Monday, 25 July 2016


-Sentence-Canvas-Multi-La translate Sanskrit out Chinese.
THE MOST VENERABLE THICH TAM CHAU.   translate Chinese words.

I was listening to: (2) a Buddha in the other essential property they like, water-Ca-Duy-La-Guard (Kapilavastu), along with a thousand two hundred fifty unit Bhikkhu-Khưu. (3)
With a prayer-worship son of the forums-free (4) in September, for the full period from Buddha in Meditation, enough-furniture, go to step out of his trees States-momentum in his garden Level-you-Poison (5) Property water-Guard (Sràvasti).
When You go to the border between the two countries,-place a very large tree, the name is Ni-Sentence-type (Nyagrodha) (6). She's tall Trees a hundred twenty stamp (7) . About square, round of shoots, leaves her lush green cover approximately sixty Stomp. The fruit on the tree's few thousand koku, and the result of this feed into the fragrant, sweet as honey. Most are the result of nine down, people picked up the loss ate, all the others are off and the eyes of the essential light.
Now, Buddha sit under a tree, the Bhikkhu-Khưu picking fruit to eat, the Buddha told him A-Nan: "I see the Sun, soil, plant secret, have student-charm!". He A-Nan heard the Buddha said, shortly before, do l Buddha, knelt down and the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion, He has just said about the two words" student-charm ", so what is the student-charm? Date filed-the Prince we want to hear about the student-hope's German coast World-religion took place said we fully know and for those who have yet to be heard. "
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "You turned instead! You turned instead! He wanted to hear the student-charm, he make for the mind, listen! ".
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "people blessings this tree as well. This tree is a natural breed of it only one seed, gradually grew up, picking the infinite. Currently those dime-quarter as-United Kingdom, head-faked, is from the Buddhist celebrations, Thua-care the Tam-Bao (8) before that. Now those great-Phu, infinite wealth, is from in situ take happy-dad did before that. Currently those longevity, no illness, disease, bodily strength, is from in situ take happy-about maintenance work before that. At present those main decency, beauty, nice shape-more light-barking first, soft body-scented mouth clean, slightly commercial, people see-Yong, nobody is does not look boring, Hy-Festival of the eye, is from in the place of health do almond rings-humiliation before that. At present those who practice, not lazy, late or ham to do welfare-Germany, is from in situ take happy-making progress before that. Currently those security-Shiv, letter-Thai, words, job review, is from in situ take happy-meditation before doing that. Now talent-introspection, deep French grips, concur-the exclamation mean responsibility-oxidized, giving-food poisoning the obscurity; people hear their words, no one is visiting, no credit-, tv-and used as propaganda-told, is from in situ take tu-almond which is wisdom. Currently, the clear voice, who is from in situ ca-Gulf-Germany-the three kingdoms before that. At present those who pure no disability diseases, is from in situ from-mind before that... "
Meanwhile, he A-Nan of the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion, how called from-mind?"
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "A gentle mind is there for them-such as I love you. Two is, have mercy heart, wish them no-prize-Director of escape. Thirdly, the mind usually hoan-Hy. The four are, mind often households-all mantras, let all not be vi-violations. That is from-mind. "
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "those are tremendous body, is formerly the Palm respect people. People with little body, was previously or contempt-romantic people. People with bad body is testy with people before. Those born not knowing anything, is before no-advice. Stupid people-special, is not previously taught or told people. Those dumb-, is previously or stock-destroying people. The blind-thunderstorms, is not previously or follow an economic-France. Who do I I, is also brought before the unpaid debt. Those company-is not previously Protected Tam-feasts. Black people bad, is the formerly light-bright cover of Buddha. Those born in the country, as previously-nude or wearing thin, shake-xếch, line-breaking-in in the temple, Tower, essential-XA. Those born in the country is-foot binding as a horseshoe, is before or go into pads, shoes before Buddha. Those born in the country have continued trans-chest, but before publication-pilot blessings but also mind-sorry. The creature in species, species, species, species pair Mister deer ... is before or fearful person. The born-animals-fallen in Dragon, is previously or nonstandard. The ones able to grow those prostate cancer-evil mail-poison, treatment is difficult, as previously or beating them. The person that people saw the wedding, is my life-Festival before seeing people have critically-Hy. The people that we see not, life is before the wedding-the Festival saw people crush hoan-Hy. Who was the District Officer and break these shackles, body-detained in lao-hell, is life before doing or locked up, tied them-born, making them-born free discretion were not his. People who suffer from cleft lip, is a lifetime ago or fishing, fish do cleft lips. And, those who hear the word of mouth is good, the mind does not want to hear, again in the words of which, left to say, those disorder do listening and ham Tin, passive business-France, following him to fallen – born into the dogs more perked ears ".
