Saturday 23 July 2016

(Ie: The Theory Of The Great Buddha-Admit-Can)

I was listening to the other: a Germany World-religion in the mountain States-the United Kingdom-Excavation-Soap, along with one thousand two hundred and fifty representatives Bhikkhu-Khưu and the great Bo-Slapped.
The time, Life Tools (2) Dormitory-Seat E-Gov-action experience to (3) of the Portuguese Slapped Maitreya. To place, two same-ask each other and sit on a large stone table. Adjacent, Life Tools: Electronic-oriented Capital-halls of the great Portuguese Slapped Maitreya says: "Bo-Slapped Maitreya! Today Germany World-religion Cafe-seen the rice where the local, he told the Bhikkhu-Khưu:" the Bhikkhu-Khưu If anyone saw was human-charm, i.e. He saw France; If anyone sees France, i.e. He found the Buddha ". He said the words, then silence thinh said nothing more. Bo-Slapped Maitreya! Who Friendly-Report (4) why speak out the words? How's work? -What is the human-charm? -What is France? -What is Buddha? What is Human-visible charm, i.e. see France? -What is seen are France, i.e. see the Buddha?
Property Life tools-Seat-said he and Portuguese, Word-Slapped Maitreya in response to the life Tools that e-mail: Capital-Hostel "Today, France-United Kingdom, Chief-Turned-Tri (5) protect the Bhikkhu-Khưu:" If anyone saw was human-charm, i.e. He saw France; If anyone see's you see i.e. French Buddha ", so in this time of what is human-charm? Say is human-charm, while: "here there should there be, this born should there born". Such as:-intelligent charm for charm, for Consciousness, the Consciousness for the charm-charm-List, for the Record-enter-enter the Mainland coast, for Exposure, Exposure to Passive Receptors, coast to coast, coast to coast, the Capital of Ireland for Possession, Possession for coast to coast, Cindy-TU, melancholy, miserable, exclamation, favor, brain, b.-run. Like, is only the beginning-the great suffering – condenser-lao, pure-for, so extreme. (6)
Also in this, infinity-kill should kill Action, clever destruction should Form removal, removal should list – colors, List-SAC removal should Record-enter, enter-kill should Contact kill, kill, kill the Passive Receptors should Contact kill should kill, kill the Craving should Rea Player kill, kill, kill should kill Christians should B., B. Aging should kill-death, melancholy, miserable, exclamation, , the brain is also destroyed. So is the removal of only the great suffering – condenser-lao, pure-most-extreme is being (7). It is Germany That legal speak out-religion-charm.
-What is France? -Eight Saints Director: political-opinion (see clearly the main management bodies), the key-private-only (thinking-think the leg-main), main-language (say-legs-main), key-(action foot-main), key-destiny (the main foot-students-staff), the key-the essential-progress (try-hard in the leg-main), key-anniversary (remember clearly the main foot-perhaps), and main-(note-on-Ly,-). That's eight Saints-and Nirvana, Germany World-religion speak out, just as France. (8)
-What is Buddha? -Is to know full-heartedly France, called the Buddha.-label Wisdom (wisdom-eye), France-(France-computer-trunk) of other ranks saw all France, create-agent-bodhi (9) and reach-learn, infinity-studying-France.) 10)
-What is seen to be human-charm? -As Buddha says: "If anyone saw the France of human-human-visible as coast charm. The France is: often (usually not even born-killer), tho (not the picture-colors,-mission related-continue), cups (depart words about brief or long-life-mission), as-computer (computer in the foot-like food), infinity-waterfall-Mau-computer (feet-not, as real, universal-not little wrong-wrong-skewed), infinity-born (as indeed should no longer born-killer), infinite (no-run), working (not created-cooperation) , wuwei (non work-vi), infinity-Karma-shy (no longer being prevented-plagued), infinity-landscape-(no longer share boundary), President-static (constant absence usually-silent), Lt (have no fear-fear), endless invasions-won (not compromised won) and real President-static-General (not also has both the President's general image-absent-silent stills). (11)
If anyone see's-French charm, for France's must sees are: usually, tho, real-life, such as glass-computer, infinity cascade-Mau-computer, infertility, start-up, working, wuwei, ridiculous obstacle course-shy, scene-world, President-static, Lt, Nomad invasions-won, real President-static-General (12). Are key-position food poisoning was Won-France, use the infinity-upper body that saw Buddha.-French (13)
Q: why are called human-Charm?
