Saturday 22 November 2014

Meaning Note Buddha bathing.
    Meaning Note Buddha bathing
    Meaning Note Buddha bathing


    Om muni muni Mahamuni Sakyamuni svaha
    few funny lines reference on the occasion of Buddha's birth (Sanskrit: वैशाख vaisakha, बुध् जयन्ती buddhajayanti, बुध् पूर्णिमा buddha poornima) in praise of the title mantra of a man crossed the St. location and well known as an Arahat first became a Buddha in Buddhist history over the name Siddhartha Gautama Buddha सिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध.
    शाक्यमुनि मन्त्र Sakyamuni mantra | Question pay praising
    saint. मुनि मुनि महामुनि शाक्यमुनि स्वाहा |
    om muni muni Mahamuni Sakyamuni svaha |
    vocabulary: a symbol of OM.
    The word ओम् (OM) is a transcribed version rhyming syllables or sounds of the letters from: अ (a). उ (u). म् (m) in the Sanskrit language, and also a unique sound in the world, because this distortion sounds include all the structures of the Universe and is often used in the mantra of Tantric Buddhism Hindus, Stage director Na, Sikh, Brahmin.
    The exact meaning of the word ओम् (OM), no documents confirming the authenticity of the origin of it, but it was thought, Here is a word that means its coat definitely related to the beliefs of the gods, god, creator ... the religion of India.
    According to the first written record of the Vedas, the the content and meaning of the word ओम् (OM) or औम् (AUM) is regarded as the first manifestation of ब्रह्मन् (brahman) through the combination of these phenomena in the universe formed. Because the base of the Hindu astrological concept that all phenomena in the universe formed derived from the vibration of 'ओम् (OM) or औम् (AUM)'.
    Maybe also because that reason, so this sacred sound identical to the universe, is used as the prefix and suffix of all mantras and hymns of Hindu and it became a symbol representative of them.
    The word Om or Aum written form देवनागरी (Devanagari) is ओम् (OM) or औम् (AUM). Vietnamese braised pronounced as "hug" O stretching sound.
    The word icon ओम् (OM) is called Omkar (ओम् - कार; Omkaar), Onkar (ओंकार; ONkaar), and ओंकार (ONnkaar).
    Signature ओम् (OM) has another name as उद्गीत (udgita), ओंकार (Omkara), प्रणव (pranava), अक्षर (aksara), एकाक्षर (ekaksara) ...
    After the Vedic period, the popularity of the mantra seems relatively weak, in Brahmanism and other religions of India, especially at the beginning of the Christian era. However, in the Brahmanas and Upanisads ancient, symbolic value of some syllables are considered as functions of their universe and is described as being part of the human body.
    As they hug is the essence of all the Vedas or a language that the introduction of the world is expressed in it: "Sounds ओम् (OM) is all this universe," syllable is the supreme reality. When we understand everything we want, we have it "(Upanishads India).
    According to the legends and tales of Hindu tantra, in terms of the fourth century, the mantra is started, the prevailing popular way through the various forms of ritual. Since then, almost all the religious ceremonies in India, have used the mantra is included in the formal proceedings concept, worship, gods, God, the Almighty, the Enlightened One of them in everyday life.
    Om is the root meaning of the word problem ब्रह्मन् (brahman), the sound vibrations have profound health uniform penetration, that the universe itself is the power of the mind is in the nature of all things.
    OM has become one of the important symbols of the sect Yoga: when it escapism and mystic arts Practical magic of the sacrifice, or escape routes infer the philosophy of mind before, then it becomes an essential means in the practice of meditation. A method for psychological relief.
    In मैत्रायण उपनिषद् (maitrayana Upanisads), ओम् (OM) were compared as an arrow tip that is thought and it comes from the provision that the human body, it is through the darkness of ignorance to reach the light of extreme state.
    In Mandukya-Upanisads, letters ओम् (OM) were analyzed according to the radio element, the O-ring as a sound combination of two consecutive vowels of the word अ (a) and उ (u). Music अ (a) + Audio उ (u) become a diphthong is ओ (o), and म् (m) is a consonant to the end and it will become ओम् (OM).
