Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5

His 88
Explanation: Six Products First Instance 77
( My Great Uncivil society 2 record: Infinite Product first Publication 75)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how in the free French General not indefinite, General, cannot distinguish which can fully renovated six-Three la suite? How in France does not make other that to distinguish different sai generals say? How uncivil back currency presenting photographers, world, rings the humiliation, effort, meditation? How do other false General Executive Director for chess results?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva in the five aggregates as dreams, like echoes, like the photo, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as he maintained, that chemistry world, rings the humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom. Know the five aggregates was like dreams, like echoes, like the photo, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as harsh; the five aggregates, such as General and indefinite nightmare, until infinity, such as general chemistry, why? Because dreams do not have self identity; ECHO, photo, waves of sunlight, going, turned all without charge. If France does not have the character count is endless French General; If France is a French General detached from General news is General. By then, Coast Guard personnel should know, Bodhisattva alms Receiver General and pilot multitude unconscious urges. Knowing he was such as could Pilot a full Three la suite, to uncivil three la suite; can a full four anniversary of, until the eight Saints Scouts; can not fully until the myriad non-compounded; Maybe Not full, Infinite chess, working t I; can the full eight multiples to discharge, the 4th grade, in spirit, the 500 subjects Da la ni; can the ten full force of Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non- generic. Bodhisattva's stay in France ridiculous does that gets bitten by the smugglers, fly to an Eastern of immeasurable, donation lettered Buddhist garb, eat and drink to be used; do the benefits they're born. Worth taking alms to NIE deadlines alms; value for user maintenance manual photography to th i taught led to maintain world; value for used engagement rings, humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom to NIE deadlines taught makes rings humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom that NIE player; so worth taking the donation to NIE player, leading the French charity that NIE player. Bodhisattva's accomplishments all friendly France, the life itself in the world without being mortal world do the weapon box. Because they are so in the Sun and the people wealthy fun ones life dignified, get glad's dignified and photographer rich its beings. Bodhisattva knows all Radio France General, should know the result without complete da Tu stay in it; know the result As the function result, da na jaw, resulting A Luohan, that also does not stay in it, why? Because the Bodhisattva he used position necessarily know French strains let's all be mind necessarily strains, not altogether with the writer Bich chi Buddha. Thus, the Bodhisattva knows the whole of France's six known French General detached Three la suite infinity General, to know all the Dharma unconscious urges.
* Again, the Bodhisattva in the five aggregates as dreams, like echoes, like the photo, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as may the full Three la suite infinity General. Fiction does not physically, not destroy, not create, not before. About deeply smuggled, are holy praise, on the eight most Holy leader. Stay in fiction are all about, it's about your self, nature, gender, facilities, the precepts about working, about dread, dread no border facilities to rent. Bodhisattva's achievements to the world, do not think, I do about him should be born great benefit, large flow Monitor flow Brahmin, underwater housing or Home United, or the Turning wheel Seong, or the Sun, or Sun-Uranus quarter-thirty-three, Sun Yes ma, Sun Chemical's momentum, solar power is lost, Sun Tha turns himself in; not that: We should maintain human world will be complete until da Tu result result A Luohan, the Mural spent Buddha, why? Because all Radio France General news is a General; Radio-France General cannot be indefinite, General French compounded General can't be compounded the French General detached General can't be compounded General, compounded General cannot be indefinite French General. As such, the Bodhisattva as uncivil conduct three la suite can complete Three la suite infinity General that the Bodhisattva situation; the Bodhisattva's taste was onion rings, French Director infertility ch ng position, being in spirit by bitten; stay in Da subjects 500 la ni, four positions are not afraid, from a Buddhist realms to a Buddhist realms donation followers of Buddha, enlightened wisdom achievement for them, nevertheless, is strictly Buddhist realms into the net in the newspaper industry that death cannot pollute. This Bodhi Monastery, countries such as the United Kingdom, rotating Switch changes the Holy spite sit down stand which does not see it coming, not to see it gone, don't see it, seats, it is still possible to benefit sentient beings, nor the Prime Minister were born; Bodhisattva as well. Again such as the Buddhist monastery of the lamina to be Loads of upper primary education primary sensations, because every three scraps Zhuan Falun, a life no one is signing the Bodhisattva. So yes, vexed life discharge chemistry network that the Invisible balance Nirvana. Bodhisattva also, when three uncivil conduct la suite, can adequately About Three la suite; full Three la suite and then, collecting all friendly Regents of France.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery when acting uncivil in the five aggregates as dreams, like echoes, like the photo, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as a full three-Ring which la suite infinity General.
Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery this stay of two full three-Ring Ring can la suite. The two rings was born French and ring ring. From when the new play Centre until sitting shume, in this intermediate period, if they go to the evil nhiếc of crude words, yelled at, or tile stone, knife sticks his hurt Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva cuz want full Rings Three la suite should give birth to not a bad idea. Bodhisattva's thoughts like this: Guys who yelled at? The cut rips who? Take the evil words hurt me, take the tile stone, who is beaten by sticks and knives? Why? Because the Bodhisattva then for all France is endless ring General, why should you think that the isolated us, harm us? If such practice Bodhisattva full time three-Ring can la suite, due to Ring Three la suite full French infertility should be patient.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, what is infertility France rings? The ring's end to something, know what?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the French Are not to the ring b. little France real good, she called the infertility patient. All Bodhisattva ends the negativity out called end; use wisdom to know French not all called to know.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, the French bar rings infertility writer Bich chi Buddhist French infertility patient with Bodhisattva another what's wrong?
Buddha said: every Bodhi da Tu Tu's or tri's, or Bodhisattva ring; As the momentum of a function or the position or the Bodhisattva's, ring; A function or piece of decor or na, is the Bodhisattva ring; A Luohan or position or the Bodhisattva's, ring; Bich chi Buddhist or position or the Bodhisattva, he is patient. What is wrong with the other. This Bodhi Monastery, the Bodhisattva's ring accomplishments beyond The text, Buddhist chi Mural.
Stay in the infertility patient by Executive Director's bitten can religious Bodhisattva full race position, race Director full position is often not absent from the French and relief aid 37, winning chess, working three black and generally not from years of spirit communion; It does not do in the spirit through the intelligent innovations it is possible to sense beings, strictly Buddhist realms NET, Visual Intelligence achievement for sentient beings; NET's Buddha realms would be severely mind necessarily strains. As such, a full three-Ring Bodhisattva la suite infinity General.
* Then again, stay in the five aggregates as dreamlike as General radio echoes, as pictured, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as it turns out, overnight effort, mind the effort; due to the relative effort should start up through God; starting up the spirit through ten enemy should go to the country donation lettered Buddhist, benefit sentient beings; due to the close physical effort that Catholic culture they render in three redundant. As such, the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite can full effort Three la suite infinity General. Bodhisattva who left by effort, St. comb smuggled effort that on the eight most Holy leader, can the full effort of three la suite; Effort of three la suite's photography collection all made in memory of the four French charity, four Chief needs, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight Saints, the four immeasurable heart, four in meditation, the four intend to infinity, the eight freed, the 4th class, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to place four, eighteen non-generic. Bodhisattva's Executive should get full position necessarily strains; full position necessarily strains and then ends the negativity and all gas volumes, full bodied, General 32 launched aura immeasurable, infinite Modeler; free aura and Zhuan Falun, thrice turning 12, acting Prime Minister; Zhuan Falun should be three thousand of heavenly world six ways shaken; aura radiating around three thousand of heavenly world; sentient beings in the three thousand of heavenly world heard the sermon, all thanks to France three admit that the escape. As such, the Bodhisattva in effort of three la suite do great benefit and can adequately position necessarily strains.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery residence in the five aggregates as dreamlike as General radio echoes, as pictured, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as harsh, can full Meditation Three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in the five aggregates as dreams, like echoes, like the photo, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as may a full Meditation Three la suite?
This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva in meditation profile until the fourth meditation, immeasurable heart from, bi, Azure-Winged Magpie, discharge; on the boundless nowhere of non-owners to think the non-ridiculous idea of; to Not Scalar, General, tam tam, in essence working me like lightning, into three kingdoms I Like diamonds, into three kingdoms I main Scriptures; but tam tam of the Buddha, I lettered I, or with The text, Buddhist chi Mural were all on, all testifying nor tho tam taste me, nor its star, bitten me Mirna? Because the Bodhisattva knows three radio-I General, no ownership, how to infinite life to French General French taste infinitely General; France does not have the property to France's tasted life without owning? If there is no head tho flavors, while life is not born by meditation, or in the Performance, or in the Infinitely good, why? Because the Bodhisattva does not see the three realms, he also does not see the meditation he also did not see people on the meditation, also doesn't see a French user on meditation. If there are France's news can full Meditation Three la suite infinity General. Bodhisattva taking Meditation Three la suite now exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how full the three Bodhisattva Zen la suite infinity General that would pass the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva inner skills-learning skills, not air, so cleverly learn loads non-compounded, for no Air France can stay are; or the result of Tu da perfect, or result As the function result, da na jaw, resulting A la Han dynasty until the position required vaccinations; He also does not. The bodhisattva does not as such may in a Bodhisattva.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, what is Bodhisattva situation, what is there to do?
