Thursday, 20 October 2016

Is not on the route of legal interest (escape route center). The measures are divided into three categories:
1.- People,
Land and 2.
3. Industry.
Also known as beings, beings, species consciousness. Being divided into 12 categories: 
1) The Suffering 
Being unhappy beings, often suffering. Wretch is divided into 4 categories:
- Hell (Niraya) are being continually in all the misery, there is no joy.
- Peta (Peta) are continually being hungry, not for food beneficiaries of Thien Nhon;by base avarice, canceled Jewels sale, do not believe the Dhamma, ...
- The animal (Tiracchana) mean the tail being equal, words based Tiro: horizontal + Acchana: go. The animal walked, crawled down, not straight like. There are types of birth by egg (ovum birth), with type of birth (birth pregnancy), birth place of low humidity type (low-birth), not being seen talking to chemicals.
- Asura (Asura): are you no pleasure, often very aggressive. Often called the Spirit continue, there is sometimes too frightened, also respect the Bible as the Public ... Asura type is different from the type of Asura God, opponents of heaven and live Sakka Thien Tam Tam Thap (heaven to earth), continue in undersea transmission also Asura king and also has a base Asura coast collapsed like usually where alcohol beach, mountain or cave active, eat things mess
This heart of the beings of instinct and our actions are greed, hatred and delusion dominant in his previous life. We keep in mind Observation birth Life Fitness World Affairs in Rootless Immoral mind [consciousness life of suffering]. These classes of people can not certified meditation center. 
2) The Lac 
People who are more optimistic are happier than those who suffer, to the point they do not bear much suffering as the suffering. These people will bear in mind Observing life in mind Thien Commune Rootless [life Lac consciousness], this category was also certified meditation or religion can not be effective. Optimists in the human realm belongs birth pregnancies, four heavenly king in the realm of the totally mindless and cultural life.  The people will bear with formless realms rupa not have the heart. As further human birth, these people often lack class intellectual, or disabled.
The two types of people mentioned above since birth by continuous Affairs Center Rootless Life Observation, in the public's mind can not kick, so it was called who inhuman (ahetuka).
3) the Second human (Duhetuka) 
the Two workers who lack the intellectual rebirth because of the subtle birth center's procedures is a perfect 4 cup Pure Fruit Center Hotel (shorthanded Wuxi Si). II human person can not be attained in meditation or attainment. They were reborn in the realms 7: 6 heavenly realms Education and gender. Second leak Department called the Process Center Student's because of these people only Wuxi and Wuxi Airport Take dominant. 
Those human and non-human II never mind Abyakata or Security Center only when they are not human status Xu Hao has co-located Fruit Center (since they do not have sufficient interest Compassion triangle of human investment made in previous lives). 
4) the third 
beings that strong and lucid mind for our actions in the past is incompetent, Radio Golf and dominant boxer, known as Tam's people. These people are born with full intellectual, can meditation and direct evidence of the effect of transcendent mind. Tam Tam's Continuous Birth of Pure Fruit 4 perfect center where trained mind or 9 Meeting Center. In the 31 realms, people can be reborn Tam's 21 realms (except the formless realms, realms Evil 4 and 5 Pure Land Residential interesting). 
5) The Private Path 
Being close defilements and realized the sleeping first time money. Person Profile Path eradicate negativity top 3 are: Body Architecture, Sceptic and Precept Prime. Admin Path who can be present in 17 planes is the human realm, 6 World Education heaven, 3 realms Profile Zen, Zen II 3 realms, 3 realms and realms Tu Tam Thien Quang Fruit Zen. 
6) The Second Path 
As the police unless disturbing the sleeping and realized for the first time Monday. Nhi Dao people alleviate two afflictions are craving and terrace design. Nhi Dao people may be present in 21 planes are 4 worlds and 17 Formless realms which may arise Profile Path. 
7) The Tam Dao 
Being close defilements and realized the sleeping for the first time Tuesday. Tam Dao people great end to two things disturbing Join Fitness and Golf. Tam Dao people may be present in 21 planes as Nhi Dao. 
