Sunday, 24 July 2016




(lights, incense, stand, hand-pieced together for the Center Suite):
French World Net mantra
Blue space sa ha (3 times)
Tam Tinh career mantra
Space phạ phạ, Mrs. Wuzhu da sa sa phạ, sa phạ, ma phạ she reached, Wuzhu speed hám. (3 times)
Self record major mantra
Space ma ni bát minh Hong (3 times)

(maintenance anniversary suite is finished, uncle Josephus, straight to your knees and read post approval)
May this incense smoke,
As clouds block ten.
In the boundless Buddhist realms,
Immeasurable magical chemistry,
Donation three throne,
Stately all the way
Complete bodhisattva,
Achievements as a hybrid.

(Anniversary of incense, sandalwood and canopy read the article States the prayer):



South the tissue is usually the head of Buddha,
South the tissue Often head for France,
South the tissue Often head to rise.
South the tissue Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps: great marbles, great title, rescue the gauge yoke.
Present disciple them. (1)
The Centre chanting:
Request an increase in welfare rights, (2)
For us Buddhists
Voluntary suffering yoke.
Compassionate mind is rife.
NET Smart pervades light,
Si screen renders dissipate.
You look forward to them:
From brain diseases, toxic.
Where the expecting Him back,
To quiet the happy forever.
The present Palace of homage:
Steps: "heard suffering".
The present self regulation y,
Who Healthy Father indefinitely.
The expected response, the Bodhisattva
Out of the three critical toxicity;
For my life now,
Here in the Park.
Pray them three realms;
Freed of all brain gauge;
And inadvertently,
All full-time into the Buddhist leader.
(States vow finished stand up hand pieced together for the Center concur Tam ceremony)



(Stand up to plug up the flavor and then hand-pieced together ceremony host LU stood straight and read)

Messiah United Kingdom France loads,
Three realms of nobody by.
The teacher teaches all over the sky, people,
The father of four common types of benign.
Refuge a notion,
End to clean three-term career.
The title Ocean canopy n,
Past life memories are not the same.




Buddha sentient computer usually empty silence,
Sympathetic leaders do.
European Empire for shume mesh,
Ten Buddhist aura shining protection methods.
Before the current image is located, security
Bow falls, please pray refuge.





(The property property and large anniversary three ceremonies):

The Center Releases Top ceremony: South take advantage of the model frivolous, turned to France, too, the hybrid position shifang Buddhist followers, France, the Holy Sage Increase, often head three jewels. (24-1)
The Center releases top ceremony: Nam Sa Ba Pope the duty Counsel Thích Ca Intrigue Ni Buddha, Longhua hybrid equivalent of Catholic Religion Maitreya Buddha birth down, Great Location Van Loi Bodhisattva Monk, enemies of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, religious schools of French Households shume society for Buddhist Bodhisattva. (24-1)
The Center releases top ceremony: South Western Sukhavati Tissue from the great world bi Amitabha Buddha, the great Bi Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Vows, Tibetan Local United Kingdom naval dynasty Bodhisattva Purity, them. (24-1)

(All the all litigation)

