The homage destined rules please all schools of Buddhism.
I'm talking about "Bodhi-mind".
I'm even into the top 24-Bodhi-mind.
The meaning of Bodhi-mind as well as a courageous, holding the Warriors-gas-elite, bring victory in the war. Chu Buddha, World-religion along Chu Bo-Australian-slapped, because human-developed coast Center-Bodhi-that the result. The far also play mind Bodhi.
Indeed, when the Buddha mind until sit on leader-colon Bodhi, the main results, where all mind-Bodhi Kien-try. Mind Bodhi, is also the subject-of-maintenance[2] of the Bo-slapped. Visualizations like will invent it.
Now I say thumbs-the exclamation, the Bodhi mind is because all of us-born. I look forward to them-born from pain within London-revive-Prince. I look forward to all of them-born, if one has not been level will be level, yet the prize-escape-exit award will be, not an-fine will be an-okay, not yet certified nirvana will prove to be Nirvana. To the fullness of prayer victory-innovations-like, to an overall-staff[3] foot-self's major-generals, to be-enter feet-first's-for-literally, because the want to be-enter manually-General infinity-born of Bodhi-mind there, so now I write this comment.
"Bodhi-mind depart all computer".
Question: "why say is Bodhi-mind depart all computer?"
A: "does mean saying, for the five aggregates, twelve, eighteen, they belong to the French average – College of egolessness, depart, and discharge, our mind auto a-not born, and self-of a future which does not. Like, why in this talk about ego, aggregates, of gender, there's a clear manifestation that the stool is now Center-bar-infinity? So, if anyone buds usually touches the heart Bodhi, IE's security-based on non-General of France. Generally sensory-touches the heart Bodhi kia: used bi-focal, get-bi can do. So, in the world, French, etc., there is no fall-General would be able to find.
The foreign-run out-general Africa-general-application, accept the general segment-, given that the aggregates are available, French is impermanent. But, actually, they don't belong in General falls, which can be found. In feet-real, the taking office of the France-can not accept is "usually" is also "impermanence". In the aggregates where we, the name is also not real, of situations is also the create-or-. If saying that there is a legal or legal, that is just the words according to the mind of the person's life, as the switch according to the action of the person's life, that they don't have to respond-with-General usually hang as real, meaning he should not. Thus, France. Whether they are inside or outside can also not-being.
So, what's so that they often have the mind accept-ahead? Because they do not depart the depending of general action. If the Lady on lady in General, then it belongs to two categories don't need stools-. That news is not often and not also is able to accept. The mind-computer could not accept the "often". The computer "impermanence" back to the "often". If the other computer is often we from situ would create work out and from where they would arise, which accept the retrieved General "intersection" of France? If depart was fake-General of the world and then, for the aggregates have no karma-shy. Sensory-willow and, for twelve, eighteen also has no karma-shy. "The Player" and "Discharge", the instant, can't find anywhere.
In this essay talks about the word "Aggregates", that is to say: identity, consumption, ideas, and knowledge. This is our five aggregates-targets tu-learn of quadratic-sharp text. foam. Floating foam-like appetites. Ideas such as Thai-Ocean light. As banana bark. Such as people going to do-art. The meaning of the five aggregates, Chu Buddha World-religion, along the Bo-Chu Slaps are also talking about the parable.
The present strategy of on-the-BEST's AGGREGATES. The four-great-vaccine (Earth, water, fire, wind) and what do they create legislation, that is Colors-aggregates. The France is not Sharp-aggregates, as belonging to the three aggregates: Passive, Thought and action. -Idea of consciousness-aggregates will novel later.
It's about the ORIGIN, that is to say: the label, the Atrium, refugee, were killed, the body, the Italy-made in and good, stick, flavor, taste, tactile, France-made outside. Such is the talk about twelve parishes outside.
Talk about the WORLD, that is to say on gender-division of the label, the Atrium, refugee, were killed, the body, the Italy-based; gender-division of the label, the Atrium, refugee, were killed, stem, Italy-and scene-world of colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France-Tran. Such is eighteen.