8) The Four Paths 
As police defilements and realized the sleeping for the first time Wednesday. Police martyrs top 5 remaining negativity Sac Ai Ai Formless, conceit, rooms booked, Ignorance.Such afflictions are only 10 fully genocide when one witness to the martyrdom. Taoists may be present in 26 planes is formless realms 31coi minus 4 planes and the Beast. 
9) The Result 
The Result was attained Profile Path. Result people without evidence Path and Fruit stock more higher than 7 are not being returned to life should indeed Lai also called; Result who never fallen into woeful planes 4 (4 woeful) and will definitely be the sleeping so it was called Project Save or in Save. Result can keep people born in the 21 realms are realms, realms Formless 4, 6 celestial sphere, three planes Profile Zen, Zen II 3 realms, 3 realms and realms Tu Tam Thien Quang Fruit Zen. 
10) The Second fruits 
the fruits II II who attained Enlightenment. Second person without evidence Way Fruit Other fruit, only the heavenly realms reborn once so it was called Nhat Lai. Two people can keep bearing fruit in the 21 worlds like Result. 
11) The Three fruits 
Three Fruits People who attain Tam Dao. Three people Fruit otherwise attained Arhat will be born in the realm Path Retreat Ngu Thien (5 heaven net migration) and not return realms half so it was called Real Lai. In heaven Retreat is divided into five realms, according to people at the Three Fruits of practice, developing strong public spending meditation will be reborn in a realm in which 5: if you care too have a strong base, it will continue Tin was born in Troublesome realms Infinite God; if you care too have a strong base, it will continue Xun was born in the realm of Infinite Heat Thien; if you care too have a strong base, it will continue Mindfulness give birth Thien Kien Thien; if your apartment Three fixed too strong, it will continue to give birth Thien Thien time; if you care too have a strong knowledge base, it will continue to give birth Thien Canh Sac Rescue; Three fruit taste may be present in 26 planes is formless realms 31coi minus 4 planes and the Beast.Three Fruits though not a prime location was also born in the realm Zen Zen Admin. 
12) The Four Fruits of 
The Four Fruits are people who attained martyrdom. Four Fruits people in public realms, when the five aggregates consumption will damage the sleeping place was not even born so it was called Radio Being; for elimination of negativity clean, completely clean, deserve to be offered heaven called Arhat. 
1) realms:
The 11 planes are broken down as follows
a) The Evil Animal Realm (Apayabhumi): root word apa + aya: no happy place. 4 planes.
B) hell (Niraya): Apartments Nis + aya words: come to destroy. This realm has all the agony, but no joy.
C) preta (Pettivisaya): Peta words Pa + i + my apartment: living being has to go, that is dead. They are not invisible ghost, they have sharp eyes of the body but can not see. They have no separate realms and always hungry. They live in forests, caves or dirty place.
D) Animal Birth (Tiricchanayoni): root word Tiro: horizontal + Acchana: go. The creature walked, crawled away, do not go straight like people, also known as Bang birth.
E) Asura (Asurakaya): Asura means that you do not have joy or shine. These beings are very aggressive, quarrelsome. Type Asura born here is not the same type of Asura devas specialized war with the gods and live in the realm of Thien Tam Tam Thap.
Born in the realm of Evil Mind Process is Animal Welfare Center in Real Life Observations Rootless sphere friendly.
f) Realm person (manussa): those with a noble heart (Ma-no Ussannam etesam).Manusya letters mean son of Manu, humans became civilized after Manu monk.
G) heavenly sphere (Kammasugatibhumi): 6 realms.
- The Kings (Catummaharajika): this is the lowest realm in the realm of the gods.
- Cross Tam Tam Thien (Tavatimsa Heaven): Sakka (Magha) reside here. The reason so called because according to your stories of 33 under the guidance of Sakka did good deeds and keep students here.
- Yes Ma Thien (yama): Yam means devastation and extermination. Here all are to eradicate misery.
- Da Thien Oil Capacity (Tusita): the live happily. According to the communication process, the future Bodhisattva (Maitreya) is living here and wait for the perfect opportunity to reborn as a human and become a Buddha.
