Sunday, 24 July 2016


-East-Ton, Sa-Subjects Like-France-Show translate Sanskrit out Chinese.
-VENERABLE ( MASTER LEADER )=THICH TAM CHAU.   translate Chinese words.

I (A-Nan) was listening to the other: a Buddha in Infection-The lecture-Street, in the large forests of the Bhikkhu-Da-Ly (Vaisàli), together with a thousand two hundred fifty unit Bhikkhu-Khưu.
Meanwhile, Germany World-religion with him A-Nan, a morning, dressed, carrying the bowl to qifu gangui-real. Qifu mumo-OK, back to the actual place of the old.
When the meal is finished, rinse, wash-arrangements, Austria, Bowl, Buddha told him A-Nan: "he helped me Crouching-tool. Now I want to go to where the old tower-Ba-La-import-only ". The Buddha then said, He associated with Mr A-Nan went to the other place.
To the other place, Mr. A-Nan cover Crouching-tool, the Buddha sits. At that time, Germany World-religion sit the gia-phu[2], silent thinking-think. He A-Nan also in a private place, decency-enter-, but not from where the Buddha sits.
In a moment, Germany World-religion from in meditation-woke, He called him A-Nan, said: "where the Bhikkhu-Da-Ly, there are many very beloved Tower, Tower-da-Land, Limited Tower-Tower, Radio Am-La, Multi-Tower, the Tower of the old tower-La, Sa-Ba-La".
He A-Nan! Who are the four miracles-tuc[3] longer in life realms a shit or a case, As is the non-Hybrids now mental health-information-lao, one could not in life realms are a bitch or non a shit? "
Germany World-religion has opened the door: "can sometimes Germany World-religion save the world", to teach him A-Nan, but, he A-Nan still im-silence, not understanding the genus at all.
Germany-religion-grace World need comes to three times, he A-Nan in still-not-food poisoning claimed to be visiting Germany and not As-Lai stayed in life realms in a past life, or non-beneficial, providing a useful for Natural and human-divine in the world. Why is that? He A-Nan was Ma-Mexican or United Kingdom.
Germany World-religion say he came three times, found him A-Nan is still not opening – food poisoning, He im-instant silence.
Now, Ma-Reachg[4] to the place where the Buddha, Buddha white that: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now Germany World-religion should enter Nirvana! Now Messiah-ThSystem[5] should enter Nirvana! Why is that? Before the World-religion in the river-Contact-meditation (Nairanjana) encourage child-World-religion enter Nirvana, but in the meantime, World-religion see the promotional-like, He responded: "the present four sets-is Bhikkhu-Khưu (Bhiksu), Bhikkhu-Khưu-Ni (Bhiksuni), favor-she-rule (Upàsaka), favor-she-di (Upàsikà) not yet fully and have not found-are the foreign-directed, should I not enter Nirvana". My Germany World-religion! Now four sets of German World-religion-we had been complete, are the foreign-leaders-and rewarding events, are all done, so Germany World-religion should enter Nirvana B n! "
When Ma-United Kingdom sometimes three times, Germany As-Lai sailings a: "You turned instead! Previously on the river-Contact-meditation, I promised he is four-yet was full; to date, far right, complete the following three months I would enter Nirvana! "
MA-United Kingdom heard the Buddha then said, excited Hon-openings, back-arc.
As soon as the German's World-religion associated discharge of longevity, mental health-information users, it remained where the body destined for three months.
At the time, on the Earth has eighteen General rocked-up, empty the Sun naturally called upon health and spirit-of Buddha, self-in there is no chorus up that: "Germany As-how long will not enter Nirvana." Chu, human-population, overhear the voices, the mind so his prospective blood all over.
Germany World-religion, right at the other place, the article said that the shelves:
All-all of them-born,
According to the "property" (have) that the birth-death.
We're also born-Prince,
But not according to where the "property".
Any generals created-,
We now want to throw away. [6]
Germany World-religion article then shelves, you say sit quiet im-.
One time there with him A Buddha-Nan and 1.250 taste Khưu, where Infections-Bhikkhu-faculty-Street, in the forest of Bhikkhu-da-ly.
Customary, a World-religion happen to Germany with him A-Nan to qifu gangui-real.
Return, dinner arrangements, vase-bowls, He said he A-Nan holding Crouching-tools for you, go to the old tower-ba-la, to enter private-only-.
Arriving in Germany That the family sit-religion-, im-quiet my thoughts-think. He A-Nan also enter-specific a place, near Buddha.
Out, the Buddha called him A-Nan, said: "where the Bhikkhu-da-ly here has many precious Tower!"
He taught: "Who are the four miracles-the student can stay in life realms are a bitch or a y, Such that non-Hybrid has the spirit-force, not in the back is a bitch or non a shit?"
Of the Buddha says that is his line A-Nan sometimes Buddha saved the world. But, He said to three times, he A-Nan still im-silence. He was Ma-Mexican or United Kingdom. Sir im-silence.
Adjacent, Ma-United Kingdom to sometimes entering Nirvana, according to his promise in the river-contact-meditation. He realized his promise before, now it's time to doing. Mr Ying-pros: after three months He would enter Nirvana. MA-United Kingdom is pleased to return to the angels.
He said: "they were rotating all-revive-TU, are due to career-track counts. However, we in the scene, but not the other businesses too. Now We remove the false-this! "
He A-Nan see the ground shaking, heart-scared-scared too he self-thought: "why today suddenly have the generals. And, like, not the small coast, now we should to asking Germany to world-religion! "
Then, he thought A-Nan sailings from his seat to stand up, come before Buddha, side head down the white Buddha, Buddhist ceremony that: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Earlier in the other place, own thoughts meditation, where I saw the ground suddenly has eighteen General vibration; you hear the drumbeat of the Sun in fiction-not fear, too, did not know he was general-what charm, glass-German philosophy-please teacher! "
The Buddha teaches: "He A-Nan! This earth-shaking because eight human-charm: one is the ground thanks to the country that stand, the country thanks to the wind wheel but also, this non-fiction that thanks to the wind. Out of nowhere-no at strong wind picking up, blowing in the wind, the wind of the other steamer steamer; other wind, water and other Commonwealth there also; the other countries have, to this earth. The two are, the Bhikkhu-khưu or-khưu-ni, Bhikkhu Favor-she-rule, favor-she-di, tu about the spirit-new-triumphs, the laboratory-self would like, experiment, so this earth. Thirdly, when Bo (Bodhissattva) where slaps-bows-Heaven (Tusita), upcoming Christmas-spirit-form thai, so this earth. Four is, when Portuguese-born from the hip place to slap on the out, should this earth. The year was, when the Portuguese abandoned the Palace the King family-slaps, learning leader, into-the-races-trí[8], should the land. Six is, when As-Lai into, started because Workers, moved France-luân[9], should the land. Seven is, when As-Lai to discharge the longevity God, uses-remained where trunk-destined, should the land. Eight is, when As-Lai entered Nirvana, so this earth. He A-Nan! He should know — this earth's charm, there are eight really like! "
He A-Nan! There are eight sets-we: a-l, is[10]. Two is, She-la-n[11]. Thirdly, the Chief-giSaudi[12],-sand noisy[13]. Four is, Sa-n[14]. The year is, four-Angel-United Kingdom. The six-seat-Knife, is Heavenly. Seven is, Ma-United Kingdom. Eight is, Pham-United Kingdom. Eight Ministry-I see their gas-fishery basis i would like to be, I customised does-as they say in France, where the other people also do not know as I say ".
He A-Nan! There are eight possible upper-win (win-made): one is in the mind, have excellent ideas-General, outside the Inn about identity-less general. The two are, in the mind have excellent ideas-General, outside the Inn about colors-General more up. Thirdly, in the Centre of the utopian about colors-General, outside the Inn about identity-less general. Four are in the mind, not the idea of identity-General, also consistent about many General sharp up. The year is, all colors are green. Six is, all colors are gold. Seven is, all colors are red. Eight is, all colors are all white. It is the upper-win-French's tu-action about meditation-plan! [15]
Then again, He's A-Nan! There are eight French League-escape: A is, in addition, the idea of mind need consistent about. The two are, in addition, the idea of not consistent about by impaired-think is real-net. Thirdly, the bounce-a-net, four are, not-of-exit award. The year is, consciousness-of-exit award. Six is Ridiculous, Department of-possession-of-exit award. Seven is, Africa-ideas, Africa-Africa-thought-of-exit award. Eight is, Kill-take-a-theorem. Eight French League-escape is also France's winning upper-tu-Meditation-on. If one reaches to the rescue-the wings of this legislation, that is, for all of France are self-in infinity-shy. [16]
He A-Nan! He has to know: before when I became Director, he Favor-long-frequency-speaker-Romaine (Uruvilvàkàsyapa) on the river-contact-meditation, now ghost-United Kingdom come to Me, I thought: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now Germany World-religion should enter Nirvana! Jesus Christ-Was Today-who should Report it! enter Nirvana! -Why? -Who should, were freed at all! Today is World at Germany-religion should enter Nirvana! " MA-United Kingdom sometimes I three times like that, I responded: "yet Now I enter Nirvana! -Why is that? -Four sets of-them yet were full, those who ought, are yet to reach to save-wings, the map-foreign-directed, not to row-Easter! " I meet like three times, Ma-United Kingdom heard the sad heart, bring-back-parting bow. Due to the present, Abdulwahid Ma-United Kingdom again and again, sometimes for me: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now Germany World-religion should enter Nirvana! Jesus Christ-Was Today-who should Report it! enter Nirvana! -Why? -Before when in the river-contact-meditation, his promotion of German-World-religion enter Nirvana, but then Germany World-religion see the promotional-like, He responded: "the present four sets-is-khưu, Bhikkhu Bhikkhu-khưu-ni, favor-she-rule, favor-she-di is not yet full, yet again-are the foreign-directed, so I have yet to enter Nirvana. My Germany World-religion! Now four sets of German World-religion-we had been complete, are the foreign-leaders-and rewarding events are done, so far the World-religion should enter Nirvana! " MA-United Kingdom sometimes I came three times like that, I responded: "previously on the river-contact-meditation, I promised him four sets-yet to be full, so far, now full, the following three months I would enter Nirvana. MA-United Kingdom heard me saying a Word then, happy Hon-openings, back-arc. Here We get verbal of the Ma-Wang, I associated discharge of longevity, a temporary space where the body destined for three months, because human-charm, so the land was an injury-! "
Now he's A-Nan heard the Buddha say then, mind he sad parting across his bunker, too-blood, crying-thướt boning-Bach, Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Dear please Germany World-religion us mercy, stay as long as a life realms or non-beneficial, providing a useful for Natural and human-divine in the world! "
He A-Nan the German World-religion, sometimes for up to three times. At that time, Germany World-ton A-Nan said: "now is not the time he sometimes As-Lai saved the world again! -Why? -I promised Ma-United Kingdom, the following three months I entered Nirvana, how he sometimes I save the world? He A-Nan! He mock-Me so far, he has ever heard Me say two words? -You A-Nan of the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! The unheard of Messiah-Entertainment-says the two words ever! Before you ever hear Germany World-religion, because four sets-they said that: "The French are four miracles-student, can stay in the whole life of a past life, or more Like a non-Hybrid is there-the amount of effort the spirit-self-at present, could not in life realms are a bitch or non a, span the world discharge sailings interim head, trunk-destined for three months, so the glasses please Germany World-religion us mercy, stay as long as a life realms or non a shit! "
Germany World-religion responded to Mr. A-Nan: "Today I discharge of longevity, is due to him! Why is that? Explained, at this place, I directed at him that said: "People are four miracles-the student can stay in the whole life of a past life, or a case, As is the non-Hybrids now mental health-information-lao, one could not in life realms in a past life, or non a? I should like to say – grace three times, to open the door for he strongly-World-religion save the world, which he kept silence, each no im-verbal I stay a life realms or non a shit, so, now I'm only temporarily stem cylindrical three-month mission, he now stars sometimes I remained on the world?
