Prayer 1. Mai Maitri Guru
(Bodhisattvan [1]: Jetsun Mai Maitri La Namo)![Mai Maitri Guru](
1.1. thaa me sem chen rang gi bu chig tar
Treating countless beings all as one’s child
1.2. tse me jham dang tse we gyun du sung
Always caring with kindness and compassion
1.3. ma hong khal sang nam dag lam den pa
Pointing out the True Way in the future Golden Age
1.4. je tsun mai maitri shab la gu'e pe du'e
To the Great Lord Mai Maitri Deva, I bow
1.5. di da pay ma dab gu'i den teng du
Poised upon the exquisitely pure and perfect nine-petalled lotus
1.6. ku dok nak kya cho'e go'e khar po nam
The color of sacred ash, wearing white robes
1.7. chag shab kyang shing deng sug ji bag den
Feet and hands in equipoise, to the attractive
1.8. de le weh ser tro'e pi shab la du'e
Shining form I bow
1.9. lay ngen sag pe kor war wang may kyam
By the fruits of unskillful karma, those wandering on Earth
1.10. so'e nam chung way shay nyen dang dal wa
Not having accumulated merit, being separated from Dharma Gurus
1.11. long cho'e pong pi nyam thag do kun la
Being impoverished, suffering – upon the living beings
1.12. kun sel cho'e kyi duh tsi bab tu sol
May the amrita of the radiant Dharma be caused to rain down
1.13. dug sum wang gi dig pa chi gyi pa
By the three kinds of defilements, the various accumulated sins and
1.14. de shin mi she she shin gang sag pa
Other sins having been accumulated thus knowingly and unknowingly and
1.15. gyon sem dag po'e chi dom kun nay lang
With remorse vowing not to repeat from now on
1.16. de dag ku'e ky'i chen ngar so sor shag
All of this I am teaching before you at once
1.17. tsok gang sag nay sag pung gang tob pa
Those having accomplished merit getting a human life
1.18. ke chik de war lon ching long cho'e par
Wandering about thinking momentary pleasure to be above all
1.19. tag ten nge lek de bu pag may par
In order to reach Nirvana
1.20. jam dang nying je sem gyuh gyun du kul
May the soul within be led by mercy and compassion
1.21. nyi shu chik der nay pi do don du
For the sake of the beings of the 21 worlds, forever being absorbed
1.22. duh dug bar me lhak par be tson pi
Not caring about the time
1.23. chok chu'e sang gye jang chub sem pa sog
The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the 10 directions
1.24. de la dag kyang shin tu je yi rong
I am also approving of all this
1.25. nye ring pong shing yang dak cho'e la mo'e
Giving up discrimination, respect all religions
1.26. tsang du wa dang kyon dzug lu di pong
Giving up belittling, accusation, countercharge and illusion
1.27. chog ky'i sin pi cho'e dang lam nyi kha
Both ways and religions of discrimination and discord –
1.28. nam yang mi lang dag pi lam du jug
Never take up – take up the True Way
1.29. ji si tso wi bar du day'i jay su
Throughout life on the True Way
1.30. kyab su do shing lam ngen tha dag pong
Following, give up sinful acts
1.31. day'i nyen po day shin nyi tog par
In the communion of the Guru Tattva
1.32. tag tu ting nge dzin la nyom par jog
Always remain absorbed in meditation
1.33. so soe ma tog ma thob yul day la
Not having achieved enlightenment oneself
1.34. tsig del tsam gyi yul ngo'e thung wa pong
Don’t search for enticing words to explain
1.35. sog cho'e no'e che'i du'e kyi ja wa kun
Murdering and violence towards beings, all such demonic behavior
1.36. day dak pong shing tse den say la cho'e
Giving this all up, take correct food
1.37. yul chen dang ni gyal kab shug chen gyi
Based on national identity, about people and
1.38. keng sem dang ni sam ngen jay pa pong
Countries, don’t have petty thoughts
1.39. den pi lam la mo'e pay der jug ching