- Hoa Lac Thien (Nimmanarati): those who lived in the castle pleasures self create.
- At Tha Hoa Tu Thien (Paranimmitavasavatti): you bring these things to his rule because the others have turned out.
The custom birth center in the human realm is missing location or disability of mind Observation Social Life Fitness Center World Compassion Rootless and perfect 4 cup Pure Fruit Center location. 4 sobhana Resultants remaining position as the center of Continuous Birth, Family Lives and Death for those interested in gender bias Education. 
2) Land Form About 
2.1 Coi Thien Zen Profile
Pham We Thien (Brahmaparisajja): this is the lowest realm. Those who are born here are our map of great Brahma (Mahabrahma).
Pham Phu Thien (Brahmapurohita): those born in this position will be an assistant to the great Brahma.
Great Brahma (Mahabrahma): the birth position in it features beautiful forms, get more happiness and longer river in the position 2 heavenly birth on.
Coi Thien Thien Nhi 2.2-
Quang Thien Min (Parittabha)
Boundless Light Thien (Appamanabha)
Optics Yin Thien (Abhassara)
Meditation Realm 2.3 Thien Tam
Min Xu Thien (Parittasubha)
Infinite Thien Tinh (Appamanasubha)
denatured Thien (Subhakinha)
Coi Thien Tu Zen 2.4
Thien Quang Fruit (Vehapphala)
formless God (Asannasatta)
Phuoc Sanh Thien (Suddhavasa):
Unknown Trouble Thien (Aviha)
Infinite Heat Thien (Atappa)
Good time Thien (Sudassa)
Thien Kien Thien (Sudassi)
Sac Save Telescope (Akanittha)
3) Formless Realm 
Realm 3.1 Infinity of God (Akasanancayatanabhumi) 
3.2 Infinity of Consciousness Coi Thien (Vinnanancayatanabhumi) 
3.3 Coi Thien Vo Huu Parish (Akincannayatanabhumi) 
Tuong Phi Phi 3.5 Coi Thien Tuong Parish. (Nevasannanasannayatanabhumi) 
Industry (Kamma) is behavior, artifacts, moral or immoral act intentionally. Unless action and the status of Buddha Arhat, the actions of the other species are karma. Now comprises 12 Real good heart, 8 heart Hao Thien Tinh, Thien center Lust 5 and 4 Immaterial World Compassion Center. Super 8's Center because defilements personality should not now. At the World Education Centre, Private ownership (Cetana) play a proactive role; while at the center then owned Super Wisdom (Panna) occupy positions prevail. 
29 mind-created now above 23 Fitness Center at World fruit (15 Resultants Moral, Immoral Rootless and 8 Pure Heart of Good Fruit ), 5 in Lust Fruit Center and 4 world Immaterial of Fruit in. 
Note:  Social life 2 Observation Center in Wuxi's sphere and in the sphere of Fruit 8 Net interest Tu Hao work, Birth Center and Process Kiep protection for those worlds. 
Industries are classified into 3 types: 
1) time of career achievements: 
as time is now starting to acceptance. Depending on the time of karma during clan Center (Javana) start-up, generating the life time will result as follows:
Consists of four categories:
Show Karma  (Ditthadhammavedaniyakamma) is good or evil actions with immediate retribution in this life. According to Abhidhamma, we create clans now arises when the mind, the mind exists 7 roadmap moment in mind. Industrial Investment property generated by the center in collaboration with moral or immoral in mind the first moment, would immediately result in a life expectancy at present. So-called Karma time. For example, should murderer for life, or as in every area of his conversation with beef, beef tongue cut eating, immediately cut the tongue and a very painful death right in the present life.
Sanh Karma  (Upapajjavedaniya): is doing good deeds, evil afterlife where fruiting.According to Abhidhamma, these are now owned by the Justice created in collaboration with the Centre in mind good or bad moment of consciousness 7th clan. Examples for creating bad karma, death fall into woeful 4 or seek to do good, when the dead are reborn in leisurely scene.
