Sunday 17 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
--- O0o ---
Episode 3

Writing Thursday 65
Conference First
The champions-elect

Thursday 18-5 

X á benefit from! Because gender identity labels are not, so the label instructions on the label such ownership unconditioned rather be, perspectives on gender identity wealth not quite been owners. Because nature is not gender identity, gender identity gender identity should no such ownership rather be, gender identity possesses such a wealth perspective rather be; Label gender, gender identity unconditioned consciousness not quite been owners. Because gender identity consciousness not so gender consciousness unconditioned consciousness not quite get ownership; label to label instructions gender, gender identity wealth not quite get ownership; Label gender, gender identity, gender consciousness for countless owned labels such contacts rather be. Because emotional nature not labeled, the label should mark touched countless contacts such ownership rather be; label label for world exposure, gender identity, gender consciousness possesses such wealth rather be; Label gender, gender identity, gender and label label label for contact contact amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be. Because emotional emptiness labels do not grace born of life, should be labeled as conditioned emotional birth to label the emotional life as grace born of life possesses such wealth rather be; manual exposure amenity of life born of perspective, gender identity, gender consciousness and owns brands such emotional wealth rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because atrial gender identity are not, so atrial atrial gender unconditioned such ownership rather be, atrium bar unconditioned instructions for such ownership rather be. Because gender identity does not stick, so stick to stick unconditioned world not quite get ownership, atrium bar for unconditioned world not quite get ownership; Atrial gender, gender bar unconditioned consciousness not quite been owners. Because gender identity is not consciousness, gender consciousness so unconditioned consciousness not quite get ownership; Atrial gender gender consciousness, unconditioned bar owners are not pretty; Atrial instructions, audio instructions, instructions for atrial consciousness possesses no such contacts rather be. Because atrial emotional nature not, should contact the atrial atrial contact owning such wealth rather be, ear for ear-sex contact, payment instructions, the unconditioned consciousness not quite get ownership; Atrial instructions, audio instructions, and gender consciousness for atrial atrial contact contact amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be. Because atrial contact coy nature engenders the feeling not so coy born atrial contact the emotional life of atrial amenity born of myriad life not quite get ownership; Atrial contact amenity of life for atrial born instructions, audio instructions, gender consciousness, and possesses such a wealth of atrial contact rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because gender identity billion not, therefore exchange rate unconditioned instructions for such ownership rather be, share the unconditioned world of flavors such ownership rather be. Because incense gender identity not so incense incense gender unconditioned such ownership rather be, incense gender ratio unconditioned not quite get ownership; billion instructions, instructions for billions incense owns such a wealth of cognition rather be. Because of the nature of cognition, not billions, for billions of cognition should share a wealth of cognition such ownership rather be, reducing the rate of cognition, gender, gender incense possesses such wealth rather be; gender ratio, incense world, billions of billions of cognition, emotional wealth not quite been owners. Because nature billion exposure not, therefore exchange rate exposure on such contacts rather be owned wealth, billions of billions gender promotion, incense gender, gender billion owning such wealth rather be; gender ratio, incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional contact to share the life amenity born possesses such wealth rather be. Because emotional nature billion amenity born of non-life, should share contact amenity born of life for billions contact amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be; contact billion amenity born of life for billions of the world, incense gender, gender ratio, and percentage of ownership does not contact array rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because gender identity is not lost, so lost world for such property damage unconditioned rather be, damage to your world possesses such a wealth instructions rather be. Because gender identity're not, so you're presented with a wealth of gender on such property rather be, the instructions for such property damage unconditioned rather be; lost world, the world of property damage such a wealth of cognition rather be. Because of the nature of cognition, not damage, so damage for loss of cognition, cognition possesses such wealth rather be, damages for loss of cognition, gender, status of ownership such unconditioned rather be; lost world, the world, damages for loss of cognition, emotional wealth not quite been owners. Because nature is not lost contact, so lost contact