Monday 25 July 2016

SOMETIMES on bodhi (1)

Han-room: Jiujiang-Ma-La-the cross (2)

I heard, on a time there, when new evidence was Buddha-fruit in Old Mountain Temple-Da (3), Ma-da-water (4), along with a thousand of them Great-Bhikkhu-Khưu. And, these are previously in the immortals-human hair braided. You are all A-la-Han ranks, job done, the mind is self-in, his interests were, all possession-links (5) and has been the key-location-exit award.
Have tens of the Portuguese-Norwegian-German has big, real big. All from ten local world-boundary, van-episode about this. The full taste sorts spirit-information (6), the rings (7), da-ra-ni (8), France, tam-I (9). As Mr. Van-Enemy Professor-Benefit United-slapped, a World-Music-Bo-slapped-and-Chi University, Bo-Bo-Statue-Incense, slapped the slaps, Dung-Bo-slaps, customized Executive-Portuguese-slapped predicate-.-they Bo-slaps of immeasurable, including thousands of unimpeachable taste memories like that. Back to the great-we: Natural, Long, yaksha, Qian-thát-she, A-tu-la, Ca – long-la, an emergency-na-la, Ma-almost-la-human and non-human, surrounded around.
Now World-Ton nh p on-maybe even penetrating micro-magic of the Buddha, as real-number-computer chess all France, and the mainland think that: "We are-main-main College upper myriad fruit-, be-set-(10), remove every burden, our salvation-born, in tam (11), put a stop to infinity-, foot-, spit was named Ta-comments, from thirst, closed-ended the French boat blank French, wine, wine French speakers blow, opinion-making in France, the same transfer student-cuckoo, deemed Nirvana (12), stop the fill line off the main line railway, open, absent from the evil career, Jason rice "opine. (13)
"Now we're consistent, see due to something being invisible Director of upper primary-primary-College. Due to hull? Because the mind is? If so, the body or fuselage know, without creating what wood, the stone-. His four College (14), extra survival and birth patterns due thanks to the formula: clothes, food, beds, bathing. But, they must be impermanent, about possible failure-sabotage. And, if so, said according to the secular, the Scouts of Bodhi, belong to the list-self: invisible, invisible, invisible, invisible, infinite, scalar type, the infidels. "
"Through theoretical language, beyond the three realms (15). Not seen, not heard, or not, does not know, nor Prime facility, also not whinny-comment, do not ask, do not display, no-self, not language-language lines. "
"If by the mind, the mind is born by from every coast. Because all the charm, so we are not going to be as well. We have no room, no general, no State-can-computer, non-owners also. And in it, the are Bodhi, is France, Director-loads of upper primary-primary-College. That was FRANCE, France are not only honorable,-. By so-which have language-theory. Quotations-are thought to differentiate breast theory, no fan-ownership, has no basis-a, not may-General, no empathy, no-accept-ahead, do not have Adam-infection, no far. All of which is no photos-General. Thus, in France, for there is no evidence, no French Prime property-, no. Media reach, calling the new Prime witness-main-main College upper myriad fruit-buds. "
Now Writer-Enemy Professor-Benefit France-United Kingdom-Prince in the great-stand on the Buddha, holding the big ones-che on Buddha. And, meanwhile, Writer-Enemy Professor-known subterranean Interests-religion are also impaired-anniversary-Advisory. Bo-slapped-Enemy the white Buddha sailings that:
"White Germany World-religion, if that Bodhi has general like, goodness-male, female-friendly play Centre?"
World-religion told Mr. Van-Enemy Professor-Benefits:
"Friendly-male, female-friendly should so according to General of Bodhi that trigger the mind".
