Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang 
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Episode 6
Book First 127
First Assembly
number of German
Vice 30-25

Then the little heaven Like Buddha said, White Exalted! The men e, this woman how good recognition in the world Three great Christian boundless here and ten other world, how their great king Four heaven, heaven Thirty-three, it was magic, sun porcelain multi, sun Lac transformed, turned himself in Tha heaven, heaven on them, extra discounts heaven, heaven on Social, Great violation heaven, heaven Optics, Qualification sun rays, optical boundless sky, pure heaven Auroras, Pure heaven, heaven Minimum net, net boundless sky, sun denatured, heaven Square, outdoor advertising Qualification, heaven Countless commercials, Quang fruit heaven, heaven Infinite mind, heaven Infinite heat, current Good heavens, Thien is sky, sun and any salvage Sac immeasurable have great balance Dread Lord of dragons, are removed, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, pilot who did all come to watch the ceremony, reciting Sutra paramitas multiple depths, described by another poet, offered reverence, respect for praise, acceptance, friendship glad hands around household concept.
Then heaven Like Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female-friendly or safe places to see Wisdom density multi depths Such strange light, or hear that place unusually fragrant smell, or sound heavenly music, then there must know Dread Lord the great powers of the celestial dragon XI to all, go to the other site to watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom most secret depths described by another poet, offered reverence, respect praise, palms around Organic glad households anniversary.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female-friendly magic planet, clean that place serious, sincere Wisdom offerings such multi-density, should know that time has the great virtue dread powers of the celestial dragon XI to all go to the other site to watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom most secret depths described by another poet, offered reverence, respect for praise, acceptance, friendship glad hands around household concept.
Kieu Thi Ca! Depending enough other great powers dread Lord of the celestial dragon XI to all come to him like, in this how evil gods awe back tan, do not dare stay in. Predestined by this, the men e more heartless female friendly large charities as multiple growth industry, all establishments operating without hindrance. Because of this, Kieu Thi Ca! If most secret Wisdom here depending where, around to clean the impurities, scan wipe rubbing treatment, sprinkling water and sprinkled incense, essential security cover to protect the new building up; burning incense scattered flowers, silk cord hanging colon, colorectal phan, hang wind chimes intermingled inside, attire, he located, gold, precious items, the quarterly treasured jewel strange magic, music engineering, lights, countless maps literally decked his place. If such offerings secret Wisdom majority, while there are countless celestial dragon dread all great enough powers Germany XI to go to other places watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom most secret depths described by other poets , offered reverence, respect praise, acceptance, friendship glad hands around household concept.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees this female element, if such is offered most secret Wisdom, no tired body and mind: Friendly happy, heart happy, light body, light heart, body conditioning, conditioning center, quiet body , peaceful mind. Forced center where most secret Wisdom, when night sleep without nightmares thinking, dreaming only be good. Applicants found Tathagata means Enlightenment, metallic body colors feet full thirty-two general macho, depending perfect eighty dignified fullness, clarity exaggerated inspiration throughout all hearers, bodhisattvas around before after . Buddha body between them listen for alms paramitas said multi, multi paramitas pure precepts, paramitas security ring multi, multi paramitas diligent, contemplative paramitas multi, multi uncivil paramitas is the appropriate measures. Buddha for not hear say internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very warped, nature not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature is not the appropriate method. Listen to the Buddha as saying feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, no instructions are legal incredible corresponds. Listen Buddha said suffering because Holy Roman Emperor, set Truths, destroy Truths, Truths that direct the appropriate measures. Listen to the Buddha as saying four contemplative, four immeasurable, four formless corresponds to the law. Listen to the Buddha as saying eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables Origin is the appropriate approach. Listen to the Buddha as saying four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, in its base year, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure is the appropriate approach. Buddha said do not listen because the goal of liberation, liberating technical formless, infinite subject is voluntarily freed the appropriate measures. Listen to the Buddha as saying five labels, six Kabbalah is the appropriate approach. Buddha because Buddha heard say ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma whatever is the appropriate approach. Buddha for legal hear vain talk Furniture, nature is a legal basis that corresponds to the discharge office. Listen to the Buddha as saying omniscience, general director position, the legal position necessarily the appropriate minister. Listen Buddha mandala for nuns say all subjects, all ma tam legal address is the appropriate goal. Listen Buddha said all happy because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva is the appropriate approach. Listen to Buddha because Buddha said Chief Supreme Bodhi class is the appropriate approach.