Following the True Way
1.40. rang shen kun la pen pi lay la jug
Do work which including oneself benefits the world
1.41. do wi don du day nyi tog pa dang
In order to save beings, achieve enlightenment
1.42. nam yang mi yeng ting nge dzin day la
In the highest and deepest consciousness
1.43. gyen du mig pa tse chig der nay shing
Always being acquired
1.44. rang yul tog shing dib pa kun lay dol
Possessing knowledge of the many precepts, be free from all bondage
1.45. kor war kyo bay dom pa gang lang pa
Accepting the precepts with the spirit of renunciation
1.46. lag pi sam pay shen don lhur len pa
Is the way to pray with a pure heart
1.47. yang dak tho'e sam gom pi ja wa yi
By the three actions of cultivation; true path, pure consciousness, and mindfulness
1.48. chag dal ten pa chog kun gye par shog
Without defilement, may the rule of the Buddha be spread in all directions
1.49. tag tu mag tug jung wi yul kun dang
In countries always at war and
1.50. tse dang so'e nam say pi nyig du'e dang
In the Kali Yuga when there is no long life or merit and
1.51. cho'e da t'sam gyi en pi chog kun tu
In all countries also having been deprived of words of the Dharma
1.52. cho'e kyi nyi ma ten tu char bar shog
May the Sun of the True Dharma always rise
1.53. jig ten di nay shi po'e gyur ma tag
After death from this world
1.54. nyur du gaa den kye gen yi gaa war
Immediately achieving birth in a joyful heavenly abode
1.55. day la mai maitri tug kyang nye jay nay
There, Mai Maitri Deva being pleased
1.56. la may jang chub lung ten tob par shog
May the divine voice of the invaluable Bodhisattva be heard
1.57. day tar sol wa tab pi jin lob kyi
Thus by the grace of praying
1.58. yang dag cho'e kyi nyu gu sar kye nay
Sprouting the plant of the True Dharma
1.59. dag pi lam la mo'e gu'e nyur jug ching
With faith and devotion entering the True Way
1.60. jig ten ma lu'e rab gaa nyur tob shob
May the Way of the Bodhisattva benefit all living beings with haste
Prayer 2. Mra Mra Pen Buddha
![Mra Mra Phen Buddha](
2.1. ri dang cho'e mig na tsog nay chog gi
In a pure place having hills and varied sources of river water
2.2. bu'e nay gye den du pen tur bab pa
From the center, water having eight qualities is flowing
2.3. day'i sur du lhu'e yi chog dzin pa
In the said place is seated the deva of the nagas
2.4. mra ma pen bu'e dhar gu'e pay chag tsal to'e
To Mra Mra Pen Buddha with adoration I bow
2.5. shal chig chag nyi u ta tor tsug chen
One face and two hands, hair being in a topknot
2.6. di dal cho'e go'e kar po khu la nam
Wearing white robes
2.7. shar chog tay shing tse ching nyam jog pi
Being in meditation facing the east
2.8. mra ma pen bu'e dha shab la chag tsal lo
At the lotus feet of Mra Mra Pen Buddha I bow
2.9. jam dang nying jay gen dir sheg su sol
Cultivate in this place by the kind and compassionate form
2.10. nay dir chen den cho'e pa di shay shing
Being called to this place to dedicate prayers
2.11. dag chag nam kyi nay rig khun sel nay
Rooting out our various diseases and worries
2.12. do'e don dub la tun kyen leg par dzo'e
Gather the necessary materials in order to fulfill the wishes
2.13. kyu'e kyi dun du dag cha kor chay nam
All of us before the Guru
2.14. si dir kye nay da ta yen chay du
After birth in this world until this time
2.15. sem chen gang dang lu dang lu nay la
Including whatever beings in this naga-abode of nagas
2.16. no'e ching gal wa gyi pa tol lo shag
I am teaching if mistakes and disturbances are incurred
2.17. day shin dag gi mi tso ma rig pay
In the same way, by oneself knowingly or unknowingly
2.18. tso nyog pa dang shob di tang wa dang
