13. Good Food Crime [1]
Now, Germany Like-Cunning Song-and-As-Lai said the Bo-slaps Van-enemies-master-seat and countless great-they are in the sea-Board that: "in memory of countless hundreds of thousands College-shit, not pity themselves-the destiny, eyes, limbs, flesh and blood, bone-marrow, his wife, the country, the whole treasure-jade, Guo, who beg Me, I give you-and I am tu-file hundreds of thousands everyday suffering is difficult to do that were the mind-add-a-keeper of College-admit this. Now I bring this Vice-good for you, you should know that doing so in this sweeping, the ranks are the cross-power-upper in ten third method [2] are declared dogma. My treasure for dark colors, like-extreme-, make friendship-friendship is all the benefits-tribe. In the third-the great-the world-boundary, national-level schools of Theravada Buddhism in the ten directions, and further loads – minutes of the kind of friendship-love them-was born in Eagle-birth, falls-devil, hell, because thanks to the Norwegian power-God, the German capital's victory-fee-College-admit the mind-add-this Pub, which make them from the heart-brain, entitled peace-have fun. Of energy and well being-Germany think hard goals are like that, making the country the Department-in fun-sheng, there is resentment-title. Such people are Like jewels-Italy to indoors, Meanwhile, Bo-slaps Van-enemies-master-seat of the white Buddha that "German White World-religion! German-Bred rare! Who Goodness-becomes the rare! So He said to my College-admit the mind-Add-A-deep-wide-lined mission bring benefit-useful for large tu-run College-admit. Yes, the White World-religion! This is depth-charge! So, if good faith-nam-TU, Thien-female-staff would maintain this economic appetites, so only a four-post rack questions, such as how many people happy? "
Germany World-religion told Bo-slaps Van-enemies-master-seat that "If good faith-male-TU, Thien-female-who in the Ganges-HA-sa t-the great-the world-boundary filled-with seven treasures that they bring, sweet-handling Chu Buddha in ten directions; them because each one the Buddha created-an essential property-by seven-treasure page-strictly, set to map one seemingly-effortless Buddha and Bo-slapped enough cosmological constant-the next life; the As-Lai there are also loads of e-filing-bar-van, they also offer worship-easily the whole the map needs-use, like other non-Buddhist cult. The Buddha and the bar-like text after entering Nirvana, they built a large Tower-enabled, cult-property-easy seat. If the charity-South-TU, Thien-female-staff tentatively listen and believe, understand a four sentence Who in this Place-shelves, said Bodhi mind, passive-maintenance, read, recite, the WINS-novel, writing copy, so very little is because the person that speaks to them, giving the German cult-the other over-easy-comparison with the German currency was about this theory, while in the other part sixteen nor by this part and for the math-numberparable, nor can match-up, be case-read the full file maintenance, and wide-publicized because someone says, the place blesses-benefit earning cannot limit-the amount is.
If there are people who play female-Bodhi, passive-maintenance, learning, writing copy, theory of mind-a--add this, male-female human body to do just-dark-time runner-up here, the following are not subject to close female-human anymore and not sa-fallen on evil-directed along eight accidents. And, in this sense life is ten Phuc thang-benefit: one is, tho-destined to increase further. The two are, except for any brain disease. Thirdly, the kill-except for career-obstacle course. The four are, Bliss-Germany location-intelligence increase multiples. The year is, there is no shortage of money. Six is, da-chestnut smooth-shading. Seven is, are people who love the glass. Eight is, are you curious-m. Nine is attached-in concert-items. Ten is, goodness-of mind durability-firmware. [4]
Mr. Van-enemies-master-seat! In this place, where else, if anyone, or reading assignments, or satire-litigation, or theoretical, or-a-copy this time to doing this book, i.e. towers, all Natural, human, non-human ... so bring the map on Pearl-the most precious of human-time, the-upper that worship-home thing. The Department-of is why?-Because where to this books is i.e. Buddha, Bo-slaps, Jesica-buds, stick-posted there. Why?-Because, all As-Lai tu-menstruation, the body divine-phu, get the main main class-upper-sight, the whole Ja-Holy well are from this experience that was exiting a-. [5]
