Saturday 22 November 2014




Opening  :

In the life squeezed out of this material, almost everyone recognized methods of Zen Buddhism eliminates annoyance and brings peace of mind. But most people know only briefly learn about meditation sitting cross-legged, sell old books and custom instant news, but the gain is very rare Profile meditation, because most do not know how to get rid of five hindrances[1] and the practice of meditation in detail[2] as the basis for meditation.
In Buddhism there are two main Tathagata Zen Zen and Zen Patriarch.

Zen Patriarch derived from the Buddha declared awarded «Dharma label organ, the mind wonders nirvana, formless truth general, the practice of magic» Maha Kassapa him (Maha Kassapa) at Vulture Peak. But actually Zen Patriarch evident only after The Bodhidharma came to China and claimed by the method taught Zen "special transmission outside the Church, no set script, only direct human mind is the Buddha nature» , ie the method of "communication center center" and "sealed" and not writing, program, order certain class. So, want to study Zen Patriarch results must be feeling a Zen teacher has attained not have any other way. Someone asked Bodhidharma The «What is Religion? How is the team? ». To meet:

                    "In addition to terminate all grace,

                    «In no thinking,

                    «Mind as walls,

                    «It is in the Tao.

                    «Morning concrete Buddha Mind[3],

                    «See no error compensation[4],

                    «To understand the other,

                    «Organization, It is called.
This poem is the only possible view of Zen Patriarch.

For "How to understand where each other» by Zen Patriarch is how you should read the immortal verses following Lac Dao Tran Sale of King Tran Nhan Tong:
                    "Live life happy religion, be as grace,
                    «Empty stomach is eating, sleeping tired closely,
                    "In the house there are precious, only search[5] ,
                    «The scene heartless, do not ask meditation[6].

In addition, appropriate to live with the Buddha nature in each of us, The Bodhidharma taught to practice four Dao Hanh On as follows:

1. Report resentment well  : When adversity or when people do not treat her well, you should see that your karma caused this before paying, so happily paid according to the law of cause and effect without resentment charge.

2. Depending coast well  : According to the law of cause and effect as well as all things all the joy or pain, success or failure are predestined by birth, there is nothing to rejoice or sorrow. Do anything, whether good works, should also predestined favorable option, right time at the right time, not because of lust that do, can be impeded not good engenders frustration sadness.

3. Disable basis for happiness  : Life is impermanent, which is impermanent is suffering. Only living in an impermanent nature, never expected, no desire, no new suffering. It should be no expectation of anything, because the expectation is subtle greed generator of negativity and suffering, not suitable for Buddhahood.

4. Match the French happy  : France is the Truth about the true nature of our purity. In which all possible bogus, bogus minister, no ego, no being, no delusions ignorant bigotry. Wise people understand this new Truth action proper to France: Giving that there were no people, there were no recipients, there were no material alms; The practice of Contents [7] that does not have to do anything because the mind is not intolerant; without his religious observance is new is that it is tu tu.

On how to use the mind in meditation, the Sensei teaches meditation Clerk Mon Dieu France[8] the book, Options, Just, shop, and Pure completed, as follows:

Manual counting method that is used to breath the mind.

Depending ie focusing on the breath out.

Just concentrate on one point on the body to keep the mind calm.

Quan is concentrating on a subject to impairment testing poorly understood.

Complete the back bar features consistent mind of his own.

Pure is pure keep a calm mind, not only, not shop. Pure is interested renounce all.

Tathagata Meditation[9]Meditation is a method that Buddha has studied with two masters Alara Kalama is (A La Ca Lam) and Uddaka Ramaputta (Uat Top of inflation) from the Site Zen Thought to Phi Phi to Chiang. Then he ascetic way in six years, the results are not what higher. Finally he established practices middle is the Noble Eightfold Path, and 49 days later he passed from Phi Phi Thought to Thought, Thought and Life Kills enter into direct and attained Supreme Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. During 45 years of practice Buddha Meditation comes this 20 times in the scriptures extant today. And now enter Mahaparinirvana Buddha practiced Zen meditation from Private Life Thought to Kill, Kill Life and Ideas from time to Profile Zen, Zen and from Private to charity, then he made charitable and Nirvana immediately thereafter. Thus we see the Tathagata Meditation plays a very important role in the life and teachings of Buddha. Weakness of the Tathagata Meditation is just to understand the basic teachings of the Buddha (Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the Twelve Interdependent, impermanence, selflessness, Nirvana), and then use the breath and allow concentration thought to regulate the body and mind in order to exterminate Meditation classes from Private Life Dinh Tuong.

