Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Rootless (ahetuka Citta)
1. Definitions: 
Ahetukacittam the scenes know no evil nature evil (evil) or nice (sobhana). Human (Hetu) have 2 categories 
1) Human being (Uppattahetu): causes arise compounded; all interest, ownership interest and human phenomena are born. 
2) corresponding label (Samyuttahetu): the roots of moral or immoral law. The appropriate personnel is composed of six people following:
Join: lust.
Golf: anger, discontent.
Si: the dark, gloomy.
Infinite Participate: the social isolation, unattached.
Supreme Courts: the cool, not anger.
Wuxi Si : clarity, not confusion.
Inhuman mind here is that the mind does not have the appropriate personnel and harmony arises (in fact corresponds to our personnel have occurred sometime in a past life because all compounded arise when students are personnel can generate). 
2. Classify:
2.1) Center inhuman results  (Ahetukavipakacitta): is the center's achievements due to moral or immoral caused  in a past life .
(a) Fruit Immoral Rootless Heart  (Ahetukakusala vipāka-citta): is the achievement by the Industrial Center Immoral (greed, anger, ignorance)  in a past life , because that should be the result of bad karma this center specializes in catching the bad situation . Mind inhuman evil fruit include 7 types are:
Results unwholesome consciousness communal life (Upekkhasahagatam Cakkhuvinnanam): is what's known as eye catching bad scene (see inappropriate standard scenes).
Turkish social life form unwholesome results (Upekkhasahagatam Sotavinnanam): is the knowledge of the ear when receiving silent warning, bad (hear the displeasure).
the share communal life form unwholesome results (Upekkhasahagatam Ghanavinnanam): the nose is knowing when bad air sight (to scent the odors).
Damage formula immoral outcome expectancy commune (Upekkhasahagatam Jivhavinnanam): is the knowledge of the tongue when bad taste perception scene (tasting the sour, spicy, salty, ... inappropriate foods border).
Body unpleasant wake unwholesome results (Dukkhasahagatam Kayavinnanam) : the knowledge of body awareness as bad emotional scenes (the body collision with painful, uncomfortable, too hot, too cold, ...).
Mind to gather fruits unwholesome social life (Upekkhasahagatam Sampaticchanacitta): is the inclusion of scenes Lust, Silence, gas, taste, touch that 5 results unwholesome form of newly recorded, put into mind consciousness arises observed.
mind unwholesome results observed social life (Upekkhasahagatam Santiranacitta): is interested in considering the bad situation that has recorded receptive mind.
(b) Fruit Compassion Rootless Heart  (Ahetukakusalavipakacitta): is the meanest Center achievements by the Compassion Center  in past lives  (ie did good deeds).The center is only a part of the moral resultant of Education (or rather 8 sex center in perfect results). Inhuman moral resultant 8 Center include the following:
Life resultant social consciousness  (Upekkhasahagatam Cakkhuvinnanam)
binomial resultant social life  (Upekkhasahagatam Sotavinnanam)
Rate Life resultant social formula  (Upekkhasahagatam Ghanavinnanam)
Damage Life resultant social formula  (Upekkhasahagatam Jivhavinnanam)
Body resultant pleasant formula  (Sukhasahagatam Kayavinnanam) : the knowledge of the body when exposed to contact the appropriate scene (as cool, smooth, ...).
Mind to gather resultant social life  (Upekkhasahagatam Sampaticchanacitta)
life Center resultant social observation  (Upekkhasahagatam Santiranacitta)
Magnitude resultant damage by pleasure  (Somanassahagatam Santiranacitta): this mind arises only when exposed to very pleasant scene.
2.2) Abyakata Rootless  (Ahetukakriyacitta): is the only center of action. They are not due to any human being in a past life, and after they destroy the results also did not leave.They are merely the machinery of the mind reacts when stimulated to only.
Mind five-door crowd  (Pancadvaravajjanacitta): also known as eye consciousness. 5 scenes is mind towards Excellence, Silence, gas, taste, touch; 5 This situation appears when the dominant life-Center (Center Huu section). Heart center is open five-door crowd fat five-door route to five sense arises.
Mind the mind-door crowd  (Manodvaravajjanacitta): also known as mind-door Italian. Is committed to doing  tasks identified  (Votthapana) legal scene and opened clan Center  (Center Express - Javana)  arises . Hence this center is also known as "honest volition clan".
Sinh Cung Tam Siu Ying  (Hasituppadacitta): also known as Xiao consciousness. As dictated by the mind of your smile Arhat. This smile so natural reaction and not be implied, consider anything.