Heard that the appropriate legal distinction alms paramitas multi, multi paramitas pure precepts, paramitas security ring multi, multi paramitas diligent, contemplative paramitas multi, multi-density Wisdom . Heard that the appropriate distinction of internal law does not, other are not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, very variable not allergic, not nature, not ideological, communist minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not indefinite nature. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless incredible world. Heard that the appropriate legal distinction of suffering the holy Empire, Holy Roman Emperor collection, anti-Truths, Truths religion. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of the eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin. Heard that the appropriate legal distinction of the four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment. Heard that the appropriate legal distinction of not freeing subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects voluntarily. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of five labels, six spiritual powers. Heard that the appropriate legal distinction of the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of ventricular legal vain, character constants exhaust cylinder. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap happy. Heard that the appropriate legal discrimination of Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District.
Or in a dream that veteran wide Bodhi highest body, the stately treasure, find great Bodhisattvas to root Bodhi sitting cross-legged ghost resentment restaurant, Supreme Chief of equity securities Bodhi Dhamma car turning immeasurable degree beings. Saw countless hundred thousand hundred memories like memory bodhisattva general slapped Ma ha arts groups say legal argument that, should thus mean that mature charming, but something like this should strictly net realms, so that something like this restaurant maras, so thus the Bodhisattva training, which should thus take Necessarily Hotel Regent Hotel.
Or the dream immeasurable loss hundred thousand hundred memories like memory Buddha in the East, as well as listen to fame, that means world title Candidate Tathagata Enlightenment which, how many hundred thousand hundred memories like memory Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, how many hundreds of thousands of disciples like memory memory laksa Sravakas reverently surrounded by so says the law. South, West, North, the four corners, as well as such on. Or the dream that countless hundred thousand hundred memories like memory in the East to the Great Buddha nirvana. Seeing each Buddha in Nirvana each then, are benefactors for donations of Buddha la Setting advantage, should bring seven greatest feature countless launch construction hundred thousand hundred memories like memory of the stupa. Back in that each each stupa are brought countless wonderful rooftop Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, clothes, you get lost, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, cover offering countless lives, reverence, respect praise. South, West, North, the four corners, on the lower back as well as that.
Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees this female element, show good general types such dreams, or sleep, or wake happily body and mind, the angels all the other rallies gas, the other makes the body self-soothing feeling. This is not predestined by many involved contaminated food, medicine, clothing and furniture is, for the other four offerings slightly less attention. As teacher Yoga in the winning photo, due to the body and mind to find lambent, after publication of the fine cuisine they light little kindness. This is also the same. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female-friendly, thanks to the world because of the Three Great Christian boundless here and ten other world, all the Tathagata Arhat Enlightenment, Thanh Van, Bodhisattva, long, natural, pharmacy massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, all non-person is who wins power dread lords enough virtue, compassion concept households, ensuring whisper magic crystal pouring gas in body and mind that other mighty will, prosper body so supplemented.
Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men and women who wanted to be merit to this present life like, should give rise Hotel located Necessarily, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. This Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e this female-friendly, although for most secret Wisdom can not listen, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, because sentient wide flow statement saying throughout, but just poetry Detail, the treasure hone. Upper back and take things magically Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect , respect for praise, also as previously stated merit. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly, joyful energy make immeasurable benefits for being so.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! If good men and women's charity, bringing the appropriate center location Hotel Necessarily, used as a means to acquire wealth, the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, practice hard crystals, as physical Think, for charming broad statement said flow around, or the poetic description, the treasure hone. Upper back and take things magically Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the quarterly treasured jewel strange magic, music engineering, lights, offering all the available supply glass, respecting the praise. The devotees mail this female-friendly, because it is predestined by countless blessings, fulfilled a life brought immeasurable rooftop drinks outstanding food, clothing, furniture lying, medicine, utensils, offered reverence, respect critical praise ten world all Tathagata Application Enlightenment and disciples. Just over ten Buddha and disciples after entering Nirvana, others because they want donations Forum should take seven minutes advantage la greatest stupa built high boots wide, splendid; again brought immeasurable wealth sky beautiful garlands, incense massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, offering an entire life supply glass, respecting the praise. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since the ten directions Buddha and his disciples were by secret Wisdom multi depths like that being made so.
Then heaven Like Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! Suppose Design rife benefits Continental Thiem la Buddha brought as part of poetry secret Wisdom describes multiple depths like to do a part. In this second part, you take part? Then heaven Like Buddha said that revered sir! Despite rife Forum European interests Thiem la Buddha brought as part of this, poetry Wisdom describes most secret depths like to do a part. For the second part, I would rather take most secret Wisdom like that. Wherefore? Since I am on site Setting favor of la Buddha did not believe in, nor did rejoices, offered reverence, respect praise. But Set's favor la are most secret Wisdom which comes being so, are the merits of powerful secret Wisdom majority were religious orders such they are all worldly heaven, man, a communications component, all Upper secondary magically brought immeasurable garlands, incense massage, all incense powder, clothes, you get lost, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect , respect for praise.
Then tell Thien Tu relic Sakka said Kieu Thi Ca! Most secret Wisdom has not quite taken so because formless, infinite is, unmatched, especially generals, called formless spot; how can you get! Department why? Because most secret Wisdom so very obvious very discharge, increased wealth reduces wealth, wealth endless universe, pointless losses, asexual immaculate. Wisdom like such confidentiality and legal multi Buddhas, not give birth Hetero law; not the legal Bodhisattvas, such leave measures Hetero birth; Single legal sense without end; Hetero give birth such measures; not the legal bar text, such leave measures Hetero birth; unconditioned without end, not rejected compounded instructions. Wisdom is not the same density like most paramitas alms majority, not the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority. Wisdom like such confidential and internal multi-no, not the exchange is not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not indefinite nature. Wisdom is not the same density multi feet such as, not the legal world, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. Wisdom is not the same density like most noble truth of suffering, not the collective anti religion Truths. Wisdom like most such confidential and four contemplative, not the four immeasurable, the four formless. Wisdom is not the same density like most eight liberation, not with eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable origin. Wisdom is not the same density like most four-cylinder concept, not the four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Wisdom is not the same density multi thus not liberated subjects, such formless and technical rescue, technical rescue countless prayers. Wisdom is not the same density such multi-year mark, not the six Kabbalah. Wisdom is not the same density like most Buddhist ten forces, not the four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Wisdom like such confidentiality and legal majority in vain loss, not the nature of every cylinder exhaust. Wisdom is not the same density multi necessarily like location, not the location director general, mind necessarily general. Wisdom is not the same density like most all technical momentum ni la, not the same place all ma tam goal. Wisdom is not the same density like most fruit Provision saved, not the future First, Real completely, Arhat fruit. Wisdom is not the same density such multi-sensory Single Bodhi. Wisdom is not the same density multi like Bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy. Wisdom is not the same density such multi Supreme Bodhi College District.
