Sunday 17 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
--- O0o ---
Episode 3

Writing Thursday 66

Conference First
The champions-elect

Thursday 18-6 

X á benefit from! Because the law does not address the nature Hetero birth, place of birth should Di Di measures for local delivery such that nothing is quite the property; Race birth place for legal allergic nature sites such that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature not strain local nature, the law should address United States of emptiness that nothing possesses qualities such sites rather be; Local strains legal nature of Allergy birth place such that nothing is quite the property; Hetero birth, address Seminary legal nature of place to catch such that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature not to catch address, legal place to catch up on place to catch such that nothing is quite the property; To enable the legal address of Allergy birth, address Seminary legal nature possesses such wealth rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, legal place to catch the myriad legal specifically address ownership is not quite it. Because of the legal nature not specifically address is, the law should specifically address particular is that nothing is local ownership is not enough; Hetero is the legal instrument place of birth, strain identity, promote local ownership such that nothing is quite be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically for Silver local law is local ownership such that nothing quite get. Because the law does not address the nature Silver, Silver should address legal measures to address numerous silver property is not pretty; Hetero legal address for delivery silver, strain identity, promotion, particular location is such that nothing is quite the property; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, for legal Silver Dispassion local address such that nothing is quite the property. Because the law does not address sexual nature Separated, Divorced Education should address legal measures to address myriad Dispassion not quite get ownership; Hetero sexual ly address the delivery method, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, nothing is Silver owns such sites rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion location address measures to take legal course possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the legal nature of local seafarers not, should address the legal measures for Di Di measures address such that nothing is quite the property; Legal action against Di Di place of birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion place such that nothing is quite the property; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, Di legal measures to address numerous legal Ðộc local sense of ownership not quite get. Because the law does not address the nature unicorn, the law should address Ðộc Ðộc visual sense that nothing possesses such sites rather be; Local Ðộc legal sense of Allergy birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, Di owns numerous legal measures such locations rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, local Ðộc legal sense to address legal Bodhisattva possesses such wealth rather be. Because the law does not address the nature Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva should address legal measures to address countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be; Hetero address for legal Bodhisattvas born, Race nature, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, reading countless legal sense of ownership such sites rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, unicorn, Bodhisattva address legal measures to address numerous hybrid As such ownership rather be. Because the law does not address the nature Tathāgata, the law should address as hybrid hybrid As such place that nothing is quite the owners; As for the legal hybrids Hetero place of birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, unicorn, Bodhisattva place such that nothing is quite the property. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all United emptiness, all places where, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since nature does not address Hetero birth, place of birth should Di Di born countless sites such ownership rather be; Hetero birth place for numerous local strain possesses such qualities rather be. Since nature does not strain local nature, should strain to strain local nature very nature sites such ownership rather be; Hetero birth strains to local nature sites owned wealth is not enough; Hetero birth, place of strain to catch local nature possesses such wealth rather be. Because nature is not to catch local, local to catch up on countless sites to catch such ownership rather be; To turn on Hetero place of birth, address Seminary nature possesses such wealth rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion of specifically address local wealth is not fairly be owned. Because local identity is not particular, should specifically address the particular is local wealth is not fairly be owned; Hetero is the specific place of birth, strain identity, to catch numerous sites such ownership rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion and place for Silver Instrument address is owning such wealth rather be. Because Silver local nature not so for Silver Silver local sites such wealth fairly be owned; Hetero silver for delivery addresses, Race nature, promotion and place particular wealth is not fairly be owned; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, for Dispassion address local Silver possesses such wealth rather be. Since nature does not Dispassion address, the address should Dispassion address Dispassion very pretty property is not; Separated place for Hetero sexual being, Race nature, promotion, specifically is, possesses such a wealth Silver addresses rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion place for numerous local course possesses such measures rather be. Since nature does not of course take place, should take place on Di Di numerous local measures such ownership rather be; Di Di measures for birth place, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, numerous local