Monday, 18 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
--- O0o ---
Episode  4 






THIRD 26-4

T currently present saith thus so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as color photography school life should perish; such as life expectancy great disappearing acts should form study photography. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as labels of origin photographers should learn life perishes; such as atrial rate itself damage the land should perish hoc.Nhu photography life so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as color photographic origin should learn life perishes; such as bars taste life photography contacts disappearing land law should hoc.Nhu so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as label instructions photographers should learn life perishes; such as gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label generating amenity contact life expectancy annihilation should learn photography. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as atrial photography world should learn life perishes; such as bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy photographer born life expectancy of annihilation should learn. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as gender ratio photographers should learn life perishes; such as incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion amenity born photographer life expectancy of annihilation should hoc.Nhu so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as damages life perishes photography world should learn; such as your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage coy photographer born life expectancy of annihilation should hoc.Nhu so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as the body perishes life photography world should learn; such as exposure gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born the life expectancy perishes photography should hoc.Nhu so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as the photography world should learn life perishes; such as France, consciousness and the emotional world, the born amenity contact the annihilation life expectancy should learn photography.
So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped school like, such as boundary photographers should learn life perishes; such as feng shui fire did not wake up the world perishes photography hoc.Nhu life so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as Holy Roman Emperor suffering photographers should learn life perishes; set Removal such as Holy Roman Emperor photography religion should learn life perishes. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as ignorance photography school life should perish; such as, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain decay photography should hoc.Nhu life so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as cabinet should not perish photography school life; such as foreign non, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, no self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not indefinite nature nature photography should learn life perishes.
So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as feet as regent school life should perish; such as France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, real-life photography incredible disappearing world should learn. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as alms multi photography paramitas should learn life perishes; Security ring pure precepts such as contemplative diligent uncivil multi photography paramitas should perish hoc.Nhu life so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as four contemplative photography school life should perish; such as the four immeasurable, four formless cessation of regency life should hoc.Nhu so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as the eight freed photographers should learn life perishes; such as eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable life perishes origin should learn photography. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as the four pillar concept photography school life should perish; such as the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble life perishes expenditure should learn photography.
So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as unreleased photographic subjects should learn life perishes; such as formless, infinite deliverance prayer life perishes subjects should learn photography. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as in label photography school life should perish; such as six life perishes unseen photographer should learn. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as the ten Buddhist photographers should learn life perishes; such as four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community should perish hoc.Nhu photography Life so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as legal vain photography interior life perishes should learn; such as nature photography exhaust every office should study the life perishes. So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as omniscience photography school life should perish; such as general director position, necessarily general photography site should perish hoc.Nhu life so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as all technical momentum ni la photographers should learn life perishes; such as address all subjects tam ma photographer should learn life perishes.
So, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as a Stream photographers should learn life perishes; such as Best Mixed, No refund, Arhat photography hoc.Nhu life should perish so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as a Stream flow direction The photography results should learn life perishes; such as Nhat Nhat Lai Lai oriented outcome, Real finished complete user No results, Arhat user A photographer Luo Han Guo hoc.Nhu life should perish so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as combining photography Single life perishes should learn; such as sensory instruction Single Single Life photography fruit perishes sense should hoc.Nhu so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped photographer should learn life perishes; such as Tam Mieu photographic triangle buddhas hoc.Nhu life should perish so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as legal Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped photography should learn life perishes; such as Supreme Chief Bodhi class photography hoc.Nhu life should perish so, so. Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, such as surplus Sravakas photographers should learn life perishes; such as Single sensory excess, excess Supreme photographers should learn life perishes.
Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show that: Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as color photography decay life should learn, such as life expectancy great disappearing acts should form study photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as labels of origin to study photography perishes life, such as atrial rate itself damage the land perishes life should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as life color photography decay origin should learn, such as bars taste life photography contacts perishes legal origin should learn?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as life perishes photography perspective should learn, not because of gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label generating amenity contact life expectancy photography annihilation should learn ? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as atrial photography world perishes life should learn, such as bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy photographer born life expectancy of annihilation should learn ? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as life perishes photography billion world should learn, such as incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional posturing birth rate of decay life expectancy should learn photography ? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as real-life world perishes photographers should learn, such as your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage coy photographer born life expectancy of annihilation should learn ? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as gender body perishes life should learn photography, such as emotional gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy photographer born life expectancy of annihilation should learn ? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as the photography world perishes life should learn, such as France, consciousness and the emotional world, the born amenity contact the annihilation life expectancy should learn photography ?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as boundaries of photography should perish school life, such as feng shui fire not perish cognitive life should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as feeling pain perish photography Holy Roman Emperor should learn, such as anti-religion collective life perishes photography Holy Roman Emperor should learn? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as ignorance photography perishes life should learn, such as, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration life photography suffering brain decay pros should learn?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as cabinet should not perish photography school life, such as foreign non, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not unconditioned , every scene no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature itself emptiness  photography school life should perish? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as life perishes feet as photographers should learn, such as France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, real-life photography incredible disappearing world should learn?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as alms paramitas multi photographers should learn life perishes; Security ring pure precepts such as contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority perishes life should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as four contemplative photography school life should perish; such as the four limitless, formless four annihilation of life should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as the eight freed photographers should learn life perishes; such as eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable life perishes origin should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as the four pillar concept photography school life should perish; such as the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble life perishes expenditure should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as unreleased photographic subjects should learn life perishes; such as formless, infinite deliverance prayer life perishes subjects should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as years of life perishes photography label should learn; such as six life perishes unseen photographer should learn?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as the ten Buddhist photographers should learn life perishes; such as four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community life perishes photographers should learn? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as legal vain photography interior life perishes should learn; such as nature photography constant discharge of life perishes office should learn? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as omniscience photography school life should perish; such as religion minister Hotel, Hotel Regent Life necessarily general decay should learn? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as all technical momentum ni la photographers should learn life perishes; such as address all subjects tam ma life perishes photographers should learn?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as a Stream photographers should learn life perishes; such as Best Mixed, No refund, Arhat photography school life should perish? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as a Stream flow direction The photography results should learn life perishes; such as Nhat Nhat Lai Lai oriented outcome, Real finished complete user No results, Arhat Arhat fruit towards life perishes should learn photography? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as combining photography Single life perishes should learn; such as sensory instruction Single Single Life photography fruit perishes sense should learn?
Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped photographer should learn life perishes; such as Tam Mieu photographic triangle buddhas life perishes should learn? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as law Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped photographer should learn life perishes; such as Supreme Chief Bodhi photography class life perishes should learn? Compassion Now! Because when the Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap such study, such as excess Sravakas photographers should learn life perishes; such as Single sensory excess, excess Supreme photography school life should perish?
Then meet specific life Relic Show Compassion Tzu said Ma ha slapped Bodhisattvas like school, did not feel the color is pretty photography and facility life perishes; nor saw someone feeling great photography features and perishes. Such operating life thought that there was quite a photography mode and facility life perishes; who did not see a great power operating life expectancy photography and decay mode. Wherefore? Since all aggregates of matter or energy or base, in outside are not, not quite the same
