Saturday 16 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

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Episode 3
Writing Thursday 57
Conference First
Praise the Mahayana

Thursday 16-2


L ại again, Compassion Now! If her feet as true with nature, this time not religious Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By feet like a mind that is not true, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, no warped identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, regardless of gender incredible, unreal world, trailer, world cup, eliminates gender, gender identity wealth, formless world , uncreated world, unconditioned, an offline world, calm instructions, legal, law offices, duties very, very real fact there was emptiness. Mahayana time here is not religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By international legal world to come true, not true with this character, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If the cabinet does not really have character, the Mahayana is not religious, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By internal not a mind that is not true, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If the exchange does not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, no self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature does not really have character. Mahayana time here is not religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By Foreign not until very nature self emptiness, emptiness is not actually have that, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If alms paramitas so has the nature of that majority, the Mahayana is not a religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By alms paramitas true multi not have such qualities, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If security ring pure precepts diligently uncivil contemplative multi Actual paramitas that nature. Mahayana time here is not religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By pure precepts contemplative diligent security ring paramitas uncivil multi not really have this nature, so this is a religious Mahayana was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If there are four true contemplative nature that, while this was not adhered Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By four contemplative nature that was not really there, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If four immeasurable, four formless nature of truth with him, this time not religious Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By four immeasurable, four formless nature of not really have that, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If the four cylinder concept that really has character, this time not religious Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By four pillar concept is not really a mind that, should the Mahayana is the magic here is principle, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If the four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble qualities Actual spending it. Mahayana time here is not religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By four main stages for eight noble limbs, a mind that is not true, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If not freed keeper, so there was emptiness, the Mahayana is not a religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By not freeing half a mind that is not true, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If formless, infinite real subjects have voluntarily freed his nature, the Mahayana is not religious, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects, so not really a mind, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If in fact there are qualities that mark, the Mahayana is not a religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By year mark so not really a mind, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If there are six true divine nature that, while this was not adhered Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By six divine nature was not really have that, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If Buddha was ten special efforts have character, this time not religious Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By the ten Buddha nature that is not really there, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If no base four lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, omniscience, general director position, so there is necessarily general nature of his position, the Mahayana This is not religion, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By four very basis until necessarily general Lt mind, a mind that is not true, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If Actual tenth bodhisattva that nature, this time not religious Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By the tenth level bodhisattva is not really a mind that, should Mahayana is magic here is principle, reached over all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If Pure traditional culture, local United emptiness, to the location, expected to save law, hybrid legal First, Real completely legal, legal Arhat, Ðộc legal sense, Ma ha slap legal Bodhisattva, a Buddha tam Tam Mieu Actual legal nature that, while this was not adhered Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By Pure traditional culture, nature Race disk to address legal bowl, until Tam Mieu triangle buddhas have legal identity is not true that, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a all communication elements.
Compassion Now! If additional local specialty shop old Tinh la real with her identity, the Mahayana is not religious, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By Xu old customary additional features not Actual la nature should therefore respect the Mahayana is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If additional strain address specific nature old mule, a Stream, Best Hybrid, No refund, Arhat, unicorn, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, Tam tam Buddha Miao real momentum with his nature, the Mahayana is not respected, such to magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By Race special qualities complement the old address until Tam Mieu la triangle buddhas not really a mind that, should the Mahayana religion is magic here is, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If all the earth, sky, people, a factor that Communicate with nature, time is not religious Mahayana, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By all the world, heaven, people, a factor not actually touch a mind all that, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped a play to be sitting judge magic Bodhi, in the time between start-up of a mind that true center, the Mahayana is not religious, not magic, not reached all the world, sky, people, a factor all communications. By Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap from a play to be sitting judge magical Bodhi, in the time between start-up of the center so not really a mind, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If Diamond Hotel Ma ha Bodhisattva example of real slap with his nature, the Mahayana is not religious, not magic, not reached all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By Hotel Diamond example of Bodhisattva Lama ha slapped a mind that is not true, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion was outstanding, beyond all the earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If Diamond Hotel Ma ha example of Bodhisattva slap end base habitual afflictions truly connected together with her identity, the Diamond Hotel finishing this example, could not reach the other end probably, the very nature have proved to be Hotel omniscience. By the end position Diamonds example habitual basis negativity is not true connection with nature together should therefore Diamond Hotel finishing this example achieved through the new feature was the other end, is all very nature have attained Necessarily Hotel Hotel .
