Saturday 23 July 2016


Buddhist calendar 2501

The Pagoda From Quang
582/1 Phan Thanh Giản
-The Australian, Australia-Threads-Save-room signature Violates out Chinese.
-Like Mind-room Chinese words.
I was listening to the other: a World-religion in Germany where property, on top of the mountain-in-Da-into, along with a thousand Australian-Bhikkhu-Khưu-, which were previously the Offense line-releases to long hair. You are all A-tier La-Chinese all contraband-career has ended, it has exhaust, creation-is all the burden, the benefit has been, all the legally-binding in the realms, the tri-Center, a-be yourself-in, to the shores of Nirvana[2]. With the amount of Australian-infinity-Bo-Slaps all together convergence-the place where Buddha.
When Germany World-religion, the Main star-Sensations, not several days, Mr. President-an-nature is located, type the Main place-, a-suicide France-world, Italy-anniversary: "We were all right, Holy Bodhi-mind-wisdom, should have done, was to discharge all the burden, went out wide copper-Prince, has discharge loads-, be-minh, spit poison arrows, had been decanting off the mind-thirsty craving , France-world, were drummers France, French speakers have blown, has put France-colon, has left eye removed birth-death, clearly the eye of France (France-label), has played the evil road, open all the way, was the only non-filling, place exhaust-pharmacy-fill[3].
"We now look like what the French, we have proof, and proof-proof will be? France is due to trunk or is due to the mind?[4].
"If the body is evidence of Bodhi, wisdom is forecast-padded, don't know, don't think, as well as grass, trees, walls, wall, tile, stone ..., from where the four-great, his birth parents, as France defeated upper-infinity-sabotage, tan-removal, is thanks to all the laundry, bath robes, rice coast, which are exists[5].
"If the Center is proof of Bodhi, who forecast as going, general chemical-, invisible, not y-seat capacity, non-loading, field-passive[6].
"Moreover, Bodhi is depending on the world, created the list – it has no sound, rather than the self-entitled, no image-good, not real (the fruit), no general-no go, no State, no, no on, through all three realms, there is no native-owned; can not see, hear, know, can not remember thinking, far from where phan-charm (stick-coast involved the ceiling), not the Savages-scene lu n, no where in the (invisible entry facility) not-self, can't a knife-, can't an-and it ended up all the way spoken-language[7].
"Talking about currently-certified, and will prove to be Bo-Threads, just list-broken-hope-it, not born, not starting, not may-computer, can not get, not to say impossible, AI-before. In fact she is was the key-Visual, showing the main-and will become key-Visual. If invisible evidence (not proof), infinity (not into) are like new, is called the key-Visual. Why? -Because, Bo-Threads (key-) is absent from all General transformers. "[8]
Now, Australian-Bo-Slapped-enemies-master-Buddha-impaired seats know lÿ think like, Oh, that: "Buddha white new Germany World-religion! If the Portuguese General-Threads, the friendly-male-female-friendly, human-played Bo-Threads-the mind, should head on? "-the Buddha said:" such chess of Bo-Threads, time should head on like that. "[9]
-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-Bach lÿ Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! What is the General of the Bo-Threads? "
-The Buddha: "Van-enemies-master-lÿ! General of the three realms beyond high, Threads-depending on the world-which has list-self, but far-left all-music, programming-theory. The Bo-Bo-coin Center play Slap-Threads, since new-mind, has the "Infinity-fan-animal" (no place coin-driven, because Bo-Threads in non-computer). So, Van-enemies-master-lÿ! The friendly-male-female-friendly, human-use the mind far-left of the coin, based on that bridge-Bo-Threads. Van-enemies-master-lÿ! If the United-Slaps-mind, the direction is in place "-fan-animal", that is the trend-Scout Bo-Threads. Van-enemies-master-lÿ! Coin-towards "infinite-self-computer" is the coin-Bo-oriented Threads; coin-toward "infinity-of-property" is the coin-Bo-oriented Threads; coin-headed "France-world-computer", is the coin-user Bo-Threads; coin-towards the place of in all France no accept-ahead, is coin-Bo-oriented Threads; coin-towards "real-not wrong-difference", is coin-Bo-oriented Threads; coin-oriented place "as the ball in the mirror, like the ball in the light, as the moon under water, like fire in the hot season" is a coin-user Bo-Sight! "[10]
