(2) The practice To achieve satisfactory results, before lowering meticulously handmade, one must know his streak and then select one of the above titles, headings which suits our character to exercises. The identity of beings are divided into 6 categories:
Golf Nature (Dosacarito) of title proper is from, Bi, Joy, socially, Green, Yellow, Red, White.
Si nature (Mohacarito) of title is a legal right number.
Tin nature (Sanhacarito) of title Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, about, for, Good fit with the nature of faith seriously.
Awareness (Bunhicarito) of title proper case include: the concept of death, recite the first President, distinguished titles, headings of impure thoughts about food.
Range nature (Vitakkacarito), compatible with the legal title
Practitioners of meditation only if a time will be 5 treatment certificate (unseen location, location wins ):
- Turkish domination (Dibbasotadhatonana).
- Tha mind (Cetoparinnana).
- Additional network location (Pubbenivasanussatinnana).
- Hotel Samsara (Cutapapatannana).
Meditation is the practice of using observation intellectual everybody to see things clearly carried minister, an end other than negativity. If meditation is legal only to tame the mind of defilements, then meditation is dedicated to destructive measures, cessation of defilements . It also compares: if meditation is only handles the sickle meditation grass, the lawn; If meditation is just like standing tons fixings hands meditation is named; if meditation is only to prevent the meditation centromere is off heart sank. I wanted to practice meditation to know through seven measures pure (Xisuddhi). In the second method, the net loss of the first measures of meditation only, but after years of meditation methods. Purified seven measures are:
1) Gender (Silavisuddhi)
Practitioners must also observe the law (the precepts or eight precepts of the laity; gather your world of novices; 227 of monks) to be clean, the mind newly purified. 4 is pure sex:
- Income calculation you (Indriyasamvasrasilam): Using mindfulness to avoid negativity arise when the continental bases exposed ceilings.
- Chief About pure networks (Ajivaparisuddhi): lay not underhanded practice, the monk did not use the wrong way to suck the blood of believers.
- Quan General purity (Paccayasannissitasilam): purity thanks to four items to consider this item therefor day.
Practitioners meditate, when about to enter the (close to - Upacarasamadhi ), or when you enter the ( Appanarasamadhi ), the mind is quiet, quiet are the hindrances. Sub-law here is Nhat Hanh (Ekaggatacetasika). Translational center there are two:
- An Indication (Appanasamadhi) is the regulatory landscape or scene on the stand that practitioners used as a title for meditation.
3) By Purity (Ditthivisuddhi)
Practitioners use wisdom to consider well about people, animals, mine, ... to see them just because of the five aggregates or otherwise we just get together and Matter in which elements are excellent sources of fleeting phenomena, arising and disappearing under natural law, also known as the three generals (impermanence, suffering and no-self) and not-self , soul or particular individuals alone and unchanging. Practitioners even saw their cause is coordinated by four people in a past life (ignorance, craving, clinging and Industry) and the current is real objects (ahara), maintaining human life. Meditators also found unexplained measures arising of consciousness, as consciousness is being run by the four main causes are: scenery, characters, lighting and volition (attention). Consciousness ... have similar causes.
Pure Lust This analysis took Property List (Namarupaparicchedanana) is the first Property Insight 16 core measures do nothing, this is the kind of place knowledge split, analysis List Sac entity under (sabhava) right to the truth. They are called Knowledge Net as it purifies the body is (Sakkayaditthi) and down is (Attaditthi) of the practitioner.
4) Then Tinh Nghi (Kankhavitaranavisuddhi)
When meditators understand that the current is formed by the causes past and present will be the cause of the future. The work that is renewed continuously followed an infinite series. Meditators also know that repetition is only ended when the practitioner certification attained Arhat. Thanks to this understanding, he should no longer skeptical about the past, present and future, that state called net etiquette section. Next, he should contemplate that all the measures are predestined constitute (or compounded practice - Sankara -), is predestined start killing off there must be grace, it is the general rule for all called impermanence (anicca) that something is impermanent, then of course, suffering (dukkha) because the property does not have a real constant with time and space that is the phenomenon of non-self (soul). With that realization, the successful practitioner of ordinary skill (Sammasananana).
It took Duyen Tinh Dat Tue (Paccayaparigga hanana) is the second insight meditation Vipassana 16 core measures do nothing, this is the wisdom recorded received the support of the List Sac coast itself. They are called Tinh Nghi And because it helps the practitioner avoid eight doubts:
Dhamme Kankhati: Doubts about the teaching, kindness, the ability of the teaching.
