Saturday 16 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

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Episode 3
First Book 54
First Assembly
Measure the Mahayana
Thursday 15-4

Again, Good Show! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped cylindrical spokes Pole wins fifth place so far from the ten measures. What are the ten? One is so far away from homes. The two are so far away from the nun. Three are so far away from the greedy. Fourth Assembly should shuns them kiss. Five is so damn who shuns his compliments. Six would be directed away from unwholesome ten. Seven is so far from romantic rooftop increased excessively. Eight is so far from crazy. Nine is so far from hesitant. Ten is so far away from greed. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped cylindrical spokes Pole wins fifth place, so often shuns ten such measures.
Again, Good Show! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped office VI Show your funds, so the fullness of six measures. What are the six? A charity should fullness multi paramitas. The two are so pure precepts fullness multi paramitas. Three rings are so safe fullness paramitas majority. Four is so diligent fulfillment paramitas majority. Five is so contemplative fullness multi paramitas. Six is ​​so uncivil fullness multi paramitas. Re so far from six measures. What are the six? One is so far away from center bar text. The two are so far away from center Single corner. Three are so far from impatient mind. Four is seen beggar to mind such hackneyed labels. Fifthly discharge sad possessions not repentant heart. Six are for guys to a full bridge such deception. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped office VI Show your funds, so fullness six such measures and should be separated from the six measures that anymore.
Again, Good Show! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Far office operating losses address filed, so far from twenty measures. What is twenty? One would be to rid ourselves of ego, charming until approved mortgage false prophet, acceptance is false. The two are so far from serving piece. Three are so often separated from acceptance. Four is so far from serving minister. Five is so all is far from acceptable. Six is ​​so far from serving mentality. Seven is so far from serving aggregates. Eight is so far from serving the country. Nine is so far from serving instructions. Is so far from serving ten soles. Eleven should shuns mortgage origination. Twelve so far from serving in sinking three worlds. Thirteen should accept all legal shuns. Fourteen should rid ourselves of all the legal mortgage as real as physical reasons. Fifteen should approve the Buddha shuns see. Sixteen health should accept France shuns see. Seventeen so far from serving Sangha see. Eighteen so far from accepted medical community see. Nineteen be separated from non-legal fear. Twenty should be separated from non-identity as antagonists. Back up the legal consummation another twenty. What is twenty? One would be to communicate not fullness. The two are so formless fullness evidence. Thirdly should know very willingly fullness. Four is so pure moral fullness three. Five is so merciful fullness of sentient beings and not accept wrecked. Friday should see all the fullness of equality law and with the approval had not been wrecked. Seven is so fulfilling to see all beings equally and with the approval was not wrecked. Eight is to communicate the fullness of truth in his leisure and not be attached to immerse. Hotel Nine is so fulfilling unborn rings. Ten is so fulfilling all legal theory most exciting Minister. Eleven should eradicate discrimination fullness. Twelve so far from the ideal fullness. Thirteen so far from the fullness is. Fourteen so far from disturbing fullness. Fifteen so far fullness ma tha, na spleen local amnesty bowl. Sixteen should subdue mentality Consummation. Seventeen should fullness calm temperaments. Eighteen so very afraid fullness nature Hotel. Nineteen should not be fullness of attachment. Twenty-up option fullness through the realms of education concomitants of Buddha, for Buddha they appear friendly self-assembly. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Far office operating losses address filed, so far from such measures and twenty to twenty fullness such measures.
Again, Good Show! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Eighth estate office locations, so fullness four measures. What are the four? One is to realize in the fullness of all mental beings. The two are so du Coliseum fullness of divine power. Three is to see the fullness of the realms, such seat saw that strictly net order types Buddhas. Fourthly offerings should admit the fullness of Bhagavan Buddha, the Tathagata as truth itself considered. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Eighth estate office locations, so fullness four such measures.
Again, Good Show! Bodhisattva disciple Ma ha slapped permanent office location Thien hue, so the fullness of four measures. What are the four? One would be to win fullness apartment listing site. The two are so strictly net fullness Buddhas. Three would be as illusory fullness constant maintenance on the specified class. Four is so charming fullness under the fresh root has mastered, so in the current realm of birth order. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped permanent office filed Thien Hue provinces, should fullness four such measures.
