Ownership of property is evil only with the immoral, including 14 owned concern, is divided into five groups: I. JOINT OWNERSHIP SI:
As property makes Mind confusion, lack of wisdom (ignorance). The property is found in all immoral, they also called Variable Property Immoral Acts and including four owned follows:
1) Si (Moha):
derived from the verb root Moha Muh: be transfixed fever, confusion, confusion, ignorance.Paoli annotated: Maze blur in scenes called Si (Arammane muyhathi: Moho). Si is one of three basic methods to current negativity and evil in every heart. Si contrary to wisdom, it does not understand cause and effect and the Four Noble Truths.
Si is the passion of the scene, as the great deep sleep dream is true; Ang fog as cover sight, not to be looked clearly the distant objects.
- Si owned incumbent upon the wisdom is obscured. Do not understand thoroughly.
- The achievements of ownership Si is making shady, misconceptions on the scene.
- Human need is not smart to own Si used mind (volition mistake).
As no shame in doing evil (Na hiriyatina lajjiyati: Ahiriko), with careless owner, one can do all things evil (the evil law) without offal. No shame conscience.
- It is incumbent upon heartless owner is doing all committed evil.
- The achievements of the heartless owner is not back drop with heart scenes created evil.
- Human need heartless owner is unknown dignity.
No action against these terrible sins (Na ottappatiti: Anottappam). No shame when others ridicule. Ephemera like flying into flames without fear how, he Fearless also fearless when doing these immoral methods like that.
- It is incumbent upon the Fearless property is legal to do all the evil.
- The achievements of the Fearless property slump is not retreat center with scenes created evil.
- Human need Fearless property is not respectful of others.
Words base U (on) + Dhu: fluctuations emerged. Distraction is a state of mind chaotic prone ceiling dominates the scene. As a heap of ashes, when throwing a stone into dust will fly up how; when the mind is the scene stimulation, distractions will arise like him. Water or wind as waves as well as how, the center distractions (such as wind) will be immoral like him agitated. Paoli annotated: The chaotic Reporter called Dat (Uddha tassabhavo: Uddhaccam). Distraction is one of the five hindrances (Nivarana) and Lac (Sukha) replaced in meditation Admin. In some special cases, distractions synonymous with arrogance.
- It is incumbent upon ownership is expensive rooms at the center can not remain long on a scene.
- The achievements of owning expensive room is constant agitated mind.
- Staff Reporters need to own volition riches is not smart.
As the French make the object being attracted Center, clinging according to Chen, muom collector owns all things for himself; the only property with greed. Owns the following three:
1) Participation (Lobha):
A hug, cling scenes appear with hearts desire, with the head is. Words based Lubh: hugs, grasped; Should Paoli annotated: Desire called participation (Ubbhatiti: Lobho). As well, the sight arises greed, attachment answerable to the latter sense objects, object attachment, according to sleep passionate sex. Taking ownership can be likened to an iron magnet.
- Take ownership incumbent is doing mind getting into the scene.
- The achievement is not owned Join rid scene.
- Human necessity of establishment Join the preferred organic binding legal encounter, where the head is.
Being out untrue. Words based DIT: shows, awareness. But the perception here is wrong, wrong with the truth. Realize that contrary to the truth, called Ta Kien (micchà Passatiti: ditthi). As a spicy chilli but for sweet; is often considered the world (instead of impermanence), dukkha is joyful for, for selflessness is self (chon), considered impure as pure, ... above perceptions are called ditthi because Truth is not true.
Ta is different from Si; because while Si overlay objects, the wrong view is the wrong perception on the subject.
- It is incumbent upon the owner ditthi wrong judgment.
- The achievement is owned ditthi hard took the wrong mortgage.
- Human need ditthi property is not seen good levels of knowledge.
Being arrogant, vain, conceited; its always better for people. Words apartment Man: arrogant, vain, or compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to people called conceit (Adina Seyyomasmiti mannatiti: Mano).
- Falling owned incumbent upon Networks is making is shaken.
- The achievements of the sewer network owns High Falls, arrogant.
- Human need set of Falls Network ownership is to have the object to compare.
As the French make impatient mind, frustrated, annoyed. The property is only suitable for Golf Center. Property consists of the following four:
1) Golf (Dosa):
Words base Dus: miffed, not content. When have left the scene, playing golf or heart, the mind arises. If the carpet is collected on, the cuddling, keep the object on the other hand is ejected Golf Center, vandalism, destruction of objects. Malice, malicious ... called Airport (Saya Meva dussatiti: doso). Golf is one of the three fundamental afflictions.
- Duty of possession Golf is making our mind and heart who kindled hot.
- The achievements of terrace property is vandalism.
- Staff needed Airport property was the scene of any such reviews (due to the mistake).
As jealousy. Words i + rubber base: envy, jealousy. Like seeing someone wealthy, his more successful then hated him, envy, jealousy, because do not want others than himself; did not want his people called Disabilities (Issayana: ISSA). Depending Hy left with disabilities (Mudita).
- Disability is incumbent upon the owner is not happy to see others than himself.
- The achievements of ownership Disabilities is avoided in order not to see others than her.
- Human need Disabilities is owned by others advantages (compared to his).
Diving is stinginess, avarice, refused to split scratched for one (Macchera bhavo: Macchariyam).
- It is incumbent upon ownership split times is not subject to anyone scratched.
- The achievements of diving is owned fertilizer whiz, did not.
- Human need set of times is to have owned the property.
As of regret, remorse, regret the past (whether good or bad). Kukalassa bhavo: the status of a wrong action. The status of a person regret one has done the evil deed, or a good deed worth doing again ignored, or did a good deed but later regretted. As an act of generosity, helping another person, after being heard bad actions laid the recipient of giving is being pleased that his regret for the wrong person to help. Or a moment of anger, lashing out others, then regrets his work done. Or someone who is not helping the disabled, then regretted his uncaring, ... Pali annotated: "Katam me papamakatam me regret punnam kukkaccam = sin did, ignoring merit, so called foreign ".
- Duty of possession Exchange is making aversion to the past.
- The achievements of Xuhui property is remorse in mind.
- On the necessity of owning Exchange is guilty or blessed did not do.
As the weak ownership interest, muoii comb, only suitable for those Immorals Huu Assistant. Property consists of two, they always appear at the same time, was one of five children, and only the new Range concomitants eradicate them.
1) Marriage Tram (Thina):
Words base is shrinking as The hairy chicken encounter fire. Thina is a state of mind shrinkage.
- Duty of possession Kiss bass is making no effort.
- The achievements of ownership is the back drop downs Kiss.
- Human need for ownership strategic use dullness is not interested.
A state of weakness, the concomitants comb soot. Catch sight not mind refreshed. Words based Middh: incapacity, laziness, not like work, sleep.
- It is incumbent upon the owner Thuy Mien roadmap limited interest, as they fell slowly until the only remaining households Kiep.
- The achievements of Swiss property Hypnosis is a retreat center slump (sleepy).
- On the necessity of owning Thuy Mien is not smart to use the mind.
Ownership Sceptic (Vicikicha) is a doubt, do not believe the truth. The term is based Vici learn, Kicchati is depressed, tired; Sceptic is so depressed in understanding (because there is no result). Or Vi: no; Cikiccha: drugs for treatment. So Vicikicha means hopeless.Medicines Knowledge is that right feet. Pali annotated "Vicikicchatiti = hesitations are skeptical."
- It is incumbent upon the owner Sceptic make nay, baffling.
- The achievements of ownership Sceptic is not assertive.
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