Immoral Rootless results
Good results Rootless


3. Action is: 
Mind inhuman mostly interested to work in mental tendencies machinery (receiving only know the scene without the ability to now). Should need to clearly identify the operator to understand the mind of every aspect of it. 
1) Pair of consciousness always work see scenery that is aware of. 
2) Pair of consciousness always work listening ie awareness silent scene. 
3) the pair always worked scent formula that is aware and gas scene. 
4) pair of gustatory taste always work that is aware of your situation. 
5) pair of consciousness always worked collision (collision ) that is perceived emotional scenes. 
6) Pairs always working to gather receptive contingent ie reception scene by five sense just to go back to the recorded observation center. So this center as an intermediary such as a messenger. 
7)  Mind unwholesome results observed  as all five are:
a-  The students continue  the work center will bear the  suffering beings .
b-  The life-  is subjective mental states of sentient life miserable.
c-  The death  is the ultimate center, ended their lives born of suffering.
d-  the mobile cross  scene is enjoying working interest balance (result) when catching sight centromere great speed, very clearly.
 the observations  are reviewed, commented 5 scene receptive mind has put into .
8)  Mind observed good results  as well as all of the interested observers such unwholesome results except that this center began working the scene well and  continue birth, life-or death to the touch . 
Particularly pleasant feeling just interested observers do two things: cross cell and observe only. 
9) Center crowd doing only five-door is the crowd that is subject to review five years this scene has views out to the highway to open up five-door delivery. Center crowd was contingent subjects such as people NV door open for duty on 
10) Mind the mind-door crowd to do two things:
The crowd a- half:  this center open to reveal the fat arise.
b- segments:  the object identified immediate attention in the scene observed contingent which has received attention for being more interested clans behave.
11) Tam Sinh Cung Xiao Ying: the clan only a mind that is dealing with the scene only. 
Want to know about the inhuman and operating the center of consciousness, we need to examine briefly confided, for inhuman mind, mostly machinery mind tends progression pathway of consciousness.


1) Heart Family Lives:  the subjective mind preserving life when there is stimulation to the realm (the subconscious part). 
2) Tam Ho Kiep past:  the subjective mind (heart bhavanga) being destroyed simultaneously with out to the scene, but the scene was not dominant. This phenomenon lasted for one moment the mind. 
3) Household Kiep Center vibration:  the subjective state of mind was the dominant new scene. Extend one mind moment. 
4) Tam Ho Kiep stop:  or terminate life-line center is subjective terminate center to make room for start-up center recorded objectively and dealing with the new situation. Extend one mind moment. 
5) Mind Ngu Mon crowd:  the objective mind, the mind arises in one moment, ie towards new scene objects. 
6) Five Song Soul:  depending on the object, a fivefold corresponding formula will arise in one mind moment to capture the scene. 
7) Center next REC:  the state of mind when acquiring contingent situation which has recorded five sense. Arises in one mind moment. 
8) Mind observation:  the state of mind when investigating objects (comments), arises in one mind moment to consider the mind to gather contingent scene just recorded. 
9) segment mind:  the mind determines arises in one mind moment to know the object (like pretty bad, aromatic, delicious, hard, cold, ...) by a comparison with the experiences have been recorded in subconscious (Kiep households). The subjects main auditorium center separates this work. 
10) Center clan:  This center is starting in 7 center to handle the moment with the audience. This center is also known as heart enjoying the scene. Key here is the most important stage in the process to the mind because the mind is the mind clan created good karma or bad 
karma Depending on the moment in time arises clan mind, the time of life born following results:
  11) Cross Di Mind:  the mental state of mind residual effects clan scene but can not afford to commit because of the lower working interest is purely mental work. 2 arises in the mind moment 
caught sight alone reveal the self-starter because consciousness is only starting to reveal the heart of the 10 moments. 
For more information on the issue of the inhuman mind, let us observe the route through heart year basis with the following example: 
a man sleeping under a mango tree, a mango dropped and rolled him to his side. He snatched her up and find out what was making her startle awake. This person saw mango, picked up, smell and consider mango. Knowing ripe mango, mango fruit him. When finished eating, he also added a few new scraper stoned mango and lay down to sleep.
- People are sleeping "passive status only of consciousness, flowing nothing to do fluctuate, this state is called Family life (Bhavanga) or Organic Part or subconscious.
- Get up and find out what did he woke up "only for black comb state of mind, when the mind is stimulated to find out his bare exchange of eye, ear, nose, tongue or body. This center called Centre crowd Ngu Mon (Pancadvaravajjana) or eye consciousness.