Sanghe Kankhati: Doubts about the monks, about kindness and legal nature of monks.
Shikkhaya Kankhati: Doubts about school triangle, on triangle features and benefits of learning.
Pubbante Kankhati: Doubts about existing problems in the past.
Aparante Kankhati: Doubts about existing problems in the future .
Pubbantaparante Kankhati: Doubts about existing problems in both time past and future.
Idappaccayata Kankhati dhammesu paticcasamuppannesu ca: Doubts about the launch episode of dependent arising.
After a stop unless doubts about the past, present, future; practitioners continue contemplating the triangle law minister until suddenly itself emits light practitioner joys ... that's just disturbing that the practitioner must be overcome. 10 negativity that is:
France Hy (PITI).
President Xu (Passaddhi).
Winner (Adhimokkha).
Essential Need (Paggaha).
An Lac (Sukha).
Wisdom (Nana).
Inhibition Niem (Uppatthana).
Administrative Affairs (Upekkhā).
France Ai (Nikanti).
In the middle of Tuesday knowledge (Competence Insight - Sammasananana) and intellectual Wednesday (Birth Kills Tue - occurrence of udayabbayanàna) of 16 Insight is African Path Path called Pure Knowledge. Because of this knowledge helps the meditator two temporary escape from three binding measures (Gaha): Craving (Tanha), Maggie (Mana) and Knowledge (ditthi) in ten afflictions. At Birth Kills Tue soot also comb (weak - Tarunudayabbayanana), he should note the birth and death of the List Form when negativity (kilesa) arises, he should not cling, cuddle but consistently stronger pillars more, more, more clearly see the practitioner as being out of the list of so-called Path Distinguished African Path Pure Knowledge.
6) protoplanetary (Patipadananadassanvisuddhi - Pure Knowledge Highway Administration)
After the escape was 10 bother brain, practitioners continue to shop tam law minister (impermanence, suffering and non self). One will escape the three is approved mistake: Often thought, idea and Self great Lac; clearly seen on the arising and cessation of compounded, eventually will arise right knowledge, achieved attainment, enlightenment Nirvana. 10 th position is the chief:
Hotel Sanh Removal (Udayabbayannana)
7) Knowledge Net (Nanadassanavisuddhi)
the knowledge is pure sensory or intellectual insight helps leading practitioner eight knot is rid of ignorance by birth; eight knot is that:
Not aware that due Hy affinity (Nandi) that suffering arises.
Do not believe that Nirvana is the ultimate freedom from suffering.
Do not know that the Noble Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana .
do not know life before (any knowledge predecessor).
I wonder if the next life (no tri reincarnation).
do not know of rebirth, that this body merely created by parents and after death there is nothing too.
Do not know cause and effect in all.
- Practitioners clear that all beings are suffering, such as the elderly, the sick, death, grief and mournful, brain, ... dominated. The pain is due to the student's departure training; the sleeping the cessation of birth is legal, since the cessation of suffering; and only the Eightfold Path is the only path leading to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Huu was the start of the student file. Born there are 4 types: Ovum birth, Thai birth, low birth and Biochemistry. All four are due to secondary Friends episode is the start; Nirvana is the cessation measures Huu, from which cessation of birth; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Prime's launch episode of Being Human, Being there are 3 types: Education Organic, Organic Matter, and Formless Being; All 3 things that are made by the Prime's Friends episode's departure; Nirvana is the cessation prime method, which annihilated Friends; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Ai is the collective departure of Prime, Prime has 4 categories: Education Thu, ditthi Prime, and Ta About Prime and Prime ego; All 4 things that are made by Ai's Prime's launch episode; Nirvana is the cessation of craving measures, which Prime cessation; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Life is the collective start of Ai, Ai has 3 categories: charity, Huu Ai, and Africa Huu Ai; All 3 things that are due Tho Ai is the set start; Nirvana is the cessation of Life measures, which annihilated Ai; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Promotion is the collective start of Tho Tho Tho there is 5 minutes of suffering, Tho Lac Tho advantage, Hy and Tho Tho Commune; Life has 6 categories: Life, Turkish Tho Tho Rate, Really Tho, My Tho Tho and Italy; All 6 things that are due Promotion Tho is the starting set; Nirvana is the cessation Promotion measures, which annihilated Tho; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Luc Enter the file's start the Promotion, Promotion has 6 categories: Brand Promotion, Turkey Promotion, Promotion Rate, Damage Promotion, Promotion Body, Italian Promotion; Promoting