Sunday 17 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Xuanzang
--- O0o ---
Episode 3

Writing Thursday 64
Conference First
The champions-elect

Thursday 18-4

X á benefit from! Labels gender, gender identity labels are not. Wherefore? Because in nature perspective not, possesses such a wealth perspective rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African perspective, not nature non perspective. Wherefore? Because of the non-label nature not gender, gender non-labeled property wealth not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of life; gender identity to the brand identity contacts do not predestined born of life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of gender identity to mark contacts do not grace born of life, emotional gender identity to mark the life amenity born possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of life; gender identity to label non-contact color do not grace born of life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the non-contact gender identity to mark birth of life do not charming; Non-contact color label instructions to make life very charming born of such property rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate perspective, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave perspective, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Depart gender identity, gender consciousness and label contact, label contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Atrial gender, gender identity not atrium. Wherefore? Because of atrial gender identity does not, atrial unconditioned such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa atrial gender, gender identity non-atrial not. Wherefore? Because of the non-atrial gender identity does not, the non-atrial unconditioned such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life; gender identity to the atrium bar contacts do not grace born of life. Wherefore? Because of gender identity to the atrium bar contacts do not grace born of life; instructions to contact atrium bar amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. World Phi bar, atrium and atrial cognitive contact, ear contact amenity born of life; non-stick nature of atrial emotional world until grace born of life do not. Wherefore? Because of the non-stick nature of atrial emotional world until grace born of life do not; non-stick makes contact with atrial world until grace born of life possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate atrial world, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Atrial departed world, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Immediate liquidation gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Bar depart gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Rate gender, gender identity billion not. Wherefore? Because of the nature billion instructions not, billions of owning such unconditioned rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. World Africa billions, not gender identity non billion. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non billion instructions not non billion unconditioned such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life; incense gender identity to contact coy birth rate of non-life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the world to share contact incense do not grace born of life; instructions to contact incense billion amenity born of myriad life such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life; Non flavor qualities to share emotional world do not grace born of life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non incense to share emotional world do not grace born of life; Gender non incense to share contact amenity born of myriad life such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate billion instructions, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave billion instructions, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Instant flavor world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave incense world, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Damage gender, gender identity is not lost. Wherefore? Because of gender identity is not lost, property damage unconditioned not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa lost world, not gender identity non damage. Wherefore? Because of the non-real world nature no non-property damage unconditioned not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life; Nature damage to your emotional world until grace born of life do not. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the damage to your emotional world until grace born of life do not; instructions to contact your loss of life amenity born possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa're presented, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life; gender identity to the loss of non contact position do not grace born of life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the non-contact position presented to the loss of life do not charming born; Non-contact position presented to the loss of life amenity born possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate damage world, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. World apart loss, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie you instructions, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Body gender, gender identity are not relatives. Wherefore? Because of the nature of body is not, itself unconditioned such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa itself gender, gender identity non-relatives did not. Wherefore? Because of non-relative nature not gender, gender non-relatives owning such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life; gender identity until relatives contact contact amenity not born of life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of exposure to physical contact instructions do not grace born of life, emotional world until grace born of body contact as owning such a wealth of life rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Non-contact sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life; non-contact nature of body contact instructions to the amenity of life is not born. Wherefore? Because of the non-contact nature of body contact instructions until amenity born of non-life; Gender non-contact to contact relatives amenity born possesses such a wealth of life rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate relatives gender, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Dear departed world, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Immediate contact instructions, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. World apart contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! The gender, gender identity are not reviews. Wherefore? Because of the international nature not, the world possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. World Phi standard, non-standard nature not gender. Wherefore? Because of the non-standard nature not gender, gender non-standard array such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life; gender identity to the contact methods do not grace born of life. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the contact until the legal world do not grace born of life; until the legal world as a charm born of emotional life possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Illicit sex, gender awareness and the contact, the contact amenity born of life; illegal nature of the emotional world until grace born of life do not. Wherefore? Because of the illegal nature of the emotional world until grace born of life do not; illegal instructions to the promotion of life amenity born possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate attention world, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave the world, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact amenity born of life, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Boundaries, not boundaries nature. Wherefore? Because in essence no boundaries, no property boundaries are not quite so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African boundaries, non-boundary nature not. Wherefore? Because of the non-boundary nature no non-owned wealth such boundaries rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Feng shui fire no gender, no official identity feng shui fire instructions not. Wherefore? Because in essence feng shui no cognition, no fire, no water, fire style possesses such a wealth of cognition rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Feng shui fire Phi no gender, non-aquatic nature not gender not fire room. Wherefore? Because of the nature of fire feng shui no fees not gender, water, fire non-cognitive style is not very pretty are not owned, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate boundaries, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave boundaries, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Feng shui fire ie not gender, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Feng shui fire leaves no gender, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Truths of Suffering, Holy Roman Emperor nature not suffering. Wherefore? Because of the nature of suffering not Truths, suffering possesses such a wealth Truths rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa suffering Truths, Truths not indifferent nature. Wherefore? Because in nature not indifferent Truths, Truths indifferent wealth such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Removal Taip Truths religion, collective identity does not destroy religion Holy Roman Emperor. Wherefore? Because of the collective nature Truths not destroy religion, practice religion Truths destroy wealth rather be such ownership, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Removal decentralized religion Truths, decentralized nature Truths not destroy religion. Wherefore? Because of the decentralized nature Truths not destroy religion, anti religion decentralized possesses such a wealth Truths rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate suffering Truths, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Holy Roman Emperor-suffering, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Set Removal ie religion Truths, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Set Removal Holy Roman Emperor departed director, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Ignorance, ignorance nature. Wherefore? Because of the nature of ignorance, ignorance possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Phi ignorance, ignorance non nature. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non-ignorance, ignorance fees owning such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size; out until old age and death nature melancholy admiration advantages suffering brain. Wherefore? Because of the nature of old age and death issue for the pros suffering brain melancholy admiration; laozi out until grief impressed countless suffering brain possesses such advantages rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Astronaut, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size; Nature astronauts until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain. Wherefore? Because of the nature astronauts until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain; laozi astronauts to melancholy admiration countless suffering brain possesses such advantages rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate ignorance, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave ignorance, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Departed, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Multi paramitas alms, alms paramitas nature no more. Wherefore? Because of the nature alms no more paramitas, generosity paramitas majority ownership such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Bell paramitas African majority, non alms nature paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non alms no more paramitas, generosity paramitas fees majority ownership such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority, mood rings presented an uncivil contemplative diligent paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because of the nature of pure precepts contemplative diligent security ring paramitas uncivil not more, safe sex ring net contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority ownership such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also owns numerous not quite get. Security ring pure precepts Africa contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority, non-pure nature rings presented an uncivil contemplative diligent paramitas no more. Wherefore? Because of the nature of an international non-translational contemplative diligent ring paramitas uncivil no more, an international non-translational contemplative diligent ring paramitas uncivil majority ownership such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also very not quite been owners. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate multi alms paramitas, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Bell paramitas leaves most, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Security ring pure precepts ie contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Police separated rings pure precepts contemplative diligent paramitas uncivil majority, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Four contemplative, contemplative nature not four. Wherefore? Because in essence four contemplative not, owns four such contemplative wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa four contemplative, contemplative nature of the four non-zero. Wherefore? Because of the non-four contemplative nature no non-owns four such contemplative wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Four immeasurable, the four formless; four immeasurable qualities, not the four formless. Wherefore? Because the four immeasurable qualities, not the four formless; four limitless, formless four owners of wealth not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa four immeasurable, the four formless; Non four immeasurable qualities, not the four formless. Wherefore? Because of the non-four immeasurable qualities, not the four formless; Non four limitless, formless four owners of wealth not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate four contemplative, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave four contemplative, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie four immeasurable, the four formless, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Countless departed four, four formless set, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Eight liberation, liberation not emptiness eight. Wherefore? Because of the nature of liberation not eight, eight to liberate such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Eight African liberation, liberation not nature non-eight. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non-eight freed not, non eight liberate such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Eight wins origin, filed nine minutes to ten variable origin; Nature Made eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables not land. Wherefore? Because of the nature of eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables not land; Made eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables such land owned wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Origin Africa eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten turns of origin; Nature Made non eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables not land. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non-eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables not land; Made of non-eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables such land owned wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate eight liberation, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave eight liberation, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Made departed eight wins, nine minutes followers to, ten variables origin, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Four-cylinder concept, nature four pillar concept is not. Wherefore? Because in essence four cylinder concept not, four cylinder concept possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa four cylinder concept, nature concept pilot four pillar no. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the non-four cylinder concept not, countless non owns four such pillar concepts rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; Secretarial emptiness four to eight segments for direct expenditure not holy. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the four primary segments until eight noble expenditure not; Secretarial four to eight segments for the path spend countless such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble expenditures; Non four primary qualities to eight segments for direct expenditure not holy. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the four main non-noble to eight segments for expenses not; Chief pilot four to eight segments for the path spend countless such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate four cylinder concept, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leaves four cylinder concept, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leaves four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven class enlightenment, eight noble chi, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! No technical rescue, technical rescue not emptiness. Wherefore? Because the subject is not emptiness liberation, not liberation myriad subjects such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa is not the goal of liberation, not liberation technical nature no fees. Wherefore? Because of the technical nature no non no liberation, no liberation professional fees possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; formless nature, not very willingly liberated subjects. Wherefore? Because of the nature formless, infinite not willingly liberated subjects; formless, infinite wealth willingly liberated subjects such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed; Non formless nature, numerous subjects not pray deliverance. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non formless, infinite not willingly liberated subjects; Non formless, infinite wealth voluntarily freed owns such subjects rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate unreleased keeper, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave no liberation keeper, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave formless, infinite deliverance prayer subjects, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Five-label nature of the label no. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the label does not, possesses such a wealth of labels rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African-year mark, the nature of the label no fees. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the label non-zero, non-owns five brands such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Six divine, divine nature not six. Wherefore? Because of the divine nature not six, six owned psychic wealth was not pretty, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa six psychic, psychic emptiness fees not six. Wherefore? Because in six divine nature non-zero, non owns six such psychic wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate five labels, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Departed in the label, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie six Kabbalah, bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Leave six Kabbalah, bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Buddha ten forces, not human nature ten Buddha. Wherefore? Because of its nature not Buddha ten, ten and without owning Buddha did quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa Buddha ten forces, not human nature ten non-Buddhist. Wherefore? Because of the non-Buddhist nature forces not ten, ten non-Buddhist fairly and without ownership there is, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general; four very base nature until necessarily lieutenant generals not mind. Wherefore? Because in nature until four legions of mind not necessarily general; Four legions of mind necessarily general to property such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general; Non four legions of nature to mind not necessarily general. Wherefore? Because of the very nature non-four basis until necessarily lieutenant generals not mind; Captain pilot basis until four wealth necessarily Minister possesses such a wealth position rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate Buddha ten forces, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Buddha departed ten forces, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, omniscience, director general location, location necessarily minister, slapped countless bodhisattvas Ma ha facility not quite be useful. Leave four very basis until necessarily general lieutenant position, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Recreational Path minister, director general nature not mind. Wherefore? Because in essence not mind directing minister, director general possesses such a wealth position rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Hotel airstrip minister, minister airstrip nature not mind. Wherefore? Because of the general nature airstrip not mind, no mind airstrip minister not quite get ownership, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate Hotel religion minister, slapped countless bodhisattvas Ma ha property not quite get. Hotel