He A-Nan heard the Buddha's Word, know the Buddha's determination to enter Nirvana, no freebies-sometimes are, born of pain-sad-, Austria-brain, cry-thướt-boning, unable to siege.
Germany World-religion sees him A-Nan born too brain-like gauge, he violates an-ironing-acoustic: "He A-Nan! Now he should not worry about such sad mind students! He should know: Dharma-vi are all like that at all; all the meeting-case, must-ly! "
Adjacent, Germany World-religion says that the shelf post:
All French property-vi,
All return invisibly-often.
The Republic of Ireland-grace-combination,
All about the special place-ly.
-General things like,
Not so born lo sad!
Now, he's A-Nan sa transparent rules that: "the most gracious Heavenly--endless ranks of upper-College-religion, how long will not enter Nirvana, I wouldn't worry about that sad!" Bach then he associated in action early, loudly chorus up that: "alas, suffering! The eyes of the world, not how long they took, wholesome fathers-birth! "
Germany World-religion says he A-Nan: "Now he should not mind sad, anxious students though I have remained a life realms or non a, but the society-and then also have to ly-killer; computer and General of the French property-like behavior, he should be OK for me to enter Nirvana where the private pain-suffering! Now I want to return to the teaching--sugar, he helps the Crouching-stuff about! " Adjacent, Germany World-religion with him A-Nan return Identical-The instructor-sugar.
He A-Nan sitting Meditating, undertook to see ground-shaking action. He woke up scared-scared and think this earthquake of course must have charm-excuse?
He asked the Buddha, because what the excuse-coast earthquake? The Buddha teaches: "the earthquake has eight human-charm: 1/The land thanks to the water, the wind keeping-keep each other, when the wind shifted, the water, the water then land. 2/when four-into-testing laboratory, to the God-communion. 3. When the Bo-Christmas-spirit-form slapping pregnant. 4/when Bo-slaps-flat-born. 5/when Bo-slaps-School Director, into-the-races-... 6/when As-Lai into Director, began moving to France-London. 7/As As-Lai to discharge tho. 8/ When As-Lai entered Nirvana. "
Next, He says he's A-Nan is in the Buddha-Dharma has eight sets of-them; meditation-plan to have eight wins-8 solution,-escape. And, He articulates the human-Ghost Coast-United Kingdom sometimes You enter Nirvana for you.
He A-Nan-peak, Buddha is sometimes saved the world. The Buddha does not accept, He said: "I made a promise to Ma-United Kingdom. I didn't say two words. And, why I mentioned, he does sometimes, now is not the time! "
He A-Nan sad!
The Buddha said: "don't worry He's sad again, the-things! The French property-vi, belong to infinity-usually, grace-craving society-cases decided to nickname-ly! "
Germany World-religion told him A-Nan: "Now he gone all the Bhikkhu-Khưu where the Infection-the lecture-Street, in the wide forests, are both Great episode-the way!"
He A-Nan obedience to the Buddha taught, soon told all over the Bhikkhu-Khưu that: "Germany World-religion told about both-the-way!"
The Bhikkhu-Khưu assemble East enough, he A-Nan of the white Buddha: "Oh, Germany World-religion! The Bhikkhu-Khưu are all about meeting East enough, dear please Germany As-Lai know for certain hours of the meeting "!
Meanwhile, Germany As-Lai from Infection-The instructor-to-the-road route, He spread the Court to sit and the Bhikkhu-Khưu: "chaos because the talk in all France, the always-thinking and tu-episode the French then don't be forgotten! The tu Pham-net for bar-UN peacekeeping, gender, do-keep--benefit human populations, schools of the world. The Bhikkhu-Khưu! Chaos because you say the French, should ponder-think the France, shalt not born lazy-afternoons. I say thirty-seven Scouts-French products such as: four anniversary, four major needs, four as-Italy-sufficiency, in, in, seven-and eight-Holy triangle-new PAn[17], should tu-episode, thinking-think-need the France he can make the place-escape!
Again, the Bhikkhu-Khưu! All the French are infinitely-often, environmentally-dangerous mission-flooded, as well as lightning-stutters, the birth should not let go-wiggle! You should know: As-not how long, after only three months will enter Nirvana! "
Now, Germany World-Ton mainland shelf article says:
I want to give up this body,
Old Hull plate reflector-weak.
The present discharge of longevity and,
To temporarily slash destined for three months!
Those should be turned-degrees,
All done;
So not long,
I would enter Nirvana.
The France I said,
Does the teacher of French;
The glass-matter, hold,
Tu-don't forget!
The need-advanced,
As I live, what else?
B. risk-e-mail flooded too,
Trunk-destiny are infinitely-often!
Often expect way-escape,
Do not create happy to let go-wiggle!
The main celebrations, bar-,
All about banning the commandments.
-Italy, thinking-think straight,
Foreign Affairs-the scene, compressing the hold status.
If anyone can do it,
Is the main French-maintain households.
Order to place-escape,
Benefit-staff helpful, Natural.
After the Bhikkhu-Khưu heard the words of the Buddha, mind the taste very distressed, crying-thướt boning throughout his bunker onto the blood-, sad-the brain, the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Dear please Germany World-religion, remaining in the tho, do not enter Nirvana, bring benefit-useful for us-born, Chief, Natural-increase. Dear please Germany World-religion, remaining in the tho, do not enter Nirvana, open-mind wisdom eyes shed for us-born. All of them-born sa-fallen in dark places, the glasses please Germany As-Lai because they enlightened them. All of them-born in large tank-sinks-glass, please As German-Bred because they make boats picked them! "
White finishing, the Bhikkhu-Khưu back in action first hand, science, punching his chest, sonorous: "alas, suffering! Germany As-Lai how long will not enter Nirvana, all us-born rules-y on you! "
Germany World-religion told the Bhikkhu-Khưu: "all the French are all infinitely-often, grace-craving society-case, must-ly, the should not sometimes I save the world again! Why is that? -Far is not at the promotion-sometimes I! Ago I because the French-speaking, should well keep, time as I did in my life was no different! "
The day was dark, Germany World-religion with him A-Nan return Identical-The instructor-sugar.
The Buddha told him A-Nan go sometimes all the Bhikkhu-Khưu about the University-the meeting-the road.
Go East enough, the Buddha out of the meeting.
He advised the Bhikkhu-Khưu need to hold World-Net-happy, make welfare-benefit for Workers, Natural; Thirty-seven products he has taught, should need the tu-episode, thinking-think-will need to be where the prize-escape; the-matter-often, environmentally-dangerous mission-fast-flooding, should not let go-lung.
And, finally, He gave the v-khưu Bhikkhu said that after three months He would enter Nirvana.
The Bhikkhu-Khưu cry-lóc, sometimes the Buddha to save the world, He said: "The-things-grace charity, impermanence is ly-difference, not me, occasionally the France I said before, should well all-persons, the time as I did in my life was no different!"
Finished, He returned to The Faculty--sugar and will continue du-action tomorrow.
Tomorrow Germany World-religion wear, brought with him to the A-bat, Nan to qifu gangui-real. Qifu mumo-you really back in the teaching--road. Eat, rinse, rinse, and then You use the same plant – the Bhikkhu-Khưu to the excellent country-map.
The road to this hamlet is through the Bhikkhu-Da-Ly. When You look at this through the back, looked up, smiling. He A-Nan saw, bowed down holiday peak sailings Buddha, Buddha asked that "My Germany World-religion! Messiah College-upper-ton Loads of laughs make character-charm, so the glasses please Germany World-religion-Catholic-only for the known! "
The Buddha answers: "He A-Nan! I geared up into laughter, because today is the last time I saw this city! "
The equivalent speech at as-Lai say, out of nowhere — no, not cloudy, self-natural rain. He A-Nan saw, back the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Very strange-looking for, damaged-not in-clean, no little low gas cover would suddenly rain down, rain much grains like that? "
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "He A-Nan! Did you know that stars are not, that is the broken-not on Favoritism, Chu hear me now is the last time I saw the Bhikkhu-Da-Ly, the heart of the Austrian Genius-brain followers too, trade-sensitive cry-lóc. It is the tears of the divine, not the rain water! "
He A-Nan and Bhikkhu-Khưu, listen to the Buddha's Word and then, mind sad-sad parting-fainting to the ground, the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Today, Human pain-suffering too long as, World-religion How do want to discharge all proxy, which enter Nirvana is! "
Germany As-Lai yin-an offense to use instant-the bulldozer: "gentlemen! The birth of mind should not worry-melancholy-sad, miserable again!.
The Bhikkhu-Khưu the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now the last time Germany World-religion look into this Glass-Da-Bhikkhu, not long from now, Germany World-religion would enter Nirvana, we do not worry-sad, pain-suffering! "
Gradually-like experience, people who tell each other, spread to all those Far-Cup line (Licchavis governed)[18]. This far-Cup line, hear her words, and then, carrying his heart sad parting across the blood-bunker, hands, chest punches, head in action, call: "alas, suffering! The eyes of the world are about gone; us-born today is no longer the place rules-y! "
Then, they tell each other: "Now we should go to where the Buddha, visiting Him in success-Bhikkhu-Da-Ly and remained a life realms or non-beneficial, providing a useful for Chu, human-population of the world". Told you, they severely motor cars-correction-sailings, right where the Buddha.
Outside the door, they saw Germany As-Lai in, he saw A-Nan, with Bhikkhu-Khưu, cry-thướt-boning, sad-, Austria-the brain, the person feels more distant-Cup line-up, mercy. They associated to Buddha in place, the top face down the white Buddha Buddhist ceremony that: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now Germany World-religion, about to enter Nirvana, all of them-born will take the eye position-intellectual property; us-born contemporary in black-dark places, how do you see the spot should do. Dear please Germany World-religion remained a life realms or non a enter Nirvana! "
They sometimes Germany World-religion to three times like that, the Buddha answers: "whole compounded-vi[20] belong to infinitely-often; Although I have stayed a life realms or non a, then also returned to infinity-often! "
Meanwhile Germany As-Lai said the shelf post sailings:
Tu-Di mountain plateau
The following must also be goal-trail.
The sea, however, wide, deep,
And then also to drought.
Japan, despite the bright moon,
Those unspeakable diving West.
The ground while stubbornly-try,
Carry-all burden;
Shit take fire fire industry,
Also back on the often-invisible.
The grace-craving society-combination,
All about the special place-ly.
As-Lai too life-past,
Real diamond body-ruined;
Also been disabled-typically move,
Now, huh?
Schools of the Dharma,
The should not sometimes;
Don't particularly for me,
That spawned worries, sad!
When Germany World-religion article then shelves, you say the person far-Cup line that: "should the situation worried cry-lóc, listen carefully to the lyrics as the final session said Lai!"
Those other-white Cups that line: "You turned instead, my German World-religion! Dear please Germany World-religion tell, we look forward to hearing ".