Again, Good Show! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when local office so Tenth France, should fullness legal twelve. What is twelve? One is so great prayer life photography fullness boundless country, depending there are references to the wish fulfillment. Second place so negative, depending on the fullness of the heavenly kind, dragon, medicinal massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, not all different people. Three are so very afraid fullness means theoretical position. Four would be fulfilled in full pregnancy. Five would be born of complete fullness. Six family should complete fullness. Seven is so complete emptiness fullness strains. Eight relatives should complete fullness. Nine is so full preceptors fullness. Ten would be fully ordained fullness. Eleven is so dignified fullness complete Bodhi roots. Twelve is so fulfilling all merit a full finish. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when local office so Tenth France, should fullness twelve such measures. Compassion Now! Must know the French have so fullness Tenth place, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Tathagata should say is no different.
Then Life Tools Show Compassion Buddha said that revered sir! Why Ma ha slapped tu Bodhisattva wins the communications net worth now? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped bring the appropriate center position Necessarily based location all good practice. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped net worth winning standard practice in peace and contentment.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slapped charming treat all equally interested now? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped bring the appropriate center Necessarily lead position from bi petal, another four immeasurable. That Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slapped treat all equally charming business center.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slapped alms value now? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped for all beings without discrimination, but religious site alms. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped generosity of industrial practice.
Venerable sir! Why slap tu Bodhisattva Ma ha property value business friendly neighbor? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped fresh encouragement that you love organic chemistry, making it Necessary practice location location, immediately went close reverently offerings, praising respect, sir ask Dharma territory, diurnal excessive worship, no lap fatigue. That slap tu Bodhisattva Ma ha property value business friendly neighbor.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped autonomous legal needs now? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped bring the appropriate center location Hotel Necessarily, industrious players Tathagata Colleges Supreme Chief Justice, not falling bar text, all visual discomfort. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped autonomous legal needs now.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slap happy home treatment often now? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped all residential accommodation is being constant penitentiary boring, noisy complex, often pure joy ordained Dharma, no one made any interventions are. That Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slap happy home treatment often now.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha happy slapping popular Buddhist convent bodily treatment? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped seen a little Buddha image and until proof is Supreme Bodhi full volition not rejected where Buddha mind. That Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slap happy Buddha preferred bodily treatment.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slap legal practitioners otherwise inspire teachers declared value now? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped with Buddha in the world and after nirvana, because the expanding legal charming teacher, before the middle after all the good, ie the fair office, uniform perfection, pure and clean, holy. Place called: texts the application procedure, particularly signing, wake proceedings, self-presentation, origination, for example, the duties, responsibilities being, the creative, legal and logic means sacrifice. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap legal practitioners otherwise inspire teachers declared value now.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped down arrogance of professional practice? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped often humility glass, crushed arrogant mind. Because it can not bear the low line they mean. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped down arrogance of professional practice.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped tu Bodhisattva certainly worth every language now? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped value for said frankly, say and do the same. That Bodhisattva Ma tu ha slap language constants sure now.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps ban gender purity? Compassion Now! If such Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped launch bar text volition, Single gender awareness and legal clearance, preventing Bodhi. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps ban sex purity.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped grateful repay? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva Bodhisattva training, to get small thanks please do not forget the house, let alone what is probably not great gift to give? That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped grateful repay.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped an office power ring? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming suppose to do infringe the destruction, but for sheer unproductive anger it caused. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped cylindrical rings strength security.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped excited expectancy goals? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped instructive was mature charming, refreshing body and mind happy, excited enjoy most. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped excited expectancy goals.
Venerable sir! Why did Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming quit? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming rescue center such constant drop. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap not rejected beings.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva compassion every boot? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Bodhicharyavatara tu work up thinks like this: "What interests me because all beings, assuming untold lives are like the countless, in contemporary hell subjecting intense suffering, or burned or baked, or slashed or stopped, or crashed or hung, or milling or pounding, like countless suffer the pain. Because they want to make it where the car rides to admit that in Nirvana Buddha ". All sentient realm so all finished, but not boring compassion fatigue each. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped compassion every departure.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped against the glass fell Credit Master Chief, sir ask obedience, offering almost worship Buddha? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap? Ì bridge Supreme Bodhi College Chief, Chief Master new supply agreement, are not foreign places. That is the bodhisattva of the Master Ma ha slapped the glass fell credit growth, is talking obedience, offering almost worship Buddha.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped diligent practice paramitas demand multi? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap on the most diligent paramitas to learn, away from everything. That Bodhisattva Ma ha hard slap paramitas practice needs most.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped painstaking intercultural bridges often not boring enough, to hear such measures have wrecked writing? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped diligent diligent development, working to think "If there's Buddha or the Buddha realms ten Exalted, says the Dhamma, we are listening to learn, recite, life over all." But with the deed did not approve. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped hard intercultural bridge often boring enough, to hear such measures have wrecked writing.