A: Yes, there is a call-Coast charm, is not no human, no charm, so called human-charm-France. Germany World-religion says about-General of personnel Due to the other coast: the Coast-born fruit, so although As-Lai-does birth or not-out life, computer, all of France (the plant) still often-head. Until France-(human-charm-PC), France-head-count (count in France of workers-often still charm-head), France-plan-computer (computer of every French-like), human data-coast-application-computer (computer entertainment-each other-coast), legs like computer (computer all France is like food), infinity-waterfall-Mau-computer (feet-as-not wrong-wrong, heaven-skewed), infinite variations-computer (feet-as does not change other wrong), foot-plant – computer (feet-food), food-health-computer (computer-) any damaged-hope-computer (computer not fake-lied), real mad-Island-computer (non-disturbance-flipped) etc. It is Germany That-religion says the words like that. (14)
Entertainment-France-coast, because the two things that it-run. Two things then what is? -Is: human-equivalent-and soy-Coast-. Entertainment-the other coast has two things: foreign-workers-charm and inner-human-charm. (15)
What is in this foreign-workers-workers-France-charm-free future? -From the seed germ, born from born germ leaves, leaves from the stems, born from the trunk was born burned, from burning born Kiss, from the United States, born from the buds of flowers born left; If no seed, sprouts news not born, so if no flowers, left nor born. There's a new germ, seeds were, like the flowering period, the newborn also be. (16)
Song, the other seeds also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we are born germ". Sprouts also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're from the seed born". For the United States to also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "I was born left". Left also not start out Italy-anniversary: "we're from the United States born". (17)
However, because there are seeds that germinated was born and thus also have flowers that left the Mainland be achievements.
Should the police-consistent meaning "foreign human-human-future France-coast-" like that!
-Should the foreign surveillance-human-number-charm-charm-France-future-how? -Need six (World-parts)-Republic. -What are the six world peace-case? -Is:-World (Earth), Aqua (water), fire-about-about (the fire), Feng-about (wind), the not-world (non-space) and time (time). The Republic's Department-about-with each other, the foreign-worker-charm-originator was born.
Should the police-number-literally "foreign-workers-charm-charm-chess-France" like that! (18)
Talk about-world is usually kept for seed; Aqua-world is often delicate-permeability for seeds; The fire-is often slightly warm for seeds; Style-is often help the knife-for seeds; Non-world is not doing Karma-shy for the seed; Time, time c can make genetically modified seeds. If none of the charm, the seed could not be germ-born.
If in addition, the site-about-full refund, up to the glass, the fire, the style, not fashion,-about ... well done-all full, again hòa full-heartedly-case, the time when the seed sprouts, then removal is born. (19)
And, in this world-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we often keep-treated seeds". Together, the cards – also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we often delicate-permeability for the seed"; the fire-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we often help warmth for the seed"; style-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we often help the knife-for the seed"; not-well not start out Italy-anniversary: "we usually don't do Karma-afraid to seed"; also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we usually make the seeds turn-change". Seeds are also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we usually sprouts"; Sprouts also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're far from the coast he was born". (20)
However, there are charm, when the seed removal and then, successively germ was born. And, as a result, when United, left the Mainland was born. That is, the other germ is also not creating it yourself-, nor is another one created-, is not in itself () along another one created, not the self--in create action, nor is the time-change, is not in self-computer generated, nor is there human that was born to be. However, the site, fire, glass,, no, time-world ...-Republic combination, when the seed sprouts, then removal is born. (21)
Should the police-number-literally "foreign-workers-charm-charm-future France-" like that!
Should provide consistent year-France, a foreign-workers-charm-France. What is the year? -Is: not often (abnormalities), not ends (any sections), do not move (di), from small and large staff along with other old auto-contrast.
What is not usually longer? -Because the same germ, seeds, two decent are different; other germ is not the seeds; not when the seed sprouts, then ruined the new born, nor is the seed does not kill, which are biological germ; When seeds are born germ gone, ruined, should the "no permanence".
What is not ends? -Not the seed of too-past ruined go, that was born the same, not the seeds of not destroying, germ, seed Starter-also ruined, in the Meanwhile, it is just as high, low balance a little, that the birth be germ, so is "don't stop".
How not to move? -Because, various seeds and sprouts, sprouts is not the seed, so as "not to move".
How small is born great fruit? -From small seeds, big fruit, so called "from the small, big fruit".
What is the same with the other old auto-contrast? -Because, as the seed when planting new fruit, kia, so called "along with other old auto-contrast".
World's first year the Inn-France, a foreign-workers-charm-France! (22)
-Also, the internal-staff-charm-France also do two things that are born-run. Two things then what is? -Is: human-equivalent-and soy-coast-.