In the central 107 (Ganaka Moggallana Sutta), Business School of Ministry 9 (Potthapada Sutta) and Majjhima 53 (Sekha Sutta) Buddha who vow to practice the sequence should follow the following sequence:

a-     Study morality, preserving morality, four full practice postures, see the danger in the smallest error. Thus the mind without fear, joy arises.

b-     households maintain six bases: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind pure, not daring to infect six ceiling color, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach. Thus involved, loving, giving, compassionate with the law is not evil evil arises, the mind is at peace.

c     Advanced level in the diet, eliminate the feeling of blissful. Thus no mistakes, live in peace.

d-     Keep mindful awareness while walking outside to get rid of legal obstacles, keeping the body posture, pure mind.

e     Mindfulness mindfulness in every action of the body's mouth to increase rid of karma and bad karma.

f-      Episode meditate to get rid of five hindrances are craving, aversion, dullness, agitation and skepticism. Thus the mind is willing upward.

g-     Diligent practice meditation in detail the range, quad, rapture, happiness and single-mindedly to attain and abides first four spots meditation mind the need for smooth easy to use. Thanks to that body and mind are at peace, calm, wise to get rid of the ten fetters[10] and progresses up the saints from the freezer to the Arhat complete and Supreme Enlightenment.

Research and gather the Tathagata Buddha's teachings on meditation, we can arrange a meditation program as follows:

1. The five hindrances except as Greed, Anger, depression marriage, agitation and Skepticism:   

Buddha said if not eradicated in five hindrances that is not hampered by Zen Meditation can elect Profile.
          1.1 The exception Greed (Kamacchanda): That's the greed color, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach; segment financial greed, color, name, make, lobes. In daily life should practice generosity to except greed, when the mind starts taking interest are involved and know immediately removed immediately, if not removed immediately, the consistency of the harm of greed to subtract. While sitting meditation shop used to identify impermanence of things, discern the general situation and the dangers of greed. Know that six ceiling[11] and in worldly pleasures[12] is the source of desire, seek, hatred, suffering and rebirth. Buddha taught how to get rid of greed as follows: For any objects which are larger or small, near or far, intangible or tangible, we should think that "this is not my object, not the object of I »
          1.2 The exception Anger (Byapada): Venues include cooking, hate, dislike, exasperation, want to push away, want to harm, want to destroy, hatred ... In daily life should practice virtues of humility, patience, attention to except from anger, hatred when interest starts immediately know the mind and leave the field immediately, if not removed immediately, the consistency of harm's aversion to exclusion. While sitting meditation shop used to identify the general situation and the dangers of dosa. Know that aversion is the source of evil, evil deeds, karma, leading to continual suffering hell.
          1.3 The Kiss bass minus (Thinamiddha): Marriage is deep meditation or sleepiness, sleep GAC . Find out the cause of his illness to dullness except as fatigue, malnutrition, stomach, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, meditation, untimely, lack picking cassava sauce ...
          1.4 The exception agitation ( Uddhacca-kukkucca) is agitation or restlessness, regret, change your mind, not an oscillation center, lack of determination. To find out the cause of his disease to treat agitation, usually due to lack of Right[13] and Mindfulness[14] , did not understand the teachings and benefits of the practice.
          1.5 The exception Doubt (Vicikiccha): Doubt is not understood by the Dharma, not understanding the practice, lack of trust level guru. Must be catechized, consult your knowledge Compassion to find solutions comfortable.
          In the Join hindrances and golf are the two oldest afflictions long life except the most difficult, need more determination and tried. Must wait until the full 5 meditation practice chi practitioner can clean except the 5 hindrances.

