Sunday 17 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang

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Episode  4
First Book 76
First Assembly
Is Pure Religion
First 21- 2

Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap heard secret Wisdom theory majority, no doubt mind, nor ignorant. Must know Bodhisattva Ma ha this slap such an head office, leaving no volition, compassion means volition want rescue all sentient beings, often not abandon leave all beings.
Then, Relic Show Compassion Tzu said that if Ma ha slapped bodhisattvas such offices, such leave her volition, the charming ta񴠣a Bo also satisfied the 𠴦 # 225; t Ma ha slap. Wherefore? Since all such beings often leave this intention so. So the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped together all wrong probably no other beings.
Now, details Compassion life Relic Show commended Tzu saying Or rather, or instead! It said such words. Very clever feature taken literally as I said. Department why? Relics Death! Which is not so charming, so to know the intention nor there. Self, network false, fake birth, nursing authors, scholars, complementary characteristics la old, the birth, at the same grapes, author, life imitation, false prophet, there is not so fake, so to know the intention nor there . Bogus beings, should know there is no real intention. Fall to is fake bogus, should know there is no real intention. No sentient nature, should be aware volition nor nature. Fall to no nature is false, it must know the intention nor Cotu nature. Hữ situation not so, it must know nor volition. De񮍊 fall for fake is not so, should have known nor volition. Shuns beings, should know well shuns volition. Falls to rid ourselves is false, should be known as well shuns volition. Charming silence, should know quiet well volition. Very enlightened beings, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Lust is not there, so know the intention nor has. Operating life thought such knowledge must be, should know the intention nor there. Bogus identity, should know there is no real intention. Operating life thought bogus formula, should know there is no real intention. Lust has no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. Operating life thought no informal nature, should know no volitional nature. Lust is not, should know nor volition. Operating life thought not form, should know nor volition. Shuns excellence, should know well shuns volition. Operating life thought shuns official, should know well shuns volition. Sac calm, so must know volition also quiet. Operating life thought quiet mode, it must know the intention is also quiet. Sac very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Operating life thought very enlightened form, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Origin label not have, should know nor have volition. Atrial rate itself the land of such damage must be, should know the intention nor there. Made bogus labels, should know there is no real intention. Atrial billion damage the land itself untrue, should know there is no real intention. Origin Labels autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. Atrial billion loss the parish itself has no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. Origin label not, should know nor volition. Atrial rate land not damage the body, should have the intention nor know. Made shuns labels, should know well shuns volition. The origin of atrial rate itself shuns damage, should know well shuns volition. The label Made in silence, so to know the intention is calm. Atrial rate itself damage the deserted land, should be aware volition and quiet. Labels xu񠶦 # 244; enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Atrial billion damage the land itself very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Made not have identity, should know the intention nor has. Thanh flavors such contact must have legal origin, should know nor have volition. Made bogus identity, should be aware there is no real intention. ADD taste contact bogus legal origin, should be aware there is no real intention. Sac origin autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. Thanh taste Made contact no legal nature, should be aware volition nor nature. Sac origin not, should know nor volition. Thanh taste not touched land law, should know nor volition. Sac shuns origin, should know well shuns volition. Thanh taste shuns contact legal origin, should know well shuns volition. Sac deserted land, should be aware volition also quiet. Thanh taste tranquility contact legal origin, should be aware volition also quiet. Made no sense of intellectual excellence, should know very well enlightened volition. Thanh taste very sensory contact tri legal origin, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Label instructions not included, should know the intention nor has. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, labels grace born of contact do not have life, should know the intention nor there. Label instructions untrue, should know there is no real intention. Lust for promotion to mark the birth amenity bogus life, should know there is no real intention. Labels giớ autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. Lust for promotion to mark the life amenity born without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Label instructions not, should know nor volition. Lust for promotion to mark the life amenity born not, should know nor volition. Labels gioi񠸡 leave, should know well shuns volition. Lust for promotion to mark the birth amenity shuns life, should know well shuns volition. Calm perspective, should be aware volition and quiet. Lust for promotion to mark the birth coy quiet life, should know quiet well volition. Very enlightened perspective, should know very well enlightened volition. Lust for promotion to mark the life amenity born very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Atrial instructions not included, should know the intention nor there. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life was not there, so know the intention nor there. Atrial bogus world, should know there is no real intention. Instructions to contact atrium bar amenity born the bogus life, should know there is no real intention. Atrial world without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Instructions to contact atrium bar amenity born of life without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Atrial instructions not, should know nor volition. Instructions to contact atrium bar do not grace born of life, should know nor volition. Atrial shuns the world, should know well shuns volition. Instructions to contact atrium bar amenity born of separation from life, should know well shuns volition. Atrial quiet world, should have to know the intention is also quiet. Instructions to contact atrium bar coy silence born of life, should know quiet well volition. Atrial very enlightened world, should be very well enlightened volition. Instructions to contact atrium bar amenity born of senseless life, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Rate not have sex, know the intention nor there. Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life was not there, so know the intention nor there. Rate bogus world, should know there is no real intention. Perfume instructions for making contact to share the fate being no real life, should know there is no real intention. Billion world without nature, so must know tac񠦣253; nor nature. Perfume instructions for making contact to share the life fate being no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. Rate not gender, should have known nor volition. Perfume instructions to share contact amenity born of non-life, should know nor volition. Rate shuns the world, should know well shuns volition. Perfume instructions to share contact amenity born of separation from life, should know well shuns volition. Rate gioi񠶦 # 7855; ng quiet, so must know volition and quiet. Instructions for contact incense to rate coy silence born of life, should know quiet well volition. Rate very enlightened world, should know very well enlightened volition. Perfume instructions to share contact amenity born the very enlightened life, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Damage instructions not included, should know nor have volition. World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life was not there, so know the intention nor there. Damage bogus world, should know there is no real intention. Area real world until grace born of contact do not have real-life, should know there is no real intention. Damage world without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Area real emotional world until grace born of life do not have nature, should know no volitional nature. Damage instructions not, should know nor volition. Area real emotional world until grace born of life do not, should know nor volition. Damage shuns the world, should know well shuns volition. Area real world to contact amenity born of separation from life, should know well shuns volition. Damage quiet world, should have to know the intention is also quiet. Area real world to contact coy silence born of life, should know quiet well volition. Damages very enlightened world, should know very well enlightened volition. Area real world to contact amenity born the very enlightened life, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Monkey World is not there, so know the intention nor there. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life was not there, so know the intention nor there. Monkey World untrue, should know there is no real intention. Exposure to physical contact instructions amenity born the bogus life, should know there is no real intention. Monkey World has no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. Instructions for contact exposure to body posturing born of life without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Monkey World not, should know nor volition. Exposure to physical contact instructions do not grace born of life, should know nor volition. Body shuns the world, should know well shuns volition. Instructions for contact exposure to body posturing born of separation from life, should know well shuns volition. Friendly quiet world, should have to know the intention is calm. Instructions for contact exposure to body coy silence born of life, should know quiet well volition. Friendly very enlightened world, should know very well enlightened volition. Instructions for contact exposure to body posturing born of countless enlightened life, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! The world is not there, so know the intention nor there. France, consciousness and the emotional world, the contacts do not grace born of life must be, should know the intention nor there. The world is not real, should know there is no real intention. France presented to the grace born of contact do not have real-life, should know there is no real intention. The world has no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. France presented to the contact amenity born of life without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. The world is not, should know nor volition. France presented to the contacts do not grace born of life, should know nor volition. The world shuns, should know well shuns volition. France presented to the contact amenity born of separation from life, should know well shuns volition. The quiet world, should have to know the intention is also quiet. France presented to the contact coy silence born of life, should know quiet well volition. The very enlightened world, should know very well enlightened volition. France presented to the contact amenity born the very enlightened life, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Boundaries there, get to know the intention nor there. Feng shui fire no gender was not there, so know the intention nor there. No real boundaries, should know there is no real intention. Feng shui fire no instructions bogus formula, should know there is no real intention. Boundaries without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Feng shui fire not without cognitive nature, should know no volitional nature. The boundaries are not, should know nor volition. Feng shui no cognition, no fire, so must know nor volition. Shuns