    ओम् (OM) is pure consciousness (तुरीय TURIYA), because it includes all and overcome any expression through cleavage of: अ (a). उ (u). म् (m) in 3 states as follows:
    अ (a) shall be construed as waking state (जाग्रत् jagrat).
    उ (u) is interpreted as a dream state (स्वप्न svapna).
    म् (m) is understood as a state of deep sleep (सुषुप्ति susupti).
    ओम् (OM) or औम् (AUM) in Hinduism:
    अ (a) is the beginning, birth, and the creator god ब्रह्म (Brahma).
    उ (u) represents the continuation of life, and god विष्णु (Vishnu).
    म् (m) is finished, death, and the destroyer god शिव (Siva).
    The other meaning of the word औम् (AUM) in Buddhism: ओम् (OM) means The fate | ओम् (OM) represents the body of the Buddha mantra | ओम् (OM) closed the door reincarnation | ओम् (OM) purify yourself | ओम् (OM) is a prayer towards the body of the Buddha | ओम् (OM) is Wisdom serenity, peace. | ओम् (OM) as well as the body, speech and mind.
    औम् (AUM): Start pronounce a word stem neck, tongue twisters then read the letter U and ending sounds M by closing your lips.
    The word ओम् ( OM) has 100 different meanings and is one of the supreme and from created things. If you are meditating in profound silence, you can hear the sound of औम् (AUM). It is the primordial sound of the universe.
    ओम् (OM) has to be a religious symbol ?. Yes, it is a symbol of India's major religions.
    ओम् (OM) can be a powerful symbol it? There are no scientific studies to prove it is better or stronger than any other icons from the past ... and so far, no symbols can really bring luck, wealth or power.
    Sometimes people take advantage of this symbol to do something nefarious mission in accordance with their personal ideology.
    अ (a). उ (u). म् (m), according to the grammar of Sanskrit and Hindi ('vyaakaraNN'; व्याकरण), the vowel 'O' (ओ), sometimes replaced by two consecutive vowels: अ (a). and उ (u), turned into औ (au), so there are some who spelled औम् (AUM) instead ओम् (OM).
    मुनि muni belong all the way, coral and direct way of two complementary ways in transformation from muni- table in the form of masculinity and it has the following meaning: Sage; sage, wise, old time, mature, holy, holy, holy, holy appointed; considered to be holy; called holy priest, monk, devotees, devotees, curiosity, eagerness, the dashing, eagerness, passion, prophet, the ardent, enthusiastic people; enthusiasts, the hermit, hermits, ascetic, austere, thinkers ... मुनी Muni belong feminine.
    मह maha is an adjective and a noun. maha belongs to a handful of table coral transformation from maha- in the form of masculinity and it has the following meaning: rich, many, abound; abundance, abundance, strength, strong, solid, solid, strong, robust, strong, good, solid, capable, big and solid and vivid, powerful, precise, great, great, great, noble, ca whole, noble, wonderful, excellent, proficient piles, understood, understood, mighty, mighty, mighty, massive, huge, brilliant, holidays, festivals summer, light, light, clarification, the brilliance, the brilliant, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, truth, the talent, the brilliant, talented, brilliant light ; glory glory, splendor, glory, the glory, the illustrious ... or माहा महा Maha Maha belong feminine.
    महामुनि Mahamuni the ligature of मह and मुनि maha muni.
    शक्य Sakya static from It belongs to a small number of table coral transformation from sakya- in the form of masculine and neuter. शक्य Sakya have the following meanings: can, clans, clan, clans, can, can, can do, can occur, mendicant monk, direct, directly, personally, talented people, good human capacity, can, the ability of people, conquered, tamed, capable, talented, qualified, competent enough, can do is, can be done, easy to implement, vulnerable, easily dictate, easy controls (people), in words; sense of the word, trivial, mundane, real, true, there is unenforceable, clearly, decisively, do, perform, practice, used, walk, through the re ... .
    शाक्यमुनि शक्य Sakyamuni was ligature of the Sakya and मुनि muni.
    स्वाहा svaha from uncomplicated way: greetings, call, cheering, welcome, welcome ...
    Italian Vietnam you can ask your precious monks and nuns gathered attention as the Dum, on the occasion of the birth of Buddha Buddhist spiritual joy. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.23/11/2014.

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