for no property damage such contacts rather be; damages for loss exposure gender, gender status, property damage such a wealth of cognition rather be; lost world, the world, causing loss of cognition, and emotional damage done to coastal exposure engenders the myriad life not quite been owners. Because emotional damage coy nature engenders the feeling not so lost contact amenity born of life for emotional damages amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be; lost contact amenity born to damage the international life, the world, loss of cognition, and emotional damage such property wealth rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because gender identity does not itself, so close to world possesses such a wealth of body rather be, exposed themselves to the unconditioned world not quite been owners. Because gender identity is not exposed, so contact the unconditioned world of owning such contacts rather be, exposed itself unconditioned instructions for such ownership rather be; Friendly gender, exposure to body-consciousness world possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the nature of body-consciousness does not, so body-consciousness of unconditioned consciousness not quite get ownership; body body-consciousness of the world, owning such unconditioned emotional rather be; Friendly gender, sex contact, body-consciousness of owning such a wealth of body contact rather be. Because of the nature of body contact is not so exposed to the body itself possesses no such contacts rather be; body to body contact instructions, contact gender, body-consciousness possesses such wealth rather be; Friendly gender, sex contact, body-consciousness and body to body contact contact amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be. Because of the nature of body contact amenity not born of life, body contact should make the life of grace born of body contact amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be; contact relatives amenity born of life for the world body, emotional gender, body-consciousness, and a wealth of body contact such ownership rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since the gender identity does not, so the instructions for the unconditioned not quite get ownership, the legal standard for unconditioned world such ownership rather be. Because nature is not the legal world, so the legal world for myriad legal world such ownership rather be, on the French border unconditioned not quite get ownership; the world, the legal world unconditioned consciousness not quite been owners. Because nature is not conscious world, the world should be aware of unconditioned consciousness not quite get ownership; World sense of the world, owning numerous legal world is not pretty; the world, France, conscious of the emotional world possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the emotional nature is not, so the exposure for the touched countless such ownership rather be; the exposure to the world, France, unconditioned consciousness not quite get ownership; the world, France, and the world aware of the emotional contact amenity born of life possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the emotional nature of life do not charming born, so the contact amenity born of the emotional life of amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be; reviews contact amenity born the life of the world, France, conscious world, and the owners did not contact array rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because no boundaries nature, boundaries should respect such boundaries rather be owned wealth, hydrosphere boundary for owning such wealth rather be. Since hydro gender identity are not, so the hydrosphere hydrosphere owning such wealth rather be, hydrosphere boundary for owning such wealth rather be, place for fire hydrosphere unconditioned not quite been owners. Because gender identity did not fire, so fire for fire unconditioned world not quite get ownership, address gender shui fire unconditioned not quite get ownership, address feng shui fire unconditioned instructions for such ownership rather be. Because gender identity is not room, so room to room unconditioned world such ownership rather be, feng shui fire instructions to address such ownership unconditioned rather be, water, fire place style instructions for unlimited wealth is not fairly be owned. Because no gender identity does not, should not the unconditioned world of property did not quite get, not address gender feng shui fire unconditioned not quite get ownership, address feng shui unlimited fire for owning such a wealth of cognition rather be. Because of the nature of cognition, cognition, not for owning such a wealth of cognition rather be, to address gender feng shui fire unlimited wealth not quite been owners. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since nature does not suffer Holy Roman Emperor, should suffer for suffering Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor did not quite get to own wealth, collective suffering of Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor possesses such wealth rather be. Because the collective nature Truths not, should focus on collective Truths Truths possesses such wealth rather be, collection Truths Truths of suffering possesses such wealth rather be, samudaya Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor to destroy wealth rather be such ownership . Since nature does not destroy the holy empire, should destroy the Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor kill countless such ownership rather be, destroy the Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor suffering collective wealth not quite get ownership, collective suffering destroy the Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor religion possesses such wealth rather be. Since nature does not lead Holy Roman Emperor, should lead to direct Truths Truths possesses such wealth rather be directed to Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor samudaya destroy wealth rather be such property. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because of the nature of ignorance is not so ignorant of such ignorance rather be owned wealth, ignorance of such acts rather be owned wealth. Since nature does not act, the executive should issue such wealth fairly be owned, operating on such ignorance rather be owned wealth; ignorance, acts of ownership such infinite mode rather be. Since nature does not wake, wake up wake of owning such wealth rather be; Challenges for ignorance, countless acts such ownership rather be; ignorance, and consciousness of owning such a wealth mentality rather be. Because nature and matter not so for rupa rupa very pretty property is not; mentality of ignorance, consciousness possesses such wealth rather be; ignorance, consciousness, and matter for the continental origin possesses such wealth rather be. Since nature does not continental origin, should continent continental origin of wealth owned land is not enough; continental origin ignorance, consciousness, possesses such a wealth mentality rather be; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin such contacts rather be owned wealth. Since nature does not contact, no contact should contact the property not quite get. Exposure to ignorance, consciousness, mentality, very continental land ownership was not pretty; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, green land, exposed to countless life not quite been owners. Because non-life character, the life expectancy should not rather be owned wealth; Life on ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, property wealth such contacts rather be; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling compassion for owning such wealth rather be. Since nature does not love, so love to love owning such wealth rather be; affinity for ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling not quite been owned wealth; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving opponents owning such wealth rather be. Because nature is not obvious, so obvious competitor possesses such wealth rather be; defense against ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving wealth not quite get ownership; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, very obvious for owning such property rather be. Because organic nature is not so useful for such property brims rather be; possession of ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, pretty obvious there was no property; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, defense, being very useful for such ownership rather be. Since the arising not so for sentient being possesses such wealth rather be; born of ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, craft, owning such property wealth rather be; ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth to old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain possesses such wealth rather be. Since nature offers laozi melancholy admiration brain size, so laozi melancholy admiration for old suffering brain death benefits melancholy admiration advantages suffering brain possesses such wealth rather be; laozi melancholy admiration for suffering mental afflictions ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because nature paramitas alms no more, so alms paramitas of generosity multi multi multitude paramitas not quite get property; paramitas alms majority of pure precepts are dead paramitas not quite been owners. Because gender identity paramitas net no more, so pure precepts of pure paramitas multi paramitas world possesses such a wealth majority rather be; Multi paramitas pure precepts of charity paramitas majority owned wealth is not enough; giving, pure precepts for police paramitas ring multi multi multitude paramitas not quite been owners. Since an identity paramitas no more rings, ring up the police for security paramitas ring multi multi multitude paramitas not quite get property; multi an paramitas ring for charity, the pure precepts paramitas majority ownership such wealth rather be, giving, pure precepts, paramitas multi-ring security for multiple diligent paramitas owning such wealth rather be. Because diligent nature paramitas not more, should be diligent paramitas majority of diligent paramitas majority owned wealth is not enough; paramitas diligent majority of charity, the pure precepts, paramitas security ring possesses such a wealth majority rather be; giving, pure precepts, security rings, diligent paramitas majority of contemplative paramitas majority ownership such wealth rather be. Since the contemplative nature paramitas no more, so contemplative paramitas majority of contemplative paramitas majority owned wealth is not enough; Multi contemplative paramitas of giving, pure precepts, safety rings, diligent paramitas majority owned wealth is not enough; giving, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative paramitas majority of uncivil paramitas majority ownership such wealth rather be. Because paramitas uncivil nature no more, so uncivil paramitas majority of uncivil paramitas majority ownership such wealth rather be; paramitas uncivil majority of charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative most multitude paramitas not quite been owners. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because four contemplative nature not so four for four contemplative contemplative wealth not quite get ownership; four for four contemplative possesses such immeasurable rather be. Because the four immeasurable qualities are not, so for four four immeasurable immeasurable such ownership rather be; four for four contemplative immeasurable wealth not quite get ownership; four contemplative, four for four formless infinite multitude of such property rather be. Because four formless nature or not, should respect the four formless formless four owners of such wealth rather be; formless four of the four contemplative, owns four such immeasurable rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because nature is not freed eight, so eight to eight liberation liberation possesses such wealth rather be, the eight freed on eight wins Origin possesses such wealth rather be. Because nature eight wins origin not so eight wins eight wins origin possesses such a wealth origin rather be; eight wins against eight liberate land ownership was not pretty; eight freed, winning eight of nine minutes filed origin of such property wealth rather be. Because of the nature of not filed nine minutes, so nine minutes to nine minutes submitted to the countless followers not quite get ownership; nine minutes of the eight freed filed, eight won numerous land ownership was not pretty; eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variables of wealth owned land was not pretty. Because of the variable nature of land not ten, ten to ten variable origin Made numerous variables such ownership rather be; ten variables for eight liberated land, land won eight, nine minutes a wealth of owning such practitioners rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because emptiness four cylinder concept not so four cylinder concept for four cylinder concept possesses such wealth rather be; four pillar concept of the four primary segments possesses such wealth rather be. Because the four primary qualities passages, so the four main sections of the four primary segments possesses such wealth rather be; four for four primary segments multitude bare ownership concept is not pretty; four pillar concept, four against four primary segments sufficient spirit possesses such wealth rather be. Because nature sufficient spirit not four, so four to four-sufficient spirit possesses such a wealth sufficient spirit rather be; four on four concepts sufficient spirit pole, four primary segments possesses such wealth rather be; four pillar concept, the four primary sections, four of five base sufficient spirit possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the nature of units not, so year to year basis based wealth not quite get ownership; based on four pillars anniversary year, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit possesses such wealth rather be; four pillar concept, the four primary sections, four god-sufficient, based on five years of ownership and without quite being there. Because of the nature of power is not, should force for five years and without owning not quite get; year anniversary force for four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, possesses such a wealth base year rather be; four pillar concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five-enlightenment force for seven class owning such wealth rather be. Because nature is not enlightenment class seven, so seven enlightenment class for seven class owning such wealth enlightenment rather be; seven enlightenment class for four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, and without owning such year rather be; four pillar concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven of the eight class enlightenment countless noble owning such expenditure rather be. Since nature does not spend eight noble path, the path should be eight to eight noble chi chi possesses such wealth rather be; holy eight cylinder direct expenditures for the four concepts, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class owning such wealth enlightenment rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because emptiness liberation subjects not, should not liberation not subject to liberate countless subjects such ownership rather be, not subjects of formless liberation liberating countless subjects such ownership rather be. Because the goal of liberation formless nature not so formless formless liberation liberation subject to numerous subjects such ownership rather be, formless liberation liberating goal keeper for not owning such wealth rather be; no, formless liberation liberation willingly subject to myriad myriad subjects such ownership rather be. Since liberation vows unconscious subject not so very willingly liberated countless subjects for prayer