- "Seeing mango" only for the arising of form or belong to the eye, or the four other apartments. This completely pure, without a bit of thinking anything (Social Life).
- "Collect mango" shows the state of mind, the territory of the foreign material stimulation. This center is called Center Next Thau (Sampaticchana) or receiving consciousness.
- Mango smell and consider "only for the state of mind to think and learn subjects by their past experience. This is called Mind Observation Centre (ness) or heart failure characteristics.
- "determination mangoes were ripe" for the mind just to locate the object according to his understanding. this is called the heart center segment (Votthapana) or heart Determination.
- "Eat mangoes" just mind dealing with the subject. this is a state of mind most important, the moral or immoral are now successful at this point. this center is called the centromere speed (Javana) or Rapid heart.
- "Scorpio add a few" mental states only continue to treat the remaining scenes, this state is like the mind lineage but can not afford to create so-called center results cross Di (Tadālambana) or Coast Council municipal center.
- Located next sleep "state of mind only after roadmap to ending, return to the life-state.
With a route through the heart of the object subject not from the outside in which the inner self arises. This starts from the heart confided Italian crowd Mon (Manodvaravajjana) or also known as mind-door and immediately start distribution center positions across confided guess in five subjects. 
4. Human being: 
A) Human birth of five sense: Pair of consciousness, ear consciousness pair, the pair form, form pairs and pairs lost consciousness, the birth up to four factors:
Materials: the Distinguished Neurology, refuge of the mind, as the eye is the refuge of consciousness.
Warning: the object of interest. Any public interest, arises when the spectacle must also be satisfied with it.
The conditions for recording catch sight mind and matter: the conditions creating the contact between the form and character. As light as a condition for consciousness and recording labels began scenery objects.
Attention: the afferent to the sight (to attention to the object), because if you do not pay attention to the next scene, the mind can not catch the scene gather torch.
* Four factors are sentient consciousness:
Label materials  (Cakkhupasadarupa): Nervous label called, is shaped like the head of a male in the middle of the eye even to the mind consciousness shifting.
Scenery  (Ruparammanam): the colors, images, objects of the eye.
Light  (Aloka) is a necessary condition to the eye can perceive scenery.
Attention  (manasikara, Italy Ownership Impact)
* Four factors are sentient consciousness:
Atrial animals  (Sotapasadarupa): Nervous called atria, is shaped like sheep lying hairs in the ear folded to form shifting atrium.
Silent scene  (Saddarammanam): is the sound, the object of the ear.
Nowhere  (Akasa): the amount of space that sound transmitted to atrial whereby animals.
Attention  (manasikara)
* Four factors form birth rate is:
Billion animals  (Chanapasadarupa): called nerve billion, is shaped like a goat toenails in the nostrils to slash official interest rates.
Landscape Engineering  (Gandharammanam): is the smell, the animals were awake scent billion.
Wind  (Vajo): the mobile brought to billions of animals smell.
Attention  (manasikara)
* Four factors gustatory consciousness is:
Material damage  (Jivhapasadarupa): called nerve damage, such as head shape hedgehog lies in your tongue to gather arrest scene.
Marital status  (Rasarammanam): is the salty, sweet, sour, spicy, ... tongue animals are the subject of gustatory taste.
Water  (APO): flowing decent quality, location of the scene shelter, is a necessary condition for cognitive damage can wake to your situation.
Attention  (manasikara)
* Four factors consciousness is born:
Body material  (Kayapasadarupa): or neurological body, is present throughout the body Choo's shifting consciousness.
Emotional scene  (Phatthabbarammanam): the object of consciousness as heat, cold, ..
Quality constraints  (Dhadda): is the material's hardness or softness.
Attention  (manasikara)
B) Human consciousness to gather and observe:
The material  (Radayavatthu): is the standard shelter. Scripture does not specify the shape and position of the object, so just understand that where consciousness and consciousness-shifting, which is called the Sac Italian plants.
Scene five  (Pancarammanam): is in sight (color, sound, air, taste, touch) which recorded five sense. In the case of observing the work center cross cell center or work will bear interest, life-heart, mind, it might not have certain scenes.
Attention  (manasikara): because the mind and heart to gather local observers world scene (the scene that has just recorded five sense) should the conditions not mind catching sight as five sense.
C) Human consciousness only inhumane effects: Three heart there's only inhumane effects like human being receptive consciousness and observation. Particularly in view of the mind is that of the same birth goofy funny scenes.


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