-How which means human-called-charm-France,-contrast-response? -That is, from the infinitely-intelligent charm for onions, until born Jesica for aging-suicide. If infinity-not born, nor have, so if not born, Lao-Zi is also there. As such, there should be a new-born was, so there should be a new e-mail geriatric birth. (23)
Song, infinity-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "I was born"; also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're from the place-which was born"; until the birth is also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're born premature aging-suicide"; Lao-Zi is also not start out Italy-anniversary: "we're from where born that there". (24)
However, because there is an infinite-new, born; also, because of the aging of new e-mail, students get. (25)
So, should the Inn-literally "inner-human-human-future France-coast-" like that!
-Should the Cabinet's-bars-coast-coast-France-future-how? -Needed six-Republic border. Six world peace-what is appropriate? -Is:-world, pox-, fire-, gender-, not-and form-world peace-cases.
Should the police-pub "-Entertainment-France-coast charm,-contrast-" like that! (26)
-What is the action of the six generals, in internal-staff-charm-France? -This durable body in making Things-sure, called "-"; things make this body-the convergence again, called "Aqua-world"; things to do in digestion of the food, the drink in this incarnation, called "fire-world"; things to make out breath, into the fuselage, apart from this, called "Feng-world"; rather than make this pine hollow stems, called "non-same-body's year" (together) with owner-Italy-Official Bootleg, as well as bunch of cane, into-the-list germ triumphs (the mind, the body) of this body, known as the "Formula-" (27). If none of the charm, the time is not born overnight. If the Cabinet-add-complete-full, and the like, so, fire, style, no, formal-well done-all full, whole again hòa-together tubular fuselage, was born. (28)
Song, the other world-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we usually do the strength in the trunk"; cards-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "it is common for relatives to do the convergence-file"; the fire-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we usually do goal-the chemistry of food, drink in the fuselage"; style-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we usually make the breath out, in, out"; not-well not start out Italy-anniversary: "we often do these hollow in the body"; recipe-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we typically do the best list – peas triumphs-of this body; also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're from where all this coast which is born". However, there are time of the instant body, was born. But, on the other-nor are We, not beings, is not destiny-fake, not born-fake, not grape-Dong, not work-fake, not my son, not a daughter, not like Prince, not self-in, non-facility, nor is the other. So, marine-world, the fire-, Feng-about, not-about-sex, nor is the US, not them-being, is not destiny-fake, not born-fake, not grape-Dong, not work-fake, not my son, not a daughter, not like Prince, not self-in, non-facility, nor is it what other things like that. (29)
-What is-intelligent? -For six world run out-the idea (idea is for), for-the-idea (idea is real-by the France match-up), the often-idea (idea is usually longer wing-far), Jian-lao-idea (idea is the durable), real-ruined-idea (idea is not ruined-kill), an-tribe-idea (thought to be an-happy) idea is we-born, destined, born o-fake-, singer-wife, (who), grape-Dong, last-author, falls, falls facility etc. (30) the same senseless things (don't know), the other is the "infinite-intelligent".
There are endless, for the scene-starting out: join, si; something for the scene-starting out: join, he, he is invisible, si-Ming for the coast; that for all the often-especially clear-clear, known as "Awakening"; along with fellow students form the four aggregates (,,,), called list-colors; medicine on the basis of the list – colors, called the continental-type; three peaceful-(root, ceiling, formal) call is exposed; know-the-touch receptors, called nociceptors,; Join-wrecked on the sympathetic-receptor, called AI; increase-the-head of charity, called the seat; from where he was born-accepted "-b.-career" (democracy in action-born celebrity shades), called; from other staff (career) was born in aggregates (-), the call is born; born and five aggregates into-Shu, called elders (old man); He then destroyed the five aggregates-ruined, called death (death); While dying, inner-mind enough at all to take part-and heat-brain, called cicada (sad); from sorrows, born the speech, called the exclamation (coal-breathing); relatives of the five officially bear the suffering, called suffering; partners-Italy (kicked out Italy-idea); Italy-bear all the suffering, called pros (lo); enough things on the mind-brain like options-in, called the brain. (31)
Many dark should called infinity-Ming; create-collaboration, so called Chu (any action); segment-clearly, should be called consciousness; slash-based, so called list-colors; do the doors born-run, so called green-enter; contact-touch should call is exposed; sensory receptors-so called; thirsty-khao so called AI; accept the retrieved, so called; b.-starting have later (late-friends) should be called; born in aggregates should call is born; the five aggregates into-Shu should called him; the five aggregates removal-ruined, so called; sad-parting should be called melancholy; charcoal-breath should call is the exclamation; the brain stem called the gauge; the brain Center known as the pros; mind-brain called the brain. (32)