At that time, in the great-we have an angel named Net-Reliable-Riza is Optical White Dude-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ that: "Dear Ðại-Singer! The Royal Portuguese Slapped tu-happy episodes and where that y tu? "-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ response:" Dear Angels! The Portuguese-Australian Australian-bi Hanh tu, slapped the y where all beings that tu. "-the-Net e-Moon asked:" great-Almond bi-Bo's Slaps, y to the Center would play-run? " Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-great-almond bi "lÿ of Bo-siểm-not in displeasure, flattering, trick-lie-run."-n-Net e-Moon Contest asked: "mind not siễm-flattering, trick-where to start-health lie?"-a: "mind not siểm-flattering, trick-lie y into the vase-of all us-born Player-run."-question: "the mind of the average-of all us-born to run-y?"-a: "Y where the mind to enter France-Africa (not a) , Africa (not other)-run. " Question: "mind enter France-Africa, Africa's singularity attribute y on play-run?"-a: "medicine on intensive-credits-mind-run."-question: "Bruises-credit-where to start-health mind?"-a: "Y into Bo-Threads-run."-question: "mind Bo-Threads where to start-y?"-a: "Y on six three-la-suite-run."-question: "six France-la-suite where to start-y?"-a: "Y where media-intellectual property[11] -run. "-question:" transport-where to start-y wisdom? "-a:" Y in place don't let go-lung-run. "-question:" Don't let go-play-where to start medical lung? "-a:" Y on three net-almond (body, export, Italy)-run. "-question:" Three almond-y to play NET-run? "-a:" Y on ten-career-directed[12] -run. "-question:" Ten charity-industry-Medical Director on where play-run? "-a:" Y to keep world bar-play net-boot. "precept:"-the bar-where to start-health net? "-a:" Y into the main play-physics-like-thinking-run. "-question:" Thinking-thinking as key-LY y on play-run? "-a:" Y into the Cafe-police-run. "-question:" mind consistent-where to start-y? "-a:" from memory-maintenance (remember-think, keeping-keep) not to forget-run. "[13]
Meanwhile, the Net e-mail-Yue Wei-Bo asked Optical-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ: "Dear Ðại-Singer! The Bo-Bo-heart player Slapped Threads include the human stuff, results that are into-innovations? "-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ response:" Dear Angels! The Bo-Bo-Center play Threads including slapped the four things that causation was-achievements. Four things, then what is the result?,-A,-Profile is the mind. Two is, entertainment, administration, Head Office-Center. Thirdly, the Real-depression-courier-mind. The four are, For-born-of-mind[14]. Should know that the human mind is-Profile of the tournament, onions, head, Head Office, Administration, Award-the human mind is of any real-world-moving, real-world-is-mind of delivery-born-of,-born-of-staff is set-position. "[15]
Again, Angel! Should know-profile-mind as new seeds planted rice paddy, down, Center-based, such as slowly-germ growth, real-depression-courier-mind like twig, leaf, flower, fruit times-weekly was born, for-born-of-mind, as result-the left-Shu.
Again, Angel! -First mentality as the person doing the car, before to collect wood, play second-mind as well, wood shavings and shaved-will play third-mind, as Carpenter there was made into a car, play-mind Wednesday as the other person's car was carrying heavy things go to nowhere far-away.
Again, Angel! -First mentality as well as the Moon, head, play-second mind like the moon night night expected five to seven others, play third as the Moon-mind night and ten others, play-mind Wednesday night as the Moon ten. Should know-where as wisdom-Lai, for as the bright moon, full moon night true light are all Member-complacency.
