Monday, 18 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
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Episode  4



THIRD 27-3

K Article Poetry! Did not leave the eight freed rather be Tathagata, would not leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables rather be Tathagata origin. Did not leave the eight award is Tathagata thoatchon as pretty, and not leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet as quite variable origin is Tathagata. Did not leave the eight freed quite legal nature is Tathagata, would not leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables origin rather legal nature is Tathagata. There's quite liberating to leave eight feet is Tathagata like, would not leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables is Tathagata feet land quite like. Did not leave the eight freed rather be Tathagata legal nature, not leaving eight wins origin, filed nine animals to, land or sea salt rather is Tathagata legal nature. Did not leave freed eight feet like the feet rather is Tathagata like, would not leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet as quite variable origin is Tathagata feet like. Did not leave the eight freed quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the land of eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables origin rather legal nature is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not quite get the eight freed Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the eight freed. Was not Made for eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turns of origin rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin. Not in deliverance eight feet like quite the Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite up to eight feet as liberation. Was not Made for eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet as quite variable origin is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten feet as variable origin. Not in the eight freed quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the eight freed legal nature. Was not Made for eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables origin rather legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten legal nature variable origin. Did not quite get freed eight feet as Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite eight feet as liberation. Was not Made for eight wins, nine followers to, ten variables rather be Tathagata feet land as, and not in such pretty feet Tathagata eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin. Did not quite get the eight freed Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata eight freed. Was not Made for eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turns of origin rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin. Not in deliverance eight feet like the feet quite as Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite eight feet like the feet of such deliverance. Was not Made for eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten feet as quite variable origin is Tathagata feet as, nor in such pretty feet Tathagata eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten feet as variable origin. Not in the eight freed quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata freed eight legal nature. Was not Made for eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables origin rather legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten legal nature variable origin.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not leave the four cylinder concept rather be Tathagata, not leaving four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spending rather be Tathagata. Did not leave the office four feet as a concept rather is Tathagata, would not leave the main four to eight segments for noble details like pretty feet is Tathagata. Did not leave the four pillar concept is Tathagata quite legal nature, and not leave until eight four primary segments noble expenditure rather be Tathagata legal nature. Did not leave the four pillar concept is Tathagata feet quite like, and not leave until four primary segments rather be spending eight noble as Tathagata feet. Did not leave the four pillars rather be Tathagata concept legal nature, and not leave until four primary segments rather be spending eight noble legal nature Tathagata. Did not leave the office four feet as a concept rather is Tathagata feet like, would not leave the main four to eight segments for noble details like pretty feet is Tathagata feet like. Did not leave the four pillar concept is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, and not leave until eight four primary segments noble expenditure is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not quite get the four cylinder concept Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four pillars concept. Not in four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spending rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four main stages for eight noble limbs. Not in office four feet as a concept rather is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite been four feet as pillars concept. Not in four primary segments to eight feet as a rather noble expenditure is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four main stages to eight feet as noble expenditure. Not in four cylinder concept quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four cylinder concept legal nature. Not in four primary segments until eight noble spent quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four main stages to the path spend eight legal nature. Did not quite get the four pillar concept as Tathagata feet, not the Tathagata feet as a concept rather be four pillars. Not in four primary segments until eight noble spending quite as Tathagata feet, not the Tathagata feet as quite been four main stages for eight noble limbs. Did not quite get the four cylinder concept legal nature Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite legal nature are four pillar concept. Not in four primary segments until eight noble spending rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata main four to eight segments for noble limbs. Not in office four feet as a concept rather is Tathagata feet like, not in the Tathagata feet as a concept rather be four feet as pillars. Not in four primary segments until eight noble details like quite the Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet as quite been four main stages to eight feet as noble expenditure. Not in four pillar concept is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata four cylinder concept legal nature. Not in four primary segments until eight noble spent quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata main four to eight sections for detailed legal nature noble.