As a result, Gender and Origin, we, depart the capital and discharge. We don't have a Department, no world-, desk-. Compost-to see, that he is not. Because, depending on the run-out special instant it has to accept the-first. -Like, how they contrast-apps together? -If there is a photo-General would be seen beyond her means, that is it was the transformation of position-intellectual property break-sabotage. -Offers says: Italy-balm for Sac-aggregates is the meaning? -Such is the sense of "Africa, Africa-allergy" (not a, is the other). There are foreign-as-rị-an-out-the-elegant ca ... [4]according to the seen, they know, starting a three-evening (Yes, no, no, no, no ...). Meaning he's not right. As people in dreams, dreams are working-but-General spot, created fake, not real's action. As someone dreamt they're nice dark place-upper, but really, he is not the place for General revenge action-to win. What is the meaning? That is, the light of CONSCIOUSNESS destroyed the photo-General of Nigerian, discharge. Of such Knowledge, do any other external means. So, the French do not have foreign-literally. Possible schedule-of all colors-General, due to the optical light-self-conscious place makes colors-General soi. For as one finds the going-Thai-light of the Ocean turned into the excellent-thát-BA[5], accept-ahead is real. The poor position of mind-accept, observe the scene-that is real, as well as the world. Do-accept him, according to which consciousness transformation.
As on the other end spoke about the significance of the aggregates, Of,. They depart to all the world-wrong Department-. They are only due to the mistaken-set where parts-of-mind awareness. The meaning of her triumphs, in-The-Only-Official has said.
Previously have said about the five aggregates, but self-CONSCIOUS General, how? -Formula also meant as literal mind. As Buddha, World-religion often says: "all of France is only due to the turning of the mind". She's very deep meanings, those stupid-si can not understand and do not see the reason the feet-make of it. So, let the empty mind, not General-he wasn't born a-. Run out of mind-that is, a railway-and opinion-making of they don't mean anything. Because its real meaning is see the things (France) is falling. Right of survivorship, meaning French-Australian (things) is also the egolessness, because his duty, self-mind not born. But, if there is, that is depending on the place of birth of its song-run, it's still all vase-. Auto-Center increase, may-enter sense-real, because of the place export born Du-old-Mon[6]. But, in this issue – we need to know, y-French only French, there is not real-able. That's just called the net-of-mind.
If it is too French-past, too-not true. If the location is France-lai-lai, who is yet to come. If the current-at-at present, no head. So, the French in three lifetime should call what is "head"? -Like numbers, such as forest, due to the incorporation of many French. The General multitude-fall. Is knowledge possible of the medical facility. See the France, they also like red cloud, melts kill quickly. There are the French, due to the place of thinking turn-out. A-back-his-formula[7] as well as the world. The move, are of the species-sex, because "France as a Turkish" (things like that). Such large sea, all the water flow about it. Y-A-'s only back-join-like form.
If the Consulate-the other Forms like, mind not born stool-. If each of the other types have the know how, the name of each category he have anything to say. If each of the other types are known to be refractory-computer, each of them are not able to speak out. Because speaking out say she does say decision-born. Verbal decision-should the French decision-born. For all the work, the-by turnaround triumphs. Power-tri (master-on the know), Department-tri (were-on the know) is wrong-part two. Department of energy-without-tri-tri do-set. The two parts are real ridiculous, how France is certified. So, talking about the word "mind", is talking up the name. The name's not-and cannot be proven. That's just the route being schedule-self-computer name there and it also can not be authenticated.
By definition, the position should be consistent-need-fake self-computer mind Bodhi as going. Whether inside or outside, or the middle-period of the two parts, we try to find the bridge could not be authenticated. Without France would be able to hold it. Without France would be able to discharge. Not based on image-to be able to see. Do not place-SAC that can schedule-route. We're not male and female General. They're not General hoàng-Mon[8]. They didn't head in all colors-General. There may be seen. Also not seen by scene-world of label-based. Only whole schools of Buddhism use the Buddha-one-vase-new College could see.
In France the average-Dan, if the mind is self-computer or is disabled-self-computer, how do you see? -Talking about "computer", is also the name of the stool-. Apart from the rationing-new special heart, in this, how do you say "no"? -So we should know there is no "-" nor have "-". If the Café usually mind Bodhi, the Mainland saw As-Lai. If there is energy-and has the facility-sensory, mind of Bodhi-establishment of pharmacy. It loads. It's sterility. Not taking the path of language-language that can praise it gets.
Bodhi mind as well as non-fiction. And nowhere-no, no two generals. This said, the mind and no, is talking about position foot-no comments-. Spirit-of Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha with, with no different. The-the Buddhas in the client's industry-past, present, future, all-stock photography-Museum and an-based in-world. But he called the photography industry-the-Museum, but all the French often clean-quiet.