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the land is fairly photography labels and facility life perishes; nor saw someone Origin label feature-life photography and perishes. Was there no damage atrial rate itself is pretty standard photographic origin and facility life perishes; also features photographers who see no real-life atrial rate itself the origin and extinction. Wherefore? Since all land mark or feature or facility, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the land is pretty sharp photography and facility life perishes; nor saw someone feature excellent photography land and life perishes. Was there no legal bar contact Origin taste is pretty photography and facility life perishes; nor saw someone energy bars taste life photography contacts Origin and extinction measures. Wherefore? Because the identity or origin of all energy or base, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see there is quite a photography perspective and facility life perishes; also features photographers who see no life perspective and disappearing. Was there no gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, labels amenity contact generates life expectancy is pretty photography and perishes basis; also features photographers who do not see life emotional gender identity to mark the life amenity born and perishes. Wherefore? Because all or functionality perspective or departments in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the world is quite regency atrium and facility life perishes; nor saw someone atrial life photography world power and disappear. Bar not see gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born the life expectancy is pretty photography and perishes basis; also features photographers who see no life bar until atrial world charm being exposed as the life and extinction. Wherefore? Because atrial all or ability or gender basis, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the world is quite regency expectancy rate and decay basis; also features photographers who do not see life instructions and decay rate. See no incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born the life expectancy is pretty photography and perishes basis; nor saw someone incense life photography world power to share contact amenity born of life and decay. Wherefore? Because the rate or power or sex all departments, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the damage is pretty photography world perishes life and facilities; also features photographers who see no real life instructions and perishes. You do not see gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born the life expectancy is pretty photography and perishes basis; also do not see what you guys sex life photography function to contact amenity born loss of life and decay. Wherefore? Because of damage or power or sex all departments, in outside are not, do not quite get that.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see themselves as fairly photography world perishes life and facilities; nor saw someone dear life photography world power and disappear. Contact not see gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born the life expectancy is pretty photography and perishes basis; also features photographers who do not see life exposure to physical contact instructions amenity born of life and decay. Wherefore? Because all or function of body or department, in outside are not, do not quite get that.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see the world is pretty photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life the world and perishes. See no legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life and life is pretty photography perishes basis; also features photographers who see no initiation until the contact instructions amenity born of life and decay. Wherefore? Because the world all or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the boundaries are pretty photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who see no boundaries expectancy and extinction. Feng shui fire did not see there was quite regent cognitive and facility life perishes; nor saw someone fired power feng shui life photography cognition, and perish not. Wherefore? Because all boundaries or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the pain as fairly photography Holy Roman Emperor and facility life perishes; nor saw someone unpleasant Truths photography features and perishes. Was there no collective killing holy religion the sole regent and facility life perishes; nor saw someone kill performance photography religion Truths group life and decay. Wherefore? Because all suffering saint or energy substrate or base, in the outside were not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see there is quite a photographer ignorance and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life ignorance and decay. Not see, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, defense, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration brain size is pretty photography pros and facility life perishes; also features photographers who see no life until old age and death issue carbon sorrow and suffering brain decay priority. Wherefore? Out of ignorance or power or all departments in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the inner life and not quite regency perishes basis; nor saw someone not function photographic internal life and decay. Not that there are not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, self minister not, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature not quite regency and facility life perishes; nor saw someone foreign non-life photography function till indefinite nature of emptiness and self-annihilation. Wherefore? Because not all either internal or performance basis, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see as fairly photography feet and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life as feet and disappear. Not see France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, no instructions are pretty incredible photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who see no legal life estate incredible world to world and perishes. Wherefore? Because all or feet as a function or department, in outside are not, do not quite get that.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the paramitas of generosity is fairly photography majority perishes life and facilities; also features photographers who do not see life paramitas alms majority and perishes. Police see no ring pure precepts contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority is pretty photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority and perishes. Wherefore? Because paramitas alms saw or power or base, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the four contemplative life is pretty photography and perishes basis; nor saw someone regency features four contemplative life and decay. Not seen four immeasurable, four formless and the facility is quite regency life perishes; nor saw someone regency features four immeasurable life, four formless and perishes. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see there is quite a photographer freed eight and facility life perishes; nor saw eight men freed life photography function and perishes. Such shows have won eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables are pretty regency land and facility life perishes; nor saw someone win power eight parish life photographer, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin and extinction. Wherefore? Because all eight rescue or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the four pillar concept is pretty photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life four cylinder concept and perishes. Not seen four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble path is quite photographic detail and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life the four primary segments until eight noble chi and perishes. