Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang 
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Episode 6
Book First 128

        Vice 30-26

Venerable sir! If the charitable good men and women who, for the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, because sentient broad statement said flow throughout. The good devotees this female element, in future life such hell, animalzxy, demon world, or in place of the borders, who distrust is Dharma and evil; usually smart enough units radical right, and not fall Sravakas Single tier corner. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly office decided Bodhisattvas so Ma ha slap any rotten.
Venerable sir! If the charitable good men and women who, for the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, because sentient broad statement said flow around, or the poetic description and cultivate valuable; Upper secondary magically brought immeasurable garlands, incense massage, all incense powder, clothes, you get lost, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect , respect for praise. The good devotees this female element, away from all fear brain impairment. Venerable sir! As debtors creditors fear, went to close worship the King, the King is based forces from fear. Venerable sir! Such as people rely king is king inclusion, human life should be offered reverence, respect praise. Set well back benefits such la Buddha, so are most secret Wisdom religious orders, should be the sun, people, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Hotel omniscience also rely most secret Wisdom which was accomplished. Venerable sir! Due to this cause so I work on that here: Suppose Design Buddha la rife interests where Tam great Christian world brought here as part poetry Wisdom describes most secret depths like to do a part. In this two-part, I would rather take most secret Wisdom like that. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Because Buddha and Buddha la Setting benefit was thirty-two general macho, depending perfect eighty dignified in body, are made by majority secret Wisdom is born here but that.
Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so giving, pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most secret Wisdom is purified so members. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom is not here so internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, very variable not allergic, not nature, not ideological, communist minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature pure nature that are not members. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so his feet are like, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, Real sex is incredible that members purification. Venerable sir! Due Wisdom paramitas elegant majority here, so noble truth of suffering, collective Truths, destroy Holy Roman Emperor, Holy Roman Emperor was directing this net member. Venerable sir! Do Prajna Paramitas majority here, so four contemplative, four limitless, formless four members to be so pure. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so the eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten net member so variable origin. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure net member so. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom here, the goal should not liberation, liberation subjects formless, infinite deliverance prayer so subjects net member. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so five labels, six members Kabbalah is so pure. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Dharma whatever is pure so members. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so that nothing is fatal loss, constant nature park pure exhaust cylinder so. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so omniscience, director general location, location is necessarily general net member so. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so all subjects ni la momentum, all ma tam address such subjects net member. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so all happy Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the net so members. Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District is purified so members.
Venerable sir! Due to confidentiality Wisdom majority here, so the body and mind are not corrupted Buddhas, because countless vajras stiffer bumper so. Venerable sir! Because most secret Wisdom compassionate power here, so all year Bell was also named paramitas majority. Wherefore? Because if not most secret Wisdom, generosity all the time can not be so to the other shore.
Venerable sir! If Tam natural world or the other world here, where there are royal cities, borough, village, in that if there are those who habitually recite poetry prize description says, offering reverence, respect praise Wisdom paramitas most like, is charming place was such that there were all caused by human brain, causing all non-person, only except karma decided to pay; dally practice, depending concomitants pray, give evidence Tam admitted to Nirvana. Venerable sir! Wisdom higher density multi how compassionate enough force, depending on where to make useful beings are much higher.
Venerable sir! Wisdom multi Such confidential user lords, in the realms of this great Christian Tam Buddhist acting. Venerable sir! If in world circulation Wisdom multi depths such confidentiality, should know this place is the Buddha appear worldly, benefiting all. Venerable sir! Competitors like Pearl Continental era god priceless sure enough immeasurable dread allows winning magic virtue, depending on this continent where there god, the pilot who does not do a full brain harm. If there is male or female demon death began suffering body and mind, if there is god Continental brings handed view, because its power is Continental, demons ran away. One was the hot disease, or leprosy, or sputum, or phlegm hot style combines patient group, if this has brought forced Continental god wearing in body, so patients do not heal unless such diseases. This Asian power in a dark place to clarify, in the cooling heat, in the cold to do warm, depending on the province, where the god Continental, cold weather did not heat conditioning. If this place had god Continental, poisonous snakes, scorpions do not dare shelter. If there is male or female element is poisoned painful discomfort, if this god brought show the Continental, as profound dread that so closely on their toxicity. If the relatives were the charming disability, leprosy, strabismus, evil stepmother, emphysema, dizziness, eye diseases, ear diseases, disease nose, throat diseases, kidney disease, mental wear this continent are benign diseases. If in the slot stream pond water wells were sliding all impurity or about to dry up, bring it in water immediately continent rife, clean fragrant enough slang in eight merit. If you take only red yellow green purple red white posters confused continents, weaving the magic packet Continental coat color is released into the water, according to water color looks into these color shirt. Dai told dread god priceless Continental boundless virtue, say no all. If a chest trap to trap full well that the full trunk should dread boundless virtue. Despite the empty chest trap, so each to Europe should also remain many people love and admire.