One has contaminated the aquatic environment or the atmosphere and
2.19. sa nyen ko'e dang do nye log pa dang
Is eroding the Earth by digging up soil and stones and
2.20. tsa dang shing nyen deg cho'e jay pa shag
Cutting grass, leaves, firewood and so forth – I am also teaching
2.21. day la du'e shir mo'e gu'e dag po yi
By faith and devotion to the Guru in the four times
2.22. chag dang cho'e pa gyun du jay gyur na
If always bowing in veneration and worshipping
2.23. sem chen tse wa chen dang lha lu yi
Leading to the harm of beings and the naga deva
2.24. no'e tse sog lay nyur du dol war gyur
From such harmful things one will be swiftly freed
2.25. shen yang yul chog day dang der nay pi
Also any others remaining in this place and that
2.26. lha lu no'e jin dang ni di saw sog
Deva, naga deva, asuras including hungry ghosts
2.27. nyam shing tug par gyur pa kun shi nay
Creating disturbances and disruptions in a state of disorder; all being calmed
2.28. kay chig nyi la day war rol war shoo
May all be joyful at once
Prayer 3. Baitri Guru
![Baitri Guru](
3.1. en pi pug tu shug den kar po'i teng
In the cave of a forest where nobody goes, on a white mat
3.2. nam nyi ten yang ngo wo yer med pi
Though two forms are seen, only being one form
3.3. nyam len mi da tsul gyi nyam par jog
Being in various kinds of meditation
3.4. bai tri gu ru'i shab la gu'e chag tsal
In the refuge of Baitri Guru, I bow
3.5. yay su shab yay kyang shing tal war rig
On the right side stretching the leg, touching the forehead
3.6. yon du shab nyi kyang shing yar sheng pa
On the left side remaining standing in an upright form
3.7. nye kay chag yay tri shul ngon kyi dzin
By both in the right hand is held a trident the color of the sky
3.8. mo'e yog ser ti guru bai tri ye
The lower body wrapped in a yellow cloth, from Baitri Guru’s
3.9. ku sung tug lay lob ma sum sum dug
Body, speech and mind arise six disciples
3.10. ngur mig dang den cho'e go'e ku la sol
Being dressed in red and yellow robes
3.11. tag tu me yeng ting nge dzing day la
Always in unbroken meditation
3.12. shug pee lob dug day lahang gu'e pay du'e
To those absorbed in meditation I also bow
3.13. Shakara shakara shakara dhanaye svaha
3.14. dag ngag di la tag tu dim tub na
If always repeating this powerful mantra
3.15. lu'e ngag yid sum ching pa la dol shing
Being freed from the unfavorable bondage of body, speech, and mind
3.16. lu'e sem day dang kun la wang jor bey
By achieving a joyful and tame body and mind
3.17. tsur gol da wo shom pi pop pahang kye
By achieving spiritual strength, doing away with accusation, recrimination and enemies
3.18. gal chen don sog dub chir sol wi che
Absorbed in this moment in order to accomplish deeds
3.19. gal tay lo wur jung shii no'e jung dang
Where the four elemental obstacles and troubles occur and
3.20. da dang chon kun sog kyi nyen dog na
If in fear of the enemy
3.21. day la mig nay don may bul kyang dog
If remembering Him by lighting a candle/lamp, one may also be freed
3.22. dag la dang wi da ye tsog kun dang
Over all groups of enemies angering themselves and
3.23. yul lay gyal chir day yi ku dun du
In war – in order to gain victory, before Him in His presence
3.24. tse chig sol wa tab pay der jug na
Being absorbed in worship, if a person be engaged in such deeds
3.25. yi ngi may par rang ngi gyal war gyur
One will surely be victorious
3.26. kyo kyi da ngag day pi den thu yi
Having chanted His powerful mantra, by the power of Truth
3.27. no'e jay don geg dun lay nam gyul shing
Achieving victory over enemies, obstacles, trouble and evil
3.28. ten dang tendzin chog kun rab dar nay
