Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
His book 89
Investment: what is beauty 80 options figure? 1. the top cannot be seen; 2. the nose straight, tall, beautiful, enclosed nostrils; 3. the eyelids like the new Moon grows, Yuri is blue; 4. ears sprouting end down; 5. Stem sure truth as lishi Sun Na la diên; 6. joints like the hook hook; 7. rotate body of elephant every time Lord; 8. when going from the foot of land four feet, so impressed on the ground; 9. copper colored nails, thin and smooth; 10. hard knee Bone, round, beautiful; 11. Environmentally clean; 12. soft-body; 13. bent not Trunk; 14. full finger, thon; 15. beautiful fingers; 16: Deep Vein; 17. secret of the ankle; 18. Stem smooth; 19. a solid Hull, no pain, Xieng Khuang away; 20. plump Body; 21. full Knowledge; 22. plump facilities Capacity; 23. it alone cannot act; 24. Norway Germany shook the whole; 25. everyone likes watching; 26. The great not long; 27. the main Content there was nothing false, not a magazine; 28. full Face; 29. Red Lips the color of the Frequency left her; 30. deep echoes; 31. deep Navel, round, beautiful; 32. Turning to the body feathers on the property; 33. fully Hand; 34. his satisfactory; 35. Only a clear hand, straight; 36: long hand Only; 37. Only the hands do not stop; 38. They born malevolence in that tie clips; 39. The broad, beautiful; 40. The plump, bright as the Moon; 41. according to Italy they happy together said; 42. pores odor; 43. the mouth odor; 44. dung Facilities like a lion; 45. Go stand of elephant God; 46. How come as the goose God; 47. as result of Ma la da; 48. clear sound; 49. sharp Teeth; 50. Pink tongue Sharp; 53. Pure Wool; 54. long, wide Eyes; 55. the General complaint (hole) full; 56. plain white limbs like flowers shower; 57. the navel does not display; 58. the abdomen does not display; 59. small Bellies; 60. non-dynamic approach to the Body; 61. the stocky Body; 62. major body parts; 63. tall drain; 64. hands clean, soft; 65. Hao quang long stem a staff; 66. the luminous Body when to go; 67. see them born equal; 68. Not once when sentient; 69. According to the grace of beings not too, not reduced; 70. the sermon is not different; 71. According to the language of the beings that theory; 72. There are multiplying in Duyen layer theory; 74. There is general all sentient beings can't see the end; 75. the viewer not boring; 76. long hair, beautiful; 70. hair colour as emerald green; 80. German General had limbs.
This 80 's, Bodhi Monastery beauty depends on the relative place of achievement such Bodhisattva Buddha. due to the two position players, that's our photographer member countries and the French lab. Then the United owners hard class of Bodhisattva.
How the Bodhisattva used AI language NIE its beings? Bodhisattva retrieved Three la suite as they bore the sermon, saying: ye tu six Three la suite, collecting photographic equipment are all friendly France.
How the Bodhisattva taking advantage travel stock photography its beings? That is Bodhisattva usually teach them born, made Three of six tu la suite.
How did the Council take Bodhisattva NIE its beings? That is Bodhisattva uses in spirit update, the changes going on in the same way than the year of birth. It's taken four of the featured photographer its beings.
