Wednesday 20 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang 
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Episode 6
Book First 126
First Assembly
number of German
Vice 30-24

Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making up for the charity cause, pure precepts, diligent defensive ring, contemplative, Wisdom makes bile multi born Secretary. So most secret Wisdom here for alms until contemplative, Wisdom is the other most privacy guidelines, as a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus most secret Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, do not feature internal edification, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, unconditioned not, every scene no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, no other indefinite nature that nature is evident. So most secret Wisdom is not here for the internal nature to no other indefinite nature is principle, a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as universally in graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making the building function as feet, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, immutable nature heterosexual, equal nature, glass of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, no other world that is incredible evident. So most secret Wisdom here for three ჰ feet as the other gender is incredible respect both, the guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great earth like seeds spread in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, make up for the suffering cause Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths that religion was evident. So most secret Wisdom samudaya here to destroy other religion is respected both Holy Roman Emperor, as a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, do feature contemplative building for four, four immeasurable, four formless being born to make. So most secret Wisdom contemplative here for four, four immeasurable, four formless is to respect both, the guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedication necessary facilities as shelters Hotel location, make power for eight rescue building, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables that land be born. So most secret Wisdom liberation here for eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten religious origin is the latest turn, the guide, leaving us wide confess compliment most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making energy office building for the four concepts, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, spent eight noble cause was born. So most secret Wisdom anniversary here for four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi is respected both, a guide, so I just Wide confess compliment most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, do not cause up to half deliverance, deliverance subject formless, infinite deliverance prayer that is born subject. Therefore, most secret Wisdom not here for deliverance subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects as religious vows at all, as a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making up for years of causing labels, six spiritual powers that are born. So most secret Wisdom label here for five, six spiritual powers is respected both, a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making up for the Buddhist cause ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, college discharge, plus eighteen Dharma estate that was born. So most secret Wisdom Buddha here for ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, Dharma estate eighteen religious communities is both, a guide , so I just confess commended wide privacy Wisdom majority.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making up for the French cause in vain Furniture, nature makes every cylinder exhaust is born. So most secret Wisdom in vain here for ventricular legal, religious identity is both constant exhaust cylinder, the guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedication necessary facilities as shelters Hotel location, make necessary capacity building for location, general director position, position that is necessarily born minister. So most secret Wisdom necessarily here for location, location director general, is necessarily general religious mind at all, as a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus most secret Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, as power to all building momentum ni la subjects, all subjects tam ma place that was born. So most secret Wisdom here for all subjects Romanian mandala, all ma tam address is religious subjects at all, as a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making up for the unfortunate cause Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped making is born. So most secret Wisdom Bodhisattva here to conduct another Ma ha slap is respected both, a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Khanh Hy! Must know brings great local varieties such as sprayed in the graceful harmony of being born. Great earth should know the same origin, as shelter, make building energy. Thus, the most secret of Wisdom and dedicate Necessarily facility location as a refuge place, making the building energy class Chief Supreme Bodhi was born making. So most secret Wisdom Supreme Chief here for the other class is respected both Bodhi, a guide, so I confess just wide commendation most secret Wisdom.
Now, heaven Like Buddha said that revered sir! Today Tathagata Application Enlightenment Wisdom with multi density here, all talk and no merit at all. Department why? Since I follow Bhagavan led secret life of Wisdom most extensive merit, not short amount of edge. The friendly female devotees mail all, for most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said throughout, it was merit nor prevented her. If there are poets who described most secret Wisdom is like this and use these to cultivate; bring the magic back countless rooftop Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, clothes, you get lost, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, how all the offerings of respect , respect of praise, it is also not prevented her merit.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new karma ten out worldly religion.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Because here you have these four contemplative, four immeasurable, the formless four, five out all psychic world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most secret Wisdom worldly appearance.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new cabinet should not, other not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very warped, responsibility emptiness, self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not indefinite nature out into the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible out world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new format Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directed out into the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new rescue eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out worldly origin.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble spending out into the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new subject has not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite subject appeared voluntarily liberated world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new year labels, six out unseen world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Because here are the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Dharma estate out of the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Because of this danger, nothing is new, every pillar nature discharged out into the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this necessarily new location, location director generals, generals necessarily appear worldly place.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects out into the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new era imperial clan interests Sat, great Brahmin clan, clan heads higher, academia, ethnic lay out the earth.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new Four Royal us heaven, heaven Thirty-three, it was magic, it was due to the majority, it was transformed Lac, heaven Tha out of self in the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Because God is on our new, extra discounts heaven, heaven on Social, Great violation heaven, heaven Optics, Qualification sun rays, optical boundless sky, pure heaven Auroras, Pure heaven, heaven Minimum net, net boundless sky, sky Variable Tinh Quang heaven, heaven Qualification commercials, outdoor advertising boundless horizon Ads appear worldly results.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new sun bothers Unknown, Unknown Heat heaven, heaven out Compassion, compassion is heaven, heaven out salvage Sac world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Because here are not boundless sky, boundless sky land, land owned Wuxi heaven, heaven Phi phi phi great ideas out worldly origin.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new project save, Best Hybrid, No refund, Arhat and save directions Provision Provision save results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat Arhat direction appear worldly results .
