Saturday 16 May 2015

The Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Package 24 episodes)

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Episode 3
Writing Thursday 9
First Assembly
Praise the Mahayana

Thursday 16-4 

L ại again, Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal to not go, do not stand well back. Formless, infinite liberation vow not subject to not go, do not stand well back. The nature not liberated subjects not to not go, do not stand well back. Nature formless, infinite liberation vow not subject to not go, do not stand well back. As not freed subjects' feet not to not go, do not stand well back. Chon as formless, infinite liberation vow not subject to not go, do not stand well back. Self emptiness liberation not subject to not go, do not stand well back. Nature formless, infinite liberation vow not subject to not go, do not stand well back. Minister not extricate themselves not subject to not go, do not stand well back. Self Minister formless, infinite liberation vow not subject to not go, do not stand well back. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Because there, formless, infinite deliverance prayers and nature subjects, such as feet, nature, its self minister or prime real or office so impossible.
Again, Good Show! Five labels not to not go, do not stand well back. Six Kabbalah neither coming nor going, again not stand. The nature of the label not to not go, do not stand well back. Six divine nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Chon as not to not go in the label, again not stand. Kabbalah six feet as not to not go, do not stand well back. Not to the nature of the label does not go, do not stand well back. Six divine nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Self minister in the label not to not go, do not stand well back. Six divine self minister not to not go, do not stand well back. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Since year six Kabbalah labels and nature, his feet are like, nature, its self minister or office action or impossible to attain it.
Again, Good Show! Buddha ten not to force do not go, do not stand well back. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, omniscience, director general location, location not necessarily minister to not go, again not ranked . Buddha nature is not to not go ten forces, again not stand. Four very base nature necessarily general lieutenant to mind not to not go, do not stand well back. Buddha ten feet as not to force do not go, do not stand well back. Captain feet as four very basis until position not necessarily minister to not go, do not stand well back. Buddha not human nature to not go ten, again not stand. Four very base nature necessarily general lieutenant to mind not to not go, do not stand well back. Buddhist minister not force myself to not go ten, again not stand. Self minister until four legions of mind not necessarily minister to not go, do not stand well back. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Since Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, great compassion, great joy, great equanimity, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, omniscience, general director position, necessarily general nature and location, feet as, nature, its self minister or office action or impossible to attain it.
Again, Good Show! Bodhisattvas not to not go, do not stand well back. Buddha's Bodhi not to not go, do not stand well back. Bodhisattva nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Buddha's Bodhi nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Chon as Bodhisattvas not to not go, do not stand well back. Bodhi Buddha's feet as not to not go, do not stand well back. Bodhisattva nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Bodhi Buddha's nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Self Minister Bodhisattva not to not go, do not stand well back. Buddha's Bodhi self minister not to not go, do not stand well back. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Because Bodhisattva, the Buddha's Bodhi and nature, his feet are like, nature, its ideology or action or impossible to attain this office.
Again, Good Show! Compounded neither coming nor going, again not stand. Tasteless not to not go, do not stand well back. Compounded nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Unconditioned nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Chon as not to not go compounded, again not stand. Chon as unconditioned neither coming nor going, again not stand. Compounded nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Unconditioned nature not to not go, do not stand well back. Self minister not to not go compounded, again not stand. Unconditioned self minister not to not go, do not stand well back. Wherefore? Compassion Now! Since conditioned, unconditioned and nature, his feet are like, nature, its self minister or prime real or office so impossible.
Compassion Now! So say no to not go Mahayana stand not quite see, such as vanity.
Again, Good Show! You say it as frivolous, short front edge between them impossible after acquisition. Mahayana too, prevented her before then between them impossible attained, because three equal partners, should call her Mahayana. So, so. You just say the word. Department why? Compassion Now! Life past, the past life. Life future, no future life. Life now, life is not present. Three equal partners emptiness, emptiness three equal partners not. Mahayana emptiness, emptiness is not Mahayana. Emptiness Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps, slaps nature Bodhisattva Ma ha not. Wherefore? Compassion Now! No no minister one two three four five six seven eight nine ten other private. So Mahayana three equal partners.
Compassion Now! In Mahayana so, minister of equality, inequality were impossible attained. General involved, any participation are impossible attained. General courts, regardless of the field are impossible attained. Minister si, si are impossible estate acquisition. General romance, no romance are impossible attained. Thus until the Minister charity, non charity are impossible attained. General Property Register, very favorable sign are impossible. General property illegally obtained outflows are impossible. General property offenses, are impossible to attain innocence. General organic contamination, infection isolation are impossible attained. Chess world, made them impossible to attain the world. General contamination, are impossible to attain purity. Minister birth, attained Nirvana are impossible. Gen. often, impermanent impossible attained. Chess pleasure and pain are impossible to attain. Minister down, are impossible to attain selflessness. General purification, impurities are impossible to attain. General calm, tranquility are impossible estate acquisition. General renunciation, no renunciation are impossible attained. Education Minister realm, the realm of impossibility Education are attained. General realms Lust, Lust planes are impossible to attain. Immaterial General realm, the realm of impossibility Immaterial are attained. Wherefore? Compassion Now! For in the true nature of Mahayana attain that impossibility.