* Again, the Bodhisattva as uncivil three la suite, Pope turned This friendly beings that male suicide, so subtly, to school, to distinguish the form letters and letter templates should know one affidavit to 42 samples rather than; cleverly know all languages are from the second word in the pattern until the 42nd letter templates, all languages are in it. A sample letter is in the Word template, Word template 42 42 well into a form letter. Them boys should learn such word form 42 drone. Cleverly studied 42 then, sample letters can cleverly know rules of form letters; affidavit sample letters of permission to know and then cleverly know rules do not have this Word template. This Bodhi Buddhist Monastery, as cleverly know rules examples, cleverly know examples cited, no examples, because the rules do not have the word form should say rules examples, why? Because the pass all your self, known as Dharma.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, If they are not able to get it., France also failed to get it., France also failed to get it., because not only I could not invisible, it., so when three Bodhisattva uncivil la suite to Pilot Ba la suite, when four meditation, the four immeasurable heart, four to 37, the Assistant Director of French radio, Radio General, not eighteen, working three eight-exhaust bumper, black, the 4th class, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, 32 General, 80 the beauty depending on the image, how do you stay in the year I was bitten by that because they are the sermon? They can't get, because they do not have to be so good could not have been, to this formula also can not get; because in uần can not get, so six Three la suite for up to 80 the beauty depending on the image are impossible to get. In can't get in, there they are, there is no good so no 80 custom beauty looks, so how did the three Bodhisattva uncivil conduct la suite can because they are the sermon? White Germany That ton, Bodhisattva when uncivil conduct three la suite, Bodhisattva also could not have been, what conditions France Bodhisattva?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so, as he said. Because they can not get, should know no Cabinet, no exception, exterior, no no, no, not sensu graduate first, possession of no, no, no scene of wuwei, loads only I could not, without approval, the President himself, not the French, not the impossible, non-disabled, not privileged, non-organic, non-compounded multitude. Because they could not get to know the five aggregates do not enter, twelve, eighteen, twelve employees fails no charm, no four, no ego, false life, network pundits, who was born, raised, our guys healthy, they number, people who do, who makes do, run up, people start making up part tho, who led longevity leader the knowguys see are not. Because they could not get to know the four non-meditation, four immeasurable heart does, so the eight Saints, not, not, not working, not General radio, eight multiples discharge does not, the 4th grade. Because they could not get to know Buddha's ten, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen France does not, should know the result until completion of da DAO Tu Bich chi non-Buddhist, Bodhisattva addresses, Loads upper level Office Chief Justice vigilant. This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva saw all France is not so, because they are preachers, does not take the generals do not. Bodhisattva when such number, write the whole France smoothly not afraid, know all the French are not afraid then, not undermining the French General, not two, regardless, just because they are born that as truth speaks French. Laboratory experiments as the Buddha's transformation, the transformation turned do immeasurable thousand thousand memories of people, there are people who teach making alms, teach about maintenance, teach patient humiliation, teach effort, teach meditation, teach wisdom, teach meditation four, four, four immeasurable heart to infinite colors, do you think? The Buddha did their destructive transformation method reasonable?
Order no: Dear Mr. Bodhi, Bach World Religion. The person who does not evolve, did not mind the mind of France, how to distinguish vandalism of France?
This Bodhi Monastery, so know, Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite, because they are the proper place theory; drag them born out of insanity, which was in place should stay, because France did not tie does not open, why? Because SAC does not tie does not open; tho, thought, action, without tie does not open; colors do not tie not opened are not good; tho, thought, action, without tie does not open when not awake, why? Because SAC it. purity; tho, thought, action, for to all of France, or the possession of, or wuwei it. also purity. As such, the Bodhisattva cuz they are the same sermon not prime Prime Minister sentient beings and all of France. All France could not have been so Bodhisattva not stay France should stay in France, which is the general good to the owner of non-wuwei, because why? Because the character until the owners of wuwei, the free French as can not get, no shelter. France has no owner, no stay in France does not possess; self, French does not stay in French legalistic tha does not stay in tha, French, why? For all of France are impossible to get. France could not have been forecast stay on it? As such, the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite does not, as the French might say so, acting uncivil three la suite as such, for the Buddha and lettered text, Buddhist chi Flange no error, why? Because Jesus Buddha, Bodhisattva, Bich chi Buddha, A la Han was then in France, because they are not true transformation theory of General legal, why? As Such, method, it's not possible to convert, what is it? Because the French No.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if France computer, such as, it's not the switch, so with different method reasonable? With such different reality, reasonable? Tho, thought, action, formal until compounded vi, wuwei, mundane, worldly appearances, the owners illegally pirated loads vary reasonable?