all there are 6 things that's set by Luc Enter departure; Nirvana is the cessation measures Luc Enter, which annihilated Promotion;Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see list is the collective Sac launch the Import Clerk, Clerk Enter the conference is 12 origin, there are 6 types: Label Type, Turkey Type, Percentage enter, Damage Type, Body Type, Italy enter; All 6 things that are due to list Import Sac's episode is starting; Nirvana is the cessation measures Lust List, from which the Clerk Enter cessation; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see list is the collective Sac launch the Import List is Feeling, Perception, Action; Lust Lust are the four elements and four of Medicine University students. All this Lust List by collective human consciousness is starting; Nirvana is the cessation of consciousness approach, which annihilated List Sac; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see collective consciousness is the start of Lust List, here are 32 mind Waking mundane results and divided into 6 categories: cognitive, Turkey Soul, Billion Soul, practical, and Mind Body Soul; all are 6 things that consciousness is the collective departure from Action; Nirvana is the cessation Administrative measures, which annihilated consciousness; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Acts is the start of collective consciousness, Action 3 categories: deed, speech and mind; All 3 things that are due to ignorance Executive is the collective departure; Nirvana is the cessation of Ignorance measures, thereby Administrative cessation; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Ignorance is the launch of Action set, Ignorance has 4 categories: Real tri Suffering, No prophet Tap, Real and Real tri tri Extinction Knife; all of which are due to the ignorance Gonorrhea Or is the collective departure; Nirvana is the cessation measures Gonorrhea Or, since eradicated ignorance; Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners continue to observe, see Gonorrhea Or is the set of delusions. Or include 3 is smuggled illegal sex, property and Ants Gonorrhea Gonorrhea. Nirvana is the cessation of Gonorrhea Or legal. Eightfold Path is the path to Nirvana.
- Practitioners observe clearly the Four Noble Truths of Origination Twelve such as this you have achieved one of the four St. fruit, and after achieved attainment, onions the authors observe the negativity was passing, the director has seen results, this state is called Reactive Tri.
Reactive Tri (Paccavekkhananna) is the wisdom of saints enlightened goodness after attainment reconsider his results recently certified attained, the sleeping you just show enlightened and just watching his afflictions except.
- for the Tu-Da-Huon protest arises where, deeming than ants, Sceptic and Ta world for his defense completely destroyed has directed its full results attained, he was no longer convinced he will bear on woeful 4 (hell, Peta, Asura and Bang birth), after this life, will be reborn than 7 lives in the realm of sensuality.
- for you from-Da-Ham, when protest arose location, see the charity and for his Anger has decreased slightly, due to his religion has proven to be effective. After the present life, but to be reborn again in the heavenly realms.
- For A-Na-content of the protest arose place, deems charity and for his Anger completely destroyed due thanks their religion has attained results. After this life, will give birth to the realm of gender identity rather than return migration realms half-sphere.
- For You Arhat, when protest arose mind, he knows all the negativity as Sac loving, compassionate Immaterial, conceit, rooms booked, ignorance, ... for me this was totally eradicate, because thanks to his religion has attained results. The birth process is at an end because of dignity has been completed, the rewarding part, done.
It is the location of the protest saint mercy. However, there are also saints no mercy after seeing consistent results review defilements and afflictions police unless police have not been deducted.
It needs more here is the vipassana practitioner, must be based on conditions Minister of ordinary triangle (Tinilakkhanani) is impermanent, suffering, selflessness. Scoring first is intellectual Tri Competence Test (Sammasanananam).
Competence Test Site is wisdom consider the five aggregates (form, feeling, perception and volition, consciousness) under the laws of the three generals (impermanence, suffering and non-self ).
- aggregate, whether past, present, future, inside, outside, gross, subtle, glancing down, wins, excellent telecommunications, identity access, ... are Impermanence, Suffering brain and selflessness (is not me does not belong to us, is not my self).
- life aggregates, though sensations past or present, or did arise or not arise, inner life or outside, life expectancy and economic rough, ... are impermanent, suffering and non-self, non-self is located.