freed numerous subjects such ownership rather be; numerous subjects for no prayer of liberation, formless liberation myriad subjects such ownership rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because of the nature of the label does not, so year on year mark owned labels such wealth rather be, five to six Kabbalah labels owning such wealth rather be. Because six psychic nature does not, so six to six psychic psychic wealth not quite been owners, label six years Kabbalah for owning such wealth rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since the ten Buddha nature does not, so Buddha Buddha force for ten ten myriad forces such ownership rather be, Buddha ten legions of force for four very pretty are not owned. Because of the nature of four legions of not, so four legions of the four legions of owning such wealth rather be, four legions of the Buddha ten such ownership and without quite being; Buddha ten forces, legions of four for four very afraid championships such ownership rather be. Because of the nature of the four not very afraid, very afraid to four award for four very afraid championships such ownership rather be; four very afraid prize for the ten Buddha, four legions of owning such wealth rather be; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four endless problems for modern solutions from owning such wealth rather be. Since highness from not so great from the very ownership such pronouns rather be; Buddha pronoun for ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid championships such ownership rather be; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns for owning such a wealth of great compassion rather be. Because nature is not compassion, so great compassion for owning such a wealth of great compassion rather be; Buddhist compassion for the ten, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns such wealth fairly be owned; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, no compassion for owning such great joy rather be. Because nature Hy not so great for Hy Hy very pretty property is not; Hy for the ten Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, possesses such a wealth of great compassion rather be; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy for owning such great wealth discharge rather be. Because discharge highness not so great era for discharging exhaust owning such wealth rather be; discharge of the ten great Buddha, four very basis lieutenant, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy very pretty property is not; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great for eighteen discharge Buddha estate legal community possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the legal nature of Buddha estate eighteen plus not so eighteen plus legal estate for eighteen Buddha Buddha estate legal community possesses such wealth rather be; Legal eighteen Buddha Buddha estate for the ten plus the four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great wealth to own such discharge rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since nature does not necessarily mind, should necessarily necessarily located on such property very pretty place to be, the director general position necessarily possesses such a wealth position rather be. Since nature does not mind directing minister, should lead minister for religion minister Hotel Hotel owns such wealth rather be, necessarily lead minister for Hotel Hotel possesses such wealth rather be; omniscience, director generals necessarily general location for owning such a wealth position rather be. Because the position is not necessarily general nature, necessarily general should necessarily general location for owning such wealth fairly mind is; Recreational necessarily general for omniscience, director general property location not quite get wealth. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because nothing is danger, not nature, should approach the legal vain vain Furniture Furniture possesses such wealth rather be, nothing is constant danger, the nature of such property cylindrical discharge wealth rather be. Since nature does not exhaust nature every office, so essence of nature every day-cylinder exhaust cylinder exhaust countless such ownership rather be, the constant nature of the legal office vain discharge Furniture owns such wealth rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because the essence of all subjects not mandala ni, ni la momentum should all subjects for all subjects momentum ni la multitude quite such property is, all subjects momentum for all ni la ma tam address numerous subjects such ownership rather be . Because nature address all subjects tam ma not, should all ma tam tam address all subjects for local ma myriad subjects such ownership rather be, all subjects tam ma place for all subjects momentum ni la multitude quite such property . Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because internal nature no no, so no internal cabinet possesses such wealth not quite get, internal not external wealth ownership did not quite get. Because foreign nature not not, so no external foreign ownership did not quite get wealth, not domestic foreign ownership did not quite get wealth; not internal, domestic foreign exchange not owning such wealth not quite get. Because the exterior nature no no, should not for exterior exterior possesses such wealth not quite get; domestic exterior not not, not a wealth of foreign ownership is not enough; not internal, not external, internal and external air-to wealth ownership did not quite get. Because emptiness no no, no no no no no for such ownership rather be; no no no internal, not external, internal and external wealth ownership did not quite get; internal no no no respect for age to wealth ownership did not quite get. Since highness not not so great for not owning such great wealth not quite get; no internal university not to not owning such wealth not quite get; not until modern cabinet not to win means not owning such wealth rather be. Since nature does not mean do not win, it means not to win victory means not owning such wealth rather be; no means no internal goals to great wealth ownership did not quite get; cabinet not to win compounded means not for owning such wealth not quite get. Because nature is not conditioned not so compounded compounded for not owning such wealth not quite get; Internal compounded not mean not to win a wealth ownership did not quite get; Internal not air-conditioned to unconditioned wealth ownership did not quite get. Since unconscious failing not, should not the unconditioned unconditioned wealth ownership did not quite get; unconditioned air-conditioned interior air till not very pretty property is not; Internal not until unconditioned not for every scene possesses such wealth not quite get. Because every scene was not nature, so every scene is not for every scene possesses such wealth not quite get; All domestic scene was not so ridiculous wealth ownership did not quite get; not until all internal air-to-no international scene possesses such wealth not quite get. Because no non-economic unconscious, so not for myriad international economic wealth not owning such wealth rather be; International non-domestic wealth not to find such scenes are not numerous enough to be owned; not until the economic cabinet not to spread wealth ownership did not quite get wealth. Because nature is not no canopy, the canopy should not endorsed possesses such wealth not quite get; no internal approval not until very fact not very pretty property is not; cabinet not to agree not to myriad myriad mutations not quite get such property. Because no non-mutated unconscious, so not for very very warped variation did not quite get to own wealth; no domestic wealth not mutate to spread wealth ownership did not quite get; Internal not until very warped nature not against owning such wealth not quite get. Because nature nature no no, so nature does not respect nature possesses such wealth not quite get; no internal nature not to countless variation wealth ownership did not quite get; cabinet not to nature not for self minister did not quite get to own wealth. Because nature is not self minister, should not the minister himself possesses such a wealth minister not rather be; Internal self minister not to nature possesses such wealth not quite get; interior minister not to respect public order minister possesses such wealth not quite get. Since nature does not CONGI minister, should CONGI CONGI minister for minister did not quite get to own wealth; CONGI internal minister not to self minister did not quite get to own wealth; interior minister not to CONGI not necessarily legal for not owning such wealth rather be. Since nature does not not necessarily legal, law should necessarily not necessarily legal for not owning such wealth rather be; domestic law does not necessarily not to the general public did not quite get to own wealth; Internal not necessarily legal to impossible not to owning such a wealth attained not quite get. Because nature impossible not attained not so impossible to attain not impossible to own such a wealth attained not quite get; domestic impossible not attained not necessarily legal to not owning such wealth rather be; Internal impossible not to obtain indefinite nature not against owning such wealth not quite get. Since unconscious emptiness not so very emptiness of wealth owned wealth such emptiness rather be; numerous internal emptiness impossible not to obtain not very pretty property is not; Internal not until very emptiness of wealth owned nature did not quite get. Because nature nature no no, should nature not against nature not very pretty property is not; no internal nature not until very nature not very pretty property is not; Internal air till indefinite nature nature nature not against wealth ownership did not quite get. Since nature does not unconscious nature not so indefinite nature not for indefinite nature nature nature possesses such wealth not quite get; indefinite nature no domestic nature not to nature possesses such wealth not quite get. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because nature feet as not, should feet like the feet of ownership such as wealth rather be, feet as the legal world possesses such wealth rather be. Because nature is not the legal world, so the legal world for myriad legal world such ownership rather be, legal instructions on the feet as owning such wealth rather be; feet as, legal measures for unconscious world not quite been owners. Because of the legal nature of emptiness, so legal nature of such measures unconscious rather be owned; legal nature of feet like, owns numerous legal world is not pretty; feet as, France, for whatever legal nature unconscious falsehoods such ownership rather be. Because whatever falsehoods nature emptiness, should any nature for any falsehoods unconscious falsehoods such ownership rather be; whatever the nature of the feet as falsehoods, France, owns such measures unconscious rather be; feet as to any falsehoods warped nature for any such ownership unconscious rather be. Because any variation emptiness emptiness, emptiness should any variation to any variation unconscious not quite get ownership; any variation as to the nature of estate feet unconscious falsehoods such ownership rather be; feet as to any variation of any character possesses incredible unconditioned not quite get. Because gender identity regardless incredible not, should any instructions for any incredible incredible unconditioned not quite get ownership; any instructions for feet incredible as to any variation unconscious not quite get property; feet as to any instructions to nowhere incredible unconditioned not quite been owners. Because nowhere gender identity are not, so nowhere to nowhere unconditioned world possesses such rather be; gender nowhere feet as to any property incredible unconditioned not quite get; feet as to nowhere instructions for owning such a wealth trailer rather be. Since nature does not end credits, so no intro trailer for such ownership rather be; trailer for the feet as to nowhere unconditioned not quite get ownership; feet as the intro to the world cup possesses such wealth rather be. Because gender identity is not glass, so glass cups gender unconditioned not quite get ownership; ly instructions for trailer feet as to not quite be owned wealth; as for the world cup feet for unconditioned destroy such property rather be. Because the world does not destroy nature, should Removal Removal instructions for owning such unconditioned rather be; Removal instructions for world cup feet as to not quite be owned wealth; feet as to kill unconscious gender equality such ownership rather be. Because equality nature emptiness, emptiness should be equal for equal unconscious not quite get property; equality for feet nature as to destroy property such unconditioned rather be; feet as equal to being unconscious nature of glass not quite been owners. Since birth separatist nature of emptiness, so to ly ly of birth before being unconscious not quite get ownership; glass of birth before the feet as equal to such unconscious rather be owned; Separated feet as to the legal nature being possesses such wealth rather be. Because of the legal nature not so legal for a wealth of legal ownership is not enough; feet as prescribed for cups being unconscious until such ownership rather be; feet as to the legal statutory office possesses such wealth rather be. Because nature is not legal office, legal office should approach the office owning such wealth rather be; Legal office for legal feet as to not quite be owned wealth; feet as to the legal office for indefinite nature unconditioned not quite been owners. Because not unconscious gender identity, gender identity should no indefinite nature unconditioned not quite get ownership; World indefinite nature of their feet as to the legal office possesses such wealth rather be; feet to the indefinite nature as formless gender unconditioned not quite been owners. Because gender identity is not formless, so formless formless gender unconditioned not quite get ownership; formless world of feet as the indefinite nature to property such unconditioned rather be; formless feet as to the uncreated world possesses such a wealth instructions rather be. Because sex work is not unconscious, so uncreated uncreated gender unconditioned not quite get ownership; uncreated world of formlessness feet as unconditioned until such ownership rather be; feet as ineffective until the unconditioned world possesses such wealth rather be. Since the unconditioned nature not so unconditioned for unconditioned very pretty property is not; unconditioned respect for the uncreated feet as unconditioned not quite get ownership; feet as to the unconditioned unconditioned offline for an ownership not quite get. Because nature is not an offline world, so an offline offline world for an unconditioned not quite get ownership; an offline world to their feet as to the unconditioned very pretty property is not; feet as offline until an unconditioned calm instructions for such ownership rather be. Because gender identity is not calm, so calm tranquility gender unconditioned not quite get ownership; gender calm until an offline feet as unconditioned not quite get ownership; feet as the obligation to respect very calm world possesses such wealth rather be. Because no non-duty nature, should responsibility for duties very very very pretty property is not; obligations as to the feet unmatched tranquility unconditioned not quite get ownership; feet as true to duty for international wealth owning such wealth rather be. Because the fact is not the true nature, so it was very realistic fact of owning such wealth rather be; true to his feet as fact until very numerous responsibilities such ownership rather be; Health feet as to truth against Nibbana wealth not quite been owners. Because nature Nibbana not, so to Nibbana Nibbana very pretty property is not; Nibbana for economic feet as to actually owning such wealth rather be. Relics Death! 