2. Chi Meditation Practice in the Games, Four, Joy, Us and One Mind:   

Want to practice meditation, we must first have cushions and Bodhi Group . Next to know how to sell old sit , how to sit cross-legged and breathing . The eyes may shut for easy concentration, or reveal if the third or sleep gauze, or widened to fight sleep gauze; but his eyes widened long will dry eyes and eye strain.

Cushions are a carpet square, 80cm to each side of the seat liner to clean. Bo Group is a cylindrical pillow, the diameter of 25cm, height of 15cm, within the small incremental ensure[15] , to sit for smooth and straight.

Sitting sell old boyfriend is sitting on unions, co-footed, left knee flat out to close down cushions, left heel into the group closely co, then flattened out right knee is close down the engine, use your left hand pulling the right foot placed on the left thigh, right heel against the abdomen. Remember to put your knees close down cushions, spine and neck to vertical.

Sitting cross-legged sitting on boyfriend Group, shrink legs, knees splayed out to close down specific coordinates, using the right hand to pull your left foot on the right thigh, left heel against the abdomen, left hand and pull the table right foot to the left thigh, right heel against the abdomen. Remember to put your knees close down cushions, spine and neck to vertical.

Two arms chamber comfortable, hands to her back before abdomen, below the navel of 3cm, right hand on his left palm, thumb touch the ends together. Sometimes it can be so hands on thighs for sitting face-balanced, equal shoulders, spine and neck straight.

About breath , there are many ways:

«  Book crude News  »is sitting cross-legged or sell old hands to face in his lap, breathe in through your nose and long strong, hear and like the sound of snoring nose, put a little more into the brain and belly rings , then relax bulging belly down (relax the abdominal muscles); then hold your breath, hold your breath while counting silently follow your heart rate at 30 hours; then exhale as bubble deflated by mouth ajar, abdominal falling.

«  Book News International  »is sitting cross-legged or sell old, right hand to your left palm on abdomen, below the navel of 3 cm, two thumb touch, breathe in through your nose, hear the cry of the nose known as snoring, long count of 6 hours, belly bulging; stop for a moment and then exhale through the mouth ajar, abdominal falling. Book news and international crude to purify the body and mind, enhance the vitality and security posture.

«  breath arises bliss  "is sitting cross-legged or sell old, right hand to your left palm on abdomen, below the navel of 3 cm, two fingers touch each other; gently curved blade, the tongue touches the maxillary arch; breathe in through your nose long count of 3 hours, heard the breath enters and leaves the nose, belly bulging; Then exhale through your nose and belly falling. If possible, you should find out what kind of breath arises as to its blissful feeling better.

«  breath arises optimism  "is sitting cross-legged or sell old, right hand to your left palm on abdomen, below the navel of 3 cm, two fingers touch each other; gently curved blade, the tongue touches the maxillary arch; breathe in through your nose so light, long count of 2 hours, not heard, only felt the breath enters and leaves the nose; Then exhale through your nose as well. If possible, you should find out what kind of breathing generator of optimism for his life better.

«  Steam th arise in pure  »is sitting cross-legged or sell old, right hand to your left palm on abdomen, below the navel of 3 cm, two fingers touch each other; gently curved blade, the tongue touches the maxillary arch, to breath in the true light which hardly felt tip. This breath sensations arise discharge, brings purity of mind.

2.1 Range (Vitakka) is radial to the Minister.

Practice focuses on the top ideas and feelings (between the eyebrows), nose, heart or navel. When concentrating on the top or triangle crystal succeed where tingling feeling tingling, or blood vessels such as dance, or swirling. When the concentration in the heart of the clear sense of language and heartbeat. When concentrating on the tip of the nose, the feeling clear out breath. When the concentration in the umbilical clear sense abdominal breathing room according to the collapse.