Kieu Thi Ca! There's no liberation keeper left quite be Tathagata, would not leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer is Tathagata subjects fairly. There's no liberation left feet as subjects rather be Tathagata, not to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer as subjects rather be Tathagata feet. There's no liberation keeper left quite legal nature is Tathagata, would not leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer rather be subject Tathagata legal nature. There's no liberation keeper left quite as Tathagata feet, not to leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer is Tathagata feet half as pretty. Did not leave no liberation is Tathagata disciplines rather legal nature, and not leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer is Tathagata disciplines rather legal nature. Did not leave no liberation as the goal rather is Tathagata feet like the feet, would not leave the formless, infinite willingness liberation as the goal rather is Tathagata feet like the feet. There's no liberation keeper left quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the formless, infinite deliverance prayer rather legal nature are subject Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Is not the goal of liberation not quite get the Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be no deliverance goal. Not in the formless, infinite subjects voluntarily liberation rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects. Is not the goal of liberation not as pretty is Tathagata feet, not in quite okay Tathagata feet as liberated subjects. Not in the formless, infinite deliverance prayers feet as subjects rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be formless, infinite feet as subjects voluntarily freed. Is not the goal of liberation not quite get Tathagata legal nature, not in the Tathagata quite okay deliverance legal nature subjects. Not in the formless, infinite deliverance prayer rather legal nature are subject Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be formless, infinite legal nature subjects deliverance prayer. Is not the goal of liberation not quite as Tathagata feet, not the Tathagata feet as subjects rather be no liberation. Not in the formless, infinite deliverance prayer is Tathagata feet pretty goal like, not in quite the Tathagata feet as formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects. Is not the goal of liberation not quite get Tathagata legal nature, not quite legal nature of Tathagata is not freed by. Not in the formless, infinite deliverance prayer is Tathagata disciplines rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects. Is not the goal of liberation not as pretty is Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet are not as pretty as liberated subjects' feet. Not in the formless, infinite willingness liberation as the goal rather is Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet as fairly be formless, infinite feet as subjects voluntarily freed. Not in deliverance not quite legal nature are subject Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the legal nature of Lai not extricate legal nature subjects. Not in the formless, infinite deliverance prayer rather legal nature are subject Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is formless, infinite legal nature subjects deliverance prayer.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not leave the label in quite the Tathagata, would not leave the six psychic rather be Tathagata. Such labels must leave five feet as pretty is Tathagata. Did not leave the label in quite Tathagata legal nature, not leaving six Kabbalah is Tathagata quite legal nature. Did not quite get left in labels such as Lai feet, six supernormal not leave quite as Tathagata feet. Did not leave the label in quite the Tathagata legal nature, not leaving six supernormal rather be Tathagata legal nature. Such labels must leave five feet like the feet rather is Tathagata like, not leaving six feet as Kabbalah is Tathagata feet quite like. Did not leave the legal nature of the label rather is Tathagata legal nature, not leaving six Kabbalah is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in the label rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the year label. Not in six supernormal rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the six Kabbalah. Not in five brands is Tathagata feet as pretty, is not in quite the year label Tathagata feet like. Not in six feet as divine rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be six feet as Kabbalah. Not in five brands is Tathagata quite legal nature, is not in quite the year label Tathagata legal nature. Not in six Kabbalah is Tathagata quite legal nature, not in the Tathagata rather be six legal psychic nature. Not in years rather be labeled as Tathagata feet, not the Tathagata feet as quite get five labels. Did not quite get Kabbalah six feet as the Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite six feet as Kabbalah. Not in quite the Tathagata label legal nature, is not in quite the legal nature Tathagata year mark. Not in six supernormal rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata six Kabbalah. Not in five brands is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet like the feet of labels like. Not in six Kabbalah is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as six feet as Kabbalah. Not in five brands is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata legal nature of the label. Not in six Kabbalah is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Kabbalah six legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Was not quite the force to leave the Buddha ten Tathagata, not to leave four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma rather is Tathagata estate. Such forces must leave the Buddha ten feet as quite the Tathagata, would not leave until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen feet as pretty is Tathagata. There's ten left Buddha nature quite legally be Tathagata, would not leave until four legions of eighteen Buddha estate legal community quite legal nature is Tathagata. Was not quite the force to leave the Buddha ten feet Tathagata like, would not leave until