- Chiang aggregates, despite the current ideas, thoughts past, great future, a great inner part, idea exchange parts, raw ideas, economic ideas, thoughts glanced down, great wins, great access, great nightmare, ... are impermanent, suffering brain, Anatta.
- Administrative aggregates, although past practice, operating current, the hybrid operator, ... are impermanent, suffering and non-self.
- Waking aggregates, though past form, the present form, future informal, internal part knowledge, knowledge of foreign parts, ... are impermanent, suffering and non-self.
wisdom's preliminary vipassana practitioner is speculated above. However, the practitioner does not also have the ability to see clearly all three generals, so depending on each person's personality is divided into 3 categories depending on the shop.
- Impermanence Custom Shop (Aniccanupassana): Thanks to the wisdom that sees be the change, and extinction of Lust List; Here, we need to understand three nouns:
Impermanence minister: can show, the impermanence of nature status.
Impermanence depending shop: Wisdom recorded on two fronts.
Viparinama: change, change.
Tavakalika: Influenced by the time factor.
Niccapatikkhepa: No permanent nature.
Impermanence depending shop here are not mere things anniversary there is Birth Removal "must see clearly that the period birth passage, office, killed (especially stage kill) of the List Form
- Suffering brain Custom shop (Dukkhanupassana): here, he should note well that the five aggregates, whether in the circumstances, any state, always has an inherent nature of suffering. suffering that nature is divided into three sections:
* Infestation suffering (Viparinamadukkha) is suffering due to the continuous birth and death of Lust List. I hardly conscious of the suffering body sufferings (unpleasant body-consciousness), mental suffering (heart displeasure) because they potentially, does not stand out as a hot summer afternoon, a cool breeze blowing up makes them feel comfortable roof (relative optimism optimism arises mind), feeling uncomfortable because the heat is no longer half (relatives suffering mental suffering necrotic) but I do not feel pain because of disappearing because consciousness here enjoying stronger. For lost relatives (itself pleasant mode) communications center (heart by pleasure), we more easily recognized. As I take a shower during hot weather, cool water makes me feel good, after a bath, it was still hot, the feeling of pain continues to arise, we want to facile to repeat previous actions.
* Suffering ( Sankharadukkha): the continuity of the list being defeated Sac (though weal or woe) called act of suffering, it is a system arises, progress and decay of Lust List by conditions. Consciousness clear new austerity likely assume absolute basis rid of negativity.
Practitioners do thanks to consistent on Impermanence that are liberated, called Anonymous General Deliverance (Animittovimokkho); the practitioner was freed thanks to the consistency of Suffering brain called Anonymous Prayer Deliverance (Appanihitovimokkho); thanks to consistent practitioner selflessness that are liberated, called Khong Tanh Deliverance (Sunnatavimokkho).
Three methods of cultivation in the above are collectively referred to as the Three Deliverance Mon (Tinivimokkhamukkha). Do shop Impermanence, no longer accept that the minister should be liberated called Anonymous Mon General Deliverance; Suffering from Brain shop, no longer craving sensual which are liberated called Anonymous Mon Prayer Deliverance; by consistent selflessness, no longer accept self that was freed, known as the Exit Mon Khong Tanh.
1) Center director profile (Sotapattimagga).
Also known as Tu-Da-Huon religion, is enlightened mind, evident Niet table for the first time, like finding your way in the dark, there Fellowships lightning flashed help them identify their direction is correct. Therefore, for the Tu-Da-Huon position, as evident Nirvana, he no longer misconceptions about "this is me, this is my self, I am", ie passage Body kill ants (Sakkayaditthi). Because the truth is clearly seen, the belief this achievement any rotten ", no doubt for the three refuges, dependent origination, ... (Si Sceptic), ie this position is cynical paragraph fetters al (vicikiccha) and an end to all false views, not to preserve the ritual or the useless rules so evil half, which is the termination of this "obvious precepts" (Silabataparanana). When attainment Profile religion, you are called in Save (Sotapana) means entering Saint, will fluently Nirvana.
2) atrial religion (Sakadaganimagga).
Also known as Tu-Da-function Center Way, is full understanding mind, enlightened Niet- the second table, the center director mitigate afflictions two fetters: charity (Kamaraga) and Anger (Patigha). Achieving this guidance practitioner mind only to return half the worlds once only; therefore, also known as the first Save mind striker Tam Dao.
