Sunday 17 May 2015

Meaning retreat
Part origination.
The word "retreat" comes from Sanskrit - Varsika, Varsa; Pali language -Vassa (that is the rainy season; vassavasa: the rainy season retreat); Chinese language slash An Cu, Cu Dance, Set Ha, Ha coordinates, Kiet Ha, Within Greece, the First House of the nine-week, nine-week detention, Kiết Che Cu ...
Under Part Four San Additional Options The Bill Law No.4 Ma, explained meaning Cu as follows: quiet body and mind are called security, regulation time in a place called settlers.
Four sections follow rule 37, An extremely easy (University 22, tr.630b) karmic Buddhist retreat rules is due to a number of monks, especially the group of six monks traveled during the rainy season, causing people to complain "The traveling monk Thich death in cold weather, hot weather and even during the rainy season. Even the annual pagan wanderer remain fixed at 3 months during the rainy season, the birds after nesting treetop living also fixed in the rainy season. And the monk Thich retry traveled during the rainy season, and he has trampled grass, are harming the lives of insects ".
At that time the Buddha was residing at Sravasti, in the Jeta Vihara Anathapindika -in his garden (by Dai Pham, show the rainy season, the Exalted -German record in Rajgir, at Tinh Truc Lam amnesty ) Monks hear complaints submitted to decry that brought Buddha. Buddha heard this, he chided monks 6 people and groups who he taught: "brethren, must retreat during the rainy season. This is the second time to settle. The time of day before the date of the full moon next month Asalha, time after that on the day after the full moon day of the following month. Brethren, within three months of Lent should not travel. Any position to go out (without good reason) is committed dukkata (settling lagoon) ".
About meaningful retreat
By this interdependence has given us to know "the rainy season retreat" is the religious traditions of the religion of the time, tradition has it that the ancient Brahmanism in India. Buddha's admonition to prove despite that he has not prepared for the rainy season retreat, but the saints and monks living increase basics, rules of moral are not going to worship in the rainy season, because it has become a routine, a common practice for the monks of the Buddhist sect that time apart.
In the Swedish Religion (see School Agama 5 (General I, tr.32b) have recorded stories recounted by the Buddha. In a past life ancient Buddha was operating at bodhisattva, then he made a courtiers named Sweden Ton, be respected. The great god says that he has seen Brahma (primate of Brahmanism). But the fact that Sun has not seen Brahma Sweden. Sweden Ton think for yourself, according to the legend recounted the honorable rank, if anyone practicing four boundless for 4 months during the rainy season will be face to face with Brahma. Therefore Ton permission Swedish king rest 4 months during the rainy season to cultivate the four boundless. As expected after 4 months Lanka Ton was met with co Brahma and Brahma himself for moral teaching.
Through the story above shows us the rainy season retreat in addition to avoiding premature trampled grass, insect, it is a tradition, a custom has since time immemorial, because it helps to cultivate Doctorate spiritual progress, proof is holy. Kinh said rectification mindfulness retreat during the rainy season, the monks except movements and urination, they often sit cross-legged in a place to practice meditation.
In addition, the retreat in the rainy season it carries a different significance, it is the expression of the spirit of living together in harmony in a residence sangha. This is expressed through the four stories is written in the Law section 37, Tu Tu Kien India (Pathways 22, p 637c) "At that time the Buddha stay at Sravasti, Anathapindika garden. After 3-month rainy season retreat, a large number of monks at La Question Slapping His visits to most. Blessed routinely ask their life like in 3-month retreat. He presented them with their daily activities. Accordingly, the conventional monks together during Lent that nobody talked to anybody anything. If there were things that needed that people need the help of others, can be a sign, not allowed to say. This event also occurs between groups that are well known monk least 3 monks family groups Likes: Religion A-Na-Law Say, venerable Nan-offer and venerable Kim-Pi-La. The monks at the Bat-Na-Victims-bars, sometimes in Sa-Ke-God and always praise Buddha. But in the case of monks in group-Tat-La this sentence, instead of praise Buddha, Buddha was rebuked. He said the monks were foolish, living is so great suffering but is peaceful, as if the enemy to live in a parish. The mission of the Catholic monks have sex with each other is, just point and of attacking each other, but can not live like dumb people together ".