four legions of eighteen Buddha estate legal community is Tathagata feet quite like. Was not quite the force to leave the Buddha ten Tathagata legal nature, not leaving until four legions of eighteen Buddha estate legal community is Tathagata quite legal nature. Such forces must leave the Buddha ten feet like the feet rather be Tathagata like, would not leave until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen feet as pretty is Tathagata feet like. There's ten left Buddha nature quite legally be Tathagata legal nature, and not leave until four legions of eighteen Buddha estate legal community quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not quite get the ten Buddha Tathagata, is not in quite the Buddha ten Tathagata force. Not in four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four legions of until ten Real plus eight Buddha dharma. Not in the ten Buddha is Tathagata feet as pretty, is not in quite the Buddha Tathagata ten feet as a force. Not in four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community as pretty is Tathagata feet, not in quite the four wealth Tathagata Captain basis until any public eighteen feet as the Buddha dharma. Not in ten Buddha nature quite legally be Tathagata, not in ten Tathagata Buddha rather be legally emptiness. Not in four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the four legions of Buddha until any legal eighteen plus legal nature. Not in ten Buddha is Tathagata feet force quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata Buddha ten feet as force. Not in four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community is Tathagata feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal services. Not in ten Buddha is Tathagata force rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Buddha ten forces. Not in four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community is Tathagata quite legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal services. Not in the ten Buddha is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, not in Tathagata Buddha ten feet as pretty as power feet. Not in four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community as pretty is Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet as quite the four legions of Buddha dharma to eighteen feet as any community. Not in ten Buddha nature quite legally be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Buddha nature ten legally. Not in four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not quite legal nature of Tathagata are four very basis until eighteen Captain Buddha no community law legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Such left ventricular legal vain rather be Tathagata, was not quite leave nature every office is Tathagata discharge. Such left ventricular legal vain as pretty is Tathagata feet, did not leave his feet like nature pretty constant exhaust cylinder is Tathagata. Such left ventricular legal vain quite legal nature is Tathagata, would not leave the cylinder exhaust every legal nature rather is Tathagata nature. Such left ventricular measures rather be in vain as Tathagata feet, would not leave the office every discharge rather nature is Tathagata feet like. Such left ventricular legal vain rather be Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the office every discharge nature rather be Tathagata legal nature. Such left ventricular legal vain as pretty is Tathagata feet like the feet, not to leave nature as fairly constant cylindrical discharge is Tathagata feet like the feet. Such left ventricular legal vain quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the cylinder exhaust every legal nature nature rather be Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in vain interior measures rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not be legal rather vain interior. Not in nature rather constant exhaust cylinder is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the character constant exhaust cylinder. Not in vain Furniture feet as legal rather is Tathagata, the Tathagata not be legal rather vain as furniture feet. Not every office in the discharge of his feet as nature rather be Tathagata, was not quite the nature of Tathagata feet as a constant discharge office. Not in vain loss method is quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the legal nature ventricular legal vain. Not every office in the discharge of legal nature nature rather be Tathagata, was not quite the nature of Tathagata exhaust every legal nature pillar. Not in vain loss method is Tathagata feet quite like, not in the Tathagata feet as a legal rather be in vain interior. Not in nature rather constant exhaust cylinder is Tathagata feet like, not in the Tathagata feet as a constant pillar nature rather be discharged. Not in vain interior measures rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata vain interior measures. Not in nature rather constant exhaust cylinder is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata nature constant exhaust cylinder. Not in vain loss method is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, not in the Tathagata feet as a legal rather be in vain as furniture feet. Not in essence constant exhaust cylinder is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet like the feet of such nature constant exhaust cylinder. Not in vain loss method is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata vain Furniture law legal nature. Not every office in the discharge of legal nature nature rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata cylinder exhaust every legal nature nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not necessarily leave the place rather be Tathagata, no place to leave the religion minister, necessarily general rather be Tathagata Hotel. Not necessarily leave the place as pretty is Tathagata feet, would not leave the general director position, feet position as necessarily general rather is Tathagata. Recreational not necessarily leave the legal nature rather be Tathagata, no place to leave the religion minister, necessarily general nature rather legal position is Tathagata. Not necessarily leave the place quite as Tathagata feet, no place to leave the religion