3) Tam Tam Dao (Anagamimagga).
also known as A-Na-function Center Way, is the realization of the sleeping mind a third time. this mind completely eradicate full two fetters: Love and Anger Education, whereby one will no longer be reborn in heavenly realms again (because human rebirth is charity worlds were consumed), should also call this center is Real Lai Tam Dao.
4) mind martyrdom (Arahattamagga).
Also known as a-La-Han Tao mind, is realized the sleeping mind an ultimate. The enlightened times before, for the practitioner, as the lightning flashed and then switch Poof. This fourth enlightened times, one is brightly expressed absolutely as the sun is up so dispel darkness.
Mind this direction all year except damage remaining fetters: Love Lust (Ruparaga), Ai Formless (Aruparaga) , conceit (mana), Reporters Dat (Uddhacca) and Ignorance (Ignorance).
Tam Dao
Tam Dao
II. Resultants transcendent
achievements mind because the mind is transcendent Truth. The Center was born to kill as soon as the center has direct, continuous without interruption even for a moment the mind.
The result of this state of mind is like directing mind, start a scene with a direct interest, except that the heart of this do not mind watching defilements as religion (when the heart is born to, the negativity was directed cessation centers). Corresponds to the center director, Center Supramundane results are divided into four centers:
1) Center Result (Sotapattiphalacittam)
Result Centre is divided into three categories:
Kolamhola: David continent Huon goodness, is the fruition of a human birth process from two to six lifetimes, will attained Arhat or other fruits.
Sattakkhatam: Most interior Huon goodness, this position is too delayed to Saturday will be attained lives Arhat or other fruits.
atrial kick is divided into five upset:
- Gods and favorable results are obtained Nhi Tu result, in the realm of Nibbana Devas.
- Two results obtained Practitioners in the heavenly realms, was born in the heavens and the results attained Quartet, the sleeping within her realm.
- Second devas results attained in heaven, born into the heavenly realms, attain the Four results, achieving Nirvana table in the heavenly realms.
- Two prime practitioner born in realms Gods result, end of life, being back in the heavenly realms, cultivate and attained the Four fruit to reach enlightenment in the sleeping worlds.
Tam Tam results are divided into five categories:
- Middle Huon original estate: Three practitioners after seeing results in heavenly realms was born in realms Retreat Ngu Thien, and will continue to practice evidence Arhat fruit in half-life and older. Ngu Thien realms Retreat includes five worlds, one during practice according to the development units will re-born into one of the planes that.
Tonne basis will be born in the realm strong heat Unknown God (Atappa) lifespan of 2000 eons.
Based concept will be born in the realm strong bias Thien (Sudassi) life eons 4000.
Concentration units will be born in the realm strong Thien Thien time (Sudassa) life eons 8000.
Hue base will be born in the realm strong Rescue Sac Telescope (Akanittha) lifespan is 16000 eons.
- Countless estate executive board Huon: This position is full healthy overweight, onions religion attained Arhat easily without much effort (Asankharaparinibbayi).
- Being Real Huon Executive Committee: this position is weak base should heal very diligently to elect Arhat (Sasankharaparinibbayi).
- Shanghai Real Huon repetition: this position is too weak fresh root, to be born into the realm of the Five pure lowermost apartment, end of life and living life to the higher realms of the five net migration, every practice like that until five pure realms live out of 5 new residents attained Arhat, enlightenment Nirvana.
4) Four fruit Center (Arahattaphalacittam)
Tu Tam results are divided into three categories:
- Four unicorn result: the ranks themselves and completely practiced by enlightened practice Paramitayana 20 degrees. This position does not have the ability to express the Dharma to sentient beings.
- Tu Giac Sravaka results: Career is fully enlightened by listening and practicing under the guidance of the Awakened. Practice Paramitayana 10 degrees. After his enlightenment the sleeping results potentially enlightened beings contract the sleeping results.
When Wisdom religious practitioner if concentration levels have reached any kind of meditation in Zen bothered until just then achieved attainment, one also such interest level.
For example, the practitioner has attained triangle meditation, when meditation, show enlightened nirvana, attained preliminary guidance, the Admin Center was directed triangle directed meditation, the mind also has range, Sichuan.
for he has not yet obtained the meditation levels, the results will be considered as direct equivalent of people who obtained the meditation.
Although Super Center that is divided by 5 is just so frustrating meditation per chi meditation, but the mind and heart directed results here there is the sleeping subjects rather than the practice of meditation topics only.
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