Monday 18 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
--- O0o ---
Episode  4





THIRD 24-2
V ì those who like all classes, ensuring that such decisions are not, regardless of indiscriminate alms paramitas majority, nor alms paramitas brings multi distinction no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless of gender, regardless of continence, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil most distinguished paramitas no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish paramitas alms majority, nor bring alms paramitas organic multi distinguished generals, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless pure gender discrimination, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most useful general distinction, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish multiple perfections of generosity, nor bring alms paramitas organic multi distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, pure precepts no distinction prayer, peace ring, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas organic multi distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished paramitas alms majority, nor bring alms most distinguished paramitas being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguish pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most distinguished being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction paramitas alms majority, nor bring alms most distinguished paramitas kill, immortal. Bring such kill, perpetual continence gender discrimination, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil most distinguished paramitas kill, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such generosity paramitas majority, nor bring alms most distinguished paramitas silence, not silence. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative paramitas uncivil majority; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas multiple discrimination quiet, not quiet. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished paramitas alms majority, nor bring alms paramitas majority, nor bring alms paramitas shuns most distinguished, not far from. There shuns bring, not far from distinguishing pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil Prajna most secret; nor bring pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas shuns most distinguished, not far from.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no not distinguish four contemplative, nor brought four contemplative distinction no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective four immeasurable, the four formless; nor bring immeasurable four, four immaterial to distinguish no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish four contemplative, nor bring four generals contemplative distinguish organic, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish four immeasurable, the four formless; nor bring immeasurable four, four immaterial to distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very contemplative prayer distinguish four, did not provide useful distinction four contemplative prayer, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish four immeasurable, the four formless; nor bring immeasurable four, four formless vow to distinguish organic, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished four contemplative, nor brought four distinguished contemplative being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished four immeasurable, the four formless; nor brought four immeasurable, to distinguish four formless being, real being. Bring such kill, immortal distinguish four contemplative, nor bring contemplative distinguish four killed, immortal. Bring such kill, immortal distinguish four immeasurable, the four formless; nor bring immeasurable four, four anti-discrimination provisions formless, eternal. Not bring calm, not calm distinguish four contemplative, nor brought four distinguished calm contemplative, not calm. Not bring calm, not calm distinguish four immeasurable, the four formless; nor bring immeasurable four, four formless distinguish the quiet, not quiet. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished four contemplative, they do not bring four contemplative shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from countless distinguished four, four formless regulations; nor bring immeasurable four, four formless shuns discrimination provisions, such shuns.   
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no not distinguish eight liberation, nor bring deliverance distinguish eight no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless of origin, regardless of winning center, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin; nor brought eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variable distinction of origin, ất not. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish eight liberation, nor bring deliverance to distinguish organic eight generals, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin; nor brought eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables distinguish organic origin, no other minister. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish eight liberation, nor bring deliverance organic distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn organic origin distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished eight liberation, nor bring eight freed distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being eight wins origin discrimination, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin; nor brought eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables differentiate origin being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction eight liberation, nor bring deliverance distinguish eight killed, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Origin eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turns of origin; nor brought eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables differentiate origin destroyed, immortality. Not bring calm, not calm distinguish eight liberation, nor bring deliverance distinguish eight quiet, not quiet. Not bring calm, not eight months of calm distinction of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin; nor brought eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin discrimination quiet, not quiet. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished eight liberation, nor bring deliverance eight shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not distinguish eight wins away from the land, filed nine minutes on, ten variable origin; nor brought eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten distinguished shuns Origin variable, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring, whatever irrespective four cylinder concept, nor bring four cylinder discrimination concept, whatever not. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective of four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; nor offers four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spending eight distinguished noble, whatever is not. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish four cylinder concept, nor brought four organic conception distinguished generals office, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five spot, jack chi class seven, eight noble expenditures; nor offers four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight distinguished noble chi organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish four cylinder concept, nor bring four cylinder concept distinguish chapel property, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish four primary segments, ie four gods, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; nor bring the four primary segments, ie four gods, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi distinguish chapel property, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished four cylinder concept, nor bring four cylinder concept distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; nor offers four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spending eight distinguished noble birth, regardless of birth. Bring such kill, immortal distinguish four cylinder concept, nor bring four cylinder concept distinguish kill, immortal. Bring such kill, immortal distinguish four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; Lashes also offers four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight distinguished noble chi kill, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such four cylinder concept, nor bring four cylinder concept distinguish quiet, not quiet. Not bring calm, not calm distinguish four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; nor offers four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spending eight distinguished noble silence, not silence. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished four cylinder concept, nor bring four cylinder concept shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; nor offers four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble distinction shuns spending, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no no distinction not liberated subjects, nor bring deliverance not distinguish subjects no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless of indiscriminate formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; nor bring formless, infinite distinguish chapel liberated subjects, whatever not. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish subjects not liberation, nor bring deliverance not distinguish organic subjects, no other minister. Such organic minister brought, formless formless distinguished, very willingly liberated subjects; nor bring formless, infinite subjects distinguish chapel liberation organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, not very willingly distinguish subjects liberation, nor bring deliverance not pray very useful subjects distinguish chapel. Such prayer brings organic, formless multitude distinguish chapel, numerous subjects voluntarily freed; nor bring formless, infinite goal pray deliverance prayers distinguish organic, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished not liberated subjects, nor bring deliverance not distinguish subjects being, real being. Such being brought, no distinction being formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; nor bring formless, infinite subjects distinguish chapel liberated being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction not liberated subjects, nor bring deliverance not distinguish subjects Removal, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; nor bring formless, infinite technical rescue distinguish chapel destroyed, immortality. Not bring calm, serene such distinction not liberated subjects, nor bring deliverance not distinguish quiet subjects, such silence. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; nor bring formless, infinite distinguish chapel liberation quiet subjects, such silence. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished not liberated subjects, nor bring deliverance not distinguish subject shuns, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; nor bring formless formless, infinite distinguish chapel liberation shuns subjects, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no no distinction in the label, nor bring in labels distinguish no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective six Kabbalah, nor bring six distinguished divine, whatever not. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish five labels, nor bring in labels distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish six Kabbalah, Kabbalah was not brought six generals distinguish organic, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish five labels, nor bring in organic labels distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very distinguished six Kabbalah prayer, nor bring six organic psychic distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished in the label, did not bring in labels distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished six Kabbalah, nor bring six distinguished divine being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction in the label, did not bring in labels distinguish kill, immortal. Bring such kill, immortal distinguish six Kabbalah, nor bring supernormal distinguish six killed, immortal. Not bring calm, serene such distinction in the label, did not bring in labels distinguish silence, not silence. Not bring calm, not calm distinguish six Kabbalah, nor bring six distinguished divine silence, not silence. There shuns bring, not far from discrimination in the label, nor bring in distinguished shuns labels, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished six Kabbalah, nor bring six shuns psychic discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no do not distinguish the ten Buddha, Buddha did not bring its ten distinguished not, no no. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen any legal distinction Buddha, whatever not. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish the ten Buddha, Buddha did not bring distinction ten organic forces minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen plus legal discrimination Buddha estate property minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish ten Buddha's power, nor bring the ten Buddhist vows distinguish organic, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Colosseum, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate distinguish chapel property, very willingly. Such offers being, any human being distinguishes ten Buddha, Buddha provides ten power nor distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being no basis to distinguish four lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen any legal distinction Buddha being, real being. Bring such kill, immortal distinguish the ten Buddha, Buddha provides ten power nor discriminate killing, immortal. Bring such kill, immortal legions of distinguished four, four very afraid the overhaul, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen any legal distinction Buddha destroyed, immortality. Not bring calm, not calm distinguish the ten Buddha, Buddha did not bring its ten distinguished calm, not very quiet distinguish four basis lieutenant, very afraid pumping solutions, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great soap, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, plus eighteen any legal distinction Buddhist calm, not calm. There shuns bring, not far from the ten distinguished Buddhist, nor bring the ten Buddha shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community; nor brought legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community shuns discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring not, irrespective of the legal estate in vain Furniture, nor vain to bring legal distinction furniture, whatever not. Such offers are not, any office regardless of nature every discharge, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant qualities distinguish no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish ventricular legal vain, nor bring distinguished legal vain organic interior minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish every cylinder exhaust nature, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant qualities distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings property, numerous legal distinguish chapel interior vain, nor bring distinguished legal vain organic interior chapel, very willingly. Such prayer brings property, wealth distinguish chapel every cylinder exhaust nature, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant nature organic distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, any legal distinction being vain Furniture, nor vain to bring legal distinction interior being, real being. Such being brought, no distinction being cylindrical discharge constant nature, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant nature distinction being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Furniture legal vain, in vain nor bring legal distinction Furniture, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction cylindrical discharge constant nature, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant qualities distinguish kill, immortal. Not bring calm, no legal distinction quiet interior vain, in vain nor bring legal distinction interior silence, not silence. Not bring calm, quiet distinction not every cylinder exhaust nature, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant qualities distinguish tranquility, such stillness. There shuns bring, not far from vain Furniture legal distinction, nor bring distinguished legal vain shuns loss, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from the constant head-discharge distinguished nature, nor exhaust cylinder provides constant nature shuns discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no do not distinguish all subjects mandala ni nor ni bring all disciplines distinguish mandala no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective address all subjects tam ma, ma tam address nor provide technical distinction, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish all subjects mandala ni nor ni la ensuring that all technical momentum distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish all subjects tam ma place, nor bring all disciplines distinguish local ma tam organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish all subjects mandala ni nor ni la ensuring that all technical momentum organic distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish all subjects tam ma place, nor bring all disciplines distinguish local ma tam organic chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, regardless sanhphan ni mandala special all subjects, nor provide all technical momentum ni la distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished all subjects tam ma place, nor bring all subjects tam tam ma ma location address distinguish subjects being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction all subjects mandala ni nor ni la bringing all disciplines distinguish momentum away, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction ma tam address all subjects, nor bring all three disciplines distinguish local ma kill, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinction not all subjects mandala ni nor ni la bringing all disciplines distinguish momentum quiet, not quiet. Not bring calm, quiet distinction not all subjects tam ma place, nor bring all three disciplines distinguish ma quiet place, not quiet. There shuns bring, not far from discrimination all subjects mandala ni nor ni la ensuring that all technical momentum shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from discrimination all subjects tam ma place, nor bring all disciplines distinguish local ma tam shuns, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no do not necessarily distinguish location, location did not necessarily bring distinction no, no no. Such offers are not, any place irrespective of religion minister, mind necessarily general; Hotel did not bring religion minister, minister necessarily distinguished position not, no no. Organic minister had even, necessarily formless distinguished location, location did not necessarily provide useful general distinction, formless. Bring such useful minister, director general formlessness distinguished location, location necessarily general; Hotel provides general guidance nor, necessarily general property located distinguished generals, formless. Such prayer brings property, wealth distinguish chapel located necessarily, nor bring organic nát distinguish chapel omniscience, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, director general wealth distinguish chapel location, location necessarily general; Hotel provides general guidance nor, necessarily general property located distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, regardless of place of birth necessarily distinction, nor necessarily bring distinguished place of birth, regardless of birth. Such offers being, regardless of place of birth to distinguish religion minister, mind necessarily general; Hotel did not bring religion minister, minister necessarily distinguished place of birth, regardless of birth. Bring such kill, eternal omniscience distinction, nor necessarily bring distinguished position Removal, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction minister directed location, location necessarily general; Hotel did not bring religion minister, minister necessarily distinguish mind killing, immortal. Not bring calm, not necessarily distinguish calm mind, nor necessarily bring distinction quiet place, not quiet. Not bring calm, do not distinguish religion minister quiet location, location necessarily general; Hotel did not bring religion minister, minister necessarily distinguish quiet place, not quiet. There shuns bring, not necessarily far from distinguished position, nor necessarily bring shuns discrimination Hotel, not far from. There shuns bring, not religion minister shuns discrimination location, location necessarily general; Hotel provides general guidance nor, necessarily distinguish minister shuns Hotel, not far from.