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. As this new awareness and Single Single Bodhi sense out of the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new Bodhisattva and happy slapping Ma ha ha slapped Ma Bodhisattva out into the world.
Venerable sir! If someone, for most secret Wisdom here take heart slang deep listening, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. Since this new application with all the Tathagata Enlightenment and the Supreme Chief Bodhi class out into the world.
Then heaven Like Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! I will not say most secret Wisdom depths merit just as previously mentioned. Wherefore? Because most secret Wisdom so full so boundless merit wins. Kieu Thi Ca! I will not say the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, making up around the wide, because energy charming and poetic description statement said, these improve sausage. Rooftop bring magic back countless garlands, incense massage, all incense powder, clothes, you get lost, the canopy of the page, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect, Praise respect. The men e, friendly woman only merit as previously mentioned. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, good woman can not leave place Necessarily center position, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, practice hard crystals, as physical thinking, sentient statement said wide for travel through, or poetic description, these cultivate. Rooftop bring magic back countless garlands, incense massage, incense, clothing, he located, told colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect, Praise respect. The men e should improve this female full group boundless world wins, so full of boundless team wins, the whole group should immeasurable wisdom wins, complete should be freed countless group wins, the whole group should be freed Hotel wins is immeasurable. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female, must know as Buddha. Wherefore? Since he decided to Supreme Chief wins Bodhi College so.
Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female element beyond friendly bar text and the Single tier corner. Wherefore? Since liberation all Sravakas inferiority center, Doc senses that. Kieu Thi Ca! All bar text, Doc has a full sense to group sex, group to group wisdom, group liberation, liberation group is located. For the female devotees here have good death should complete gender group, the group, the group favored, group liberation, liberation groups such location is up a hundred, a thousand parts could not, could not share one hundred thousand, hundred such inhibition up a fraction, such fraction cent up a hundred memories, hundreds of thousands of such memories up a fraction, such fraction hundred thousand hundred memories keep one, hundred thousand hundred memories like memory up one such part, part number, part math, part design , extreme example of component parts to come up with one would not. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female friendly besting all inferiority mind Sravakas, Single corner. For the legal bar text, Single confess not merit a full sense. For all such places France does not know, that is the ability to know, has no legal ownership.
Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, good woman can not leave place Necessarily center position, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, practice hard crystals, as physical Think, for charming broad statement said flow around, or the poetic description, these cultivate. Rooftop bring magic back countless garlands, incense massage, incense, clothing, he located, told colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect, Praise respect. The good devotees mail this female, I say fix the infinite merit wins the current and future life.
Then the little heaven Like Buddha said, White Exalted! If the men e, good woman can not leave place Necessarily center position, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, practice hard crystals, as physical Think, for charming broad statement said flow around, or the poetic description, the treasure hone. Upper back and take things magically Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect , respect for praise. Our gods are often under guard status, not for all people, all non-human, evil things confuse harmful coast.
Then heaven Like Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, friendly woman brings corresponds Necessarily center position location, user wealth as a means to acquire, for the most secret Wisdom habitually recite here; when he has countless hundreds of thousands of martyrs hear legal God should come the assembly, joyous dance, Life Wisdom glass multi depths such confidentiality. Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, good woman, bringing the appropriate center location Hotel Necessarily, used as a means to acquire wealth statement says France corresponds most secret Wisdom such depths; then there is no death of God all come to the assembly, ensuring that its power is natural that those who preach added eloquence, declared endless takes. Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, friendly woman brings corresponds Necessarily center position location, user wealth as a means to acquire Wisdom statement said multiple depths such confidentiality; then there is no death of God as regards all should approach them to the assembly, ensuring that its power is natural eloquence that those who preach not take, despite the obstacles victims could not prevent the end.
Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men and women who all, ensuring that the appropriate center location Hotel Necessarily, used as a means to acquire wealth, the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, because sentient broad statement said flow around, or the poetic description, the treasure hone. Upper back and take things magically Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect , respect for praise. The good devotees this female element, in the present life must be immeasurable merit victory, the drug may not infringe disorder relatives.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, friendly woman in the middle of the four states say most secret Wisdom such depths, not frightened mind, to not comment victims were all broken. Wherefore? Because there are so multi-density Wisdom such depths that household. But if the secret Wisdom majority here, in secret organ large enough to distinguish all such measures. Legal means or facilities immoral law, nothing is signed; or legal past, future measures, the current approach; or forcible realms, realms forcible Sac, forcible Formless realms; or learning, nothing is learned, uneducated legal tuition fees; or see approach may be cut, the practice was stopped, such measures may be cut; or worldly, France made it; or tangible worldliness, outflow; or compounded, unconditioned dharma; or Justice has found that measures not seen; or have legal identity, no legal identity; or Community law, any public law; or legal bar text, or Doc legal sense, or Bodhisattva measures, or measures Tathagata. Like all legal entities, countless hundreds of thousands of these methods are based on this photography.
