Opening Speech for the 2008 Puja.
![Opening Speech for the 2008 Puja](
I take refuge in the greatest of all Dharmas.
I take refuge in all monks.
I take refuge in all religious seekers (Sangha).
I greet and take refuge in all Buddha lineages.
Keeping in mind, in accordance with the time of each society, public sentiment, the country and birth and stay, while meditating and practicing for the purpose of attaining peace for livelihood, I have dedicated my whole life, body and speech for suffering beings.
The day was auspicious and the boy was age six or seven. That boy was of silent thought and noble feeling. One day at the request of the Dream Master the boy saw in a vision a great person preaching. That great person was wearing a white robe, his complexion was white and light was coming out of his body and speech came out of him: "Look here human being why have you come?" That boy had gone to visit that great man. Then he again promised the boy: "Why have you come? Who are you?" Such words was heard. In that situation the answer was given by the boy. He was a great meditator in his past life and he was killed.
Then when his age was eight or nine one miraculous scene occurred. There was a village of the Tharu community at some distance from the village. One dead body was brought from that village for cremation at the bank of a river which is near the village. That boy was roaming with his friends near there. All of a sudden the boy's sight went towards the funeral pyre. At the funeral pyre he saw a vision of luminous light which appeared forth from the corpse and penetrated the sky. That light was burning in yellow and green flame. Day by day that boy started to think that liberation will be achieved after death in the same manner. Insight of the previous meditation got developed and the bright light of the body which was on the funeral pyre and the knowledge of the meditation of past life remained blazing in his memory day and night. Gradually, after the knowledge of meditation path the need of one solitary place was raised.
In the beginning, starting from the seventh chakra while reaching at Brahma chakra, Klesha (the poisons) and Mara (evil) were destroyed and invisible lights entered into the body. The knowledge of Maitri of Lok (the world) and Alok (beyond the world) has been gained. The knowledge about the Lok and Alok can not be given to this Samsara (world) unless and until the Omniscient Honored One (Bhagavan) gives order to do so. For this Samsara, I am abiding Dharma while being a Bodhisattva keeping away from undesired action (Akushala papa) keeping the Maitri Bhawana (noble thought) in mind one has to act good with karma, speech and mind while being away from sexual misconduct, anger, and greed.
From the Dhyana marga (meditation path) again Honored One gave the speech: "This troubled world is suffering because it is not getting Karuna (Compassion) because of ignorance caused by greed, anger, aversion, envy and attachment. The human beings created the policy and tradition which are destroying themselves as well as the World Soul form. Let's make path of peace."
Abide by nana ashana dharma by renouncing body, speech and mind for the sentient beings of the world which are in the form of consciousness is the first aim for world peace and liberation of sentient beings of the world being one pointed to concentration for the welfare of human beings Dharma.
I will always provide pure guidance by daily actions of good conduct, Dharma and merit. I have taken refuge in the liberator for ever. I will change consciousness of sentient beings lost between the earth and the sky, who has taken impermanent birth and wandering in the world, into the path of liberation and moksha by making them realize the thought of Maitri Bhawana (the feeling of loving kindness).
It is not that there has been no noble truth knowledge in the world for the welfare of sentient beings. Policies, traditions, religions has changed and are changing by noble beings. Wrong policies, traditions and religions has led all noble beings towards separation. That is why you need to accept the good policy, stop the wrong traditions and preserve all forms of religions.
The face of the human earth is one. The element and knowledge of the supreme soul (Parmatma) is one. One element may destroy as well as save the world... If the right guidance of truth is accepted by everyone, then we can light the light of peace throughout the world. The whole world will be able to touch the thought of each other. The knowledge of Dharma will provide guidance for non-violence, charity and compassion and to liberate the sentient beings. Until human beings do not understand this thought of loving kindness (Maitri) they will be suffering because of desire and attachment created by ignorance.
Human beings suffer because of worldly greed. They are restless and in agony from the burden of evil deed. What is the meaning of human beings’ suffering? There is a problem understanding what the suffering of human beings is. We don't want to experience the suffering. In this impermanent world there is nothing that has no suffering. From birth to death, being human there is suffering. Suffering humans, being unable to forget or renounce desire, are in the world of suffering throughout life. Therefore, in a world ruled by laws filled with the injustice and lies of the world, people struggle with thoughts of desire for pleasure. Likewise, in the world it is difficult to live by the Dharma and take up the path for the good of humankind. But with religions, when humans depend on blind faith it turns into emotional desire and goes into a ceaseless whirlpool.
For the good of all beings who remain weeping within this ocean of emotion, as a Bodhisattva, I will always be keeping them in mind, practicing meditation and penance and waiting for all the beings of the world to become enlightened.
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