minister, minister necessarily be located quite as Tathagata feet. Not necessarily leave the place rather be Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the place religion minister, minister necessarily be located quite legal nature Tathagata. Not necessarily leave the place as pretty is Tathagata feet like the feet, and not leave the place religion minister, minister necessarily as pretty location is Tathagata feet like the feet. Recreational not necessarily leave the legal nature rather be Tathagata legal nature, and not leave the place religion minister, necessarily general nature rather legal position is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not necessarily in place rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not necessarily quite the place. Hotel not in religion minister, necessarily general rather be Tathagata mind, not in quite the director general Tathagata location, location necessarily general. Not necessarily in place like pretty feet are Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get his feet like omniscience. Hotel not in religion minister, minister necessarily as pretty location is Tathagata feet, not in quite the director general Tathagata position, feet position as necessarily general. Not necessarily in place quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the legal nature omniscience. Hotel not in religion minister, mind necessarily general rather be Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the director general Tathagata location, location necessarily general legal nature. Not necessarily in the position quite as Tathagata feet, not in quite the Tathagata feet as omniscience. Hotel not in religion minister, minister necessarily be located quite as Tathagata feet, not in quite the Tathagata feet as director general location, location necessarily general. Not necessarily in place rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata omniscience. Hotel not in religion minister, is necessarily general rather place Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Hotel religion minister, mind necessarily general. Not necessarily in mind is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet like the feet as omniscience. Hotel not in religion minister, minister necessarily as pretty location is Tathagata feet like the feet, not in quite the Tathagata feet as director general position, feet position as necessarily general. Not necessarily in place quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not quite legal nature of Tathagata is necessarily legal nature Hotel. Hotel not in religion minister, necessarily general nature rather be legal position Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the legal nature Tathagata general director position, position necessarily general legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not to leave all technical momentum ni la rather be Tathagata, not leaving all three disciplines rather be ghost sites Tathagata. Not to leave all technical momentum ni la feet as pretty is Tathagata, would not leave the place all subjects tam ma feet as pretty is Tathagata. Not to leave all technical momentum ni la quite legal nature is Tathagata, would not leave the place all subjects tam ma quite legal nature is Tathagata. Not to leave all technical momentum ni la is Tathagata feet quite like, no place to leave all three disciplines rather is Tathagata feet like. Not to leave all technical momentum ni la quite get Tathagata legal nature, not leaving all three disciplines rather be ghost sites Tathagata legal nature. Not to leave all technical momentum ni la feet like the feet rather is Tathagata like, not loose all ma tam address such subjects rather is Tathagata feet like the feet. Not to leave all technical momentum ni la quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not leaving all subjects tam ma place quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in all subjects ni la momentum rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get all technical momentum ni la. Not in all three disciplines rather be ghost sites Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get all local ma tam goal. Not in all subjects momentum ni la feet as pretty is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get all the momentum la ni feet as subjects. Not in all three subjects ghost sites like pretty feet is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get all ma tam address such subjects' feet. Not in all subjects momentum ni la quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get all technical momentum ni la legal nature. Not in all subjects tam ma place quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get all local ma tam legal nature subjects. Not in all subjects ni mandala is Tathagata feet quite like, not in the Tathagata feet as quite get all technical momentum ni la. Not in all three disciplines rather be ghost sites like Tathagata feet, not the Tathagata feet as quite get all local ma tam goal. Not in all subjects fairly mandala is Tathagata Romanian legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is all momentum la ni goal. Not in all three disciplines rather be ghost sites Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata all subjects tam ma place. Not in all subjects ni la momentum as pretty is Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet as quite get all the momentum la ni feet as subjects. Not in all subjects tam ma place is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, not in the Tathagata feet as quite get all ma tam address such subjects' feet. Not in all subjects momentum ni la quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata all subjects Romanian legal nature mandala. Not in all subjects tam ma place quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is all local ma tam legal nature subjects.