Now Germany As-Lai cover is located-the family seat, tools-phu, the Bhikkhu-Khưu, along those lines, far-very compelling fast compression, sat to one side. Germany World-religion said remote-Cup line people there that "The should know there are seven local-France, more and more progress: first, fun-looks Hoa-Dong, not the reverse. The two are the same, different and funny-Business Desk. Thirdly, keep-keeping about the same prohibition keeping the 24-. The four are, dear parents and the religious leader. The year is, trunk-like peace-items, admit-mutual agreement. Six is the domestic shrine, Tower, this page-to worship-easily. Seven is, well keep the Buddha-Dharma, the fuselage diameter Bhikkhu-Khưu and Bhikkhu-Khưu-ni; love the help the Pros-she-principle Favor-she-di. If one seven France, Norway-Germany's, more advanced, the country Hung-sheng, human-population of fun-looks. From now until the end of his life, should well keep seven France, should not indolence! "
Those other white Buddha-Cup line that: "Oh, Germany World-religion! In France, seven if we only tu-is a France, still makes Norway-Germany we progress more, our tu-action is the case full-time-integrity was all seven of France! You turned instead, my German World-religion! Now we are Gospel-this benefit, our lifetime please well keep, dare not forget nhãng! "
The Buddha told the Bhikkhu-Khưu: "from now onwards, you should also tu-episode seven: One is, have fun – looks – comedy, like water with milk. Two is, often the same file-trading desk lecture meeting France. Thirdly, keep-keeping about prohibition, not student-thought-piracy. Four is the same bow, master glass-fronted Upper-centrally located. The year is, worry-whether ranked-set and glass-affection the Bhikkhu-static-Khưu tu where A-lan-. Six is, chemical-free Forum-this page-to Tam-the same place – stay in the head-origin. Seven is the diligence essential-take-hold-the maintenance of Buddha-Dharma. You should know, if a Bhikkhu-Khưu, done seven, the French-German position on track day wisdom-! "
"The Bhikkhu-Khưu! There are seven France, should tu: one is, not to be as in-country corporations – industry. Two is, not the crap table, joked. Thirdly, no ham, remove the break-glass-need. The four are, not kind desk-really-useful. The year is, stay away from evil, you body near you. Six is the main thought, often-recited, not born Ta-idea. Seven is, if in the Buddha-Dharma, there is, more ambitious again. If you do, the French-German seven-day wisdom on the increase-head ".
"The Bhikkhu-Khưu! There are seven more the French should do: first, with respect to the Buddha, France, Rose, born trust Kien-try. The two are, to know. Thirdly, to know Tiger. The four are, mind often hear much ham. The year is not mind, shake-up. Six is listening literally, ham. Seven is, ham tu-Tue. If the tu was seven, the French-German position on increasing day-wisdom-head ".
"The Bhikkhu-Khưu! There are seven French "sensory-Italy"[20], you should do: first, Trach-France (selected). Two is, essential-progress. Thirdly, Hy (fun). The four are, contempt-an (an-light-hearted fun). The year is, anniversary (remember thinking). Six is, (meditation-plan). Seven is, discharge (let). If you do, the French-German seven, location-on the day of Solomon falling-head ".
"The Bhikkhu-Khưu! There is a seven, a comb-usually. Two is, infinity-fall. Thirdly, the real-net. The four are, a gauge. The year is, not the ham world. Six is mesmerizing, not five-examplec[21]. Seven is, diligence-President Director tu (Nirvana). If you do, the French-German seven, location-on the day of Solomon falling-head ".
"The Bhikkhu-Khưu! There are seven French, you should do: first, usually do heal (from). The two are, mouth usually do heal. Thirdly, Italy usually do heal. The four are, if there are forums-free, publication-all things, feces-vase-equal, should not angels. The year is deep, variety, France, ham said. Six is, not bring books teaching people the world. Seven is, seeing people not educated, not born of mind jealous-hate. If the tu was seven, the French-German position-on wisdom on the increase-head ".
"The Bhikkhu-Khưu! There are seven French, you should do: first, the feces-nine-turn knows differences break thep[22]. Two is clear, meaning. Thirdly, the Executive Director, litigation-episodes, all must. The four are, go, stand, sit, lie right in the comfort-rule. The year is, for the right amount of theory-jewelry. Six is, if She-la, Suicide-seat, head-fake-singer, like to listen to France, so so smart, say as measurement-. Seven is, politically stupid, he knows his place. If you do, the French-German seven, location-on the day of Solomon falling-head, can maintain our main-French-! "
Now, his wife who Divorced line-far to hear the Buddha how long will not enter Nirvana and this is the last time You looked into the Cup,-da-mind Bhikkhu them very injured, crying brain-thướt-, along with five hundred bereaved-in, shopping-this page five hundred vehicle, carrying the map, cosy-easy. All the cars are ceiling-set page-strictly: White Buffalo pulled chariot, hanging the phan-white-essential; until the purple color, the black chariot, gold shades ..., all under that ceiling-Buffalo. The airport page-strictly, they times-weekly out into, go to the Prince of the Buddha.
Meanwhile, Germany World-religion far sighted the other equivalent ones going back, he told the Bhikkhu-Khưu: have a look to see the wife of Separatist line, before following the call, very strictly, the page-is America-travel rate?
The Bhikkhu-Khưu responded: "Yes, we have seen".
The Buddha told the Bhikkhu-Khưu: "It is the people who line the Cups-far, head-faked along their wives in the Bhikkhu-Da-Ly, dung-import facilities, so is the ball-no good, as the celestial heavens arc Knife on the lettered-seat no different!"
The line's wife at the far-right, Buddha head to where the other face down, crying for Buddhist ceremony thướt-dusky, not arresting gear; they give the map to Bach and Buddha-worship that: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Dear please Germany World-religion in life realms, back-turned us-born. If the present Germany World-religion entered Nirvana, we are blind, forever not-food poisoning. Besides, our little blessings, passive, female-bodied students often have the prevent-shy, not-in, not always been environmentally-reach Germany World-religion, Germany World-Ton back about to enter Nirvana, donation-based us increasingly poorly-shot! "
Meanwhile, Germany As-Lai in response: "sailings from now onwards for the rest of life realms, she should hold the world-need, as people keep the eyes; Italy-anniversary right-straight, don't be born of mind xiểm-flattering, jealousy-hate, like IE often see Me so! " The wives of the other far-Cup line, listen to the Buddha's Word and then, more and more mercy, sad-excess, no siege, sitting back to mainland.
Now, Am-BA-la (Àmrà) content-gaming-Dapper major, world-boundary, hear the Buddha not long from now, will enter Nirvana, now is the last time, He looked into her glass,-Da-Bhikkhu bring pleasing mercy, Austria-brain, cry-thướt boning-instant onto the same five hundred bereaved-in-page, her chariot, five hundred times-weekly out into, go to where the Buddha.
At that time, Germany World-religion far to see them go back, He told the Bhikkhu-Khưu: "gentlemen! Now her Pm-Ms-la place, the picture-pretty strange, her great shape-, all this world, second to none. All main, decency-should, don't be born Italy-idea say-delights. The Bhikkhu should this body bars, Khưu-there are things any-net: the liver, bile, intestine, stomach-thick, heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen, fertilizer, leaf-, blood, pus ... filled-with her real things in the net, to eight-thousand bugs right out of her fur, hair, nails, teeth, thin skin encased meat, nine holes usually don'ty[23]..., not something can be fun-like being. Again, the first-born relatives, because any place-and the public alike can NET-hybrid of this body, are making real-flow net. While the power-page counters-artificial-silk, stormed the scent, but, also like in the Privy Council deposit treasure-UE. And, when the body dies, the chapter-phềnh, washing-, combustion left-half, in the body, back rỉa eat meat; longer be Tigers, owls, birds pecking cut ...-rỉa. The foolish life, don't know the Café-main-foot police, wrecked an-AI, keep to death, and in her, hope-born tham-. Who would be your favorite again, want to? "
Germany World-Ton mainland shelf article says:
While wearing strangec-uk chart[24],
Incense, flowers self edit-to;
Feces, nasal, ranges of the same prize,
Real-full containers in the net.
Us-born affection-sorry, hold,
Mexican mistake – food poisoning;
As well as the ash covered with fire,
Stupid slanted upward.
Location-fake should avoid far,
Don't mind pollution-before birth.
Then she Am-she-la before Buddha, side head down, to bring the Buddhist ceremony of the cult, cult-map-easily up Buddha, swallowed, choking rate-the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Dear please Germany World-religion in life realms again, save the world, not to enter Nirvana, bring benefit-useful for headless Angel, human-population of the world. If Germany World-religion plan to enter Nirvana, all us-born, there's no one pimp-lead, as the child takes the mother ja! "
At that time, Germany World-religion told her Am-BA-la: "Computer, the General of all-the-General things like that, you shouldn't mind students now bi-brain!"
Germany World-religion theory of sailings-France for everyone back where the Buddha heard: "this, gentlemen! The from now onwards should keep-keeping about prohibition, should not lack-, vi-violations. Those who break-about, the, long, Devil-God are boring-hate, bad rumors around, people don't want to see; If in them, no Norway-Germany, the friendly Devil-God not player-households; When the mission was dying, the conscious mind – fear – fear and despite little friendly-career, are not instant death, remember thinking as career, bear the pain-suffering in hell, experiencing many lifetimes, later out crumpled fuselage bear the devil again, cattle-born. London-any move, so, do not know the term will be the prize-escape. On the contrary, Bhikkhu-Khưu hold, Natural, long, Devil-God, all together, the good rumors, glass-kkhắp, both the world or; in the great Norwegian-German, brilliant-sheng, the friendly Devil-God, usually under the seat-households, when the mission was dying, key-anniversary-, died immediately in the places bar-net ".
Amid such as-Lai said France, six thousand eight thousand Natural breasts, eight sets of far-left Chen-Charu[25] are French-label-tịnh[26]; located sixty Bhikkhu-Khưu, smuggled-career off, Italy stubs-fakei[27], the ranks of A-la-y-n[28].
Now Germany World-religion told those far-Cup line with wife and her Pm-Ms-la that: "We now want to go to the excellent country-map, you should return to your accommodation and should know: all-General (the plant) is infinitely-often, the only tu-released under the France I said, you should not do as a kid cry-boning , mercy Austria-brain! "
Told Germany World-religion sailings from his seat to stand up in court. Those far-Cup line with wife and her Pm-she-la, hear the word of the Buddha said, punching his chest, in action early, screaming, crying and repenting, the road followed the Buddha-noi is not subject to return.
Germany World-religion see the affection deep grave luyen-far, cannot use the word an-iron, He uses instant spirit-human, the river flooded, the river deep-down, water flows and piling-up dangerous waves. Meanwhile, those far-line with wife and her Am-she-la to see Germany As-Lai, the Bhikkhu-Khưu was at the other side of the River, all the more empathetic-, mercy, sad-and-roll out, the soil, the same small talk with each other that "spooky, undertook this place has great rivers, which again has a loud clap-struck AWE? It's Germany As we go by the Hybrid-don't void, that turned out to do, to let out the way! " Those other far-Cup line with wife and her Pm-she-la, not over the River are, the more rural-formula, strict-nghẽo, choke-, great-expectation returns.
Now Germany As-Lai to the excellent country-map, He sat in the northern forests, protect the Bhikkhu-Khưu that: "The should know there are four: One is About, two are designated, is Wisdom, which is four-Exit, if one does not listen to know French, four people in the eternal hot b.-Prince. Chaos I without listening to know four of France, I could not certified lead-results of infinity-Main-Main, upper-buds! "
Germany World-Ton mainland shelf article says:
World, intellectual property, Entertainment-escape,
If we do not listen for long;
Not able to quickly prove to be,
Directed infinity-upper-legs.
The should-advanced,
Tu-episode four of France;
End to be suffering birth-death,
Rice blesses for Natural, human.