2.2 Four (Vicara) is sticking to the general interest in a long time, no distractions, distractions, interruptions. If the practice instructions from the center stick to a point on the body. If the practice is at the heart of Tu Quan then stick to one topic is meditation. When practicing metta success has been the First Center. Games and Exercise Four capable ly, ly immoral law, except the delusion[16] and negativity[17] in mind.

2.3 Hy (PITI) is feeling happy, satisfied (heart rejoice): Must commented on as Joy (joy) arises in the mind is like breathing, heart rate, how facial expressions like yet, how the body; Then when meditating want to start Hy center must also adjust breathing, heart rate, facial expressions, body posture and sit like that. (This can be done as an actor revealing excited on stage, but to focus on breathing, heart rate, facial expressions and posture).

2.4 Lac (Sukha) is feeling happy (relative calm mind): Hy Life (Happy) birth Us Life (funny). But there Lac life more pleasant nature. Should carefully review the Lac (relative calm mind) arises is how breathing, heart rate, how, how facial expressions, body how; Then when meditating want to start Us Life (body and mind make peace) also have to adjust the breathing, heart rate, facial expressions, body posture and sit like that. It should be noted that breathing and heartbeat of life Lac gentle and mellow than in Hy life. If you want Lac Hy and at the same time, they must adjust breathing and heart rate to average levels between Joy and Bliss. Feeling Joy and Lac capable rid of anger and dullness.

2.5 First Centre (Ekacitta), also known as the First breakfast (Ekaggata citta) is the focal point to dwell in a body or a topic of heuristics, no distractions, distractions, chaotic. When practicing metta success has Nhat mind. Most likely center rid agitation, scattered and skepticism.

3. Practice the pandit :   
After years rid of hindrances and practice meditation master in spending, students can begin to practice meditation to attain levels from easy to difficult as follows:

3.0- Preparation in meditation  : Prior to meditation should exercise 15 minutes of gentle body and blood is regulated. To prepare the body and mind relaxed peace. Wear comfortable clothes, dignified, neat, cool, trendy details. Choose a quiet place, cover cushions, set in the middle of a group bồ edges of cushions, sat cross-legged or sell old. Buddhist concept for the household. Practice «  crude ie windows  »of 7 times, then"  News International book  »of 50 times. Then began in meditation.

3.1 Profile Zen  :

Buddha  : Separated education, legal ly immoral, blissful birth center, which can range Tu Ly Sanh enter Hy Us Location, witnesses and police headquarters meditation.

Justification  : Separated sexual identity that is dispassion, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal or financial, color, name, make, lobes. Separated immoral law that is making three professional body and mind pure. Thanks to upholding the six senses[18] , detachment five hindrances[19] should be glad of birth, by being so optimistic life joyful living, sentient life lost due to the mind is calm. Through the practice of metta that is focused on the idea that the top three satellite or no longer craving attention, did not think evil immoral law. Because no greed, no evil unwholesome thought should approach your mind bliss. The practitioner may also arise in the mind bliss by practicing «breath arises Hy Us». Enter Sanh Ly Hy Us Site that is in the realm of peace and joy of sexual ly separated immoral law. Private Securities meditation center that is fully Games Barbie Us. An headquarters meditation center that is fully preserved Barbie Games Lost in a long time. The prime Profile Meditation is not taking its life, no desire for fame and worldly assets, was boring and mundane pleasures, willing to forsake all fun. Private mood witness meditation mood like a person walking in the desert, being hot, thirsty, tired, suddenly found a cluster tree afar, surely there should shade and drinking water birth center excited, eager to move forward.

Practice  : Practice «  breath arises Hy Us  », adjusting breathing, heart rate, facial expressions, posture, body feeling to arise blissful state (average between Hy and Us). Then use third, and fourth concentrate on the three crystal or glass top for Best Education Center ly immoral law. When the mind is enough interest from blissful meditation is to enter Admin. When keeping in mind the interest from Hy Us continuous 15-minute dwell on Meditation Site.

Results  : The obtained Profile blissful meditation is right in meditation, in this life, and after public network can be born of heaven gender identity: They Pham Thien Thien Pham Accessories, Great Brahma.