Then ask God specific life Khanh Hy Sakka said Kieu Thi Ca! Continental is the sun god so toxic organic or has it? Thien Sakka says Bach Venerable! In heaven, people are on this continent, if at the thumbnails that heavy people, if in heaven, but slightly larger. Again, in general it is not full of people, if in heaven minister it round around, it is in heaven majestic continent in virtue wins over countless people overcome multiples.
Then the little heaven Like Buddha said, White Exalted! Wisdom most secret depths like this also, as the basis of merit, immeasurable kill evil evil methods, depending on where the body and mind causing suffering of all beings are destroyed, the pilot who all could do harm. Venerable sir! Continental said the agency told invaluable god, not the example of Wisdom most secret depths that Necessarily example Tathagata Hotel Hotel. Venerable sir! Wisdom multi such confidentiality, sufficient immeasurable merit wins, and development wins to lead countless merits for the Earth and the world.
Venerable sir! Wisdom most secret depths hard limits that merit commendation confess. Wherefore? Because most secret Wisdom merit such infinite depth so. Set beneficial la Buddha Wisdom by secret majority here that is being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas alms like most deep, hard limits that merit commendation confess. Wherefore? Since contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms such majority, merit extensive so boundless. Set gain by la Buddhist contemplative, diligent, defensive ring, pure precepts, paramitas of generosity which is being run this majority, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, honor critical praise.
Venerable sir! Cabinet not merit deep well confess hard limit compliment. Wherefore? Since no such internal, deep wide merit so boundless. Setting benefit from wireless la Buddha that is being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Foreign not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, no self minister, plus minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature not merit deep hard limit that profess khen.Vi Why? Because not until the very nature of foreign nature does not like, merit infinite width so deep. Set by foreign non-profit Buddhist la indefinite nature to nature here that is not being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Chon as merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Because feet as such, merits so wide boundless deep. Set gain by la Buddha feet like this that is being run, should afford all worldly life, heaven, people, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender depths incredible merit that limit hardly justified Merit. Wherefore? Since the French border until any such incredible world, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by la Buddha until any legal world this incredible world that is being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Suffering deep Truths merit commendation confess that hard limit. Wherefore? Since such noble truth of suffering merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by suffering Truths la Buddha here which is being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Set Removal profound directing merit Truths hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Set Removal Truths Because such religion, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by the collective anti-religion Buddhist la Truths that are being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Four contemplative depths hard limits that merit commendation confess. Wherefore? Because four such contemplative, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by four contemplative la Buddha here which is being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Four immeasurable, four formless depths of limited merit commendation confess that difficult. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, like the four formless, merit infinite width so deep. Set gain by four immeasurable la Buddha, that this formless four that are being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Eight freed merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Because eight such liberation, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by eight Buddhist la liberation that is being run here, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variable depths merit land hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Since eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables such land, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by eight wins Buddha la land, filed for nine minutes, ten variables here that are being run origin, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Four anniversary merit deep cylindrical hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Since such four cylinder concept, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by four concepts la Buddha which is being run this office, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble merit deep spending limit khen.Vi Why confess that difficult? Because the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight such noble expenditure, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by four main sections la Buddha, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure which is being run here, should afford all worldly life heaven, people, all offering a touch element seems reverent, respectful praise.
Venerable sir! No liberation deep technical merit commendation confess that hard limit. Wherefore? Because no such disciplines freed, merits so wide boundless deep. Set gain by not freeing la Buddha which is being run this goal, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Formless, infinite depths subjects voluntarily freed merit commendation confess that hard limit. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects such deliverance prayer, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by formless la Buddha, no deliverance prayer which is being run this goal, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Five labels merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Because of such labels, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by year mark la Buddha here which is being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Six deep psychic merit commendation confess that hard limit. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah six such, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by six Kabbalah la Buddha here which is being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Buddhist merit ten deep capacity hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Since Buddha ten such force, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by la Buddha Buddha ten forces that are arising here should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Because the four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen such legal estate Buddha, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by four very basis la Captain Buddha, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community here that is being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all elements offering a touch of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! All technical momentum ni la merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Since all subjects ni la such momentum, merit so wide boundless deep. Setting gain momentum la la Buddhist nuns from all subjects that are being run here, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! All subjects tam ma place merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Since all ma tam address such subjects, merit so wide boundless deep. Setting interest Buddha la ma place by all three subjects here which are being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Recreational necessarily merit deep hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Because such omniscience, merit so wide boundless deep. Setting necessarily benefit from Hotel la Buddha here which is being run, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Hotel director generals, generals necessarily deep place hard limits that merit commendation confess. Wherefore? Because religion minister position, such position necessarily general, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by director generals la Buddha mind, necessarily general which is being run this place should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! France vain merit deep interior hard limit confess that compliment. Wherefore? Since France vain like furniture, merit so wide boundless deep. Setting the legal benefits due vain la Buddha losses that are arising here should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Every pillar nature merit deep discharge limit confess that hardly merit. Wherefore? Because every head-discharge such nature, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by