Weather Karma  (Aparapariyavedaniya): These actions are wholesome or unwholesome life bear fruit from Monday onwards, until reaching Nirvana. As cases Venerable Moggallana robbers were killed or Buddha to bring dysentery, ... Industrial property was created by agreement with the Justice Center at the moral or immoral moment Center No. 2 to No. 6 clan of mind.
Disabled Industry  (Ahosikamma): good or evil actions are no longer able to give what is called the Disabled Industry. There is not really any kind now known as the Disabled now, but if the retribution in this life or the next life without accomplishing (for lack of conditions), the report was now called Disabled Industry.
2) The power of now: 
Depending on moral or immoral actions, results generated will be strong or weak reactions.That power is divided into 4 categories:
Asian. Weight Industrial Pole  (Garukakamma): is now caused by the actions very good or very bad. This now creates certain results in this life or the next life. If it is good karma, belongs to standard time now as Zen Lust or Formless world, or conduct cross happiness from the red cross, ... if now Immoral as patricide, matricide, killing A-La- Han, making Buddha body bleeding, destroy the harmony of the Sangha. Five medium-matter, also known as Industrial unintermittent (Anantariyakamma) and for certain will result in the afterlife. A meditator, extreme avalanche significant violations now, his good deeds will be eliminated immediately. Life's next position will be extremely important this dominant industry, as Devadatta took Kabbalah and the Beast to be born into the scene as did the Buddha injured and harmony increased vandalism. Or king Ajatasatru (Ajatasattu) can not work because they feared killed his father.
b. Near Death Industry  (Asannakamma): is the act good or bad start under the body, speech and mind (make or remember thinking) in deathbed. It also has the power now almost blows Industrial Pole because it dominates the lives later. Even Extreme Weight Industry must also take the form of karma to dominate the Near Death next life. For this reason so many people or organizations to make ritual dying remembered his good deeds did most realms are reborn better place. An evil person can keep students in realms Thien interesting if he died, he made an angel or remember that he had done. In contrast, a person can be born in the realm of improving the Beast because he died, he do or remember an evil. As the wife of King Kosala queen Mallika, she lived a good life is right, but the time of death, remembered his one lies, should have to live 7 days of suffering in the Beast. Or Asoka, the great protector of the church, to regenerate the solid life, because in the dying hours of a rampage of anger, ...
C. Business practices  (Acinnakamma):
Are these good or bad action, so often should become habits, habits and personality of the person. When you are ready to die, he recalled that the work was accustomed to do. As he Cunda butcher, daily oil and live next to the temple of the Buddha, he died screaming like a pig because often recalled his habit. King Dutthagami daily in Sri Lanka to bowl monks often, when about ice, he remembers this and feel happy to be reborn in Heaven and Export.
d. Professional Qualification contempt  (Katattakamma):
Also known as accumulated karma, karma is good or bad does not belong to the three cases mentioned above, while not directly subject to do and done it immediately forgotten. This industry is very light and very few opportunities bear fruit (but if the three above now no chance of the results, which will now bear fruit), although they will not be lost when the rebirth that accumulates every word one lifetime to another for the chance to bear fruit. As cases Buddha, in one life he is a prince, a positive day he shot a flower offering to play, accidentally hit by a worm named died unfairly. Later, he was the king worm Yakkha, while hunting, foot and hand Bodhisattva hit Sovana.
3) The task of now 
regard the work, now divided into 4 categories:
a) Industry Birth:  (Janakakamma):
Are the moral or immoral now dominates rebirth in the afterlife. These now have the ability to custom birth, when the mind Tu terminate existing life (five aggregates of necrotic).
