Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
Volume 92  
Net Products Of Buddha explained: The Saturday 82
(My Ma ha uncivil recorded Net: translation Of Buddhist Sutra uncivil University second record: 80th Taoist Works)
Longitude: Bodhi Monastery now thinking: what is moral Bodhisattva? Bodhisattva stay in faith can play great becomes solemn vows?
The Buddha knew the idea of the Bodhi, Bodhi Monastery said: six Three la suite which led the Bodhisattva; Thirty-seven United supporters led by Bodhisattva; Eighteen don't, by Bodhisattva; eight multiples discharge, to 4th grade, Buddha's ten to eighteen non-French General, is leading Bodhisattva. All the Scouts of Bodhisattva. This Bodhi Monastery, what do you think, likewise there is no Bodhisattva French study which can be disabled from the upper primary education primary sensory nerves? Hey Tu French, there is no Bodhi Bodhisattva should not learn, why? Because the Bodhisattva does not learn French all time not mind necessarily strains.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, if neither the French, all the stars says French all learned Bodhisattva? So true, in that no World Religion, no treatise hý into out there hý conclusion reasonable? That is, is the treatise hý kia, France's world, the French world, is compounded smuggled, pirated Radio France is, is compounded of wuwei is France, the French first lady, is voracious, is France A la Han, is France Bich chi Buddha, the Buddha is France.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so. All of France is not; If all such remedies do not, the Bodhisattva cannot be disabled from the upper primary education primary buds. Now all France is not, so the Bodhisattva can be disabled from the upper primary education primary buds. This Bodhi Monastery, as he said, if all non-French, one is not in place there is no hý conclusion. The Sun run up there with distinction essays hý here, has a worldly Dharma, worldly French until France This Bodhi Monastery Buddha, if they're born knowing all non-French, the Bodhisattva does not learn all that is necessary for a vaccine. Now they don't know full-heartedly France does not, so the upper level Bodhisattva primary sensory get primary and then, to distinguish the French, because they're born that instructors say. This Bodhi Monastery, in relief, the Bodhisattva who developed from the back line, with respect to certain properties of the whole of France failed to get, just because people favored harmony run up should have contacts from the French. I should think like this: The French really doesn't stick with something, as six or seven thirty Three la France Assistant leader, or the result of Tu da complete until results of A Buddhist Luohan, the upper Flange, winning primary education Branch Chief of buds, why? Because all French, all of France as no, no, don't stick with no also can not get, what the consequences of not sticking with? Bodhisattva such thinking should not accept the first of them that learn all French, in the school a center of beings, who knows where he is. Know they are in fact not fiction, then We think: Bodhisattva boys accept the French advance frivolous hopes it is not really so much an exit. Bodhisattva in uncivil, taking media-driven higher education turns like this: they're born you should take alms, which may be rich in wealth, well OK, previously bitten a Bell that higher self, why? Because who does not have legal make it; maintenance world, meditation, wisdom as well. Sentient's Executive can be result perfect momentum to Overhaul the fruit A la Han, Director of Buddha Buddha, DAO chi Flange; shalt not think that France's Catholic religious practice such chemistry Bodhisattva without obstacles, because in him there is nothing sure truth. If higher education is so called Executive Director Bodhisattva, as for France not to stick with what, why? General legal non-stick stuck, because manually counted there, because its not. This Bodhi Monastery, when administering such Bodhisattva leaders not to stay away. Bodhisattva does not stay in France should not stay in her run About Three la suite, so don't stay in the now released three uncivil la suite; conduct preliminary meditation also don't stay in the now, why? Because so does meditation, meditation is not a general, who meditate nor France nor to meditate; the second, third, fourth meditation as well as such; from, bi, Hy, discharge until the ninth grade stuff so well defined. Be result of da nor complete Overhaul stay therein, to be directed nor Buddha genus Flanges stay within it.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach That multiplication by the ton, the German coast guard should not stay in there?