director generals leave, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! French Interior vain, vain interior emptiness not legal. Wherefore? For in nature nothing is danger, not, vain Furniture myriad legal ownership is not quite so Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped also possesses such wealth rather be. Furniture vain illegal, illicit nature not in vain loss. Wherefore? Because of the illegal nature of furniture not in vain, in vain illicit wealth losses such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Nature constant exhaust cylinder, cylinder exhaust nature nature not constant. Wherefore? Because of the constant nature pillar nature not discharge, every character possesses such a wealth exhaust cylinder rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African nature pillar constant discharge, non-character character constant discharge pillar no. Wherefore? Because of the constant nature of the non-cylindrical nature not discharge, discharge of numerous non-cylindrical nature constants such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate Furniture legal vain, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Legal vain depart Furniture, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Immediate discharge of nature every office, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Constant discharge from emptiness office, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! All subjects momentum la ni, ni la nature all subjects not momentum. Wherefore? Because in essence all subjects not mandala ni, ni la momentum all property subject such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Africa all technical momentum ni la, la nature ni non latest technical momentum not. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non all subjects not mandala ni, ni la non latest technical momentum possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. All three subjects ghost sites, ma tam nature address all subjects not. Wherefore? Because of the local nature of all subjects tam ma not, all ma tam address numerous subjects such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Local African all subjects tam ma, ma tam nature all local fees are not subject. Wherefore? Because of the nature of the non-local all subjects not tam ma, ma non latest local triangle myriad subjects such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate all subjects ni la momentum, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ni la leave all technical momentum, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie all subjects tam ma place, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Local leave all subjects tam ma, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Cabinet no, no no internal nature. Wherefore? Because of the internal nature no no, no no ownership such internal rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African cabinet not, non-domestic nature no no. Wherefore? Because of the non-domestic nature are not zero, non-domestic property wealth did not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Foreign not, exterior no, no no, not great, meaning not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, no character, no self minister, plus minister, not necessarily legal, impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not indefinite nature nature; Foreign emptiness not until very nature nature no no. Wherefore? Because in essence not to the indefinite nature of foreign nature not not; not for the indefinite nature of foreign nature possesses such wealth not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African foreign indefinite nature not to self emptiness; non-foreign nature not to indefinite nature nature no no. Wherefore? Because of the nature of foreign non indefinite nature not to nature no no; not until the foreign non nature indefinite nature possesses such wealth not quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory: not to say, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Internal departed not, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Ie not until the very nature of foreign self-emptiness, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Foreign not leave until the very nature self emptiness, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Chon such, emptiness feet as not. Wherefore? Because in nature as no feet, feet ownership such as wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Phi feet as, non-feet nature as not. Wherefore? Because in nature as no non-feet, feet as numerous non-ownership is not quite so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, immutable nature heterosexual, no instructions incredible, unreal world, trailer, world cup, eliminates gender equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, indefinite nature gender, gender formless, uncreated world, unconditioned, an offline world, calm instructions, responsibilities very, very economic, Nibbana; Nature France, true to international legal nature, not Nibbana. Wherefore? Because of the nature of international law, international legal nature to come true, not Nibbana; France, for the true nature of international law, Nibbana possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Illicit sex, true to international legal nature, Nibbana; unlawful gender identity or legal nature to the real world, not Nibbana. Wherefore? Because of the illegal nature of the world, until the true nature of international law, not Nibbana; illicit sex, true to international legal nature, Nibbana possesses such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate feet as Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Feet apart as Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Ie France, until the true nature of international law, Nibbana, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Leave France, true to international legal nature, Nibbana, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Sravakas redundancy, redundancy Sravakas nature. Wherefore? Because of the nature Sravakas redundancy, redundancy Sravakas owning such wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Phi Thanh cultural legacy, nature does not admit non-bar text. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non Sravakas not admit non Sravakas owns such excessive wealth rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Toxic redundant sense, Mahayana; Ðộc sensory qualities redundant, Mahayana not. Wherefore? Because of the nature Ðộc redundant sense, Mahayana not; Toxic redundant sense, Mahayana wealth such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African ministers Ðộc sense, Mahayana; non-sensory nature Ðộc redundancy, Mahayana not. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non Ðộc redundant sense, Mahayana not; excessive fees unicorn, owns such a wealth Mahayana rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate Sravakas admit, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Sravakas redundancy leave, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Continue reading redundant sense, Mahayana, bodhisattva Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be. Ðộc leave redundant sense, Mahayana, bodhisattva Ma ha slapped countless such ownership rather be.
