Wednesday, 19 October 2016

I'd rather spend those owning property does not have unique properties, they assume the character of mind which we cooperate; if with Compassion Center, then their characteristics are Compassion; if matching Immorals, the characteristics of our evil; if matching Rootless Signature, then their characteristics are neutral. Tợ tha ownership is divided into two categories: 
I. Ownership Variable Action (Sabbacittasadharana) 
Property operating variables are present in 121 ownership interest, not a lack of interest can this Property; Property consists of 7: 
1. Contact  (Phassa): 
The word comes from the verb root Phassa PHAs = touch. Ownership of contact is touching the subject to the object (physically or mentally); touching the contact center to the scene called (Arambham Busatiti = Phasso).  Based ,  Tran  (Landscape) and  Soul  met called Promotion  (Vatthu ca ca Arambham phusa Vinnanam titi = Phasso). For example, touching hands emit cries. Hands as apartments and scenes, touching the contact spot, cries such as consciousness. Ownership is divided into six categories Promotion:
Label Promotion (Promotion Property is a recognition by the eye (Trade Unit) and reference edges together).
Turkey Promotion (Promotion of ownership of the binomial by Tai (Turkey Apartment) and Canh Thinh collated together).
Promotion Rate (the rate for Property Promotion with Soul by Nose (billion Units) and another reference gas Scene).
Damage Promotion (the Property Promotion with practical due tongue (Damages Apartment) and other reconciliation Landscape Area).
Body Promotion (Promotion of Property is the Body Soul by Body (close) and Exposure Warning (earth, fire, wind) collated together).
the Promotion (Promotion with ownership of the Italian right Mind (the Apartment) France collated together and Landscape).
So Pali annotated as follows:
- Minister of ownership Chon contact the touch.
- It is incumbent upon contact property is exposed to the scene center.
- The achievements of the contact center ownership, bare root and reassembled.
- Human need for ownership is in contact with the current scene.
2. Tho  (Vedanta): 
The word translated as Vedanta Life, comes from the root word Vid = acceptance. Life is acquiring status,  perceived  through the senses objects. The main role perceive life a good or bad result and not a soul sensation. There should be annotated "scene called enjoying life" (Vedayatiti = Vedanta). For example: as a man tried to work make money, property, career. Later, when you grow old, he lives with delight that his assets were created. Delight with assets such as property created this life. Life is divided into five things: 
Life Suffering : the discomfort is not suitable for the body.
- Chon Minister of unpleasant body-contact is bad scene (the scene where the body is not as hot, cold, cramped, ..).
- Unpleasant duty of the law is to make it uncomfortable arises.
- the achievements of the body in pain unpleasantness.
- Staff need to be nervous unpleasant body (skin).
Tho Lac : are pleasurable because the body suit.
- Chon Minister of pleasant touch is the scene itself well (a pleasant scene, according to your body).
- Pleasant duty of the law is to make it suitable arises.
- The achievements of the body feels pleasant so happy, pleasant.
- Staff need to be nervous pleasant self.
Life Advantages : As painful emotion of the mind as having any scenes like that.
- Chon Minister's displeasure is the way to receive adversity.
- It is incumbent upon the specialized catch displeasure left the scene.
- The achievements of displeasure was sobbing heart.
- Staff needed to be sharp displeasure of the animals (Hadayavatthu).
Hy life : is the state of comfort, joy; heart rejoice, because exposed enjoy favorite scenes and interesting reviews.
- Chon minister pleasant feeling is the preferred way of receiving scene.
- It is incumbent upon specialized caught by pleasure is a pleasant sight.
- The achievements of the mind pleasant feeling joy, joy.
- Human need is pleasant feeling calm the body and mind.
Social life : the feeling of the average, not happy, not sad, not pros, not joy. Suffering non-life non-Lac.
- Chon minister of social life is receiving scene calmly.
- Communal life is incumbent upon receipt scenes as carefree.
- The achievements of social life is at the heart unmoved.
- On the necessity of social life is not happy not sad.