Buddha said: there are two Coast Guard personnel should not stay in it. What are the two? One is the direct result not, no shelter, no French owned, nor have the stay; two is not for the little bit of work is enough to stay, think: I should not be result of Tu complete momentum, we should certainly be complete Overhaul of da ball just one should not stay therein; until the direction line Flange Buddha I shouldn't be, I certainly should be, just to stay in power, to be Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice of the upper Mineral sensations well should not stay, why? Because from the new center here, not anything else, just for the mind towards the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. Bodhisattva who most geared to the upper primary level, primary sensory Disabled depart the other mind; cause Karma body, mouth, Italy should have headed for the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva stay on for his mind enlightened leaders may arise.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, if the French don't all born, how Bodhisattva enlightened leaders may arise?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, as such, all non-French students. Why not born? Because there's nothing to do, nothing run, because all such French born.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, have no true Buddhist or Buddhist General legal permanent residence still are?
Buddha said: so, so. It's the General resident of France, because they don't know what the General resident of France should Bodhisattva as beings that arise of enlightened leaders, using faith to pull them out of the Samsara.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, use the Scout was enlightenment process?
Buddha said: there are.
White Germany That ton, used, not for students of enlightenment process?
Buddha said: there are.
White Germany That ton, used, not born there must not be enlightened reasonable?
Buddha said: there are.
White Germany World Religion, how to be enlightened?
Buddha said: There must be enlightened leaders, will not use DAO to be enlightened, because enlightenment is, my leader that is enlightenment.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, if enlightened i.e. ethical, moral enlightenment, i.e. far this Bodhisattva not vexed probably deserve equal access to primary sensory, Chief Justice of upper Comb why says the Messiah As Lai, the cult, the Chief Justice turned voters 32 80, General discretionary power of ten formation, beauty, four things are not afraid, four positions are not afraid, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: what do you think, Buddha was enlightenment reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion. Buddha wasn't enlightened, why? Because the Buddha that is enlightenment, enlightenment as Buddhas.
As Word of the Bodhi Monastery to ask, as a Bodhisattva should not be enlightened. Bodhisattva's six full Three la suite, thirty-seven French Assistant Director, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, tam I Dharani, an anniversary of the Samyutta with wisdom get upper primary education primary sensations, then known as the Buddha, are free for all France.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach Germany World Religion, how severely Bodhisattva Buddha realms NET?
Buddha: the Bodhisattva who developed the self except crude industry where crude industry self exclusion, body where the mouth, self except crude industry where Italy, as well as the purity of raw industrial where body, mouth, other people's ideas.
White Germany World Religion, what is the rough industry where the fuselage, the mouth, the intent of the Bodhisattva?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Career real good: Or kill so deviant comments is rough business where the body, the mouth of the Bodhisattva.
* Again, not pure as the torso where crude reserves, the mouth of the Bodhisattva.
* Then again, if the Bodhisattva depart four anniversary of that austerities, called career of Bodhisattva; depart four Chief needs, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight Saints, my tam I Not working, General, winning also the career of Bodhisattva.
* Then again, Bodhisattva tham Tu result complete Momentum until evidence in testifying the fruit A la Han, Director of the industrial line Flange rough Buddha Bodhisattva.
Comment: From the Bodhi Monastery here before often ask about France does not. The time, in the suspected assemblies: Bodhi Monastery was able to meet the President, arguing the French NET hý why not also ask more? So don't ask that only the mind.
* Again, the Bodhisattva and celestial lettered in deep meditation, loathe the language that just wants to be France's benefits, so no Bodhi Monastery which only in mind.
Q: why Bodhi Monastery while not saying that The Sun will still use a response?
A: a Good body of Buddha see not boring; see good not boring, heard the sound also, should still say without stumbling Hanh meditation subtle; so the Buddha words in response.