Venerable sir! Why bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped immaculate heart practitioners often experimental, but without wide civilizing pride? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap because the statement says Dharma beings, let alone such as this bring fresh root Bodhi dedication, Case was the other way. But civilizing themselves led many without hope. That Bodhisattva Ma ha immaculate mind to slap practitioners often experimental, but without self-wide high civilizing.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattvas solemn Ma ha slap because the pure land of fresh root planting, although without using dedicate himself elected? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped diligent mighty good religious grounds, because he wanted to purify dignified state of pure virtue and because of his heart and people, but do it without pride. That's because Bodhisattvas solemn Ma ha slapped pure land, planting the fresh root, although that does not use self-dedication celebration.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slap because of the charming, yet not boring fatigue boundless samsara without pride? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped wanting maturing all beings, planting good grounds, strictly net realms, until the position is necessary not complacent mind, although subject to birth and death infinite toil without boring fatigue, nor self high. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap because of the charming, yet not boring fatigue boundless samsara without pride.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha though office slapped them on the spot without approval? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped specialized bridge Supreme Bodhi College Chief with the intention of Sravakas, Single senses thanks galling enough support, fulfillment such little boots, which with the sinking was not accepted. That Bodhisattva Ma ha though office slapped them on the spot without approval.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slap but office space is often not abandon leave silence? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped for bridge Supreme Bodhi College District, beyond the level bar text, Single feeling all, it is often not abandoned to silence. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped quiet office space often not quit anyway.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped sexual minorities? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped please do not order as the Great Bodhi bridge, let alone the honor avaricious world of work. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped sexual minorities.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy enough? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped specialized for the period was witness to Hotel Hotel Necessarily so, for everything else not accept wrecked. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy enough.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped often leave Do not leave the majority of merit? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha profound legal slap on departure often ring position, observing carefully. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped often leave Do not leave multiple merit.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slap on the ease of placement ever give up? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on hold such instructions have learned to move, but he was not taken with the minister. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap on the internal placement ever.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped for being boring and very sensual leave? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped against such outstanding explore sensual desire. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap on the very sensual being boring anyway.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped or cessation often arises at heart? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap hit all individual measures without affecting me. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap or die often arises with interest.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped discharge of possessions? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped against internal and external measures taken each unplaced. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped discharge of possession.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped slow sinking such center? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap against the cylinder never wake up practicing. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped slow sinking such center.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slap on the site possession is not trying attachment? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on all material and without thinking. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap on the possession not trying attachment site.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns homes? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap stroll Releases Popular nature realms of Buddha, custom birth place usually happy home, shaved beard, holding a bowl belly, wearing three shirts existing measures do recluses. That Bodhisattva shuns Ma ha slapped homes.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva shuns Ma ha nun? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped so often separated from women religious, and in general such as nail strain, also on such other allergic launch center! That Bodhisattva should slap shuns Ma ha nun.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped away from home so greedy? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up this thinking works: "We should make security interests for all beings in the long night, making this charming self blessed by force, felt like home win benefactors, so for I was not so greedy in hate ". That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped home away from greed.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns them angry altercation Assembly? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped effect on our thoughts: "If in place of our meeting, in his or bar text, Single vision, weak legal or other ministers say that corresponds makes us retreat center Great Bodhi lost". So decided to be separated from the assembly. Leave this work to think again: "Those angry controversy or cause harm sentient arise pitch, causing many evil evil now, be contrary to the beneficiary's good Mahabodhi". So decided to be separated from angry controversy. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so angry argument away from our meeting.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped her so damn who shuns compliment? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped against internal and external measures are not places seen, so to belittle people away from their merit. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped her so damn who shuns compliment.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slap ten unwholesome separation from religion? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up this thinking works: "This evil Ten Please obstacles fun friendly noble second redundant, how much is the Great Bodhi". So are parted. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap ten unwholesome separation from religion.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha increased the upper chronic shuns arrogance? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped see no significant legal explore arrogant contempt. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so arrogantly shuns romantic rose rooftop.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns crazy? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the crazy bars are not quite get. That Bodhisattva shuns Ma ha slap crazy.