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "in this world there are those stupid-si, hear the word of the novel-France, the Center shall not be recorded, then will have fallen-born into the long ear horse trick, species. Sẻn people-so, greedily alone, then have to go hungry demon species in fallen and if born poor, suffering people do the same to lack hunger, Austria did not cover her inadequate food supply, closed mouth. The people, the food itself tasty, for the bad food, after going into the pigs ' births-fallen, dogs, fleas-hung. Who plundered cattle-animals who, after going to fallen – born into the goat species, living his cheeks, Temple of repayment in advance. Who kill, then will do the identical matching birth-fallen-du light on water, born dead afternoon. Who stole your animal's people, right after the-fallen-born in the servant, Buffalo, horses, Temple of repayment in advance. The people or time-porn, wife or daughter who, when dying in hell, the son must embrace the Bronze column, your daughter must be iron beds, to when in the hell out, usually born into place and lower-to fallen-born in species of chicken, ducks. Those who lie, declares-media things of people, when they die in hell, to being the hot copper water pouring into the mouth, stretch the tongue out, catch up on the Palm Civet, Buffalo came when, to fallen-born into the OWL birds, your wife, who we hear cries, not who is not frightened and are saying is turned-Monster , curse-cursed to die. Those or drunk, breaking into thirty-six errors (9), the die must have fallen into the fee-only I could (water boiling excrement), when out, born into Sumatran species-an orangutan; After the return to the person, stupid-si, live life not knowing both genera, the couple didn't, or controversy, or Palm-expel (hetero-) and after death goes back to the birth of birds-an external, cable bird. The people or the extortioners effort of others, right after the fallen-born into the elephant. "
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "The head of the district, the County, passive-loc field-stripping, or innocent people, or reclaimed-stealth of human-population, the border searching for names catch, Moon-tied up, beaten, forced to use doi sticks-painting the people gone, and what not, and then bring the break these shackles, detention, making-people not be drilled-kuai, watch-taking, the Member-organizations that are fallen into hell , the body was suffering several thousand memories in, most of the crime was out, had fallen into the marine species-calf (water buffalo), pierced nostrils, pulling a boat, towing, doi-guest-Temple beating sticks charged guilty ".
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "people who are not clean, is from past swine that are to come. Sẻn people-so, extortioners not clean, straight, is from the past that to dogs. Those diamonds-intense, spontaneously-broken-domestic violence, is from past goats that are to come. Who has the slightly foul-fishy, is from past fish, fuck three-three that are coming. Hungarian ones, who brought evil poison-confusing, is from past Python, snake bitch. Who is your favorite tasty food, or killing them-born, not from-the mind, is from past Tigers, wolves, ferrets, Falcon that to. Those who suffer stillbirths, fetal injury-sexual-cell, life is not how much, destiny da died soon, to sa-fallen on three roads (10) several thousand muon lifetimes, the Buddha teaches that: the people who made previous class or go hunting, burning the jungle, find the nest, egg, fish nets, affordable murdered all them-born.
"Oh my gosh! Our flesh desires-born, to themselves, which often quote this destiny, life-đoản other, this goddamn, shit are States bear a date escape, so be careful, so be careful! Real pain for mercy cannot say crush! "
The Buddha says he A-Nan: "Chums do-Germany, all client applications on his place. Th p, Gospel meeting, chanting, Executive Director should not be hired; Note-Chapel damaged-lies, such as employment, household food no where not from hunger? Burn incense, clean, new ideas such as the mind-incense, currency-all invested in the place for the mind, the magazine no longer thought, with lighted lamps forever at no time off, will be the witnesses of three hit-location (11), no problems. Burn incense, worship, praying, worship is the items easily France usually do, Dad-pilot anymore, will be welfare, Chu Heaven treated the Supreme evil, are back, all except clean, not ma dare. Those lazy afternoons, while the-peaceful peace double no-spiritual, a weak pain tomorrow, or something not good, beneficial-pros, then like to burn incense and invocation for such blessings, like the time a vassal state to natural yet, every painting had come to each other magic-interference, do all the variation, seedy. By the common people, he should probably essential-progress! Crime, welfare by themselves, as the ball according to the picture. Its cultivation, as well as tree-Sentence-Type, which is just a grain of that infinite picking. Publication-pilot part, unimpeachable folded part. That's the word I say real, not little lies-lies! "
Now, the Buddha said that proceedings article:
Sage-author or publication-pilot,
-Self help-help;
For a muon is folded,
Still and live long
Today, Dad-pilot lot,
Gospel he cannot measurement;
Will the Buddha-,
Speed escape across the ten.
Human-society charm-body only:
In about ten (12), (13), except leave angry.
Not looking forward to the promise, DIY,
Glory lost, such as the floating clouds.
The ring-around in the street like wheels,
Do tho-destined, sorry, gold and silver.
Heaven and Earth are also ruined, the bottle myself,
Well keep the world economy, is very precious.