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the subject is not quite photographer freed and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life not liberated subjects and perishes. See no formless, infinite deliverance prayer is pretty photography courses and facilities life perishes; nor saw someone formless life photography performance, very professional and voluntary rescue disappearing. Wherefore? Because not all or energy liberated subjects or departments in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the year is pretty photography labels and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life in the label and perishes. Not that there are six pretty photography psychic life and perishes basis; nor saw six guys psychic life photography function and perishes. Wherefore? Since year notice or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see ten human Buddha is pretty photography and facility life perishes; nor saw someone ten feature photography Buddhist life force and annihilation. There's no basis found four lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma is quite regency estate and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life very basis four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community and perishes. Wherefore? Since Buddha ten or power or force all departments, in outside are not, do not quite get that.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped learn how, see no danger, nothing is quite regency and facility life perishes; nor saw someone initiation vain photography power loss and decay. Not every office saw nature photography discharge is quite long and perishes basis; nor saw someone life nature photography constant power discharge and decay office. Wherefore? Because all legal vain or power loss or departments in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not necessarily think that there is quite regency location and facility life perishes; nor saw someone power and omniscience photography life perishes. Hotel not see religion minister, is necessarily general rather regency Hotel and facility life perishes; nor saw someone directing energy minister photography Life Hotel, Hotel necessarily general and perishes. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all or feature or facility, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not have all the momentum seen ni la photographic subject is quite long and perishes basis; also features photographers who do not see life all subjects ni la momentum and decay. Such shows have all ma tam place is pretty photography subjects and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life all subjects tam ma place and perishes. Wherefore? Since all subjects all ni la momentum or energy or base, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, do not see there is quite a photography project to save life and perishes basis; also features photographers who do not see life a Stream and perishes. Most do not see Lai, Real finished, Arhat is pretty photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and perishes. Wherefore? For example all or function or department store, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the expected flow direction The result is pretty photography store and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life saving towards a Stream Project results and perishes. Most do not see Nhat Lai Lai oriented outcome, Real finished complete user No results, Arhat user A is pretty photographer Luo Han Guo and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo and perishes. Wherefore? Because saved user Provision Provision save all or results or performance basis, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the sense is quite photography Single life and perishes basis; nor saw someone panting photography sensory function and perishes. Was there no sense of direction Single Single feeling quite photography fruit and facility life perishes; also features photographers who see no sense of direction Single Single life sense and fruit decay. Wherefore? Because all or sensory function Single or departments in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped school like that, not see Ma ha slapped bodhisattva is pretty photography and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see life the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped and perishes. Tam tam not see the Buddha Miao is pretty photography and facility life perishes; nor saw someone expectancy Tam Mieu photographic features three buddhas and perishes. Wherefore? Because all bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped learn how, see no legal Bodhisattvas are pretty photographer Ma ha slapped and facility life perishes; also features photographers who do not see the Bodhisattva initiation and cessation slapped Ma ha. Supreme Chief was there no class is pretty photography Bodhi life and perishes basis; also features photographers who do not see life the Chief Supreme Bodhi and decay class. Wherefore? Since Ma ha slap legal Bodhisattvas all or function or department, in outside are not, not quite the same.
Relics Death! When Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like school, did not feel the bar text is pretty redundant life photography and perishes basis; nor saw someone redundant power Sravakas life photography and perishes. Toxic see no sense admit, is pretty regent Supreme redundancy and facility life perishes; nor saw someone redundant power combining photography Single Life, Supreme excess and decay. Wherefore? Because all redundant or power bar text or departments in outside are not, do not quite get that.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on operating excellence with a great life form. For label itself Made with tympanic billion damage the land. For best flavor Made contact with legal bar origin. For perspective with gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label generating amenity contact tho.Doi atrium with audio instructions gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life. For billions of instructions with incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life. For damage to your world with the world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life. For instructions to contact the world body, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life. For the world to France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact amenity born of life. For water, fire boundaries with no cognitive style. For file format with anti religion Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor. For ignorance with, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain. For cabinet not to exchange not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very warped, not nature, self Minister not, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness indefinite nature itself. For the feet as with France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, whatever world incredible. For alms paramitas an international multi-ring with pure contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority. For four contemplative with four immeasurable, the four formless. For eight freed with eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable origin. For four cylinder concept with four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble limbs. For subjects with no deliverance formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects. For six years the label with Kabbalah. For Buddha ten legions of forces with four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal services. For nothing is constant danger, the nature of the discharge cylinder. For the director general omniscience location, location necessarily general. For all technical momentum ni la ma place with all three subjects. For a Stream with First Lai, Real finished, Arhat. For The flow direction The flow direction of the First Mixed Results for the First Mixed fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. For visual user Single Single Single senses with visual effect. For Bodhisattva Miao Ma ha slapped with tam Tam Buddha. For legal Bodhisattva Supreme Ma ha slapped with Bodhi College District. For Sravakas redundant with sensory excess toxicity, Supreme redundant. There is quite a photography show and facility life perishes; nor saw someone performance photography school life and decay that most secret of Wisdom, is the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Hotel Necessarily energy into finishing position.