Buddha: is no different. SAC was no different, not other properties in France; like no other, it's not the other; tho, thought, action, formal to French property, illicit, pirated radio was no different.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, if not other shades, French computer is no different; like no other, it's not the other; tho, thought, action, formal until possession of pirated, pirated radio is no different, and how to distinguish the black with the black journalist, is bitten hell, beast, hungry daemons demons; Bach Bach having a newspaper, being bitten was born to the Sun, the people; black white black white paper, having a career not black nor white has not bitten the black no white, it's results until the completion of the upper da Tu Radio Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Under the Roman Empire should distinguish said that results of the newspaper, not according to the first definition. In that empire can't say human favored thing coming, why? Because the first emperor meant that no general, no segregation, no theoretical language, called for gonorrhea to endless illegally compounded; General not born, not kill, something to remember, something clean, because not only I could not invisible, it..
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, if the world should segregate soles because according to say that thing coming, not according to the first definition of God, the divine Lady of all time has probably resulted in complete Invisible to Tu da upper primary education primary buds.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: what do you think, human wife know that is the Roman Empire, that means the reasonable? If known, the voracious lady was probably the result of Tu da complete upper primary education up to primary sensory Disabled. This Bodhi Monastery, because the human wife of truth does not know God, know the first word of God, the unknown Scout, undistinguished led outcomes, how can they have the results been? This Bodhi Monastery, Holy Roman Empire knew, know the first word of God, a layman, is directed, so Holy that the other is wrong.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery of Bach: Tu DAO are results reasonable?
Buddha said: there are. TU, not be results, not outcome, tu DAO were also not left orbital results, nor stay in orbital results. As such, the Bodhisattva as uncivil conduct three la suite, because sentient beings should differentiate results and also irrespective of it's situations that, as of wuwei.
White Germany World Respect, if not distinguish situations that, as of the wuwei, which was why The Sun comes over all three da Fang Tu called finalize; wanton rampage si slim called the momentum function; end to end the year down the Fang called A na function; end to end in the upper part called A Lo Han Fang? Know France has rallied all have general approval of killing known as the Bich DAO chi Buddha, ends the negativity and all gas volumes called upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations? White Germany World Religion, I know regardless of computer owners vi, calculated that the Scout wuwei result?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: he gives result complete momentum da Tu Private Radio to function resulted in upper primary education primary sensations, the result is the owner of, is that reasonable?
Bodhi monastery ladies: are all wuwei.
Hey Tu French: in Bodhi wuwei are reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion.
Bodhi Monastery this, if a friendly female, friendly guys male smoothly all of France or the possession of, or vi are a general, indefinite news General, who was also a distinguished or possession of, or vi reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion.
This Bodhi Monastery, thus, the Bodhisattva cuz they are preachers, irrespective of the French, because not until the myriad non-compounded. Bodhisattva he himself was no good before, also teaches the causes are no good, or countries which Three la suite so uncivil three la suite, or meditate until the fourth meditation, or from, bi, only, to discharge until the non-Christians think Africa loads of ideas, or four anniversary of till position necessarily strains. Bodhisattva he himself did not accept before, also taught people not to accept in advance, because it did not accept before so there's no obstacle whatsoever. Laboratory experiments as the Buddha's transformation work life leader, nor was he bitten alms, just because they are born until tu position necessarily strains nor in the life of fruit leader position necessarily strains. Bodhisattva also, runs six Three la suite until all remedies that do not stay invisible illegally compounded contraband, possession vi, wuwei, nor its report, that just because the beings, why? Because he's reached pine Bodhisattva was cited by the French General.
Comment: question: eighty beauty depending on the picture is stately French relatives, why stay in thai "formula is full" is again a customized beauty in the picture?