Compassion Now! Distinguished past, the past identity. Sac future, no future identity. Sac current, not current identity. Operating life thought past awake, awake past operating life thought not. Operating life form futuristic ideas, knowledge and future operating life thought not. Great life current operating mode, current mode operating life thought not. Department why? Compassion Now! Distinguished past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because that is not sharp past. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past did not have quite the color. Compassion Now! Sac in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since that is not the future identity. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the future not quite sharp. Compassion Now! Current excellence in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because that is not current identity. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite the current identity. Compassion Now! Distinguished past present and future in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since past and future identity that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past has no future identity rather be current. Compassion Now! Life thought past practice in not such knowledge rather be. Wherefore? Because life thought past practice that is not official. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in life thought no past practice rather be awake. Compassion Now! Operating life thought no such formula in the future rather be. Wherefore? Because the operating life thought that is not wake future. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in life thought no future acts rather be awake. Compassion Now! Current operating life thought of no such formula rather be. Wherefore? Because a great life current operating mode that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in no great life current practice rather be awake. Compassion Now! Operating life thought past knowledge in current and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because life thought past practice and future knowledge that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone the idea of ​​operating without official life past present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! The label Made in the past, the past of origin label. Origin Labels future, no future Origin label. Made current labels, labels of origin currently not. Atrial rate itself the land of past losses, damages atrial rate itself is not the origin of the past. Atrial rate itself the land of future losses, damages atrial rate itself is not the land of the future. Atrial rate itself damage the existing land, the land itself atrial rate current losses not. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past land mark that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled past land rather be. Compassion Now! Origin labels in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the label of origin ie no future. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled land quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Made current label in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the current land mark that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled rather be the current origin. Compassion Now! Origin Labels past present and future in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the label Made in past present and future that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled past land quite futuristic present. Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the land of past losses in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because atrial rate itself the land of past damage that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in no atrial rate itself the land of past damage rather be. Compassion Now! The land itself atrial billion loss in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because atrial rate itself the land of the future damage that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, how much more damage in the body without the atrial rate land quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Friendly atrial billion loss in the current origin did not quite get. Wherefore? Because atrial rate itself damage the existing land that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, how much more damage in the body without the atrial rate rather be current origin. Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the land of past damages and future existing in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because atrial rate itself the land of past damages and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, how much more damage in the body without atrial rate land past the present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Origin past identity, past land not sharp. Origin sharp futuristic, future land not sharp. Sac existing land, current land not sharp. Legal Origin flavor bar past exposure, taste bar past exposure not legal origin. Legal Origin flavor bar futuristic touch, taste bar futuristic touch not legal origin. ADD taste contact current land law, land law bars taste is not currently exposed. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin past identity in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the color that is not land past. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past did not have quite the color origin. Compassion Now! Superb land in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the color that is not a future parish. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the future do not have quite the color origin. Compassion Now! Made current identity in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the current color that is not land. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite the best current origin. Compassion Now! Distinguished past land in present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past sharp futuristic land that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone the best land in the past without the present and future rather be. Compassion Now! Legal Origin flavor bar past exposure in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because land law bars emotional flavor that is not past. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, how much more in touch no legal bar Origin taste quite get past. Compassion Now! Thanh taste Made contact futuristic approach in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because land law bars emotional flavor that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, how much more in touch no legal bar Origin taste quite futuristic. Compassion Now! ADD taste contact current land law in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because land law bars emotional flavor that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in no flavor bar contact current land law rather be. Compassion Now! Thanh taste Made contact past and future measures currently in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because land law bars taste contact past and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in no flavor bar contact past and future legal origin rather be current.