Dai Nam Bi Society for Buddhist Bodhisattva (3 times)
Natural Capital Natural Label Invisible Obstacles Greater Bi De La Ni:
  1. South sing out tissue Trinidad na rock out da da.
  2. South A rị her family plot of Emperor fang size bowls out of the skin. Bodhi đỏa she slaps leather. Ma ha slapped her đỏa skin.
  3. Ma ha ca ru ni ca da.
  4. Space out the descendants of fine table slaps Trinidad na Trinidad.
  5. South all tissue Fang đỏa y a rị butt flip, she plots out Buddha da lang furniture Empire fang.
  6. South the tissue, he carefully rị out na ma ha sa mế stone table.
  7. She slapped a tha beans, falls, a tourist by slapping her slaps Rocky, na ma old lady ma special fine beans.
  8. Trinidad kill tha, space a lot, he plots her ca, ca out.
  9. Di rị, Oh ma ha Bodhi slapped đỏa, slapped she slapped her, ma la ma la.
  10. Ma ma da rị, Oh by Jove, cu ru cu ru butt fang.
  11. CU ru cu ru, fine skin SOAP, skin SOAP Empire. the fine ha in ma
  12. Da da ra, rị, Buddha decor out of the skin.
  13. For example, the fine plating plating's la la dá ma out, your Empire.
  14. Y he, y he, na na Interior, a ginseng Buddha out śarīra.
  15. A fine fine Buddhist property out, sa da, hu lu hu lu ma la.
  16. Hu hu lu lu Oh capital, sa ra sa, si ri si ri, su ru su ru.
  17. Bodhi, Bodhi, Bo da, da Bo.
  18. Di rị Emperor, na la be careful maintenance, the iron rị ni na.
  19. Three evening ma na sa BA ha, da da sa BA ha, Ma ha da da sa BA all ha.
  20. All the momentum out of evening desk furniture technology sa instance she ha. Na la be careful maintenance, sa BA ha.
  21. Ma out na out sa BA ha, All out to increase da overstayed their entry a, sa BA ha.
  22. SA BA ma ha, a da sa BA, all ha, fake Fang out a da sa BA, all ha.
  23. Three stone all unlawful, ma da sa BA ha Na la be careful maintenance the table fo ra da sa BA, ha.
  24. Ma rị she wins, Ms. ha sa ra urban planner.
  25. South sing out tissue Trinidad na rock out da da.
  26. South a rị family of Mrs. Fang, batch size the table out, sa BA ha.
  27. Space power it all the side rock out da sa BA ha, canvas. (3 times)




Glass, my disciples,
The Buddha Like Ca.
Shifang Buddhist followers,
Immeasurable Dharma,
The Same Saint Rose.
Long long disciple,
Heavy karma,
Join the angry arrogant,
Delusion misled.
Today thanks to the Buddha,
The mistake,
Sincere repentance,
Swear to avoid evil,
Voluntary work.
Heads of Buddha, please look
Compassion households,
Not disabled, sick relatives,
The mind is not negativity.
Everyday happily practice,
Allow the Buddhist mission of oxidized.
To lick out of samsara,
Intelligent mind comments,
Discerning intelligence,
The God self in pine.
The Chief religious salvation, Dang,
His parents, brothers
With the attraction of belonging,
And all beings,
Bronze Buddha.





Medium incense burning, fireplace
The swath of Buddha,
Four Buddhist schools of the sea are far from good.
Spectacle of this,
Headless Buddha incarnate.



Huong Van Nam Reports Bodhisattva Ma Ha Slaps. (3 times)




France subliminal Buddha very responsible acts,
Thousand muon memories damn easy.
The present hearing, see please well keep,
The foot as a hybrid out so deep.
South the duty Counsel Thích tissue Ca Intrigue Ni Buddha (3 times)
Nam Hunch Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva. (3 times)





