Monday, 18 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
--- O0o ---
Episode  4



THIRD 27-5


K Article Poetry! Tathagata for four contemplative corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; with four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for four contemplative corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with four immeasurable, four feet as the formless corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. As a hybrid of four such contemplative corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with four limitless, formless four statutory nature corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet for four contemplative such as the appropriate, is not such that corresponds; with four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as the four contemplative corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with four immeasurable, four feet as the formless corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata four legal nature of such contemplative corresponds, not such corresponds; with four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata four legal nature of such contemplative corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with four limitless, formless four statutory nature corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to leave four contemplative corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; to leave the four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave four contemplative corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave the four immeasurable, four feet as the formless corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave four such contemplative corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the four immeasurable, formless four statutory nature corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as to leave four contemplative corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; to leave the four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as to leave four contemplative corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave the four immeasurable, four feet as the formless corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such leave four corresponds contemplative, is not such that corresponds; to leave the four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such four contemplative corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the four immeasurable, formless four statutory nature corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to liberate such eighth respectively, was not such that corresponds; Made with eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, nor ten variables corresponds land, neither did the appropriate. Tathagata to liberate eight feet as such corresponds, is not such that corresponds, with eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten feet land as variable corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to liberate eight such corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds, with eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata eight feet for liberation such as the appropriate, is not such that corresponds; Made with eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, nor ten variables corresponds land, neither did the appropriate. Tathagata eight feet like the feet of liberation as such corresponds, not such corresponds; Made with eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet land as variable corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata eight legal nature of such liberation corresponds, not such corresponds; Made with eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, nor ten variables corresponds land, neither did the appropriate. Tathagata eight legal nature of such liberation corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Made with eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turns of origin nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to leave the eight freed corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; to leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, nor ten variables corresponds land, neither did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave the eight freed corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet land as variable corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave the eight award corresponds thoatphap such nature, not such corresponds; to leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turns of origin nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as to leave the eight freed corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; to leave the land thabf eight, nine minutes submitted to, nor ten variables corresponds origin, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet leave the eight freed as such corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet land as variable corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such leave corresponds eight liberation, not of such relative; to leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, nor ten variables corresponds land, neither did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such eighth liberation corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with left eight wins cents, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for such four cylinder concept that corresponds, to such channg corresponds; with four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble nor the appropriate details, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata on four cylindrical feet as such conception corresponds, not such corresponds; with four main sections to eight feet as noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata on four pillars concept corresponds no legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with four main sections to eight noble expenditure nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet such as the four pillar concept corresponds, not such corresponds; with four main sections to eight noble nor the appropriate details, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as the four pillar concept corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with four main sections to eight feet as noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such four cylinder concept that corresponds, not such corresponds; with four main sections to eight noble nor the appropriate details, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of the legal nature of such four cylinder concept that corresponds, not such corresponds; with four main sections to eight noble expenditure nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for such leave four cylinder concept that corresponds, such corresponds; to leave the four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave office four feet as the appropriate concept, is not such that corresponds; with left main four sections to eight feet as noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave four cylinder concept corresponds no legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with left main four to eight segments for noble details nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as the four left the office not the appropriate concept, is not such that corresponds; with left main four to eight segments for noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as to leave four cylinder concept corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with left main four sections to eight feet as noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such four cylinder concept that corresponds, not such corresponds; with left main four to eight segments for noble expenditure corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal nature of such four cylinder concept that corresponds, not such corresponds; with left main four to eight segments for noble details nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for not freeing the appropriate disciplines such, was not such that corresponds; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer corresponds neither subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for liberation not as such subject that corresponds to his feet, nor did the appropriate; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer as neither subjects corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for not freeing the appropriate subjects such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer nor subject corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata stay tuned as the subjects did not rescue corresponds, not such corresponds; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer corresponds neither subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as to not extricate such subjects as the appropriate feet, is not such that corresponds; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer as neither subjects corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata no legal nature of such subjects corresponds liberation, not of such corresponds; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer corresponds neither subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata not extricate legal nature of such subjects corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with the formless, infinite deliverance prayer nor subject corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata on such subjects leave no liberation corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer corresponds neither subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave no deliverance such subjects as the appropriate feet, is not such that corresponds; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer as subjects nor the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave no liberation corresponds subjects such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer nor subject the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as to leave no liberation corresponds such subjects, not such corresponds; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer corresponds neither subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as to leave no deliverance such subjects as the appropriate feet, is not such that corresponds; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer as subjects nor the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such leave is not the appropriate technical rescue, nor did the appropriate; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer corresponds neither subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature to leave no liberation corresponds subjects such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer nor subject the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for such labels corresponds year, nor did the appropriate; with six Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for years labeled as such corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate; with six feet as Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. As a hybrid of nature such measures in the appropriate labels, not such corresponds; with six spiritual powers nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet such as those in the appropriate labels, not such corresponds; with six Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet as such in the appropriate labels, not such corresponds; with six feet as Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did similar. Tathagata legal nature of such labels corresponds year, nor did the appropriate; with six Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata year legal nature of such labels corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with six spiritual powers nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for such leave in the appropriate labels, not such corresponds; with removable six Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. As for leaving five hybrid label corresponds feet as such, are not such that corresponds; with removable six feet as Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave in the appropriate labels such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Kabbalah with six left nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet such as those left in the appropriate labels, not such corresponds; with removable six Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet as such leave in the appropriate labels, not such corresponds; with removable six feet as Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such labels in the appropriate leave, nor did the appropriate; with removable six Kabbalah corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal nature of the label, there corresponds, not such corresponds; Kabbalah with six left nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata Buddha for ten such force that corresponds, not such corresponds; with four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha to ten feet as such the appropriate force, is not such that corresponds; with four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community as neither corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha for ten such force that corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata Buddha ten feet of power such as the appropriate, is not such that corresponds; with four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha ten feet like the feet as such the appropriate force, is not such that corresponds; with four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community as neither corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha ten legal nature of such power that corresponds, not such corresponds; with four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha legal nature of such nature ten corresponds legally, did not like; with four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata Buddha left for the appropriate salt such forces, nor did the appropriate; with no base left four lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha rroi to ten feet as such the appropriate force, is not such that corresponds; with no facility to leave four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community as neither the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha to leave ten such force that corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with no facility to leave four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata Buddha to leave ten such force that corresponds, not such corresponds; with no facility to leave four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha left feet like ten feet as such the appropriate force, is not such that corresponds; with no facility to leave four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community as neither corresponds feet. Tathagata Buddha left the legal nature of such power that corresponds to ten, is not such that corresponds; with no facility to leave four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Buddha left the legal nature of such nature salt corresponds legally, is not such that corresponds; with no facility to leave four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
     Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for furniture such measures corresponds vain, nor did the appropriate; with character constants nor the appropriate discharge office, nor did the appropriate. Legal Tathagata vain for such losses as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate; with character constants nor cylindrical discharge as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Legal Tathagata vain for such loss corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with cylinder exhaust every legal nature nor the appropriate character, not such corresponds. Tathagata feet like furniture such measures corresponds vain, nor did the appropriate; with character constants nor the appropriate discharge office, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet of such measures such vain corresponds loss, nor did the appropriate; with character constants nor cylindrical discharge as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such measures corresponds to ventricular vain, nor did the appropriate; with character constants nor the appropriate discharge office, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of the legal nature of such legal vain corresponds loss, nor did the appropriate; with cylinder exhaust every legal nature nor the appropriate character, not such corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for left ventricular such measures corresponds vain, nor did the appropriate; left the office with character constants nor the appropriate discharge, not such corresponds. Tathagata for left ventricular legal vain corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; left the office with character constants nor discharged as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for left ventricular legal vain did the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds; left the office with character constants nor exhaust the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet like the feet left ventricular legal vain as such corresponds, not such corresponds; left the office with character constants nor discharged as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such measures corresponds to ventricular vain, nor did the appropriate; left the office with character constants nor the appropriate discharge, not such corresponds. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal nature of such legal vain corresponds loss, nor did the appropriate; left the office with character constants nor exhaust the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for not necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; Hotel director general, nor necessarily the appropriate place minister, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata on feet as such necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; General director position, feet position as minister necessarily corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for such legal nature necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; Hotel director general, necessarily general nor place the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as to not necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; Hotel director general, nor necessarily the appropriate place minister, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet as such necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; General director position, feet position as minister necessarily corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata necessarily legal nature of such position corresponds, not such corresponds; Hotel director general, nor necessarily Minister respective location, not such corresponds. Tathagata legal nature of such legal nature necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; Hotel director general, necessarily general nor place the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for leave not necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; to leave the site director general, nor