Saturday 22 November 2014

2. Revelation Some Good Show
Time Presbyterian Bodhi Monastery, in mass medium, ie start building components, natural organic patient's birthday, all previous local ownership, union attorney reverently white baby Buddha language: Greek property Exalted! Tathagata good idea households Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva wish good deal. Bhagavan, son Shan good woman, found a brown leather la tam tam shrines bodhichitta, so Galaxy Falcon head, so any interested Galaxy conquered? Spokesman: genius! Friendly ear! Bodhi Monastery! Such as the number theory, household good idea Tathagata Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva wish good deal. Kim Empire hearing, likened contemporary theory. E good men, good woman, found a brown leather la tam tam shrines bodhichitta, Falcon as office market, as market interest surrender period. Naturalism, Exalted! May the fun of Education office.
Then the elders of Tu-Bodhi, in public, and he got up from the seat, patronizing side shoulder shirt, knee side, knelt down on the ground, hands in reverence Buddhist transparency that:
The rather rare German-respect! As well-bred German households concept of Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the Bodhisattva.
The Lord Bach-respect! The good men and good women, the mind has a multi-la-recruiter-tam-tam-Bodhi shrines, so how office, how subdued the mind?
Buddha said: You instead! You instead! Tu-Bodhi! Just as he said, As the concept of household well-bred Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the Bodhisattva. Now you listen carefully, because you're going to say. The good men and good women, the mind has a multi-la-recruiter-tam-tam-Bodhi shrines, so like the head, such that for every interest.
Da! Bach-respect! I am committed to please listen.
Brief Award:
Then the elders of Tu-Bodhi, in public, and he got up from the seat, dislocated shoulder side coat, knee side, knelt down on the ground, hands reverently Buddhist transparency that:
After recording Medicine Buddha bowl, wash your feet, and then sit on the court, there is an elder stood up and said to ask.
"Elder" Title elders can a just elders or older seniors down , two elders are the legal nature , the three elders of merit . If big, plus much lower age, ie ordained long, then called elders. If only the lower age at which age they are not included in this number. Great for such cases Ton Ma-ha-author Ca-lettuce, he is the oldest, time is the longest-ordination, so called elders.
Elders of the legal nature need not dating much higher or lower age. You can little old but wise towering above, is capable of doing the sermon preached, taught beings, understand Buddha-law, means of communication, as well as marvelous eloquence very afraid. Elder of merit and blessings, there is also a virtue.
The name is due to the elders of the people revere the vocative with her, not because I want to elders, or his style so voluntarily, because everyone is unanimously recognized that a name, nor can dispute that they want to be. Elder of age or years down the hierarchy is divided into. As ordained 10 years, it is called is lower, 20 years called medium is, 30 years called Venerable.
Legal nature of the elders regardless of age. As he Sariputta are eight years old, but already the elders. What reason? The number is the age of eight, Sun-author on trial sermon, enthralling series commentator, make them slurred, faltered not arguing anything, but to sow the ground both in stature, orange heart first put before the boy was eight, which declared a loser. If so, he Sariputta new religious identity is an elder law even when he was eight. Newly born seven days, he Sariputta had communicated all the scriptures. Let us imagine that only seven days smoothly Buddha-law, then he was qualified to be elders yet? It is super Vietnam has in abundance, so in the number of disciples of Buddha checkout-writer, he is very afraid level eloquence, wisdom top.
Eloquence has four categories, called "four steps very afraid." The first measure is very afraid of words , ie words. Anyone have a problem, you have to be apologetic smoothly. The words that he used to listen very well, has refined the accurate, users are in place. For the theoretical way, nor how to win. The second measure very afraid of that . Not only beautiful words, meaning is extremely coherent. Tuesday was very afraid measure of legal . His words, the place is well directed, well provided for in the original word; all the Buddha-law, nothing deadlock obstacles. Wednesday was very afraid measure of delight sermon . As a theory eighty fun, fun preach to people, unless they do not want to listen, if you want to hear, then word will be law as source water flow, not always stop.
Elders are saying in French-Assembly Vajra is Sun-author Tu-Bodhi . First elders of the Sun-author of age and years of abuse. In addition he is also regarded as a legal nature of the elders, but also merit further elders, that cum all three categories. Tu-Bodhi three means: Good Cat, Good and Not Born time. When Ton-born author, repository of treasures of the family suddenly empty. The father scared, new fortune a hexagram, but that the hexagram just good, just good, so named Sun-author is "Good Cat." Seven days later, the treasure back out, so put another name is "Compassion Show. " In doing so the treasure turned into not so? The reason for Sun-author Tu-tu Bodhi practice was "not consistent" from many past lives. He did not attain justice, and the disciples of the Buddha, he was the First Prize not. There is so when born, in a warehouse with all 108 treasures, naturally becomes empty. That is the meaning of "Not Born" (from zero) of title Ton-author Tu-Bodhi.