... Now, Endless Bodhisattva Italy sailings from the court sit stand up, chễ shoulder shirt, hand-Bach up Buddha that pieced together: "Oh, Germany World Religion! Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara so what coast is named Avalokiteśvara?
The Buddha said: "Endless Bodhisattva Friendly male! If there are hundreds of thousands of myriad immeasurable cox2 they bear all the suffering brain, hearing the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva title celebrations, claiming an instant Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the voice call monitoring pubs, for they all be freed.
-If someone maintained Memorial trophies Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, though in a fire, because thanks to God of Bodhisattva prestige jewelry, fire does not burn.
-If one was big water swept away, claiming to recite the title of Bodhisattva, sailings are having shallow spot.
-If there are hundreds of thousands of myriad memories they born as find valuable things: gold, silver, Yuri, nacre, the brain coral, amber, European leg should into hot at all; assuming windstorm blows were canvas boats, the other on the land of the demons La police. In it, though that only one person claiming to recite the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, all these people are deceived by the escape Awards La.
By human's coast should have the title is "Avalokiteśvara".
-If back there who was murdered, claiming to recite the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the knife sticks by activists plan to murder him successively broken sections, which are freed.
-If the devil Yes Soa, La police abound in three heavenly heavenly levels of sexual harassment to hurt people, but hear people here claiming to recite the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the devil he did not dare to use the eye they look fierce, scenarios are also dare to harm.
-For back someone, or guilty, or not guilty, of being cangue shackles; Moon tied himself, if he claimed the title of anniversary of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the cangue, there are end to tung and sailings are freed.
-If the resentment of the pirates filled d y Thien in the Heavenly Kingdom, there is a home trade leads merchants carry many of the treasures across the road, which has a chorus that: "The Friendly male! You should not fear, you are advised to a claims recite the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, Bodhisattva he often bring us the captain pilot multitude French born, if you claimed the title of anniversary of the Bodhisattva, will be freed this pirates! "resentment towards victims. The following merchants who are taking off the anniversary: "Nam mô Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva". Since claiming the title of anniversary Bodhisattva sailings are freed.
He endlessly! Norwegian spirit, strength of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara lớm break!
-If have them born more lewd, pleasing usually respect: "Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva" sailings from being career took part.
-If they are much of the anger, usually provides glasses: "Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva" sailings from being industry anger.
-If they are born more the delusion glass often recite: "Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva" sailings from being career passion.
He Endlessly! Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara has the Norwegian great spirit power, making much of the benefit for beings like that. So they often advised in mind.
-If that woman, assuming want son bridge, cult worship easily Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, mainland born Phuc son, Germany, wisdom. Suppose want to demand instant, daughter born daughter have general decency main; because the first planting of the Germany, should be dear people.
He Endlessly! Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Norwegian spirit power!
-If they offer homage Bai Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, welfare is not lost. So, they are so passive maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara!
He Endlessly! If someone passive maintenance of sixty two title memories Hang HA sa Bodhisattva, lifetime donation of all the food and drink, clothing, map is clear, so, you think: The Germany of friendly male, female workers have more friendly?
Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy Bach: "Oh, Germany World Religion! She's a lot of merit. "
The Buddha said: "If there is the passive maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara to the cult, worship in one of the two at the German, then not other equally, in the hundred thousand thousand memories shit can not.
He Endlessly! Passive maintenance title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is boundless immeasurable welfare in Germany!
Timeless Buddha bodhisattva Italian white that: "Oh, Germany World Religion! Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara why wander the world Sa BA? Why Bodhisattva because our theory? And the media power of the Bodhisattva in the world is he would? "
The Buddha said: "Endless Bodhisattva Friendly male! If there are beings in the national level should take Buddha body that they are, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara sailings embodiment of Buddha, as they say in France.
Where should the stem Flanges Genus Buddha that they are, the Bodhisattva associated embody Flanges Genus Buddha, as they say in France.
Where should use environmentally Sound that they are, the Bodhisattva associated embodiment of van Bar, because they speak French.
Where should the fuselage breaking the United Kingdom they are degrees Bodhisatta incarnation of instant Offense, the United Kingdom, as they say in France.
Where should user base Like they are degrees Bodhisatta incarnation sailings, the Roman Empire, as they say in France.
Where should take Self body In Heaven they are degrees, Bodhisattva associated embody themselves in heaven, as they say in France.
Great body should place himself in Heaven they are speed, Bodhisattva associated embody Greater Self In Heaven, as they say in France.
Where should user friendly they are an Army General, Bodhisattva associated embody the General Force Bias, as they say in France.
Where should the stem Subjects which they are an Sa Bhikkhu, Bodhisattva associated embody Bhikkhu Sa, because they speak French.
Where should take United body that they are degrees Bodhisatta incarnation sailings, United, as they say in France.
Where should they be False, Head-body Bodhisattva associated embody Major, because they speak French.
Where should they be an Upasaka fuselage, Bodhisattva associated embody Renunciation, as they say in France.