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns hesitant? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the bar are not quite been hesitant. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped shuns hesitation.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns greed? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap full not see the greed. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped shuns greed.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped six paramitas fullness majority? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped consummation six paramitas legal majority, beyond the sensory level bar text and Single. Six paramitas back office majority, the Buddha and the Two overcapacity past the base year tri coast. What is the year? One is the past, the future two or three are present, four is ridiculous, impossible in theory. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped up six paramitas fullness majority.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns Sravakas mind? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up thinking works like this: "Mind the bar text is not proof Supreme Great Bodhi". So are parted. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap shuns Sravakas center.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva shuns Ma ha Single sensory mind? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up thinking works like this: "Mind the Single certain sense can not be located Necessarily place, so now here we must rid ourselves of that." That Bodhisattva should slap shuns Ma ha Single sensory center.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns hot center? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up thinking works like this: "Mind impatient trembling samsara not evidence Supreme Enlightenment religion, so must rid ourselves". That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap shuns hot center.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped see beggar to mind not boring wrinkled? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up thinking works like this: "Mind boring wrinkle here for the Great Bodhi not attained Dao, so we now have to rid ourselves of this decision". That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped see beggar to such hackneyed center crease.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped abandon possessions, did not bother to repent? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up thinking works like this: "This center repent sad to witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi certain class are the obstacles we must abandon". That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped abandon possessions, not sad repentant heart.
Venerable sir! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on who to demand a full no false pride? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped up thinking works like this: "Here lies a certain pride Mind not the majority religion A recruiter la tam tam Miao Bodhi". Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped primal Supreme Bodhi Development Center, was working on this oath: "As long as what we have religious candidates, with those who desire to bridge option, not empty". So today did arrogance lies one another. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on who to demand a full no pride lies.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns ego, charming until approved mortgage false prophet, acceptance is fake? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped down bar, charming to false prophet, is false, because ultimately impossible attained so. "That is the bodhisattva Ma ha should slap shuns ego, charming until approved mortgage false prophet, acceptance is false.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns mortgage segment? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped ultimate law bars all be born, because does not mean that paragraph. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so shuns mortgage segment.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha often shuns mortgage? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap shop all legal because there is no such vulgarity. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so often shuns accepted.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva shuns Ma ha imagine? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap shop contaminants because majeure nature attained so. That Bodhisattva Ma ha so far from a great slap minister.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped all is far from acceptable? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped with the same do not see the emptiness is so. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so all is far from acceptable.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns accept mentality? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap shop mentality nature are impossible to attain it. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so shuns accept mentality.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns aggregates mortgage? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slap shop Bodhisattva nature are impossible to attain the five aggregates. That Bodhisattva Ma ha so far from serving slap aggregates.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva shuns Ma ha land mortgage? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slap shop Bodhisattva nature are impossible twelve prime land. That Bodhisattva should slap shuns Ma ha land mortgage.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha world shuns mortgage? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped eighteen nature shop are all impossible attained. That Bodhisattva Ma ha so far from accepted international slaps.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapping soles shuns mortgage? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slap shop Bodhisattva nature are impossible to attain substrates. That Bodhisattva Ma ha so far from serving soles slapping.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns mortgage origination? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap shop interdependent nature of all impossible attained so. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so shuns mortgage origination.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns mortgage offices in the three worlds? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slap shop Bodhisattva nature are impossible to attain the three worlds. That Bodhisattva Ma ha so far from serving office slapped in the three worlds.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns accept all legal? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the measures are consistent identity as nowhere, are impossible attained. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should accept all legal shuns.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns acceptance of all such reasonable measures as any reasonable? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slap shop Bodhisattva nature are impossible to obtain legal, no physical qualities such as physical property. That Bodhisattva should slap shuns Ma ha approved for all reasonable measures such as physical property.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha Buddha saw shifting away from mortgage? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped know observance shifting Buddha Buddha saw that not unto seen. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so shuns accept Buddha found refuge.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha approved shifting away from France see? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha feet slapped achieve legal nature can not see that. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should accept shifting away from France see.