Huu Tho Department is divided into six categories:
a) life (Life Property is a recognition for receiving Sac Tran via Label Based).
b) Turkey Tho (Huu Tho's Department with Turkish Thinh Tran Thuc to take over Turkey Apartment).
c) Share Life (Huu Tho's Department with Gas Rate Tran Thuc to take over Billion Units).
d) Damage Tho (Huu Tho's Department with practically the last to receive Tran Area Damage Align).
e) My Tho (the Property life with My Soul to receive Promotion Tran through close).
f) the feeling (with ownership of conscious life to take over French Tran through Italy Apartment).
3. Chiang  (Sanna): 
Perception is the memory of the French copy. France recalls the past or present to recognize objects through the experience of memories. The word comes from the verb root Sanna Sam + Na means know. Said it was aware objects separate status as green, white, black, yellow, purple, ... The perception is that  the known info . Chiang owns major help us recognize an object that times before we were aware through on goal. Examples: carpenter realized plank of any kind, a few stools, some socks, ... thanks to previous recorded mark on that plank. In addition, these dreams in sleep or contemplated, planned, dreamed of the future work is the work of their respective owners. 
Ownership is divided into six categories Thought:
a) wall charger; ie, flashbacks, dreams come Landscape Excellence (colors, objects, etc ..), which previously aware saw, already know.
b) statues; ie, flashbacks, dreams to the sound (Canh Thinh) that previously had heard binomial, has said.
c) Meteorology; ie, flashbacks, dreams to smell or rot (Landscape Gas) which previously Billion Soul has lived, has said.
d) The Perception; ie, flashbacks, dreams come Landscape Area (salty, sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, etc ..), which previously was practically tasted, already know.
e) Promotion Ideas; ie, flashbacks, dreams come Landscape Loader (hard, soft, hot, cold) which previously has touched My Soul, have feelings.
f) Legal Thought; ie, flashbacks, dreams, thoughts to French Landscape (object of Mind) that previously recorded Mind, has said.
- Chon Minister Chiang is the owner of record, recalls.
- It is incumbent Chiang's ownership is to recognize objects by recalling things have been recorded in the subconscious.
- the achievements of Chiang's owner has said things to remember.
- Human need is ownership Chiang scene revealing.
4. Justice  (Cetana): Signature Cetana word count based Cit = failure. Private ownership of coordination and urge the artifact law arises. Twelve of Dependent Origination (Paticcasammuppada), including Administrative Justice ownership (Sankhara) and Friends (Bhava); in Aggregates, Aggregates Action property to 50 (excluding Life and property ownership perception), but ownership is more important Justice; because it is calculated as the status, decision making, should it decide to try center deeds good and Immoral.Buddhist scriptures: "Behold the Cetananam Bhikkhavekammam vadami = Bhikkhu, Industrial Investment Property is  ". Gender Education Center For Justice, the owner plays a proactive role taken to contain the industrial nature. For transcendent mind, because towards the eradication of Justice should own now here do not constitute and is now owned Wisdom (Panna) replaces plays an active role. In vipāka (resultants) Private property though there appeared, but had no effect because the resultant consciousness is the passive mind should not be a cause. 
Ownership is divided into six categories Consulting:
a) Identity From: Property Consultants with awareness to intentionally recorded a sharp edge.
b) Thinh Investment: Investment Property with binomial to deliberately recorded Scene Thinh.
c) Gas Investment: Private Ownership with Waking billion to deliberately recorded Landscape Engineering.
d) the Justice: Private Ownership with practical to deliberately recorded Landscape Area.
e) Promotion Consulting: Investment Property with My Soul to deliberately recorded Scene Promotion ( earth, fire, wind).
f) legal Consulting: Investment property with mind to deliberate thoughts, flashbacks, noted French Landscape.
- Chon Minister of Justice is the executive ownership, legal urge arises .
- Private ownership is incumbent upon the Council to make the legal situation being captured.
- the achievements of Private ownership is the legal control arises.
- Human need is to have ownership Tho Tu Aggregates, Chiang aggregates and consciousness.
5. Best practice  (Ekaggata): 
Also known as Concentration. The concentration on the object, the object dwells in the heart. Nhat Hanh ownership if awarded the hill and development will proceed to concentration (samadhi) and the development of treatment (Abhinna). Such as solar heat, if it is a grouped lens will emit other objects destroyed by fire.