Dispassion not quite get ownership; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, Di measures to address numerous local sense of ownership Ðộc not quite get. Because nature address Ðộc not feeling so Ðộc Ðộc sense to address numerous local sense of ownership does not quite get; Hetero sense of being Ðộc address, Race nature, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, Di owns numerous sites such measures rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, Ðộc Bodhisattva sense of local place possesses such wealth rather be. Since nature does not address Bodhisattva, should address the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva possesses such a wealth addresses rather be; Place of birth Hetero Bodhisattva, Race nature, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, combining local Ðộc owning such wealth rather be; Hetero birth, strain identity, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, unicorn, hybrid As Bodhisattva place for numerous sites such ownership rather be. Because the hybrid nature as not address, so as to address future hybrids As numerous locations such ownership rather be; As for Di hybrid delivery address, Race nature, promotion, specifically is, Silver, Dispassion, sailing, unicorn, countless bodhisattvas address such ownership rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because of the legal nature not a Stream user should save towards legal Provision for Provision saved countless directions, not quite been owners; Provision for legal note Provision direction save that nothing possesses such results rather be. Because of the legal nature not expected to save results, so Provision for Provision for legal note save performance results such that nothing is quite the property; Provision for Provision for legal note save performance oriented such that nothing is quite the property. Provision for legal flow direction, flow expected results for the First hybrid approach direction such that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature of the First crossbred not, should Nhat Nhat future direction for future measures towards property such that nothing is quite be; The future direction for the most up towards legal measures, the proposed measures save countless fruits such owning rather be; Provision saved directions, until the First of the First crossbred hybrid approach results in numerous legal ownership is not pretty. Because of the legal nature of the First Hybrid no results, so for Best First hybrid hybrid approach results in performance measures such wealth fairly be owned; The next most effective method to save towards future oriented approach to legal Nhat owning such wealth rather be. Provision for legal note to the First Hybrid oriented results oriented approach to Real completed numerous measures such ownership rather be. Because of the legal nature Any complete guide not, should Real complete user guide complete legal measures against Real wealth is not fairly be owned; No refund for a Stream user manual approach to First hybrid approach results in numerous legal ownership is not pretty. Provision for legal note to Real complete user guide for Any legal completed numerous legal effect such ownership rather be. Because of the legal nature Any Full results are not, so Real complete the legal results Real completed numerous legal effect such ownership rather be; Any complete approach to project results up until the Real complete user manual method that nothing such ownership rather be. Provision for legal flow direction to Real completed the legal effect towards legal Arhat possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the legal nature of Arhat direction not so Arhat Arhat instruction manual methods for nothing is not quite been owners; Arhat a Stream user manual for legal measures to Real completed numerous legal ownership results not quite get. Provision saved directions, until the legal Arhat Arhat direction results such that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature not a Luo Han Guo, Luo Han Guo Should A method of Luo Han Guo A myriad legal ownership is not pretty; A Luo Han Guo for a Stream towards legal measures to Arhat direction such that nothing is quite the property. Provision for legal direction to save Luo Han Guo A method for combining user Ðộc such that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature Ðộc not sense direction, should read the legal sense Ðộc direction towards legal sense possesses such wealth rather be; Toxic legal sense for project oriented towards legal note until a Luo Han Guo nothing is not quite been owners. Provision for legal note until Ðộc sensory instruction manual for Ðộc legal sense such result that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature results not Ðộc sense, should read the legal sense Ðộc results myriad legal sense of ownership results not quite get; Toxic legal sense for a Stream results oriented approach towards legal sense until Ðộc possesses such wealth rather be. Provision for legal note until Ðộc sensory oriented measures for results bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nothing is not quite been owners. Because nature Bodhisattva not legal Ma ha slap, slap up bodhisattva Ma ha ha measures to Bodhisattva Ma slapped countless legal ownership is not quite; Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on a Stream towards legal measures to Ðộc myriad legal sense of ownership results not quite get. Provision for legal flow direction to slap legal Bodhisattvas for Tam Ma ha tam Buddha Miao owns such momentum that nothing quite get. Since the Buddha nature tam Tam Mieu not legal so buddhas Tam tam Miao Miao Tam tam law for legal buddhas possesses such wealth rather be; Tam tam Buddha Miao momentum for a Stream towards legal measures to Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nothing is not quite been owners. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because nature is not expected flow direction, flow direction should be expected for a Stream user possesses such wealth rather be; Provision save Project oriented save countless fruits such owning rather be. Because not effective nature a Stream, the project results should be expected to save up to own such a wealth effect rather be; Provision for a Stream flow direction results in owning such wealth rather be; Provision flow direction, flow results for the First Project crossbred owning such wealth rather be. Especially because crossbred nature not so Nhat Nhat oriented crossbred hybrid owners such wealth rather be; The best hybrid to save the user guide, the proposed store possesses such a wealth effect rather be. Projected future flow direction until Nhat Nhat oriented hybrid possesses such a wealth effect rather be. First hybrid nature results because not so effective for Best First hybrid hybrid wealth effect such ownership rather be; The best hybrid to save the results to guide future directions Most owning such wealth rather be. Best direction until a Stream to Any complete results oriented hybrid owners such wealth rather be. Because nature Any complete guide not, should Real complete user guide for complete array Any property not quite get; Any complete user guide for project saved until the First Hybrid possesses such a wealth effect rather be; Provision save complete user guide for the Real to Real completed numerous fruits such owning rather be. Because nature Any Full results are not, so Real completed numerous works for Any complete ownership results not quite get; Any completed work for a Stream to Any complete user guide for owning such wealth rather be; Provision store instruction to Real completed Arhat fruit for countless directions such ownership rather be. Because nature Arhat direction not so Arhat Arhat oriented towards owning such wealth rather be; Arhat for a Stream user manual to Real completed numerous fruits such owning rather be; Provision saved until Arhat direction towards the A Luo Han Guo possesses such wealth rather be. Because not effective nature Arhat, should Arhat for a Luo Han Guo fruit possesses such wealth rather be; A Luo Han Guo for a Stream user to Arhat user possesses such wealth rather be; Provision store instruction to a Luo Han Guo to Ðộc sense of ownership towards wealth was not pretty. Because nature Ðộc not sense direction, so Ðộc Ðộc sensory sensory oriented towards owning such wealth rather be; The direction of flow Ðộc sense direction until a Luo Han Guo possesses such wealth rather be; Provision save Ðộc sense guide to effective instruction for numerous property Ðộc not feeling quite get. Since nature does not result Ðộc sense, should Ðộc Ðộc sense for visual effect wealth effect does not quite get ownership; The results of sensory flow Ðộc direction until Ðộc sense of ownership towards wealth was not pretty; Provision save Ðộc sensory instruction to work for Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Since nature does not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, slap up against the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma Ma ha ha property such slapped countless rather be; Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on a Stream direction until Ðộc sense of ownership results in such wealth rather be; Provision store instruction to Bodhisattva Miao Ma Tam tam ha slapped on numerous buddhas such ownership rather be. Since the Buddha nature tam Tam Mieu not, so Tam Tam Miao Miao tam tam buddhas for owning such a Buddha wealth rather be; Tam tam Buddha Miao momentum for a Stream guide to bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since nature does not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, slap up against the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma Ma ha ha property such slapped countless rather be; Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom slap multi Privacy possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the nature of Wisdom no more secret, so secret Wisdom Wisdom majority of multi-density array such ownership rather be; Most secret Wisdom for Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva, Wisdom to teach teach density multi awarded numerous such ownership rather be. Since nature does not teach teach awarded, should teach teach teach teach awarded for owning such wealth fairly awarded is. Teach teach Ma ha exchanged slaps Bodhisattva, Wisdom possesses such a wealth Secured Multi quite get. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: I respect all legal, nature provides all species, all of which place, all the time, looking bodhisattva Ma ha slaps are not found anywhere, not quite been fulfilled , how to make me bring most secret Wisdom teaches teaching given to the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap!
Then again meet specific life Relic Show Compassion Tzu said, As Venerable asked, because the pretext that said bodhisattva Ma ha slapped her only pretending. Relics Death! List Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so only guests photography department.
Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, So says pretext that list only bodhisattva Ma ha slapped guests photography department?
Compassion response time: As the only legal guest list all photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In all measures no list, the list may not all legal. Is not the cup not only false Competition. Wherefore? Since all legal nature and identity were not so. In nature there, or all measures, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same, so the list Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis; with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Is not the cup not only false Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only guest list Base color photography, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In sharp no name, no identity in the list. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the lists are excellent so self emptiness. In essence no, or identity, or identity, has no legal ownership is not quite so. As the only official list guest operating life thought photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the operating life thought no official list, the list can not issue official life thought. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the operating life thought the same name are informal nature not so. In essence no, or operating life thought form, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that.