Compassion Now! If thirty-two great artist and eighty depending perfect minister is dignified place of the German body Tathagata true Enlightenment Applicants have that nature, the magic virtue of the optical dread Tathagata Buddha Enlightenment such application exceeds all world space, sun, people, a factor all communications. By the age of thirty-two and eighty officers depending Minister perfect place dignified body of the Tathagata Buddha Enlightenment Applicants not really a mind that, should dread magic virtue of the German optical Tathagata Enlightenment application exceeds all world space, sun, people, a factor all communications.
Compassion Now! If clarity of the German Enlightenment Tathagata application was truly a mind of her release, the clarity of the German Enlightenment Tathagata application was launched that can not shed all over the world the Buddha ten are many all over untold. By clarity of the German Enlightenment Tathagata application was launched, was not really a mind that, should the Lord luminous Enlightenment Tathagata application was launched which are inspired throughout the world power of Buddha ten directions, are more than all the multitude.
Compassion Now! If the Tathagata Application Enlightenment was full sixty these fine outstanding reputation with nature so that, when the Tathagata Application Enlightenment was full sixty these fine outstanding reputation, no power throughout the world of Buddha countless ten hundred thousand hundred memories like memory untold all. By the Tathagata Application Enlightenment was full sixty these fine outstanding reputation, not really a mind that, should the Tathagata Application Enlightenment was full sixty these fine outstanding reputation, both throughout the world power the Buddha ten world countless hundreds of thousands like memory untold memories all.
Compassion Now! If the Tathagata Application Enlightenment turned his car has the nature of legal truth, while the Tathagata Application Enlightenment turned ultra pure vehicles such measures, nor are all the world, recluses, Brahmin, Sun, Ma, Pham could not shoot all. By the Tathagata Application Enlightenment was not true legal rotary vehicle has qualities that, should the Tathagata Application Enlightenment turned very extreme measures pure car, all the earth, recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Pham could not shoot all.
Compassion Now! If the application Enlightenment Tathagata Dhamma car turning around thanks very charming with her nature, while the Tathagata Application Enlightenment turned legal vehicles, such can cause other types of beings to balance the realm Forever y Nirvana came on, is on, will enter Nirvana. By Application Enlightenment Tathagata Dhamma car turning around thanks charming nature not really have that, so the Tathagata Application Enlightenment turned legal car, all features that are other types of beings to balance the realm Unknown y Nirvana came on, is on, will enter Nirvana.
Compassion Now! Because of conditions such immeasurable else, should tell the Mahayana exceeds all the world, heaven, man, a communication element of all, very very wonderful honor.