White Germany World-religion, General of Bodhi should say why? "
Van-Enemy Professor-Loi, General of Bodhi-continue through France, outside the three realms, the quotations-sayings, destroyed the broadcast and non-broadcast, is released. Van-Enemy Professor-Loi, so the Portuguese player, the player needs to slap the mind Bodhi, as France, as a general practice, not born, not mind-body charm, is released. Not the French, not more not less, not another one, is not playing. As the shape of the mirror, as the sunlight in to heat, such as inflammation-season ball as echoes, like the Moon in the water, the need should play like Bodhi mind. "
Now in the society has the Angel Prince named Moon-Optical Net-Germany, it has real star-depression-Instant transfer, ask Bo-slaps-Enemy Professor-Benefit France-United Kingdom-Prince that:
"Because of what the coast the Bo-Bo-happy slapped do slapped?"
Bo-slapped-Enemy Professor-Beneficial response that:
"He brought this question to ask Germany for world-religion".
The Buddha told Van sailings-Enemy Professor-Benefits:
He should answer about the conduct in question of the French-German-optical Net Yue-e ".
Bo-slapped-Enemy Professor-Security Benefit Angel Prince that:
"He should listen to the manual, now I will speak. -Prince should know, the Portuguese coast, with slapped-born, College-bi do root ".
Death angel asked:
"Bo-bi-what do get slapped root?"
Bo-slapped-Enemy Professor-Beneficial response that:
"Online Center for doing the original?"
-Prince asked:
"With her mind directly what do root?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"For us-born, Portuguese-average Center-College do get slapped".
-Prince asked:
"So the Center vase-what College do root?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"There is no separately by the strange action made root?"
-Prince asked:
"There is no separate action, taking what the root?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"Bo-penetrating mind-NET do get slapped root?"
-Prince asked:
"So what do fiscal mind-net took root?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"Bo-infinite upper main College Center get slapped the key sensory root do?"
-Prince asked:
"So the center of the upper main College main Visual unconscious retrieved the original what?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"Need to get six three-la-suite-multi (16) as the original?"
-Prince asked:
"Six three-la-suite what do take root?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"The retrieved media-rights do root?"
-Prince asked:
"Such media-what do get root wisdom?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"You get no zoom-Yi made the descent?"
-Prince asked:
"That's not what the original did get ample zoom-?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"You get three friendly-(17) original work?"
-Prince asked:
"So, what do the three friendly happy-get root?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"Take ten friendly career (18) as the original".
-Prince asked:
"Ten charity career leader retrieved the original what?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"Need currency-NIE six-flat (19) as root?"
-Prince asked:
"Currency-based original six photographers do what?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"The main anniversary memories do get root?"
-Prince asked:
"So what do get original anniversary memory itself?"
Van-Enemies responded that:
"The need to get consistent main principals".
-Prince asked:
"So, what do the grab bars main root"?
Van-Enemies responded that:
"The need to keep the original concepts do not forget to be persistent".
Angel said:
"Bo-slaps-Enemies, the Bo-slapped how much can human photography, photography can result?".
Bo-slapped-Enemy Professor-Beneficial response that:
"The Bo-slapped four types of mind can stock photography, photography can result. What are the four? One is the preliminary play. The two are Executive Director, Center for. Thirdly, the real depression center. Four is the most complementary of birth, mind. The Broadcasting Center profile as Executive Director for the center of the coast. Executive Director Center for coast as any depression center. Real depression as Center for coast for additional students of the mind. "
"Again-TU, Thien-Prince should know, with Paddy sowing seeds for as Center play down piece of paddy fields. With the Center Director, such as paddy grains gradually grow. Real depression center, such as the new fruits. And, the addition of the mind as well as the fruit has become useful. "
"Again, with play Center as car maker, gathering wood. With the Center Director, sawed wood close. Real depression center, wood do. And of the mind, the car was complete, shipped as Italy. "
"Again, with play Center: new moon born. With the Center Director: Moon on Thursday. Real depression Center: moon day ten. And, the Addition of the mind: the fourteenth day of the moon. Wisdom As-Lai as Moon the full moon. "
"Again, with play Center: through the text Bar. With the Center Director: through Flanges genus. Real depression Center: through the local estate. And, of the mind: an local head office. "
"Again, with play Center as the top student. With the Center as Director of chapter two. Any disengagement can bring as the Center noted in the chapter, make uses. And, the addition of the mind as smoothly into deep in management. "
"Again, with play of mind due to human words. With the Center Director do from birth place. Any disengagement by the Center from the paragraph. And, of the mind by from outcome. "
"Again, the human mind is playing with power. With the Center Director's position of power. Real depression is the center of power. And, the addition of the mind is the result of power ".