necessarily the appropriate place minister, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave his feet as such necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; with director generals left position, feet position as minister necessarily corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata hungry not necessarily place the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the place religion minister, mind necessarily Minister nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as to leave not necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; to leave the site director general, nor necessarily the appropriate place minister, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left feet like the feet as such necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; General director position, feet position as minister necessarily corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata necessarily leave the legal nature of such position corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave the site director general, nor necessarily the appropriate place minister, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such legal nature necessarily the appropriate place, not such corresponds; to leave the place religion minister, mind necessarily Minister nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for all disciplines such momentum that corresponds la ni, not such corresponds; with all ma tam place nor the appropriate subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for all technical momentum ni la corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with all ma tam address such subjects nor the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for all technical momentum ni la such corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with all subjects tam ma place nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as for all subjects such momentum that corresponds la ni, are not such that corresponds; with all ma tam place nor the appropriate subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as a mandala for all subjects ni corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with all ma tam address such subjects nor the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature for all disciplines such momentum that corresponds la ni, not such corresponds; with all ma tam place nor the appropriate subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for all technical momentum ni la such corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with all subjects tam ma place nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to leave all such technical momentum corresponds ni la, is not such that corresponds; with loose all ma tam place nor the appropriate subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave all technical momentum ni la corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave all subjects tam ma place as neither the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for ni la All this corresponds subjects such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave all subjects tam ma place nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as to leave all such technical momentum corresponds la ni, are not such that corresponds; with loose all ma tam place nor the appropriate subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as to leave all technical momentum ni la corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave all subjects tam ma place as neither the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature to leave all such technical momentum corresponds la ni, are not such that corresponds; with loose all ma tam place nor the appropriate subject, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature to leave all technical momentum ni la such measures corresponds apart, not such corresponds; to leave all subjects tam ma place nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to save such project corresponds, not such corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for a Stream that corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to take up the appropriate legal nature such, is not such that corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet store such as for the appropriate project, not such corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as the expected flow corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. As hybrid legal nature of such a Stream that corresponds, not such corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata The legal nature of such burners corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with the First Hybrid, No refund, Arhat nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to save such leave corresponds project, not such corresponds; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave a Stream that corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave such a Stream that corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat is not the appropriate legal nature, such corresponds, not such corresponds. Tathagata feet to leave the project as such the appropriate note, nor did the appropriate; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet leave the project as such the appropriate note, is not such that corresponds; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such flow corresponds project, not such corresponds; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such a Stream that corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Most hybrids with leaves, Real finished, Arhat is not the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to save directions Provision Provision corresponds burners such results, nor did the appropriate, is not such that corresponds; Best crossbred hybrids with fruit First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat direction corresponds neither fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to save directions Provision Provision note such results as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate; Best crossbred hybrids with fruit First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat direction feet as a result corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to attend a Stream flow direction corresponds fruit such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Most breeders crossbred with fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat Arhat fruit direction nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as the expected flow direction corresponds to a Stream such results, is not such that corresponds; Best crossbred hybrids with fruit First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat direction corresponds neither fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as the flow direction of a Stream The result corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; Best crossbred hybrids with fruit First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat direction feet as a result corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata The legal nature of a Stream flow direction corresponds to such effect, nor did the appropriate; Best crossbred hybrids with fruit First, Real completely finished moving against results, Arhat Arhat direction corresponds neither fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to save directions Provision Provision note such results corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Best crossbred hybrids with fruit First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat fruit direction nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to leave the expected flow direction corresponds to a Stream such results, is not such that corresponds; Best left Best crossbred with hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, A la direction A Luo Han Guo corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to save directions Provision Provision leave note such results as the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate; Best left Best crossbred with hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat instruction manual A Luo Han Guo as neither the appropriate feet, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to save directions Provision Provision bulk up the appropriate results such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Best left Best crossbred with hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat Arhat fruit direction nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet to leave the project as a Stream flow direction corresponds to such effect, nor did the appropriate; Best left Best crossbred with hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat Arhat direction corresponds neither fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet to leave the project as a Stream flow direction corresponds fruit feet as such, is not such that corresponds; Most left the future direction for future work, No refund No refund fruit direction, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Best left Best crossbred with hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat Arhat direction feet as a result corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of a Stream The flow direction corresponds to such effect, nor did the appropriate; Most leave crossbred with hybrid fruit First, Real completely user Real complete the appropriate nor effective, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of a Stream The flow direction corresponds fruit such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Best left Best crossbred with hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat Arhat fruit direction nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for combining such Ðộc corresponds, not such corresponds; with unicorn unicorn guide corresponds such results, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for Ðộc sense corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with unicorn unicorn direction feet as result corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. As a hybrid of nature such Ðộc the appropriate legal sense, is not such that corresponds; with fruit unicorn unicorn direction nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet such as the unicorn corresponds, not such corresponds; with unicorn unicorn direction corresponds neither fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet as such Ðộc the appropriate sense, is not such that corresponds; with unicorn unicorn direction feet as result corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Ðộc legal nature of such sensory corresponds, not such corresponds; with unicorn unicorn direction corresponds neither fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Ðộc legal nature of such sensory corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with fruit unicorn unicorn direction nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for such leave corresponds Ðộc sense, is not such that corresponds; with sense and read the longitudinal direction corresponds sense nor fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave feet feeling like such Ðộc corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave the user feeling Ðộc Ðộc feet as result corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to sense and read the appropriate measures such nature, not such corresponds; to leave the user feeling Ðộc Ðộc sense nor result corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as such for the appropriate sensory and read, nor did the appropriate; with sense and read the longitudinal direction corresponds sense nor fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet as such and read the appropriate sense, is not such that corresponds; to leave the user feeling Ðộc Ðộc feet feeling like fruit that corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such leave corresponds Ðộc sense, is not such that corresponds; with sense and read the longitudinal direction corresponds sense nor fruit, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal nature of such Ðộc the appropriate sense, is not such that corresponds; to leave the user feeling Ðộc Ðộc sense nor result corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to slap such Bodhisattva corresponds Ma ha, is not such that corresponds; Tam tam with a Buddha Miao corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; Tam tam with a Buddha Miao feet as corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva corresponds no legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Tam tam with a Buddha Miao was not the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; Phat Tam Mieu triangle corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with Tam tam Buddha Miao selected as the appropriate neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Bodhisattva legal nature of such slapped corresponds Ma ha, is not such that corresponds; Tam tam with a Buddha Miao corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Bodhisattva legal nature of the legal nature of such slapped Ma ha corresponds, not such corresponds; Tam tam with a Buddha Miao was not the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to leave Bodhisattva corresponds Ma ha slap such, is not such that corresponds; to leave Tam tam Buddha Miao corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata to leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds no legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Tam Mieu left triangle with a Buddha nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as to leave such Bodhisattva corresponds Ma ha slap, not such corresponds; to leave Tam Mieu buddhas triangle corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Bodhisattva left feet like the feet slapped Ma ha as such corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave Tam tam Buddha Miao selected as the appropriate nor, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave Tam Mieu buddhas triangle corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; Tam Mieu left triangle with a Buddha nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! As for legal Lai Ma ha slap such Bodhisattva corresponds, not such corresponds; the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. For legal Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped feet as such corresponds, not such corresponds; Countless thuongh with Bodhi College District as neither corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate. As for legal Lai Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva corresponds such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; the Supreme Chief Bodhi class nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as the Bodhisattva measures such slapped corresponds Ma ha, is not such that corresponds; the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet as the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap method as such corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate; the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Legal nature of the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva corresponds Ma ha slap such, are not such that corresponds; the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Legal nature of the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the appropriate measures such nature, not such corresponds; the Supreme Chief Bodhi class nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! To leave the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva corresponds Ma ha slap such, is not such that corresponds; to leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. To leave the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. To leave the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds such legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet to leave the law as Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped corresponds not, neither did the appropriate; roiVo upper class with Bodhi Chief corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet to leave the law as Bodhisattva ma ha corresponds slapped feet as such, is not such that corresponds; to leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal Bodhisattvas such slapped Ma ha corresponds, not such corresponds; to leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal Bodhisattvas such Ma ha slapped the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds; to leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class nor the appropriate legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata for bar text that corresponds to such excess, is not such that corresponds; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for Sravakas surplus corresponds feet as such, is not such that corresponds; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata for Sravakas such excess corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with sensory excess Supreme Ðộc excess corresponds neither legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet such as for bar text that corresponds to excess, neither did the appropriate; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet as such excess Sravakas corresponds, not such corresponds; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata legal nature of such excess corresponds bar text, nor did the appropriate; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata Sravakas legal nature of such excess corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! Tathagata to leave the bar text that corresponds to such excess, is not such that corresponds; with redundancy and read sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave the bar text as such surplus corresponds feet, nor did the appropriate; with redundancy and read sense, Supreme surplus corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata to leave the bar text such excess corresponds legal nature, is not such that corresponds; with redundancy and read sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither legal nature, is not such that corresponds. Tathagata feet as the left bar text that corresponds to such excess, is not such that corresponds; with redundancy and read sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata feet like the feet leave the bar text as such the appropriate successor, was not such that corresponds; with excess Ðộc sense, Supreme surplus corresponds feet as neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of such excess corresponds bar text, nor did the appropriate; with redundancy and read sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither, nor did the appropriate. Tathagata left the legal nature of the legal nature of such excess Sravakas corresponds, not such corresponds; with redundancy and read sense, Supreme surplus corresponds neither legal nature, is not such that corresponds.
Kieu Thi Ca! The venerable relic other Tzu said that powers of the Tathagata, for all measures not glass, not once, not that corresponds, not such corresponds. Tathagata is a shelter because no shelter that provides shelter do so.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=19/5/2015.

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