* Then again, Buddha an establishment where the removal, the President General in upper primary education primary Unconscious sense, irrespective of all France or charity or charities. They have suspected that asked the Buddha, as it asked, it is thought that response, so unlike with Bodhi Monastery. The Bodhi monastery to hear six Three la suite very deep sense, unable to capture the fortress of it, should ask: what is religious faith that Bodhisattva is purity, k has room immersed in advance of friendly France, the six Three la suite severely page? The Buddha knew the Bodhi Monastery to think so for Bodhi Monastery but little benefit that the interest for the Bodhisattva should answer: Six Three la suite by Bodhisattva. Six Ba la suite is of the Bodhisattva who developed new; Next came four to eight, meditation flush bumper, 4th class and thirty-seven French Assistant Director, just for Nirvana; Eighteen practices do not, ten of the Buddha, is the subtle French charity, just because the demand for Buddhist leader. Flute directed Three la suite much since they born that said; Thirty-seven French Assistant Director for bridges passage; Eighteen don't, from Nirvana to, is directed beyond the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural that the Bodhisattva situation. The three are Director of the Department of student body Bodhisattva; It does not see the France has good bad that an established general equality of France. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: the Bodhisattva should learn all, if there was a Dharma school no time cannot be set for a vaccine. Learn all of France is taking all disciplines, thinking, productive energy, tu Quan which are smoothly.
Bodhi monastery of the white Buddhist: If all that was not a general French General Bodhisattva how learn French all that and he's in no hý conclusion kicked up hý conclusion? Means that there is this other French French!
Combs said the other general comment hý East West is here, it's up there under, is often impermanent, that truth is not, is that the world is very worldly, so is France second admit, is France Buddha.
Buddha's promise to answer all of that: Bodhi Monastery France President; If France really have no general non-IE not born do not kill; do not kill should not have four; There are four stands so there are no Buddhas, France, Rose said; Thus, the three jewels are being sabotaged. Now the real solution there is, until the President, well no, just because they are foolish insanity should accept in advance. So for them, the Bodhisattva who initiates the merciful, wants to pull out in front of the Buddha-body strength requirements should be accepted; want to make them believe bear testimony to that insanity, Satori in General really. So the Bodhisattva but know France did not, that the interest they should distinguish said. If they don't know the French themselves, the Bodhisattva self only stay in General does not, does not need to learn to differentiate all of France.
When bodhisattva Bodhisattva, relief from the new center back here thinking like this: French whole no charge given, just because people should mix Jesica was born to run; the Coast Guard's per each due to the harmony born to it. don't. It. is not just a legal truth, there are no manually counted should all fictional lies. I only I could from legions come accept the French did lie to damage wrecked tired th brain gauge in six directions. It is the client's method in ten third Buddha, uncivil is my mother, now we should not return to pursue frivolous French pretensions. Consequently, the Bodhisattva to it. for not sticking with what other legal case, as countries which Three la suite of ...
Now the full Scout Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, the other Center of an automatic fine, think: we only stop the mind accept in advance, also natural leaders to. Knowing France then thinking they are infected before the world that it. not nor, without charge, with no shelter, so they'd be hard to believe. Because making them believe he was born of French resistant should learn French full-heartedly, tu media Executive of sentient beings, the mind of the beings come about where, what the French like to know it, guess what, there's nothing Somasundaram. When a suicide know accept ahead of sentient is damaged beyond hope mad because memories should distinguish idea accept in advance rather than have the basis to make it. Now Bodhisattva's wedding Festival, think: they are easy to level, why? Because it wrecked in front of sentient is broken lies not truth, countries such as the people who have a child in your favorite play in it impure, the team that made the rice, taking the plants do the birds veterinary which was born like wrecked; being someone tries to get instant angry crying. Her dad know that then, think of today's children your favorite though: wrecked but it is easy to abandon, until the growth it self off, why? Because he is not honest. Bodhisattva also, watch your favorite body wrecked beings see impure foul, and in French is impermanent, the cause of suffering; know they'd but there are five friendly self-catering units, Tan, anniversary, assessments, instant accomplishments wisdom can flush left. If young children soak up ahead of major hurricanes forecast will be true for hundreds of years, greed wrecked as deep discharge could not be removed. If they accept the first things to be true there are certain times of the year while the previous apartment in good heart but more severe observance also failed to depart. Because the method does not really lying, corrupt, so when endless wisdom eye is bootleg purity, depart France accept in advance, raised himself to know disgrace. Countries like sick people went doing the wrong thing, after the enlightenment saw the loss of face of shame.