la Buddha-nature is constant exhaust cylinder which is being run, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Habitual over yet all connected together deep afflictions merit commended confess that hard limit. Wherefore? Because habitual over yet all connected together such negativity, merit so wide boundless deep. Set gain by la Buddha over yet all connected together habitual negativity that is being run here, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Again, revered sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders are fulfilled for most secret Wisdom so deep, is very pure place containers for honey multi Wisdom so deep, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for the contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, paramitas alms multi such, is very pure place containers for contemplative, diligent, safety rings, net international, multi paramitas of generosity here that, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for not remain internal, is very pure place containers for not remain internal, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for foreign dwells not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation not, nature is not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not so very nature, is very pure place for containers Foreign not remain indefinite nature to nature is not so, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for the feet remain so, is very pure place containers for feet remain so, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a peanut supply factors glass, respecting the praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders remain very fullness for France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any such incredible world, where the containers are to remain pure until any legal world so incredible world, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise Merit.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for such noble truth of suffering remain, where the containers are to remain pure for so noble truth of suffering, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a touch element seems reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders remain very fullness for collective killing that religion Holy Roman Emperor, is very pure place containers for collection remain so anti religion Holy Roman Emperor, should afford all the world outdoor life, people, a touch all elements offering reverence, respect praise.
Venerable sir! Forum beneficial tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for four so contemplative, where the containers are for four contemplative purity so, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element seems reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for four immeasurable, so the four immaterial, is very pure place containers for four immeasurable, so the four formless afford worldly life all the heavens, people, all elements offering a touch of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for eight liberated so, is very pure place containers for eight liberated so, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables such land, is very pure place containers for eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin should therefore afford worldly life all the heavens, people, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for four cylinder concept that is very pure place containers for four cylinder concept that, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, 'What are the eight noble, is very pure place containers for four main stages, four sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble doest, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders are not fulfilled for this liberation disciplines, where the receptacle was not freed purity for such subjects, should afford all the world outdoor life, man, all offering a peanut supply factors glass, respecting the praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for the formless, infinite liberation vow keeper, is very pure place containers for formless, infinite so willingly liberated subjects, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all elements offering a touch of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for this year mark, where the containers are labeled so pure for years, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, respect praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for six so divine, is very pure place containers for six psychic development should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for the ten Buddha so, is very pure place containers for the ten Buddha so, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen plus legal estate that Buddha, is very pure place for containers legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate development should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for all technical momentum ni la such, is very pure place containers for all technical momentum ni la such, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, a communication element offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for all three disciplines so ma place, where the containers are pure magic for all three disciplines that address, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, a communication element offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for such omniscience, where the containers are necessarily pure for this position, should afford all worldly life heaven, man, all offering a communication element of respect, Praise respect. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for general guidance location, location so necessarily general, is very pure place containers for Hotel religion minister, minister necessarily mind that, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting beneficial place orders la Buddha is very fullness for legal practitioners in vain Indeed, the very pure place containers in vain for interior measures should therefore afford worldly life all the heavens, people, all offering a peanut supply factors glass, respecting the praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders are fulfilled for every cylinder exhaust nature such, is very pure place for containers for every cylinder exhaust nature that, should afford all worldly life heaven, people, all offering a communication element reverence, respect praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for over yet all connected together habitual afflictions such, is very pure place containers for over yet all connected together habitual afflictions such, should afford all that life outdoor space, people, all offering a communication element of respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for merit treasures so paramitas majority, is very pure place containers for merit multi treasures paramitas so, should afford all the world outdoor life, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders are immaculate perfection for countless multi paramitas so pure, where the containers are immaculate purity for numerous multi net paramitas so, should afford all the world outdoor life, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for killing the unborn numerous multi paramitas so, is very pure place containers for killing unborn numerous multi paramitas so, should afford all the world outdoor life, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for manufacturing numerous paramitas joins multi such, is very pure place containers for export joins numerous multi paramitas so, should afford all the world outdoor life, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is where orders are increasing very fullness for countless multi thus reducing paramitas, is very pure place containers for untold wealth increases so reducing paramitas majority, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all reverence, respect khen.Bach Bhagavan praise! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for past countless multitude paramitas hybrid multi Thus, where the containers are purified for past countless multitude hybrid multi paramitas so, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for very real wealth so moved paramitas majority, is very pure place containers for untold wealth transfer activity so paramitas majority, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise. Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for very tough test numerous multi paramitas so, is very pure place containers for untold wealth and longevity testing multi paramitas so, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Venerable sir! Setting interest tu la Buddha is very fullness place orders for the true nature of such measures paramitas majority, is very pure place containers for the true nature of such measures paramitas majority, should afford all worldly life heaven, people , a communications component offering all respect, respect for praise.
