of 12 Social Life Center arises:
1 Lust (to sleep meditation).
4 World Immaterial.
7 Super world (except Arhat fruit).
* If the mind is the mind clan Duy Hy working life, the only one in the center An 8 Center Duy Hy-life effects arise:
Lust 4 (except for sleeping meditation).
4 Super World (Arhat fruit except to sleep meditation center).
* If the mind is the mind clan commune life, the mind Duy An effect is only one of six work-life center Social Duy arises:
1 Lust (to sleep meditation).
4 World Immaterial.
1 Super World (Arhat fruit to sleep meditation).
* For the ordinary and the Friends School classes, arises only Resultants An Thien Education Center presented next three.
* For your Arhat, the resultant consciousness arises only next An Duy Center Fitness Business Triangle workers.
CENTER CROSS DI B- (Tadālambana) 
di Tam Thap arise after the World Education Centre clan, with the world being in Physical Education, with the object of Education presented, these objects have  very  large  or very clear . 
the work center is 11 Tam Thap cell Education Center world Fruit (3 + 8 Observation Center Pure Fruit Center Hao), and di Tam Cross will have the characteristics of interest arises.Example: An Observation Center Hy Life is starting up with an object, the center also cross cell Hy life.  Mind can not cross cell expectancy advantage . 
Only you Arhat can not tame di Tam Thap for start-up, and in this case, the portable and low-altitude nature center at the same clan together. 
mind and heart cell lineage Cross.

Typically, the lower the center have the same feeling with the mind clan, but if the mind clan Advantages life expectancy Welfare Center will lower (because the center can not cross cell expectancy advantage). For a student whose life Hy Process Center, the latter of clan life center with Heart Advantage will not cross cell, because their minds the next life expectancy and Hy. Then an observation center Social Life will arise in a moment and called Agantukabhavanga and in this case the object of interest Cross Di also different clan mind objects. If students do not mind life Hy Process, the Social Life Center will lower household life and mind  , too followed.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.(3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/10/2016.MHDT.

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