Is the center of our areas of excellence (excellent and not heavily weighted fact our areas as heart sensuous scenes). According to the commentaries, the reason they are called the mind 3 significant gender identity as follows: Call the mind because the mind gender identity is taken as the object material to practicing meditation (meditation Kammatthana = gender identity).
Call the center excellence for the friendly international meditation center will result in planes being presented as a sharp gender identity.
Call the center for performance excellence achievements world of meditation realms gender identity is presented. Excellent material here is coarse and not fact as in heavenly realms.
Sac I. About Compassion Meditation Center (Kusalarupavacaracitta):
As fresh mind, taking material as the object to meditate. Continuous work to create student performance in international realms. 1.1) Practices Samatha (Sammadhi Bhavana): Meditation (Jhana) Meditation is often called, is a state of mind focused on an object, also known as headings (Concentration = Ekaggata). Concentration, this attentive scorching effect of measures against negativity (Tapo).
We can say meditation is against legal or scorching the use of Concentration and concentration or attention is what the å of Zen.
At the same born with heart meditation has many mental states (cetasika) but 5 mental states is considered the most important because they have the ability to treat, scorching the inverse method. Measures five factors are:
Quartet (Vicara): is the observation, paste applied to the object center. This center is eradicated and repressed skepticism (vicikiccha) is a baffling vacillation.
Hy (PITI): also known as satiety joys are pleased with the audience, happy, joy, like the joy of a people who are thirsty and water met. Due to this no fun, it can be eradicated, managed by golf pros (Vyapada) is an unpleasant state of sadness.
Lac (Sukha): the status enjoyed by the scenes of joy, like a thirsty man to drink the first sip of water. This state of mind eliminate distractions (Uddhacca) a scattered state, employees perturbed.
Concentration (Ekaggata): Also known as Nhat Hanh. Is a state of concentration on the object. This center is the overwhelming desire (Kamacchanda) an attachment status, iris expectations.
10. Thread Impurities (Asubha): Death contestants (Uddhumutaka) - Death Exam color change (Vinilaka) - Death watery latex exam disintegration (Vipubbaka) - Death interrupted contest (Vicchiddika) - Death Exam been gouged (Vikkhayitaka) - Death exam splashed leaves into small pieces (Vikkhittaka) - Death exam been relentlessly into pieces (Hatavikkhitakam) - Death bloody contest (Lohitaka) - Tu body being cut to the DUT (Pulavaka) - Allies of implementation only bone (Atthikam remains).
10 categories as you recite (Anussati): Recitation (Buddhanussati) - Reciting France (Dhammanussati) - Reciting Increase (Sanhanussati) - Mindfulness For (Caganussati) - Reciting About (Silanussati) - Death Anniversary (Marananussati) - Mindfulness of Breathing ( anapanasati) - Reciting the Gods (Devanussati) - Reciting Nirvana (Nibbananussati or Upasamasati) - Body Contemplation (Kayanussati).
4 titles from the boundless (Brahmavihara): From (Metta) - compassion (karuna) - Hy (Mudita) - Commune (Upekkhā).
1 title matches (Sanna): Ideas about the impurities of real objects (Aharo patikkulasanna).
1 section Discrimination (Vatthana): Discrimination on the nature of the four elements (Catudhatuva Vatthana).
During meditation only, we can distinguish two phases:
(i) the exercise period :
a) For the complete purification headings:
The practitioner uses land forming one circle diameter of about a span (the thing called preliminary minister - parikamma Nimitta), so far from the one yard then stared into that concept until close my eyes and still be able to find out that the circle (the circle is called coarse PM - Ugogaha Nimitta), this form are rudimentary and there are traces of the horizontal vertical previous land plaster objects.Meditator continues blindly devoted and crude minister observed concentration until it became a bright circle not a blemish at all (circle this morning called optical Minister - Patibhaga Nimitta), optical minister this no real, but only formed by the imagination of the practitioner only. Meditators resumed optical centering minister observed that until the evidence is First Meditation (Pathamajjhaga). As evidence, the eradication meditation is 5 hindrances (Nivarana): Craving (Kamacchanda), golf (Vyapada), dullness torpor (Thina-middha), restlessness (Uddhacca-kukkucca) and skepticism (vicikiccha) . That is, if the practitioner to use the land as object title. If one uses water as its object title, the water contained in a circular object with a diameter of an iron hand and observed concentration as described above. For headings fire, it creates a ring of fire around a span in diameter, ..., if used, the focus heading into the wind shook the trees, ..., also the color of the title sized objects using headings on the ground and painted (or use colored materials are also available but must be the same size mentioned above). Heading nowhere, the empty hole in the wall with a diameter of an iron hand, and sat away from a yard and stared at that concentration to observe. Heading light then stared at the light source such as the sun, moon, lights, ... through a round drum with a diameter of an iron hand. (note: light and two titles are recognized nowhere in the scriptures is no official).