Where should take His body which they are degrees Bodhisatta incarnation sailings, Butcher, because they speak French.
Where should they be La-body degrees Bodhisatta incarnation sailings, Brahmin, as they say in France.
Where should the stem Khưu, Bhikkhu Khưu Bhikkhu, her Priority rules, giving priority to Ms. di that they are, Bodhisattva associated embody Bhikkhu Khưu, Bhikkhu Khưu Ni, her Priority rules, giving priority to Ms. di because they speak French.
Where should the Chief women's body, fake, Butcher, Brahmin that they are, Bodhisattva associated embodiment of woman, as they say in France.
Where should use the same hull and girls that they are, the Bodhisattva associated copper and female embodiment, as they say in France.
Where should the body: Natural, Long, Yes, Soa, Qian thát, A tu La, Ca long La, na La, Ma most Human and non-human, old dollar they get, the Bodhisattva associated out the stems, as they say in France.
Where the body should accept the Diamond spirit they are degrees Bodhisatta incarnation sailings, accept the Diamond spirit, as they say in France.
He Endlessly! Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara German achievement, he used all the body, the degree level stroll to escape them born like that. So you should be a pleasing worship easily Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara!
The great Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara in in at the accident fearful urgency, or ban for the "Captain", should the world Sa she were called Bodhisattva is "Infinite" lt Laboratory.
Timeless Buddha bodhisattva Italian white that: "Oh, Germany World Religion! The present please worship easily Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara! "
Bach then, Endless Bodhisattva Italy Mainland considered Sedum with the treasure, worth hundreds of thousands shelled wearing gold, giving worship Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara that Bach that: "Please fake Personalities for the Sedum with Pearl told France this lab!"
Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is not accepted. Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy back Bach Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara that: "Please mock our notion of introspection that Workers receive for this Sedum!"
Now, the Buddha Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara said: "He should miệm introspection to Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy along the four of them and natural, Long, Yes, Soa, Qian thát, A tu La, Ca long La, na La, Ma most Human and non-human, old dollar that received for Sedum".
Immediately, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara trade four of them together, Long ... human, inhuman, Sedum, and then divided into two parts: one part to the Buddha Like Ca Intrigue, part of population surges Buddha Most Told in the stupa.
He Endlessly! Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara has force themselves in, stroll around the world Sa she like that!
At that, the Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy read shelf asks the Buddha:
-World marvelous enough Respect, General (4)
I ask again:
Buddhists what charm, personality
The name Avalokiteśvara?
-World Religion enough magic General
The endless meeting the shelves Note:
"He sounded happy, Sound Bars
The application does all this craft.
Deep wide prayer as hot,
More shit don't think goals;
Most of the more than a thousand memories of Buddha,
Play the great purity vow.
I say clearly: through him
Hear the same name see the fuselage;
Don't mind through flower beds
Or kill all of the gauge.
For people born happy,
Push the big fire pit,
Thanks to Consistent Music anniversary jewelry
Tunnel fire biền into the pond.
Or other big sea
Distress: demons, Dragon, fish;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
The waves roll does not sink,
Or in surrounding Tu di,
Being shoved down;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
As well as Japanese hung doesn't.
Or evil guys chasing,
Mountain vập fall diamonds;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Not the loss to have feathers.
Resentment against the pirates, or fins,
They hold a knife attempted harm:
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
They run from the Center.
Suffered tribulations United Kingdom France,
When the image is dying;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Instant knife snapped each piece.
Or prisoners, chains,
Hand leg cangue;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Dump tung, was freed.
Cursed, poison.
Want to implicitly harm yourself;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Back to root damage.
Or having police, La
The devil, the Dragon poison;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Dare not instantaneous.
If surrounded by animals,
Scary sharp claw;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Rush run every method,
Snake centipedes, scorpions,
The gas fire, smoke spray
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
According to the figures themselves.
Clouds, Thunder, flush
Hail, rain gutter;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Response time target.
They were Holy, yoke
Immeasurable suffering body painting,
Marvelous location, Sound bars
Or life-saving escape suffering.
Mental health information in full,
Tu media minds wide;
The level of the ten directions,
No such embodiment.
The species in the evil path,
Hell, demon, beast;
Suffering: birth, aging, sickness, death,
Gradually all kill off.
Foot, purity,
Generous intellectually consistent;
BI Quan from the Inn,
Often, usually admire,
NET not the stigma of glory
The Japanese broke the dark wisdom,
Or ear cleaner wind fire;
Glean all over the world.
BI can Commandments like thunder,
From Italy duty seem to be clouds;
Sprinkle soy source French rain cam Lo,
Ends the negativity fire exclusion.
Litigation to the door,
Fear in battle;
Thanks to Consistent, anniversary jewelry
Any resentment are back.
Magic Sound, Avalokiteśvara,
Pham Hai yin, Yin Dynasty;
Over the sound of life,
So often.
Anniversary anniversary shalt not born,
Avalokiteśvara: Holy NET;
In death, brain gauge yoke,
You make dependability Lady place.
Enough of all the German,
The eyes from looking beings;
Phuc as hot not measurement,
So should the Summit ceremony.
Now, the bodhisattva of local Maintenance sailings from court sitting stood up before Buddha, Bach: "Oh, Germany World Religion! If they would hear about career in jewelry, spirit through Consistent product in a subject common bodhisattva should know the merit no less! ".
When the Buddha speak of this Subject, in the spectrum of products they have eight thousand four thousand sentient mind endless play major upper main College, College.