"In the public" Ton-author Tu-Bodhi from the mass of the conference bowl-elegant, composed of hundreds of thousands and thousands of memories sun.
"Soon the seat stand up" Ton-author sees the Buddha Sakyamuni sitting neatly in position-old fetters, such as real estate which is always wise (such as real estate, often proving willow willow), he understand the meaning of this expression. Expression something wrong? It is the expression of wisdom uncivil . Buddha everyday, in every posture, walking, standing, lying, sitting, are made ​​manifest Minister uncivil discourse, reflecting uncivil, and texts uncivil, all kinds of magic uncivil law. French uncivil this mystery, only those who have penetrated new wisdom. He Tu-Bodhi, wise enough, sufficient merit, should realize and understand the Buddha wanted Abhidharma theory they really uncivil . He then stood up from the seat.
"Quote side shoulder shirt" According to Indian ritual, the right-hand clothes patronizing role is indicative of respect. At this point, we can see the coat of ordained to reveal the role of his right hand, which is kind of old clothes that Buddha was invented. However, in India, Thailand, Burma, and Ceylon, Asa robes of renunciation are dark yellow, no ring hook, totally holding true way of the Buddha in the world. Why in China, robes laid-back with hook ring? Nothing is a dynamic innovations, taking a right turn, because the climate in China is relatively colder, so the coffee-shirt bras laid there. As robes-sa that jacket off bra, we hardly feel shirt up over his body, clothes have also dropped or not. Also for this reason, the teacher has to think of something clever to hook eyelets, keep the shirt does not slip out; should just keep the way by Buddhist institutions, has to adapt to circumstances. That is the origin of the rings on the robes of the Chinese-sa.
"Knees side, kneeling on the ground, hands reverently Buddhist transparency" Quote side shoulder shirt, knee side, knelt down on the ground, which means bodily purity, hands reverently as the now pure white Buddha is verbal purity. The three now it denotes purity. Get the body, mind, speech, but sometimes all three pure Buddhist teachings.
The rather rare German-respect! As well-bred German households concept of Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the Bodhisattva.
" Rarely have replaced the German World-respect! " How is that? That is very rare Buddha.
Buddha sitting on a throne, nor uttered a word. Elder Tu-Bodhi stars that matter so much? The wind did not back up the waves rise up, of which the regeneration unscathed, have started to add the first team, with the more general minister, so there must be a peace deal that natural pick for trouble or what? Buddha did not say anything, so bourgeois say is "rare." Than as Sakyamuni, say anything, or showing symptoms, then the "German World-religious rare "can be accepted Article received . This hand what the Buddha did nothing, he just presented cushions to sit down and say "rare" leaders should pay attention to thoroughly recognized: in this place, the whole meaning Diamond Sutra is located at this site here !
Shakyamuni Buddha " cover cushions out, sit down (pediatric elaborate building is) " is already preaching and that is why his new Tu-Bodhi said: "The German-religious rare! Duc Nhu-hybrid smart household concept of Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the Bodhisattva. " Buddha bowl-elegant theory is to recite the Bodhisattva households, mainly because of the Bodhisattva good deal. He departed the general language, the script Minister, the Minister heart charm, glass every minister to promote the theory of general real-elegant bowl . Only results saint who is new evidence they really understand uncivil, even as ordinary is not to be, no opportunity to approach this mystery uncivil. Ton-author Tu-Bodhi devised new ways to use Buddha skillful means, for taking legal texts uncivil again, so he was right to turn manifested beings sometimes legal , and from the Mass stand up, patronizing side shoulder, hands reverently asked Buddha, the Blessed One said that it was rare-religious, but he says it's legal status is well thought of Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the bodhisattva -Turn off, this really is the mystery of infinity!
Bach-respect! The good men and good women, the mind has a multi-la-recruiter-tam-tam-Bodhi shrines, so how office, how subdued the mind?
Elder Tu-Bodhi, as beings that sometimes law, he asked Buddha said, " Bach-respect! He went really are bowl-elegant finish, but some beings have yet to understand, so let's ask Him For the degenerate beings born after the lecture again. As the results have improved male, female friendly people, the mind has a multi-la-recruiter-tam-tam-Bodhi shrines... "
"Play Centre A multi-la-recruiter-tam-tam-Miao Bodhi" is a Sanskrit (anuttara-Samya-Sambohi), meaning that the mind has supreme Enlightenment . Why in the Sino-Tibetan texts not translate this word? Because it is a noun only Buddhahood, so revered that not care, keep Sanskrit vowels.
A multi-la-recruiter is unsurpassed, three-Miao -righteousness, tam-Bodhi is enlightenment.