Consistent-the France impermanence are as huyễân-. They don't have to be stock photography-Museum. We serve all three things – owner:-,-and-property-owners. They head in France does not. The France of infertility, it said "no". The France egolessness also said "no". If giving infertility, egolessness that Cafe is "no", then no. If brought infection and that segment net-, they two minor comments-General: paragraphs and often. If you use one of the other, not General-General other not not have a compost-able. So the mind Bodhi depart the facility-based s/he in general non-fiction. If the Inn is the place were not frivolous-an-head, he must have had, not computer. There are two false-name, "not" as well as the lion in the world, dragons, the up, it makes the beasts were terrified. As said one word "no", all-language are clean, quiet. So, this unusual place where silence, something the other doesn't.
-France is France impermanence. It from impermanence was born. Calculate the impermanence is the mind. This means Nospeak about, nor left. Calculate the impermanence is the center of Bosnia, Bodhi mind is the favorite vase-. However, it also said the preferred ones are not. No one disputes Center, how food poisoning symptoms. A self-hybrid-feet-real, all are into-triumphs mean Bodhi-mind. Matter-self-computer. Computer loads-self-computer, is the meaning of this theory.
This theory, for the mind? If the French who then falls and depart not head. This isn't a legal will is legal. Character-count of each of France, itself insulated with self-identity. As gall's sweet-as. Hot like fire, is self-computer. The other French, no-count, too. Of the other French, they're not often, not the paragraph, not be, not left. Since then, the meaning of ignorance is the first, Laozi was the last, the French-born Jesica was-founded. Such dreams may it not, going. Because by definition, say twelve genera-France, also called the twelve chi-LUN. We complete week-transfer in rotating-door b.-Prince, that no, no--with us-born and not wrong-with three things: career, and results – report.
In Italy-meaning, if the French coast-being born, instant out of the scene-born-Prince. The other event is-onions-General, did the ice-the main human, that it ruined by the UAN was born. Isn't-General of border-health after being London-feedback. All are not held to be "no", because due to the "not" was born. French peace-human creation, bear fruit, is the word of the Buddha said. Contains the types that match the French born, as drummers, such as planting barley born. The other type, that match the French also like. As such, were going to the expression-of-birth charm. The entity was born, which is also infertile. Other private business itself is not, how was born. Therefore, the French about infertility, infertility is caused by news that called "don't".
As talk about the five aggregates, calculation of average-the five aggregates. All the French should also contemplation. If the saying is "no", is said in the meaning as true. Because the seat was said no, it's not. Could not fault in him, also could not find. Can say is No, that is not possible. Understand that it is not real, the create action is impermanent. The mind-brain, contains contributions do. Her career was also born from the mind. The mind does not, how can the industry be created. The mind is the computer Club President-orgasm-static. The mind Chair-other static can not hold. The fake candle pubs-ranks-the-animals a way as possible. See probably as real, as are the prize-escape.
The mind is the Bodhi foot-the ultimate reality. Sense-he really is "no". Also known as "foot-like". Also known as "-". Such is the first sense of infinity. If not being was about "not" like, is not already belong to the-escape, for which in the London scene-Hui, who is the great-stupid-si. People living in London-scene London, being-moved in six animals: natural, human, a-tu-la, hell, the fall-demons and animals-born.
If fake-degree usually consistent-idea mind Bodhi kia a way as real, along with future-to mean "no", when the Café-idea and will be reopening Italy-anniversary benefit tha and be infinity, infinite concern, wisdom-mind before. Such is grateful and thank Buddha quote. Often bring bi-mind consistent-ideas to all strains-General we-born, the parents bereaved-belongs, because brain-scorching troubling data fire, prompting the US-born being London-revive-Prince. Us-born subject to suffering, I will suffer instead. As in the school-the fun draw-case, we should remember-and I think for all of us-born.
Pubs-ideal career-result of Ireland and Africa-AI,-animal and animal-cruelty, beneficial-and profitable-no interest, which native-bred of them-real proof not be born. Depending on the location of the sai--Tue, run out of everything-General: Pham-United Kingdom, God-Like, Households-Angel-United Kingdom etc. Is the Sun or is the person, not all the leaves off-world chess.