Moreover, the unknown leg-computer, crazy-o did not know, called "endless". Because there are "endless"-like, into three things (action): Gospel-(blessings), sin (do sin) and real-action-action (do in the not-knife) (33). From where Phuc-(blessings) born Phuc-action formula (career-consciousness in the making), he is invisible for the coast-intelligent; from where the crime-action (guilty), born out of sin-consciousness (career-consciousness in the making of sins), then called the charm for action; from where real-action-action (do in the not-knife), born out of real-action-action formula (career-awareness in the making not-knife), then called for the coast-Protocol. Because of the sharp increase in the record, from the-Chief-enter into the work, he is the best coast-for-enter. From the continental-type that was born the second of six tactile-touch,-the convergence, he is a record-type charm for exposure. From where in contact-touch that was born the other, the other passive, then-called gizmos for the coast. Segment-clearly-distinct clear understanding-OK, that passive born infected-craving, conversation-posing, then known as receptors for the coast. Know that infected-craving, conversation-posing, not want to far-left and in places that still born Italy-Chapel-Festival, she is craving for the coast. Born Italy-Chapel-Festival and, from where the body, mouth, Italy created late-owner-career (career of the body after this), he is the charm for owners. From the other owner's will was born in aggregates, is useful for the coast. OK, the other five aggregates into student-Shu and kill-kill, then called born to him-coast. (34)
So the twelve legal spending-on the other coast, doing each other, make each other charm, not usually, no-normally, not in owner-vi (the create-work), not infinity-micro (without the-vi), is not there, is not without charm, not-passive "owners-career", not France (human-charm), the French is not ruined , not the France of killing; from an infinite-so far, it only I could remain as runoff slope, no fragment-very good. (35)
However, twelve genera entity-as, Jesica each other, make each other coast, not often, not often, not infinity-micro-organic, no-vi, is not there, is not without charm, not-passive "owners-career", not France, not France sabotage French, not kill; from an infinite-so far, it only I could remain as runoff slope, no fragment-very good and it has four normally-twelve photographers-charm-France. The four genera. -Is:-, AI, business, consciousness.
"Official", a death-do-grab. "Career" take Tin-computer (36). "Ignorance" and "AI" mind-brain-computer get made. In this, "karma" and "mind-brain", the birth of "conscious" vaccine-death (seed). "Karma" time piece rice field for "knowledge" of the vaccine-Prince, "AI" Nico-permeability for the "formula" of e-strain, "Infinity-" time for birthing "formula" of e-strain. If none of the charm, the "formula" of the race-not the be. (37)
Song, other businesses also don't run out Italy-anniversary: "we're now doing the piece rice field for the" formula "of the vaccine-Prince; AI also doesn't run out Italy-anniversary: "we now do Nico-permeability for the" formula "of the vaccine-Prince"; Infinity-also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we now do – bloom for" recipe "of the vaccine-Prince"; "consciousness" of the other e-mail strains are also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're far from all her charm was born". (38)
However, the "formula" of the vaccine-Prince, where rice and medicine on the other-permeable, Nico craving endless birth-joint, into the pregnant mother born germ-list (39). Excellent list – other germ is not in self-work (I do), nor condone-work (something else worked out), not himself and others all do, not self-in turns out, nor the time variable; not self-properties, not the fake bullshit-(pseudo-author-Waseem), nor is there human that was born. (40)
However, when sample-Republic side with when the other coast-Republic, France (human-charm): infinity-fall (no), infinity-fall, fall-(no, that's my thing), as well as non-fiction. The going-the other France, and complete charm-full, the birthplace of the medical personnel-across the coast, into the pregnant mother, the times-triumphs are the "formula", hold the thai mother, was the germ of the list-colors. (41)
As if born to the label-consciousness, if enough in time charm was born. In her charm? -Is: y (label) in the eye, the picture-colors (colors), the light-bright (clever), non-time (not) and y in partnership-Italy (kicked out Italy-idea), so the label-consciousness is born. In this fashion, the eye as Lady-the title for the label-conscious, fashion-do scenes for label-conscious, fashion-show work light-current, non-working time does not prevent che, last-time-work idea. If none of the charm, brand-consciousness is not born to be. If when inside the next-enter complete their eyes, full-full-full, until the picture-colors, light-bright, no-time, last-Italy, also complete-full, whole, harmony-the born to be conscious. (42)
Song, the other eye was also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're now the Princess of the title-seat label-consciousness", the picture-colors are also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're now doing scenes for the label-consciousness"; light-light not start out Italy-anniversary: "we now work for show-show for the label-consciousness"; no-time also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we now work not stop-cover for the label-consciousness"; partners-Italy also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're now making room-ideal for label-consciousness"; the label-consciousness there also not kicked out Italy-anniversary: "we're from the coast that there". However, there's new label-Coast born; to the other, depending on its type will know it. (43)
As such, there is little (human, charm) would from this life to another life transfer-in; Despite this, and the charm, is completed-full-time, full results (link-results of career-consciousness) is also present. (44)
For as in shining out an object, but an object-of-there is not moved the mirror, and charm, is completed-all full, so an-object also. As such, there is little bit of anything from this place, born to another, and the complete coast-full-full-well, should we (45).