Germany World-religion article then shelves, said He left because the Bhikkhu-Khưu-and wide meaning of four French-speaking. While Germany says the French-bred Like, a thousand two hundred Bhikkhu-Khưu, instantaneous for all France, smuggled-career off, Italy stubs-, the A-tier la-Chinese.
The road to the hamlet of Qian-map, right through the Bhikkhu-da-ly.
Germany World-religion goes through this city He heads face up to look and laugh-your-jaw smile Italy wing-his nickname.
Between the client at the Angel on the fictional-no crying-tears, boning down like rain. The Bhikkhu-Khưu sad!
Therefore, the line of Separation, the Bhikkhu-da-ly hear, pulled together to save the Buddha and Buddha, the Buddha taught: "The invisible things-often-: mountain of Tu-di, the vast sea, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the grace-craving, diamond ... were infinitely-often convert-ly! Come on, sometimes I don't anymore! The please hear me talk about the mind quiets 7:1/fun-looks, reconciled with each other. February 2 – food poisoning each other and discuss career. 3/precept and a-. 4/the father, the mother bothered the Chief religion. 5/trunk-like peace-items with mutual agreement-legacy. 6/this page-to, worship-easily the Tower-Temple in the country. 7/keep the Buddha-Dharma, the glass-and Khưu appreciation charity Bhikkhu-male, female-credit ".
Him back towards the Bhikkhu Khưu, teaching the more-French device needed-Korean-h[29].
After that, the wife who Divorced line-far to Buddha and also Buddha sometimes saved the world. The Buddha does not accept and recommend: "should keep about essential-and Italy-anniversary straight, not so flattering-xiểm, jealous-hate, as I am in my life!"
Her turn to Am-BA-la.
She is a person of great beauty-. The center of the room, before she arrived, the Buddha gave great-we know of any pub-NET license.
She came, Buddha, Buddha and the Buddha also taught occasionally as before.
Again, You should keep all general advice about net-bar, should not be missing-offense. And, He talks about the benefits of the precept, and violates.
After all, He's from rural to Special-Needs-map.
Because of the fall in people's loveliest too-determination according to Him did not return, He must stop River-way human sides, new walk.
To the excellent country-map, He taught the Bhikkhu-Khưu about 4 France: World, the Wisdom, and the prize-escape.
V. 4 and 4 DECISION-
After that, Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu, both from his seat to stand up, go to the villages, the countryside she-la, the Am-hamlet-compatible Matches, until the old-Friendly. To the other, He with Bhikkhu-Khưu goes around, then sit at one place. Germany World-religion told the Bhikkhu-Khưu: "four Saints-Roman Empire, should take consistent-suicide: A gauge-Empire. Two is the set-Empire. Thirdly, the Kill-the Empire. The four are, Director-Roman Empire.
The Bhikkhu-Khưu! The GAUGE-EMPIRE i.e. the eight-gauge: one is, suffering, suffering, old, two are three are suffering, disease, suffering, death, is four years, suffering expectation not be, six on the gauge, is resentment-hate society-food poisoning, seven is, suffering an-AI-right cups, eight is, suffering about fivemetresto enthral, [30] brilliant-sheng. The should know: eight things he compounded the same gauge-ou[31] paintings-encyclopedia, should really be miserable.
EPISODE-the ROMAN EMPIRE: infinity-Ming tham-AI as radical-a for eight other gauge, should know the episode-this is the real Emperor of the gauge.
KILL-the EMPIRE: infinity-Ming tham-AI removal, disconnected end to human suffering, should know this is real removal-removal.
-EMPIRE: i.e. the Bowl-key-(eight major roads): one is the primary,-comments (knowing, Wednesday-foot idea-key), the two main investment, is the only-(thinking-think-foot), three-language, (speaking of legs-main), four are main,-(main-foot action) in the main, is-destiny (live-foot craft), six are main-Crystal, seven, is the main,-anniversary (remember to think of foot-main), eight is the key-set. Eight French, is the way of the spirit. If one essential-Holy Roman Empire four consistent diligence,-most-rapidly far hot b.-email, to where the prize-escape.
The Bhikkhu-Khưu! Of the four emperors, Saints – if anyone has reached up to the rescue-winged, should also try-for others. After I kill-degrees, should diligently ponder-think, tu-file. "
Between French speaking at German-bred, five hundred Bhikkhu-Khưu, smuggled-career off, Italy stubs-, the A-level La-Han; four thousand divine Favoritism on the damaged-no, because this place, depart the ceiling structure, was French-label-the-net.
Germany-religion say the World Bhikkhu-Khưu: "there are four French-on the talk: (the decision-theory): A is, if has a Bhikkhu-Khưu, ham-theory, saying:" I heard the Buddha, Buddha said according to the body of France, I understand the mood of France and I am passive-maintenance, read a eulogy-Loi "; the position occasionally should he say, but should follow the place hear, itself-think, right, in-turn knows, law (France-General) has France Yes? If in the argument, law, then France should maintain appetites, praise is you. If in business, law, no France, should not consume-maintained, nor should praise-praise. The should know: does France not I say. "
Two is, if its Khưu ham-legal theory-Bhikkhu says is: "I am in there ... listen to the Bhikkhu-Khưu-increase be France, I understand the mood of France. And I'm passive-maintenance, read-very-proceedings "; the position occasionally should he say, but, should according to the place of hearing France, itself-think right-turn in proficient, law, France's argument? If in the argument, law, France, should consume-Tri, praise-praise is you. If in business, law, no France, should not consume-maintained, nor should praise-praise. The should know: did I not say France nor the Bhikkhu-Khưu says ".
Thirdly, if tastes Bhikkhu-Khưu, ham-theory, say: "I follow where Rising old-la-m[32] , where A-lan-nhã[33] there are numerous Bhikkhu-Khưu upper-centrally located, are heard much, study well,-, position-, say France, I hear, I understand the mood of France and I am passive-maintenance, read a eulogy-Loi"; the position occasionally should he say, but, should according to the place of hearing France, itself-think right-turn in proficient, law, France's argument? If in the argument, law, France, should consume-Tri, praise-praise is you. If in business, law, no France, should not consume-maintained, nor should praise-praise. The should know: does France not I say. "
Four is, if has a Bhikkhu-Khưu ham-legal theory, said: "I follow where the old blue-rise-kia, where A-lan-elegant, a Bhikkhu-Khưu upper-, position-, listen more, say France, I hear, I understand the meaning of the French turn-she knows and I'm passive-maintenance, read the very proceedings-benefits"; the position occasionally should he say, but should follow the spot heard France, itself-think right-turn in proficient, law, France's argument? If in the argument, law, France, should consume-Tri, praise-praise is you. If in business, law, no France, should not consume-maintained, nor should praise-praise! The French should know he is not I say. "
The stool should be clearly distinct four-French-on the left, the French also said he distributed-theoretical differences-France, handed out – transmission to others.
Though I still in my life or I entered Nirvana, lied-disguised or foot-real, the French use, the unknown! "
Meanwhile, the Bhikkhu-Khưu the white Buddha says: "You turned instead, my German World-religion! From now on, we ask-and especially the Buddhist words say ma! "
Through villages, the countryside she-la, the Am-hamlet-compatible Matches Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu to the Charity-elderly. Here, He taught the Bhikkhu-Khưu should take consistent-suicide about Four-Saints-Roman Empire: Emperor-Emperor,-Gauge, Kill-and-Empire.
You teach about four French-of the Four French then said:
1/is Bhikkhu-Khưu would say is follow the Buddha, listening to be France, understand the meaning and legal proceedings were reading maintained-information-benefits, the forecast should take place hear, thinking-think watching France's true economic, law, with comment or not. If true the should maintain passive, praise-praise. By not right then because she is not French, I said.
2/is Bhikkhu-Khưu would say in where the Bhikkhu-Khưu-rise there to hear her French etc. should also think-think as above.
3/is Bhikkhu-Khưu would say in where the old blue-rise-A-lan, on the other, there are various elegantly-Bhikkhu-Khưu upper-centrally located, said he and the French out he heard etc. should also think-think as above.
4/is Bhikkhu-Khưu would say is in the other place have a Bhikkhu-Khưu upper-centrally located, said he and the French out he heard etc. should also think-think as above.
He taught: "The clear distinction-should French-4 about the said she and her French theoretical differences-4-France, handed out – transmission to others. Though I am in my life or entering Nirvana, lied-disguised or foot-real, the user does know French! "
Now, Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu are both from his seat, stood up, went to Jiujiang rural-Mrs. To the other country, with Bhikkhu-Khưu, walk around, then sat down under a tree.
Meanwhile, those She-la, Head-fake-singer in the other country, to hear the Buddha came to his country, both together rushed to the Prince of the face, to the place where Buddha. 24-foot Buddha, then sit back down on one side, the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu to our country, we have other fun-get own! "
Germany As-Lai associated response: "here are three months I would enter Nirvana, so from the Bhikkhu-Da-Ly, go around the hamlet-hamlet times-weekly I came to this country!"
People listen to the Buddha's Word, crying, sad brain-Austria-roll out the land, hand, head, sonorous in action: "alas, suffering! The eyes of the world, we don't how long, takes the place of rules-driven, lead director! "
They call for the supply of the Bach: "texture-Oh Germany World-religion! Dear please Germany World-religion, stay in a past life or non-life realms a fuck. "
Germany World-religion answers: "The student should not mind sad parting-like! Why is that. -Computer, General of the French property-like behavior. The skip count lo sad to go, static-mind heard my theory-France last time! "
At that, the others, keep holding your self go, bow quietly listening. Meanwhile, in the other seat, have a Ba-la-Mon, named the echo-three-exercise-, communication-, position-, listen more, remember, Germany As-Lai said the Mainland that "The should know: people in four countries-France, should tu-episode: one is the father, the mother, all tastes-m. The two are, often bring France, teach your wife and child. Thirdly, the trade of memory, I insist, know the formula they have or not. Four is an intimate, near-charity-tri-, far from avoiding the evil people. If you usually do four France, been dear, life after people are usually born into nowhere.
Then again, Mr. Echo-three-exercise-the Roman Empire! People in four countries-France fun: One is, do not owe the money of others, no Tiger-face color. Two is, very wealthy, self pity do not dare use anything, even to his parents, his wife, trunk-like progeny-in, are not chu-levels and do not worship-easily the steps Sa, Ba-la-Mon. Thirdly, the very wealthy, the body dressed in beautiful, delicious odor-eating mouth; know worship-easy parents, trunk-like progeny-are in the chu-levels and serve-the UG Sa, Ba-la-Mon. The four, who are three: the fuselage, export, Italy, not to do evil; Info-clairvoyance-wisdom, preferred to hear more.
He should know: people at home are happy of France, however-but, people do not bring other people along the debt only sẻn mind take part, under the French he called France fun dinner down; people who work or publication-pilot, is France's middle ranks, and fun people that career, career, career in Italy, do not create evil,-, position-, preferred to hear many times, France was France happy above all (upper) ".
Germany As-Lai sailings said shelves:
Not the same debt sẻn tham,
Called the dark fun,
Have announced their offer-laboratory experiments,
He is happy high.
Three career always clean,
Location-wisdom, love to hear more;
It's more fun,
Who-health wisdom do.
The taste from today,
For the rest of life realms;
Young and teach each other,
Do France, China's. [34]
Now, they're Disqualified him-three-white Empire-Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! From now I'm bringing France and France (more than most), open the shed and up-pimp each other! "
Meanwhile, he Disqualified-three-exercise-the Roman Empire, five hundred people in front of Buddha, passive tam qui-y[35] and the five fastesti[36]. We Echo his-ba-education-other empire back the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion along Chu Khưu,-Bhikkhu tomorrow hoan-Hy the worship-our easy." Germany As-Lai Ying-implied consent.
