Monday 25 May 2015

Lives in life, we all have those suffering pain, more or less. Because my body is suffering pain, anger is pain, grief and suffering ... There are many factors that make us suffer, but in the final suffering comes from yourself. Happiness is itself in the middle of suffering Suffering is a truism. No one can deny that truth (Suffering). Anyone, anywhere in this world, even where we have more money, degree, status or authority still afflicted, suffering dominates. Because when we do not recognize and transform the seeds of anger, greed, sorrow, worry, fear, jealousy, blame ... in the land of his mind, it would be disturbing rope tied forced and false history. However, happiness or misery absence is also a truth (Anti soles); if we see clearly the events occurring in our body and mind in the present circumstances the state clearly, objectively and honestly, the suffering will not have a chance to manifest. So, in the Sutta, the Buddha taught: "... This, monks, here monks live body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to overcome covetousness in life; Life expectancy on the live bar, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to overcome covetousness in life; live bar consciousness and enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to overcome covetousness in life; customary law on the legal life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to overcome covetousness in life ... "(Majjhima I). Heat or ardent mind here, not the effort, the effort of the but our ambition is not just lazy or not paying attention superficially observing the object is. Mindfulness is the reality we are not forgotten or swayed according to Chen, but always facing his own body and mind. Awareness is the insight of clarity, objectivity, honesty is not obscured by the command of mind or perspective, subjective thoughts. So, 'enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to tame covetousness life "means just see clearly the events are happening in your body and mind as well as the current situation, and we fully present to itself. Show how that situation, then we recognize that the same thing, and not embellishing, or removal of nothing, I will not be greed, hatred and delusion bondage. In fact, suffering comes only when the mind entangled objects, or have ideas you want to exclude objects. And vice versa, when we come into contact with the circumstances, but merely noted only, without giving into the possessive or eliminate, the suffering will not have the facility to arise. The disease is our greatest wish to possess what he thinks is good, and escape or oppose what they dislike. These are causes of suffering, suffering. Because we try to seek to get something, then fall into greed. When her wish and desire that, but that dream is accomplished, it will be present suffering (dukkha sudden demand). And when we try to exclude what is present in the present, but I felt uncomfortable, then that is center field. And if we want to eliminate them, but no, it is also suffering (resentment chapter format). Thus, in everyday life, when I fell into this situation, the two will be obstacles and insecurity. So, the reason we are suffering detention, bondage is due not so marked as the uprising of it. In fact, when in his heart arises a boring idea, I just see clearly and correctly call its name alone is enough. Sad Hello, how are you lately? Invite friends sat down to drink tea with me. Or when the mind arises the notion anger someone, then I also see clearly and correctly call its name. Anger Hello, you to find me that? If your reception and courteous with suffering, then there is nothing to worry about. When we live in peace, dear and good treatment with suffering, then there is nothing strange anymore but fear or flee. Like during the war, soldiers climb the hill day and night, wading streams, forests ice uphill struggle. Eating cold rice, drinking river water, sleeping among the trees, under the cold rain and they did not know I was going to die when bombs bullet chaos. After the end of war, the soldiers that were returning to the village to be peaceful, then even if the economic life of how much trouble they matter, and had nothing to do than when you were in the field, because he had been living with the pain and learned a lot of experience from suffering. Therefore, sometimes suffering is not necessarily bad things must be eliminated, but it is the master taught us to find out the value of happiness. Like the other lotus flowers, the reason it was so beautiful and fragrant, thanks from the foul fishy mud that. Actually, the resistance or response to objects, is because of my ego get in . As for the French, it has always operated in accordance with its causal processes. The reason there is something happening, which is due to several causes have been created from the past, and now it formed. For example, when we come into contact with a person, and do not know any reason that they slander, scold me. Normally, I will respond back to justify the truth, or are they a match I will scold wreak heart, because the crime of slander. However, such action can not resolve and bring harmony to both sides, but sometimes hatred piled up more. In this case, we just need to calmly and clearly identify those feelings arise in our body and mind is enough. When the mind is calm, then we will find out all the roots of the problem. First, they say the wrong word for the truth and not be cute, that is, that man is suffering. Also, people who have peace and happiness, they never say negative words to cause suffering to anyone. Second, people do not know to use cute words are ignorant. Do not be wise minds, should they behave in paths of ego resistance. The rest is due to the weakness in his place. By having many before, they told us a few sentences is not cute, and only occurs in only five minutes, but his anger that embraces the whole day, so that our appetite, sleep is not yen. We truly are a fool, always be circumstances outside fool and wrong use. And our happiness, almost it depending on the circumstances; if they meet the job goes well, cute, we happily happy, whereas the suffering we see that all the happiness and sadness, yearning, anger, intelligence, morality ... that's all people, not dedicated or priority for anybody. So, why when people angry, I did not agree? I want other people to treat just nice, cute with myself, what could be. Because sometimes we also use anger, discomfort to treat them of that! In fact, in every human heart is full, negative thoughts and positive. But, with a calm spirit and know how to use it wisely is beauty, beauty to treat each other. Also, people who live in ignorant oblivion, it depends on the context in which happy or sad. So, when the mind is calm and clear the face of suffering, then we diminish or end suffering. And vice versa, we live in illusion, delusion, the suffering will then bind. Therefore, we have permanent recognition of what is happening in our body and mind and the current circumstances a clear, objective and honest with itself. I do not mind imposing explore and distort reality in view of her that, but just quietly observe the birth and death, change of law only, peace and true happiness will be manifested. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/5/2015.

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