- Minister of ownership Chon Nhat Hanh is no object chaotic before.
- It is incumbent upon the consolidation of ownership Nhat Hanh born into a legal contract.
- The achievements of Nhat Hanh property is quiet.
- Human need Nhat Hanh's equipment is owned by pleasure.
6. Rights Network  (Jivitindriya): 
Derived from the verb root Jivita: Network; Indariya: Right. The reason for alimentation Network called the existing ownership arises full three primary moments (birth, office, destroyed); called because the operating rights, governance and ownership arises. If Private property disposal operations, owns property custody Network Consulting and other interested property. There are two types of property Rights Network:
List of network rights (nāma-Jivitindariya): alimentation of consciousness and mental states.
Sac network rights (Rupa-Jivitindariya): preserve the material live for.
As the herb species live and grow is through alimentation water; Water here is property rights Network; other species such as the legal herb arises (interest, property and material interest).
- Network Chon Minister of ownership is preserved legal rights arises.
- Network incumbent upon ownership rights is to make legal contracts are being exists in three primary moments.
- The achievement of the right of ownership Network keep the existing law arises moment to kill.
- Human need for Network owns the rights to have sensations, perception and consciousness Aggregates Aggregates.
7. Volition  (manasikara):
Is collected as a scene recorded object to mind (Arammanam manasipatipadayatiti :manasikara), is given attention to the subject. Note: The effect is different from owning property Range (Vitakka). While owning Volition is radial and its concomitants to the object, then toss Range property ownership interest and attention to the object. As a collector glass tube collector nightmare scene for both eyes to see, it also owns volition limited audience on a certain framework to mind awareness.
- Chon Minister of ownership Volition is the appropriate legal guidance (the Ownership conascence) captured the scene perfectly.
- Duty of possession Volition makes the scene coordination center.
- The achievements of ownership volition is the afferent to the scene.
- Human need is the right to own volition revealing scene.
II. Ownership Special Scene (Pakinnakacetasika) 
Owning property is particularly interested scene can only with a certain number of interest only (does not appear in the results Fitness Center inhuman world but especially in the wake Five). Special owns property scene after a 6: 
1. Games  (Vitakka): 
From the verb root meaning Vi + takk thinking. This term difference in meaning between the scriptures and Abhidhamma. In the scriptures, Vitakka mean ideological perspectives.In Abhidhamma, Vitakka means paste applied to the mental states of mind and the object, that is searching the scene, bringing attention to the scene. But Tam's just a normal mental states as mental states of others but in meditation, Vitakka become a significant mental (Nhut chi meditation practitioners). In meditation, called Appanavitakka Range (appana = absorption, dwells). In that Way Super Center (Lokuttara maggacitta), Vitakka is considered Thought (Samma sankappa), because it eradicates evil thought and mind for the paste applied to the sleeping subject. 
Ownership Games are divided into six categories :
a) Identity Games is looking to cognitive states Sac Landscape; Navigate to a sharp edge.
b) Thinh Tam is looking to the binomial state Thinh Landscape; Canh Thinh oriented.
c) When the mind is a state of consciousness seek Landscape Gas Rate; Gas aims to Scene.
d) The practical range is the state looking to Landscape Area; This aims to Scene.
e) Promotion Formula Vision is a state body collision Promotion Landscape (earth, fire, wind); navigate to Scene Promotion.
f) Legal status Mind Games is reminiscing, thinking to French Landscape; France aims to Scene. As thinking people who met, or will help plan, etc.
- Tam Chon Minister of ownership is the way to bring attention to the scene.
- It is incumbent upon the Range property makes the mind toward the scene.
- The achievements Range property is at the heart of the encounter scene.
- Human need is to have ownership Range Aggregates Life, Thought and consciousness Aggregates Aggregates.
2. Four  (Vicara):
As the heart continues paste applied to the object, the object observed intently.Words apartments Vicar: preserving sight, associated with heart contain scenes (Vicaranam :  Vicaro), ie the continued crackdown on subjects that interest was pasting voltage range. Example: Games like bees to the cotton; Quartet as bees flying around the cotton which it met. Quartet is also a chi meditation, it is owned eradicate Sceptic (Vicikaccha).