Again, Good Show! So you say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level it. So, so. As you have just said. Department why? Compassion Now! For example, there was nowhere the majority of south-north, quad single, upper and lower rather be. Mahayana, too, there is the northern most of the southwest, the only quad, upper and lower rather be, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! There was nowhere left as short-term high-low split-key deviant form is pretty sharp. Mahayana, too, there is no short-term high-low split-key deviant form is pretty sharp, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! There was nowhere left as green gold black white red or purple color aquarium pretty sharp all the displays are. Mahayana, too, there is no black and white red yellow green or purple colored aquarium pretty sharp all the show was, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Back nowhere such as past present and future. Mahayana too, not past present and future, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Rose again as nowhere did not fall, did not carry such rot. Mahayana too, such increase not decrease, such progress does not rot, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Back contaminants such as vanity, not purity. Mahayana too, no contamination, no purity, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Again like nowhere not bear not destroy, such office not allergic. Mahayana, too, can not bear not destroy, no such casual office, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Again as nowhere did such good non-improvement, not sign such organic unaware. Mahayana, too, did not improve non-friendly, no such sign no sign property, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Again as nowhere did not see nor hear, nor sense not know. Mahayana, too, did not see nor hear, nor sense not known, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Back nowhere such as knowledge base, such establishments meeting. Mahayana, too, did not base understands, no gain basis, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Back variables such as intellectual vanity, not permanent sections, such work certificates, such practice. Mahayana, too, did not turn knowledge, no definitive passage, not working stock, such practice should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Such as allergic nowhere again independent, no independent legal heterosexual. Mahayana too, such heterosexual maturity, no independent legal allergic, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! As there was nowhere left taking measures, taking no measures apart. Mahayana, too, there is no law involved, no law apart participate, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! As there was nowhere left law courts, no law leave the field. Mahayana, too, there is no legal field, no measures leave the field, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! There was nowhere left as legal si si no legal departed. Mahayana, too, there is no legal si si no legal departed, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Nowhere did fall back as Education realms, realms not fall coloration, such Immaterial fall realms. Mahayana, too, did not fall realms, realms not fall coloration, such Immaterial fall realms, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Even as there is nowhere quite Cadastral Development Center for Tenth place to play mind rather be. Mahayana, too, there is no local profile for the Tenth Development Center Development Center addresses rather be, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Even as there was nowhere customary Pure, Race nature sites, promotion sites, is specifically address, Silver local, local Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn box, Bodhisattva local, local Tathagata rather be. Mahayana, too, there was Purification customary to address Tathagata rather be, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! As there was nowhere left to save directions Provision Provision save results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata rather be . Mahayana, too, there is expected to save results to guide project saved Bodhisattva, Tathagata rather be, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! As there was nowhere left bar text box, unicorn box, place Enlightenment rather be. Mahayana too, no address bar text, visual Ðộc address, address Enlightenment rather be, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Even as there was nowhere organic formless identity there, there is no wealth is property, such property to such unmatched, such corresponds to such dissociation. Mahayana, too, there was no formless organic colors, such property is such a wealth is, no such property for unmatched, such that corresponds to such dissociation, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Nowhere did back often such as impermanence, suffering no such joy, such selfless down there, did not purify the impure. Mahayana, too, there is often no impermanence, suffering no such joy, such selfless down there, did not purify the impure, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Nowhere did not back such as estate no, no such organic Minister formless, not very willingly property such vows. Mahayana, too, did not did no no, no no formless organic minister, not very willingly property such prayer, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Again as nowhere did not calm neither calm, not far from neither shuns such. Mahayana too, such silence is not such calm, such shuns neither shuns such, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Back light such as nowhere did the evening. Mahayana, too, did not light up, so say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Again as aggregates nowhere land not gender, not leave instructions aggregates origin. Mahayana too, not originating world aggregates, aggregates origin not leave instructions, should say Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Again as prime nowhere not likely impossible not attained. Mahayana, too, was not able to obtain such favorable impossible, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level. Compassion Now! Again like nowhere not likely theory is not impossible theory. Mahayana, too, is not likely theory theory not impossible, to say the Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Compassion Now! Because of conditions such boundless all, therefore speak Mahayana and nowhere at the same level.