Mr. Van-enemies-master-seat! After I enter Nirvana in hundreds of years, at the French-orchestrated removal, if France-mastermind [6] would fertilise-maintenance, reading assignments, persuasive copy writing-a-Business Center-this Site, as my head in every trade, the French-the other I did tutor. If good faith-nam-TU, Thien-female-who worship-effortlessly, honour the French standing-Professor power, i.e., sweet-handling all Buddhas of the ten directions lettered three years and Germany enjoy, are vase-a as class. So called "French-foot worship-easy-Lai" and so called "key-almond, sweet-handling". The Department-of the Rez-Because, the France-engineer it, in time-space Buddha, as they do in their life-birth of evil-Ta-the weapon that took place out of mind-Sutra-United Kingdom so this sweeping, making them-evil dropout-comments, go about Bodhi and wide-spread, save TV-free-make higher education-this durable solution in the world. Like called "Loads-General Hao Buddhist Dharma" (the Buddhist there is general good), all Staff, Favoritism should worship-easily. If good faith-nam-TU, Thien-female-who pieced together the hands also-a glass-master's I Thu-signed for great upper-Bodhi and he will be the main upper level-infinity-key-Visual. [7]
If people are listening to my mind-this Place, because the report of the four who play Grace, Bodhi, or write it yourself, or write, or who borrow to read anniversary media – benefit, it was Bliss-Germany's like, take your place-Buddha's wisdom that count measurement is more or less just don't know to what is boundary-boundary, who was then his real (foot-Zi) of the Chu Chu Thien full-heartedly Buddha., Date-United Kingdom, God-Like, four-great-heaven-United Kingdom, five hundred progeny in Ha-seat-base-model, [8] Ne-la-bi-multi Grand-demon-God-King (Grand-Medicine-massage-spirit), Long-God of eight sets, [9] all the demon-gods listen to France on the night away and will often support-households. Buddha-like, rose-Captain-anniversary, mind-teaser, with home remedies – Member radio-shy and usually teachers-turned us-born, their and piling-grown human Buddha. [10]
Mr. Van-enemies-master-seat! Goodness-male-female-friendly, user-agent like when about to take, we-ti n was found headless Buddha ten method, three companies (user, password, Italy) no disorder. Begin to be ten things the body Pro bar-NET. What are ten?-A passive no-body is suffering. Two is, you eyes don't reveal. Thirdly, the hands do not spur-count. Four is the vacuum, co, stretching. The year was, great, sub-stainless turning out. Six is the best no body, Bo-foul. Seven is, don't touch there. Eight is, arms spread open. Nine is a constant facial. Ten are rotating, inclined self-like. Due to the energy of the investment that the Minister like that! Things were ten minor languages-NET-bar industry. What are ten?-A is, said mission statement-oxidized. The two are, it comes out soft words-easily. Thirdly, it comes out good sayings Gospel. The four are, speak out words like hear. The year is, it comes out positive-sui speech. Six are, speak out words benefit-useful. Seven is, say words Norway-Germany. Eight is, say no words left to them-rows. Nine is, say Human words, Heavenly love-glass. Ten are, speak out words of praise-praise my Buddha said. Good words are like, because this place is! In addition, the following are ten things Italy-NET-bar industry. What are ten?-One is not born angry-mad. Two is, does not carry the heart-sick. Thirdly, not born of mind popcorn-sẻn. The four are not born of mind jealous-hate. The year is, don't say evil bugs. Six is not born of hate or resentment minds-. Seven is, not born crazy mind-island. Eight is, not all things. Nine is, far-left seven minor contempt-side. Ten is, expecting-like symptoms are all Buddha-Dharma, Member-tam met-I. [11]
Mr. Van-enemies-master-seat! These German-like, all because the energy is in the desk, confused passive-maintenance, read-copy-Loi, copy writing, theory a-deep books-this mission. My mind-this Place, in the unconscious-the amount of space, in time, they had the immeasurable-born weren't listening, scenarios are seen and tu-full episode? Great-the society he should for the mind served-maintenance, will discharge rapidly are voracious trunk-phu, as the Buddha-casting director.