We Echo his-ba-education-the Buddha but-yes, sailings from pros to court her sitting up, with them-back enjoy the ceremony here, the Buddhist ceremony were retired.
Arriving at the House, throughout the night they go shopping-the aromatic drink food-tasty-fresh, tho. Until tomorrow, when about to time to eat, they wrong people credit towards the white Buddha: "Dear please Germany World-religion, knowing their time boys, the son-receptor-compose has done!"
Meanwhile, the German-Bred with Bhikkhu-Khưu-increase, following the Buddhist front surrounded, go to his home the echo-three-exercise-the Roman Empire. To where, once-weekly sat down. He Disqualified-the three-exercise-Roman Empire, saw the Buddha and they Increase, both the an-all right, get him water coordinates, hand-magnet flood ac[37] the formal dining. Also in hundred She-la, Head-fake-singer, are bringing the delicious rice to the deck house, cosy-easy up Buddha.
Between meals, in the Bhikkhu-Khưu, don't keep Norway-where facilities, the general body She-la, Head-fake-singer looked seeing him like that, in the mind is not fun-looks.
Germany World-religion know the mind of them-like, He associated the spectrum-that: "you should know: the French Government As extensive as Hybrid-hot, incomparable-measurement. In a large tank, have them-born body very large, up to a thousand six thousand by-downloads, or have them-long eight-thousand students do-week, four-thousand-body due to long, a thousand week-by-week, a long, low, half to the extreme. Hot of As-Lai too, or there are results in A-la-Han, enough three minh[38] six miracles-g[39] was the Norwegian-German has big, bring about welfare-benefit for human-and in this he can also get results A-Na-Ham[40], Wednesday-da-Ham[41], Tu-Hoa da-n[42], that is, he also was hitting quarter-result-quarter-g[43]; so also the human-lady has not been what interests-French. So, should not for the French, who was born in the hot comfort-afraid! "
At that time Germany World-ton mainland shelf article says:
All every river,
Are flowing on the sea.
Worship Buddha and rice Falling,
Bliss about her too!
Germany As-Lai said the shelf post then, you say, because people all all France. In France, we Echo his-ba-Emperor-five hundred people, depart Tran-gauge, are France-net-label.
To Jiujiang rural-Mrs. Buddha with Bhikkhu-Khưu to sit under a tree.
The people of BA-la-Mon, head-fake-singer of Echo-you have three-exercise-the Roman Empire in the countryside listening to know, pulled together to Buddha, the Buddha is known about to enter Nirvana. They called upon to cry, sometimes Buddha saved the world, but not the Buddha accepted the invitation and are You an iron-like many times before.
Here, He taught: "in-country has 4 France should need tu-file:
1/Bow-glass and tastes-maintenance parents.
2/Bring fresh French taught his wife and child.
3/compassion and help, I-I.
4/Near you, avoid you evil.
You teach: "People in four countries-France fun:
1/don't owe anybody.
wealthy but sẻn popcorn 2, with his parents, both, trunk-like etc.
3/Located in Phu-know dress, bow-maintenance parents, trunk-like, serve-the-taste.
4/, password, do not do evil, the-, position-, listen more.
Four people, two first class class is dark fun, France third class is high, while the fourth level is upper class. So, from now on you should follow the steps of Central and upper ranks! "
People heard the Buddha says France are hoan-Hy, please Thu Tam-, five-and sometimes the same Buddha they Increase tomorrow to receive the worship-easily.
During the meal, there is no strictly-conforming uy-they look, see, they can't be fun. The Buddha feel like, He taught: "In a large tank has a variety of them-born, to small, different, in my tank, too, there are Quarter-result and also the human-lady has not been what interests-French. The should not doubt-areas. And, know that worship-easily increased, he blesses, Buddha himself would be, as the water flow of the River, all about hot c! "
Listen to the Buddha says, people depart be Tran-structure and be France-net-label.
After that, Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu-Rising from his seat to stand up, come forward, to three-three. Meanwhile, he Disqualified-three-hundred year Empire-education, calling for mercy-cry, dear-German practices such as-Lai, they claim-Islam-graves, look to the exchange rate when not seen anymore, they return.
When Germany World-religion to three-three and then, in the other, there are children of a smart, Plain-Momentum is the name (Cunda). Plain-Momentum he has a garden, very static-miluo city, in Germany as in-Bred with sailings Bhikkhu-fin-Khưu around, go to the garden.
Plain-Momentum he listen to know Buddha along them rising to the garden of his house, happy Hon, no siege, he and his companion, both to the place where Buddha, Buddha, legs face down the ceremony and then stand on one side, the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! We know Germany has what charm of world-religion, coming here, or what other interesting Italian? "
Germany World-religion answers: "Now I own-of here, is because of how long I will not enter Nirvana, I want similar comments last time!"
Now, he is pure-da with his kind, listen to the Buddha's Word, mind-brain-injured too, sad-roll out the land, the long hours, fainted on the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now You put them-born, not fell from, anniversary to them anymore or you want to enter Nirvana? Dear Sir please stay a life realms or non a shit! " News time, he again in action first, punching his chest, sonorous: "alas, miserable job instead! The eyes of the world is gone, all of them-from now on after the sunk-in pool b.-Prince, no States would be out! Why is that? Who Loads-the message-Pastor ng enter Nirvana! "
Germany World-religion said: "today's Momentum-Pure he should not mind sad, worried, all born any generals of France are like, are disabled-often relocated; Grace-craving society-cases, has at present he should,-don't worry-sad heart birth! "
Plain-Momentum he associated the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now we also know any generals is infinity-usually, grace-craving society-must-match cups but who Loads-upper-religion would enter Nirvana, how do we not mercy, Austria-brain! "
Meanwhile, Germany World-religion because of his Pure-da said all of France. Plain-Momentum he heard, slightly less sad, worried mind sailings from his seat to stand up, the Norwegian-chễ, custom shoulder jacket, top down Buddhist ceremony, Bach: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Tomorrow the German World-religion please glasses, get the worship-easy protein-silver of them! "in Germany World-religion nonetheless Ying-Shun.
Plain-Momentum at that time, he knew the Buddha was but positive external ceremony he down-foot Buddha, retreated.
Plain-momentum of his home, all night-this page many delectable dining. Tomorrow, when about to time to eat, he wrong people credit-Bach to the Buddha: "Dear please Germany World-religion know the time consumption-son, brother-compose has done!"
Meanwhile, the German-Bred with Bhikkhu-fin-Khưu around before him, to his Pure-da. To where, once-weekly sat down. Plain-Momentum he sees the Buddha sat and then he go get water, hand magnet-posing the map essential-send down the bowl. Germany World-religion with them Increasing ate, washing, about the old seat. Plain-Momentum he also sits. Germany World-religion told him: "Now he-da Domestication has done the rare Gospel. Worship-easy rice and Buddha Bhikkhu-Khưu-rise last time, results-report, never ceases to be. All of them – all born sowing-growing, nothing can compare-compare with Gospel worship-easily, he should mind excited. Now the last time I got his verbal is complete, We do not accept verbal who's nickname! "
Germany World-Ton mainland shelf article says:
He now was,
A rare-Germany;
Finally received rice,
The same Buddha Bhikkhu-Khưu-increase.
The-Germany on adding up,
Forever together-not masterpieces.
Now he should himself,
B. the Center very excited;
All blesses the creator,
Not equaled him bliss!
To three-three, the Buddha along them rise to stay at his house's Garden of net-momentum.
Plain-Momentum along his fellow-type of listening to Buddhist ceremonies, and sometimes known-to work here. He taught: "I'm about to enter Nirvana, so I wanted to come here with future-comments".
Plain-Momentum he same people hear that sad parting, which sometimes cry-the-the Buddhas to save the world, You are an-iron like how people before.
Next, he sometimes increased the same Buddha Festival tomorrow-Hy to his dinner. The Buddha im-silence.
After the feast, the Buddha told him: he-da Net do the rare Gospel as worship-easily increased, for the last time. Welfare-report he never ceases to be. All Gospel-of-quote, not-with Gospel-his report. He should mind excited. This is the last time We accept his petition! "
When Germany World-religion says, then shelves adjacent post he A-Nan: "Now I see her pain, want to quickly come into External-contest-na!"
Now, he's A-Nan and Bhikkhu-Khưu Plain-momentum, and he heard the Buddha say, born of suffering too, calling for-thướt-cry, no siege.
Right at that time, Germany World-religion from his seat to stand up, with Bhikkhu-fin-Khưu around before then, go on the other end. Plain-Momentum along his bereaved-belongs also follow Germany As-Lai.
Halfway in German World-religion sitting under a tree, He said he A-Nan: "Today I abdominal pain too!". He relied on Mr. A-Nan. Goes way over there have not been these, Mr. Saturn-blood back under a tree, He said he A-Nan: "You hold the coat Increase-l-oldlock[44], four ground cover, I want to sit here, rather than be up again!" He A-Nan obedience the Buddha taught, did.
Germany World-religion sitting under a tree and told him A-Nan: "Now I am thirsty, he came to the river Ca hid, sealed at least clean water for Me to drink!".
He A-Nan of the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! There were just those same five hundred merchants over the chariot, fear of water, can not be drinking the cloudy River! "
He A-Nan white like up to three times. The Buddha told him A-Nan: "He just go away!" He A-Nan take the bowl away, came on the River, see River sedimentation in the Center, very scared, even his rởn-promised myself, hair, he thought: "just then I see those same five hundred merchants through this river of the chariot, Italy must remain opaque, where in doubt, into the left-inverse words dictate of As-Lai!".
Think he brings worship Buddha rising water closed and said that: "strange, my German World-religion! Just then I saw those same five hundred merchants, chariot before crossing the River, probably within ten days, the water is still not yet in, but thanks to the God-force of Germany World-religion in latch-slices in the cooler! "
Germany World-Ton mainland carry drinking water.
Now, there is a son of Complacency-la-workers, called the echo-Ca-Sa, is filed-Ca-lan first's e-entertainment. This man from the crowned pigeon-Contest-Na, to three-three, between sexual-flags see Germany As-Lai sitting under a tree. He pieced together the hands-tons, and then sitting back on one side of the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! France-, the-career is located-meditation is dark, because it's the most-the first subduing sex-based, making the mind not bipolar-disorder, expert-static, non-essential economic citizenship. Why is that? -Because, I remember: I followed the ancient master I am Ca-lan first, go on the street-market. When the fatigue-tired, we sit under a tree across the street. My teacher is located-meditation-only. Between then, there are those who drive the merchant fifty-passenger chariot-through before, he still sat silent, body im-not waggle. And, just like that for a long time, I am new from meditation-wake. I associated with my master that white: "white teacher at the master sitting meditation here, there are people who drive the same merchant fifty-wagon days ago, sounding like thunder, not know master can you hear?" Master I responded: "we don't see anything." I asked: "so the teacher have heard the car?" My teacher also is not heard. I'm white: "white master, now on the coat-of having the facility master dust soil-nhớp, is because the other cars go through, so what!" Meanwhile, I give is very strange and know that: France is located-the venerable real-meditation, because it cleverly things-aerial photography-based, do not be disorder! ".
Germany World-religion he landing Echo-ca-sa: "did you say, not The weird-looking for. Why is that? If there are people who are not sleep-drunk, nor enter the Kill-take-lawh[45], Center for decency-main, sitting meditation, then five hundred vehicle goes through, people still do not know, do not hear anything, like new is strange-looking for!