Then God Indra answered Relic Tzu that: So, so. It said such words. Bach Venerable! Wisdom like that such multi-density quite taken, so formless, infinite is, unmatched, especially generals, place called formless. Bach Venerable! Wisdom like very obvious secret multi multitude discharge, increased wealth reduces wealth, wealth spread capacitor array, pointless losses, asexual immaculate. Bach Venerable! Wisdom multi such confidentiality, the legal no Buddhas, no drop in labor law; not the legal Bodhisattvas, such leave measures Hetero birth; Single legal sense without end, not give birth Hetero law; not the legal bar text, such leave measures Hetero birth; unconditioned without end, not rejected compounded instructions. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most paramitas alms majority, not the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority. Bach Venerable! Prajna Paramita multi how did the interior no, not the foreign no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread not, no variation no, no character, no self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not indefinite nature. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density multi feet such as, not the legal world, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most noble truth of suffering, not the collective anti religion Truths. Bach Venerable! Wisdom like most such confidential and four contemplative, not the four immeasurable, the four formless. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most eight liberation, not with eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable origin. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most four-cylinder concept, not the four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density multi thus not liberated subjects, not the formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most of the label, not the six Kabbalah. Bach great faith! Wisdom is not the same density like most Buddhist ten forces, not the four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Bach great faith! Wisdom is not the same density like most vain measures such loss and emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density multi necessarily like location, not the location director general, mind necessarily general. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most all technical momentum ni la, not the same place all ma tam goal. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density like most fruit Provision saved, not the future First, Real completely, Arhat fruit. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density such multi-sensory Single Bodhi. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density multi like Bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy. Bach Venerable! Wisdom is not the same density such multi Supreme Bodhi College District.
Bach Venerable! If the secret of Wisdom knows so versatile, it is true Wisdom took most profound secret, is also true practice most secret Wisdom depths. Wherefore? Because most secret Wisdom such depths depending on two unfortunate, because no two generals that. So contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms nor custom multi two unfortunate, because no two generals that.
Then the Buddha merit heaven like that: Or rather, or rather, as the man said. Most secret Wisdom such depths depending both happy. Wherefore? Because most secret Wisdom two generals not so deep. So contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity depending majority nor the two unfortunate. Wherefore? Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas multi alms like two generals also not so.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish that two generals feet as well. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom feet deep and not two, not two parts so. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, the feet as well as wish that two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms multi same as no two feet, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make Prajna Paramita multi depths with two generals. Wherefore? Qiao poetry! Because most secret Wisdom depths and no two legal world, so no two parts. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, the wish that the legal world is also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority and no two legal world, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish that the two generals also legal nature. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom depths and unique legal nature, so no two parts. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms multiple depths have two generals, while the legal nature also want that the two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority and no two legal nature, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make Prajna Paramita multi depths of two generals, while the wish that whatever falsehoods also two general nature. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom at any falsehoods deep emptiness two, not two parts so. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, while the wish that whatever falsehoods also two general nature. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity and no damage vonhg most unique character, so no two parts. 51/2
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish that any variation has two general nature. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom deep emptiness and any variation of two, so no two parts. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, the time is that any variation want also two general nature. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms and any variation most unique nature, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish that equality has two general nature. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom equally profound emptiness and two, not two parts so. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, the essence of equality is the wish that the two generals also. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity and equality emptiness most two, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish to make cups of birth before also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom deep emptiness and isolation being two, so no two parts. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, date of birth before you want to make glass also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority and two glasses of birth emptiness, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish that the two generals also legal. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom deep legal and not two, not two parts so. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, while the wish that the two generals also legal. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity and legal majority not two, not two parts so.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom has two general depths, while the wish that the two generals also legal office. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom depths and no two legal office, so no two parts. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, while the wish that the two generals also legal office. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority and no two legal office, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom depths of two generals, the truth is that economic'd also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom and true depths fact not two, not two parts so. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, the truth is that economic'd also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity and true multi fact not two, not two parts so.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom depths of two generals, the world wants that nowhere has two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom depths and unique world of nowhere, so no two parts. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, the world wants that nowhere has two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity and unreal world most unique, so no two parts.
Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make most secret Wisdom depths of two generals, while the world want to make any incredible also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because most secret Wisdom incredible depths along any instructions not two, not two parts so. Kieu Thi Ca! These guys want to make contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority of two generals, while the world want to make any incredible also two generals. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms most incredible and any instructions not two, not two parts so.
Now, heaven Like Buddha said that revered sir! Wisdom like most secret, earth, sky, people, a factor were all so optimistic of worship around organic media, offering respect, respect for praise. Department why? Because we all Ma Ha Tat Bodhisattva of Wisdom are shifting most secret depths like crystals diligent practice, has been, will be, currently Chief Supreme Bodhi College. Venerable sir! As I when exaltation Thien Thien French empire in power in heaven Thirty-three, because they declared disasters says Dharma. Then there are countless natural death of all go to my place I heard the sermon, offering reverently respectful praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. When I did manage it, the natural death and to place all of this, but did not see me as I was seated, still reverently offered and are being said: It is God Indra court because they all usually seated bias theory legal, so far we have God as master here, offerings, worship around the back property. Venerable sir! Thus, most secret Wisdom If anyone poetry describes life over, reciting, because sentient wide flow statement saying throughout, must know that every place has this realm and ten other world boundless, limitless, countless sun, dragon, rubbing pharmaceutical, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, non-people are all to gather. Although there is no false doctrine, as regards measures in place should also make offerings that respect, respect for praise, worship that back. Wherefore? Since all the Tathagata's Application Enlightenment are most secret Wisdom such depths that are born so. All we Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, Single sensory, cultural and charming bar with terrace furniture magic touch, are shifting most secret Wisdom such depths that are born so. Facilities also benefit la Buddha Wisdom by multiple depths such confidentiality, merit badge is offered so religious.
Venerable sir! Thus most secret Wisdom Bodhisattva with Ma Ha slap happy and is Necessary documents a human mind is location, is charming, the refuge facility, is to lead development. Venerable sir! Due to this cause so I work on this theory: Despite beneficial la Buddhist rife Set Continental Thiem taken as part of poetry Wisdom describes most secret depths like taking a part. In this two-part, I would rather take most secret Wisdom like!
Venerable sir! Me if when the secret Wisdom is most profound, life over recitation, genuinely thinking mind, heart contract should have no legal right to see the generals fear. Department why? Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom formless depths, no state, no words, no theory.
Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms majority also formless, no state, no words, numerous theories. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, not so internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, every scene no, no not economic, not spreading, not very warped, not nature, not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature is not formless, infinite state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so his feet are like, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before or legal making, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender and formless incredible, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so noble truth of suffering, collective Truths, destroy Holy Roman Emperor, Holy Roman Emperor and formless religion, no state, no words, no theory.
Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so four contemplative, four immeasurable, and the four formless formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Due to this secret Wisdom formless, infinite state, no words, no theory so liberating eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables and formless land, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi also formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Do Prajna Paramita multi here formless, no state, no words, no theory, so no technical rescue, technical rescue formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed formless also, no state, no words, no theory . Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so five labels, six supernormal also formless, infinite state, no words, no theory.
Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha no community law is formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, nothing is so fatal loss, emptiness and formlessness exhaust every office, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, necessarily so location, location director general, is necessarily general formlessness position, wealth status, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects and formless, no state, no words, no theory.
Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so happy Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat also formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District is formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is formless, no state, no words, no theory, so all is formless law, no state, no words, no theory.
Venerable sir! If most secret Wisdom Organic minister here, property status, organic language, organic theory, not a formless, infinite state, no words, no theory does, is Tathagata Application Enlightenment should not know all the legal formless , no state, no words, no evidence theory Chief Supreme Bodhi College, for all sentient say all measures formless, no state, no words, no theory. Venerable sir! Because most Secret Wisdom here formless, infinite state, no words, no theory, not a general property, state property, organic language, organic theory, so Tathagata Application Enlightenment France know all formless, infinite Condition, no words, no theory, evidence Supreme Bodhi College District, said because of all the legal sentient formless, no state, no words, no theory.