Mantra writes:
Space rocks, stones, burning rị rị rị rock rị rock burning burning, sa BA ha. (3 times)
Self record major mantra:
Space ma ni bát minh Hong. (10 times)
South the tissue Avalokiteśvara bodhisattva Ma ha Slaps. (3 times)




When you Self Pub In bodhisattva practice French deeply uncivil three la suite, He sees neither the five aggregates, the soi past all suffering yoke.
This Property he Seat! No other colors are not, Not, not no, i.e. Identity i.e.., Thought, Action, are also like that.
This Property he Seat! No General of all the French, not born, not to kill, not to remember, not clean, no more, no less.
So in "Vacuum" has no Colors, no, Thought, consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, Italy; no colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France; not labeled, so no sense; No ignorance, no one runs out of ignorance; so no old, dead, nor have the most elderly, dies; no suffering, destruction, moral, no wisdom, nor have the Prime witness.
Because there is no evidence of a privileged, should bodhisattva medicine according to uncivil Three la suite, the mind does not stop. It does not prevent the concerned, should not fear, crazy fantasy Island away, reaching wing rescue Nirvana.
In the third Buddha of medicine also lettered on Three uncivil la suite, are directed to the main upper primary, infinite results.
For uncivil should know Three la suite is the great mantra, major notes, is the upper notes, is equal pay attention class, except to be the true agony, all unspoilt.
So say the post notes Third uncivil la suite, associated article that he said:
"The throat of the Roman Empire, Roman Empire, three listed la list. Three raises listing. Bodhi slapped Ms. ha ".





Pure Buddha incarnation the title Yuri,
Bright moon shines as the Buddha mind.
Buddha in the world often suffering,
No Buddhist compassion.
South shifang tissue usually Tam head. (3 times)
South the duty Counsel Thích tissue Ca Intrigue Ni Buddha (3 times)
South A Di Da Buddha tissue. (3 times)
South religious Buddha Maitreya tissue. (3 times)
South the tissue Mahasthamaprapta bodhisattva. (3 times)
South Local tissue Organs United Kingdom bodhisattva. (3 times)
South Pure Modern Naval model Them. (3 times)
(Anniversary of the title is done, upright, canopy, hand-pieced together Sound Bars, buffet pledged Chapel):

Homage the great Music Pubs bi server,
Deep wide-body force General prayer.
Now the play was and refuge,
Prayer in mind all fullness.