Don't take your colors..., the humiliation, the wrong person
Us-born three realms (14) as goats;
Go, back in the fuselage, tan-lines
Destiny fast, the water flows there often.
Do evil so quickly, is the crime long ago,
Fallen into hell hot cauldron.
Stop please, durable, far from the ear-vạ,
... Crime in, nasty gauge!
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "people who have no life-wisdom, should have to born-London e-feedback. Because the humiliation-label (eye of meat) so don't know sin, ... Now we can use the DAO-label (eye) see the report-of the crime and from countless shit to this body, clear as jade beads look-glass in hand, light-throughout all in, also, no longer little Italy-idea-does! "
Here, he's A-y-tune sailings, Nan before the Buddha, Buddhist ceremony that the white Buddha saying, "Oh How German-religion, Germany World-religion took says us hear this, but this should be called the business?".
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "this Business called Jing Lun-Move Team Leader and also called an Economic Crime-Welfare-Report. If good faith-male, female-friendly would read, declared this was tv-endless energy-Germany, will later be seen, be-cult, serve-the cult-easily, thousands of Buddha in Sage-bitch (15) not being sa in eight accidents (16), three-way and will prove to be, the, Wisdom ".
The Buddha says this, and then, five hundred Bhikkhu-Khưu, contraband-(mind-brain) clean off, Italian open demonstrated; seven hundred tastes Bhikkhu-Khưu-Ni, was Tu-da-Ham (17); eight hundred Dollars-Han (18) , Portuguese leaders-were Slapped (19); Chu Thien, Long-spirit, the same great wall two thousand bar-credit-musician (friendly-South), six thousand credit Bar-female (female-friendly) capacitor-set under a tree, are steps on the seal of the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhu-Khưu-, Khưu-Ni, favor-she-Rule (20) , Pros- b à-Di (21) all evidence was directed-results A-Na-function. (22)
Natural, Long, demon-God, world personal-people listen to the Buddha sermon oxidized-this, anyone who also says that: "quarter-turned!". Instant Start, and as the celebration of Buddha, Buddha, joyous noise back out.

(1) Buddha (Buddha) is a common noun, just for those who have the ability to sense-complete enlightenment-about three local-an Visual, sensory-Auto: tha and sensory-almond-complacency. Taste-food poisoning there-in is Germany Buddha Stratagem (Sàkya Muni). Keep-as the Artist-Hit-Me (Siddharthà). He is the son of the King of Sanskrit (Suddodana)-Net the Prince-Consort Ma-(Maya), the only La-Water Protection (Kapilavastu) Middle-India. He was born in the early morning of April full moon lunar-calendar, (1957) 2581 in Him going-in 29 years; age 35; the sermon 45 years, to 80 years of age He entered Nirvana at the forest Sa-La-passive. In the two letters "Buddha said," is only on Germany Buddha Intrigue-Ni said. As this is the primary Buddha by the German general staff, proper muscle-charm that comes out. This is a business book number 747 in the vast Tibetan-. This call is enough: London-Move Team leader, Gospel Sins Report. Now unplug the short title is "Offences welfare report-application".
This Sutra the Buddha articulates raw-do the crime, do (do, do evil charity)-born and us-born will suffer or enjoy the fruits of good, bad quote, adapt raw-that's the staff go, back, up, and down around (London-transfer) for the year (team leader): Hell, falls-devil, cattle-born, and Sun.
(2) I was listening to: after the Buddha entered Nirvana soon, the Great Germany Increased, litigation back Buddha. Mr A-Nan was election-chanting-organs, should head each business has recorded "I heard", is the word itself — his title A-Nan, to-credit.
(3) the Bhikkhu-Khưu (Bhiksu): Board room as "Qifu Gangui-singer". Means the tu-action, on the bridge of the vassal state of Buddha to tu-province, under go begging them to pants-place-degrees. Bhikkhu-Khưu there are two factions. Males called Bhikkhu-250 keeps Khưu. Females called Bhikkhu-Khưu-Ni (Bhiksuni), holds 350 and 8 things bows-dear monks.
(4) Forums-free (Dànapati): i.e. the pilot-owners. The pilot-owners who have foot-and-dad-College lab, thanks to public-Germany will pass was suffering extreme poverty.
(5) his Trees States his grounds and Level-da-She-Venom: Poisonous-He (Anàtapindika) the name is Tu-Reach (Sudatta), the Property of water-Protection (Sràvasti), because he or she who helps rescue-poison, so he donated it to the contemporaries nicknamed him. When he met the Buddha and listening to France in Ma-Da-sometimes he Listed the Buddha about the country, its theory was born. To be where Buddha and they strengthen-head, he must buy the land of Thai-Prince States-da (Jeta) with a very expensive price is right tile sealed gold ground. He Granted Exclusive play-making Center y says States-da said, carrying the gold sealed slices of land and then take off-campus worship-easily. Also the tree by he States-da play Center. So, when the Buddha to come to this place, He said he A-Nan: "this land Grant by him-her-the exclusive purchase of forest this tree, he thinks States-da. The two concentric hung-worshippers-Germany, from now on after this diff should call his trees States his grounds and Level-da-She-Venom.