The Café-idea of the hell, falls-devil, cattle-born. All of them-born in the realms, there are countless immeasurable strain-type identity-General. The suffering, not much useful, often-be moved according to the vaccine-type. Hungry thirsty encyclopedia-shots, killing each other. By multiplying like, should result-there-gauge. Chu Bo, Buddha-Slaps self-pub-idea of general industry-report of them all-born in the friendly-fun evil patch-like animal. OK, you thought cafes sailings starting off center media, smarts help them-born, makes them depart the industry-born-texture. By that, the Portuguese Center-bi do get slapped the base-a, get them-the other students do scene--charm. The Bo-no-before the Slaps Italy-taste glee in the types of meditation-, not the bridge itself-in the the result-report. Pass result-bar-Writer, he does not abandon them-born tu, happy to play Center, benefit-Bodhi, sprouts unicolor-Bodhi and the result of the Buddhist Bodhi. Bring Center-bi Quan-idea of the suffering-born. You find hell A-Bhikkhu[9] boundless vast, us-born depending on industry, must be transferred into gauge-London-. Every crime reported he suffered everything in painful. Center of Bo-bi-Slapped, you think, He wants to bear the agony instead of us-born. Everything is suffering, he has everything-General, spoke out as not real, but is not real.
If "no", perhaps being associated know France, pros-released under the industry-fruits-born. The Bo-Slapped because want to save them-born, he kicked out Centre of the dung-Meng, roll on muddy place of birth-death. The Lord but in the birth-death, but not before infection. Such as the Lotus bar-NET is not infected. You get great-bi can do, should not abandon them-born, non-one-idea, should not be absent from the mind-brain.
Bo-Slapped uses media, the-Merry Christmas-the birth place of the United Kingdom-provides, beyond the production-join, tu DAO Hanh-gauge, sit where colon-Bodhi, the Institute-key-Visual. He is currently the spirit-information-force the ma army, because of them-born, London-France-University transfer. He shows off the three-stage, leaders from across the solar supply-flat down. Writes out the image-General transformers. He followed situation, enter college-Nirvana. And, during the middle-period, He shows off the color-Offense, or doing General-United Kingdom, or God-Like, etc. Is the Sun or is someone ... depending on the generals that move. Do You market-out the generals should the life called "Salvation Dao-Master". What's on-events are prayer-force is great-bi of Chu Bo, Buddha-Slaps, thing-world recovery, making the world safe – based on the win-soy-almond.
So, in the London-born Center depression not the Muslim-convert, tired. From in-excess comes out of France Second-redundant. -Admit, the second-in-sense superfluous. Is the Bodhi Bar ranks-Writer or Bodhi the Buddha's, just a General of mind-body (legs-of-wisdom), a can of the key-set. But having said, but says that doesn't have to say. Or have all spoken out-general, but that's only because the lead-us-born Director. If us-born benefit, Bodhi the Buddha's remains--the average position-equal, no two generals may head. If there are head-General news is strain-Prince. Other e-General again according to type of birth. What is increase the seed-head of born-Prince. As Buddha, World-religion often says: "just because we-born created the media, destroying any generals of the world, but not destroyed." Such is the make-sense depart the-. He means very deep. Very deep meaning he does not have the two generals. But the saying is there break-cancel, but this isn't break-Cancel.
In France, "no", no two generals. The French hold a self-feet-make of them. -Three-la-suite is the mind. Bodhi mind except all "opinion". Therefore, the body language, the mind, the French are impermanent. But just because they bring benefit-students-useful for us-born.
This in saying "no", but "no" is not disrupted. In this to say "Yes", but "Yes" is also often constant. So, no-suicide, also no Nirvana, which are based on an "infinite-based Nirvana". Headless Buddha, World-religion feature says: "Bi-focal, born boots l ợng bliss together." Her speech is talking about "not" foot-the ultimate reality. Due-God of the Buddha's birth, which exports two lettered happy self-benefit and benefit-tha-achievements.
The top Most holiday-hereby Set-Computer. The usually revered Mind Bo-Threads. Looking forward to possible claims for child's canopy-Buddha-race not be the paragraph-kill. Chu Buddha, World-religion often head in the world. Mind the Bodhi mind is up in the Ðại-redundant. Key-based security-child's notion in mind.
Mind Bodhi, based on where the mind Institute-Led[10], and from where the media was born. If being is the mind, see born-death vase-College, two self-benefit and interest: almond-tha-achievements. Bodhi mind, absent from the comments-General,--,--feet conversion.