Again, Angel! -First Super Center-free bar-Van-,-second Super Center-free Mural-chi-GEO, Buddha-mind Super Tuesday-free Real--, play-mind space Wednesday where Decision--.
Again, Angel! -Center for such as have the beginner, letter-second mind as people going to school there gradually-gradually know segment-area, play-third mind as people go to school over there know computer-proficient in math-long circuit, playing as the fourth centre-school net-kia Shu and the Willow – achieving all comment-novels.
Again, Angel! -Center for Portuguese-Slapped the head where the (cause)-second mind Bo-Slaps head office where the position (location-wisdom), play-third mind Bo-Slaps head where paragraph (the paragraph-kill two obstacle course), play-fourth Center Bo-Slaps head where the result (result-Bo-vị Threads).
Again, Angel! -Center for photography (holds), play second-mind stock photography on location, Center of photography into third-, fourth-mind stock photography on the result.
Again, Angel! -First from the mind-run, second-mind from position play-run, third-from-mind expansion-start,-mind Wednesday from fruit-run.
Again, Angel! -The first is wrong-part heart of entertainment, the second is the wrong section-mind-of the position, the third section is wrong-mind-of-mind, the fourth paragraph is wrong-part of the result.
Again, Angel! -First mentality as picking contributed everything back, drug-Center as-individual and separate computer, play third as Center-customized disease, combination drugs for smoking, play-mind Wednesday as taking away from the disease.
Again, Angel! -First mentality born in France-United Kingdom, French second-mind of France-United Kingdom-third mind, learn to know-know knows-turn was, play-mind Wednesday learned self-in[16].
Now, in France-the Association has the name death angel-determine the Optical-Bach, Bo-Slapped-enemies-master-lÿ that: "Dear Ðại-Singer! What is the path of Australian fast-Bo-Slaps? And, the Portuguese-Australian's path was going to slap the unconscious-upper-class, key-sense?
-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ answer: "Dear Angels! The fast-path of Ðại Bo-Slapped two Portuguese and Slapped away the way he was directed infinity-upper-class, key-Visual. The two roads. -A is, the road transport. Two is, Sugar Bowl-. Australian photography media player (holds) any donation-France, Sugar Bowl-selection-select-know understand the elegant all France; the road transport do not discard them-born, Sugar Bowl-elegant or discharge of all France; the way media know peaceful elegantly bat-sugar,-said France does not draw-case, the media often do multiply-charm, elegant eight-line often taken to where the President-kill (Infinity-vi); the way media knows the wrong General-of all France, Sugar Bowl-not knowing the elegant false-of France-world; road transport is often do page-n full-integrity of the client's Buddha-, Sugar Bowl-probably know the elegant vase-in college-level schools of Buddhism; road transport is often known, action-based disagreements-born, Sugar Bowl-elegant apartment-know computer, action is "no", not having (Infinity owns); the road transport caused the Portuguese arrived, colon-slapped the Sugar Bowl – makes the elegant Portuguese Slapped reached "Infinity-fan-" (no, not General sensory-food poisoning)[17].
-Dear Angels! Portuguese-Australian Slapped back two fast-path. The two roads. -A Private Road, is-Liang (compose, tu-files). Two is, sugar Determination-Trach (choice determined-definite). Australian Investment in France is wage-Ba-la-suite like Daddy-pilot etc., sugar Determination-Trach is an elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite. Australian organic – before (also the accept-ahead), the infinite-before (no longer the accept-ahead), the possession of pirated, sugar-infinity-smuggled, are said to have the Investment-Trach and wage-like[18].
There are two way fast-fast. Two lines. -A is a useful way,-the amount of (limited amount). Two is, infinite line-the amount of (non-energy). Organic sugar-energy is there, the endless road-chess-the amount is no general-locate[19].
There are two way fast-more quickly, as the Position (position-intellectual property) and the Ðoạn (the-kill). Northern praying mantis Position is from beginning-to the first location to furniture. Australian Ðoạn is from the first Bowl to collect your address[20].