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not leave the project to save rather be Tathagata, was not picked up again, Real finished, Arhat rather be Tathagata. Did not leave the project up as pretty is Tathagata feet, was not picked up again, Real finished, Arhat feet as pretty is Tathagata. Did not leave the project up quite legal nature is Tathagata, was not picked up again, Real finished, Arhat quite legal nature is Tathagata. Did not quite get up to leave the project as Tathagata feet, not leave First hybrid, Real finished, Arhat is Tathagata feet quite like. Did not quite get up to leave The legal nature Tathagata, was not picked up again, Real finished, Arhat rather be Tathagata legal nature. Did not leave the project up as pretty is Tathagata feet like the feet, not leave First hybrid, Real finished, Arhat is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like. Did not leave the project up quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, was not picked up again, Real finished, Arhat quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in a Stream rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the expected saving. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the Best Hybrid, No Full, Arhat. Not in a Stream feet as fairly be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get his feet as a Stream. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat feet as pretty is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the Best Hybrid, No Full, Arhat feet like. The store not in quite the Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the expected flow Tathagata legal nature. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the Best Hybrid, No Full, Arhat legal nature. Did not quite get the project up as Tathagata feet, not in quite the Tathagata feet as a Stream. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat is Tathagata feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as hybrid First, Real completely, Arhat. Did not quite get the project up Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is projected to save. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata First hybrid, Real finished, Arhat. Not in a Stream is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet like the feet as a Stream. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat feet like the feet rather is Tathagata like, not in the Tathagata feet as fairly be Most hybrid, Real finished, Arhat feet like. Not in a Stream is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata The legal nature store. Especially not in the future, Any refund, Arhat quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata First hybrid, Real finished, Arhat legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not leave a Stream flow direction The positive results is Tathagata, not leave First First crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat Arhat direction rather be Tathagata fruit. Did not leave a Stream flow direction The result is Tathagata feet as pretty, not leave First First crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo is Tathagata feet as pretty. Did not leave a Stream flow direction The result is Tathagata quite legal nature, not leaving Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat hường A pretty Luo Han Guo is Tathagata legal nature. Did not leave a Stream flow direction The positive results is Tathagata feet as, not leave First First crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo is Tathagata feet quite like. Did not leave a Stream flow direction The positive results is Tathagata legal nature, not leaving Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat Arhat direction is Tathagata fruit rather legal nature. Did not leave a Stream flow direction The result is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, not leave First First crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo is Tathagata feet like pretty feet like. Did not leave a Stream flow direction The result is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not leaving Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo is Tathagata legal nature quite legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in a Stream flow direction The positive results were Tathagata. not in quite the expected Tathagata store results oriented project. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat Arhat fruit direction rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results , Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Not in a Stream The flow direction feet as a result rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the expected flow direction feet fruit as a Stream. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat user A pretty feet as Luo Han Guo is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Real complete guide Real Full results, Arhat direction Any refund feet as a result. Not in a Stream flow direction The legal nature results rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite the expected flow direction a Stream legal nature results. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Real complete guide Real Full results, Arhat directions A la legal nature results. Not in a Stream The flow direction is Tathagata feet quite effective as, and not in the Tathagata feet as fairly be expected to save up results oriented project. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo is Tathagata feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as Best First crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full Any complete results oriented, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Not in a Stream The flow direction is Tathagata fruit rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is expected to save up results oriented project. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat Arhat direction is Tathagata fruit rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full Any complete results oriented, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Not in a Stream The flow direction is quite effective as the Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet as fairly be expected to save directions Provision feet as a result saved. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat Arhat direction feet as a result quite as Tathagata feet, not in feet as pretty is Tathagata Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Any complete user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat direction feet as a result. Not in a Stream flow direction The result is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather Tathagata is expected to save directions Provision save legal nature results. Especially not in the direction of the First Hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Any complete user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat fruit towards legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not leave feeling pretty Ðộc be Tathagata, no sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc left feeling pretty fruit is Tathagata. Fees will not leave feeling like quite the Tathagata feet, no sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc left feeling quite effective as Tathagata feet. Did not leave the unicorn rather be Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling quite effective legal nature is Tathagata. Did not leave quite the Tathagata Ðộc feet feeling like, no sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc left feeling pretty fruit is Tathagata legal nature. Fees will not leave feeling like quite the Tathagata feet like the feet, would not leave the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling pretty fruit is Tathagata feet like the feet like. Did not leave the unicorn is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, would not leave the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling quite effective legal nature is Tathagata legal nature results.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in the sense Ðộc rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the unicorn. Not in the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling pretty fruit is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc sensory effect. Not in the sense Ðộc feet as quite the Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be read as visual feet. Not in the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feet feeling like fruit rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feet feeling like fruit. Not in the sense of legal nature Ðộc rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the sense Ðộc legal nature. Not in the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling quite effective legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the sense of direction unicorn Ðộc legal nature results. Did not quite get Tathagata Ðộc feet feeling like, not in the Tathagata feet as quite the unicorn. Not in the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling pretty fruit is Tathagata feet like, not in the Tathagata feet rather be read as visual sense Ðộc result oriented. Not in the sense fairly is Tathagata Ðộc legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Ðộc corner. Not in the sense of direction Monoculture Monoculture is Tathagata feeling pretty effective legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Ðộc read through visual instruction. Not in Ðộc feeling like quite the Tathagata feet like the feet, not the Tathagata feet as fairly be read as visual feet. Not in the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling pretty fruit is Tathagata feet like the feet of such, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as sensory instruction Ðộc Ðộc feet feeling like fruit. Not in the sense of legal nature Ðộc rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata legal nature unicorn. Not in the sense of direction Ðộc Ðộc feeling quite effective legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Ðộc sensory sensory instruction Ðộc legal nature results.
Kieu Thi Ca! Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rather be Tathagata, would not leave the Three Miao triangle is Tathagata Buddha's pretty. Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped feet as quite the Tathagata, not leaving Tam tam Buddha Miao was chosen as pretty as Lai. Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata, not leaving Tam tam Buddha Miao momentum rather be like Lai legal nature. Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha is Tathagata feet slapped quite like, and not leave the Three Miao triangle is Tathagata Buddha's feet quite like. Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rather be Tathagata legal nature, not leaving Tam Mieu triangle is Tathagata Buddha's quite legal nature. Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped feet like the feet rather be Tathagata like, not leaving Tam tam Buddha Miao was selected as quite as Tathagata feet. Did not leave the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not leaving Tam tam Buddha Miao momentum quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not in Tam Mieu triangle is Tathagata Buddha's pretty, is not in quite the Tam Mieu Tathagata Buddha's triangle. Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped feet as fairly be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be Bodhisattvas like Ma ha slapped feet. Not in Tam tam Buddha Miao rather be selected as the Tathagata, is not in quite the Tam Mieu Tathagata Buddha's feet as a triangle. Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata, not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature. Not in Tam Mieu triangle buddhas quite legal nature is Tathagata, is not in quite the Tam Mieu Tathagata Buddha's three legal nature. Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite as Tathagata feet, not in feet as pretty is Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Tam tam Miao not in quite the Tathagata Buddha's feet as, not in quite the Tathagata Tam Mieu feet as tam Buddha. Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rather be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not in Tam Mieu triangle is Tathagata Buddha's quite legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Tam Mieu tam Buddha. Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha rather be slapped feet like the feet of such Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the Bodhisattva feet as Ma ha slapped feet like. Not in Tam tam Buddha Miao was selected as quite as Tathagata feet, not in quite the Tathagata Tam Mieu feet as the Buddha's feet as a triangle. Not in Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slap legal nature. Not in Tam Mieu triangle buddhas quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the Tathagata Tam Mieu legal nature tam legal nature buddhas.