As enlightenment is different from ordinary; Buddha attained enlightenment rightly so unlike ordinary people who are not enlightened. As the district level , the other with dual redundant guys, for just redundant binary enlightenment without primary education. Called Enlightenment Enlightenment Enlightenment ie the "true parity" with the enlightenment of the Buddha (level par). Supreme ie the difference with the Bodhisattva, as Vice- Chairperson slap that not only primary level reaches the supreme goods. Bodhisattvas are also called "Friends Sgt," Buddha's brand new "Supreme Doctor," that is, without any hierarchy above the Buddha, the Buddha is the ultimate fruition.
Ton-author Tu-Bodhi said to the Buddha, saying, "As someone wants to give rise to supreme Enlightenment, they must do so in order to remain true mind? How to make the goods available delusions mind, heart charm phan , bohemian heart, mind falsehoods, high drain mind conceit, greed, aversion, delusion? "
"Goods in mind," is to say here is the kind of attention or not . So surrender any way? As we say in the surrender of the enemy's fighting both sides of the enemy, for every victory is the enemy so.
Humans us how to overpower greed, anger and delusion? Must cultivate discipline, concentration, wisdom. There are aspects of morality, concentration, wisdom, the absence of greed, hatred and delusion. Greed, hatred and delusion ie gender, concentration and wisdom; world, the, wisdom that is greed, hatred and delusion, only whether you know it or not used. As well as some money, we can use it to buy drugs for smoking, but can also use it to help others through the storm of misery. Depending on how we use the money. That is the meaning of greed, hatred and delusion are presented, the, wisdom. Know how to use the limited, to, wisdom; do not know how to use it with greed, hatred and delusion. For the foolish, the world, concentration and wisdom will turn into greed, hatred and delusion. With ice water well, water is like ice, ice is like water, water that is ice, ice that is water. This same sense, we see disturbing news Bodhi, Bodhi News negativity , negativity and Bodhi are not two things. If you do not know how to use the negativity is negativity; conversely, if known, the negativity becomes Bodhi.
Speech is a legal practice is direct. Speaking for good, said said that such practice is not as direct. Clergy diligence, concentration and wisdom, will kill greed, hatred and delusion, so the mind is subdued. If we surrender be disappointed about, then interest will generally cylindrical legs , the question should be "permanent foot care, behavioral intelligence can."
Buddha said: You instead! You instead! Tu-Bodhi! Just as he said, As the concept of household well-bred Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the Bodhisattva. Now you listen carefully, because you're going to say. The good men and good women Development Center A-dealers and multi-la-tam-tam-Bodhi shrines, so like the head, such that for every interest.
Da! World-respect. I am committed to please listen.
Shakyamuni Buddha that he Tu-Bodhi as beings that sometimes legal, commended him happy, so they said, "Mr. Tu-Bodhi, he is really good." Then the Buddha said: "Do not! As --The concept of smart protection Bodhisattva, well Entrusted the Bodhisattva, said the new law should be bowl-elegant. Now, he must pay close attention, we present the true Dhamma teaching uncivil to him, but he not sound like the wind through the ear, but pay special attention if the last to seal the real waste of As-term effort. "
"The good men and good women, the mind has a multi-la-recruiter-tam-tam-Bodhi shrines, so like the head, such that for every heart." This verse means to follow like this which remain true mind, like this subdued outlook mind.
In the Diamond Sutra , crucial to any segment, we also see the words like (such as marketing). Buddha with a manifestation, without the express written themselves. "Thus," ie no teaching at all, which is where "all the way language, killing everyone's mind," so the sentence:
"Serves children from sexual language burial, fitness center lucky charm child mortality. "
Mouth to say that the words disappear,
but the heart wants no more grace.
"So!" place that is no preaching, ie told us to sit down to meditate away! If we can meditate, can use the meditation, the mind dwells foot in this place, the mind naturally expected to be subdued, hence the saying "like." If people kept such that tu , usually abides by foot center, to be duty hybrid Buddha nature, nature pure invention may be interested in the surrender.
Elder Tu-Bodhi, when I saw it. . . but so is something? There is nothing. Formless bowl-elegant, it has no form at all. Then he Tu-Bodhi understand transparency, and also want to beings are understood to life after he meets: "Yes!"
Speaking to this section, we relate to one time, Confucian ethics-mail telling Boost-mail, with the presence of a number of disciples.
German-mail Confucius said: "My Path is only one truth throughout." Master Sang-new mail response: "Yes!" When Confucian virtue is gone, the disciples did not understand him Increase-mail response "labor" is meaningless. Boost-mail it out, but the other disciples did not understand, and asking: "The teacher said that mean? How did we not see at all?" Boost-mail response: "Path of Phu-mail is only secondary things only. "
China, meaning that his heart (take centuries); second, its mean discharge (period). Middle something that is devoted to the people, completely sacrificing themselves for the people.

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