Saturday 2 May 2015

Recommendations for Practice.


The following are instructions which have been received from Maitriya Guru Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha so far for doing the practice:

1. Sit in a meditational position with the left leg kept out, the right in.

2. Do not move during the practice.

3. Observe breath for 15 minutes sitting with the eyes closed before chanting the prayers.

4. Prayers can be chanted in any language and with any rhythm that feels right to you.

5. Chant the mantras whenever it is possible with eyes closed thinking of any of the Gurus.

6. Hold beads in the right hand when chanting. Using the left hand is acceptable, but one goes only half way.

7. Hold the beads up to about eye level (the lowest is the heart level) without dropping into the lap.

8. It is not necessary to move the beads in synchronization with each repetition of the mantra. The right hand does not count, it just moves beads. Beads move on their own and the mantra moves on its own. These are two separate activities centered in the heart.

9. Before beginning meditation we should think, “I can meditate like Guru. I can accomplish what he has accomplished for sentient beings.”

Note that these are not strict rules but recommendations. Follow your heart and you will understand the best way for you to do the practice. Guru is present everywhere, anytime, regardless of physical distance.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/5/2015.

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