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns accept Increase find refuge? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped us know formless harmony unconditioned can not see that. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap slash Increase mortgage should shuns see.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha approved shifting away from world see? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped know sin nature are not blessed with that. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so shuns accept instructions found refuge.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns no legal tremble? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma-ha slap shop the measures are not the essence, of being scared ultimately there. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap shuns non-legal tremble.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva shuns Ma ha slapped against non-emptiness left? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap shop all are not legal nature, is not no such breach and no. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped up against emptiness left shuns.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha fullness communicate it? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap hit all self generals are not. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should communicate not fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha formless fullness proof? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped minister all such thoughts. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so formless fullness evidence.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should know very willingly fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped for no seat law office three realms. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so very willingly know fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped three moral purity fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped fully purified karma ten directors. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap up three moral purity fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha fullness mercy for sentient beings and not accept wrecked? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap was compassion and dignified pure land. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap fullness mercy for sentient beings and not accept wrecked.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should see all the fullness of equality law and with the attachment does not? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on all such measures more at ease and did not get to the office no. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should see all the fullness of equality law and with the attachment was not.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha fullness see all equally charming and did not accept wrecked? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap on the no less charming and with no more in office did not take no. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should see all the fullness equally charming and with the observance did not suffer much.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should communicate the fullness of truth and respect in his interesting not accept wrecked? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on all interesting legal truth, but as true information without spot and communicate with the office did not take no. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should communicate the fullness of truth in his leisure and with no mortgage sinking.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped rings fullness unborn Hotel? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped rings all unborn myriad legal kill, no place artifacts and know ultimately real being and matter. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap rings fullness unborn Hotel.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should all fullness legal theory most exciting Minister? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on all general practice duality. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap up all legal theory fullness most exciting Minister.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should eradicate discrimination fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped on all such legal discrimination departure. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should eradicate discrimination fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns the idea fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped shuns all immeasurable great big small. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so far from the ideal fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped away from the fullness is? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped shuns all of Sravakas see, Doc senses all. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so far from the fullness is.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha shuns negativity fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped jettison all organic contraband, habitual negativity connected together. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so shuns negativity fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped away fullness ma tha, na amnesty local bowl Pi? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma Hotel ha slapped necessarily religious, religion minister position, position necessarily general. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so far fullness ma tha, na amnesty spleen local bowl.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should subdue mentality Consummation? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped against three realms such measures such fun activities. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so subdued mentality Consummation.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slap calm mentality Consummation? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped cleverly photography six apartments. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap fullness calm temperaments.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha afraid fullness unconscious mind? Compassion Now! If Ma ha slapped tu Bodhisattva Buddha label. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so afraid fullness unconscious mind.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha innumerable attachment? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped for six seats outside clever internal features. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped up innumerable attachment.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha depending lap seat fullness want to realms of Buddha, in our meeting that Buddha himself out yourself? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma tu ha slapped Kabbalah victory, from one country to another country Buddha Buddha offerings reverence, respect praise of Bhagavan Buddha, invited legal U-turn, much useful for all. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so comfortable seats depending fullness want to realms of Buddha, in our meeting that Buddha himself appear friendly.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on mental fullness all enlightened beings? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped use single-mindedly place, as indeed known throughout consciousness and mental approach of all beings. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped up in mental fullness all enlightened beings.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha du Coliseum of Kabbalah? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha du Coliseum slapping himself in the Kabbalah, because to see Buddha Buddha so from a country to a Buddhist country, the idea can not bear water stroll see Buddha. That Bodhisattva should slap Ma ha du Coliseum fullness of divine power.