As well, maximum-on here as long as four thousand two thousand by-week, as well as the other moon icons that appear in the small bowl of water, so the other moon well nor from where the other di-moved to have this water bowl. However, and complete full-charm, as well as the Moon should also appear. As such, there is little bit of anything from this place, born to another, and that the complete coast-full, so career-result also. (46)
Such as fire, and charm if not full, no fire was, when the full charm, and can fire. Like the French, infinity-fell, egolessness and crumpled damaged-none; going into the other-y and the complete full-charm, where medical facility born, into the thai mother, time-of-strain the triumphs, and mind-brain born germ-list. (47)
So, need consistent-suicide about the inner-human-charm:-France, maricel-contrast-"like that!
Should provide consistent year-France,-human-survey-charm-France. What is the year? -Is: not often (abnormalities), not ends (any sections), do not move (di), from small and large staff along with other old auto-contrast.
What is not usually longer? Means the five aggregates-climate report-other relatives kill going, along with the five aggregates are the born there, two decent is different, because the five aggregates-late night kill going, not the five aggregates are the birth; quote-trunk-late the other night, the five aggregates also kill, the five aggregates are the born also appears to be so called "no permanence". (48)
What is not a stop in the area? Y-not on when removal of the five aggregates-late evening, that the five aggregates are the born, get; and nor is not killing, newspaper-trunk-late the other night, the five aggregates also kill, in the Meanwhile, the five aggregates are the born, it only as the balance, high, low, a little, that the birth was, so called "not ends. (49)
How not to move? -Because, other-love, from where is not the "we-Council-Division", born where "we-Council-Division", so called "do not move". (50)
What is small, from the large fruits born? -Making small fruit, hetero-Shu (51), from a small nucleus that results.
-As do other workers, are other, along with other auto-contrast, so called "self-similar".
By that, should provide consistent year-France,-human-charm-France!
Ton-Property-Seat mock-Suicide! If the user location, Café-French of the watch-charm, which Germany As-Lai said, as infinite, life expectancy, such as-real-sex, invisible-waterfall-Mau-computer, infinity-infinity, run, working, wuwei, obstacle course, ridiculous scene-world, President-static, Lt, Nomad invasions-staged, endless, real-President-static-General (52), real-property (not the foot-real), frivolous (Waseem-lied), Madness (deceiving not real), Jian-real (not durable, food) , as the disease (such as pain), such as prostate cancer (as people have boils), such practices (such as being the name of the shot), too (sorry-mistake), disabled (not often), suffering, not, anatta (not ME), so I in my life too-past have born or is not born, that not-especially banks realms of childhood too-past? In my life-lai was born in nowhere, which is also not-especially childhood taste-futuristic realms of the Bank? This (now-in)? Here's how to make out anything? Other-this situation from where? From this removal will come into you anywhere? That's also not-especially the "Yes" of the present-in.) 53)
Back to the TA-(Wednesday-idea-deviation) of fellow Sa, Ba-la-Mon (54) in the world, is falling-comments, opinions, tho-fake--comments, human-opinion, hy-owner-comments, sand-wall-opinion, publicity--comments. Know to be proficient in-turn, as tree-la, except paragraph clean every, and then, in life, tomorrow be infertility, France. (55)
Ton-Property-Seat mock-Suicide! If someone was full of "infertility-patient" (56), was the segment-clearly been multiply-charm-France, As-Lai, the Cult, the Variable---Tri,--,--, Time-,-upper-, thing-Dwell-Thy-Phu, Natural-human-Professor, Buddha, World-religion (57), receptor-associated for-infinity-Major-College upper fruit-buds.
Now, the great Portuguese Slapped Maitreya say he then, Life Tools-Seat-together Amnesty all people in the world, Natural, human, A-Tu-La, Qian-Thát-Mrs. etc., listening to the great Portuguese Slapped Maitreya says France, both credit-Phung-receptors.