To disseminate Truth, Dharma and Dharma followers in all directions
3.29. nyur du bai tri got pang chog thob shog
May the Tattva of Baitri Guru be immediately attained
Prayer 4. Pema Dhakpo Guru
![Pema Dhakpo Guru](
4.1. pedma dag po shug den kar po'i teng
On a white mat stands Pema Dhakpo Guru
4.2. shal chig chag nyi ser dub gyen gyi tey
With one face, on His two forearms golden bracelets are worn
4.3. chen nay mar ser jang suon ho'e jung wa
From His eyes appear three rays of light: red, yellow and green
4.4. ral pa nag po min ma gyen du dze
Black matted hair spread out, eyebrows raised
4.5. chag yay do je ser po nam kar char
In the right hand a yellow vajra is raised towards the sky
4.6. yon kyang dig dzub dang chay dil boo dzin
Left hand stretched out holding a bell
4.7. tag pag gul du ti shing shab nyi ka
A tiger skin wrapped around His neck, two feet
4.8. chog nyi kyang shing yong pay jung po nen
Stretched in both directions, suppressing a devil with the left
4.9. may pung bu'e lyi ped ma dag po ni
Blazing, from the center Pema Dhakpo Guru shines
4.10. ku chog rab tu war wi ho'e ser gyi
By the glow of His fiery body
4.11. log den geg kyi сhog nam jom jay pi
Turning to ashes the teams of demons leading to the evil path
4.12. ped ma dag po kye la chag tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.13. may pung bu'e kyi ped ma dag po ni
Blazing, from the center Pema Dhakpo shines
4.14. sung chog rab tu war wi ho'e ser gyi
By the power of His fiery voice
4.15. ngag gi nye pi tsog nam jom dze pi
Destroying the sins of speech
4.16. ped ma dag po kyu'e la chog tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.17. may pung bu'e kyi ped ma dag po ni
Blazing, from the center Pema Dhakpo shines
4.18. tug chog rab tu war wi ho'e ser gyi
By the power of His fiery mind
4.19. yi kyi nye pi tsog nam jom dze pi
Destroying the sins of the mind
4.20. ped ma dag po kyu'e la chag tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.21. du'e sum gyal wi ku sung thug lai tung
Having manifested from the body, speech, and mind of the Buddhas of all ages
4.22. sang ngag rig ngag kun gyi dag po tay
Having mastered all the mantras and scriptures
4.23. sa dag tug pa ma lu'e dul dze pi
In prevention of the adverse evil beings of the world
4.24. ped ma dag po kyu'e la chag tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.25. chag na den pi do jai thu tob che
Holding the extremely powerful vajra
4.26. do jai len sum ser wa tsam gyi kyang
By turning it only three times
4.27. no'e jin dag po'i tsog nam jom dze pi
Deterring the groups of evil gods
4.28. ped ma dag po kye la chog tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.29. chog gang sig par ho'e sum phog cham gyi
Generating the three rays of light seen throughout the world, at once
4.30. shi war mi nyen kaa lay kyar daa wi
Unsuppressed by peaceful form, the contrary speech of
4.31. dul ki tsog nam ma lu'e dul dze pi
Evil groups being defeated
4.32. ped ma dag po kyu'e la chag tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.33. du'e sum sang gye ma lu'e du'e pi pal
The power of the Buddhas accumulated throughout all the ages
4.34. thab shay nyi med do don dzog dze ching
Benefiting beings by a uniform remedy and wisdom
4.35. gyal wa kun gyi thu tob chig du'e pa
Gathered from the power and strength of all Jin Buddhas
4.36. ped ma dag po kye la chag tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
4.37. yang dag day nyi tog par gyun sung dang
Always protecting those absorbed in meditation of the true spiritual knowledge and
4.38. shi sum dug pa ma lu'e dul wi chir