Relics Death! Additional special Sravakas old mule, nature la Sravakas additional features not old. Wherefore? Because of the special nature complement old Sravakas not la, la old Sravakas numerous additional features such ownership rather be, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Special non-aging tonic la bar text, add special nature old pilot la Sravakas not. Wherefore? Because of the special nature of the non-elderly tonic la Sravakas not, additional special non-elderly Sravakas la multitude quite such property is, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Toxic sense, Mahayana old tonic la characteristics; Ðộc sensory nature, additional special Mahayana la not old. Wherefore? Because of the nature Ðộc sense, Mahayana additional features not old la; Toxic sense, Mahayana additional features such ownership old la multitude quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. African unicorn, additional special Mahayana la elderly; Non Ðộc sensory qualities, additional special Mahayana zero. Wherefore? Because of the nature of non Ðộc sense, Mahayana additional features not old la; Ðộc non sense, Mahayana additional features such ownership old la multitude quite get, so Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Relics Death! Due to this reason, I work on the theory are: Immediate Sravakas old complementary characteristics la, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Additional special leave old Sravakas la, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Continue reading sense, Mahayana complementary characteristics la old, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be. Fees will depart feeling, old Mahayana la complementary characteristics, Ma ha slapped countless bodhisattvas such ownership rather be.
Then again meet specific life Relic Show Compassion Tzu said, As Venerable asked, because that tells me what the pretext for all legal, nature provides all species, all of which place, all the time, looking for Bo Ma ha slaps slaps were so owned, not quite been fulfilled, how can make me bring most secret Wisdom taught Bodhisattvas teach awarded Ma ha slapped him. Relics Death! Because nature is not sharp, so sharp for owning such great wealth rather be, very sharp for life not quite been owners. Because non-life character, the life expectancy should not rather be owned wealth, life for countless colors such ownership rather be, a great color to life possesses such wealth rather be. Because nature tuongi not so great tuongi for owning such wealth rather be, ideal for owning such great multitude life rather be, excellent operating life thought of owning such wealth rather be. Since nature does not act, should act against such acts rather be owned wealth, excellent operating life thought of owning such wealth rather be, excellent operating life thought of owning such a wealth formula rather be. Since nature does not wake, wake up wake of owning such wealth rather be, excellent food for numerous operating life thought not quite been owners. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.
Relics Death! Because of the nature of origin label not so labeled Made very origin labels such ownership rather be, labels of origin of atrial origin possesses such wealth rather be. Because atrial origin not so atrial atrial origin Origin possesses such wealth rather be, atrial origin labels owned land such wealth rather be, labels of origin of atrial origin billion owning such wealth rather be. Because nature billion land not so numerous billion land for land ownership percentage is not pretty, reducing atrial origin labels owned land such wealth rather be, labels of origin for damages atrial rate land owning such wealth rather be. Because nature is not lost land, so damage to damage land owned land such wealth rather be, damage to the label Made in atrial rate such land owned wealth rather be, labels of origin for atrial billion damage countless land ownership itself is not enough. Since nature does not land itself, so dear dear land of origin of such property wealth rather be, relative to the label Made in atrial rate such damages land owned wealth rather be, label damage atrial rate itself the land of origin of such property wealth rather be. Since the land is not nature, so the origin of the land of such wealth fairly is owned, the land of origin labels atrial rate itself very property damage not quite get. Relics Death! I for such measures, ensuring that all strains of nature, all of which place, all the time, looking for Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also possesses such wealth rather be. Wherefore? Because nature is not so.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2015.

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