Meanwhile, in France-the Portuguese have Slapped the name is dung-Tu-, Portuguese white-Slapped-enemies-master-lÿ that: "Dear Ðại-Singer! How is possible to know the meaning of Australian General Bo-Slaps? What is the possible overhaul of Australian Bo-Slaps?[21]
-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ a: "good-! The meaning is not the peace of mind, peace is appropriate-case ".
-Bo-Tri-Tu-Tw Slapped Credit question: "Dear Ðại-Singer! Because human-what means charm is not peace-, which position is the peace-combination? "
-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ a: "good-! Mean infinity-infinity-micro, micro-forecast non-sense (no longer means-General), in the non-sense without France or peace-or didn't-fit, that is, no change-no real (the fruit), cannot be retrieved, can not give up, all right. Charity-South! Position called "Administrator" (the road), the same Director of mind-peace, not the peace of no-match. Again, charity-South! Location is just appropriate, Republic is not reconciled.
-Bo-Tri-Tu-Tw Slapped Credit question: "Dear Ðại-Singer! Because human-what is Hoa only charm, is not peace-combination? "
-Bo-Slaps-enemies-master-lÿ a: "good-! One-police knows the five aggregates, twelve, eighteen world[22], a-suicide knows France charm-originator,-suicide knows of, the non-native (the right place or not), so just draw-case, not peace-[23].
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian slapped the ten position. Ten locations. One is, human-mind. Two is, result-location. Thirdly, the mean-position. Four is, media-position. The year is, the Bowl-elegant-position. Six is, NIE-position. Seven is, Ba-la-suite-location. Eight is,-bi-location. Nine is, higher education-our culture-born-position. Ten is, for the whole of France, infinite mind-fan-front. Charity-South! So called ten Australian of Bo-Slapped[24].
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped ten happy-run. Happy ten-run. One is, the body-start: because all of them-born, friendly-environmentally sound business value-net. Two is, password-play-run: because all of them-born, friendly-business NET-password value. Thirdly, the mind-play-run: because all of them-born, Italian industry value-net-bar. The four-start, is: for all of them-not-before birth. In foreign exchange, is--run: for all of them-real-happy action, peace-education. Six l, location-start-up: tu-file all Buddha-mind. Seven is,-levels-start:-does the all-German page-strictly in the realms Buddha. Eight is, Catholic-turned-born-we start: know the illness-brain-born that for drugs. The nine-foot, play-real is run:-vote-results-convergence[25]. Ten is, infinity-micro-location complacency-student (full-time-integrity-infinite wisdom-vi)-start: for all France in the three realms, the Center does not accept-ahead. So called happy ten-run of Australian Bo-Slapped "[26].
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped has ten almond. Ten happy. -A happy record, tu is the three-dollar suite. The two are happy, the foursome-photography[27],-them-born. Thirdly, the elegant eight-almond (non-IP). The four are happy, tu media. The year is happy, the tu-bi. Six tu-bridge, the salary is about wisdom. Seven is, tu-about salary requirements. Eight is happy, the tu-TAM thanh-Tinh. Nine is happy, the Inn-enter the Roman Empire-(such as: foot-soles, Emperor, Emperor-foursome-procedure). Ten is not happy, the tu-love scene, especially hate. So called ten's Australian Bo-Slapped.
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese Australian-French number-ten slapped loads-take (not end). Ten French consulates. -A is, countless relatives. The two are consistent, the infinity-avail. Thirdly, France infinity-avail. Four is, AI (love)-avail. The year is, (-)-invisible. Six is, infinity-property-before (no accept-before) infinity-take. Nine is similar, the Café-(the) endless-take. Ten's, colon-self-service-infinity-take[28]. charity-South! So called French number-ten loads-take advantage of Ðại Bo-Slapped[29].