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring not, any excess not distinguish bar text, nor provide redundancy distinguish Sravakas no, no no. Such offers are not, no sense regardless Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme; nor bring awareness Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme distinction no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguished legacy bar text, nor provide useful Sravakas distinguished generals admit, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish sensory Ðộc excess surplus Supreme; nor bring awareness Ðộc redundancy, redundancy distinguish organic Supreme Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very distinguished voluntary redundancy bar text, nor provide useful distinction Sravakas voluntary redundancy, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very distinguished voluntary redundancy Ðộc sense, Supreme redundancy; nor bring awareness Ðộc excess organic Supreme distinguish voluntary redundancy, very willingly. Such offers being, any excess being distinguished bar text, nor provide redundancy Sravakas distinction being, real being. Such offers being, any excess being distinguished Ðộc sense, Supreme redundancy; nor bring awareness Ðộc redundancy, redundancy distinguished Supreme being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Sravakas excess, nor admitted distinction Sravakas kill, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Ðộc sensory excess, excess Supreme; nor bring awareness Ðộc redundancy, redundancy distinguished Supreme kill, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such excess bar text, nor provide redundancy Sravakas distinguish silence, not silence. Not bring calm, not feeling calm distinguish Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme; nor bring awareness Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme distinguish silence, not silence. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished Sravakas excess, nor bring distinction Sravakas shuns excess, such shuns. There shuns bring, such discrimination unicorn shuns excess, excess Supreme; nor bring awareness Ðộc redundancy, redundancy Supreme shuns discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no no distinction Provision save, nor bring up discrimination Provision no, no no. Such offers are not, any future regardless First, Real completely, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat distinction no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish a Stream, nor provide a Stream distinguish distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish hybrid First, Real completely, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, saving countless Provision distinguish chapel, nor provides a Stream distinguish chapel property, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish hybrid First, Real completely, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat distinguish chapel property, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished Provision save, nor bring a Stream distinction being, real being. Such being brought, no distinction being the First hybrid, Real finished, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat distinction being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Provision save, nor bring up discrimination Removal Project, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction hybrid First, Real completely, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat distinguish kill, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such a Stream, nor brought up Germany with quiet distinction, not calm. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such hybrid First, Real completely, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat distinguish silence, not silence. There shuns bring, not far from a Stream distinction, nor provide a Stream shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished First hybrid, Real finished, Arhat; Most did not bring forward, Real finished, Arhat shuns discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring not, any user regardless Provision Provision save up fruit, nor bring up a Stream The results differentiate instruction not, no no. Such offers are not, any user regardless Nhat Nhat hybrid hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Best offers complete nor completely effective instruction First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat user A distinction Luo Han Guo no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless differentiate instruction Provision Provision save up fruit, nor bring up directions Provision Provision store organic fruit distinguished generals, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Real completely finished moving against results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Most did not bring fruit crossbred hybrids First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat towards organic fruit distinguished generals, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly differentiate instruction Provision Provision save up fruit, nor bring up directions Provision Provision store organic fruit distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Most did not bring fruit crossbred hybrids First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat Arhat towards organic fruit distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such being brought, no distinction being saved towards a Stream project results, nor bring up a Stream orientation discrimination result being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Best offers complete nor completely effective instruction First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat towards a Luo Han Guo distinction being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction user Provision Provision save up fruit, nor bring up a Stream The results differentiate instruction kill, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Most did not bring fruit crossbred hybrids First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat user A distinction kill Luo Han Guo, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such a Stream flow direction The result, nor brought up towards a Stream The distinction results tranquility, such stillness. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Most did not bring fruit crossbred hybrids First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat user A distinction Luo Han Guo tranquility, such stillness. There shuns bring, such shuns discrimination towards Provision Provision save up fruit, nor bring up directions Provision Provision burners distinguish shuns fruit, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, fruit Any complete user No refund, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo; Most did not bring fruit crossbred hybrids First, Real completely user Any Full results, Arhat user A distinction Luo Han Guo shuns, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no no distinction Ðộc sense, nor bring awareness distinguish Ðộc no, no no. Such offers are not, any user regardless Ðộc Ðộc visual sensory effect, nor provide directions Ðộc Ðộc sensory sensory discrimination results no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish Ðộc sense, nor bring awareness to distinguish organic Ðộc minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless differentiate instruction Ðộc Ðộc visual sensory effect, nor bring Ðộc sensory discrimination towards organic fruit Ðộc general sense, formless. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly distinguish Ðộc sense, nor bring organic Ðộc distinguish chapel feeling, very willingly. Such prayer brings organic, very willingly differentiate instruction Ðộc Ðộc sensory sensory effect, nor provide directions unicorn unicorn organic fruit distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, real being Ðộc sensory discrimination, nor provide visual distinction Ðộc being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished unicorn unicorn direction fruit, nor bring awareness towards Ðộc Ðộc sensory discrimination result being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Ðộc sense, nor provide visual distinction Ðộc kill, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction unicorn unicorn direction fruit, nor bring awareness towards Ðộc Ðộc distinguish sensory kill results, immortal. Not bring calm, quiet distinction not Ðộc sense, nor provide visual distinction Ðộc quiet, not quiet. Not bring calm, not feeling calm differentiate instruction unicorn Ðộc fruit, nor bring awareness towards Ðộc Ðộc distinguish fruit calm feeling, not calm. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished Ðộc sense, nor bring awareness Ðộc shuns discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished unicorn unicorn direction fruit, nor bring awareness towards Ðộc Ðộc distinguish sense shuns fruit, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no no distinction Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped distinction no, no no. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective buddhas tam Tam Mieu, Tam did not bring a Buddha Miao distinguished triangle no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish Ma ha slapped bodhisattva, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish three buddhas Tam Mieu, Tam did not bring a Buddha Miao triangle distinguish organic Minister, formless. Such prayer brings organic, no distinction bodhisattva vow ha slapped Ma, Ma did not bring bodhisattva vow ha slapped distinguish organic, very willingly. Such prayer brings property, wealth distinguish chapel tam Tam Mieu buddhas, nor bring tam Tam Mieu Property buddhas distinguish chapel, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished triangle buddhas Tam Mieu, Tam did not bring a Buddha Miao distinguished triangle being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Ma ha slapped bodhisattva, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped distinguish kill, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction buddhas tam Tam Mieu, Tam did not bring a Buddha Miao distinguished triangle killing, immortal. Not bring calm, serene such distinction Ma ha slapped bodhisattva, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped distinction quiet, not quiet. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such tam Tam Mieu buddhas, nor brought a Buddha Tam tam distinguished Miao calm, not calm. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped shuns such distinction shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished triangle buddhas Tam Mieu, Tam did not bring a Buddha Miao distinguished triangle shuns discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring no, no no legal distinction Ma ha slapped bodhisattva, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slap legal distinction, no no. Such offers are not, regardless irrespective Chief Supreme Bodhi College, nor bring Chief Supreme Bodhi class distinction no, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish Ma ha slap legal Bodhisattvas, nor bringing bodhisattvas legal distinction slapped Ma ha property minister, formless. There's property brought General, Supreme Chief Minister distinction Bodhi College, nor bring equality Supreme Chief Minister Bodhi distinguish organic, formless. Such prayer brings organic, no legal distinction bodhisattva vow Ma ha slapping, bringing legal nor Ma ha bodhisattva vow slap distinguish organic, very willingly. Such prayer brings property, wealth distinguish chapel Chief Supreme Bodhi College, nor bring Chief Supreme Bodhi College chapel distinguish organic, very willingly. Such offers being, any legal distinction being Bodhisattva ma ha slapped, nor bring bodhisattvas Ma ha slap legal distinction being, real being. Such offers being, real being distinguished Supreme Bodhi class district, nor bring Chief Supreme Bodhi class distinction being, real being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Ma ha slap legal Bodhisattvas, nor bringing bodhisattvas legal distinction Ma ha slapped away, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Chief Supreme Bodhi College, nor bring Chief Supreme Bodhi class distinction kill, immortal. Not bring calm, no legal distinction quiet Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, nor bringing bodhisattvas legal distinction Ma ha slap calm, not calm. Not bring calm, serene such distinction Chief Supreme Bodhi College, nor bring Chief Supreme Bodhi class distinction tranquility, such stillness. There shuns bring, not far from the legal distinction Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva, nor bring Bodhisattva ma ha legal distinction slap shuns, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished Supreme Bodhi College District, nor bring Chief Supreme Bodhi class shuns discrimination, such shuns.
Because of such people altogether, decided not to bring not, any place irrespective Pole wedding, wedding address nor provide distinguished Pole no, no no. Such offers are not, any place irrespective Ly profiles, local Luminescence, Diem local wisdom, local Pole wins nan, money local time, act local Telecommunications, Real address, address Thien hue, France and so the field; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, France still does not address discrimination, no no. Such organic minister brought, formless distinguish Pole wedding locations, wedding locations Pole did not provide useful general distinction, formless. Such organic minister brought, formless address structural discrimination Separated, Luminescence Thien Hue provinces to local, so local French; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, so local French minister distinguish organic, formless. Such prayer brings organic, numerous local wedding chapel distinguished Pole, nor provide useful Pole distinguish chapel wedding location, very willingly. Such prayer brings property, wealth distinguish chapel address Separated Structure, Luminescence Thien Hue provinces to local, so local French; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, France Property distinguish chapel forth place, very willingly. Such offers being, real being distinguished Pole wedding locations, wedding locations Pole did not bring distinction being, real being. Such offers being, regardless of place of birth distinguish Ly profiles, Luminescence Thien Hue provinces to local, so local French; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, France still distinguishes birth place, any living being. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Pole wedding location, location wedding nor bring distinguished Pole Removal, immortal. Bring such kill, eternal distinction Local Ly profiles, Luminescence Thien Hue provinces to local, so local French; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, local Falun discrimination still kill, immortal. Not bring calm, no distinction Pole joy calm place, nor bring joy Pole distinction quiet place, not quiet. Not bring calm, quiet distinguish such sites Ly profiles, Luminescence Thien Hue provinces to local, so local French; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, France still distinguishes quiet place, not quiet. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished local wedding Pole, Pole brought joy nor shuns address discrimination, such shuns. There shuns bring, not far from distinguished local Ly profiles, local Luminescence, until Thien Hue provinces, France and so the field; Ly nor bring local structures, local Luminescence until Thien Hue provinces, France shuns so distinguished place, not far from. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/5/2015.

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