List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only guest list Origin label photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the label of origin without a list, the list is not labeled origin. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the labels of origin and identity are not so self-nature. In nature there, or labels of origin, or the name, offers a wealth ownership did quite get that. As the name itself the atrial rate land damage only guest photographer basis, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In atrial rate itself damage the land without a list, the list does not have atrial rate itself damage the land. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because atrial rate itself damages the origin and nature are not such list. In essence no, or atrial rate itself damage the land, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As guest list only land base color photography, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In sharp Made no list, the list has no identity of origin. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the identity of origin and name, are not such nature. In essence no, or identity of origin, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. As land law bars only taste guest contact departments photography, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In radio contact flavor without legal land title, the list has no legal bar contact Origin flavor. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because land law bars taste the same contact list are not such nature. In essence not, legal or emotional origin flavor bar, or title, has no legal ownership is not quite so. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only international celebrity guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In perspective there is no list, the list is not labeled instructions. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the labels are presented with a list not so nature. In essence no, or perspective, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. As the list gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label born amenity contact the customer life establishments only photography, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, labels coy emotional life engenders the no name, no form of gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of life. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, labels coy emotional life born of the same name are not such nature. In essence no, or gender identity, gender consciousness and label contact, label contact amenity born of life, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together a list has no legal ownership is not quite so. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only international guest list atrial photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In atrial presented no list, in no atrial gender identity. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the lists are presented atrial nature not so. In essence no, or atrial gender, or name, has no legal ownership is not quite so. As the title bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born the only guest-life photography department, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life no name, no bar in gender identity, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because gender bar, atrium and atrial cognitive contact, ear contact amenity born of life and nature are no such list. In nature there, or stick gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only international guest list Base rate photography, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the gender ratio no list, the list presented no rate. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because billions of instructions and lists, are not such nature. In essence no, or billions gender, or name, has no legal ownership is not quite so. As incense gender identity, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure billion amenity born the only guest-life photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the flavor world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life no name, no incense in gender identity, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure billion amenity born of life. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life and nature are no such list. In essence no, or incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only international guest list Base damage regency, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In real world there is no list, in no real gender identity. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because losses are presented with a list not so nature. In essence no, or damages gender, or name, are very pretty property is not so. As the title World, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born the only guest-life photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In your world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional loss of life amenity born without a list, in no position gender identity, loss and damage of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the world, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life and nature are no such list. In nature there, or your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only international guest list Base body photography, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the world body has no name, the name itself has no gender. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because of body and identity are not so self-nature. In order emptiness, or of body, or title, are very pretty property is not so. As emotional gender identity, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born the only guest-life photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the emotional world, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life no name, no contact in gender identity, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Emotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life and nature are no such list. In essence no, or contact instructions, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the world only guest list Photographers basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the world there is no list, the list did not mean sex. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because of the nature world are not the same category as such. In order emptiness, or the world, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. As international nomenclature, sense of gender and the contact, the contact amenity born the only guest-life photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the promotion of life amenity born without a list, the list has no legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because of the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life and nature are no such list. In essence no, or France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As guest list only boundaries photography department, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In no identity boundaries, the list has no boundaries. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the identity boundaries are not so self-nature. In essence no, or boundaries, or lists, are very pretty property is not so. Feng shui fire as lists not only cognitive guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In feng shui fire not gender no list, the list can not fire feng shui no gender. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Feng shui fire because no cognitive nature and identity are not so. In essence no, or feng shui fire no gender, or name, has no legal ownership is not quite so. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only guest list Truths suffering photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In the Holy Roman Emperor suffering no name, no suffering in the name Holy Roman Emperor. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the lists are suffering Truths nature not so. In essence no, or suffering Holy Roman Emperor, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. As file name only destroy religion Truths guest photographer basis, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In practice religion Truths kill no list, the list is no collective killing Truths religion. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since the last Holy Roman Emperor directing collective identity destroy nature are not so. In essence no, or collective killing Truths religion, or identity, has no legal ownership is not quite so. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As the only guest list ignorance photography department, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In ignorance has no name, no ignorance in the list. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because of ignorance and identity are not so self-nature. In essence no, or ignorance, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. As identity, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, aging brain death only melancholy admiration offers guests suffering photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go nor office space. In laozi out until grief carbon suffering brain offers no list, the list may not act until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Due out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering cerebral nature and identity were not so. In essence not, or out until grief carbon laozi suffering cerebral superiority, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As guest list only four contemplative photography department, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In four contemplative no list, the list did not have four contemplative. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the lists are four contemplative nature is not so. In essence no, or four contemplative, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. As the list four immeasurable, only four guest immaterial basis of photography, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In four limitless, formless four to no name, the name does not have four immeasurable, the four formless. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, four are formless nature of the list is not so. In essence no, or four immeasurable, the four formless, or name, has no legal ownership is not quite so. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As guest list only eight freed photography department, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In the eight freed no list, the list is not freed eight. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the lists are eight freed themselves so emptiness. In essence no, or eight freed, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. As the list of eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables unique visitors originating photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. Made In eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables Made no list, the list did not have eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin and nature are not such list. In essence no, or eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variables origin, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!
Relics Death! As guest list only four pillar concept photography department, with ten come from three generations no, no place to go, nor office space. In the four cylinder concept is no list, the list does not have four pillar concept. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because four cylinder concept and name were not so self-nature. In essence no, or four cylinder concept, or identity, has no legal ownership is not quite so. As the list of four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, only eight noble guest spending photography department, with ten three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi no name; the list does not have four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Because the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble nature chi same name are not so. In order emptiness, or the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite the same. List Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also like this, the only guest photographer basis, with ten in three generations not come from, no place to go, nor office space. In Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva no list, the list is no bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Not right, not the cup, just fake Competition. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped together this list are self emptiness. In essence no, or Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or fame, wealth ownership are not quite get that. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory is: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped only pretending!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2015.

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