Now, Van-enemies-master-seat France-United Kingdom-email, invisible-the amount of College-dude-slaps, Tri-Optic Bo-slaps, various Neo-play-Italy United-slaps, A Buddhism-beautiful-naked-as with many big-stick-writer, Angel, long eight ministries, human, non-human-they are, for passive mind-maintain Buddhist words and offer credit, Hy-Festival-passive Phung-action. [12]
The Buddha told College-dude-slaps Van-enemy, the Great-great-Bo other slaps — they vast quantities of: "in My next life-infinity-Hy-die-face value, much harder to do, Mrs tu, which is a subject of Great mind –-– this overcapacity. Now I bring this Vice-good for him. He should know this Buddha lettered in ten directions three years once said. This experience very valuable, making them – born in 6 relief from suffering, be happy, making the country the Department-in rich-sheng. He should head in-ring – force but save this economy-information! ".College-dude-slaps Van-enemy the white Buddhist: the German "white World-religion! If the passive-this maintenance, until only four remain the shelves, people are happy about? "
The Buddha said: "If there's a temporary hearing, believing out 4 shelves, play mind Bodhi, passive-maintenance, read legend a-, writing, reciting notes, to tell a person to hear the forecast-Germany's more than 16 a-Germany, sweet-handling client full Buddha, Bo-slaps, the full-text of the ten local Constants-sa lifetimes. What about the tree-maintenance full time pharmacy-benefit there'll be.
"If the American people-th-full maintenance, life after not doing female-human, not sa-fallen into evil line 3, eight accidents and, lifetime-in is 10 wins-benefit: long lived, not the disease, from career-obstacle course, more Gospel-location, much of the skin, beautiful, lovers, the curious, they draw and good-care durable-firmware".
"Where does this to be treated as Human, natural, towers should go to worship-easily because there are Buddhas, Bo-slaps, Jesica-buds, stick-writer. After I enter Nirvana 500 years, with France-lawyer would fertilise-maintenance, read legend a-, proceedings, written copy this, Franco-era architect like Me is no different. Who worship her tutor-French taste easily-i.e., a religious-easy 10 in Buddhist schools of the three lives and was similar to German. That is the "French foot worship-easy-Lai", is the "main almond, sweet-handling". The France-master is "Infinitely perfect General Buddha".
"Who wants to repay the four-who played grace, Bodhi, or herself written, borrowed the written, or read this book, be happy-Germany a lot, though given that Buddha wisdom mind-reflection-computer also doesn't know everything. He is the son of God, the Buddha in China, Long, good-God favors-households, key-concepts, position-intellectual property add up, home remedies – Member radio-shy. When dying was found headless Buddhas of the ten directions, are 10 career body bar-NET, net-bar and gun industry 10 10 Karma Italy NET-bar.
"The German-like, all due to energy inefficiency-private-conference in the receptor-maintenance, reading assignments, persuasive copy writing-a-Business Center-this Site. This has many places, many of them-born not being heard, or situation is seen, is tu-episodes! So, he should for the mind served-maintenance, will soon die means-and now as the Buddha-casting director! "
Meanwhile, the Great-Bo-Bo, the slap-slapped the new mind, the big-stick-written and-the amount of Draco, both sets of eight for passive mind-maintain my Buddha and all credit-Hy-Festival consumption Phung-action.
[1] Good-crime: that is delivered-Deputy job for people after the Slovak burden, maintain and play-development, which does work for assigned-Vice must judge the mind, busy-Japanese (mind-crime) to come.
[2] The power of ... Ten of the As-Lai: 1/Tri-force knows that true direct-LY or unchristian-Manager of the plant. 2/Tri-force said human-fruit industry-report 3 of them-was born. 3/Tri-force knows the meditation-to-exit award, tam-I. 4/Tri-force knows the win (over), fallen (poorly) by us-born. 5/Tri-force knows all the tri-leisure (understanding) of us-born. 6/Tri-force know every scene-about of them-was born. 7/Tri-force knows it will come of all the way (DAO). 8/ Tri-force use Natural-with no obstacle course-shy. 9/Tri-force know student-par infinity-contraband. 10/Tri-force known to completely gas-volume.
It's just about understanding of Buddhist followers in the third 10.
[3] in the preceding paragraph, from "then" to "this", the Buddha speaks of the tu-action in many lifetimes You teach are consistent-Mon, now places His mind-over-Vice Captain-we should ring-the humiliation of trying-to transmit this experience evangelist-for all, in all, don't lose, because this where, bring more peace-for it.