The location-fake, Bodhi mind, society-convergence is immeasurable-boundless blessings. If anyone, in the range of suicide-na, a thought mind Bodhi, her Festival-Press--developed, also could not count measurement. Because the Center, Bodhi, doesn't belong in the categories of computer measurement. -Precious materials of the Bodhi mind is net-not infected. It's up to Max level, Max WINS, paramount, first. It's up to nature-foot-Kien-real problem, can not ruined and is also possible to sabotage. It generally disrupts the brain-mind, with all types of ma. It makes happy-full-spectrum of voluntary[11] of the Bo-Slapped. Mind Bodhi is possible towards the whole of France. Say, the left-footed hý-comment. This is net-subjects-of-Slaps-Spectrum, far from whole. It would say so clearly.
I now praise the Bodhi mind,
As Athletic-University-religion[12] key.
Mind Bodhi: Max, win,
People are also not report--measurement.
I bring this Gospel for us-born,
Looking forward from tam sea came about quickly.
Praise as real and as justified,
Tri-need to learn that.
[1] Bo-Threads-mind Separation this Comment comment: General number 1661 in Major Australian-Tibetan-Australian Business. Bo-Threads (Bodhi): literally "Old", now literally is "visually". DAO means smoothly. Sensory means sensory-food poisoning. Place smoothly, sensory-did the enlightenment and reason. Justice: Nirvana. End mind-brain-Karma-proof set-mind Nirvana. The: Dharma-vi. End to the Department-tri-obstacle course, know best-set-location of France. Bo-Threads-the mind: the mind expecting foot-or expecting to reach the main place Center-. Bodhi-mind has two categories: 1) Charm-the Bodhi-mind: Get 4 Hong-falls-volunteering, to-them-and-the-the Buddhas. 2) physical Charm Bodhi-mind: Consistent projection all France a-lai President-an-removal, based in the central prayer, the Director-General-main-, culture-the US-born. Bodhi-mind separation General means wants to reach the Centre of Bodhi foot-real, need consistent-slideshow: fall, France, aggregates, of, the, the photo-General are going, because the mind –-official transformers. Absent from the all-General, into-i.e.-the first triumphs. Such is the Bodhi-mind separation.
[2] General-maintenance: the Offense is called Da-ra-ni (Dhàrani), Chinese translation means the total-Maintenance: i.e. keep thing is not lost, keep evil not born. Real-action Of-maintenance 4 France-Mon: France, meaning, and rings.
[3] Be human: Human-factors-resources-cards in a can-of-things.
[4] Ba-rị-a-ra-elegant-ca: this is a foreign faction-leader, take-the-country. Chinese translation-means "Turn" or "universal". This faction head shaving, but to a little hair on the top of the head, wears the color red earth, go begging, but the getting-on the other-with-physics of the Buddha.
[5] The Qianlong emperor-thát-MS: It talks about the fake-in-thought. Thai-Ocean light shining down where shells, sea shell, sun-filled, showing up in far away, it looks like the walls of the Qian-thát-Mrs. Qianlong emperor-thát-BA (Gandharva), Chinese translation means "Incense Range", a spirit specialized in acoustic-music on the Sun Ðao-benefit. Audio-music venues, the city-Guo, Feng-scene for the beautiful. Landscape drawing belongs to the author-created, not real.
[6] Du-(Yoga): Chinese translation is "-". Contrast-with 5 types: complete-scene, action, reasoning, and fruit-body-us-born. This is a real subject of French-, application-, scene, with justice, and muscle.
[7] A-back-his consciousness (Alaya): the eighth Consciousness Only in-Form-learn. Chinese translation is "Organ-consciousness", this means the function-Museum, or store all the seeds of things.
[8] Subject:-This is just for people that sent-computer, or sets of twins-education-not certain men or women.
[9] A-Bhikkhu hell: A Bhikkhu (Avichi), Chinese translation means "infinite-cockroach". This is a hell, no-time, as well as the value-not little sinners-roaches.
[10] Institute-led: the Offense is Tam-ma-discounted (Samàhita), Chinese translation is equi-lead. This is a France in France-meditation-. When the sitting meditation, body and mind of an-Hoa Binh-equal, so called "equalities-lead" etc.
[11] Universal -Sage-prayer: prayer-and-words of Bo-Slaps-Spectrum. Bo-10-the great Spectrum Slapped-chapel dedicated towards the food-onions, served-the Buddha, French and us-born plat.
[12] Hermaphrodite-Student-religion: It's just about Germany World-religion, he is full of Gospel-German ranks and position-intellectual property.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRLIA,SYDNEY.25/7/2016.MHDT.
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