Thursday, 20 October 2016

PROPERTY sobhana Sobhanacetasika
Sobhana owns the property is clean, nice, pure; the only property with sobhana center.Including 25 owned, divided into 4 categories. 
I. Xu Hao Administrative Ownership Variable (Sobhanasadharana) 
As the owner appeared with all sobhana center. 19 property includes: 
1) Tin (saddhà): 
Words apartment Sam: Good, smart + Dah: put down, so down, that is to trust completely in three security; pure faith, indecent. Credit characteristics of the property is that students become the center of the clean and guidance, stimulating them towards a higher status. When there is trust, the negativity, doubt is clean. When there is trust, there is a stimulating moves towards higher target results. As someone who is difficult to wade through a river to others wade and swim under the trust. 
Saddhà or under ingredient sobhana Tin, nice (Sobhana) should have Chanh Tin: Tin Industry (Kamassaddha), Tin Fruit (Vipakassaddha ), Enterprise information Consulting (private Enterprise of individuals - Kammassakata) and believe in the Buddha's enlightenment. Note: Credit here is not fanatical. 
So the only object of the Trust is to Jewels. If Jewels believe wrongly believe (superstition, fanaticism) is also not considered Chanh Tin, let alone to believe things that are contrary to the Three Jewels. 
So if a person is not a Buddhist, but their absolute belief in the teachings of the masters, it is not the primary credit or what? more specifically, if the followers of Christianity, they believe in the teachings of Jesus to do good life after their part wastes procession of the Lord of Heaven and is seated next to the belief that God has nothing else to base organic Tin in sobhana moral consciousness where?. 
the answer is definitely not the same, the explanation Mahapatthana: generosity, morality with craving, desire to create good works in order to enjoy natural goodness blessed is called " French charity supporting immoral methods of object = Kusalo dhammo by dhammassa arammanapaccayena akusalassa paccayo ", and there will be questions if so devout Buddhists, while doing good to seek the sleeping attainment, there must also be an immoral greed or reasonable? - Not, by the desire attained Nibbana is expected escapist pleasures of sensual natural goodness rather than forward beneficiary should not immoral greed.
- Chon minister Tin is how private property Jewels and the law of karma.
- Owned incumbent Trustee is making religious center.
- The achievements of the Trust's property do not mind being dirty because of superstition.
- Human need is Faith owns Jewels.
2) Mindfulness (Sati): 
Words base Sar: remember. Me coming here was not a flashback or memory, which is  the conscious , aware of the act, its dynamic conception of the present time, the object of mindfulness is the Body Property, Life, Mind France. Sati if cleverly Additional training will lead to Ming Mang. Special nature of mindfulness is not for evil to preserve law arises, not to preserve neglected dhamma and to the friendly France is always around. NV store concept as soldiers, only good people go to bad people are also blocked.
- Chon Minister of ownership Mindfulness is being awake, not negligence.
- Owned incumbent upon Mindfulness is remembering, making not forget.
- The achievements of ownership is to cultivate mindfulness and parcel center with views.
- human need is known Mindfulness owned firm.
3) Tam (Hiri): 
A shame, sin can not do. Tam is the shame of his own conscience. A person with heart Tam will recoil before the legal unwholesome dare not thrust their hands into the dirty material.
- Minister of ownership Chon Tam is the shame of sin.
- Tam owned incumbent is not doing sin.
- The achievements of Tam's property slump retreat before evil legal way.
- On the occasion of the facilities needed Tam is useful to know self-esteem.
4) Captain (Ottappa): 
As frightening evil sins. Words base + Na + ava Tapp: suffering, agitation. Otappa is the fear in doing evil, be afraid of the evil results. Persons interested before Captain will see evil fear such measures could not put my hand in the fire, said there is a repentance when criticism of others.
- Chon minister owns Captain's how frightful sin (shame).
- Captain owned incumbent is not doing sin.
- The achievements of Captain's property slump retreat before evil legal way.
- Staff Captain of ownership needed is afraid of laughing and evil afraid of legal consequences.
Captain Tam and often go hand in hand, Tam on lap shame, Captain based on the fear, which are the two essentials of goodwill 
5) Forever Join (alobha): 
Is not sleep sexual desire, not sleeping ceiling attachment, unattached objects such as domestic air traffic leaf after a rain cloud. Forever Join also  implies generosity  (Dana), a selfless attitude positive.
- Chon Minister of ownership Infinite Greed is not responsible for the five desires.
- Countless owned incumbent upon attachment, greed is not.
- The achievements of ownership is not infected wrecked Forever Join favorite sight.
- Human need Take ownership of Wuxi set is cleverly using the mind, smart volition.