[4] in the preceding paragraph, from "left", to "sustainable", Bo-slaps Van-enemies about the Buddha asked-Germany maintain this Sutra, the Buddha teaches: "maintain this economy gets more benefits – better to worship Buddha, dude-client access-slaps, stick-based. And, if the woman would maintain also added 10 wins-benefit."
[5] in the preceding paragraph, from "here" to "award-exit", the Buddha spoke this to somewhere like towers there, so, sweet-handling.
[6] France-Architect: Contacts-from religion-confess the essential-a Buddha-Dharma, availability-of notching size for people.
[7] in the preceding paragraph, from "once" to "main-sight", the Buddha say about the mastermind of the German-French-maintain this great economy, should also-dear, sweet-handling, as well as the Buddha.
[8] Ha-seat-base-model: Ha-seat-base (Hariti), Board room as "Hoan-Hy". HA-seat-base-model i.e. the devil Prince-model (mother-child God of the devil). The home-junk-complaint-Bhikkhu-the vols 31-gone says: "in the United Kingdom-a sensory-Exclusive property, which sets the new General-Assembly. In modern day society has 500 listeners know, together to attend. When going along the way they encounter a woman ten cow blanket, carry barrels of emulsion-lost (milk), they asked her for. She him. Arrived, the fun-looks, the other woman out of dance enjoy, unexpectedly suffered a failure to conceive. See the world, the others ran off, to her own pain-pain, sorrow there. Ms. sale emulsion tank adept-peanuts, buying 500 result Am-ma-la. Right now it is the Toxic-to visit, an-iron, she associated the Summit ceremony, offering the fruit, sweet-handling and she vows: "I pray here I was born in the United Kingdom-this property eating all of those here." Because that's the prayer-evil after this she was born as the eldest daughter of the devil "Sa-la-pharmacy-applying, in the United Kingdom-XA, a-kissing with semi-chi-ca-pharmaceutical-rubbed, eldest son of Africa-la medicine-water massage Hopea-da-la, is 500 children, every day just getting the son, the daughter of United Kingdom property-eat meat. One day, the Buddha used the media to hide a child of the devil-woman there. The devil-female parting mercy to look, know as the Buddha, the Buddha, Buddha, please say: "ye have 500 children, also injured a child, scenarios are the others just a, you don't trade him? Right there, the Buddha advises the devil-woman should not kill and awarded-transmitter for the five-gender, the Pros-BA-di. Passive-about then, the devil-the White Lady: "so, from now on I don't have kids to feed the starving to death!". The Buddha said: "You don't worry, from now onwards where bar-our e-filing documents, every meal, referred to as mother thee, mother thee will be no enough, but your mother you for in higher education-France must wholeheartedly support the slope-households where Elderly blue-with Rose-Ni!" Mother son of the devil are fun-sound ".
[9] Eight sets: 1/Heaven. 2/3/Long yaksha. 4, Qian-thát-Mrs. 5/A-tu-la. 6/Ca-long dollars. 7/Emergency-na-la. 8/ Ma-almost-la-elderly.
[10] in the preceding paragraph, from "If the" spot "in the Buddha," Buddha said the German TV-maintain-promoting investment in the quarter finals-grace.
[11] in the preceding paragraph, from "Mr. Van-enemy ... ... ... ..." to the "Three-I", the Buddha speaks of the benefits – in the maintain, transmit-count this death was found headless Buddhas, are 10 things the bar-to net, password, your-business.
[12] from the preceding paragraph, "the German-like", to "serve-action", the Buddha associate, your great-they should for this tu-Tri Center. Most of them are University-Center for hoan-Hy, Phung-maintained.
[2] The power of ... Ten of the As-Lai: 1/Tri-force knows that true direct-LY or unchristian-Manager of the plant. 2/Tri-force said human-fruit industry-report 3 of them-was born. 3/Tri-force knows the meditation-to-exit award, tam-I. 4/Tri-force knows the win (over), fallen (poorly) by us-born. 5/Tri-force knows all the tri-leisure (understanding) of us-born. 6/Tri-force know every scene-about of them-was born. 7/Tri-force knows it will come of all the way (DAO). 8/ Tri-force use Natural-with no obstacle course-shy. 9/Tri-force know student-par infinity-contraband. 10/Tri-force known to completely gas-volume.