3.2 - Second Meditation  :
          Buddha  : Clear Vision, imprisonment, most static inner mind, The Birth Hy Us Location enter, reside II certification and meditation. Justification  : jailed trio is not practical to concentrate where the top three or more crystals . Internal static although most attention is the trio jailed but still an interest in the education ly ly immoral law, no thoughts, no negativity. Enter The Place of birth bliss is in the realm of blissful tranquility. Certificate II in meditation is removed and the First Four Games give interested in bliss. Dwelling First Second Jhana is kept in blissful mind for a long time. The Second Jhana who attained boring mundane pleasures and fun specializes in meditation. Mood II who elect Zen-like mood in the desert has to go where the constellation trees and cool water to drink so glad your mind peace. Practice  : Export Profile meditation. Clear Vision and Four, Best Center in the practice of "  breath arises Hy Us  », adjusting breathing, heart rate, facial expressions, posture, body feeling to arise bliss. When the First Center in blissful meditation is entered II. Especially when keeping in mind constantly blissful 15 minutes, not for Four Games interjected, meditation is to dwell II. Results  : The concentration attained Second Jhana is still happily even in Australia l meditate, even in death This, and after public network can be born of heaven gender identity: Min Thien Quang, Boundless Light Thien Thien Quang Music.

3.3 Three Zen  :
          Buddha  : Ly Hy discharge residence, mindful awareness, that life itself feels Us saint called "discharge concept Lac resident», enter Dieu Ly Hy Us Location, certification and dwell Tam meditation. Justification  : «Ly Hy discharge residence "is not practical" breath arises Hy Us »more that practice" breath arises Us ». «Mindfulness mindfulness" is to always remember to let go Hy. «My life felt that the saint Lac called Lac resident discharge anniversary» Most just keep in mind Us. «Enter Dieu Ly Hy Us Location» Joy is to give peace to the great realm. Stock Tam Hy meditation is removed and the First Center in Lac. Dwelling First Three meditation is kept in mind Lost in a long time. The prime Tam was in meditation is the base (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) pure, no greed, no sorrows before surroundings. Three people attain meditative mood like in the mood to go to the desert where the cluster tree, sitting and drinking holiday beverage, cheerful spirit. Practice : Meditation Export II. Practice «  breath arises Us  », adjusting breathing, heart rate, facial expressions, posture, feeling the whole body to arise Us. When the First center in Lac Tam enter meditation. Especially when keeping in mind constantly Lac on 15 minutes, not for Hy interjected, Tam meditation is to dwell. Results : The obtained Tam meditation with peace even in meditation, in this life, and after public network can be born of heaven gender identity: lack of God, the Infinite Pure God, denatured God.

3.4 charity  :

Buddha  : Rinse Us discharge suffering, isolation Hy priority was feeling before, enter Drain Cast Purity location, certification and dwell Charity.

Justification  : «Drain Us discharge suffering, isolation was feeling before Hy priority" is to let go all the pleasant sensations of bodily pain, and joy superiority of mind, and practice "pure breath arises". «Enter Drain Cast[20] Purity Places »is in the realm of pure smallest interest in Drain Life, no thoughts, no negativity, no longer is accepted. Charity is the First Certificate in mind Drain Life, totally pure heart. Dwelling Charity is holding the Drain Life Center First in a long time. The charity is certified six bases[21] pure, mindless fun suffer discrimination, bigotry no right and wrong, harassment, or bad, good and bad, love encounter, chief evil. Charity mood witness the mood like in the desert after going to the constellation tree was drinking cool drinks and sit in cool, calm the body and mind relaxed.

Practice  : Export Tam meditation. Practice «  breath arises purity  », adjusting breathing, heart rate, facial expressions, posture, body feeling to arise purity. Drain most interested in life, purity, detachment, not to meddle Lac life. If you have difficulty, you should practice on a consistent life expectancy according to the customary four foundations of mindfulness[22] to find all of life's impermanence[23] , the selflessness[24] , is nirvana[25] , not me nor mine; then from that practiced in the First Center Drain Life , not to meddle Lac life, to witness and to dwell Charity.