6) Wuxi Airport (Adosa): 
Unknown Golf  is synonymous with kindness  (metta). Special nature of the proletariat is the absence of anger, resentment, animosity; France makes the list arises is mellow, cool.
- Chon Minister of ownership proletariat is not cruel.
- It is incumbent upon the proletarian property is away from the murder.
- The achievements of the proletariat is the property cool.
- Human necessity of owning Unknown Its yard is well-assured, smart volition.
7) Administrative Affairs (Tatra Majjhattata): 
As the nature, indifferent to the appropriate law. Special nature of Administrative Affairs property is impartial and not biased as the driver controls grave twins a peer.  Sometimes also meant Affairs Administrative Affairs  (Uppekkha)  in the Four Immeasurable heart.Administrative Affairs can also start with Social Council  (Uppekkha)  in good heart but can not start with Social Council  (Uppekkha)  in the heart of immoral and inhuman.
- Chon Minister of Administrative Affairs property is the legal tolerance for equal arises.
- Administrative Division of Social ownership is making the launch legal contract not excessive nor inadequate.
- The achievements of ownership Action commune is impartial mind to the scene.
- Human need for Social Action property is to have the appropriate measures.
8) Pure Body and Tinh Tam (Kayapassaddhi - Cittapassaddhi): 
Words base Pa + sambh: peace. Special nature of this center is to own two eradicate or calming down the animal hot sex negativity (Kilesadaratha - vupasam), as well as the shade of the trees to the sun being burned. Pure (Passaddhi) antonym for rooms booked (Uddhacca). Kāya: Body, here is not about the body which implies a synthesis of ownership interest. Citta only for the mind.
- Chon minister owns two Tinh Tam's spirit and serenity, far from the excitement (negativity) of the heart and the mind possesses.
- It is incumbent upon the spirit and owns two Tinh Tam is soothes effervescence.
- the achievements of the spirit and owns two Tinh Tam is the mind calm, cool to the scene.
- on the necessity of owning two Tinh Tam's spirit and heart and the mind possesses.
9) Contempt Contempt Body and Mind (Kayalahuta - Cittalahuta): 
Words Laghu base: lightweight, quick. Characteristics of the two mental nature is eradicated heaviness of heart and mind owning a place like a burden down. Contempt (lightness) for treatment with more than hundred (Thina) and Thuy Mien (middha).
- Chon minister owns two Contempt Contempt Body and Mind's how forsaken heaviness of mind and the mind possesses.
- It is incumbent upon both owned Contempt Contempt Mind Body and the heaviness of heart break and ownership heart.
- the achievements of two owned Contempt Contempt Body and mind is at the heart and the mind possesses gently.
- On the necessity of owning two Contempt Contempt Body and mind is the heart and the mind possesses.
10) Demand Demand Body and Mind (Kayamudita - Cittamudita): 
As the soft soothing of the mind and the mind possesses. Two characteristics of this center is owned coarse and eradicate the opposition. As a piece of coarse skin after applying oil or water immersion becomes highly skilful (soft). Demand (Mudita) for treatment with ditthi (Dittha) and conceit (mana).
- Chon minister owns two Nhu Nhu body and calm mind is the software of the mind and the mind possesses.
- It is incumbent upon both property and Nhu Nhu My mind is limiting the hardness of the heart and the mind possesses.
- the achievements of two owned Nhu Nhu mind Body and mind are doing and catch sight of ownership interest with ease.
- Human need of two owned Nhu Nhu Tam's body and mind and the mind possesses.
11) Interest Than and Thich Tam (Kayakammannata - Cittakammannata): 
Words base Kamma + TA: adaptation. Suitable for all situations. As a piece of red-hot iron can be made into anything.
- Chon minister owns two Thich Thich Tam's body and leave an inappropriate way to work.
- It is incumbent upon both owned Thich Thich Tam's body and kill the stiffness of the heart and the mind possesses.
- The achievements of two owned Thich Thich Tam Body and appropriate way with the work of the heart and mind to gather property objects.
- on the necessity of owning two Thich Thich Tam's body and the mind and the heart ownership .
12) Pure Pure Body and Mind (Kayapagunnata - Cittapagunnata): 
As Finery proficient or maturity of mind and heart ownership. Special nature of this center is to own two eradicate delays (disease) of interest and ownership interest. As one worker may be skilled in all our areas of work in his profession.
- Chon owns two generals Chun Chun Body and Mind is no stagnation of the mind and the mind possesses.
- It is incumbent upon both owned Vegan and Vegan Mind Body is to eradicate mental stagnation and the ownership interest .
- the achievements of two owns Vegan and Vegan mind Body shuns way faults.