Then again, Mr. Echo-ca-sa! It also is not very strange. If the key-concepts is located-meditation, meet at heaven Thunder-Thunder rumbling, shining wet plaster, now has two brothers who go to plough, heard her frightened, fresh dead instant and four Buffalo near there also died, but the other meditation does not know, can't hear, what is strange-looking for? Mr. Echo-ca-sa dear: Oh, Germany World-religion! Five hundred vehicle through the front did not know, not heard, has is incredible-Hitman, the genus back thunder-lightning, light, rumbling earthquake chanced upon not knowing, not listening, time is very rare! "
Germany World-religion you Echo-ca-sa: "we own ancient mind sitting meditation, thinking-thinking under a tree in A rural-far-ma. At that, there are people who drive the same year hundred merchant-vehicle through the front of my sitting, I think failure in meditation-not to know, not what you hear. The other merchant-driver, going through the long hours, the new I-plan. They walked look back look. At their far sighted I stood up, some of them running again, saw dust clinging soil-nhớp on my shirt, they get instant go and ask that "recently, we together five hundred vehicle passing through here, Germany World-religion has seen? I responded: "I see!" They asked: "Germany World-religion should not blindly, but sure, hear?" I responded: "I don't hear!" They asked: "so, Germany World-religion asleep or enter removal-take-plan?"-I responded: "I do not sleep nor enter the Kill-take-plan, I just stay in my thoughts meditation-think, should not hear, not see!" They heard her words, they give is very strange-looking for, never ever praise and said: "how meditation is located-it!" So I tell them, they hear all of France and the other merchant-driver, so where does France, all depart for ceiling-texture, are France-net-label.
Then again, Mr. Echo-ca-sa! Days ago I sat alone in the other country Parties, rice quietly-probably thinking-thinking moments, meditation-self slices-Thunder-lightening natural wine-shock, wind rain Chan-both heaven and Earth. Then there are the two brothers who overhear, ploughing, he saw the same fear that, were killed; There are four Buffalo also died. now, people in the other country, heard two people go plowing, hear the Thunder scared to death, or his parents, wife, children, friends, friends-they-and those in the countryside go by, crying-lóc again; at the time, I was in meditation-woke up, saw the ground filled with muddy water, again many people, convergence-the cry. There is a commuter, I asked: "why have associated many self-tap here and cry-continued?"-the other answers: "just then Germany World-religion does not hear the Thunder, the lightning?" There are two other brothers in the countryside, ploughing at it, two people at the same time lightning killed and all four Buffalo were killed also, that Germany World-religion not understanding? Or, just As the German-Bred asleep, or is He entering the Kill-take-plan? -I responded: "no, just then I don't sleep well do not enter the Kill-take-, I-, im-quiet sitting meditation, so I didn't hear it?" Others listen to the Buddha's Word, is very strange-looking for unprecedented praise, ever. Their heart-anniversary: "is located-meditation has energy like that!" So I tell them, they hear all of France. They listen to France and then, in the France, they far-left structure, ceiling-France-net-label.
Now, he's the echo-ca-sa, to hear the Buddha say, born of mind, rare Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Ago when I saw my teacher sitting meditation, fifty vehicle goes through, don't listen, don't know anything, I said to strange-looking for; now Germany As-Lai said both work on this, fold the hundred, thousand, ten thousand times, nothing can compare-compare with energy meditation-not to be thought of as-is desk! " Bach then, he followed the Buddha passive Tam-rules-y. Germany As-Lai back because he said to hear all legal responsibility-oxidized. He sounded OK, France-Italy-food poisoning, depart Tran-texture, are France-net-label.
He said most riders sailings: "you hold the two fabrics good yellow, my net bring here for me, I like to dedicate worship Buddha!" The most obedient, grab the fabric to provide; Mr. Echo-ca-sa holding fabrics, kneeling straight before Buddha, Bach: "Oh, Germany World-religion! I bring this up World surges fabric sheets-Ton hope World-religion and trade, received for her! "
Germany World-religion responded to Mr. Echo-ca-sa: "I now because the leg-up of him, get him a plate, a plate he should bring his cult A-Nan! Why is that? -Because he's A-Nan on the night of my party servants, besides, today he managed the pain of my weakness, if the contender-home, Dad-pilot for the same sick sick man's caretakers, so called the Big-Daddy full-break (College student-pilot-consummation). "
He Disqualified-ca-sa heard the Buddha say, excited, so-Hon a drapery at the foot of the Buddha and a plate to his A-Nan, kneeling straight Bach, that: "Now I bring this Religious cult canvas-fake-fake Religious hope for!" He A-Nan responded: "You turned instead, you turned instead! Now he believes the celestial Messiah lyrics-human-Professor, I would expect him to be an-lost forever-forever, I'm dad character-his lab! "
He then Echo-ca-sa, back to where the Buddha, the Buddha because he, tell all of France. He listened, then France is the fruit of A-na-function. Meanwhile, Mr. Echo-ca-sa left the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Now I want to export in the Buddha-Dharma. "the Buddha calls:" Friendly-lai-Khưu Bhikkhu! " [46] at that hair clean self down, Austria ca-sa[47] even to himself, the Sa-A-fruit syndrome, la-Han.
After the boys at his home at Deputy-Pure-da, the Buddha saw the pain, He associated with Mr A-Nan, the Bhikkhu-Khưu and-in Plain-Momentum he goes on the Jiujiang-thi-na.
Halfway You stomach pain, blood, can we rest under a tree.
Mr. thirsty. He A-Nan to the Ca-Qu-watertight about Him drinking.
Love-the flag, the son of a Manchu-la-workers, called the echo-ca-sa, filed-of Ca-lan first, away from the crowned pigeon-contest-na to three-three, having Him here.
After the interview-ton Buddha, he spreads-the ocean-career is located-meditation is dark, the dress-for-the first was love-based, not bipolar-disorder, is no frightened. He said again he career of master says: one day sitting meditation under a tree by the side of the car deck passing fifty, do not know.
The Buddha said: not what to do. I sat in meditation under a tree in A rural-far-ma, five hundred of the chariot passing merchants, I don't hear anything. More than that, one day, My country also sitting meditation, rain, lightning killed 2 people go plowing and 4 Buffalo, which I also do not hear the details!
He Disqualified-ca-sa heard the Buddha says so, he's very proper noun-and please Thu Tam-rules.
Next, he surges to a Buddhist cult fabrics good gold and brought his cult A-Nan a plate, according to the word of the Buddha religion-only.
And, here you please-by Buddha-Dharma, the ranks of Sa, symptoms result from the A-la-Han.
Now, from an-German subjects As-Lai, dropped many dime-rays: blue, yellow, red, white, pink, crystal. He A-Nan down ceremony Buddha peak sailings, kneeling straight hand-Bach, pieced together, the Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! Don't know what the German coast-World-religion out Swedish chess? "
The Buddha answers: Mr. A-Nan! He should know there are two time I dropped the dime-bright Optics: One is, when I'm about the Buddha under the Bodhi tree, dropped dime-bright optical large. Two is, when I'm about to enter Nirvana, dropped dime-bright optical large. "
He A-Nan! He has to know: I am the Invisible Primary-Primary-College-upper, belongs to the night, when near, the time when I enter Nirvana also like! He now should know: near morning night and today, I'm going to enter Nirvana, about every Sa-la song – River receptor-related, where Power-singer born-anciea[48], in the crowned pigeon-contest-na! "
The Buddha then said, the Bhikkhu-Khưu, Chu Heaven on non-fiction, mercy, screaming, no siege.
Meanwhile, Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu, Ca-hidden River. Here, Germany World-religion sailings down the river bathing. Bathing is done. Are you the same Khưu, sit-Bhikkhu by the river.
At that, he is pure-da, who blame themselves: "Germany World-religion because the passive worship feast-easy, born out of the stomach, which is about to enter Nirvana?"
Germany World-religion know the mind of plain-Momentum he thought so, He told his mainland A-Nan: "he A-Nan! He now should know: all of them-should you shalt not born, that Germany As-Lai because passive feast worship-easily, so sick in the fuselage, which enter Nirvana. Why is that? -In Germany As-Lai's birth, there are two who are more blessings: class A is, when As-Lai coming into infinity-Main-Main, Upper-, brought the dish back rise. Two is, when As-Lai are about to enter Nirvana, cosy-easy meal. The two-person class worship-easy, welfare are equal is no different and is result-very much, untold. Two people, a religious class-easily like, hard to meet as well as the United States Pros-dam[49], how the weather, the time, a! "
Germany-Ton mainland told him: "he is pure Momentum-Plain-Momentum! Mind you we now have major anniversary. He should not mind-responsible for spontaneous like that. He has been the quarter-infinite treasure-upper hard is like that, he should be born of self excited heart, good-luck. He should know: in hundred, thousand, unimpeachable, was hardly heard the list-Buddha. While there when listening-Buddha, the Buddha is seen, but difficult. But there are Buddhist, but see, worship-easily be difficult. However, when worship-easily, but, are projected on two seemingly-effortless class as above, but also very difficult. He now has been welfare-results, not long from now, he'll be home remedies-, position-, color-and longevity-mission. "
Plain-Momentum he heard the Buddha say, heart happy students not siege, the white Buddha that "Sung-happy instead of German, my World-religion! I have been taking advantage of large-utility-like! "
Germany World-Ton mainland shelf article says:
"Father-pilot is bliss,
People from-mind does not blame him;
People do charity out of evil,
The glass-examplec[50] no brain.
If doing so, almond
Not long ago, Nirvana. "
Germany World-religion says you told him shelf article says: "he-da Pure Pure-da! Now he should bring the Gospel message in the worship-easy last time, say around for everyone to hear, make the people who are listening to him, was the an-lost forever-forever! "
After his degree to develop-ca-sa then, from an, Germany World-religion dropped dime-more optical elements.
He A-Nan did not understand, the Summit asked the Buddhist ceremony on human-charm, the Buddha teaches: "there are 2 time-period I launched the big optical-Hao is when I am about to become Director under the root Bodhi and when I'm about to enter Nirvana. Before I became Director at the close of morning night, today I enter Nirvana, too! Near morning night and today I would enter Nirvana under trees Sa-la song – passive, on the banks of the river-contact-meditation, where Power-singer born in Jiujiang city-add-contest-na! "
The Bhikkhu-Khưu same Chu Thien on damaged-irregular sad parting-cry-whining!
Adjacent, the Buddha along them Falling away to the river Ca-Qu-ta. Here You down the river. The bath is finished, He and all sit down on the Bank of the river.
Plain-Momentum he self-responsible for his nickname that pain-killer entry, Buddha. He felt like, He associated his A-Nan said: "we don't have anybody mind-born-anniversary that his nickname because, that Buddha enter-kill. Because, As the German-Bred, who worship feast when coming into-and when the feast about to enter-kill, be welfare-report. "
"He Is Pure-Da! He should not think so! In the hundreds, thousand, mu n shit easy to hear mark Buddha, Buddha is found, easy worship-easily be Buddha and was on two worship sessions-easy as above? He should self excited, was he not notice--how long will he be home remedies-, position-, color-and longevity-destiny. Workers would, result! "
"So he should be universal-for people to know about the Gospel message in the worship-easy last time, let people hear the same security-communication."
Now, Germany World-ton A-Nan said: "Now I want to proceed to about trees Sa-la[51] song-receptors on the River Niger, where Power-singer born in Jiujiang city-add-contest-na!"
