Sunday 17 May 2015

Nowadays a lot of our young fellow, not them no effort, no effort of the user, which is too much trash they practice, they learn too much Doing argument, in other words, whether they do it very like the law, but they do not have power, which did not achieve specified; not achieve the wisdom of not represent cash, the main disadvantage right here. The ancients tell us about this experience, "a Beijing Beijing informed all information", this is the truth. The meaning of "information" is? Opening hue. Human gender is specified, the declaration's wisdom, both intellectual and instant communication open. If wisdom does not open, you do not set this Business information; and intellectual declaration, the instant communication of Beijing. This communication ministry then you are informed each of Beijing, not only information and legal world, all the world are also common measures of all, no such thing is not common, just recently exposed, without any obstacles any problems.
For thorough realization of the goal Tong, deputy of Education declared the lower staff, we greatly admire, we are also very admiration for them. But you should know, what this energy, all beings are all complete, more Buddha said Minister intellectual virtue on earth their Tathagata and did not make any difference. We can not be attained, the main reason is we do not have World-The-Hui. Realistically speaking, About-The-Hue is virtuous nature, and nature is full. About-The-Today our Hue metamorphosed then, turned into what? Turns into negativity. Buddhist scriptures say on the negative aspects of About-The-Hue is greed. We are bringing About-The-Hue of complete capital nature, turns into greed. If you want to make Buddhism, a Bodhisattva, you must bring it converts back, turn greed into About-The-Hui. Buddha taught us to change the method, this method we have to remember, be thorough but thinking, faith is established, embarked on from the sutra. This ministry is not much quantitative nor less, for the Dharma Ending Age frankly, very contract with our base nature, so, I encourage practitioners to embark on reciting from.
The ancients have question: "Books to read a thousand times, that the other finds itself". This speech also implicitly includes subtle moral Gender-Dinh-Hui right in there. This book you read from beginning to end over a thousand times, do you think, you immediately have the capacity to, because if you do not have power, you will not have the heart patient, you will not be read multiple times to such. After you read through a thousand variations, why self-seen sense say? Redefining your mind, then you instant of enlightenment, where not understand will understand, it is dried out, the current will see the deep, sweeping straight to no edge. You see the significance of the Beijing Beijing, when carefully took a step, the meaning of each one are infinite, even every sentence, every word are countless means, then you truly have informed then. You look at all the arguments that Bhagavan Kinh said, a bit small without hindrance. So, Dharma practice and legal world is not the same. Catholic school of the legal world can only increase our common sense, not by what makes us gain the wisdom. Favoured not represent cash provisions, the decisions can not solve the problem. Not only can not solve the problem, since two hundred years, the historical truth tells us, that measures location information without the wisdom.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/5/2015.

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