Again, Good Show! You speak is like nowhere around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Mahayana, too, contains a wealth of features throughout bosses boundless was charming. Thus, as the man said. Department why? Compassion Now! Because very charming owner, should have known very well to own vanity. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or charming, or vanity, or Mahayana. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Because countless beings boundless, should be aware of nowhere and countless boundless. Because nowhere countless boundless, should have known countless Mahayana also boundless. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or countless beings boundless, or nowhere infinite multitude, or Mahayana countless boundless. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Because very charming owner, should have known very well to own vanity. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or charming, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since no property falls, so must know very well the charming owner. Because very charming property, should know very well assume ownership networks. Because the fake network wealth ownership, should know very well assume ownership birth. Because countless fake birth ownership, should know very well assume ownership support. Because nursing countless false ownership, should know very well owning elites. Since owning elites wealth, should have to know very well appointed Special older la respective owners. Because aging tonic la multitude property characteristics, should know very well the property of birth. Since the very birth of ownership, should know very well co-owned grapes. Because grapes owned avoidance, should be very well known author possesses. Because the unknown author of ownership, should be very well aware that the author owned. Because that unknown author possesses, should know very well assume ownership explore. Since launch numerous false ownership, should be aware that numerous authors also explore ownership. Since that departure should pretend to know the owners very well assume ownership expectancy. Because life countless fake ownership, should know very well that owns fake life. Since making false feeling very own, should have known very well to own false prophet. Because intellectual property counterfeit wealth, should have to know very well ownership is false. Because the property is false wealth, should have to know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should be very well known as owners' feet. Because feet as owning wealth, should have to know very well the legal world possesses. Since no property legal world, should know very well the legal nature of ownership. Because of numerous legal nature of ownership, should know very well any falsehoods nature of ownership. Since no property unconscious falsehoods, should have said no variation wealth also owns nature. For whatever warped unconscious ownership, should know very well equal ownership nature. Because equality unconscious owner, should have known countless cups of birth before also owns. Since being unconscious ly owned, should know no gender incredible wealth and property. Since no property incredible unconditioned, should know very well presented nowhere ownership. Because nowhere unconditioned possession, should know very well presented property segment. Since no property intro, should know very well presented property cups. Because glass unconditioned possession, should have known very well presented property destroyed. Because ownership Removal unconditioned, should know very well presented indefinite nature of ownership. For without the unconditioned nature of ownership, should know very well the formless world possesses. Since no property formless world, should know very well uncreated world possesses. For without the unconditioned effects of ownership, should know very well unconditioned possession. Because ownership unconditioned wealth, should have an offline world also know very own. Because an unconditioned hidden ownership, should know very well calm owns world. Because ownership calm unconditioned, should know very well the legal owner. Because of numerous legal ownership, should know very well the legal office owned. Since no property law office, should know very well no ownership responsibility. Because myriad myriad responsibilities of ownership, should know very well indeed owned health. Because it possesses economic wealth, should have to know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or feet as to the true effect, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well possesses excellent. Because no ownership identity, should know very well owned life. Because feeling very own, should have known great wealth also owns. Because owning a great wealth, should have to know very well owned operator. Because countless acts of ownership, should know very well form of ownership. Because countless informal ownership, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or operating life thought color mode, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well mark owned land. Because labels owned land wealth, should have to know very well atrial owned land. Because atrial numerous land owners, should know very well land ownership percentage. Because billions of wealth owned land, should know very well land property damage. Since no property damage origin, should have known very well to own land themselves. Because numerous land owners themselves, should know very well the land owner. Because of the numerous land owners, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or label the origin of atrial billion damage itself, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well land ownership identity. Because numerous land ownership identity, should know very well bar owned land. Because countless bars owned land, should know very well land ownership incense. Because incense land owned wealth, should have to know the origin of wealth and property. Because the wealth owned land, should know very well exposed land ownership. Owned land emotion wealth, should have to know very well the legal land ownership. Since no legal land ownership, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or legal identity contact Origin flavor bar, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well of ownership perspective. Because no ownership perspective, it must know very well owned gender identity. Because gender identity wealth ownership, should be very well known brands owned gender. Since owning the unconditioned consciousness, should be very well known brands owned exposure. Because no contact mark owners should be