He A-Nan of the white Buddha: "Yes, my World-religion! I'm well. "
Meanwhile Germany As-Lai and Bhikkhu-Khưu, surrounding, proceed up the road. Across the river-related, Germany World-religion same-stop outside Sa-la forest, where Power-singer born-in the External-contest-na. He said he A-Nan: "He goes to the forest, sees the dollar Sa where trees song-receptor, a private place, he scans the wash under clean-will and he put the bed the wire in there, but to head back to the North. The present body I tired-so tired!"
He A-Nan and Bhikkhu-Khưu listen to the Buddha's Word, as more mercy, upset-upset! He A-Nan sa, obedient Buddha that goes. To the trees there, he scans the wash, sort, the French were like, and then he returned the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! The scan is finished, both the placement, wash! "
Now, Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu Sa-la, to the forest to tree-song-below. To the place, He put on the hips down to the bed, is ranked as the type of foot the lion lies sleeping. Sir decency-mind, key-anniversary.
Meanwhile, tree-Sa-la song – passive undertook bloom, fall down herself in Germany As-Lai. Germany World-Ton mainland A-Nan asked him: "did you see the tree Sa-la kia bloom left to season-easily I don't?" He A-Nan responded: "Yes, my German World-religion! You have to see. " At that time, Chu Heaven, long-eight ministries in God-not, scattered precious flowers as the United: Man-da-la, Ma-ha man-da-la, Man-enemies-sa, Ma-ha man-enemies-sa[52] up on the Buddha; again sprinkle the incense Calf-deep fried-head herd; the Heavenly realms-music CDs and ca-vocals, concur-the exclamation.
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "He had seen in the eight Heavenly divine-not religious-easy I?"-A – Nan white Buddha: "Yes, my German World-religion! Have you seen ".
Germany World-religion says he A-Nan: "want to worship-easily I, to quote grace, real-must use to perfume-flowers, digital-music of the Sun. Keep the world banned bar-NET, read chanting book, thinking-think meaning intensive of the world France-is a religious-easy I! "
Meanwhile, a Bhikkhu-Khưu name is Pros-ba-ma-na (Upamàna) old days when Germany As-Lai has not brought him A-Nan on do-fake, he often keeps Khưu-Bhikkhu unit the German Shepherd As-Lai, now he Pros-ba-ma-na, see Germany As-Lai is located under trees Sa-la song – passive, his mind very miserable-brain, he stood before the Buddha, visit Buddha-threshold last time. Germany-Ton mainland told him that: "He-ba-ma-na! Today he should not stand filled up in front of me! " He Favor-ba-ma-na sailings to stand back on one side.
He A-Nan found that his heart, born: "Strange-anniversary reality, me most of today to spread the Buddha was, I've never seen the Buddha speaking out lyrics like, stars today in Germany As-Lai not to stand in front; or, As Buddha-Lai now about to enter Nirvana, to stand in front of sad parting-cry-repenting? Then, he thought A-Nan down desk top, straight to your knees, hand-Bach: "Oh, pieced together in Germany World-religion! By far the most common, usually the Buddha standing before Germany World-religion the unheard Germany World-religion children stand out, now stars in Germany World-religion tell you Pros-ba-ma-na stand to avoid front? "
The Buddha teaches: "He A-Nan! Map-client's Natural, long-spirit eight bdevice[53], hear Me lying on the side on the bottom row of the tree Sa-la song – this receptor, they debate each other look see I, from in-crease, not to the ground, the four face full of Munich to thirty two-week; Bhikkhu-Khưu-ba-ma-na stand filled up before me, Angel, long the center of unhappy students, eight think now Germany As-Lai in tree-Sa-la song under-consume, how much longer will not enter Nirvana, we like to be looked in sight in Germany As-Lai for the last time, that the position of the other Khưu-stand back Bhikkhu obscures the Buddha! " Because human-he he do coast stand to one side. "
He A-nan have know, now in eight sets here, or have the wounded cry, no siege was, or have the Austria-brain, late coming out, or someone's sad too, taking the hand pluck the hair on his head, or had someone tear off the map-n where myself and all bar choruses that: "the present Germany As-Lai entered Nirvana why so fast, instead! Germany As-Lai, difficult to meet, as the flowers-how time, talks how the new forecast, which now is not how long, He would enter Nirvana. Alas, the gauge! The eyes of the world gone from now onwards, we get someone who is where rules-medicine, lead director! " Chu Thien Ly-place examplec[54] also are charcoal says: "alas, the world is infinitely-often, no what have passive-born, but not towards goal-kill!" Also lettered the other Bias, they tell each other: "the day before Germany World-religion or where the Bhikkhu-da-ly (Vaisàli) or in the United Kingdom-(Ràjagrha) or in the dormitories in the water-protection (Sràvasti) and Property in other places, when the an-finished residential, the Bhikkhu-Khưu, from the four directions of the World-German-tons ton, multiply, we at the side of the road to see the Bhikkhu-Khưu,-Bai , passive listening experience, a religious-easy-France, many welfare-benefit; now Germany World-religion enter Nirvana OK Bhikkhu-Khưu, when the an-homeless, not about-tons like before anymore, the du-action everywhere, we are not in the side of the road to see the Bhikkhu-Khưu, cult, cult-easy, passive listening experience-France, from now on we are permanent-colostomy take the Gospel. "
Now, Germany As-Lai told him A-Nan: "If a Bhikkhu-Khưu, Bhikkhu-Khưu-Ni, favor-She-Rule, favor-She-Di, after I kill-degrees, the mind, to four of my place as before, will be many-Germany cannot tell be and where will their birth later, usually in the realms of human, Natural, enjoy the fruit-an-newspapers, never the same – take advantage of. Four where he is? -A is where when how the Bo-as-Slaps, Christmas-born in Lin-Bhikkhu (Lumbini) project with Ca-Bhikkhu-la-Guard (Kapilavastu). Two is where I began to sit under the Bodhi tree (Boddhidruma) into an infinite-upper primary-primary-College, in Ma--masterpiece (Magadha). Thirdly, where the move-France-Luan (novel-France) first, in the garden of Loc-retire (Mrgadàva) (where the First-in first), Ba-la-complaint (Vàranasi Benares). Four is where I enter Nirvana, around two trees in a forest, Sa-la (Sàlavana) on the banks of the River Niger (Nairanjana) where force-singer born-, Jiujiang water-contest-na (Kusinagara). There are four places! If a Bhikkhu-Khưu, Bhikkhu-Khưu-Ni, favor-She-Rule, favor-She-Di, and the map-foreign-other leaders, who want to go to the other places-holidays-Bai, gain-Germany, as mentioned above. "
He A-Nan heard the Buddha said, he associated the white Buddha: "Oh, Germany World-religion! From now on, I'm declaring-ads throughout the four Ministry-we know four does and where if anyone goes to the ceremony-Bai, the German-like. "
Meanwhile, he A-Nan again the white Buddha says: "Oh, Germany World-religion! If the people Favor-she-di in good faith-the mind, keeping the whole world-, economic-, the French want to hear ham listing-opinion-Khưu, Bhikkhu position we should treat? The Buddha teaches: "From today he should not similar opinions!" He A-Nan Bach: "If suddenly meeting-food poisoning, should treat?" the Buddha teaches: "Don't talk". He A-nan Bach: "If not speak, but they have request, want to hear how France should experienced?" the Buddha teaches: "So because they, they listen to-theory, but, you should keep the maintenance manual dexterity-,-export, Italy of him!" He A-Nan Bach: "Oh, Germany World-religion! From now I'm well. "
Now, Germany World-religion and Bhikkhu-Khưu up the road.
Sa-la forest, to the same-they stopped, false he A-Nan on this page-to about Sa-la song-trees.
This page-to complete, He along with all on in the Woods. To the other place You put on the hips down to the bed with wires, head north, legs folded up like the lion lies sleeping. Sir decency-mind,-ni, m.
Meanwhile, the eight-foot long on broken-do not lay flowers, sprinkle the incense, the heavenly trio-music, singing concur-the exclamation.
The Buddha told him A-Nan: "want to worship-easy to quote-grace, all must use to perfume-flowers, digital-music of the Sun. Keep the world banned bar-NET, read chanting book, thinking-think meaning intensive of the world France-is a religious-easy I! "
Map-of eight foot long, too. Who's who – unfortunately, crying-lóc and also want to see the foot of the Buddha-the last time. Feel, he said Favor-ba-ma-na Bhikkhu-Khưu are standing in front of Him, standing to one side.
Want them-born life after entitled-passive-safe-fun fruits, the Buddha did teach should go see-ceremony, worship-easy 4 where di-his area is where Christmas-born, where the Director, the switched places-France-London and where to enter Nirvana.
Here he's A-Nan asked about treatment-the Buddha for Pros-she-di-mind, keep the world, desires to hear, so how? The Buddha teaches: "should the theory-France for them to hear, but I should also keep 3 for fudge-léo!"
He A-Nan Yes please do so.

[1] Experience the great Bat-nirvana is Scriptures Book number 7 in Great-Organ.
College Bowl-Nirvana (Mahàparinirvàna): Board room was "Rep. import-kill"; "Great-kill-degrees"; "Great-staff-President type" ... "Great" is German for "praise President-removal", is a large, deep; "Removal" is troubling the mind-body place-brain removal; "News" is peace, "" pass, "Staff-tank-President" is the German members-President, – – trouble removal-the brain and "import" mean towards where the President-kill. In a nutshell, is the Germany-full mind, mind-brain end to clean, enter where the yen-light-high-depth throughout the net, large.
This experience consists of three volumes: the upper, middle, lower. Notice the text in Italian-, when the room we do not follow the Division into volumes. Song, to the end of each old book we have recorded where Uncle-like to save the old mark. And, to make things get-up-and the memories, we burn more theme-entry and having weak sections of-. (lyrics translated-fake)
[2] Family-wife: by Sitting, two feet to cross over the two sides.
[3] Four miracles-sufficiency: also called the 4 as-Italy-sufficiency: Exercise, meditate, fine-and intellectual property.
[4] MA-United Kingdom: God in the heavenly species-ma, the Angel of the Lord in the Tha-turned-self-in-heaven, is the Sun-in the sixth. MA-United Kingdom there are often charming-export manager-in the direction of human-time, doing Karma-Buddhist concern, also known as the three-week. But, College-admit is that for Portuguese, used modern media to slap, now Ma-education-us-culture to the United Kingdom.
[5] -Report: (Tu-elderly-da: Sugata): A mark in 10 of the Buddha and means go well. Italy says: Use necessarily as the car, go on the main Baghdad, rảo to Nirvana, so called "Friendly-Report".
[6] owner: i.e. ownership-smuggled-career. Italy said: They were born-birth-death, both by the nature of reincarnation-vi created the order of charity-the real impact-and cleaning-lead. Germany World-religion also have relatives in the death-but, because of the degree to which students have and he reached up to infinity-contraband. Present false plates-by four-match-up you want this returns a-possession of it.
[7] this is the choice of the weak-estimated in-text, Buddhist-Prince help you easy to understand, easy to remember, when finish each piece. Because the best is, what-weak, if Buddha-Prince would like to praise, the main proceedings-van, which spent this section again. (Lyrics translated-fake).
[8] -set-location: i.e. the Buddha-mind, meaning-wisdom to know throughout all of France.
[9] Move-France-rotating (spinning wheel): the Dhamma of the Buddha called "French" (wheel); teacher-French speaking tv he called "switch" (spin). Means of Buddha-Dharma teacher, revolving around them-born-about, break the mind-brain. And, "turn" also means turning his mind to the free French, moved to Centre-others.
[10] Suicide-seat (Ksatriya): 1st stage-level chaplain. His second-grade 4-grade period of India.
[11] She-la-Mon in (Bràhmana): 1st stage-tu-singer of India-religion, translated as "Net-happy"; "Net-releases", "Static-releases". During the first level, in 4-stage-the level of India.
