Wednesday, 19 October 2016

TAM Citta
Mind is the Scene or object perception. Here, the mind must be understood as pure awareness, advocates said scene; can also be good or bad way due to the ownership interest. League of mind, the commentators write "Cintanamattam cittam = perception called Mind". "Arammanam Cinteti cittam = Scene called Mind". 
According to Abhidhamma, the word  mind (Citta), Italy (Mana), viññāṇa ()  no difference in meaning, depending on the place where they used many different names. Example: for 12, all Heart Parish called the (Italian Origin), for the five aggregates are all called knowledge center (Aggregate of Consciousness) ... 
Atthakatha glossary that:
Status  (feet Minister) of the center is known scenes (Arammanam Vijaranakkhanam).
The fate  of the Mind is hosted, owned guidance center (Pubbamgamarasam).
The achievements  of the mind is as continuous, connected together without interruption and extinction (Sandhanapaccupatthanam).
Essential personnel  of Mind and Matter Center Property is legal (Rupa padatthanam nāma).
There are four human consciousness: 
1. Now past  (Atitakamma) are moral or immoral actions in the past to create the present results. Main components must say vipakacitta. As a work of evil, death arises when the mind will bear fruit in life lead off the Beast. 
2. Ownership interest  (cetasika) are dependent component of the mind.  At birth, and kill with the mind, and a base shifting to the center, and that a scene with interest . There can not be a heart without mind owning. When looking up the table, we knew it was the board, the mind knows it must have owned Ideas (remember the met to record the current scene) or to have the radial to the scene (owned Range) or cylindrical interest on the scene (owned Dinh) ... 
Thus the mind is not a homogeneous unit which is a collection of many things. Just as movies can not take pictures, which require a camera including the lens, the light parts ... the new movies are recorded scene. Therefore, we can say  that human mind possesses consciousness or consciousness factor . 
3. Landscape  (Arammanam) is the object of the mind, the mind knows the scene, what was called the scene center said. Without sight, there is no center, there is a scene center.Therefore, the human call center scene. 
4. Materials  (Vatthu) is the Distinguished Neurology (Pasadarupa), refuge of the mind. As the eyes of consciousness is shelter, the shelter's ear consciousness .... So call animal is human consciousness. 
As with all 89 Abhidhamma mind (or 121 if calculated according to the meditation center) is classified according fronts. 
* If divided by industry (Vacara), the mind has 4 categories:
1. Mind sphere  (KAMA vacaracitta): the fitness center scene largely captured (Lust, Silence, gas, taste, touch). Belong to the sphere-sphere consists of 54 mind.
2. Mind Lust, Caution  (Rupa vacaracitta): the Zen Center, taking material as the object of meditation. Consists of 15 mind.
3. Mind arūpa  (Arupa vacaracitta): Meditation is mind, not title material taken as an object of meditation. Includes 12 heart
4. Mind Supramundane  (Lokuttaracitta) is interested to know Nirvana scene;escape from worldly objects, do not belong to the world. There are all the 8 center (or 40 if calculated at 5 chi heart meditation).
* If distraction from the sights, the mind is composed of 6 categories:
1. Authentication Center  (Cakkhuvinnana): the label shifting animal center, said scene, photographs. Includes two center.
2. Mind binomial  (Sotavinnana): is atrial heart slash character, silent scene said.There are 2 atria all formula.
3. Heart Rate Formula  (Ghanavinnana): slash interest rates is material, said gas exit (the smell). Includes two center.
4. Practical Center  (Jivhavinnana): Princess heart damage is material realization of taste (the spicy, sour, salty, ...). Includes two center.
5. Mind Body Soul  (Kayavinnana): is the animal refuge center, cognitive emotional scenes (friction, heat, cold, ...). Includes two center.
6. Conscious Mind  (Mana viññāna): is the legal mind catching scene, the scene in the mind state. There are all interested 111 (minus five sense).

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