Bodhisattva knows they should easily an in uncivil, using physical-chemical education means they are saying he should take alms, will be of much, OK, previously bitten a Bell that the high and mighty self. In fact, nothing here will be subject to vandalism, with the alms is no different. Maintained, the patient is not to humiliate the French General eighteen, as well as such. The France thing but pure, helpful great, but are compounded by coast guard personnel, student behavior, no self identity, the front then he wrecked French if born of suffering brain; countries like pieces of gold hot, but the treasures that boils down to time of fire arms. As such, the Bodhisattva teachings turned sentient Executive Director, Bodhisattva, himself does not accept what the front, also taught them born not before; because the mind does not accept the first issue he should not stay the alms. No stay was when he did not accept its three General, nor accept previous results reported that higher self, born career criminal, when bitten kill ruined brain best not. Three la suite for upper primary education up to primary sensory Disabled as well. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel not stay: A Bodhisattva is deep doesn't, don't see the France has committed to stay; two is not for doing small enough not to stay. Bodhisattva who has no other, only one side towards the incurring of enlightened leaders. (p. 461)
Bodhi monastery of the white Buddhist: If the French will not receive all the Bodhisattva how enlightened leaders may arise?
Buddha promised to Italy Bodhi Monastery and said all non-French born, French-speaking parts were so not born, not because that means that every wife says, but only because the row is working out, not starting three that said.
Q: the Buddha himself said that the Buddhist or not Buddhist identity of France remain permanent; as the French President of the Holy steps, that means the wife as well?
A: the Buddha promised to say that: it's the General resident of France, because they do not understand do not know should run up enlightened leaders, because except for the divine Lady driven should be called religious. If a layman certainly can accept before the return is insanity. And not equal leaders i.e. Scouts; and so should not be problem.
Bodhi monastery asked: How can be enlightened? Use the Scouts are right?
Buddha said: no, why? Because humanity is the Bodhisattva Quan which is compounded of micro removal should assume that truth, so answer no; as before stated, for example red fire gold ingots. Did France not born (i.e., not born) IE the wuwei wuwei France because should also not be used to be enlightened. Scout and Scout not b. both have bugs, so Scouts weren't born there must not be enlightened reasonable? -Answer: No.
Question: If Scout and Scout not have bugs, so Scouts weren't born there, wasn't born there should be an error, why not?
A: If the distinction isn't born weren't as good, not bad, that's because Prime Minister b. accept in advance, should say sorry; If not ahead of time is the enlightened leaders.
Bodhi TU asked: If not because of four owls are enlightened, so why be moral?
Buddha said: There must not do not be enlightened leaders, why? Since the enlightenment that is, my leader that is enlightenment; that's the General i.e. enlightenment France, tributary of the Buddha's enlightenment by General certificate, there is no other change. All of France is on the Enlightenment, is General Chair removal, as all the water in the sea is the same as another. So Buddha said as enlightened i.e. ethical properties. If the computer enlightenment and its various leaders while not called enlightenment, as General Chair removal, no savages conclusion; So says enlightenment i.e. Scouts, scouts that is enlightenment.
* Again, if two different Executive Director forecast that France could not come to enlightenment, because causality isn't the other isn't.
Bodhi TU asked: If so the Bodhisattva conduct relief and he should probably be Buddha, why? Martyrdom i.e. enlightenment! Again, the Buddhist Bodhisattva is probably, why? Because enlightened i.e. ethical! What's the excuse now saying there are other false: Buddha have ten resources, 32 General, eighty beauty depending on the picture?
Bodhi monastery because every Bodhisattva should learn to distinguish victims ask for Buddhist thought: Bodhisattva Buddhas, i.e. for physical Buddha responded by asking in return that Buddha was enlightenment reasonable?
Bodhi monastery answer: no, why? Because enlightenment cannot be absent from the Buddha, Buddha is not absent from the enlightenment; two French harmony should be called Buddha, enlightenment. So should not fall victim to that Bodhisattva i.e. Buddha. here is a General in the General case.
Q: love beings in Buddhism, enlightenment in France, why say that Buddha enlightenment?