Due to the death devotees, like all good woman not smart cabinet office, the foreign office not smart, not smart exterior office, office no not smart, not smart modern offices, office smart means not winning, not cleverly compounded office , unconditioned not smart office, office every scene was clever, very clever international office not, not clever canopy office, countless clever variation office not, not nature clever cylinder, cleverly self minister office, public office minister smart, clever not necessarily the legal office, office impossibility acquisition not dexterous, skillful very emptiness office, not nature clever cylinder, cylinder indefinite nature cleverly self emptiness. So are those who see no reasoning power accident, nor saw victims who were arguments, nor saw most secret Wisdom is the theory. Because she should, Kieu Thi Ca, the men e this female friendly university by the strength of Wisdom compassionate stomach bile holder, should not be all accidents or other political argument as enthralling.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men and women who, for the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, crystal diligent practice, as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, make up wide throughout. The men e this female-friendly, they do not mind doing, no father, no sunken nor anxious, repent. Department why? Because the men e, this female-friendly approach not see worth making them horrible, captain announced, sunken and anxious, repent. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men this woman, want to be the current boundless merit here, so for the majority of Wisdom secret depths like taking heart slang listening, habitually recite, practice hard crystals, as Management thinking, sentient statement said wide for flow around, or the poetic description, the treasure hone. Upper back and take things magically Corolla, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, you touch, make colon, loose, the treasured jewel quarterly strange magic, music engineering, lights, all of the available offerings of respect , respect for praise.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, friendly woman brings corresponds Necessarily center position location, user wealth as a means to acquire, for the most secret Wisdom slang heard here take heart, habitually recite, practice hard crystals, as Management thinking, sentient statement said wide for flow around, or the poetic description, the treasure hone. Upper back and take things magically Corolla, aroma massage, incense, clothing, he located, told colon, loose, the magical gems treasured strange quarterly, technical music, bright lights, all available offerings reverently, Praise respect. The friendly female devotees death are often parents, teachers, relatives cardboard, intellectual friends, monarchs, lords and monks, all dear brahmin glasses. It was ten in the boundless world Tathagata Arhat Enlightenment, Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat, Single sense, Arhat, Real finished, the First hybrid project concept note Dear all results. Was gods, ghosts, scope, human and non-human, a factor Dear all household optimism. The men e should improve this female full of endless supreme eloquence. The good devotees mail this female monk alms, pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most secret Wisdom often not an end all. The men e, this female-friendly not remain internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation not, nature is not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, attained not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature often emptiness of endless self before.     
The men e, this female-friendly 'feet remain as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , regardless of gender often escalates incredible before. The men e, this female-friendly format remain Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths religion often end up. The men e, this female friendly four contemplative practice, four immeasurable, four formless often not the end all. The men e, it's good practice eight female liberation, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables often endless land before. The men e, this female-friendly concept cultivate four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure escalates out. The men e, this female-friendly practice not liberated subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberating countless subjects often not voluntarily terminate before. The men e, this female-friendly practice in the label, not an end six ordinary god before.
The men e, this female friendly Buddhist monk ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Dharma estate often stop off. The men e, this female-friendly legal practice in vain Furniture, nature often escalates every cylinder exhaust before. The men e, this female-friendly practice omniscience, director general location, not necessarily general often stop off place. The men e, this female-friendly practice all disciplines momentum ni la, all ma tam address all subjects often escalates. The men e, this female friendly charming mature, strictly net often escalates buddhaland before. The men e, this female friendly full so divine Bodhisattva wins, strolling carefree Buddhafields very afraid. The men e, this female-friendly equipment such horror all pagan reasoning restaurant, which features casual restaurant pagan reasoning.
Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, women who want to be good merit current successes endless future not all like that, so the secret Wisdom multi depths like taking heart slang listening, habitually recite, refined industrious practice, as of thinking, because sentient wide flow statement saying throughout, the poetic description, the treasure hone, bringing immeasurable upper secondary Corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, costumes, he located, protected colon, loose, the magical gems treasured strange quarterly, technical music, bright lights, all available offerings reverence, respect praise.