(6)-Sentence-type of Ship: translated as (the Nyagrodha) infinity-weather.
(7) Stomp: stamping Each length 576 yards West.
(8) Tam-Said: the three throne: Buddha, France, Increase.
(9) drink alcohol violation error 36: Evil said: the Start drunk, breaking into 36 error: 1) of wealth melt away. 2) many disability-sick. 3) Or struggling students. 4) increased the suicide-harm. 5) adds to the angry, bothered. 6) lot of not just Italy. 7)-inferior intellect. 8)--Germany is not added. 9)--Germany gradually fade. 10) Or more-revealing the secret. 11) The-career failed. 12) further increase the worry sadness. 13) every (organ) obscurity. 14) Cancel-humiliation of both parents. 15) no Sa-level subjects. 16) Don't believe She-La-Mon. 17) No Buddha. 18) No Buddha-Dharma and Rising. 19) Or with you. 20) Or away from you. 21) Remove all food and drink. 22) sealed no-body. 23)-like many lustful. 24) many people loathe. 25) Said Lee hyuk Jae-circulating jokes. 26) my parents are not happy. 27) They-hate. 28) try to keep the non-French French. 29) Shunning away from the French Government. 30) no gentler-friendly level. 31) Micro-errors-mistakes. 32) Shunning away from Nirvana leader. 33) more and more frantic. 34) mind disarray. 35) let go-lung to do evil. 36) Dear tan par d., sa-fallen into-hell, suffering immensely.
(10) the three hit-location: 1) Natural-label. 2) Student-destiny. 3) Smuggled-avail. In the Buddhist throne called "Hit". In the throne of the Han-era called "Intelligent".
(11) In the world: 1) Don't. 2) Not theft. 3) Does TA-porn. 4) Don't lie. 5) Don't drink alcohol.
(12) ten things: non. Not theft. No ties-porn. Do not lie. Not talking double-way blade. Do not say evil-password. Don't say-textile embroidery. Not to want to. Not angry-mad. No si-delights.
(13) the three realms: The Invisible realms and realms, Education-SAC.
(14) Sage-shit: (Bhadrakalpa): Buddha-School split time of shit Head 3: past, present and future-unit. Shit Head of the past called page-N-fuck. Shit Head of lai called Essential-Tu-fuck. And, the head of the currently known as Sage-fuck. Known as Sage-shit because of this there are a thousand Buddha world export levels.
(15) the eight-accident: this is said eight possible hindrances to the see the Buddhas, listen to France: 1) where the hell. 2) Where-demons. 3) Where cattle-born. 4) Where Chau Wrath-Knitting-free in the North mountains of Tu-Di (also known as North--Lu-Chou) has a lot of fun. 5) Where the Sun Life-School (i.e., Infinite realms realms-SAC) enjoy many long life, fine. 6) the blind, thunderstorms, dumb, ngọng. 7) who advocate-information about mind-world wisdom. 8) those born before or after the birth of Buddha's birth.
(16) the Tu-da-(Srotàpanna-phala): the first of four steps – Van. Vessels are: Enter save, save, save the Paradoxes. Shall mean the taste of tu-action went upstream, mortal means, which has been in the Holy stream-.
(17) La-Han (Arahat): Result located Wednesday in four steps – Van A-La-Chinese ship is Real-born (there is also called infinity-born). Fruit-quote in a life of killing, was on Nirvana forever, not regenerate in the three realms.
(18) Portuguese Slapped (Bodhisattva): enough is Called Bodhi-slapped-đỏa. Board room is Visually-owner-love. Develop modern means of mind, because we-born Director bridge loads-and always feeling-food poisoning them-born into upper-infinity-leader.
(19)-She-Rules (Upàsaka): have a place as the box-Three-books-Ca. Board room is the bar-credit-or is the near-the-South, but shall mean the man attributed the y Tam-passive Security-maintenance in the world, and always serve Tam-Privacy.
(20)-Ba-Di (Upàsikà): there is a three-box-acoustic session-private-Ca, Board room is the bar-credits-female, the near-the-best, but both mean the woman was attributed-y Tam-told, passive-maintenance in the world, always close and serve-the-Triangle.
(21) A-Na-Ham: (Angàmi) results of the third position in four steps – Van A-Na-vessel Function is Real-or Hybrid-done. That is the position of the tu-action has destroyed most of the business, or-not back again. Then just have to up the Colors, Infinite realms-Colors only.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/7/2016.MHDT.

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