Dáp: first there is general public life and dignified 32 Germany six Three la suite dignified mentality, but not known as Buddha, which since be enlightened so called the Buddha; that's why Buddha spoke with enlightenment is no different. The five aggregates pure micro magic harmony theory called Buddha; France i.e. the five aggregates, the five aggregates are not absent from the pretending. Enlightenment that is so General in aggregates; all of France is on the enlightenment; so the Buddha that is enlightenment, the enlightened Buddhas, i.e. just because of voracious minds phu distinguishes should be different.
Q: Mr. ago comment Conference say there's no development enlightenment one another, also in said direction i.e. enlightenment, enlightenment that is directed; Buddha means enlightenment, enlightened Buddhas, i.e. just because of voracious minds phu distinguishes should be different.
Q: Mr. ago comment Conference say there's no development enlightenment one another, also in said direction i.e. enlightenment, enlightenment that is directed; Buddha means enlightenment, Buddha's enlightenment?
Answer: A and the other while are not real, but for the most part taking one, so in this talk: enlightened i.e. ethical, moral enlightenment, i.e. nothing bug. As the two sides often and impermanence, because often the lots of negativity so little mention; impermanence might break the negativity should say to much, but when the discharge is also impermanent achievement dropped. In this also, if the other false French easy born mind accept in advance, if the French up a general or impermanence, suffering, no.. the negativity is not born. Because the mind accept at least, so much of a general, was in a general sense it is also useless. If you accept a general news is a disaster.
* Then again, because no other errors should a General also could not have been, as is general treated each other. Just take care good before, don't accept a General should say, no errors; but because of a general no truth should not be Buddhist Bodhisattva means.
* Then again, now with the Bodhi Monastery to Buddha and said coast guard personnel: enlightenment but is General President of killing, but the Bodhisattva can full of merit Three la suite, stay in the black diamond, because of a notion that wisdom with Samyutta are Infinitely superior primary education primary sensations, now for all France was committed in, known as the Buddha Bodhisattva while learning and enlightenment isn't different, but yet full of thunderstorms in Germany should not called Buddha; and had full voluntary, it's it. should not called Bodhisattva. Who is Buddha, Dharma is enlightened, the enlightened bridges is the Bodhisattva.
The Bodhi monastery to Buddha heard of General enlightenment, Director General, intellectual property achievement feeling for them and, asked the Buddha now strictly pure land Buddhist realms. The A la Han, Bich chi Buddha does not have the capacity to know the net strictly Buddhist realms for should ask: what is the pure Buddha?
The Buddha answers: The Buddha is the percentage of memory the Sun the Moon, hundreds of memories mount Tu di, hundred Four heavenly heavenly breasts; He called three thousand heavenly world. Boundless world immeasurable three thousand such heavenly called a Buddha realms. Buddhas in it when doing the Buddha, often three-day three night forecast forecast using the label Buddha nhìm all over they see who can clean house cultivation who has achieve healthy basis should make growth, radical Protestants who did achieve should be at. It uses the God according it found that Roman Catholic culture. Mindful beings sets ruỗi according to the scene outside: If the Union did not forecast the mind brain yard; If Anwar is impure, impermanence suffering will not take part in the exercise; If the French coast is not, there is no impurities not forecast property foolish. So stately Buddha realms Bodhisattva is because making them an easy birth: in the realms of water no deprivation, because the mind does not fall while not born San took part, the angry. Has the country Buddha, all trees are often played out in France's general sound is not born, does not kill, do not start, do not do, they only hear sound marvelous he, inaudible other sounds, as they should based profitable mainland food poisoning was true General of France. As such, the stately Buddha called Buddha realms purity, as in A di đà Kinh said.
Bodhisattva from the play of mind come pure crude industry itself where the body, breath, mind, also taught others pure crude industry where body, mouth, Italy.
Question: What If stately Buddha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is the net was French infertility patient, stay in God through the three la suite that follows strict Buddhist realms could NET, now what excuse comes from when the new play centre back as pure crude industry where body, mouth, Italy is probably strictly pure land Buddhist realms?
A: Three career purity not just strictly pure land Buddhist realms, which directed all Bodhisattva is purity. Here, first of all as a pure three career so after doing strictly Buddhist realms NET: DIY pure himself, as well as the purity of the others, why? Because there is a person born in the country, which are run by human charm many people together was born.