Venerable sir! So most secret Wisdom worth all worldly life, heaven, man, a communication element altogether, bringing immeasurable upper secondary Corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothes, you get lost, make colon, phan Parasols and treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all available offerings reverence, respect praise.
Venerable sir! If the charitable good men and women who, for the most secret Wisdom take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, because sentient broad statement said flow around, or the poetic description, the treasure hone, bringing immeasurable upper secondary Corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all available with offerings of respect, respect for praise. The good devotees this female element, such decisions fall to hell, animalzxy, demon world or in place of the borders, who distrust and evil is Dharma; not fall Sravakas and Career closest Single Parent decided to Supreme Bodhi College, often see the Buddhas, constant listening to the Dhamma, not leaving you fresh, strictly net realms, mature beings. From a Buddhist country to a Buddhist country offering reverence, respect Exalted Praise of Buddha and the Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped them. Provides outstanding performance immeasurable rooftop Corolla, incense incense rubbed all, clothes, he located, told colon, loose, the magical gems treasured strange quarterly, technical music, bright lights, but because offerings.
 Venerable sir! Suppose Design advantage rife la Buddha Three great Christian places this world offers as part poetry Wisdom describes most secret depths like to do a part. In this two-part, I would rather take most secret Wisdom like that. Wherefore? Since all the Tathagata Arhat Enlightenment and Supplies interests in three Empyrean la Buddha are from Wisdom born of this secret that majority. Again, Setting gain heavenly triangle la Buddha are due merit Wisdom power density multi religious orders, should be the heavens, people, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Because of conditions here, the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for la Buddha praise Setting interest, decided not fall back three beasts, often born people enjoying outdoor pleasures, wealth in itself, depending Three legal basis riding center voluntarily admit that to Nirvana.
Venerable sir! Or see Tathagata Application Enlightenment, or see site density of Wisdom describes multiple depths, two equal merits no different. Wherefore? Because most secret Wisdom like that, and the Tathagata Candidate equality Enlightenment not two, not two parts so.
Venerable sir! If there is Tathagata Application Enlightenment phen office three directions, because the statement says Dharma beings, it calls the scriptures, application procedure, Ranger Up, Phung proceedings, Self Theory, Human coast, the Bon, Bon birth, Phuong commercials, Greek Justice, meaning for example and argument. If the female devotees charity for most secret Wisdom habitually recite here, because others that broad theory, merits two other equally. Wherefore? Because if Tathagata application phen Enlightenment or three directions, or have uttered twelve faculty, are shifting most secret Wisdom which comes being so.
Venerable sir! If all Tathagata Application Enlightenment in ten world as untold, cylindrical three phen instructions, because the statement says Dharma beings, it called carambola Beijing, application procedure, Ranger Up, Phung proceedings, Self theory , Staff Coast, the Bon, Bon birth, The commercials, Greek law, for example, and that argument. If the charitable good men and women who, for the most secret Wisdom habitually recite here, because others that theory extensive, merits two other equally. Wherefore? Since all Tathagata Application Enlightenment in ten world as untold, or three phen directed, or had uttered twelve faculty, are shifting most secret Wisdom which comes being so.
Venerable sir! If the charitable good men and women who, brought immeasurable upper secondary Corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights , all available offerings reverence, respect praise all Tathagata Application Enlightenment in ten world as untold. Prince has improved female devotees describe poetry most secret Wisdom, also offers a rooftop infinite magic stuff Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the magic pearl treasure Quarterly strange, technical music, bright lights, all available offerings reverence, respect praise, merits two other equally. Wherefore? Because the Tathagata Applicants are dependent Enlightenment Wisdom born of this secret that majority. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/5/2015.      

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