Compassion Now! Past perspective, the past perspective. Labels futuristic, future perspectives not. Current perspective, not the current perspective. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of past life, emotional gender identity to mark the birth coy past life is not. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born the future life, emotional gender identity to mark the birth coy no future life. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, labels amenity contact current born of life, emotional gender identity to mark the life amenity born not present. Department why? Compassion Now! Past perspective in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because past perspective that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled rather be presented with the past. Compassion Now! Future perspective in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the label that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Current perspectives in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the current perspective that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled rather be the current world. Compassion Now! Past and future perspectives present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since past and future perspective that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in unlabeled past world present and future rather be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of past life in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional past life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have to label color contact amenity born of past life rather be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of life in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world without color to mark the birth coy emotional life is quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born during the current life does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world without color to label engenders emotional posturing rather be the current life. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional labels, label contact amenity born of past life in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional past life and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have to label color contact amenity born expectancy past the present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Gender past atrium, atrial past world no. Futuristic atrium, atrial not futuristic. Atrial the present, not the present atrium. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of past life, atrium bar to contact instructions amenity born of the past life. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life future, atrium bar to contact instructions amenity born the future life does not. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born the present life, atrium bar to contact instructions for amenity born the current life does not. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial past world in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because atrial past world that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite get past atrial world. Compassion Now! Futuristic atrium in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because futuristic atrium that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite the futuristic atrium. Compassion Now! Atrial current world did not quite get. Wherefore? Because atrial ie current world no. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite get the present atrium. Compassion Now! Atrial past world present in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because atrial past and future world that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past has no future atrial world rather be current. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of past life in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because radio instructions until atrial contact amenity born of past life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world there is no bar to the atrium contact amenity born of past life rather be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of life in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because radio instructions until atrial contact amenity born the future life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world there is no bar to the atrium contact amenity born the future life rather be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born during the current life did not quite get. Wherefore? Because radio instructions until atrial contact amenity born of life that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world there is no bar to the atrium contact amenity born rather be the current life. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact amenity born of past life in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because radio instructions until atrial contact amenity born of past life and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world there is no bar to the atrium contact amenity born of past life present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Rate past world, billions of the past world. Rate futuristic world, billions are not futuristic. Rate the present, not the present rate. Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of past life, incense instructions to share contact amenity born of the past life. Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life future, incense contact instructions to share the feeling coy born not futuristic. Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born the present life, to share contact incense instructions amenity born the current life does not. Department why? Compassion Now! Rate of past world in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past rate that is not presented. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite get past gender ratio. Compassion Now! Rate futuristic world in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the rate that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the future world no rate rather be. Compassion Now! Rate the present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the present rate that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite get the present rate. Compassion Now! Rate past world present in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because past billion futuristic world that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past has no future gender ratio is rather be. Compassion Now! Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of past life in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because incense billion instructions to contact amenity born of past life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have to share contact incense amenity born of past life rather be. Compassion Now! Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of life in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because incense billion instructions to contact amenity born the future life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have to share contact incense amenity born the future life rather be. Compassion Now! Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born during the current life does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because incense billion instructions to contact amenity born of life that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have to share contact incense amenity born the present life rather be. Compassion Now! Perfume World, billions and billions of emotional cognition, emotional billion amenity born of past life in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because incense billion instructions to contact amenity born of past life and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have to share contact incense amenity born of past life present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Gender past losses, damages the past world. Futuristic damage, damage not futuristic. Damage the present, not the present damage. World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of past life, until the damage to your emotional world coy born of the past life. World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born the future life, the emotional damage done to world charm born of life no future. World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born the present life, until the damage to your emotional world charm born of life do not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender past losses did not quite get in. Wherefore? Because of past damage that is not presented. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world without loss quite get past. Compassion Now! Damage in the future no such instructions rather be. Wherefore? Because of the damage that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in no damage is quite futuristic. Compassion Now! The damage in the present not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the damage that is not the present. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the current world no damage rather be. Compassion Now! Gender past losses existing in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past damages and future world that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past has no future losses instructions rather be current. Compassion Now! World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born in the past life did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the contact instructions to damage amenity born of past life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no damage to your contact amenity born of past life rather be. Compassion Now! World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of life in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the contact instructions to damage amenity born the future life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no damage to your emotional life amenity born the future rather be. Compassion Now! World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born during the current life does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the contact instructions to damage amenity born of life that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no damage to your contact amenity born rather be the current life. Compassion Now! World Area, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage amenity born of past life in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the contact instructions to damage amenity born of past life and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no damage to your emotional life coy past engenders the present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, the past of body. Futuristic body, the body is not futuristic. Than the present, not the present itself. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of past life, exposure to physical contact instructions amenity born of the past life. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life future, hurting world until grace born of body contact as the future life does not. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born the present life, emotional world until grace born of body contact as the current non-life. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the world body that is not past. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past did not have quite the world body. Compassion Now! Futuristic body in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the body that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in no relatives quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Current world in itself not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the world body that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the current world no relatives rather be. Compassion Now! Monkey World past present and future in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past relatives futuristic world that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past presented no relatives present fairly the future. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of past life in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because exposure to the world of body contact amenity born of past life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no contact of body contact amenity born of past life rather be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of life in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because exposure to the world of body contact amenity born the future life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no contact of body contact amenity born the future life rather be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born during the current life does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because exposure to the world of body contact amenity born of life that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no contact of body contact amenity born the present life rather be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact amenity born of past life in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because exposure to the world of body contact amenity born of past life and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no contact of body contact amenity born of past life present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, the past world no. The futuristic world, not the world of the future. The current world, the current world no. France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of past life, until the legal world contact amenity born of the past life. France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life future, until the legal world charm being exposed as the future life does not. France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of current life, until the legal world charm being exposed as the current non-life. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy in no such instructions past rather be. Wherefore? Since the past world that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world can not quite get past. Compassion Now! Futurism in Italy no such instructions rather be. Wherefore? Because the futuristic world that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world do not have quite the future. Compassion Now! The current world did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the current world that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world without quite being present. Compassion Now! Italy presented the past in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because past the futuristic world that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past does not mean gender present and future rather be. Compassion Now! France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of past life in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the legal world as a charm until the contact was born the past life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no standard legal contact amenity born of past life rather be. Compassion Now! France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of life in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the legal world as a charm until the contact was born the future life that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no standard legal contact amenity born the future life rather be. Compassion Now! France, consciousness and the emotional world, the contact amenity born during the current life not quite get there. Wherefore? Because until the legal world as a charm born of emotional life that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no standard legal contact amenity born the present life rather be. Compassion Now! France, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional posturing born of past life in the present and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the legal world to contact amenity born of past life and future that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the world until there is no standard legal contact amenity born of past life present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Past boundaries, boundaries of the past. Futuristic Earth, not the future boundaries. Current boundaries, not the current boundaries. Feng shui fire past no gender, no gender feng shui fire the past. Feng shui fire not futuristic form, feng shui fire not futuristic formula does not. Feng shui fire current no gender, no gender feng shui fire current no. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender past Earth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because past boundaries ie no. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite get past boundaries. Compassion Now! Futuristic Earth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because boundaries ie no future. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the future without boundaries rather be. Compassion Now! Current boundaries in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because current boundaries ie no. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not quite get the current boundaries. Compassion Now! Past and future boundary current in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because your past boundaries of current hybrid that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the past has no future boundary rather be current. Compassion Now! Feng shui fire past not in cognition did not quite get. Wherefore? Since feng shui fire past not gender ie no. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone without water, fire in the room not quite get past gender. Compassion Now! Feng shui fire not futuristic in form did not quite get. Wherefore? Since feng shui fire not gender that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the water, fire has no future cognitive style did not quite get. Compassion Now! Feng shui fire not present in cognition did not quite get. Wherefore? Since feng shui fire no current knowledge that is not presented. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in the water, fire has no current cognitive style not quite get. Compassion Now! Feng shui no cognitive fire past present and future in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since feng shui fire past not the future of cognition that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone fire feng shui in no cognition past not the present and future rather be.
Compassion Now! Ignorance past, past ignorance does not. Futurism ignorance, ignorance is not futuristic. Current ignorance, ignorance is not present. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, aging brain death benefits melancholy admiration past suffering, old age and death issue for the suffering melancholy admiration past offers no brain. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain carbon future, old age and death out until grief carbon suffering brain offers no future. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, aging brain death melancholy admiration offers current suffering, old age and death out until grief impressed current suffering offers no brain. Department why? Compassion Now! Past ignorance in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past ignorance that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone ignorance in not quite get past. Compassion Now! Ignorance in the future not quite get there. Wherefore? Because ignorance is no immediate future. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone ignorance in not quite the future. Compassion Now! Current ignorance in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because ignorance is not immediately present. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone ignorance in not quite be present. Compassion Now! Ignorance past present and future in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because ignorance past present and future that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone ignorance in the past no future rather be current. Compassion Now! , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration past suffering cerebral superiority in not quite get there. Wherefore? Due out until grief carbon laozi past pain and grief that is not brain. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not committing until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size rather be too tense. Compassion Now! , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Due out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size that is not futuristic. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in not committing to carbon suffering grief laozi offers quite futuristic brain. Compassion Now! , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration current brain size advantage in not quite get there. Wherefore? Due out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size that is not current. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in having taken so melancholy admiration laozi current brain size rather be pros. Compassion Now! , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration past suffering brain offers current and future not quite get there. Wherefore? Due out until grief carbon laozi past suffering brain offers current and future that is not. Nor nature of not. No no, please do not quite get in, let alone in having taken so melancholy admiration laozi past suffering brain offers current and future rather be.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2015.

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