Note: The town center is not the cold, apathetic or indifferent to the object). In the quarterfinals immeasurable, except headings Affairs, the three remaining title that helps the practitioner to the quarterfinals vouchers Zen meditation.
When practitioners use one of the above headings as object practice examples such land titles, one's mind is focused Pathavi anniversary, Pathavi, Pathavi,. .. or Land à, à earth, and the earth well, ... he will silently recite the concentration is practiced parcel on the object. Such concept shortly, depending on the basis of conditions, one will reach the level of focused attention, and parcel with the heading. Meanwhile, while blindly suspension practitioner can visualize initial section (or preliminary minister - parikamma). Then no specific title but a more abstract object is created by the mind of the practitioner focused.This object is called the heading visualization (also called coarse PM - Ugogahanimitta) and still carry the defect, traces of objects in the initial section. Then the practitioner's mind is absorbed into the title until envisioned developing this title and create a new object concept, this object is a bright image, no defect at all. This object is an abstract image of the concept of meditators. Meditators only see a bright circle rather clear contours as the initial section or item headings imagine so here also called optical minister. By this stage the practitioner has reached stage 5 access and temporary hindrances are overcome.
At this stage, can unexpectedly to a certain point, the practitioner and attained samadhi meditation. This center exists only in the mind and then back to reveal the state of mind bhavanga. And if enough effort, one will develop meditation to attain the next step to the attainment of the five meditation.
When accomplished practitioner of meditation, one can experience and dwell in a state that normally called enter meditation, a meditative state of mind countless constantly arise in a long time, they can extend continuously all day.
Tam Thien rūpa includes 5 categories:
1) Private Thien Zen meditation Center Excellence About: is meditation includes meditation for all 5 chi: Vision, Four, Joy, Us and concentration. Meditation center can achieve gender identity by practicing one of 25 titles follows:
10 heading impure.
01 headings reflect on possible degenerations.
01 ie the window title concept.
03 heading immeasurable (Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy).
03 heading immeasurable.
01 headings ie recite the book.
3) Tam Tam Thien Zen Meditation Lust, Caution: the meditation center just 3-chi meditation: Hy, Lac and concentration. Heading to attain the third practice of meditation is like meditation II.
4) Thien Tu Zen Meditation Center Lust, Caution: the meditation center consisted of two chi meditation: Us and concentration. Thread entry to practice certification in here just like in meditation II.
5) Mind Meditation Meditation Ngu Thien Lust, Caution: meditation is only 2 chi meditation: Social and concentration (because interest is contingent meditation approaching meditation center provisions should no longer spend subtle crude lost half instead of communal life).
so delicate situation should be contingent meditation center can not rely on the object from, Bi, Hy is immeasurable. Instead Affairs immeasurable mind. So meditation center only five achievements with 12 headings:
01 headings ie recite the window.
01 section immeasurable Affairs.
Compassion Meditation Center Lust, Caution
Fruit Zen II.Tam Lust, Caution (Vipacarupavacaracitta):
A mind-friendly achievements mind gender identity. The center is the indispensable condition for creating a new life (continuous delivery) to attain meditation practitioners being done in the realms Brahmas world.
Corresponds to moral consciousness gender identity, gender identity also includes vipakacitta 5 center, we work continuously birth, life-and death for the meditation part:
2) Tam Tam Fruit Zen Meditation gender identity: work will bear, life-and death for your second meditation Brahma realms.
3) Zen Mind charity gifts gender identity: keep student work, life and death protection for your meditation Brahma realms.
4) Five Fruit Zen meditation Center gender identity : continuous work birth, life-and-mail for your meditation Brahma realms quarterfinals.
In order for the meditation center as being reported results now, the evidence is meditation to keep meditating until the deathbed.
Fruit Zen Center Sac About
III. Meditation Center Abyakata Lust, Caution
is the birth place of meditation muscle nature of A-La-Han. These are the states of mind and how to train the mind in meditation is like good, except that the center does not create independent horror as the result of moral consciousness.
The A-La-Han cultivate the moral consciousness is to use it foundation that Chiang Dinh Tho import Killing meditation not because of desire. Thus, this meditation center called meditation muscle (muscle = platform).
Abyakata Lust, Caution is also divided into five gender identity as moral consciousness.
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