Through which we see life the same way, there have praised the Buddha when he chided, though he always praised the quiet life and shunning noisy places. However, no reason was that the monks live outside Sangha gap. Sangha is pure harmony Buddhism circuit network, is the soul, is the vitality of the law. Therefore, in addition to the three ways of learning practice, spirit of living harmoniously together must be developed, strengthened and promoted within 3 months of retreat.
But Buddha was the Supremely Enlightened One, but he still meditate daily and still 3 month rainy season retreat as they increase. Beijing Travel in 2 cases Agama Buddha economic unreleased 39, has a record of achievement of the Buddha and his disciples settled practice, and Sangha-la-close trading Department set, summer, has paralyzed Statistics landmarks Buddha retreat for a period of 45 years.
Read the story of Buddhism sign we saw on the Buddha of laypeople, or individual, or collective ones in the retinue, the same village, where each invite bhikshus of abode his retreat to religious merit-making offerings to fill, to be close to learn the good knowledge and practicing law. Thanks monks stay where body and mind ends dues, cultivate nail-IP Gender-up after 3 months of settling many saints who attain preliminary results Tu Da Complete results to fruition Arhat, and lay Family also witness to each A-Na-Ham.
 The provisions on settling.
By law accompanying 28 years they ordained are: monks, monks and nuns, Soul-rub-Romanian, novice, novice nuns had to retreat. According to the Law, the novice monks and settled the same place and Bhikshuni, Soul-rub-Romanian, and Sadi Ni spiritual retreat at the same place. And An Cu Dai Vu Kien product Enter in the Pali Canon Law stipulates: Monks are not settled, the crime-operation (Punching fetters la -Pali: dukkata still settling down service).
According to the retreat Kien, in the quarter-law provisions on part 37 can retreat places as follows: settling under the tree, in the small interior, the mountain cave, hollow tree, on a boat, where villages, or may shifting under herdsman, the woodcutter ... In talking about the French Law Section Five retreat specified prohibited areas: an apartment where there is no lifeguard, between mounds code where no museum tree, house roofing animal skins, place vacant.
 Settling time
The agreed -an economic migration law starting from the first day (full moon) Asalha.
- According to Xuanzang (Western Region signed) and his French Display (French Civil Code Signing Nanhai Stories), the first day (full moon) of the month Asalha equivalent to May 16 under the Chinese calendar. But day retreat Mahayana tradition is lunar April 16 may be due to the influence of the Vu Lan. According to this fifteenth day of July is the day slowly, so must the summer retreat on April 16.
- According to the Theravada Buddhist tradition determine the first day (full moon) of the month is Asalha lunar June 16. Therefore Theravada Buddhism retreat held on June 16 and ends on September 16 lunar.
Thus if, based on the principle of "retreat in the rainy season" is traditionally always have certain shortcomings. If it is determined that the primary goal of the retreat is to cultivate spirituality nurtured About-The-Wisdom, the time of settling the tradition is no longer an important issue, in the spirit that some countries like China, Japan and the Western Region Local are legal in "Eastern Retreat". By Bill Dew Na Korea, Great Western Lands Road I, December 16 was the start of "Eastern Retreat" March fifteenth day following the last day of the year. 
An apartment in types have two categories
a / Money retreat: start date 16.4
 Middle retreat: start of period 17.4 - 15.5
b / Hau retreat began on 16.5
In short, the meaning of the retreat is the time to give peace a nuns in body and mind ends dues cultivate virtue, diligence practice three ways of learning, which is brought to fruition karma, which is the only Dharma Network maintenance circuit. Since the measures to be nourished and developed strong, rooted in the life of purity and harmony of the Sangha community. In this spirit we can say what we monks date of completion of dues body and mind rejoice, austerities About-Ding-Tue, 3 May An enthusiastic in the apartment that day Buddhism will flourish and people people will come to respect the quest for enlightenment. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/5/2015.

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