Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees death should improve cooperation to think this: Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva office throne, often painstaking practice Prajnaparamita and contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, giving three dollars most secret, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking not remain internal and external no, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, spreading no, no no variation, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature, should be the Supreme Chief of equity securities Father. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, dwells frequently and feet as France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere no gender, no gender incredible, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often remain diligent collective suffering and destroy religion Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking practice contemplative four and four immeasurable, formless four provisions, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and eight wins eight liberating the land, filed the second nine, ten variables origin, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study four pillars and four main concept piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditure, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College . Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study subjects are not freed and mindless myriad subjects voluntarily liberated, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often laborious manual and six-year study Kabbalah, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often diligent practicing Buddhism ten legions of force and four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, so evidence is Unknown Bodhi Chief upper class. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often in vain laborious legal practice and the nature every office furniture discharge, should evidence be painful Chief Supreme Bodhi. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study all subjects momentum ni la ma tam address and all subjects, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and director general position necessarily location, location necessarily general, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study how boundless Dharma, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often dwells much on the aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Today we as Supreme Chief bridge Bodhi College, for Prajnaparamita depths and the Buddhist approach should also normally diligent diligent, practice, remains Prajnaparamita depths and legal so, given that we are the true Grand master, often laborious practice is a chronic basis are voluntary. Prajnaparamita depths and such measures, the legal outcome is a true push the Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Single sense, Arhat, No Full, Most hybrid, Project to save all results. All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, is proving supreme Chief Bodhi College. All Single-discipline, Arhat, Real completed, the First Hybrid, expected to save all results, also where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have come to the other side, going to parties the other, the other side is coming. Because this pretext, Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should rely Prajnaparamita often laborious study. Should rely contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, giving pāramitā often laborious study. Wherefore? Because Prajnaparamita like all the places worth shifting of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should not normally diligent inner cultivation practice. Should not slash foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not normally very industrious nature study. Wherefore? Since no such cabinet is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting feet as often laborious study. Should slash France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender usually incredible diligence study. Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! remain frequent and feet as France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no incredible world, so evidence Supreme Bodhi College District. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often remain diligent collective suffering and destroy religion Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking practice contemplative four and four immeasurable, formless four provisions, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and eight wins eight liberating the land, filed the second nine, ten variables origin, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study four pillars and four main concept piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditure, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College . Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study subjects are not freed and mindless myriad subjects voluntarily liberated, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often laborious manual and six-year study Kabbalah, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often diligent practicing Buddhism ten legions of force and four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, so evidence is Unknown Bodhi Chief upper class. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often in vain laborious legal practice and the nature every office furniture discharge, should evidence be painful Chief Supreme Bodhi. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study all subjects momentum ni la ma tam address and all subjects, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and director general position necessarily location, location necessarily general, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study how boundless Dharma, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often dwells much on the aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Today we as Supreme Chief bridge Bodhi College, for Prajnaparamita depths and the Buddhist approach should also normally diligent diligent, practice, remains Prajnaparamita depths and legal so, given that we are the true Grand master, often laborious practice is a chronic basis are voluntary. Prajnaparamita depths and such measures, the legal outcome is a true push the Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Single sense, Arhat, No Full, Most hybrid, Project to save all results. All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, is proving supreme Chief Bodhi College. All Single-discipline, Arhat, Real completed, the First Hybrid, expected to save all results, also where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have come to the other side, going to parties the other, the other side is coming. Because this pretext, Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should rely Prajnaparamita often laborious study. Should rely contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, giving pāramitā often laborious study. Wherefore? Because Prajnaparamita like all the places worth shifting of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should not normally diligent inner cultivation practice. Should not slash foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not normally very industrious nature study. Wherefore? Since no such cabinet is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting feet as often laborious study. Should slash France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender usually incredible diligence study. Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! remain frequent and feet as France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no incredible world, so evidence Supreme Bodhi College District. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often remain diligent collective suffering and destroy religion Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking practice contemplative four and four immeasurable, formless four provisions, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and eight wins eight liberating the land, filed the second nine, ten variables origin, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study four pillars and four main concept piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditure, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College . Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study subjects are not freed and mindless myriad subjects voluntarily liberated, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often laborious manual and six-year study Kabbalah, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often diligent practicing Buddhism ten legions of force and four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, so evidence is Unknown Bodhi Chief upper class. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often in vain laborious legal practice and the nature every office furniture discharge, should evidence be painful Chief Supreme Bodhi. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study all subjects momentum ni la ma tam address and all subjects, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and director general position necessarily location, location necessarily general, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study how boundless Dharma, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often dwells much on the aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Today we as Supreme Chief bridge Bodhi College, for Prajnaparamita depths and the Buddhist approach should also normally diligent diligent, practice, remains Prajnaparamita depths and legal so, given that we are the true Grand master, often laborious practice is a chronic basis are voluntary. Prajnaparamita depths and such measures, the legal outcome is a true push the Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Single sense, Arhat, No Full, Most hybrid, Project to save all results. All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, is proving supreme Chief Bodhi College. All Single-discipline, Arhat, Real completed, the First Hybrid, expected to save all results, also where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have come to the other side, going to parties the other, the other side is coming. Because this pretext, Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should rely Prajnaparamita often laborious study. Should rely contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, giving pāramitā often laborious study. Wherefore? Because Prajnaparamita like all the places worth shifting of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should not normally diligent inner cultivation practice. Should not slash foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not normally very industrious nature study. Wherefore? Since no such cabinet is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting feet as often laborious study. Should slash France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender usually incredible diligence study. Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study all subjects momentum ni la ma tam address and all subjects, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and director general position necessarily location, location necessarily general, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study how boundless Dharma, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often dwells much on the aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Today we as Supreme Chief bridge Bodhi College, for Prajnaparamita depths and the Buddhist approach should also normally diligent diligent, practice, remains Prajnaparamita depths and legal so, given that we are the true Grand master, often laborious practice is a chronic basis are voluntary. Prajnaparamita depths and such measures, the legal outcome is a true push the Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Single sense, Arhat, No Full, Most hybrid, Project to save all results. All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, is proving supreme Chief Bodhi College. All Single-discipline, Arhat, Real completed, the First Hybrid, expected to save all results, also where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have come to the other side, going to parties the other, the other side is coming. Because this pretext, Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should rely Prajnaparamita often laborious study. Should rely contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, giving pāramitā often laborious study. Wherefore? Because Prajnaparamita like all the places worth shifting of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should not normally diligent inner cultivation practice. Should not slash foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not normally very industrious nature study. Wherefore? Since no such cabinet is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting feet as often laborious study. Should slash France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender usually incredible diligence study. Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study all subjects momentum ni la ma tam address and all subjects, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study and director general position necessarily location, location necessarily general, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often painstaking study how boundless Dharma, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Oldtimer Tathagata Bodhisattva home office, often dwells much on the aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths, should evidence be Supreme Chief Bodhi College. Today we as Supreme Chief bridge Bodhi College, for Prajnaparamita depths and the Buddhist approach should also normally diligent diligent, practice, remains Prajnaparamita depths and legal so, given that we are the true Grand master, often laborious practice is a chronic basis are voluntary. Prajnaparamita depths and such measures, the legal outcome is a true push the Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Single sense, Arhat, No Full, Most hybrid, Project to save all results. All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, is proving supreme Chief Bodhi College. All Single-discipline, Arhat, Real completed, the First Hybrid, expected to save all results, also where Prajnaparamita deep and measures like that, often painstaking practice, should have come to the other side, going to parties the other, the other side is coming. Because this pretext, Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should rely Prajnaparamita often laborious study. Should rely contemplative, diligent, safety rings, pure precepts, giving pāramitā often laborious study. Wherefore? Because Prajnaparamita like all the places worth shifting of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should not normally diligent inner cultivation practice. Should not slash foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not normally very industrious nature study. Wherefore? Since no such cabinet is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting feet as often laborious study. Should slash France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender usually incredible diligence study. Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directing newly appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four newly born the same. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all eight of liberation, winning eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten new parish is being so variable. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita notion here that all four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new saints were born so direct expenditure. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all subjects are not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite deliverance prayer is born that new subjects. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita years ago that all labels, six newly born psychic so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Buddha here that all ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen any new legal Buddha was born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here but all in vain loss method, a new character was born constant discharge that office. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita momentum here that all subjects la ni, ma tam address all newly born half that. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita place here that is necessary, the director general position, the new position is necessarily general this birth. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita which all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net new achievements buddhaland so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita bar text here that all ministers, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme newly born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due to this secret Wisdom that all save a Stream project results oriented. Lai lai Nhat most effective guide, Real Full results oriented Real completed, Arhat Arhat direction is shown that the new results. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Single sense here that all sensory oriented Single out this new result. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from new mind until the Diamonds example, how much merit that newly appeared. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all applicants Enlightenment Tathagata how many Supreme Chief at University College Bodhi and Nirvana appeared so new. Kieu Thi Ca! By this pretext, so if the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, refined industrious practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Phuoc has previously tectonic Chedi compare this blessed group does not keep a cent, such portion up a thousand, a hundred thousand parts could not, could not share a memory hundred, hundred percent could not share a memory, hundreds of thousands ức phần chẳng kịp một, trăm ngàn trăm ức phần chẳng kịp một, trăm ngàn trăm ức muôn ức phần chẳng kịp được một, số phần, toán phần, kế phần, dụ phần cho đến cực số phần cũng chẳng kịp một. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Kieu Thi Ca! Wherefore? Because like all feet as a place worthy of all Thanh Van slash, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so noble suffering commonly rely diligent study. Removal should rely practice religion, Holy Roman Emperor often laborious study. Wherefore? Because like all noble suffering is worth shifting place of all Thanh Van, Single Enlightenment, Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four contemplative often laborious study. Should slash the four immeasurable, formless four of often painstaking study. Wherefore? Because like all four contemplative refuge is a place worthy of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash liberated mind often laborious study. Origin should slash eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, often painstaking ten variables studied origin. Wherefore? Because all eight freed like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a factor happily communicate all such benefits. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash four pillar concept is often laborious study. Should slash the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures diligent study. Wherefore? Because like all four pillars concept is spot worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should depend not extricate often painstaking study subjects. Should rely formless, infinite liberation prayer often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since no such disciplines liberation is all worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so often laborious manual shifting in practice. Shifting six-god should normally diligent study. Wherefore? As in all such labels is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should slash the ten Buddha often laborious study. Should rely legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma practice is often laborious. Wherefore? Because like all the ten Buddha is worth shifting place of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, so vain shifting erratically legal practice diligently. Constant shifting nature should normally diligent practice exhaust cylinder. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting all technical momentum ni la often laborious study. Hilly should address all three ghosts often painstaking study subjects. Wherefore? Since all subjects such momentum ni la place worth all the shifting of all bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, should necessarily depend usually diligent practice location. Hotel director generals should rely, often painstaking necessarily general practice location. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily like all the places worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or the next Nirvana, how much should depend boundless Dharma usually diligent study. Wherefore? Because how many Dharma boundless like all the good seats Sravakas shifting of all, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element that all security interests. Kieu Thi Ca! The female devotees all good death, or Buddha in the world, or after nirvana, so shifting aggregates origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths normally diligent study. Wherefore? Since aggregates, origin, gender countless teachings all depending upon Prajnaparamita depths like a place worthy of all shifting bar text, Single-discipline, Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and sun, people, a communication element so all security interests. now, God Indra said Buddha that revered sir! If a man can improve all female friendly Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The good men e how much this woman blessed. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! Again I ask you, should arbitrary response. There are good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, new most precious things brought seven constructors Chedi, use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused . Was tall towers, eighty miles, half less extensive high. Trade back and take things magic garlands, incense rubbed, all incense, clothing, he located, protected pages, sections, so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering a lifetime offerings reverence, respect critical praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directing newly appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four newly born the same. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all eight of liberation, winning eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten new parish is being so variable. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita notion here that all four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new saints were born so direct expenditure. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all subjects are not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite deliverance prayer is born that new subjects. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita years ago that all labels, six newly born psychic so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Buddha here that all ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen any new legal Buddha was born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here but all in vain loss method, a new character was born constant discharge that office. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita momentum here that all subjects la ni, ma tam address all newly born half that. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita place here that is necessary, the director general position, the new position is necessarily general this birth. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita which all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net new achievements buddhaland so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita bar text here that all ministers, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme newly born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due to this secret Wisdom that all save a Stream project results oriented. Lai lai Nhat most effective guide, Real Full results oriented Real completed, Arhat Arhat direction is shown that the new results. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Single sense here that all sensory oriented Single out this new result. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from new mind until the Diamonds example, how much merit that newly appeared. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all applicants Enlightenment Tathagata how many Supreme Chief at University College Bodhi and Nirvana appeared so new. Kieu Thi Ca! By this pretext, so if the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, refined industrious practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Phuoc has previously tectonic Chedi compare this blessed group does not keep a cent, such portion up a thousand, a hundred thousand parts could not, could not share a memory hundred, hundred percent could not share a memory, hundreds of thousands not keep a memory section, hundreds of thousands of such parts up a hundred memories, memories hundred thousand hundred parts like memory could not be one, part number, part math, part design, part to the extreme example of a part did not keep pace. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, this world of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls exist not destroy. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have ten good deeds and experimental religion, gender, religious, charity, gratitude, repay, Hien holy offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directing newly appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four newly born the same. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all eight of liberation, winning eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten new parish is being so variable. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita notion here that all four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new saints were born so direct expenditure. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all subjects are not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite deliverance prayer is born that new subjects. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita years ago that all labels, six newly born psychic so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Buddha here that all ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen any new legal Buddha was born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here but all in vain loss method, a new character was born constant discharge that office. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita momentum here that all subjects la ni, ma tam address all newly born half that. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita place here that is necessary, the director general position, the new position is necessarily general this birth. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita which all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net new achievements buddhaland so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita bar text here that all ministers, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme newly born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due to this secret Wisdom that all save a Stream project results oriented. Lai lai Nhat most effective guide, Real Full results oriented Real completed, Arhat Arhat direction is shown that the new results. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Single sense here that all sensory oriented Single out this new result. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from new mind until the Diamonds example, how much merit that newly appeared. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all applicants Enlightenment Tathagata how many Supreme Chief at University College Bodhi and Nirvana appeared so new. Kieu Thi Ca! By this pretext, so if the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, refined industrious practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Phuoc has previously tectonic Chedi compare this blessed group does not keep a cent, such portion up a thousand, a hundred thousand parts could not, could not share a memory hundred, hundred percent could not share a memory, hundreds of thousands not keep a memory section, hundreds of thousands of such parts up a hundred memories, memories hundred thousand hundred parts like memory could not be one, part number, part math, part design, part to the extreme example of a part did not keep pace. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, this world of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls exist not destroy. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have ten good deeds and experimental religion, gender, religious, charity, gratitude, repay, Hien holy offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Lots. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the women's charitable devotees all Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, large as saving sentient say grace over, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own this one out, there are good men to death for the female-friendly Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious things constructor Chedi, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half width less than European high Thiem sets, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said width of around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless. Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate out the European Thiem, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, bringing seven new most precious treasure stupa constructor, using the stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high realms four continents, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charitable causes and conditions by following this group born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the realms of four continents, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of high celestial realms Elementary, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The good men and women's charity, through an affinity group is born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita here take heart slang heard reciting maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use, these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to this predestined born blessed than the other lot boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms Elementary, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, measuring less than half of the high Middle celestial realms, the drum does not open. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed be the more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charity, not leaving the place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal diligent practice, as think of that, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To separate the heavenly realms China, have the good men and women's charity for the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, brought seven new constructor most precious treasure stupa, using stones strange treasured jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, again higher than the world wide diminish Three great Christian, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights on a full engineering life reverently offerings, respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here are born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable that thinking, because sentient broad statement said around or have a written note left, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Buddha said Kieu Thi Ca! To own Three great Christian world, the world or the great Christian Three types are charming for Tathagata after entering Nirvana, because Buddhist Forum beneficial la offerings, the most precious treasures bring new seven constructors Chedi , use these treasured pearl jewelry strange quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, half of them full width Tam High less great Christian world, not in them. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, offering a full life reverently , respect for praise. Place your attention somehow? Three great Christian world the kind of beings that, through this karmic group born blessed, be more reasonable? Thien Sakka said, White Exalted! Great number of. White Auspicious! Great number of. Buddha said: Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot other than boundless! Then God Indra, the white Buddha that: So, so. It as the Bible teaches. If the women's charitable devotees make offerings of respect, respect for praise Prajnaparamita like, the good men and women's philanthropy has to know when the offerings of respect, respect for the Buddhist World Praise Ton past present and future. Assuming all ten world beings are like the multitude of all, are the Tathagata after entering Nirvana, as offerings to Buddha Set beneficial la, so new most precious treasures brought seven constructors Chedi, use these strange treasured pearl jewelry quarterly confused. Was tall towers eighty miles, wide less half high, are full of the Three great Christian world, the gap is not empty. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all flour, clothes, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and light engineering, or experiencing a life, or a better life offering reverent, respectful praise. Venerable sir! The charming, thanks karmic merit groups born here, be more reasonable? Buddha said: There are too many. God Sakka said: If the woman good men e Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita slang heard here take heart, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Venerable sir! Do Prajnaparamita this summary photographic collection is all friendly French museum. Ie ten directed karma, or four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Or eight freed, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Or four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Technical or liberation, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Or suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill noble, noble religion. Or five labels, six clairvoyants. Or alms pāramitā, pure precepts pāramitā, security rings pāramitā, diligent pāramitā, contemplative pāramitā, Prajnaparamita. Internal or not, not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directing newly appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four newly born the same. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all eight of liberation, winning eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten new parish is being so variable. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita notion here that all four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new saints were born so direct expenditure. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all subjects are not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite deliverance prayer is born that new subjects. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita years ago that all labels, six newly born psychic so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Buddha here that all ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen any new legal Buddha was born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here but all in vain loss method, a new character was born constant discharge that office. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita momentum here that all subjects la ni, ma tam address all newly born half that. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita place here that is necessary, the director general position, the new position is necessarily general this birth. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita which all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net new achievements buddhaland so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita bar text here that all ministers, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme newly born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due to this secret Wisdom that all save a Stream project results oriented. Lai lai Nhat most effective guide, Real Full results oriented Real completed, Arhat Arhat direction is shown that the new results. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Single sense here that all sensory oriented Single out this new result. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from new mind until the Diamonds example, how much merit that newly appeared. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all applicants Enlightenment Tathagata how many Supreme Chief at University College Bodhi and Nirvana appeared so new. Kieu Thi Ca! By this pretext, so if the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, refined industrious practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Phuoc has previously tectonic Chedi compare this blessed group does not keep a cent, such portion up a thousand, a hundred thousand parts could not, could not share a memory hundred, hundred percent could not share a memory, hundreds of thousands not keep a memory section, hundreds of thousands of such parts up a hundred memories, memories hundred thousand hundred parts like memory could not be one, part number, part math, part design, part to the extreme example of a part did not keep pace. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, this world of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls exist not destroy. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have ten good deeds and experimental religion, gender, religious, charity, gratitude, repay, Hien holy offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita. unconditioned not, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, very nature self-emptiness. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directing newly appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four newly born the same. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all eight of liberation, winning eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten new parish is being so variable. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita notion here that all four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new saints were born so direct expenditure. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all subjects are not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite deliverance prayer is born that new subjects. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita years ago that all labels, six newly born psychic so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Buddha here that all ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen any new legal Buddha was born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here but all in vain loss method, a new character was born constant discharge that office. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita momentum here that all subjects la ni, ma tam address all newly born half that. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita place here that is necessary, the director general position, the new position is necessarily general this birth. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita which all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net new achievements buddhaland so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita bar text here that all ministers, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme newly born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due to this secret Wisdom that all save a Stream project results oriented. Lai lai Nhat most effective guide, Real Full results oriented Real completed, Arhat Arhat direction is shown that the new results. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Single sense here that all sensory oriented Single out this new result. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from new mind until the Diamonds example, how much merit that newly appeared. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all applicants Enlightenment Tathagata how many Supreme Chief at University College Bodhi and Nirvana appeared so new. Kieu Thi Ca! By this pretext, so if the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, refined industrious practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Phuoc has previously tectonic Chedi compare this blessed group does not keep a cent, such portion up a thousand, a hundred thousand parts could not, could not share a memory hundred, hundred percent could not share a memory, hundreds of thousands not keep a memory section, hundreds of thousands of such parts up a hundred memories, memories hundred thousand hundred parts like memory could not be one, part number, part math, part design, part to the extreme example of a part did not keep pace. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, this world of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls exist not destroy. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have ten good deeds and experimental religion, gender, religious, charity, gratitude, repay, Hien holy offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita. unconditioned not, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, very nature self-emptiness. Hoachon as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Or all subjects momentum ni la, all three places on goal. Or Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Legal vain or loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Necessary or location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Or how many boundless Dharma, are photographers on Prajnaparamita depths here. White Exalted! Prajnaparamita depths such as publication of legal truth Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, is also true of all legal publications Sravakas, Single corner. Venerable sir! All Tathagata Applications Enlightenment are where Prajnaparamita such depths usually diligent practice, should have seen the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, will witness the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, currently chief equity securities Supreme Father. Venerable sir! All text bar, Single equilateral where Prajnaparamita such depths normally diligent practice, should have come to the other side, to the other side, out to the other side. Venerable sir! Because of conditions here, so the female devotees charity Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, crystal painstaking cultivation school, as of that thinking, because sentient wide flow statement said around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions blessed born here, a lot more than the other infinite, can not think, can not claim to tell. Then the Buddha asked God Indra, saying Thus, so. As you have already said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. The men e this female-friendly, thanks to the group of conditions here engenders a lot more than the other blessed boundless, can not think, can not claim to tell. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Because due Prajnaparamita which all this generosity, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita so newly born. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita not here that all internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not unconditioned, all scenes are not, not economic wealth, not spreading, no variation wealth, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature new not appear so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world , any incredible new world appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all suffering Noble Truths, Truths set, kill Truths, Truths directing newly appeared so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four newly born the same. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all eight of liberation, winning eight of origin, filed nine minutes on, ten new parish is being so variable. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita notion here that all four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new saints were born so direct expenditure. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all subjects are not liberated, liberating technical formless, infinite deliverance prayer is born that new subjects. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita years ago that all labels, six newly born psychic so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Buddha here that all ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, plus eighteen any new legal Buddha was born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here but all in vain loss method, a new character was born constant discharge that office. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita momentum here that all subjects la ni, ma tam address all newly born half that. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita place here that is necessary, the director general position, the new position is necessarily general this birth. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita which all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net new achievements buddhaland so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita bar text here that all ministers, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme newly born so. Kieu Thi Ca! Due to this secret Wisdom that all save a Stream project results oriented. Lai lai Nhat most effective guide, Real Full results oriented Real completed, Arhat Arhat direction is shown that the new results. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Prajnaparamita Single sense here that all sensory oriented Single out this new result. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from new mind until the Diamonds example, how much merit that newly appeared. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Prajnaparamita here that all applicants Enlightenment Tathagata how many Supreme Chief at University College Bodhi and Nirvana appeared so new. Kieu Thi Ca! By this pretext, so if the good men and women's charitable Necessarily center location can not leave place, bringing wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, refined industrious practice, as of that thinking, because sentient statement said wide flow around, or poetic description, use these offerings solemn reverence, respect praise. Upper back and take things corolla magic, aroma massage, all incense, clothing, he lost, protect colon, phan so, the quarterly map cherish strange magic, music and lights that carefully because offerings. Phuoc has previously tectonic Chedi compare this blessed group does not keep a cent, such portion up a thousand, a hundred thousand parts could not, could not share a memory hundred, hundred percent could not share a memory, hundreds of thousands not keep a memory section, hundreds of thousands of such parts up a hundred memories, memories hundred thousand hundred parts like memory could not be one, part number, part math, part design, part to the extreme example of a part did not keep pace. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, this world of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls exist not destroy. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have ten good deeds and experimental religion, gender, religious, charity, gratitude, repay, Hien holy offerings. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, Prajnaparamita.
Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world does not often internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not unconditioned, every scene no, no not economic, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita Euro- here exist in the Thiem, the world often have feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often suffer Holy Roman Emperor, Holy Roman Emperor set, kill noble, noble religion. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world usually have four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have freed eight, eight to win the land, filed the second nine, ten turns of origin. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, conception of the world often have four offices, four primary segments, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have no professional rescue, technical rescue formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world usually have five brands, six clairvoyants. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, Buddha ten world often force, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, legal eighteen Buddha unjust. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, legal world often vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have momentum la ni all subjects, all subjects tam ma place. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often Necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have great interest surveys to ethnic, minority Brahmin college, college Ethnic School, academia, ethnic Layman. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have their great king Four sky, sun Thirty-three, it was magic, it was due to the majority, it was transformed Lac, Self in heaven Tha . Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have discounts on our sun Brahma side Brahma Assembly, heaven University commit, Sun Optics, Optical Qualification sun, sun rays boundless horizon Pole net photosynthesis, it lacks, boundless sky pure, pure heaven variable, sun Square, sun Min advertising, promotional boundless sky, sun Quang results. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often disturb heaven Wuxi, Wuxi sun heat, Thien is sky, the sky is Compassion, Excellence salvage sky. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often Infinity of the sky, the land of boundless sky, the sky is naught origin, African sky ideal non-perception. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have excess Sravakas, Single sensory excess, excess Supreme. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have a Stream flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have sensory oriented Single Single sensory results. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva Bodhisattva training, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! If Prajnaparamita here exist in the Euro- Thiem, the world often have Tathagata Applications Enlightenment, attained Supreme Chief Bodhi College, turned the car Dhamma immeasurable beings.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/7/2016.MHDT. |
Friday, 1 July 2016
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