Again, Kieu Thi Ca! If the men e, good poetry lady Wisdom describes most secret depths like, use these to cultivate, to place an offering pure reverence, respect praise. When Tam was great Christian world how their great king Four heaven, heaven Thirty-three, it was magic, it was due to the majority, it was transformed Lac, heaven Tha Self who has interest in the Supreme Chief of Party Committee threads, often to this place watching the ceremony, reciting Wisdom multi such confidentiality, offered reverence, respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. How sun on them, heaven extra discounts, discounts Assembly heaven, heaven University commit, sun Optics, Optical Qualification sun, sun rays boundless horizon pure Aurora, Pure heaven, heaven Minimum net, net boundless sky, sun denaturation horizon, Square, heaven Qualification promo, promo boundless sky, who has fruit heaven Square Development Center Chief Supreme Bodhi College, often to this place watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom multi such confidentiality, offered reverence , respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. How heaven is heaven Forever Pure disturb residents, sun heat Unknown, current Good heavens, Compassion is heaven, heaven Lust often to salvage this place also watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom multi such confidentiality, offering respect, respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. Then, in this realm with great dread dragon virtue of pharmaceutical massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, all non-people often come here and watch the ceremony, Wisdom recite most like honey, offered reverence, respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth.
Then, at ten in the boundless world how their great king Four heaven, heaven Thirty-three, it was magic, it was due to the majority, it was transformed Lac, heaven Tha Self who has interest in the Supreme Chief Bodhi class to this place often watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom multi such confidentiality, offered reverence, respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. How sun on them, heaven extra discounts, discounts Assembly heaven, heaven University commit, sun Optics, Optical Qualification sun, sun rays boundless horizon pure Aurora, Pure heaven, heaven Minimum net, net boundless sky, sun denaturation horizon, Square, heaven Qualification promo, promo boundless sky, who has fruit heaven Square Development Center Chief Supreme Bodhi College, often to this place watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom multi such confidentiality, offered reverence , respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. How heaven is heaven Forever Pure disturb residents, sun heat Unknown, current Good heavens, Compassion is heaven, heaven Lust often come here salvage watch the ceremony, reciting Wisdom multi such confidentiality, offered reverence, respect critical praise and worship around the property, with hands that back. Then there is the other great world dread dragon virtue of pharmaceutical massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, all non-people often come here to see the ceremony, read Wisdom proceedings such multi-density, offering respect, respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth.
Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female should improve cooperation to think here: Nay Three great Christian world and the boundless world ten others, how they sky Royal Four, Thirty-three heaven, heaven Yeah ma, heaven Do use multiple, sun Lac transformed, turned himself in Tha heaven, heaven on them, extra discounts heaven, heaven on Social, Great violation heaven, heaven Optics, Qualification sun rays, optical boundless sky, pure heaven Auroras, Pure heaven , lack of sun, sky Countless net, net Variable sky, heaven Square, outdoor advertising Qualification, heaven Countless commercials, Quang fruit heaven, heaven Infinite mind, heaven Infinite heat, current Good heavens, Compassion is heaven, heaven salvage Sac Any residual immeasurable and have great dread dragon virtue of pharmaceutical massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, all non-people often come here to see the ceremony, reciting Wisdom most secret depths of poetry by one description, offered reverence, respect for praise, worship around the property, but his hands back and forth. That was the theory was French pilot. Effects of this thought then, rejoice with exceeding joy, that place is blessed as multiple growth.
Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female-friendly, so Tam this great Christian world and the boundless Any residual ten different world, how our great king Four heaven, heaven Thirty-three, it was ghosts, heaven Do use multiple , sun Lac transformed, turned himself in Tha heaven, heaven on them, extra discounts heaven, heaven on Social, Great violation heaven, heaven Optics, Qualification sun rays, optical boundless sky, pure heaven Auroras, Pure heaven, heaven Qualification Net, net boundless sky, sun denatured, heaven Square, outdoor advertising Qualification, heaven Countless commercials, Quang fruit heaven, heaven Infinite mind, heaven Infinite heat, current Good heavens, Thien is sky, sun and salvage any residual Sac has great merit immeasurable dread the dragon, rubbing pharmaceutical, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, non-people often come here all track support, not for all both people and non-people do brain damage. The only exception for karma's predecessor, current must be accomplished, or moving their current career into business contempt.
Kieu Thi Ca! The men e, this female-friendly, so thanks very compassionate era secret Wisdom majority here, should be merit victory like this current change. Ie all the gods who had discovered class center chief Supreme Bodhi, or slash enemies Buddhism was the triumph happy that France should respect often go to support this monitoring, additional forces. Department why? Because the men e, this female has improved center chief Supreme Bodhi College, every so charming save the result, because the constant maturing of so charming, because such constant internal so charming, constants for So glad the charming profit. All the other gods so well again, because of conditions should generally follow supporters.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/5/2015.

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