aware labels coy emotional life born of wealth and property. Because labels coy emotional life born of wealth ownership, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or the label to label instructions contact amenity born of life, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well presented property atrium. Because atrial unconditioned possession, should know very well presented property bar. Because unconditioned bar owners should be aware consciousness very well presented property. Since owning the unconditioned consciousness, should know very well atrial contact owner. Because atrial contact property wealth, should have known atrial coy emotional life born of wealth and property. Because atrial coy emotional life born of wealth ownership, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or atrial atrial instructions to contact amenity born of life, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well presented property billion. Because ownership percentage unconditioned, should know very well presented property flavor. Because incense unconditioned possession, should be very well aware percentage ownership of cognition. Because billions unconditioned form of ownership, should be very well aware billion property exposure. Since no property exposure rate, should be aware billion coy emotional life born of wealth and property. Because billions contact amenity born of myriad life possesses, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or billion billion instructions to contact amenity born of life, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well presented property damage. Because unconditioned property damage, should know very well presented property location. Because the unconditioned possession, should know very well damage property cognition. Since no property damage gender, should know very well contact property damage. Since no property damage exposure, exposure should be aware damage amenity born of life and property wealth. Because damage coy emotional life born of wealth ownership, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is fake, or damage to real world contact amenity born of life, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know yourself very well presented property. Because the property itself unconditioned, should know very well presented property exposure. Unconditioned emotion ownership, should be aware of body-consciousness is also very own. Since no property of body-consciousness, should be aware of body contact is also very own. Since no property of body contact, should be aware of body contact amenity born of life and property wealth. Because of body contact makes life very fate being the owner, should be aware of nowhere very own. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or body exposure to physical world engenders the feeling coy, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know the world very well owners. Since the unconditioned possession, should know very well the legal world possesses. Since no property legal world, should know very well the sense of ownership instructions. Since owning the unconditioned consciousness, should know very well the emotional ownership. Because of the myriad emotional ownership, should know the contacts do grace born of life and property wealth. Since the birth of touch make life very charming owner, should have known very well to own vanity. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or the instructions for making contact to the grace born of life, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well ownership boundaries. Since no property boundaries, should know very well hydrosphere ownership. Since no property hydrosphere, should know very well presented property fire. Because fire unconditioned possession, should know very well presented property room. As wind unconditioned possession, should have known not to own instructions very well. Because there is the unconditioned possession, should have known very well to own gender. Because ownership of cognition wealth, should have to know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or not address gender feng shui fire, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should have to know very well suffer ownership Truths. Since no property Truths suffering, should know very well set Truths ownership. Because collective ownership Truths wealth, should have to know very well destroy property Truths. Since no property destroyed Holy Roman Emperor, should know very well our Church property empire. Since no property Truths religion, should know very well owned nowhere. Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or destroy religion samudaya Truths, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.
Again, Good Show! Since fall until ownership is false wealth, should be aware of ignorance is also very own. Because ignorance wealth ownership, should know very well owned operator. Because countless acts of ownership, should know very well form of ownership. Because countless informal ownership, should know very well ownership mentality. Because no ownership mentality, should know very well the continental land ownership. Because numerous continental land ownership, should know very well contact property. Since no property exposure, should know very well owned life. Because feeling very own, should be very well known charity owns. Because countless loving owner, should have known very well owned craft. Since no property defense, should have known very well to own property. Since no property ownership, should know very well being owned. Since being very own, should have known sorrow laozi very impressed suffering brain possesses advantages. Because carbon suffering grief laozi property offers a wealth brain, should know very well owned nowhere.
Because nowhere property wealth, should have to know very well Mahayana ownership. Since Mahayana very own, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because countless multitude ownership, should have known countless multitude also owns. Because owning immeasurable, should know very well boundless ownership. Because ownership boundless wealth, should have to know all the legal and property wealth. Due to such means, should say Mahayana around boss features contained boundless wealth of charming. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Or down to is false, or ignorance to old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size, or vanity, or Mahayana, or numerous, or infinite, or infinite, or all measures. All such are without property, attained such impossibility.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2015.

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