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should see the fullness of realms, such seat was found that self strictly net buddhaland types? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha in a head-slapping realms, Buddha water feature ten see boundless, and that each such function being manifested national level great Buddha. Because to mature and charming, sat on the throne should appear where Tam Dharmaraja great Christian world where self-dignified, and internal power without clinging. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so that fullness realms, such seat saw that strictly net order types Buddhas.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha offerings excess fullness of Bhagavan Buddha, the true body Tathagata as observers? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap because the utility wants many charming, so for fun as true legal distinction means. So-called surplus brought the offering legal Buddhas have to carefully observe the Buddha dharma body. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped up the excess fullness offerings Bhagavan Buddhas. For Future such as real observations.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha site fullness of paralysis known base charming win? Compassion Now! If Bodhisattva Buddha Ma ha slapped the ten pillars, as well know the truth based lists all sentient win. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap should know based location fullness of charming heroes win.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha strictly net buddhaland fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped bring wealth as a means to acquire that, strictly net all mental beings. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so strictly net fullness Buddhas.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha as illusory fullness constant maintenance in the class? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped office this maintenance class, but finished all energy into my career where no real center. Re tu pole maturity level should not lead to the effect that a permanent part Currencies happy. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so as illusory fullness constant maintenance on the specified class.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha depending fresh root fullness of mature charming, deliberate self-manifestation in the realm of birth? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped wanting fresh root maturation wins charming kind, the other option for the number of features that should make life in the realms of life. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped depending fresh root of mature charming, deliberate self-manifestation in the realm of life.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha photography fullness boundless life great volunteer basis, depending on the wish are making place for fulfillment? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped amended six paramitas fully multipolar consummated, or as strictly net to the Buddha realms, or due to mature charming types, depending concomitants vows will be fulfilled. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so boundless fullness of life photography great volunteer country, depending there are integers makes perfection.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha depending on location sound fullness kinds heaven, dragons, medicinal massage, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, not people all different kinds. Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha unobstructed slap from the practice for the wins, well good to know different kinds of voices charming wrong. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap sound fullness heavenly place according to species, dragon, rubbing pharmaceutical, reaching blessed event, a communications component, up Highway tea, peanut urgent complaints, respiratory mucous old optimism, people, not people all different.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha unobstructed location fullness measure theory? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap practice to be very afraid wins award measures, as can charming endless theories. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap theory fullness means unobstructed location.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped complete fullness in pregnancy? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped depending all seats being, born of true constant, but because many of the charming utility currently in the womb, in which he won the full. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap in pregnancy should complete fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha being full production fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped with when pregnant, things rarely manifested, what wins to give the glad charming view, is great fun benefits. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped up being full production fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped complete fullness clan? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped or surveys to gain a higher birth ethnic identity, or the birth of a great nation Brahmin nature, natural place parents should not blame life hostility. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap up full clan fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should bodhisattva Ma ha slapped complete emptiness fullness strains? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped strains often take the Great Bodhisattva nature past life, with her life in childbirth. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap up full nature fullness strains.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha full retinue fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma Net user ha slapped countless bodhisattvas that do retinue, no trash load types. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slap up full retinue fullness.
Venerable sir! Why Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap yourself being fully fulfilled? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped when she was born the form in full, all good generals exaggerated clarity, inspiration throughout boundless world of Buddha, also makes other realms six dance movements. Met the charming yet, no one did much useful. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap yourself being fully fulfilled.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha fully ordained fullness? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap is when ordained, countless sun, dragon, pharmaceutical massage, people, not pro-follow help Arabic. Go to ashrams shaved, wearing three shirts Justice, received an impressive bowl. Lead countless offers charming to ride straight to Tam admitted that passed. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap fully ordained fullness.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha dignified fullness complete Bodhi roots? Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped fresh root wins, vast volunteer force, new roots Bodhi feel beautiful like this: Get Slack lapis gem that makes stem, root stalks feet needle, branch, leaf, flower, fruit , are used seven precious things made outstanding rooftop. This veteran wide high throughout Three great Christian cover Buddhas. A? H shine bright halo around ten world surrounding the all untold Buddha. That Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so dignified fullness complete Bodhi roots.
Venerable sir! Why should slap Bodhisattva Ma ha fullness all fully merit? Compassion Now! If Bodhisattvas fully Ma ha slapped wins pay from Phuoc Hue, charming mature, dignified Buddhas. That Bodhisattva Ma ha should slap fullness all fully merit.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2015.

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