Kieu Thi Ca! Such legal left Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rather be Tathagata, would not leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class rather be Tathagata. Such legal left Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped feet as pretty is Tathagata, would not leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi College feet as pretty is Tathagata. Such legal left Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata, would not leave the Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata quite legal nature. Such legal left Ma ha bodhisattva is Tathagata feet slapped quite like, would not leave the Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata feet quite like. Such legal left Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rather be Tathagata legal nature, and not leave the Supreme Chief Bodhi class rather be Tathagata legal nature. Such legal left Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped feet like the feet rather is Tathagata like, would not leave the Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like. Such legal left Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in legal Bodhisattva rather be slapped Ma ha Tathagata, is not in quite the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva ma ha slap. Not in class Chief Supreme Bodhi rather be Tathagata, is not in quite the Supreme Tathagata Bodhi College District. Not in legal Bodhisattvas like Ma ha slapped feet rather be Tathagata, is not in quite the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva as Ma ha slapped feet. Is not the Supreme Chief Bodhi College feet as quite get Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite be supreme chief feet as Bodhi College. Not in legal Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata, is not in quite the legal Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slap legal nature. Not in class Chief Supreme Bodhi quite legal nature is Tathagata, is not in quite the Supreme Tathagata chief legal nature Bodhi College. Not in legal bodhisattva is Tathagata Ma ha feet slapping like, not in the Tathagata feet as a legal rather be slapped Bodhisattva Ma ha. Not in Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Not in legal Bodhisattva rather be slapped Ma ha Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the legal nature Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha slap legal. Not in Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata legal nature quite, not quite legal nature of the Tathagata is the Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Not in Ma ha legal Bodhisattva rather be slapped feet like the feet Tathagata like, not in feet as pretty is Tathagata Bodhisattva Ma ha methods like slapping feet. Not in Supreme Bodhi College District is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, is not in quite as hybrid feet as Supreme Chief feet as equal Bodhi. Not in legal Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Bodhisattva measures Ma ha slap legal nature. Not in class Chief Supreme Bodhi quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Supreme Bodhi chief legal nature class.
Kieu Thi Ca! There's quite a legacy to leave the bar text is Tathagata, would not leave the sense Ðộc surplus rather be redundant Supreme Tathagata. Such legacy left bar text is Tathagata feet as pretty, and not leave the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme feet as pretty is Tathagata. Such legacy left bar text is Tathagata quite legal nature, would not leave the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme quite legal nature is Tathagata. There's quite a legacy to leave the bar text is Tathagata feet as, no sense to leave Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme Tathagata feet rather be like. There's quite a legacy to leave the bar text is Tathagata legal nature, would not leave the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme fairly be Tathagata legal nature. Such legacy left bar text is Tathagata feet like the feet quite like, and not leave the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme Tathagata feet like the feet rather be like. Such legacy left bar text is Tathagata legal nature rather legal nature, and not leave the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature.
Kieu Thi Ca! Not in excess Sravakas rather be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Sravakas redundant. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme fairly be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Ðộc sensory excess, excess Supreme. Not fade in excess Sravakas feet as fairly be Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Sravakas feet as excessive. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme feet as pretty is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Ðộc sensory excess, excess Supreme feet like. Not in excess Sravakas quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata is not quite the legacy Sravakas legal nature. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme quite legal nature is Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Ðộc sensory excess, excess Supreme legal nature. Not in excess Sravakas is Tathagata feet quite like, is not in quite the Tathagata feet as Sravakas redundant. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme Tathagata feet rather be like, not the Tathagata feet fairly be read as visual excess, excess Supreme. Not in excess Sravakas rather be Tathagata legal nature, is not in quite the legal nature Tathagata Sravakas redundant. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme fairly be Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Ðộc redundant sense, Supreme redundant. Not in excess Sravakas feet like the feet quite as Tathagata, the Tathagata not quite get Sravakas feet like the feet of such excess. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme Tathagata feet like the feet rather be like, not the Tathagata feet fairly be read as visual excess, excess Supreme feet like. Not in excess Sravakas quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata excess Sravakas legal nature. Not in the sense Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme quite legal nature is Tathagata legal nature, not legal in nature rather is Tathagata Ðộc sensory excess, excess Supreme legal nature.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2015.

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