Then ask Thien Tu relic time that Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom School such multi-density, mind energy into mind Necessarily finished it? Compassion Currently replied Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom School such multi-density, location Necessarily energy into finishing position, because for all of life measures such as photography annihilation which means that school.
Relic Tzu says: If Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all such measures as regent expectancy which means that perishes, how energy into finishing Necessarily Hotel Hotel?
Compassion Show said: Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom when operating most secret, did not see color or the birth or death; operating not see life thought or knowledge or being killed. Not see color or take or leave; operating life thought not see food or take or leave. Not see color or infection or purification; not see life thought or contaminated food or pure act. Not see color or group or tan; not see life thought or group practice or tan formula. Not see color or increase or decrease; did not see a great life or increase or decrease the operating mode. Wherefore? Because not all aggregates of matter nature, no property, not quite the same. Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom learned most secret, mind energy into finishing position Necessarily, because countless nights learning, a wealth of facilities such as means finished.
Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom when operating most secret, did not see the label of origin or birth or death; atrial rate itself did not see the origin or birth injury or death. Not see the label of origin or take or leave; no damage seen atrial rate itself the land or take or leave. Not see the label or infectious origin or purification; atrial rate itself could not see the damage or infection or purified origin. Not see the label of origin or group or tan; no damage seen atrial rate itself the origin or group or tan. Not see the label of origin or increase or decrease; no damage seen atrial rate itself the origin or increases or decreases. Wherefore? Because not all nature origin label, no property, not quite the same. Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom learned most secret, mind energy into finishing position Necessarily, because countless nights learning, a wealth of facilities such as means finished.
Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom when operating most secret, did not see color or birth origin or destroyed; did not see the bar flavor origin or birth or legal exposure ceases. Origin could not see colors or taking on or discharging; did not see the bar taste Made contact or take legal or quit. Not found infected or purify identity or origin; did not see the bar taste or touch contaminated or pure land law. Origin not see color or group or tan; no legal bar shows taste origin or group contacts or tan. Origin not see color or increase or decrease; no legal bar shows flavors touched land or increase or decrease. Wherefore? Because nature not all colors origin, property wealth, not quite the same. Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom learned most secret, mind energy into finishing position Necessarily, because countless nights learning, a wealth of facilities such as means finished.
Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom when operating most secret, did not see the label instructions or the birth or death; atrial rate itself did not see the origin or birth injury or death. Not see the label instructions or take or leave; not see gender identity, gender consciousness and labels exposure, manual exposure amenity born of life or take or leave. Not seen or infection or translational perspective; not see gender identity to mark the birth amenity contact or contaminated or pure life. Not seen perspective or group or tan; not see gender identity to mark the birth amenity contact or group life or tan. Not see the label instructions or to increase or decrease; not see gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life or increase or decrease. Wherefore? Because not all nature perspective, no property, not quite the same. Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom learned most secret, mind energy into finishing position Necessarily, because countless nights learning, a wealth of facilities such as means finished.
Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom when operating most secret, they saw birth or atrial gender or kill; Gender did not see the bar, atrium and atrial cognitive contact, ear contact amenity born of life or birth or death. Not seen atrial instructions or take or leave; Gender did not see the bar until atrial contact amenity born of life or take or leave. Not found infected or atrial gender or purification; Gender did not see the bar until atrial contact amenity born of life or pure or contaminated. Such instructions or groups seen atrial or tan; Gender did not see the bar until atrial contact amenity born of life or group or tan. Not seen atrial gender or increase or decrease; Gender did not see the bar until atrial contact amenity born of life or increase or decrease. Wherefore? Because atrial gender identity all no, no property, not quite the same. Relics Death! This slap Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom learned most secret, mind energy into finishing position Necessarily, because countless nights learning, a wealth of facilities such as means finished.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/5/2015.

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