It's just about understanding of Buddhist followers in the third 10.
[3] in the preceding paragraph, from "then" to "this", the Buddha speaks of the tu-action in many lifetimes You teach are consistent-Mon, now places His mind-over-Vice Captain-we should ring-the humiliation of trying-to transmit this experience evangelist-for all, in all, don't lose, because this where, bring more peace-for it.
[4] in the preceding paragraph, from "left", to "sustainable", Bo-slaps Van-enemies about the Buddha asked-Germany maintain this Sutra, the Buddha teaches: "maintain this economy gets more benefits – better to worship Buddha, dude-client access-slaps, stick-based. And, if the woman would maintain also added 10 wins-benefit."
[5] in the preceding paragraph, from "here" to "award-exit", the Buddha spoke this to somewhere like towers there, so, sweet-handling.
[6] France-Architect: Contacts-from religion-confess the essential-a Buddha-Dharma, availability-of notching size for people.
[7] in the preceding paragraph, from "once" to "main-sight", the Buddha say about the mastermind of the German-French-maintain this great economy, should also-dear, sweet-handling, as well as the Buddha.
[8] Ha-seat-base-model: Ha-seat-base (Hariti), Board room as "Hoan-Hy". HA-seat-base-model i.e. the devil Prince-model (mother-child God of the devil). The home-junk-complaint-Bhikkhu-the vols 31-gone says: "in the United Kingdom-a sensory-Exclusive property, which sets the new General-Assembly. In modern day society has 500 listeners know, together to attend. When going along the way they encounter a woman ten cow blanket, carry barrels of emulsion-lost (milk), they asked her for. She him. Arrived, the fun-looks, the other woman out of dance enjoy, unexpectedly suffered a failure to conceive. See the world, the others ran off, to her own pain-pain, sorrow there. Ms. sale emulsion tank adept-peanuts, buying 500 result Am-ma-la. Right now it is the Toxic-to visit, an-iron, she associated the Summit ceremony, offering the fruit, sweet-handling and she vows: "I pray here I was born in the United Kingdom-this property eating all of those here." Because that's the prayer-evil after this she was born as the eldest daughter of the devil "Sa-la-pharmacy-applying, in the United Kingdom-XA, a-kissing with semi-chi-ca-pharmaceutical-rubbed, eldest son of Africa-la medicine-water massage Hopea-da-la, is 500 children, every day just getting the son, the daughter of United Kingdom property-eat meat. One day, the Buddha used the media to hide a child of the devil-woman there. The devil-female parting mercy to look, know as the Buddha, the Buddha, Buddha, please say: "ye have 500 children, also injured a child, scenarios are the others just a, you don't trade him? Right there, the Buddha advises the devil-woman should not kill and awarded-transmitter for the five-gender, the Pros-BA-di. Passive-about then, the devil-the White Lady: "so, from now on I don't have kids to feed the starving to death!". The Buddha said: "You don't worry, from now onwards where bar-our e-filing documents, every meal, referred to as mother thee, mother thee will be no enough, but your mother you for in higher education-France must wholeheartedly support the slope-households where Elderly blue-with Rose-Ni!" Mother son of the devil are fun-sound ".
[9] Eight sets: 1/Heaven. 2/3/Long yaksha. 4, Qian-thát-Mrs. 5/A-tu-la. 6/Ca-long dollars. 7/Emergency-na-la. 8/ Ma-almost-la-elderly.
[10] in the preceding paragraph, from "If the" spot "in the Buddha," Buddha said the German TV-maintain-promoting investment in the quarter finals-grace.
[11] in the preceding paragraph, from "Mr. Van-enemy ... ... ... ..." to the "Three-I", the Buddha speaks of the benefits – in the maintain, transmit-count this death was found headless Buddhas, are 10 things the bar-to net, password, your-business.
[12] from the preceding paragraph, "the German-like", to "serve-action", the Buddha associate, your great-they should for this tu-Tri Center. Most of them are University-Center for hoan-Hy, Phung-maintained.