boundaries, should know well shuns volition. Feng shui fire not far from gender, should know well shuns volition. Quiet border, should be aware volition also quiet. Feng shui fire not calm gender, should be aware volition and quiet. Very enlightened boundaries, should know very well enlightened volition. Feng shui fire not very enlightened gender, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Truths such suffering must be, should know the intention nor there. Set Removal Truths not have religion, should know the intention nor there. Bogus Noble Truths of Suffering, should know there is no real intention of killing Episode Truths bogus religion, should know there is no real intention. Holy Roman Emperor without suffering nature, should be aware volition nor nature. Set Removal Truths religion without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Suffering Truths not, should know nor volition. Set Removal Truths not religion, should have known nor volition. Truths shuns suffering, should be known as well shuns volition. Set Removal Truths shuns religion, should know well shuns volition. Truths quiet suffering, should be known as well calm volition. Set Removal Truths quiet religion, should be aware volition and quiet. Truths of Suffering enlightened wealth, should have to know very well enlightened volition. Set Removal Truths very enlightened religion, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Ignorance is not there, so know the intention nor there. , Consciousness, identity, color, green land, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size is not there, so know the intention nor there. Ignorance is no truth, should know there is no real intention. Laozi out until grief admiration brain offers no real suffering, should know there is no real intention. Ignorance is no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. Laozi out until grief carbon kho󠦣432; brain tumors without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Ignorance is not, should know nor volition. Laozi out until grief carbon pros suffering brain, should know nor volition. Shuns ignorance, should know well shuns volition. Laozi out until grief carbon shuns suffering cerebral superiority, should know well shuns volition. Ignorance calm, so must know volition and quiet. Laozi out until grief carbon suffering brain calm superiority, should be aware volition and quiet. Ignorance very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Laozi out until grief carbon suffering numerous advantages enlightened brain, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Cabinet did not have, should know the intention nor there. Foreign not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, no self minister, plus minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no not have, should know the intention nor there. Cabinet not bogus, should know there is no real intention. Foreign not for the indefinite nature nature not bogus, should know there is no real intention. Cabinet not without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Foreign not for the indefinite nature nature no autonomous existence, should know no volitional nature. Cabinet not not, should know nor volition. Foreign not for the indefinite nature nature no no, should have known nor volition. Cabinet not away from, should know well shuns volition. Foreign not for the indefinite nature not far from nature, it must know also shuns volition. Cabinet not quiet, so must know volition and quiet. Foreign not for the indefinite nature of emptiness calm himself, should know the intention nor quiet. Cabinet not very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Foreign not for the indefinite nature not very enlightened nature, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Adept as such must be, should know the intention nor there. France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation identity, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible not have, should know well volition not there. Chon as bogus, should know there is no real intention. France presented to any bogus incredible world, should know there is no real intention. Chon as no nature, it must know the intention nor nature. France presented to the world without any incredible nature, should know no volitional nature. Chon as not, should know nor volition. France presented to any non incredible world, should know nor volition. Chon as shuns, should know well shuns volition. France presented to the incredible world shuns any, should know well shuns volition. Chon as calm, so must know volition also quiet. France presented to any gender incredible calm, so must know volition and quiet. Chon as very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. France presented to any enlightened incredible unconditioned, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Giving paramitas multi not have, should know the intention nor has. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil multi not have, should know the intention nor there. Giving paramitas multi untrue, should know there is no real intention. Precepts to uncivil paramitas multi bogus, should know no real intention. Giving paramitas multi autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. Precepts to uncivil paramitas multi autonomous existence, should know no volitional nature. Giving paramitas not more, should have known nor volition. Precepts to uncivil paramitas not more, should have known nor volition. Giving paramitas shuns skin, should know well shuns volition. Precepts to uncivil majority shuns paramitas, should know well shuns volition. Giving multi calm paramitas, should know quiet well volition. Precepts to uncivil paramitas multi calm, so must know volition also quiet. Giving paramitas most enlightened wealth, should have to know very well enlightened volition. Precepts to uncivil paramitas most enlightened wealth, should have to know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Four contemplative not have, should know the intention nor there. Four boundless, formless four to not have, should have to know the intention nor there. Static four bogus, should know there is no real intention. Four boundless, formless four of bogus, should know there is no real intention. Four contemplative nature can not, should know no volitional nature. Four immeasurable, without the four formless nature, should know no volitional nature. Four contemplative not, should know nor volition. Four boundless, formless four to zero, so the intention was not to know. Four shuns contemplative, should know well shuns volition. Four boundless, formless four to far IA, should know well shuns volition. Four contemplative silence, should know quiet well volition. Four boundless, formless four of calm, should know quiet well volition. Four static Self very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Four immeasurable, four formless invisible sense of knowing, so must know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Eight freed not have, should know nor have volition. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variables such land must be, should know the intention nor there. Eight freed untrue, should know there is no real intention. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variables bogus origin, should know there is no real intention. Eight freed without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variables Origin autonomous existence, should know no volitional nature. Eight authors escaped not, should know nor volition. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variable origin not, should know nor volition. Eight freed shuns, should know well shuns volition. Made eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turn away from land, so shall know also shuns volition. Eight freed calm, so must know volition also quiet. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variables deserted land, should be aware volition and quiet. Eight liberate enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten voters turn invisible sense of origin, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Four pillar concept is not there, so know the intention nor there. Four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditure not included, should know nor have volition. Four pillars bogus notion, should know there is no real intention. Four to eight segments holy district expenditures bogus religion, should know there is no real intention. Four pillar concept without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Four main stages for the path spend eight autonomous existence, should know no volitional nature. Four pillar concept is not, should know nor volition. Four to eight segments Secretarial expenses not noble, should know nor volition. Four pillar concept shuns, should know well shuns volition. Four main stages for eight holy shuns direct expenses, should know well shuns volition. Four concept deserted office, should be aware volition also quiet. Four to eight segments Secretarial expenses noble silence, should know quiet well volition. Four pillar concept very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Four to eight segments holy district spent countless enlightened religion, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! No technical rescue not have, nor should have volition. Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed not have, should know the intention nor there. No liberation bogus courses, should know there is no real intention. Formless, infinite deliverance prayer bogus courses, should know there is no real intention. No liberation subjects autonomous existence, should know no volitional nature. Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. No liberation is not the goal, it must know nor volition. Formless, infinite not willingly liberated subjects, should know nor volition. Not far from the goal of liberation, should know well shuns volition. Formless, infinite deliverance prayer shuns subjects, should know well shuns volition. No liberation quiet subjects, should be aware volition and quiet. Formless, infinite calm chapel liberated subjects, should be aware volition and quiet. No deliverance very enlightened subjects, should know very well enlightened volition. Formless, infinite wealth voluntarily freed enlightened subjects, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Five labels can not, should know the intention nor there. Six Kabbalah not have, should know the intention nor there. Five bogus labels, should know there is no real intention. Six bogus psychic, should know there is no real intention. Five labels autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. Kabbalah six autonomous existence, should have to know the intention nor nature. Five labels not, should know nor volition. Six Kabbalah not, should know nor volition. Five shuns the label, should know well shuns volition. Six shuns psychic, should know well shuns volition. Five labels calm, so must know volition also quiet. Six divine silence, should know quiet well volition. Five labels very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Six very enlightened spiritual powers, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Buddha ten such forces have, should know the intention nor there. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community can not, should know the intention nor there. Buddha ten bogus forces, should know there is no real intention. Four legions of Buddha dharma until eighteen plus no real estate, should know there is no real intention. Buddha ten autonomous existence forces, should have known the intention nor nature. Four legions of Buddha dharma to any public eighteen autonomous existence, should have to know the intention nor nature. Buddha ten not force, should have known nor volition. Four legions of Buddha until any legal eighteen plus not, should know nor volition. Buddha ten shuns force, should know well shuns volition. Four legions of Buddha dharma until eighteen shuns any community, should know well shuns volition. Ten Buddhist calm force, should be aware volition and quiet. Four legions of Buddha dharma to eighteen quiet estate community, should know quiet well volition. Enlightened Buddha ten unknown force, should know very well enlightened volition. Four legions of legal until eighteen plus