Results  : The obtained Charity is the pure mind, transcendence even in meditation, in this life, so that the mind is flexible, lucid easier to solve problems in life, and may Catechism sublime understanding of the Buddha, the enlightened and capable of directing successful outcome. After the public network, the charity can attain the heavenly birth of gender identity: Fruit Thien Quang, formless God, God Retreat. Retreat God of heaven can be divided into five realms Unknown Trouble God, Infinite Heat Thien Thien Thien time, Compassion and Excellence Ants Rescue Wing Thien Thien.

The prime Charity continued meditation will turn attained Not Boundless Parish, Parish Boundless Consciousness, Unknown Land Tenure, Land of Ideas Phi Phi Chiang and Chiang Dinh Tho Removal.

The prime Charity can also practice the Noble Eight, Ten rid of fetters to achieve four momentum could result from completion to Arhat.

Eight Noble (eightfold) includes:

Right view  : Know your deeds do, know the evil unwholesome should not do. Knowing the cause of the moral and immoral law. Knowing how to do arise and growth of friendly approach. Knowing how to get rid of evil immoral law. Knowing all things are impermanent, suffering life filled with physical and emotional. Knowing the cause of suffering is ignorance and craving. Knowing how to get rid of ignorance and craving to end suffering. Know nirvana calm stillness is true happiness for eternity.

Thought  : Learn to think as they are under the law of causality to find the cause of suffering, ignorance, greed, delusion, negativity ... to get rid of, to try to arise and world growth, the , wisdom, peace, purity, freed himself and for all beings.

Right Speech  : Say honest help people suffering all be happy.

Right Action  : Action true benefit their interests.

Livelihood  : Living with the true benefit their career interests.

Effort  : Always diligent to do good, evil flee.

Mindfulness  : Always remember doing good, avoid evil.

Right Concentration  : Practice meditation righteousness leads to nirvana pure bliss of liberation.

Ten fetters include:

In the lower part of fetters  :

                    Body is  : Accept our true identity is or is mine.

                    About banned players  : Do not dare give up the forbidden world, customs, habits, wrong, evil is advocated murder, hazardous materials, causing suffering to sentient beings.

                    Doubt  : Do not understand the teachings of the Buddha. Should consult with the learning level of knowledge to improve the amenities.

                    Participate  : To collect about yourself, to be his.

                    Golf  : Not fancy, not pleasant, disparaging, annoyance, anger, banishment, hatred, want to harm.

In the upper part of fetters  :

                    Lust love  : Join wrecked peace in the realms.

                    Immaterial love  : Join the divine immersed in the formless realms.

                    Agitation  : What whimsical ideas, not their mind.

                    Maggie  : Never get rid of all the ego, and find yourself attained.

                    Ignorance  : No Additional achieve Sanming is intelligent networks, intelligent and Gonorrhea God make smart label.

Four achievements include:

Full freezer (The Note)  : Through the practice of Right and Right Thought should have eradicated three fetters lower part is the body, gender hatred and suspicion. Entered St., only a maximum of 7 reborn again in the heavenly realms.

Momentum investment function (Japanese)  : Through the practice of Right, Right Thought, Right Speech and Right Action should have been eradicated three fetters is lower body part is, precepts players, skepticism and relieve craving and aversion. Only one maximum reborn again in the heavenly realms.

Anagami (Real Lai)  : Through the practice of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood Right Effort and should have completely eradicated five lower fetters section. No more realms of rebirth in which to be reborn or formless realms.

Arhat (Liberation)  : Through the practice of Mindfulness and Right Concentration should have eradicated 5 upper part of fetters. Freed from rebirth, in the realm of nirvana pure bliss.

3.5 No Boundless Origin  :

Buddha  : Beyond absolutely everything excellent idea, eliminate obstacles idea, no idea volition to allergens, especially interested in the idea "Space is infinite", evidence and abides not Boundless Parish.