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped ten France thing-Easter-happy. Ten of France. -A happy sẻn-thing is-take part, jealous, abandoned announce's-hate-countries which regarded as raindrops. Two is, Happy Easter break-things-about, stem, export, Italy-Karma-NET. Thirdly, article-angry-happy outfits, tu-file. The four are, thing-happy outfits lazy-lazy, non-bridge bored-NaN. The year is, thing-happy real-friendly outfits, is meditation-, entertainment-and God-communion. Six is, thing-happy outfits infinity-, student-determined wage-decorated-penetration-friendly, wisdom. Seven is, thing-happy outfits on the mind-brain, full on Wednesday-of wage-setting-position. Eight is, thing-crazy-Happy Easter Island-born Wednesday-legs-Director-wage food not crazy-island. Nine is, what-not-happy outfits at the time though, or non-time-in themselves. Ten is, thing-happy outfits accept the France-cafes, loads-falling. Charity-South! So called ten France article-Easter-Australian's Bo-Slapped[30].
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese Australian-Slapped with ten places President-static (static-President-address). Ten where he is? -A is, trunk-President-static: depart three career real-good body (police, Scouts, porn). Two is, password-President-static: friendly-in-four clean Friday in password (lie, embroidery-weave, two tongues, evil password). Thirdly, the mind-President-static: remove the three evil-almond Italian place (take part, si). The four internal-static-President, is: do not accept-ahead self. The year is, foreign-citizenship-static: not-before the whole of France. Six is, location-private-President salary-static: no-seating-Scouts. Seven is, real self-high chair-static: self-pub-computer-Holy place[31]. Eight is, save-the-border spirit international wing-Chair-static[32]: export-born Bat-elegant Three-la-suite. Nine is, kill the Savages-comment President-static: don't lie-lie to us all-born. Ten is, real issue-fall (non-Exchange ideas, relationship-sorry)-mind-body President-Center-bi: higher education-our culture-born. Charity-South! So called ten where the President-of the Portuguese Royal-Slapped[33].
Again, Charity-South! The Royal Portuguese Slapped as-tu-(as-)[34] the time was Bo-Director, not as Subject-tu-onions were not forecast. As-tu-action is the right place to say how's tu-time, such as; not like real-tu-is only the language-theory, rather than passive, non-credit or or tu-file.
Again, Charity-South! Portuguese Australian-Slapped two entrances as-tu-action. The two entrances. One is, as-tu-under the direction of real media. The two are, as-tu-operating segments must be real hope-or. Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped back two way as-tu-action. The two entrances. One is, as-tu-self propelled-real thing-. The two are, as-tu-Executive Education-Hoa real them-born. Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped back two way as-tu-action. The two entrances. One is, as-tu-under position-intellectual property-partners-industry[35]. The two are, as-tu-under-emphasized no-work-activities[36]. Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped back two way as-tu-action. The two entrances. One is, as-tu-, Ant-establishment (-) knows all "local" (cross-). The two are, as-tu-real, consistent-police knows all "local" not wrong-difference[37]. Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped back two way as-tu-action. The two entrances. A real tu-as-is, subtly, far-left wrong-wrong of the venue. The two are, as-tu-operating manual do real staff-public-Germany's complacency. Charity-South! Portuguese-Australian Slapped back two way as real-tu-onions. The two entrances. One is, as-tu-, clear-text Bar, Flanges-Chi-Buddha-Head. The two are, as-tu-, stating France United-real-world-of transfer Threads Chu-e-Buddha! Portuguese Australian-slapped, infinity-infinity-French border as-tu-real act like, if somebody such as-tu-is like that, she should know not how long will be the main upper-infinity-college leaders, key-Visual. The Australian Bo-Slapped-tu, industrious study should look like!
Now, Germany World-Su-Bo n-Slapped-enemies-Professor-turned-that: "lÿ instead of quarter-turns, instead! Mr. Van-enemies-master-lÿ! He said the affidavit correctly-really the words like-real!