"Again, with play Center as the pain medication requirements. With the Center Director as remedy. Real depression center such as pain medication. And, of the mind as the pain was from. "
"Again, with play of mind born of the French House of the United Kingdom. With the French Center Director France United Kingdom. Real depression moved psychoanalysis was full of France United Kingdom. And, the addition of psychoanalysis in France France United Kingdom are often themselves in. "
Now, mass is in God's name, Quang Minh, was the real star witness countless leaders in crisis the main terrace of the main class. God Intended the White Home with Van Quang Minh Enemy Mastermind Benefit France Prince that: "what is the essential strategy of the great bodhisattva? And, by the way he was directed to the main upper primary sensory class invisible results? "
Written response: "enemies of God, the way the great Bodhisattva's weakness has two. By the way, is the main upper primary class scalar results leaders. What are the two? One is the media. Two is, intellectually. Currency stock photography French charity called the media. Scattered the French intellectual. "
"Again, the media, as they are born, the true France, General Intelligence is not moved. The media, with the mind, the intellect, not comparisons to all of France. The media, usually in harmony the legal, intellectual, is usually the discharge of the French Cup. The media, usually in harmony the legal, intellectual, is usually the discharge of the French Cup. The media is often the onset of human intelligence, charm, often except kill human charm. The media, know the distinguished legal, intellectual, or distinguish method. The media, be dignified is the Buddha, wisdom is also dignified Buddha realms, not possible to distinguish. The media know the identity of the implant, they benefit, wisdom, often don't grasp them. The media, can arrive shume, wisdom, often all the Dharma ".
Van Enemies say: "God should know, the bodhisattva has added two lines. By the way, is the main upper primary class scalar results leaders. What are the two? One is, Assistant Director. Two is the leader. Assistant Director in three la suite. The paragraph direction i.e. uncivil three la suite. "
"There are two roads. What are the two? One is, with. Two is, no heating system. There is a three-year system la suite. There is no ethical system that is uncivil three la suite. "
"There are two roads. What are the two? One is, the amount of relief. Two is, no energy. There is a general accepted distinction. No amount of direction i.e. no accept the general distinction. "
"There are two roads. One is, location scouts. Two is the leader. Location is the location to Furniture from beginning. The paragraph is from the local Bowl until the 1970s. "
Now in the Assembly have bodhisattva named Tri Dung Options Happy ask him Hostile French Prince Benefit Lawyers Writing that:
"How is the bodhisattva means? What is Bodhisattva position? "
Written response that Benefits Lawyers Feud:
"Good men," meaning "is useless." "Is useful. Why is it called "meaning" is useless? "Meaning" is ridiculous. Wuwei is France, so for France, useless Africa ".
"Again," meaning ", not as a general infection, there are glass chess," meaning "for France, the futility Africa".
"Again," meaning "is not falling, not rising, for France it is useless to Africa".
"God, why is called" location "? As the ring leader (20), owned by the mind, not useless, so, as useful, useless. The power of the Mind rules about where "passages", so, as useful, useless. Position to know in warm (21), know the twelve (22), eighteen (23), twelve Human charm (24), is of African origin, so Location is useful, useless. "
"Then again, God, the bodhisattva is ten. What are the ten? One is, human. Two is, result. Thirdly, decorati. The four are, the media. The year is, wisdom. Six is, photography. Seven is, three la suite. Eight is, bi. Nine is our accomplishment, born. Ten is the previous best, France. (25)
"Back again God, the bodhisattva is ten. What are the ten? One is, the play, because the wish they stem career purity. Two is the password, because they want to export industry purity. Thirdly, Italy, to Italian-born career purity. The four-play: all content, is the internal character no longer take part in advance. In foreign exchange, is played, to the head of the main student. Six is the play position: full, Buddha mind. Seven is, from play: think of all the Germans. Eight is, they achieve position, that is, preserving the intellectual remedy. Nine is, owner location: full of intent. Ten is infinite, location: not on the mind of the three realms. "
"Back again God, the bodhisattva is ten. What are the ten? One is, three la suite. Two is, photography-happy outfits. Thirdly, decorati-wisdom. The four's, media. The year is, bi. Six is a support request for wisdom, France. Seven is a support position, France. Eight is, net-Center. Nine is, Emperor Chu (26). Ten is, necessarily infinite appetites facility to take part before the (all-passive no join-) ".