(1) Review of the vast Tibetan, this same national economic forecast-example, same foot-meaning that there are 5 different translations: 1) willow, a born-708: number of redbud, due-Singer Lee-room. 2) theoretical economic-Can Leaders: Buddha of 709, takes the name of the translator, on the East side-Ton-. 3) From Portuguese-A theoretical Department Slapped-College-admit Charm-born Director-Business: 710 number example, can do Anything-No Subject-room. 4) General-redundant Campus-Le-Sa-Ma-Jing: number 711, by France-Architect: pilot-apartments. 5 Buddhist theory of surplus-Director)-can: number 712, d. name the room. This economic theory-staff-in-12-coast charm. In order for the Buddha-Prince looks-items, were aware of with-easy-easy, should temporarily borrow two letters "Coast-born", the third in the translation (on) doing strongly, while the whole experience-the correct translation is "the theory of the great Buddha-admit-can experience". (Lyrics Translated-fake).
-Can: the Offense (India), known as Xa-Le-Sa-Ma-kinh (Salistambasutra). -Can mean glutinous rice. Buddha visible glutinous rice field workers He said staff-Coast-born.
(2) the life Tools: the call often, only for the full-life is destined to the world and life-body-French mission.
(3) Business-Action: a special Place-to after the sitting meditation, go away, come back to nourish the body and from the disease-fire. Or where to go, come back after meals for the rice.
(4) Friendly-Report: Piracy called Tu-elderly-da (Sugata) means to go out on the road, reaching the place nice. Messiah – food poisoning used For-setting-as the car, go on the main Bowl, rảo to Nirvana, should call is Friendly-Report.
(5) the Buddhas, France-United Kingdom, major-Turned-Tri: Buddha (Buddha): is the sensory level-food poisoning. France-United Kingdom: Buddha for France (the animal) self-in, should be called France-United Kingdom-Main-Tri: ... The Offense called Tam-tam Buddhist miệu-da (Samya Ksambuddha) meaning real know throughout the whole of all of France, so called "major-Turned-Tri".
(6) On this Portuguese Slapped Maitreya questions of Life Tools-E-Capital of the two halls of the word human-charm. Multiply is the charm, is the help-help (complete) for whole-entertainment-born and reaches the end-result: "this should have the other, here born should there born", that is the definition of multiply-Coast-born. Us-born or of shape-excellent, both due to the continuation of the work of creation-12 human-charm: 1) infinity-minh: IE si-passion, one of the six brain-based trouble-a and do not understand the meaning, of the always-hope-accept as-anniversary stool-. 2): action. As the owner-led-pimp-careers-electronics industry-newspapers. That is because smart infinity-should-start off the action a mistake. 3): Career-stool-. Due to the si-passion and action on the career-awareness segment-the nickname wrong. Because the stool should have had His special-ability (home-), having (guest-) should become the driving-force born-London e-move. 4) List-colors: General-report-the stem of the plant. "Name" is the name of the Center or is essential-God-Dah: "" i.e. the picture-colors due to four (Earth, water, fire, wind) reconciliation form. Had career-awareness course must have a form-SAC, which has the flexibility to protect the wrong-shaped history, then. 5) Record Type: Has-and then of course there are 6 apartments (6-): eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, Italy forward-type with 6 ceiling (scenery): good, sound, aroma, taste, tactile, France, should be called "record type". 6): Has the login, and then, two decent must have contact with each other, so called "exposed". 7) Passive: there was the contact is there really passive, passive-sectors-, so called "passive". 8) Ireland: was there really passive, passive-sectors-will produce love, so called "Ireland". 9): Have love should try mind preserve retrieved, so called "player". 10) owner: Because that's the Prime issue again will the body have something moving out of after this, so called "Christians". 11) Born: there was the crystallization of the body tomorrow, of course, will was born, so called "born". 12) Aging-Suicide: there was born the body, according to the turn-back will (wither) and die. But, while he endured the unspeakable: how sad, sighs, suffering, anxiety, brain coat, so called "aging-suicide, melancholy, miserable, favor the exclamation, the brain". In summary, this coast by human-12-similar to resume, just-born-the convergence of extreme suffering such (end has the broad prize).
(7) previously spoke of the born of initiates-charm, now it says about the human-destroying piece charm. Know that with out him-death is by birth place: coast, owner, player, AI, passive, exposed, the continental-type, list-colors, formal, cruise, loads-intelligent touch, successive born boots, now want to destroy the piece need removal phase loads-the forecast, the other coast were destroyed. All are destroyed, the time of birth-death, mind-brain removal must, suffering great pain, on the other extreme, uniformity, turns into extreme-LAC-Net.