The Buddha said, Australian business United-Slapped-enemies-master-lÿ, Ðại Bo-Tri-Tu-Tw Slapped trusts, Natural-Net E-Moon Uy-Quang, Thien-Quang Minh-determine Ruling Prince of the same all the world to natural, human, A-tu-la etc..:-in France-Festival, feature a credit-consumption, Hy-Festival Phung-action.

[1] This is the business of 467 in Australian-Tibetan. This comes in an old-Da-paint, should get the name of the mountain that named. The elder son, is-Da-Criminals, Chinese transliteration is Listed-the-contest-lÿ-sa (Gajasirsa) and translates as "the statue-head", meaning the mountain of elephants left. This mountain a Mountain Spirit-thữu of the near-side, an extra hand-reach Bo-Threads-colon (where the Buddha). And, according to Thai-Naughty-Australian-Old forecast-Da-also means "body"; the mean area of hull-convergence, because the area of the four-team, call-aggregates that into. 
[2] This Sutra the Buddha said after the leader had been located to Date-line 1,000 long hair, i.e. the map-they of the three brothers he Ca-Romaine. All these are the A-La-Han, has been more successful-in Germany the prize-escape, should this paragraph be the Nirvana tarpaulin-public-the German proper noun (Meaning the approval this evening the front view-attention-prizes).
 [3] On here say the Buddha on the primary-to-pubs has seen his place anniversary Bo-Threads, out of mind-brain, infinitely-intelligent,-AI,-France-world-trunk, Hong-France,-born, open road charity-releases, open France-workers, far-left piece rice field a foreign Director (Africa-Tin), only for Tam-Bao Phuc-fill. That is already full-sensory wisdom and enlightenment prayer level bi-born.
 [4] This Buddha Café-the police-Portuguese triumphs-Threads, he thought: what were the French, now testifying and would later testify. And the proof is this body's Sight-Bo-or the mind? I.e. pubs-observe about three France: power-,-,-Threads.
 [5] It says: If the body is evidence of Portuguese-this body is fake-period Threads, is infinitely-often, why is Bo-Threads?
[6] It says: If the Center is proof privacy Bo-Threads, the Center forecast as going, why is Bo-Threads?
 [7] It said Bo-Threads have spent, that's just the life named it that, rather than take it with no image-chess, go, again ... read all the time, what is Bo-Threads, so that the certificate? The Café-male-mỷ time no body, mind Bo-proof Threads, also no Bo-Threads to that evidence, the new evidence is the Bo-Threads.
 [8] On the other end said: Dear, the mind is where the Bo-Bo-evidence and Threads Threads also just list-only. It said not even the currently-certified, and will prove Portuguese Threads anymore. Because, Bo-Threads is not-computer, Bo-Threads-General, left only loads-new testament, Bo-Threads or called the key-Visual. "
[9] This Ðoạn Dude-Slaps-enemy asked the Buddha: the General of Bo-Threads like this, they should based on that-birth-center? He taught: head to infinity-General!
 [10] This Bo-Slaps-enemies, the Buddha answers: Bo-Threads as "non-PC" Although there list-self, but it's far-left both audio-sound, speech-language. So, Bo-Slapped-mind, Bo-oriented Threads, are not seen "-mind", see no coin-user "is the new" play-mind, Bo-oriented Threads ". That is towards where the "Infinity-owned", enter the same "France-world-computer".
 [11] Media wisdom: Location-aware user wisdom for method-governance.
 [12] Ten-career-directed: non-born, not theft-theft, not deviant-, not lie, not the two tongues, not talking, not evil-textile embroidery-password, not, not and not si.
 [13] Ðoạn on this is Natural-Net e-Moon asked about Hanh tu-same episode where y-just happy he's where the Australian-Bo-Bo, was Slapped-Slaps-enemies-a national award-mỷ with the-make the Threads of the Portuguese Center-of-Death going into the food-happy Australian action-to reach any destination-regress-switch.