A: the Formula he is bitten by the knowledge born, for the world good or bad nature knows. Sleeping wife's inadequate human, should have to learn another way new hearing aids. .. Buddha in a full year, new born, the fullness and body are full. Others, or eight, or nine months in pregnancy, generally for ten months. Bodhisattva in ten months in pregnancy is generally one year full time root trunk; recipe by bitten born also in full.
Q: It's right foot down with it other false peace like?
A: it still is as a champion in the bird tightly in place, simple, can't shake. Back when the renunciation, ma people, demons could not make that move that back up.
The meaning of the word model 42 as in Mahayana has said. A sample letter to the end in the form of words; laboratory experiments as the No. 1 combination 2 do 2, 3 1 number plates made of 3; 4 number 1 combination did 4; so until a thousand, ten thousand. As the letter A is defined; A turn into La, also turned into Three; so come on in Word form 42, 42 samples of letters in a Word are, the 42 letter templates all have the letter A, the letter A in the word a. Cleverly literate so cleverly know name of France; the name affidavit cited by France should know that the French. There is no real sense i.e. examples of General legal, why? Because of the significance of the French, the French had no title.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: If the French it. No, no title, how Bodhisattva stay in six God by bitten born of that because our theory? If it. no sentient time no French? Buddha approved Tu Bodhi says: so, so. Because not all eighteen, so France could not have been. Falls and sentient beings, so who knows who to see, to know Buddha, Bodhisattva also are not. So then that's not theory-born as they are. If they are really there that because they can't forecast not theory; because they can't, but because of insanity to have. So the Bodhisattva does not take off, but because they are the sermon. Don't put away that is not making the French were not, did not say France is not. If not spoken to France is not losing chess doesn't. If the mouth to say no that is there, is also not missed. In this Buddha himself said: the French did not two, not disintegrates. Want to clear it up for Buddhist above example: As people do change, making the Buddha made many people, because they are born of preachers, or theory of Germany maintained world, alms. Such a theory means there is an error, that could pull them out of insanity, as students in France do not tie does not open. In the first meaning no tie is not open, in the Roman Empire should be tied open. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: bigger L does not tie does not open, why? Because of the tie does not open no good general, so well that way. Bodhisattva taking France didn't stay like that should stay in France because they are the sermon. They can't get, because they are born and the whole of France could not have been. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: France has no owner, no stay in France had no property, the contender as frivolous, don't stay where nowhere; self, French does not stay the order, French; countries like fire do not stay where the fire, France spared no stay where France tha computer; countries as non-water properties in the fire; because tha computer uncertainty. If pure theory such as Bodhisattva Buddhas, he lettered for the Saint no error, why? Because Buddhist Saint, lettered not contaminated prior to France, the French pilot nor the French before infection; Headless Buddha, Holy Sage because of it. No, take General President who's facility makes removal, the theory as well. Headless Buddha, Saint to the third release, was it the French, which is the residual Nirvana, the sermon under France's should have no errors. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: Lettered Buddhist holy gentler then, because they were born of preachers, does not make conversion method, because the method is not indefinite, General.
Bodhi monastery of the white Buddha: otherwise the conversion method, the colors along with different method reasonable?
Buddha said: no, why? Because the truth is the General method. The Buddha said, when Bodhisattva sermon also non destructive method.
Bodhi monastery asked, Lust etc. along with other non-French, French-Quarter computer only what excuse? Because the Buddha a good French Bodhi Monastery to another accident question: If no other how to distinguish good, evil, white, black, fruit etc. done Tu da?
Buddha: Colors etc. Although not left France, the song because according to the Roman Empire should be distinguished, was in the first sense God not discernment, why? Because Holy was the first definition of God, without distinction whatsoever, have not heard Prime facility celebrates, hear no prime facility negligent, because the French were worthless, so for General to have the French not prime, what sounds to distinguish good faith, evil. The Prime Minister is not real evidence, because the first emperor uses should have room to differentiate. In this coast guard personnel said: no French language novel, nor the clean soil removal, birth; that is it. No, loads only I could not.