countless enlightened Buddha estate, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! French Interior vain not have, should know nor have volition. Nature constant discharge of such office must have, should know the intention nor there. France vain bogus losses, should know there is no real intention. Nature constant discharge bogus office, should know there is no real intention. French Interior vain without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. Nature constant exhaust cylinder without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. French Interior vain not, should know nor volition. Nature does not exhaust every office should have known nor volition. France vain shuns furniture, should know well shuns volition. Nature shuns every cylinder discharge, should know well shuns volition. France vain quiet interior, should know quiet well volition. Every cylinder exhaust calm nature, should be aware volition also quiet. French Interior vain enlightened wealth, should have to know very well enlightened volition. Nature constant discharge very enlightened universe, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! All technical momentum ni la not have, should know the intention nor there. All subjects tam ma address not available, should know the intention nor there. All technical momentum ni la untrue, should know there is no real intention. Ta񴠣a subjects tam ma bogus address, so be aware there is no real intention. All technical momentum ni la autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. All subjects tam ma place without nature, so to know the intention nor nature. All technical momentum ni la not, should know nor volition. All three subjects not ma place, should have known nor volition. All the momentum away from the goal ni la, should know well shuns volition. All subjects tam ma shuns address, should know well shuns volition. All dala ni quiet subjects, should be aware volition and quiet. All subjects momentum li very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. All subjects tam ma very enlightened place, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Recreational not necessarily have, should know nor have volition. Hotel director general, not necessarily general have position, should know the intention nor there. Recreational necessarily untrue, should know there is no real intention. Hotel director generals, generals necessarily untrue, should know there is no real intention. No tuanh omniscience, should know the intention nor nature. Hotel director general, no place necessarily general nature, should know no volitional nature. Not necessarily mind, should have known nor volition. Hotel director generals, location not necessarily general, should know nor volition. Shuns necessarily, should know well shuns volition. Hotel director general, necessarily minister shuns mind, should know well shuns volition. Recreational necessarily quiet, so must know volition and quiet. Hotel director generals, generals necessarily quiet location, should be aware volition and quiet. Necessarily very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Hotel director generals, generals necessarily very enlightened mind, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Sravakas Bodhi was not there, so know the intention nor there. Bodhi unicorn, Supreme Bodhi should not have, should know the intention nor there. Bodhi bar bogus documents, should know there is no real intention. Unicorn Bodhi Bodhi Supreme untrue, should know there is no real intention. Sravakas Bodhi autonomous existence, should be aware volition nor nature. Bodhi unicorn, Portuguese Supreme deࠫhong with nature, should be aware volition nor nature. Bodhi Sravakas not, should know nor volition. Bodhi unicorn, Supreme Bodhi not, should know nor volition. Sravakas shuns Bodhi, should know well shuns volition. Bodhi unicorn, shuns Supreme Bodhi, should know well shuns volition. Bodhi quiet bar text, so must know volition and quiet. Bodhi unicorn, Supreme Bodhi serene, should know quiet well volition. Bodhi Sravakas very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition. Bodhi unicorn, Supreme Bodhi very enlightened, should know very well enlightened volition.
Relics Death! Due to this reason, should the office bodhisattva dwells Ma ha slapped so often should not abandon compassion volition.
Now, Buddha commended Compassion Show that: Or rather, or instead! Smart or because you Bodhisattva said Ma ha slap that statement most secret Wisdom, there are very compassionate of Tathagata. These guys want because Bodhisattva said Ma ha slap that statement most secret Wisdom, as you have said should say. There the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to learn most secret Wisdom, you should follow the school said.
When the tool life time because the Bodhisattva Thien Ma ha slapped theory this secret Wisdom, where Tam great Christian world changes this friday was very active, very active class, over very sharply, very fair and bounds, trauma very shocked, very shocked class, click a stimulus, a stimulus class, trumpeted a roaring, class broadly very violent, very violent class. East goes West snorkeling, diving West goes East, South goes North diving, snorkeling North goes south, between the cover goes diving, soaring between the diving board.
Now, Tathagata instant he smiled. Thien Tho specific time said, revered sir! Because of conditions that make up this smile?
Buddha Compassion Show that: As one of the Three Rings Kham natural world, since the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped uttered most secret Wisdom. Now in ten countless boundless world, the Bhagavan Buddha and Bodhisattvas as Ma ha slapped uttered most secret Wisdom. As far at the World Kham Three great Christian forbearance, there are twelve people like memory of all boats sky theory most secret Wisdom, for the unborn in the ring method. Now in ten countless boundless world, have countless sentient boundless hear another lecture on Buddhist Wisdom multi density, also give rise to Supreme Bodhi College District. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/5/2015.

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