[12] the head-fake: the Offense called "Conference-force-lower-Bowl-to" (in Drha-pati). The call usually only for people with lots of enough in Germany. The France-United Legends-Riveted 10 booklet says: "Head-fake is the center of the vase, straight, honest, do health, age and more, of the job".
[13] -singer: Breaking called Ca-la-free (Kulapati): as of at home not out of working life; is the hidden-Yi in his home place is not out to do; or is the person in-country has the will-toward Buddhism. The France-United Legends-Riveted vol. 10 says: "self-contained protein, omen leaders Germany at least want to, called Resident-Artist".
[14] Sa-Mon in (Srmana): Ancient room is "News-Static-Chi, Director of Cork, etc." The present translation is "-lao, Need-i.e.," shall mean the taste of tu-tu-,-diligence prevents end, where brain-mind made quiet, clean spirit-Yen-Chi, has your needs-hard-hard-Tien tu Isle of martyred-escape (Buddhism).
[15] this is talking about the y-8 's meditation-plans-kicked out won-tri (understanding), WINS (see know high) to join the Center-discharge. College-Italy: 1/Directed his place yet steady-growth, time need consistent attention-right where the mind has, yet need consistent-idea to the picture-colors outside the mind, or at least only. Male-example: you're consistent-idea myself as any net-not yet thoroughly, durable, not should (or less) to go see other people dead, has uncovered when born fear-fear, depression-switch. 2/the Salon Director advancement, his place and a place where many people still do not hurt. 3/Scouts reached gradually to win-magic, though consistent picture colors outside, but in the mind not the United Kingdom bit-image. 4/further Advance further, consistent shape dú-SAC n i still don't mind much, Wang bit the picture-colors. Four bars above are both confused and net-Net. Also four pubs, Thursday, 6, 7, 8 is directed has reached to win-the magic really, no longer have the accept-ahead in France-General again, that move-turn self-in.
[16] this is the French Consulate help the meditation 8-to-exit award. College-Italy: 1/In his mind there is greed-ideal colors, want it to be – exit, should take a look at the rotten, phềnh-tha Ripper of the dead etc. 2/Want more consistently-a problem in the escape, although in-not start participating, the idea still go see uncovered die there etc. 3/the café-bar-General, except for generals impure. The three bars on, firstly y-Profile on meditation-plans-kicked and charm of Education-on; second number-y on the second-meditation-to play-and start on your identity Profile-meditation; third number-y stage-meditation-run and on-world's best, but for the real identity is-net. Also the fourth escape-a-pub, 5, 6, 7 y on 4 of Infinite realms-SAC-run and in the Prime spot on the gauge, Dinh Quan, not-often, infinity-fall, born of mind aversion that quit, so called-out. Consistent bounce-a-8, kill, idea, y into the quarter finals-meditation--all dropped coast in Africa-Africa-thought should be called-out.
[15] thirty-seven Scouts: a/4 anniversary of any body-NET: snack bar, the Café is a gauge, a mind infinitely-often invisible-France and ego. b/4 main need: evil was born to make quickly. Not born evil make not born. Friendly yet born make quickly. Friendly was born makes steady-growth. c/4 spirit-sufficiency: Exercise, meditate, and wisdom. d/year units: Credit, essential-progress, wisdom and celebrations. e/year: also the 5, but here on face-value that says. f/6 Visual-genus: French-essential Trach, Hy, contempt-an,, and-discharge. g/8 Holy leader: political-opinion, major-major-language, single, main-main, main-glass-,-progressive-, and-.
[18] Ly-far (Licchavis governed): the name of the line King, officials of the Bhikkhu-da-ly.
[19] the French property-vi: The-characters-creation-coast.
[20] the feeling-Italy: Italy-anniversary-food poisoning. News-7 genera.
[21] the five-second Year: ham-like: beautiful, color-of-honor-hope, eating-drinking, bed-rest. Or is the good, sound, aroma, taste, exposure: 5 Tran-scene.
[22] the nine sets of France (Cuu news Nikaya): nine: in the 12-unit split are: 1/Tu-la (Sutra: contract law-suôi: van). 2/-(Geya: coincide-praise: songs of van suôi back shelves). Old man-da (Gàthà: satire-litigation: article 4 shelf stand, not with Van suôi). 3/-da-na (Nidàna: human-charm). Y-the Roman Empire-item-(Itivrtaka: A-the life of things: say). 6/Soap-multi-elderly (Jàtaka: A-born: Buddha himself said his charm-life). 7/A-edema-Kosa (Adbhuta-dharma:-formation-owner: do these rare events). 8/ A-ba-da-na (Avadàna: parable). 9/-Mrs.-title-dormitory (Upadesa: conclusion-meaning). 10/-da-na (Udana: talk: the Buddha said, do not expect anyone to ask). 11/Bhikkhu-Buddha-a brief history (local-ad: Text: Vaipulya talking about foot-physics major, Quang Phuong-Dai-Dai-redundant-i.e.; religion). 12/old-Republic-la (Vyàkarana: passive-sign). There is, however, Minor-removed superfluous:-promo, passive-signed and self-theory go longer 9 part, called the nine-foot (or the nine-Nikaya). And College-admit there is room quit: human-charm, parable and argument-definition, also 9-Division.
[23] Nine hole usually flows: in the body of nine vulnerabilities often runs to remember things-nhớp is: 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, mouth and where great, sub-.
[24] -lost: the Offense is called Just-do-la (Keyùra): chain-chain made of jewels to wear on the neck, on his own.
[25] the ceiling-texture: only for the mind-brain, but generally only on the 88-of-or.
[26] France-net-label: i.e. see foot-LY by clear.
[27] the Contraband-career off, Italy-stubs: tam Ranks-admit taking Holy-place end to end mind-brain by Italy based create, Italy was open and shed-escape.
[28] A-la-Han: (Arahat): Result located Wednesday in four ranks of bar-writer, A-la-Han, the room is "-" (also known as the Invisible place-Born). Fruit-quote in a lifetime of killing off, was to Nirvana forever, not re-born in 3 realms.
[29] See main part-writing.
[30] In warm Shades, ideal, receptors,:,.
[31] the French property-smuggled "Contraband" (probe-leak) names only for the mind-brain. The function of the Museum-the-mind-brain called possession-counts. All the can in the world are all compounded-contraband.
[32] Falling-elderly-lam (Samghàràma): Board room as "we-" the garden or the forest them-increased in the present Temple is generally ....
[33] A-lan-elegant (Àrinya): the generic name for the self-Institute, was the residence of the Bhikkhu-Khưu. But, right off A-lan-far-away place is elegant, quiet-static, so the ship is "Shiv-President".
[34] this is the end of the upper atmosphere.
[35] Tam qui-y: Rules-y Tam-Said: Buddha, France, Increase.
[36] the five precepts: five Commandments: Not suicide-born, not identity theft-identity theft, not deviant-porn, don't lie and don't drink alcohol.
[37] -Magnet-lower, mostly posing bưng pouring off, remove,-san-share food and drink.
[38] the three permitted: 1/Student-destiny. 2/Angel label. 3/Pirated – take advantage of.
[39] 6 miracles-information: God-means the allow work-order-in infinity-shy. 6. is: 1/Spirit-student-(Rddhividhi-jnàna). 2/-label-(Divya-caksus). 3/Celestial-Turkish (Divya-sirotra). 4/Tha-mind-(Paracit-jnàna). 5/Student-destiny-(Pur-vanivàsànusmrti-jnàna). 6/Contraband-take-(As-ravaksaya-jnàna).
[40] A-na-in (Angàmi): the results of three of the four results of the bar-A-na-vessel function is Real-or hybrid-done. That is the position of the tu-action has destroyed most of the Education industry non-or come back again. And, after just having to up the Colors, Infinite realms-Colors only.
[41] -da-ham (Sakrdàgàmi): results of second 4 result of bar-.-da-vessel function is "-". That is the position of the tu-, nine-piece place-or, was 6 to 3, previous products, have to absorb – born in-world again, so called "-".
[42] the Tu-da-(Srotapanna-phala): Result 1 of 4 results of tier-Van. Ship is "Enter-save, save, save-the-Paradoxes". Shall mean the taste of tu-action went upstream born-, Vela-phu that was in the Holy stream-.
[43] Four-result: Tu-da-,-da-ham, A-na-, A-la-Han. The four-direction: Tu-da-da, Tu-oriented complete-function-driven, A-na-function-driven, A-la-Han-direction. The mean direction towards, go to.
[44] the Increase-the elder (Samghàti): the name of a jacket in 3 coats of Bhikkhu-Khưu. This jacket ship is "identical" or "merge". Because of this coat torn fabric into pieces of chips finished may đụp up. Austria has a lot of stuff or 9 Article 11, article 13, article, each of the two piece long thing, 1 short piece; 15, 17, 19 articles, each article 3 prolonged piece, 1 short piece; 21, 23, 25 articles, each article 4 long piece, 1 short piece.
[45] Kill-take-plan (Nirodhasamàpatti): also known as Kill-passive-idea-is one of the two Infinite-mind-intent. Is meditation-kill off the mind, mind-facility, 6, make no-start again.
[46] -hybrid Bhikkhu-Khưu: this says, when the Buddha in the world, people friendly, export-mind by prayer-the power of the equivalent-the same reliable power-God of the Buddha, the Buddhist country's man-oriented, calling: "Friendly-lai Bhikkhu-Khưu" (Bhikkhu-Khưu do-pray to), instant into Sa-keeper; looks like hair dye shirt, chess, full self ..., Member-student-sex.
[47] Ca-sa (Kasàya): means non-destructive dye shirt, to the primary-colors. Is the shirt of the Bhikkhu-Khưu. This coat has 3 levels: 5, 7 and 9.
[48] -singer born-add: place of birth of the Chief Force-artist-, the crowned pigeon-contest-na.
[49] the United States Pros-talks: pros-talkie call is enough-talks-ba-la (Udumbara), translated as "Ghost-Swedish" (spiritual-divine omen); "Swedish" (Effects on good omen). According to France-pattern-owl said this time 3,000 years, when she has time out flowers kim-London-United Kingdom.
[50] Ly-education: Far-left education-hope.
[51] Sa-la (Sàla): Board room as "Be-come" (solid-durable). According to the intelligence-Wan-says the Buddha enter-kill in the middle of 4 tree Sa-la, but each plant a tree root 2 tree, so called Sa-la-passive.
[52] the above is the United realms of Heaven: flower Man-da-la (Mandarava) Board room is the United States of "Minor-Bach-Union"; the United Ma-ha man-da-la (Maha Mandarava) Board room is the "great-white-Union"; Romantic flower-enemies-sa (Manjùsaka) Board room is the United States of "Minor-chains-Union"; Ma-ha of flowers romantic-enemies-sa (Maha Manjùsaka) Board room is the "great-chains-Union".
[53] the eight sets: 1/the celestial (Deva): located on the realms of heaven. 2/Long (Nàga): Dragon Species. 3/Yes-soa (Yaksa): Or called Pharmacy-soa is the devil-God bay on the broken-No. 4, Qian-thát-BA (Gadharva): Board room as "Incense-warm", where the Emperor-God music-love-Angel. 5/A-tu-la (Asura): there is room called A-tu-Chou, the room is "Non-natural", also found in the devil-God. 6/Ca-long-la (Garuda): Kim Bird-sí. 7/emergency-na-la (Kimnara): Ca-spirit: music-God Emperor-like place-heaven. 8/ Ma-almost-la-elderly (Mahoga): the great-God-Mang.

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