"Back again God, the bodhisattva has ten thinking about perhaps. What are the ten? One is that, thinking about maybe the end of the. Two is, thinking about maybe the end of craving. Thirdly, thinking about maybe the end of France. Four is, thinking about the likely end of the negativity. The year is, thinking about maybe the end of the notice. Six is, thinking about maybe the end of the sensor-passive. Eight is, thinking about maybe the end of the decline. Nine is, thinking about the end of history probably (27). Ten is, thinking about maybe the end of happy leaders support (28) ".
"Back again God, the bodhisattva has ten treatments. What are the ten? One is, he who cures, rain San join date. Two are pure, three French (29) treatment center. Thirdly, the tu value center ring, anger from the happy news. Four is, need not know the Dharma bridge bored fatigue, indolence Center treatment. The year is, like to be meditation, freed himself at the Center, not the feeling of the restaurant. Six is, want to support the French-born decided three uncivil, who values security dollar foolish. Seven is, want to support the French-born Director, treating the mind defilements. Eight is, want to overhaul France's support to the tetrarchy (30), the crazy Island Center values needed. Nine is, want time, Africa Action, economic forecast in mind, accept the first. Ten is the French Consulate, egolessness, to value what we do. "
"Back again God, the bodhisattva has the ten charities. What are the ten? A friendly, is: depart three evil where the fuselage (31). Two is, password: depart four evil where the mouth (32). Thirdly, Italy: depart three evil where the mind (33). The four are, friendly: no body (34). In foreign exchange, is: do not accept the French. Six previous supported any position, is: not to immerse into the legal aid. Seven is, real high: always think about Holy charge. Eight is, except friendly: elegant Bowl practice three la suite. Nine is the crazy cups: Islands, not trick them. Ten is not environmentally friendly: destiny of pity, brought Center bi plat beings. "
"Back again God, the bodhisattva you the practice according to the French administration, bodhi was not not the precious right of the French political practice. Follow the French major, is saying that do. Done wrong, only the French say, not do as told. "
"Back again God, the bodhisattva has two administrative options. What are the two? One is Executive Director,. The two are, in the paragraph. Again there are two administrative options. What are the two? One is, suicide. Two is, our culture was born. Again there are two administrative options. What are the two? One is, location (follow wisdom). The two are executive administrative position, (don't follow). Again there are two administrative options. What are the two? One is the distinction. Two is, no distinguishing, Africa (35). Again there are two administrative options. What are the two? One is the same place, to know the conversion progress. Two is, cleverly know this place full, the other place. Again there are two administrative options. What are the two? One is, to know the text and bar-Bich-Director Chi-Buddha. Two is, know the Buddhist leader, not regress. "
Then the Buddha praised Van Enemies the French Favor Lawyers United Kingdom Prince that: "or rather, or rather, he always because of the Great bodhisattva talks about radical-a career-directed. And, industry-leader, as he says ".
When the French say, ten thousand bodhisattva symptoms are infertility France rings. (36)
Text of the French Favor the same Prince Mastermind enemy in all the world: Natural, human, A tu la ... listen to the word of the Buddha says, the wedding Festival credits.