- on the necessity of owning two Pure Pure Body and mind is the appropriate way with the work of the mind and the mind possesses.
13) District and District Mind Body (Kayujjukata - Cittujjukata): 
As the uprightness of heart and mind owning. Two characteristics of this property is for the treatment of heart so evil crooked and ownership arises for them to be right feet. As a guideline to help travelers from astray.
- Chon of two owned Chief Minister and Chief Monkey Mind is the right feet, straight.
- It is incumbent upon the Chief owns two Body and Mind chief antidote is the so evil.
- The achievements of two owned Chief Body and Chanh Tam is right feet without deviation.
- Human need of two owned Chief and Chief Monkey mind is the mind and the mind possesses.
II. About Joint Ownership (Viratiyo) 
As the owner and close attention to prevent evil than those caused by physical and verbal.The owner of this with interest when they stop the evil observatory is now being (just born) and karma would prevent the birth. As with the police Supramundane top of karma.Property consists of three centers: 
1) Right Speech (Samma Vaca): 
As the words right feet, not uttering words, do not lie, do not say a piercing, not to say the two blades, do not say unkind words, do not say Italian language. 
2) Right Action (Samma Kammanta): 
As practice right feet, no killing, no stealing, no adultery. 
3) Right Livelihood (Samma Ajiva): 
As a way of raising life right feet, not sell poisons, alcohol, weapons, slaves and animals for killing. That is not due to physical and verbal culture evil network.
- Minister of the three ownership Chon Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood is not physical and verbal create evil.
- Three owned incumbent upon Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood is to prevent or to treat physical and verbal evil.
- the achievements of three owned Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are not created evil physical and verbal.
- Human need of three owned Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are the virtues of faith, Niem, Tam, Captain and sexual minorities.
III. Boundless Property Section (Appamanna) 
Are these beings owning peer view (thus, also known as the Victorian Property Section), irrespective of who the body, the enemy; also called unconscionable because the property is taken countless beings as objects. Rather, all four property: From (metta), compassion (karuna), Hy (Mudita) and socially (Upekkhā); but previously discussed equivalent proletarian From Administrative Affairs and Social equivalent should here mention only Bi and Hy only. 2 Ownership Center never appear simultaneously. 
1) compassion (karuna): 
Words Kar + una base means making the people of good heart quiver suffering beings.Special nature of Bi is the wish to eradicate the suffering of the people (Bi-performance devices being promoted Nhut GMT suffering).
- Chon minister wants to own is the way Bi eliminate the suffering of all beings.
- Bi incumbent upon the owner can not ignore the suffering of others.
- The achievements of Bi property is not pressed another being wasted.
- Human need is noticed owns Bi beings are suffering.
2) Hy (Depending Hy: Mudita): 
Words base Mud is the joy, fun and effective according to the human good fortune welfare of other beings.
- Hy Chon Minister of ownership according to the fruit of your happy beings.
- Hy owned incumbent is not envious of others.
- The achievements of Hy owner is satisfied with the evolution of other beings .
- On the necessity of owning Hy is being created and find happiness.
IV. Intellectual Property (Property Rights) (Pannindriya) 
As wisdom, understanding things right with the truth (of truth). Words base Pa: indecent + Na: Know. Ie know a decent way. Special nature of Wisdom is knowing the right as they really are. As dominate intellectual ignorance and accounting positions in understanding prevail so called Wisdom Rights.  According to legal Win  (Abhidhamma)  , the Tri  (Nana) , Hue  (Panna)  and Vo Si  (amoha)  synonymous.
Property rights in the interest of present and Tri is one of four vehicles to witness Shen Additional Information (Iddhipada), wisdom called the failure to find (Vimamsa). When concentration (samadhi) makes clear, Wisdom known as Dieu Tri (Abhinna). Wisdom is also one of seven Factors of Enlightenment (Sattabojjhanga) with the title of French Trach (dhammavicaya) and the Right (Sammaditthi) in the island to (Magganga). The ultimate wisdom of the Buddha's enlightenment. The wisdom in the absolute sense is understanding things as they really are in accordance with reason (anicca), suffering (dukkha) and anattā ().
- Chon minister Intellectual property is the ultimate understanding of the law minister feet.
- It is incumbent upon Intellectual property is the elimination of darkness, knows clearly, clearly.
- The achievements of Intellectual property is no confusion, no wrecked landscape infection.
- human need for intellectual property is Pure (Passadhi), smart volition and mind continue with a third birth.
Such property includes 52 heart is divided into 3 groups:

- I'd rather spend 13 Ownership (Annasamara cetasika). 
- 14 Property Immoral (akusala cetasika). 

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