In order to destroy all the sins of the three worlds
4.39. thug jay thab kyi to gyal kur ton pa
As the remedy of compassion having shown a wrathful form
4.40. ped ma dag po kyu'e la chag tsal lo
To Pema Dhakpo Guru I bow
Prayer 5. Yab Yum Sengge (Sing Ghe) and Sengge Mo
(Deva and Devi, Lion-lord and Lion-lady)![Yab Yum Sengge (Sing Ghe) and Sengge Mo](
5.1. go war may war tal war to nyer du'e
Head on fire, knit into a round moon on the forehead
5.2. to wi min ma nag po gyen du jay
The wrathful black eyebrows are raised
5.3. chag yay ral di kar po nam kar char
In the right hand a white sword raised towards the sky
5.4. yon pay kyang shing theb sin deb pa day
The left hand stretched, poised in Prithvi mudra
5.5. ku la may yog kar ti to'e med par
White robe wrapped below, upper body without clothes
5.6. shab yay jung po thor tsug chen nen ching
The right foot suppressing a demon with matted hair
5.7. shug den kar po'i teng du to bay shug
On a white mat the wrathful form is poised
5.8. thog mar seng gay yab la chag tsal to'e
First of all, to Lord Sengge I bow
5.9. ji ngam ngang nay yar sheng yab nyi la
Leaning on Lord Sengge, showing a restless form,
5.10. to'e med med kar ti pi yum nyi kyi
Upper body without clothes, lower wrapped in a white robe, the devi
5.11. shab yon kay dang chang nyi gul gyu'e pi
With left foot grasping the waist, both hands embracing
5.12. day jay yab yum nyi kar chag tsal to'e
After that, I bow to both persons, Deva and Devi
5.13. dul kaa dul jay seng gay yab yum nyi
Preventing harsh hindrances, by Lord Sengge and the Devi’s
5.14. day'e shin tu tum pu'i to sug kyi
Extremely wrathful bodies
5.15. lo da shag dang saw mi kag rig dang
Years, months, days included, all planets and
5.16. don geg dam shi jung po tham chay kun
Interferences, intoxicating obstacles, and ghosts and spirits, all
5.17. dag par gyar chig ten nay lag gyur chig
Be incinerated, be destroyed
5.18. med par gyur chig rab tu shi gyur chig
Be melted, be soothed
Prayer 6. Singgi Guru
![Singgi Guru](
6.1. mar ser shal gyi tal war to nyer du'e
With red and yellow face, knit into a round moon on the forehead
6.2. to wi min ma nag po gyen du jay
The wrathful black eyebrows are raised
6.3. chag yay lag sung kar po nam kar char
The right hand raising a white sword towards the sky
6.4. chag yon kyang shing theb gung deb pa day
The left hand poised in Shunya mudra
6.5. shug den kar po'i teng du to bay shug
Being on a white mat in a wrathful pose
6.6. ku lay lhab lhub war wi may jung bay
By the terrible fire burning from the body
6.7. da yi bu'e shing seg par yer med pi
Being one form that incinerates enemies
6.8. me pal sing gi day la chag tsal lo
To the fiery Singgi Guru I bow
6.9. du'e dul jig sug paa wo sing gii ku
Suppressing villains by the terrifying form
6.10. day lay may pung mar nag rab war bay
From which flames of red and black fire spring forth
6.11. shen gyi jay kha bo'e tong sam ngen dang
The evil behaviors of humans and ghosts and
6.12. no'e jay tham chay thal shin lag par gyur
Undesirable obstacles, all be turned to ashes like dust
6.13. du'e dul jig sug paa wo sing gii ku
Suppressing villains by the terrifying form
6.14. day lay may pung mar nag rab war bay
From which flames of red and black fire spring forth
6.15. mi dang mi ma yin gyi jor tsub dang
The evil behaviors of humans and ghosts and
6.16. tul nang jig tag tham chay seg par gyur
Illusion, fear, all be incinerated
6.17. mi lam ngen dang tsen ma ngen pa dang
Nightmares, evil omens, and
6.18. tag dang ten del ngen dang tug pa sog
Undesirable signs and their interdependent imbalances