(8) eight Tu-Holy to rescue wing is will evidence be 4 result of bar-text: Tu-da-,-da-Ham, A-Na-, A-La-Han, and y to the result-location, get-a-born-, so called Holy-and Nirvana. And, the Buddha said the French, that is the Dharma.
(9) human Bodhi: i.e. raw-to-food poisoning, as-8, paragraph 12 human-Scripture-charm etc.
(10) school, infinity-school: Who reached the foot of-Ly to rescue wing, hope or kill off, no longer the tu, learning, is "-". People have to survey the leg-to kill must be disappointed either, as "-". Three result on the part of the U.S.-Owned "is Superfluous-học", A-La-Han's "infinite-school". Ten local Portuguese Slapped by-Owner "is superfluous-học", Buddha is "Infinity-school".
(11) this is the smart display WINS Supreme French-charm.
(12) on the other end was from 12-number-charm-Charm-killer, this paragraph from where the eight Saints-Cafe-French Police Director. The Cafe-computer entertainment-charm is Often Invisible, Tho ... Today the Inn-France's computer monitor.
(13) it is consistent-suicide about Buddha. Buddha's ranks are position-wisdom, knowing all by itself-(key-position). There have been key-position, of course-food poisoning all Supreme-victory of France (food poisoning are WINS-France). Food poisoning is win-France-food poisoning symptoms i.e. filed-for meaning France-computer do Loads of Buddha-French-upper, i.e. see the Buddha says, want to see the Buddha must be key-position, there is a new understanding of the mind-a-can of the plant (France), understands a-can the-animals called France-computer, is France-body Buddha, the Buddha is seen.
General comment: want to see the human-right Coast Cafe-is the human in French-charm; want to see France, are consistent-is a-able of France and would like to see the Buddha, must have key-position,-food poisoning a-dark-winner of France, France-computer, the-body-Buddha.
(14) It says: there are attractive, there is no charm. There is something there that like, i.e. a-able (calculation) of the plant (France). Were like, is usually constant, not variable-changed, wrong-time ... whether or not the birth of Buddha's birth, the French-speaking (France) still the same, that is, then everlasting charm.
(15) It says: though human-charm-France is probably the constant usually like, but standing on the method-an t o-and-continue, human-right coast with each other (-). The future-has two 1/human-compatible with each other: human-the new Coast 2 Coast/soy-free:-charm each other with new personnel. In the nucleus and the Coast-this-area of out going into four types: 1/Foreign human-Human-France-Coast Contrast-contrast-effects-human, with the French-foreign-coast. 2/Foreign-Workers-Charm-Charm-Future France-Application: soy-,-Charm combined with the charm of foreign human-French-filler. 3/-human-Human-France-Coast Contrast-contrast-effects-human, with the French entertainment-cabinet-coast. 4/Internal-Staff-Charm-France, Coast-Coast-future-: collaboration with the French entertainment-cabinet-coast. And in 4 categories, each category are divided into two parts: the recognition of the human component and the creation of Government-recipient, as each French, no self-able.
(16) This talk about composition-of-foreign-workers-future France-coast-.
(17) This talk about no self-part of the foreign-worker-contrast-France-coast-.
(18) On this is consistent-the General survey about 6, i.e. foreign-workers-charm-charm-future France-application. After each world-number-will a.
(19) this is talking about the formation of the 6.
(20) It says the no self-can of 6.
(21) This speaks about the Member-content.
(22) in order to prevent the evil-prevention-opinion Moscow, outside the Consulate-close door-staff-coast-on the other, need consistent-more consistent stuff-5 survey.
(23) this is talking about the part of Cabinet-sculpt-human-human-future France-coast-.
(24) This section speaks about no self-of-human-charm-France,-contrast-response.
(25) Italy-talking about the content.
(26) On this is consistent-the general observation about 6. Following each own about a police-Pub.
(27): is due 5: label-consciousness (eyes), Turkish (tai), refugee-(nose), lost-officially (the tongue), the body (body) together with Italy-sixth that the list (Center) (picture-colors: body): "Knowledge" means-especially proficient in-turn. Due to the molecular-especially created to save the enterprise-e-transfer, should be called "Owner-Italy-Official Bootleg".
(28) This talk about making-of 6.