According to the commentaries, is now born Janakakamma Mind and Matter Uan Uan when conceived. The first center Process Student Center (patisandhi viňňāna) is governed by the Industrial Sanh.
b) Industrial Maintenance:  (Upatthambhakakamma):
As the next Janakakamma now, the same kind with Sanh Industry, is responsible for nurturing, sustains, maintains Sanh Tam Tu Nghiep until appearing. Tri Thien Industrial belongs, if karma is Thien Sanh, and make the industry healthy life, peace, happiness. In contrast, Industrial Maintenance will belong to evil, if Sanh Nhiep belongs Immoral, and make people life is weak now, misery, sickness, ... In short, if Sanh Industry is responsible for creating the Tri Industrial have an obligation to foster what has created Industrial Sanh.
c) Chướng Industry:  (Upapilakakamma):
This is contrary to Tri Industrial Enterprise, has the task of stagnation, weak, the achievements of Industrial Sanh. Tri Industrial If nurtured and supported Sanh Industry, the Industrial obscured distention, delays the development of Industrial Sanh. If Karma is Thien Sanh, Chapters will be Immoral Kamma and vice versa. As someone who was born with a birth-friendly Enterprise, sick sick, miserable always, ... that means he does not enjoy the goodness of a good result Industry Sanh.
d) Section Manager:  (Upaghatakakamma):
As the now completely opposed to Sanh Industrial, Industrial And Chướng Industrial stronger, able to destroy, except Industrial ability Sanh. If Chướng Industrial impede the achievement of Birth Enterprise, the Enterprise Section would destroy Industrial Sanh. And karma can be a good or bad now.

12 Any goodwill, if the work of professional press time, may bring forth evil fruit for 7 present life. 
If we work Sanh report will now born 7 unwholesome for the next life. 
If we do the work the custom birth center, heart center and Tu household life (Sanh now) or Near-death will now wickedly fun being in the realm (only 11 Real kindness makes impact for rooms booked too feeble mind can not do custom-born center thick).

Xu Hao 8 kindness if doing now will create 16 Show results reported in this life (8 Countless workers Hao Fruit Pure Fruit heart and mind 8). 
8 Thien Sanh mind if doing now will create 16 reports of future results. 
8 Compassion Kiết birth center if made will be born in the realm of knowledge Animal Compassion. 
8 Infinite mind's fruit can born in the world and Lust Education. 
These good results again divided into 2 categories:
- The fruit two: The karma is the Rootless involved, but lack Unknown Unknown golf si (the good psychotherapy) often born as disabled or stupid (4 cups heart Hao Tri Pure Fruit plus 8 Center Infinite Compassion's result is 12 resultant). These people can not certified meditation.
- Fruit three: 4 Center of Tri Thien will engenders 4 Aggregate Tri mind, these people enjoy more thorough results.
The commentator also analyzed as follows:
Hy heart of Tri-life wealth engenders support Resultants 12 (4 and 8 support Resultants countless human mind Forever Fruit).
Center of Intellectual Property Life Support Hy born 12 Resultants (4 and 8 support of Fruit Organic Fruit Countless human heart ).
Social life of Tri Tam numerous life support and interest subsidies Hy countless cups Tri Resultants only enjoys 10 (2 very center support through reason and 8 Infinite mind's Fruit).
Center of Intellectual property life support Social and life Center Hy ly Intellectual property enjoys support only 10 of Fruit (2 ownership interest through reason and 8 support staff through numerous heart).
mind cups Tri Commune organic life birth only support 8 Infinite mind's kick.

This only meant by meditation now being so their results are divided into 5 in the realms of meditation. And suspension under the influence of the human mind Countless fruit. 
Who  certified meditation Admin  feebly, was born in the celestial realms discounts them;an average one witness, was born in the heavenly realms extra discounts; who witness an enemy wins, was born in the great Brahma realm. 
Who  witness the Two and Three meditation  weakly, was born in the heavenly realms optical Qualification; an average one witness, was born in the realm of boundless natural photosynthesis; who witness an enemy wins, was born in the celestial realms Quang sound. 
Who  witness Charity  weakly, was born in the heavenly realms net Qualification; an average one witness, was born in the realm of boundless natural purification; who witness an enemy wins, was born in the celestial realms net variable. 
Customers Enter meditation to rest up while being in the realm of Quang said natural fruit;The rows and rows Nhat save and recall them to be born in the realm of meditation Marble Square natural fruit; but if you are not eager to have excellent realm (the practice of meditation, these thoughts are not the attachment), it will be born into the world Immaterial disasters. 