Q: what's the excuse for it just says the two are not called in France?
Answer: we all have, or France, or beings, if say it. not the breaking of France; If only I could not break the unconscious speaking beings. Two of France's and the wrecked all of France. In this Bodhisattva because they should not use two for the sermon to France and destroy beings; While there are no different but not deeply, it. with it. do not. The other not as fire wood, rest of coal ash; it. not no ash, no coal. Someone said: Or say enough eighteen do not, no error, because history says should say the two did not.
Bodhi monastery ladies: If under the Roman Empire should have evil, black and white and the results reported, also under the first emperor uses the human wife probably deserve complete Holy Tu da berries etc. Why? Because if in the frivolous Emperor hopes to distinguish the Hien St., also in the first sense the reason value for divine wife as his patron saint. Bodhi's distinguished seclusion General says everyone will get another wife, and Buddha says of the first definition for General, recommended the Bodhi Monastery said Li deserve divine Lady is th c.
A: If the phu Buddha means distinguished, know that God uses, which is the Roman Empire, and probably worth chums wife are holy. Because that means that phu don't know relief, undistinguished leader, Executive Director, the Director does not know, what the scenarios are led outcomes! Buddha says Holy ranks can distinguish degrees of Holy Scriptures are speaking should result.
Bodhi Monastery ever found guilty, should say: in computer chess, winning countless, immeasurable movement, how can the Prime Minister, wants the French anticipated the immeasurable; How do you sexually voracious for phu is the result? Should lead the life lyrics new operator Known Buddha. DAC findings, non-Executive Director is not a prime result; so ask the Buddhas: Tu DAO DAC results reasonable? The Buddha answers No.
Ask: on the other end of Buddha distinguished said Prime leaders of today's stars, tu result say? A: the Buddha on the other end says, who wouldn't accept in advance, because the Bodhi Monastery offers the mind accept that question, want from Scouts of derived result, such as sesame oil squeezed out words; If so directed with the result at the same rotten lies. So the Buddha are not met. The listener born mind thinks: If it wasn't, the tu tu Li deserve?
Buddha: Tu did not, non tu! The contender as two people who want to go to, a person stands still does not go, a n lost, both unable to. If not tu DAO get little ones glad NIE mind, what incident led outcomes! If the mind of Prime that tu leader, but have fun without meditation mind photography directed results. If the mind is not prime time Director tu led outcomes. So Buddha said: three Bodhisattva uncivil conduct la suite does not distinguish situations that, wuwei, should have directed other false results.
Bodhi TU asked: If so, what excuse Buddha says end to three historical momentum, which is unlawful has such a distinction?
The Buddha asks in return that you think he is perfect for the da Tu vi, is that reasonable?
Bodhi monastery a: As wuwei.
Buddha: If so, in the wuwei other wrong?
Order no: Dear Mr. Bodhi, Bach World Religion.
Buddha: If there is no distinction, what excuse he fall victim to ask? The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery asked: If a friendly female, female friendly guys all through France, a general, i.e. infinitely General, in three subjects: liberation, when Nirvana, then have to differentiate, or possession of, or vi reasonable? .
Bodhi monastery ladies: Don't.
The Buddha was, only when he is bad, when all other true chon TAM lies, why problems? Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite irrespective of all France, staying in the Cabinet, not the French not etc. very pure, himself did not accept before, also taught them born not before; that is teaching the alms until the position necessarily strains, in which people are taught to Bodhisattva leaders do not accept the first. Laboratory experiments as the Buddha's alms work evolve, did not distinguish the alms, not life led outcomes report alms, just because of them. Mind the Bodhisattva also, why? Because fudge smoothly the method. Fudge smoothly is not prime computer, nor stay in France, the French were in no doubt, not the Exchange theory, don't stop, don't come, don't be afraid, it's clear method.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/11/2014.

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