(29) It says the no self-can of 6 world, because it is not: WE (real-usually unchanging, constant), We-Birth (birth-death-through type). Destiny-Author (creator of the fuselage-destined), B.-(born-out), grape-Council (i.e. create-host-butcher, grape-like letters "-nhi", we usually call), last-Author (Creator-create), son (men), daughter (woman). Emperor-subject (who is not a man, not a woman). Self-In (self-do not bundle). -The Department (of the US).
(30) as the page was 23.
(31) paragraph on this precautionary measure-intelligent about able generals.
(32) On this is like on a-list – meaning.
(33) Real-Action-action: the action of meditation-and-Shades of the colors. And also means action in the im-silence, not a knife.
(34) natural remedies-the future-of 12 human-charm.
(35) on here talking about human-equivalent-and the coast-continue, not for-is certain or the coast, are not generally and is not permanently destroyed, that it just made for each other, Coast-direct tv forever.
(36) fill-feature: as rice piece, created-to produce the vaccine-death (seed).
(37) This award-like on-of: infinity-, AI, business, consciousness.
(38) It says the no self-can of four genera.
(39) This talk about everlasting charm-comb-work.
(40) This talk about results-infinity-work.
(41) Said the total General-but there is no self-able, not created-, but the seed of consciousness, y on paddy fields, are participating-AI, intelligent infinity-joint laced-birth, entertainment, leap-charm-Republic, into the thai mother, the form-able (germ-list) and the picture-can he out six with six entries to the ceiling (green-enter) into body-mind person.
(42) This belongs there-career, but talking about the formation of the label-consciousness.
(43) This section does not talk about himself-and sense-of-year charm.
(44) It said although no self-able, but human-full charm, result-report also.
(45) this is for-example of born-career.
(46) this is for-example of late-career.
(47) this is for-example of real-business.
(48) It says: The fuselage due to the industry-which has this (quote-trunk) consisting of five aggregates:,,,,. Quote-trunk until lost, he still aggregates year forecast. Was no longer in the previous incarnation, but the newspaper report –-the rear fuselage had five aggregates in it, will not the same with newspapers-and in aggregates before. More specific, the body-mind (-) before the not the same with the body-mind, later called the "no permanence".
(49) It says: But that report-and the five aggregates before removal, but not without the contact with the newspaper-and 5 the following aggregates. It has the contact with each other during the time-period switch, such as area slightly higher balance, a bit low, so called: no ends. " That is still-with each heartbeat, not ends.
(50)-Bronze-Parts: means-(-) the copper-equivalent-causation. It said the newspapers-the body of endangered species-animals born later in life, not the body of the previous life-newspaper moved moved to, because, quote-trunk in the previous life before life, so called "non-displaced".
(51) It says:-small nucleus, which to a human's-the other forecast-Shu reaches the larger human again-the fruit before, called "big Shu-results". Male-example: a grain of Orange cultivation into the orange tree, when Orange berries into several, rather than have a orange beads as before.
(52) See page 11 for.
(53) It should say clear the Mexican three mistakes in his life: too-past, present-at,-lai. Because, of the three life just is-, no-self: human-charm-too-too-fashionable the past-past, human-hybrid-unit Hoa coast-as-trendy, entertainment-current coast-in the peace-time into there-in. Too-past-and extremely fake, read that go in search of the birth or not born! -Lai also pseudo-and invisible-make, spend that finding see born nowhere! Now-imagine (female) of the currently-in-charge to the pole-to infinity, the genus that finding-stuff!
(54) Sa, Ba-La-Mon: Sa-keeper here not only for the e-Buddha-go first, which is a general call for people-from tu-action. BA-la-Mon is a stage-level location-awareness dinner-high of ancient India, water-obstacle course on a 24-,-.
(55) The Ta-Opinion: 1/-in: Portfolio-idea accept the body due to the five aggregates author-is what we have taken. 2/we-born-comments: Wednesday-our bigotry-born idea is real. 3/-fake-Life comments: Wednesday-for-life mission that We only have a limited time is running out. 4/human-opinion: investment-we have thought and person. 5/Hy-ownership-opinion: investment-ideas-rare Monster. 6/the sand-wall-opinion: investment-ideas about date, time, good, bad ... 7/Publicity-case-opinion: investment-ideas when, when not, or more, or less.
This should clear all the talk: TA-comments, such as tree-la has the original đẵn and no longer grows shoots up anymore. And, if clear is that, tomorrow will prove to be not born, destroy.
(56) a Infertile France Ring: Foot-as-General-may, depart the born, destroy it. Foot-mind-space place-that's not possible, is "French infertility patient". More specific, the French were not born, destroy it, not created-, not run off the career-action.

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