Human aggregated coast of France in France or in good faith, or any good is because the evil karma imports many should land born of thorns origin; because of the many devious mind flattering dua should land born of not flat; because the water is not so much taking xan conditioners, soil born rooftop sands; because causes no evil on the land is flat, so there is much to cherish the fantasy. As Maitreya Buddha at birth, everyone should have more land ten tu Thien Tran said.
Q: thanks for the French charity Bell ... the bitten the pure Buddha, what excuse saying only three pure industry?
A: Although the evil French as the miserable fate amusing; as in all the mind consciousness of France, who was the Director of intellectual property is large; While fixed focal photography who forecast Office is big; While creating the career center forecast private facility is large; There are career centers the Department's portfolio and the start up of the fuselage and the mouth. Tu alms, meditation ... the center of the Department of investment do get; countries as fortunately Austria took kim leading the way; When Shou thing coming life after the jewelry industry is growing; so say the three industries stock photography all industry. All the mind of French currency NIE in your career; all colors are all French currency stock photography into the career of body and mouth. Acting career itself has three things, every blessed Germany full time the water purity. Internal purity should picket outside purity; laboratory experiments as the eye in the mirror balls should clean also clean, as in the Bhikkhu ma la kidney said: for the non should be as people live longer and. ..
Question: Dear's crude Reserves, the mouth, the easier to know why Bodhi Monastery, also asked:
A: Rough or certain neither cells; as for the religious sphere, the alms is the rough conditions, also for the Bach y, the alms is healthy conditions; as for the minor change, real friendly business is rough, is international business, also for the Mahayana, from French Prime Minister accepted friendly to accept Prime Minister Nirvana were rough. Because of the harsh response should definitely ask. First class international crude General say Buddha: from the pirate life until the deviant comments; three of the four relatives of the mouth, three Italian industry of which is rough. Again, broke the six-Three la suite who forecast San Markt. are crude.
Q: previously said ten Scouts real charities collect Regency San Markt. What excuse have in particular?
A: Six of France's featured photographer on the ten Scouts real friendly. Ten French pics are real friendly leaders our birth, six of France's just not fallen beings brain; as the mind San took part only of pity yourself without the brain damage they born. TAM took part two: 1. just take part of others that have not fallen beings brain; 2. mind taking stronger, to not want to forecast the brain damage; He called the industry leader, because or starting a business; terrace of wrath as well. No less angry pitch called the career leader, as it can be put to evil of so called leader; It should in particular six France, nothing bugs.
Q: the six Three la suite said there are about, what excuse now saying about impure?
A: break the world's heavy crude, like kill ... and an impure crime subtle brain damage, not sentient beings; as alcohol does not stock photography on ten directed real friendly.
* Then again, in convergence world called break the world; don't break the world tho. Often for three exclusive cover of mind, remember to think about, back toward the blessed birth report the air flaps opinion precept; the so called impure world.
* Then again, if the mind Bodhisattva depart thirty-seven French, three leaders support his release, he called the rough business, why? Because of this the French actually had heart, according to Nirvana, not under the Earth; If out of four recite tail who forecast disarray; countries such as the snake, a common feature in your favorite winding, if the bamboo tube in time to head straight out the tube again winding.
* Then again, if the Bodhisattva taking evidence the da, he is completely Overhaul the fruit industry is rough; as people heard Buddha telling result Tu da's not fallen into evil, clean lines out of immeasurable suffering; as a pond 50 wide by weeks, there just as a drop of two drops the center of students taking part. Because the mind there is not strength, which bridges the vexed, because sentient beings that far because itself want complete players da Tu result documents; so is lying Buddha, carrying guilt with them. It should show the fruit raw stub called Tu da; laboratory experiments as the invited guest, want to treat to eat that ended up not for nothing the guilty lie to customers. Bodhisattva as well, since the new centre back played vow; We will do all the Buddha sentient beings, which again saw fruition Tu da perfect, so is committing to sentient beings. As evidence of complete momentum reference until taking part in leader Flanges genus Buddha as well.

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