Four Property is divided into six categories:
a) the status Sac awareness gazing Sac Landscape.
b) the status Thinh Tu Thuc Nhi Thinh listen Scene.
c) Gas Billion Soul Quartet is recognized status Landscape Engineering; Landscape Gas enjoy.
d) The practical Quartet is recognized status Landscape Area; Enjoy Landscape Area.
e) Promotion Four is the state body collision Soul Scene Promotion; Promotion recorded Landscape.
f) French Quarter is the state of consciousness observing, monitoring ongoing French Landscape in Italy Apartment.
- Tu Chon Minister of ownership is to observe, care for the scene.
- It is incumbent upon ownership quartet is to make the scene and parcel center.
- the achievements of ownership quartet is the obligation to mind the scene.
- Human need is to have ownership Tho Tu Aggregates, perception and consciousness Aggregates Aggregates.
3. Winner  (Adhimokkha): 
Derived from the root word meaning Adhi + muc decided "this would correct" choice, determination in the affirmative as well as a judge sentenced MOIT lawsuit.
- Chon Minister of ownership Winner assertive way.
- Duty of possession Winner is making the mind does not demur.
- The achievements of ownership are classified Winner scene guess.
- Human necessity of establishment Winner is useful to segment the scene.
4. Need  (Viriyam): 
Being diligent, diligently, trying to advance the difficulty. As constant surfing brave general staff to destroy the enemy to protect its troops, measures should eliminate the evil and sustains good behavior. Should be one of the five senses in France (Indriya) than eradicating the lazy puffs, as well as one of the five forces (Bala) because it can not be shaken bieang puffs. Need turned into Right Exertion (Sammappadhana), is one of 7 Sensory expenditure (Sattabojjahanga), Right Effort (Sammavayamo) in the Noble Eightfold Path (Atthangi kamagga). In 37 measures Bodhi (Bodhipakkhiya), should be accounted for all 9 GMT.
- Chon Minister of ownership should be diligently, endure.
- Duty of possession should be legal aid for power arises.
- The achievements of ownership should be no falling back.
- On the necessity of establishment property should be visualizing scenes (suffering, birth, aging, illness, death, four woeful, ...).
5. Joy  (PITI): 
Signature PITI: Hy, Phỉ optimistic. Words based PI means joy, excitement. Hy characteristic nature of the mind is to make interesting objects. Ownership also known as legal Hy Hy.There are 5 types of Hy is:
a) Primary Dan Joy (Khuddaka pīti): the joy do goosebumps.
b) na Sat Hy (Khanika pīti): The joy arises lightning.
c) Customs Hy Dynasty (Okkantika pīti): The joy rising like waves carved into the shore.
d) Contempt promoted Hy (Ubbega pīti): the joy in a gentle, causing the body to be able to fly.
e) chronic Sung Hy (Pharana pīti): the joy permeated whole body as floodwaters overflow.
Hy different from Lac Lac and usually comes first. For the scene, Hy pleasure only; Lac also the beneficiary. As a thirsty, saw the excited water bowl (Hy), when taken into the comfortable, pleasant (Lac). Joy is found in the heart of moral and immoral.
- Hy Chon Minister of ownership is the ecstatic, elation.
- Hy owned incumbent upon the body and mind makes no fun.
- The achievements of Hy property is no comfortable way.
- On the occasion of the facilities needed Hy is useful to have sensations, perception and consciousness Aggregates Aggregates.
6. Education  (Chanda): 
Chanda: Education, based chad words: desire, wish. Special Education is the nature of desire. There are three types of education:

a) Join Education (Kamacchanda): Desire contingent ceiling (completely immoral) 
b) Work Education (Kattukamyata chanda): just the want to do, the desire to do (not the French or French Compassion Immoral). 
c ) Legal Education (Dhammachanda): desire right feet; the desire to create the Compassion France. The main interest has led Prince Siddhartha left home. 
- Chon Minister of Education ownership is hoped to achieve the scene. 
- Duty of Education is making owning longing heart. 
- The achievement of Education's property are scenes from the mind wants to know. 

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