These products enable them to sleep meditation and the mind Credit facility, Tan, Mindfulness, Concentration and evenly developed Hue, Quang was born in realms natural result.
If the Trustee and the encroaching evil thrives other concomitants, was born in the celestial realms Infinite bother.
If Diligent encroaching evil of the other mental states, was born in the celestial realms heat Forever.
If evil anniversary other concomitants, is born Compassion is in the realm of heaven.
If encroaching evil Dinh other concomitants, was born in the celestial realms is Compassion.
If Hue encroaching evil of the other mental states, was born in the celestial realms salvage Sac.
The Real hybrid position, there is no certain rules that have not been born into another realm (Te Pana na nibbattantiti annattha niyamonatthi). 
The A-na-function controls were meditating before his death, was born in the Pure Land Residential natural.

Only under the industry, of the Zen Center and is divided into four categories according to the object of spiritual practice. 
For World Immaterial goodwill, if any, the birth certificate is interested in Immaterial World realms equivalent securities institution. The impact of good work here, including the kindness of Lust and Immaterial World. 
The cause of death.
Death is the temporary end of a temporary phenomenon. Death is the cessation of Rights Network (Jivitindraya), heat (USNA = Tejodhatu) and viññāṇa () of an individual. Death is not completely eradicated, but it died on the spot, is born again in another place. 
Tho Removal : one dead by the power of life took advantage. Sole proprietorship (Cetana) at this time is very strong, it dominates regeneration. 
Karma Removal : a person can die before his life because of that person results in this lifetime acceptance has expired (the birth of industrial capacity took advantage). 
life and career co-kill : death for both was cessation capacity. 
Police now (Upacchedakakamma) : is now abruptly cut off delivery of industrial vitality.The power of an industrial past may suddenly start dashed out of a sentient beings now forcing them to die. 
Three deaths above normal is called death or die time (Kalamarana). Death caused by Police now called non-time death or die from sudden death (Akalamarana). 
A person dying as a good or bad start before him now, he might now be:
Critically important now : could be good now as meditation, or an evil as to kill father ... now this is too strong now, show up and encroaching evil of others.
If you do not have it now Critically important  now for Near-Death  will arise, a good or bad idea to start up because of the experience that he has done the past.
or a  minister now  (asanas kamma) that is color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal which makes him take on the now he will start up.
Or  Animal Minister  (Gatinimitta) ie a form of rebirth realms will arise about to do now near death.
Now  perceived by the subject, an object belongs to the past.
Industry Minister  currently depart through one of six bases, the object belongs to a past or present.
Prime  is an excellent minister appears only in deathbed, or starting out in the form of a dream in a delicious healthy and whole. To be perceived by one of six bases, belonging to an object past or present.
The things mentioned above arises in 5 heart rate centromere moment, then be recorded in the lower heart 2 heart moment. 
Immediately under which, according to the object y arises, he will be reborn in the corresponding scene . 
When from the ceiling, a charming 3's can be reborn in every realm. The other sentient (inhuman, or two) just reborn in heavenly realms. 
When Lust died in plane, will not be reborn into a very charming person; Industry Minister in this object belongs to the concept (object of meditation). 
When the plane died in the Immaterial World, will be reborn in the realm of Immaterial, or reborn in the heavenly realms with three people, depending on the case ; or reborn in a higher realm, but not reborn in a lower realm; Industry Minister in this object belongs long knives and concepts (such as the boundless vanity). 
When reborn, born immediately after the custom of killing the mind, the mind will arise household life; and like a river, life will flow smoothly households until he shared network, then life will become the focus Household Electronics and disappear. Subsequently, custom birth center was born ..... 
In life, the movement of household life center, was stopped several times by the speakers the consciousness arises; but once the heart sank route (Family life), the heart of life arose and households continue to flow until the interruption of a route other considerations.

Process Student Center, mind and heart Death Lives Family life and health of themselves on a similar subject, along with the same ownership interest. The mind is actually just a 3 center, but with different names depending on the work they are doing.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONSTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/10/2016.MHDT.

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