Justification  : «Beyond absolutely everything excellent idea" is no longer think of themselves and identity realms again. «Eliminating obstacles idea" is not thinking about the obstacles and limitations of the physical body and no longer. «No volition with great horror" is no longer consciously distinguish between things in the universe; rather see all of all things share the same qualities can. «First great interest in the infinite space" is most interested in the ideas themselves are boundless. «Boundless Stock No Country 'is a great interest in the First« boundless body ". «Dwelling Boundless No Country» Most are interested in the idea of the infinite body for a long time.

Practice  : Export Charity. Especially interested in the idea "itself infinite» , feeling lightheaded and slight body dissolved into infinite space. If you have difficulty, you should practice self-consistent body under the bar on the Foundations of Mindfulness[26] to see the body is impermanent[27] , the selflessness[28] , is nirvana[29] , not me nor mine; Best practices and thus a great interest in "infinite body", do not let the idea interjected identity, to validate and abides not Boundless Parish.

Results  : The obtained evidence is not Boundless Land itself is not, dwell in tranquility, achieve sufficient spirit through in this life. After the public network can be born in heaven Formless first.

3.6 Boundless Consciousness Origin  :

Buddha  : Beyond No Boundless Parish, most interested in the idea "Consciousness is infinite", and dwell evidence Boundless Consciousness Parish.

Justification  : «Beyond No Boundless Handling» idea is to move from "infinite body» idea to "infinite mode". When you know the infinite body of course know also infinite knowledge. Knowing that the form is six eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind has no limits. For example, the human eye does not see the bacteria, but if we strengthen the ability of the eye using a microscope, the consciousness will see bacteria: the ability of the eye is limited but the infinite consciousness, not restricted. For consciousness, too. «First Food is great interest in the infinite 'is most interested in the idea consciousness, consciousness, share knowledge, gustatory, tactile consciousness and consciousness are no limits. «Land Securities Boundless Consciousness' is most interested in the idea that knowledge boundless. «Dwelling Land of Boundless Consciousness' is most interested in the idea of knowledge is infinite for a long time.

Practice  : Publication No Boundless Parish. Six food shop (label, eh, nose, tongue, body and mind) are conditioned by the (base + cap) that the truth should not have, they always change according to the base and the ceiling so they are impermanent, is selfless , is nirvana, not me or mine, a great interest in the First «boundless» , do not let the idea "not infinite» interjected. (It is possible to apply customary law «Turkey based telecommunications[30]  »of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Shurangama according to type" infinite mode of origin ").

Results  : The Land of evidence obtained by Boundless Consciousness Consciousness is not, dwell in tranquility, achieve natural label[31] , natural atrial communication, forgiveness clearinghouse and may know some of his previous life. After the public network can be born in heaven Formless Monday.
          3.7 Unknown Land Ownership  :

Buddha  : Boundless Consciousness Beyond the Land, the measures are not consistent, it is not his (no property), there is nothing to attain (acquired wealth), nothing needed (no facility use) and documents and dwell Unknown Land Ownership.

Explains  : "Boundless Consciousness Beyond the Land" is a great move from "infinite mode» to ideas «no ownership". All of these measures, all want the all things are impermanent, is selfless, is nirvana, the truth is that it's nothing we or our. Get to know so you can not get rid of the subtle greed. «Stock Ownership Unknown Origin" is most interested in the idea "the measures are impermanent, selfless, no more and will perish, are not we, or our». «Dwelling Unknown Land Ownership» is most interested in the idea «The measures are not" in a long time.

Practice  : Export Land of Boundless Consciousness. Shop the measures are usually not real. Especially interested in the idea «Forever owns» (ie «the measures are not"), do not let the idea «boundless» interjected.