translated from the pagoda at Quang, Nice (France)
October 8 in Pinyin Ty (11-10-1996 )




(1) Van-Enemy Professor-Benefit Consultancy Bodhi is book number 464 in Front the great Tibetan Monastery-main. This talk about Bo-Slapped-Enemy Professor-visiting German World-religion issues Benefit about foot-definition of the mind. At the same time, Bo-Slapped-Enemies also follow the word of the Buddha, French Bo's explanation-Slapped.
(2) External-Ma-La-Ten (Kumàrajiva: 344-413): External-Ma-La-Chinese translation means the Same-He is doing Life., law, best essay in the room-from the Buddhist Scriptures to Chinese Piracy. He was born in the country-on your knees (Neo-). His parents were Sir-. He followed his mother to enter in 7 years. He very-intelligent. Growing up, he studied all over India. When returning, you are the King revered as physician ranks. Lifetime Money-frequency, Match-Stubbornly wrong General Lü BU to Him occasionally, but Optical-to-Wage, hearing of the Match-Stubbornly been defeated-death battle. You save Liang-Chou 16, 17 years. Life of Late-Qin, Yao Ming-hung, in 401, he new about the school-An, King of Qin Feng respect-life you do-sometimes he spread,-head in Goal-the knife to the session-books-Buddha. Under the guidance of the spirit-Increases fault-Lac as: increase-Million,-Born Director-content, Increase-Due, Talks-Photo, Falling-Directed, etc., in 12 years room was 35, including 294 volumes (have room left to write, he is 74, including 384 book). Therefore, in the books he translated the often recorded "Yao Ming-Qin, Kneeling-private, Tripiṭaka France-External-Ma-La-room". Sir Member-President in 70 years.
(3) Elderly-Da (Gaya): Chinese translation is the first icon (the elephants). Old Mountain-Da near Bodhi shume.
(4) Ma-elderly-da (Magadha): i.e. the water ghost-masterpiece-da, the Middle-India.
(5) Possession-link: "property" is there. Have created career should have result-in birth-death. Berries-quote, it back-the Hyena-brain binding on it, should be called "links". Mind-brain: tham, si, etc.. bind them-born, making them-born right in within-molecule.
(6) the spirit-communion: "Spirit" means can not knowing failure. "Information" means not being afraid. -Not knowing and not being afraid to so called "spirit-information". Spirit-there are many types such as: a)-labels-information:-strain-type them-born, b) Natural-Media: hear all the sound-bar, c) Sufficiency-destiny-information: know the body before destiny, d) Tha-mind-information: know the mind-our anniversary-born, e) Spirit-student-information: go back to the place where a self-in, f) Contraband-take-the-show a superior, countless plat them-born etc.
(7) Patient (Ksànti): Ring-complaint: do not run the Center courtyard-hate the inverse-scene. Again means "an-ring": an-based ethical action not in the mind. There are many types of rings: Two rings: Us-born-rings and French infertility patient. Three rings: audio-enjoy-rings, rings, and pros-infertility France rings. Four rings: infinity-born-ring, infinity-kill-ring, entertainment-and-ring-coast head-ring. The five rings: a)-rings: only for result-of Tam, the Gentler the cross, the cross-direction of the bodhisattva, b) Credit-rings: only for results-from record to the local Freemasons bodhisattva, c) Pros-rings: only for results-from Furniture to the local Cuu bodhisattva, e) President-kill-ring: only for the result to address Cross-sensory Magic, end off or Nirvana, President-kill.
(8) the Da-ra-ni (Dhàrani): Chinese translation means "Citadel" or "general-maintenance". Meaning-of-keeping it friendly-France does not concur travel and evil-France no-start. Da-ra-ni has four categories: a) France-da-ra-ni: listen and keep religion-Buddha's not forgotten, b)-da-ra-ni: a brief summary of the French vassal state and acquiring treasure not forget, c) Note-da-ra-ni: medicine on meditation-ịnh-starting out the secret words have immeasurable experience God, now maintained he did not lose Patience, d)-da-ra-ni: an-in-General of France, maintained peace-head.
(9) Tam-I (Samàdhi), also known as tam-ma-the title, Chinese translation means "output": mind into one spot does not.