South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
My prayer quickly know France. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
Pray my soon to be intellectually label. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
My prayer quickly speed of all beings. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
Pray my soon to be media friendly. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
The prayer boat passenger quickly uncivil. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
The chapel soon exceed suffering. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
The prayer is about, the Director. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
The chapel soon up non Nirvana. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
My prayer quickly in the vi. (24-1)
South the great tissue bi Avalokiteśvara,
Pray the early French body count. (24-1)
(read the prayer):

The Waxy Coating, direction if
Dump paint knife snapped.
If the direction the fire ladders,
The fire destroyed the staircase, the
If the direction of hell,
Hell himself dry,
The if direction fell demons,
Fell the demons themselves no enough.
The if direction Tu La,
Evil mind itself.
The if driven beast,
That is the great intellectual.

Date night, well-being, well-being
On Friday night during an often benign,
All the time are healed,
Please pray compassion often households.




The Germany chanting think hard,
Boundless WINS blessed all helpfulness.
Throughout the prayer they in France;
Are the large inflow of students.
Pray Navigator three Karma except negativity,
Intellectual foot prayer often shed light on,
How prayer and likewise cut target crime except,
Shit fuck tu bodhisattva.
Pray the extreme western scene, Club students
Nine Lotus products are the parents,
The flowers see Buddha infertility,
Bodhisattva real depression is you.
(Prayer, kneeling read "hope, direction")



Dear expecting:
France Japan expressed more,
The Falun rotates forever.
The cloud from the lush green all over,
Source long leaders.
Hung Vuong, national
An Hoa people.
World peace,
Our joy.
Bow please:
We Buddhists (5)
Mind-body Thai bar,
Or karma.
Crystal City Memorial Trust
Intellectual property the root growth.
Currently useful,
Mai late super sharp.
Hung long, family
Cardboard top subjects.
The four graces are beneficial,
Three realms the same thanks.
France about them,
The same as the Buddha.
(Tam qui y):

Self regulation y Buddha, please pray they can, according to both leaders, crush loads.
Self regulation y France, please pray they born, Tibetan economy clearly, intellectual spectacle as the sea.
Self regulation y Increase, please pray they born, physical systems, all are not afraid. (1-OH)
(Upright, pieced together the hands read)
South Saints.
(Property then read 1 Clinic):

Prayer brings this merit
Towards all over all.
Disciples and beings,
All full-time into the Buddhist leader.
(property and separate 3 Hostel)

Great Uncle Bi in Violation
The Mantra of Aralokiteshrara

01. Namo ratnatrayaya
8. Namo Aryavalokiteshvaraya
3. Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya Mahakarunikaya
OM sarva abhayah sunadhasya
05. Sukrtvemama Arayavalokiteshvaragarbha Namo
06. Namo Nilakantha Mahabhadrashrame
7. Sarvarthasubham ajeyam sarvasattvanamavarga mahadhatu
8. avaloke lokite Tadyatha Om karate
09. Hari mahabodhisattva sarva sarva mala mala
10. Mahahrdayam kuru kuru karmam
11. Kuru vijayati Mahavijayati
12. Dharadhara dharin surava
13. Chala chala muktir Bharmara mama
14. Ehi Ehi chinda harsham chinda prachali
15. Basha basham presaya hulu hulu mala
16. Hulu hulu siri siri suru suru sara hile
17. Bodhaya Bodhaya Bodhiya Bodhiya
18. Maitreya Nilakantha Dharshinina
19. Payamana svaha Siddhaya svaha Maha sid dhaya svaha
20. Siddhayogeshvaraya svaha. Nilakantha svaha
21. Varahananaya svaha. Simhashiramukhaya svaha
22. Sarvamahasiddhava svaha. Chakrasiddhaya svaha
23. Padmahastaya svaha. Nilakanthavikaraya svaha
24. Maharsishankaraya svaha
25. Namo ratnatrayaya
26. Namo Aryavalokiteshvaraya svaha
Om Siddhyantu Mantrapadaya Svaha.
1. After the word "we" can read his name or the name of the person praying.
2. If the island disease is "looking forward to spending the target disease except".
3. Position would like to praise the great uncle Bi in Violation, please see page 43.
4. If not enough, now that litigation, litigation may be right on the sentence: "the marvelous enough Respect General ...".

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