Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang 
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Episode  5
Book First 119

First Assembly
Is the amount of Germany

Thursday 30-17

Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable feet as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, university ball, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate? Khanh Hy! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because nature feet as not, the Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible second to none as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen measures Buddha no community? Khanh Hy! France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible; whatever nature until the legal world not incredible world. Wherefore? For nature France, until any instructions not incredible, the Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate not two, not Thus two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring incomparable feet as do all means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, contemporary from, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal services.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable feet as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, interior vain legal practice, every cylinder exhaust nature? Khanh Hy! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because nature feet as not, the law vain Furniture, office qualities constant discharge not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible second to none as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, interior vain legal practice, every cylinder exhaust nature? Khanh Hy! France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible; whatever nature until the legal world not incredible world. Wherefore? For nature France, until any instructions not incredible, and legal vain Furniture, office qualities constant discharge not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring incomparable feet as do all means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, legal practice in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable feet as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, location necessarily practice, general director position, position necessarily general? Khanh Hy! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because nature feet as not, necessarily the same location, location director generals, generals necessarily incomparable location, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible second to none as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, location necessarily practice, general director position, position necessarily general? Khanh Hy! France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible; whatever nature until the legal world not incredible world. Wherefore? For nature France, until any instructions not incredible, and omniscience, director general location, not necessarily generals two position, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring incomparable feet as do all means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, location necessarily practice, general director position, position necessarily general.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable feet as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects? Khanh Hy! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because nature feet as not, with all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible second to none as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects? Khanh Hy! Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life; incense gender identity, gender and contact billion billion exposure, exposure rate do not grace born of life. Wherefore? Because incense gender identity, gender and percentage share contacts, share contacts do not grace born of life, with all the momentum la ni subjects, all subjects tam ma place not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring incomparable feet as do all means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable feet as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, unfortunate practice Bodhisattva Ma ha slap? Khanh Hy! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because nature feet as not, the bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible second to none as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, unfortunate practice Bodhisattva Ma ha slap? Khanh Hy! France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible; whatever nature until the legal world not incredible world. Wherefore? For nature France, until any instructions not incredible, the bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring incomparable feet as do all means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel Hotel, practiced bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable feet as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, class practice Chief Supreme Bodhi? Khanh Hy! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because nature feet as not, the Supreme Chief of the Bodhi other unique class, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible second to none as a means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice Supreme Bodhi College District? Khanh Hy! France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible; whatever nature until the legal world not incredible world. Wherefore? For nature France, until any instructions not incredible, the Supreme Chief of the Bodhi other unique class, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring incomparable feet as do all means, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice Supreme Bodhi College District.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and generosity, pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most unique, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, Multi paramitas uncivil? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most unique, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative , uncivil paramitas majority.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, not remain internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, win means no, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very warped, not nature, not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, wealth emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness indefinite nature itself? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and not remain internal, so no other indefinite nature nature not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, not remain internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great , means not winning, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, no self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained , infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness indefinite nature itself? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because religion does not destroy nature collective, and not remain internal, so no other indefinite nature incomparable nature, no two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, not remain internal, until very nature self-emptiness.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel Hotel, dwells feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no variation emptiness, emptiness equality, glass of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and his feet are like the world to any other incredible unique, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel Hotel, dwells feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and feet as to any other gender incredible unique, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, his feet remain as to any instructions incredible.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, file format destroy religion remain Truths? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and religion remain Removal samudaya Truths not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, anti religion remain samudaya Truths? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and religion remain samudaya Truths kill not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, anti religion remain samudaya Holy Roman Emperor.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, four contemplative practice, four immeasurable, the four formless? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and four contemplative, four immeasurable, incomparable to the four formless, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, four contemplative practice, four immeasurable, the four formless? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and four contemplative, four immeasurable, incomparable to the four formless, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, contemplative practice four, four immeasurable, the four formless.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, eight cultivate detachment, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables Origin? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Noble Truths, the eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables unique origin, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, eight cultivate detachment, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables Origin? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables unique origin, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten Made variable.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces , seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Noble Truths, the four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, in force, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and the four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five apartments , in force, seven class enlightenment, eight noble limbs.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, not liberating practice subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects willingly? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and not liberated subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects vow not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, professional practice not freed, liberated subjects formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because religion does not destroy nature collective, and not deliverance subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects vow not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, the practice is not liberated subjects, formless liberation disciplines, numerous prayer solutions Escape goal.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice five labels, six spiritual powers? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, with five labels, six supernormal not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice five labels, six spiritual powers? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because religion does not destroy nature collective, label the same year, six supernormal not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice five labels, six spiritual powers.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Noble Truths, the Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, contemporary from, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and Buddhist ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, the ten Buddhist practice, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal services.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, interior vain legal practice, every cylinder exhaust nature? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and vain interior law, every cylinder exhaust unique nature, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, interior vain legal practice, every cylinder exhaust nature? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because religion does not destroy nature collective, interior and legal vain, every cylinder exhaust unique nature, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, legal practice in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, location necessarily practice, general director position, position necessarily general? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and omniscience, general director position, necessarily general incomparable location, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, location necessarily practice, general director position, position necessarily general? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and omniscience, director general location, location not necessarily general two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily location location, location necessarily practice, general director position, position necessarily general.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects? Khanh Hy! Noble Truths, Truths tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, unfortunate practice Bodhisattva Ma ha slap? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, and Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap happy there not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate location location, unfortunate practice Bodhisattva Ma ha slap? Khanh Hy! Set Removal noble religion Truths, Truths nature not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because the collective nature not destroy religion, and happy slapping the other ha Bodhisattva Ma incomparable, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practiced bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy.
Venerable sir! Why bring incomparable suffering Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice Supreme Bodhi College District? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, the Supreme Chief Bodhi class not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring collective incomparable killing Truths religion as a means and the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, class practice Chief Supreme Bodhi? Khanh Hy! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor tanhkho not. Wherefore? Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, the Supreme Chief Bodhi class not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bring all suffering incomparable Holy Roman Emperor as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice Supreme Bodhi College District.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative , uncivil paramitas majority? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and giving, pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most unique, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing almsgiving , pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, multi paramitas uncivil? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, and charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most unique, so no two parts . Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent , contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, not remain internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, university no, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very warped, not nature, not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible acquisition no, no emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness indefinite nature itself? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and not remain internal, so no other indefinite nature unique nature, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, not remain internal , other not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very warped, not nature, not ideological, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, infinite emptiness conceit? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas not more, and not remain internal, so no other indefinite nature nature not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, not remain internal, until very nature self-emptiness.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel Hotel, dwells feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, Real warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and feet as to any other incredible unique world, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, his feet remain as , France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, and feet as to any other gender incredible unique, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, his feet remain as to any instructions incredible.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, file format destroy religion remain Truths? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and religion remain samudaya kill other Truths not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, remains samudaya Removal religion Truths? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, and religion remain samudaya kill other Truths not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, anti religion remain samudaya Holy Roman Emperor.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, four contemplative practice, four immeasurable, the four formless? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and four contemplative, four immeasurable, incomparable to the four formless, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing four static hesitated, four immeasurable, the four formless? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, and four contemplative, four immeasurable, incomparable to the four formless, so no two parts. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, contemplative practice four, four immeasurable, four formless regulations.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, eight cultivate detachment, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten Made variable? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables unique origin, so no two parts. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing eight award Escape, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, the eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables unique origin, so no two parts. eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable origin.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five apartments , in force, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, the same four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing four anniversary offices, four primary segments, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spent? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, the same four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, practicing four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit , five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble limbs.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, professional practice not freed, liberated subjects formless, infinite willingness Award Escape subject? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, and no deliverance subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects vow not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, the practice does not address Escape subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects willingly? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas not more, and not liberated subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects vow not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Hotel Hotel Necessarily, the practice is not liberated subjects, formless liberation disciplines, very willingly liberated subjects.
Venerable sir! Why alms paramitas brings unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means and wealth as a means to acquire Necessarily dedicate Hotel location, practice five labels, six spiritual powers? Khanh Hy! Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because nature paramitas alms no more, the same year the label, six supernormal not two, not two parts so. Venerable sir! Why bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas unparalleled multi-media work, the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice five labels , six spiritual powers? Khanh Hy! NET world, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; Nature pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas no more, the same year the label, six supernormal not two, not two parts so. Khanh Hy! Therefore it should say bringing paramitas of generosity have seen unparalleled as a means and the unborn as a means, as a means to acquire wealth dedicate Necessarily Hotel location, practice five labels, six spiritual powers.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/5/2015.

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