(10) necessarily (Slapped-she-elegant-na: Sarvajnàna) the news Buddha-mind. Means to identify things such as food.
(11) There are: three kingdoms result should be called "property". TAM owner i.e. 3 realms, also, results, also being revived-Prince-London is:-, and-infinity-colors-owners.
(12) Paragraph on the main results of opine-buds no longer entangled within the birth-death. In the French mode switch, Hoang born-of-birth, to them-next-computer Nirvana President-static. Nirvana (nirvàna), which means the President-removal, Member-President, League-escape.
(13) Rice is the meaning of "Bliss-filled". "Fill" mean-mean born-leader. As sown grains are coated, sweet-seemed to be--quote, so called "Bliss-filled". Bliss-filled three: a) Grace-filled: gratitude his parents, lawyer-Chief Manager. b) Glass-fill: refuge, respect; Buddha, France, increase. c) Bi-fill: mercy, save us-born.
(14) the four great, four-wide properties can be data-creation-export, author, born out of the French, that is: Earth (solids), water (liquid), fire (heat), wind (slightly).
(15) the three realms news trailokya: realms, Infinite realms and realms.
(16) the six three-la-suite (Pàramita): Three-la-suite-Max, Chinese translation is saved-wings, have unique Belgium Bank, the infinity or "degrees". This is great-almond of the Bo-slapped. Do they plat work full-born is "Save". From e-coast side to the Nirvana shore-side escape "the due Belgium Bank". Due to the great-almond French pass a far wider, so called "Infinity mode". Six three-la-suite-Max: a) Publication-pilot (Dàna). b) Maintenance (Sila). c) Rings-humiliation (Ksanti). d)-progress (Virya). e)-Meditation (Dhyana)-wisdom (Prajna)
(17) the three friendly-happy: not, not and not si.
(18) the ten charities-career: non, non-stealing, non-deviant porn, don't lie, don't talk, don't tell afternoon double blades spin, do not say evil, not rough-lam, not anger-fury, not deviant-comments.
(19) the six-six News Agency Base: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.
(20) the ring-leader: See notes-like number 7 above.
(21) the warm Year: good, Thu, ideas, and knowledge.
(22) 12 entered: 6 serviced (recorded above) and 6 ceiling: colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France.
(23) 18:6, 6 and 6: label-consciousness, Turkish, Ronan-lost-officially, the fuselage-and Italy-th c.
(24) 12-charm: ignorance, onion, recipe, list, record, import, consumption, craving, player, owner, aging, birth-death ... (see his book Human-Heart Charm).
(25) the French necessarily position: Position-intellectual property lawyer of all things being animals. Necessarily France also called for the French, the French vassal state for the great wall. For France, said General there are 3 types: owner-vi-France-vi-France and the impossible sermon.
(26) the Café almond: Emperor Chu-the cafe-the animals, being the foot-LY stood on the base of the Foot-and-Resume cricket
(27) The use and Results are:-is the name of the mind-brain. Bound mind, links the gauge-result is "links". Pursuing them-born and dictate them-born is "History". There are 9 and 10. Nine finals:-AI, angry-news, high-beam, ignorance, opinion, accept-player, suspected-or, he hates, popcorn xẻn. Ten: tham, si,, body, comments, editor-comments, ties-opinion, opinion-player, world-non-player.
(28) Aid: only for food aid, i.e. 37 4 anniversary, 4-4, as needed-Italy-sufficiency, 5, 5, 7 and 8-key-.
(29) the net only for the French three-bar-three industrial complexes: the fuselage, and Italy.
(30) the four emperors: suffering, destruction, and Director.
(31) 3 evil where body: kill, tr m theft,.
(32) 4 evil where mouth: lie, said the double tongue, embroidered textiles, said rough-speaking evil.
(33) 3 evil where the mind: join, si.
(34) the body (Satkàyadrsti): A type of Ta-comments in 5 kinds of evil-comments. Portfolio-idea accept that this body, we, have what we like.
(35), Africa: only for the result of Modern goods-Bo--slaps and Buddha.

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