Monday 11 July 2016


1. Parents Hieu Duong

Buddha hospitality we take root. Hieu their parents are huge fundamental teachings of Buddhism, as well as basic conditions of human importance. We think even the species of birds to try to know the grace also fed livestock. If we do not support their parents taste, neither is not equal to or what species of animals?

Parents are the biggest field blessing this life of ours. Hospitality merit and merit their parents Buddha offerings alike, not their parents hospitality is seen as the biggest mistake in life. Disloyalty people a bit as well not have said anything to study Buddhism.

In addition, we also recommend that parents Credits, May, for Buddha, who was born on the West forever escape the sufferings of birth and death, is the ultimate perfection to piety.

2. Fulfilling Duty
Do people in the world, everyone has a duty and responsibility of his. Buddhist students on their job position must strive diligently exemplary family, society and country. Filial piety to their parents, educate our children, loving family, social benefit, the right to return the country's new students of Buddhism. Himself shirk responsibility, not duties, studying Buddhism bragging that his lies to trick people are not viable.
3. Deep Causation News
The core of the entire Dharma, is the word "cause and effect". We grow good people get good results, certain evil plantation workers bear evil fruit, causal retributive not wrong, is not without retribution but just because time has not yet come. Buddhist students to deeply believe cause and effect, taking the world as his teacher, daily self-criticism, always modified. In addition, the plant reciting Buddha's deep message benevolent Buddha, certainly become a Buddha good results. This is a very profound causal.
4. No killing, Vegetarian
Buddhist students do not do the evil, efforts to get rid of all criminal conduct. Of all crimes, the most serious crimes of killing, eating meat. Because, our network is very precious beings, not because his body that killed networks, eat it, it is extremely hatred, the hatred deep, it'll kill the next life we ​​avenge debt collection, blood blood debt repayment, results are as catastrophic evil. Therefore, we do not do the evil, not killing, is the urgent vegetarians.
5. Student Aid Network Reporter
Buddhist students to do the good things, any good deeds, just have a chance, tried to do. In all good deeds, birth reporter is headed. Because, reporter birth is an urgent life-saving acts, great merit, not the small improvement can be compared. Networks beings are precious and we drop it, save it, then it is extremely grateful for, the good fortunate to it, the next life we ​​are good retribution, inconceivable merit. So, in the good students get reporters to be first saved.
6. Chi Tam Thanh Kinh
Chi heart of glass is the foundation of any career achievements in the galaxy. An Quang great masters have taught us wholeheartedly ramps, grab a glass two words make an important point. We have a part of the glass, there is a merit component, has ten sections, there are ten sections respectfully merit. This is the great secret of successful study Buddhism, people absolutely must hold in my heart.
7. Play Mind
Merit more or less of students of Buddhism under proportional to the amount of his heart, the mind, the vast amount of merit much. Therefore, students must have a mind of Buddha Great, do anything absolutely should not because of self-seeking, certain to come from sincere, sincere for the sake of all sentient beings. We're on a Buddha, a Buddha Development Center; then, with the capacity of around beings. We lower the sentient beings by playing mind whenever the conditions are met to bring certain things essence of Buddhism spread to the general public. Additionally, the media attention to recite the Buddha was born in the Western world of Bliss; That is true Bodhi Development Center.
8. Lord Buddha Penance
We beginningless lives far from creating more poor, if any form nor the content throughout nowhere to store; because we are mortal evil deep karma. Therefore, students of Buddhism to rise to shame and repent sincerely, diligently Lord Buddha. Because Lord Buddha is a sin to kill even worshiped as the sand of the Ganges, Lord Buddha's penitential devotion express our reverence. The best method is ashamed introspection his fault.
9. Faith, Prayer and Nembutsu
Land method is the refuge in Buddha relief force. Tin is the Western world believes Bliss Buddha Amitabha. Prayer is the desire to lick his students about other Bliss world, fed her I leave this world. Hanh is to press the idea, keep a scripture effect Namo Amitabha Buddha (or Amitabha Buddha). Just full salary Persian Tin Nguyen, Hanh will angle to great vows of Amitabha force for help, out of samsara, the exception samsara forever. This practice is extremely profound and the most convenient of all the disciplines that the Buddha taught.

Speaking under management, a question Amitabha Buddha's power is through saving, certainly guarantee rebirth in the West. But why today many Buddhist concept that less is reborn? These are very important issues and serious, but today people are not nianfo important rebirth is due to " lack of Faith, Prayer feared dead, basically do not want to be reborn ." Today, the Buddhist concept just needs to live long, healthy demand peace, demand riches, work smoothly, that all interests in the world; but not born in the West Bridge.

A word may be tested Dead people are full nianfo Credits, May or not? Ask our heart, we fear death? If such die immediately, the Amitabha instant for us born in the West, we have not satisfied? A person who is reciting Buddha really bored depart Samsara, like Pure Land, the demand for certain for the dead is like returning. At any time, they also look forward to follow Amitabha of the Pure Western world is absolutely not afraid of death, always want instant rebirth. While the Buddhist concept of external artificially different, Faith, Prayer was not really its life, do not want to die, do not want to be reborn, who live longer, there are many reasons binding. We should know who feared dead center, did not want to die, do not want to rebirth is contrary to the mind of Buddha Amitabha, insufficient salary Persian Tin Nguyen, Hanh, how they accomplished was born in West ?

Today, a thousand people, the Buddhist concept has nine hundred and ninety nine Buddhist concept author. If he really is a Buddhist concept Dead letters often in mind, always test yourself, just to remember the Buddha is not afraid to die, like death, any death is always welcome, always expecting to soon be reborn Bliss; Here was the true Buddhist concept " leaves me bored her, like bridges Bliss ". Thus, a thousand Buddha, thousands of rebirth; Buddhist concept of thousands of thousands of rebirth, not someone that does not bear on the West.
10. Efforts Practice
Buddhism is the most important practice. There are also the old lady did not know a word, absolutely no sense of teaching, only vegeterian, Lord Buddha, even the concept of a sentence Namo Amitabha Buddha that was reborn. She studied Buddhism rebirth achievement, better than wise men unobstructed eloquence, mastery three organs, it is important to practice with effort or not. People with talent, knowledge without practice, just like soldiers point on paper, say the name of the dish, count the treasure, are useless.

In short, we learn the most specialized needs only Buddha, fear most is interspersed magazine; Simply grasp the key points and practical efforts should certainly achieve the true benefits of the Dharma.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONATERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/7/2016.MHDT.

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