6.19. day dag tham chay nyur du der shi nay
In this way all obstacles being balanced
6.20. thun kyen ma lu'e nyur du dub par shog
May all benefit as soon as possible by auspicious circumstances
Prayer 7. Guru Dhakpo
![Guru Dhakpo](
7.1. chay cho'e da lay en pi ri do'e du
On the quiet side of a hill without any hullabaloo
7.2. ku dog mar ser shug den kar po'i teng
Red, yellow and body on a white mat, shining
7.3. dul jar jig nang la sog pang wi chir
In order not to frighten the disciples
7.4. nam pa shi wi tsul gyi yar sheng pa
Standing, showing a peaceful form
7.5. dag la dang shing no'e dong no'e jay pi
Angering themselves and interfering and causing trouble –
7.6. du'e kyi pung tsog nyur du tsar cho'e par
In order to quickly suppress evil groups
7.7. ral pa nag po thur du chang pa dang
His black matted hair spread out
7.8. to nyer du'e tay min ma gyen du dzay
Raised eyebrows knit in the circle of the moon
7.9. to'e la cho'e go'e gang yang mi nam shing
Upper body without clothes
7.10. may tu may yog ser po ki pa ni
Lower body wrapped in a yellow cloth
7.11. shi to nyi ki tsul ten shug pa day
Poised showing a wrathful and peaceful form
7.12. dag po'i lha la go sum gu'e pay du'e
To Guru Dhakpo with deep reverence, body, speech and mind I bow
7.13. kor wi lay dang dug ngal lay dal chir
In order to be free from worldly karma and sorrow
7.14. yang dag cho'e dang den lam ten du sol
Bestow the True Dharma and the True Way
7.15. day la tson du'e dong ni lam shug kyi
To those wishing to follow and already following
7.16. thug jay tag tu dog ten dam pa dzo'e
Bestow uninterrupted service through compassion
7.17. nyam thag kye do'i tal gyi gal kyen dang
The temporary obstacles and troubles of the confused living beings and
7.18. thar thug lam gom geg dang war cho'e pi
For as long as Nirvana is not acquired, the coming obstacles and troubles’
7.19. dib nyi bag chag lay jang gom day la
Two kinds of obscurations – in order to be free from [them]
7.20. tse chig du'e pay di la nyom por shug
Take in this singlemindedly
7.21. Om yagya yagya hum hum phet phet svoha
7.22. day tar gom day sol wa tab pi thu'e
In this way, by the power of meditation, chant and prayer
7.23. kye ga na chii jig pa lay dal shing
Free from the fear of birth, old age, sickness and death
7.24. sam don thaa dag lhun gyi dub pa dang
All desires being fulfilled as soon as possible
7.25. dib nyi jang shing tsog nyi dzog par shog
Being free from the two obscurations and fulfilling the two merits
7.26. yul du'e nay kab chog nam tham chay du'i
In all places, times, eras and directions
7.27. dam cho'e gyun du cho'e pi kye do kun
May the living beings always following the True Dharma
7.28. dag po'e ka chig tsam yang ma lho'e par
Never be deserted for even a moment by Guru Dhakpo
7.29. tag tu sung kyob dze ching ngo'e dub tsol
Please always protect and bestow accomplishments
7.30. bay don thaa dag yar ngo'i da war tar
May all work and labor, just as the waxing moon
7.31. dal gyi gong nay gong du kun pel shog
Be completed in sequential order
7.32. dag po'i gom day day la kun jug ching
Entering into Guru Dhakpo’s meditation and chant
7.33. day yi go phang nyur du thob par shog
Be benefitted by the Guru Deva’s accomplishments as soon as possible
[1] Tibetan is called Bodhisattvan by Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha, it does not belong to a country, but rather is the language of the Bodhisattvas and was given to the early meditators.
Associated News:
Mantra: Om yagya yagya hum hum phet phet svahaMantra: Shakara shakara shakara dhanaye svaha
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