Results  : The obtained Unknown Land Ownership certificates are not legal, to dwell in tranquility, to achieve psychic character transformed into other objects, the objects can not, things have failed. After the public network can be born in heaven Formless Tuesday. The prime Unknown Land Ownership can practice the Four Immeasurable Mind Meditation (love, compassion, sympathetic joy, discharge) to pass Phi Phi Chiang Chiang, Chiang Dinh Tho straight Removal[32] . Meditators dwell chronic variable throughout the course, with the boundless world, with interest from the friendly, generous, boundless, no hate, no courts; So also with the Center for Bi property, the property with the Hy center, with the Center for Organic Shampoo.
          3.8- Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu  :

Buddha  : Beyond Forever Land Ownership, control and dwell Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu.

Justification  : «Beyond Forever Land Ownership» is despite evidence itself is not , not official and is not legal , but still not immediately know the perception of subtle ego still in search of so-called non-non-ideal non-ideal. «Stock Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu» Most attention is letting go of all thoughts. «Dwelling Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu» the mind has to get rid of all thoughts but also the perception knows no ideological center.

Practice  : Unknown Export Land Ownership. Especially interested in «Drain idea» (let go of all thoughts), do not let the idea "Unknown property» interjected. (It is possible to apply customary law «Turkey based telecommunications» bodhisattva Avalokitesvara to place «Fear no sense, no sense of extreme members»).

Results  : The obtained Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu evidence is not ideal, to dwell in tranquility, achieve all of Kabbalah (contingent communication). After the public network can be born in heaven Formless Wednesday.
          3.9- The Killing Life Thought  :

Buddha  : Beyond Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu, control and eradicate an Idea Dinh Tho.

Justification  : «Beyond Phi Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu» is despite renounce all thoughts but still subtle ego in search of need to get rid of. Want to get rid of the ego which must be consistent subtle found in aggregates[33] are not, eighteen[34] there, cessation of realms of feeling and thought of spindle options, only the wisdom to know that all defilements are clean and definitely will not be reborn. «Stock Ideas The Killing Life» is entered in which the sensations and thoughts are ceases. «Dwelling Kill The Thought Life» is in the realm of complete silence, pure, heart estate before moving surroundings, but the body still remain alive. According to the scriptures, when entering Kill The Thought Life, even sitting in the rain and thunder storm did not know what happened.

Practice  : Export Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu, Practical Wisdom in accordance with customary law "Prajna Heart Sutra» News customary five aggregates are not[35] , eighteen unless there is so subtle ego, mind and Chief Chief achieve liberation. Practice sweet shop, the danger, the renunciation of the five aggregates. Sweet is blissful arise from temporary form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness. The danger is that all five aggregates are impermanent, are the cause of suffering, will perish. Export ly five aggregates is convince, joy and lust cessation of form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness: must use wisdom as they are found "this is not my thing , so this is not me, so this is not my self '. (It is possible to apply customary law «Turkey based telecommunications» Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara towards "No head not kill, kill up birth and death, cessation of currencies"). Then, with a calm mind, pure, pure, finely need easy to use, stable, immobile, radial networks to Additional intelligent, clever and Gonorrhea God make smart label[36].

Results  : The obtained Kills Self Life is not certified Thought The mind is always calm before the external environment (liberation), achieved three league (Additional intelligent networks, intelligent and Gonorrhea God make smart label), self-reported complete resolution escape rebirth, into the realm of Nirvana pure bliss.
          Export meditation  : Meditation For out of a level just breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth and some long sigh. Then you can enter the next level of meditation, meditation or discharge to end the session. Drain Meditation  : When the session ended, before standing up to the discharge by moving meditation and massage to body reverts normal and increased health; should follow the sequence as follows:

-         Move your shoulders up and down; move the hands (spreading jam); and wrists.

-         Motion stock: looking up, bent down, turn over, rotate, roll forward.

-         Rub the face, jaw, two ears, chin, lips, nostrils, eyelids, eyebrows, two temporal.

-         Use 10 fingers scraping the skin from the forehead to the back of Ot.

-         Massage your neck: under the skull after scruffy, two tendons neck, sides of the neck, around the left neck.

-         Rub the abdomen, back, chest, hips.

-         Massage arms, elbows, hands and fingers.

-         Massaging the legs, knees, feet and toes.


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