I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because the law does not address the nature of Ultimate wedding, so the wedding Pole to Pole wedding location address legal ownership such that nothing is quite the, Pole Ly Hy address structural measures to address such that nothing is quite the property. Because the structure of the legal nature not Separated, Divorced structure should address structural measures to address Ly such that nothing is quite the property, the legal structure of the Pole Ly wedding location such that nothing is quite the property; Extreme joy, Ly legal structures to address local Luminescence nothing is not quite been owners. Because of the legal nature address Luminescence not, should Luminescence Luminescence place for local law nothing is not quite been owners; Pole location for legal luminescent wedding, nothing is Separated ownership structure such sites rather be; Extreme joy, Separated structural, legal address for Diem Clearing nothing is favored locations such ownership rather be. Because the law does not address the nature Diem lily, lily should Diem Diem favored place for local law nothing is not quite been owners; Diem approach favored location for wedding Pole, Ly profiles, Luminescence place such that nothing is quite the ownership; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem favored locations for Pole nan wins legal address such that nothing is quite the property. Because of the legal nature address not win Pole nan, nan should Pole to Pole nan legal victory won local address such that nothing is quite the property; Pole Pole nan for legal victory wedding location, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem favored locations such that nothing is quite the property; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, Pole nan legal victory against time funds to address numerous measures such ownership rather be. Because of the legal nature of time your funds are not, should present cash funds to address present legal for nothing is not quite been owners; Local Currencies Extreme measures for joy, Separated Structure, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, Pole nan place nothing is won not quite get ownership; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, Pole wins nan, currently operating funds to local law for legal Telecom possesses such wealth rather be. Because the law does not address the nature Telecom operator, should address the legal issue of Far Far local acts such that nothing is quite the property; Local telecommunications law practice for Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, Pole wins nan, currently owned wealth funds to such measures rather be; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Far legal practice to address local Real property such that nothing quite get. Because the law does not address the nature estate, should address the legal estate for estate sites such that nothing is quite the property; Local Real Extreme measures for joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, operating locations Far nothing is not quite been owners; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, local Real Compassion approach favored locations for nothing is not quite been owners. Because of the legal nature not Thien Hue provinces, the law should address Thien Thien hue favored locations such that nothing is quite the property; Local friendly method favored for wedding Pole, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, local Real property such that nothing is quite be; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, estate, legal Compassion for France favored place so that nothing possesses such sites rather be. Because of the legal nature of France not so local, so local to France for the French legal address so that nothing such ownership rather be; French law addresses the Pole so happy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, Real Estate, compassion nothing is favored locations such ownership rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Since nature does not address Pole wedding, so the wedding Pole to Pole wedding location address possesses such wealth rather be, Pole wedding locations for countless local Ly ownership structure did not quite get. Since nature does not address Separated structure, so Ly Ly configuration profiles for local addresses numerous such ownership rather be; Local glass composition for wedding locations Pole possesses such wealth rather be; Extreme joy, Clear Glass structures for local addresses numerous such ownership rather be. Because nature Luminescence not address, so the address Luminescence Luminescence countless locations such ownership rather be; Pole location for wedding luminescent, Separated ownership structure of the array is not pretty; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence favored location for local Diem did not quite get to own wealth. Since nature does not address Diem lily, lily should Diem Diem favored location for numerous sites such ownership rather be; Diem favored location for wedding Pole, Ly profiles, numerous local Luminescence not quite get ownership; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem won favored place for local nan Pole possesses such wealth rather be. Because local nature not win Pole nan, nan should Pole to Pole nan place wins won numerous sites such ownership rather be; Pole Pole nan won for the wedding location, Separated Structure, Luminescence, Diem favored locations such wealth fairly be owned; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole won numerous locations on time pre-owned sites are not pretty. Since nature does not address time money, so time to time cash funds to address such wealth fairly be owned; Pole Local Currencies for joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole won numerous sites such ownership rather be; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, Pole wins nan, currently operating funds to the local Far possesses such wealth rather be. Since nature does not address Telecom operator, so Far Far operator for operating local sites such wealth fairly be owned; Local telecommunications operator for Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, Pole wins nan, currently owns such funds to wealth rather be; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive to address local Real wealth is not fairly be owned. Because local emptiness estate not so local estate for local Real wealth is not fairly be owned; Pole estate for wedding locations, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Far owned operating locations such wealth rather be; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, Real Good place for countless favored locations such ownership rather be. Since nature does not Thien Hue provinces, should Thien Thien hue favored location for numerous sites such ownership rather be; Favoured locations for wedding charity Pole, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, local Real wealth is not fairly be owned; Extreme joy, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, Real Estate, Compassion favored place for local French still possesses such wealth rather be. Since France still local nature are not, so France still place for France still possesses such a wealth addresses rather be; France still place for wedding Pole, Ly profiles, Luminescence, Diem wisdom, nan Pole winner, time money, Telecommunications Executive, estate, property Thien Hue provinces such wealth rather be. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2015. 

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