Again, revered sir! Set aside profit rife la Buddha Three great Christian world, assuming Forum beneficial rife la Buddhist world as the Buddha ten were all brought untold do part, describes Wisdom poetry most secret depths How to make a part, in this two-part standard I would rather take most secret Wisdom like that. Wherefore? Since the Forum benefit of all Tathagata la Applications Enlightenment, are due to confidentiality Wisdom multi depths that are being run like that. The Forum advantage of all the Tathagata la Applications Enlightenment, are due to confidentiality Wisdom multi depths like religious orders such as the place, the Forum benefit of all Tathagata la Enlightenment Applications are due Wisdom stranger had such deep blue 𠣨 drive, so containers. So all heaven tolerate life, dragon, pharmaceutical massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut emergency complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, who all donated non-respect, respect for praise
Venerable sir! If the men e, female-friendly offerings reverence, respect la Buddha praise Forum beneficial, as the men e, this female-friendly so fresh root here in the sun, enjoy the fun wealthy people. Police Ethnic sole means higher profit, higher Brahmin clan, clan heads higher, academia, ethnic Layman; Four great king heaven them, heaven Thirty-three, it was magic, sun porcelain majority, heaven and in heaven Lac Tha evolution of leisurely fun enjoying wealth. Consecutive wins by such fresh root, the carrot itself after suffering medial compartment fully.
Venerable sir! If the charitable good men and women who, for the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite poetry prize description says, as of thinking, because most secret Wisdom here he is fullness. Because most secret Wisdom thus be fulfilled, so the contemplative paramitas that most also be fulfilled. Paramitas contemplative most like be fulfilled, should be diligent to make multi paramitas are also fulfilled. Paramitas diligent most like be fulfilled, so the police made multiple rings paramitas are also fulfilled. An rings paramitas such multi fullness, so to make multi-paramitas pure precepts are also fulfilled. Paramitas pure precepts such majority being fulfilled, should again make multiple alms paramitas are also fullness
Venerable sir! Since this is not forcing remain internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, nature not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature are not fulfilled. Venerable sir! Since this causes the feet to remain as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible also fullness. Venerable sir! Since this causes remain the sole suffering saint, Holy Roman Emperor collection, anti Noble Truths, Truths religion also fullness.
Venerable sir! Since this makes the contemplative practice four, four limitless, formless four provisions were fulfilled. Venerable sir! Since this practice forcing eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables Origin also be fulfilled. Venerable sir! Since this makes the concept of practice four cylinder, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure is also fullness. Venerable sir! Since this practice is not to make the goal of liberation, liberating technical formless, infinite subjects are voluntarily freed fulfillment. Venerable sir! Since this year the label makes practice, six spiritual powers is also fullness
Venerable sir! Since this makes the Buddha practiced ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community is also fullness. Venerable sir! Since this necessarily forcing practice location, location director generals, are necessarily general consummation Hotel. Venerable sir! Since this makes the legal practice in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder is also fullness. Venerable sir! Since this makes the practice all disciplines momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects were also fulfilled. 89
Venerable sir! Since this re-making beyond Sravakas Career and Single Career awareness, identity proof glass in chief Bodhisattvas born, was the chief witness in the throne bodhisattvas born separatist nature, and encouraged by divine bodhisattva outstanding victory. Riding this supernormal walking the realms, from one country to another country Buddha Buddha offering, reverence, respect Buddhafields praise Bhagavan, listening to the Dhamma, strictly net Buddhas. Wanting charming maturation of prayer should start thinking wins these bodies expectancy: or Dharmaraja king, switch, or as King Elementary Dharmaraja, or do the Great monarch, or monarch State, or birth Ethnic surveys to gain university, college or ethnic Brahmin birth, or the birth of modern nation fake head, or the birth of modern nations lay, or do Sakka, or do the Great ticket king, or monk Bhikkhu, or do all Tri Nations depending worthy place that makes many useful embodiment, procrastinate till the Supreme Chief of equity securities Bodhi.
Venerable sir! So, I waited for instrument benefit of la Buddha did not believe in, nor did rejoices, offered reverence, respect praise. But for the most secret Wisdom offerings such deep reverence, respect of praise, it is very much merit than the other. This should be standard because of conditions I would rather take most secret Wisdom like that.
Venerable sir! If the men e, female-friendly offerings reverence, respect Praise of Wisdom multi such confidentiality, growing all the time as Buddhism, as well as enjoying all life photography taken wealth, wellbeing and liberation of the earth and the Earth. Such offerings are due reverence, respect the interests praising la Buddhist Forum. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/5/2015.

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