 [14] This Bo-Wen about four Enemy Slapped, results of Bo-Threads: Record-playback-the mind is only on the cross-Tin; the prize (won Award), onions, just head for the cross-head, Cross-action, the cross-feedback-driven; Real-world-shifting read for the cross-and-born-of is just for Bo-carrots-about the cross drain tu Slapped-add, only once-born-the pulse up Buddha-venue only.
 [15] It says 4, results of Bo-Threads, from the record-playback-mind will make raw-, the-results from each other.
 [16] Ðoạn "not again" above, Portuguese-speaking about the national Enemy Slapped-example, entertainment-and the reach-up low to high, leading people to ask going into the find-out-and-white.
 [17] Ðoạn van on this Natural-death Determination determine asked Bo-Slapped-Enemies: the fast way-quickly reaches infinity-Portuguese-upper Threads. Bo-Slaps-enemies answers: there are 2 path is media and Baghdad. Media is Wednesday-Jason's wage-Germany, Bowl-features-the salary of position-intellectual property. Media-now computer-how to draw-to NIE-lead, Bowl-elegant standing on the method-an-non-award, to reach up to no longer have the general sense of-enlightenment (Infinity-property-).
 [18] Also in the two fast-path. Bo-Slapped tu 5 degrees is the Gospel-Germany-Leung, overhaul the elegant eight-is-Trach. Until the owners-before, owner-5 degrees in the front, and illegally-smuggled-in, before Baghdad.
 [19] Owner-the amount is way Bo-Slapped, from beginning-tu-to-Interior the ago-general public-limited-amount of German. Infinite-volume is from eight-place United-before-not chess, tu slapped the myriad public-directed, should have no limits-the amount.
 [20] From beginning-to-Interior, food, but also the French know little mind-brain, so called "entertainment", Bowl-back-up timeout troubles-the brain, so called "snippets"
 [21] Definitions-General news-literally-for the first General of the France. This is the location of the nearest Australian Tri-Bo-Slapped.
[22] The five aggregates, 12, 18: view the kiinh first prize.
 [23] Ðoạn van on this Portuguese Slapped dung-Tu-, signal-Slap-Bo asked enemies about the two possible "Meaning" and "Entertainment". That is the first real sense-most-general-, is an infinite-range should no longer means anything is peace-news, as belonging to the non-computer. Position is position-intellectual property, is the way (DAO), is the main-Ly,-suicide produced-throughout the plant, right place (of), or not the right spot (non-native) that it is always peace-with-hearts.
 [24] This clearly award 10 Australian of Bo-Slapped. 10 this place stand within for-favors, draw-case, benefit-and not before-born General. In this "sense-" IE-wisdom of the filed-for-meaning; "NIE-position" is position-wisdom to stock photography-in position-for-favors, such as human wisdom with results etc.
 [25] Recipes-plan-convergence: The German tu-rally-call for-without-switch.
[26] It said: the bar itself-the pure land of the trigger happy Slapping-benefit-useful we-born.
 [27] Quarter finals-Photography: Dad-pilot, AI-, copper-, onion-the benefit.
 [28] It says many Buddhist schools of the place. Headless Buddha the News Director at self-great-staff-satisfied-with endless sense of-profiles-bar-the-net, should be called "Director-colon (where sensory-food poisoning) self conscious-calculating infinity-take".
 [29] This Café-suicide France-Karma-no afraid, no.
 [30] This is the method-body, mind-forged French,-disturb-brain recovery and break the accept.
 [31] Self-computer-College-Holy is not high, low, or unloaded.
[32] Use the elegant eight-, be-God-President-static loads-in tomorrow, which reaches to the rescue-winged-.
[33] It talks about the net-where-Germany-trunk reaches into skin.
[34] This comes about as-tu-real and not as-tu-real. As-tu-action stating that is real like that tu-y.
[35] This just in to the tu-from beginner-to-Interior.
[36] This just in to the tu-from the bowl-back up.

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