This Bodhi Monastery, all have prime facility is not the Bodhisattva; all there is is a Bodhisattva DAC facility.
White Germany World Religion, how is there a prime property, how is there a prime facility?
Bodhi Monastery is, this is prime property; tho, thought, action, as has the Prime facility; eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind to mind necessarily strains have a prime property, is not the Bodhisattva. This Bodhi Monastery, the Bodhisattva is the French can not only display, unable to speak. What the French can not only display, unable to speak. Bigger l until the position required vaccine, why? Because colors can not only display, unable to speak until the position required vaccine can not only display, unable to speak. The so called Bodhisattva situation. The Bodhisattva's taste, all meditation, tam I was full and not by meditation, tam I Shou was born, what scenarios in porn, rampage, si run up that poor student life! Bodhisattva only stay in France as going to benefit sentient beings, nor its privileged beings, and France as going. If there is no prime facility, then can the intelligent beings for sense of achivements, strictly Buddhist realms NET. so called Bodhisattva full Meditation Three la suite infinity General, to Zhuan Falun. I.e. Falun can not get.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery uncivil conduct three la suite know full-heartedly France as dreams, like echoes, like waves of sunlight, such as an image, such as going, as commodities.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how can we know full-heartedly Bodhisattva such as dreams, like echoes, like waves of sunlight, such as an image, such as going, as commodities?
Hey Tu as Bodhisattva, Bodhi uncivil three la suite, no dream, no man is dreams; don't see the ECHO, did not see the play echoes; don't see an image, see the see the photo; not seeing sunny, waves do not see who saw the wave power; not going to see, going to see guys not found; don't see the Bill, did not see the show, which stars? Since midsummer, ECHO, photo, waves of sunlight, are chemistry, going was France insanity human foolish wife. A la Han Chinese don't see dreams, don't see the show dream, so don't see the Bill, don't see the find utility; Bich chi Buddha, the great Bodhisattva, headless Buddha also did not see the dream, did not see the show dream, so don't see the Bill, did not see the show, which stars? For the whole of France not to be owned, not born, not certain.
If France does not have ownership, not born, not certain, the Bodhisattva how uncivil tu ba la suite? In this procedure, certain General General students, probably not true, why? For if the French are more or less taking, there is birth, there are General, while not called tu three uncivil la suite. As such, the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite not before for coming out ahead of consciousness, not to take part before the Exercise, the Sac, the Infinitely good, not to take part before the liberation, meditation, t I, not before four anniversary of, until the eight Saints Scouts, not before not, Infinity Radio, General Colonel Lynn blackthe previous Three countries which did not take part, la suite so uncivil three la suite; It does not take part in advance so that it can adequately Bodhisattva record, for the record nor born of mind taking part before, why? Because the Bodhisattva's prime time player, how b. mind taking part before? for up to ten sites as well. Bodhisattva's uncivil conduct three la suite nor its privileged uncivil three la suite; If uncivil when administering three la suite Prime player not uncivil three la suite, who uncovered all of France are both into the uncivil three la suite, nor its privileged legal, so what? Because the French are not uncivil not other two three la suite, why? Because the French As France, the fact should not discriminate.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, if the invisible French General with no distinction, how can you say it's good, it's real good, it's useful that are illegally smuggled, that is the world, which is very useful, it's worldly vi, which is micro?
This Bodhi Monastery, what do you think? In fact the French French Prime Minister could say that is good, is good so is the owner of, is that, as the result of Tu da done so is A Luohan, Bich chi Buddha, is the upper primary education primary sensory nerves?
White Germany World Respect, unable to speak.
This Bodhi Monastery, because people's coast should know all Radio France General, no distinction, not born, not certain, not just presentation. One early issue Bodhisattva way, also without France, there can be a prime player, or colors, or tho, thought, action, consciousness, so either ownership or micro, micro, or result Invisible until the complete da Tu upper primary education primary buds. As such, the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite, from the play of mind until being Detached upper primary education primary school was cited feeling, so the method; cleverly studied the method should call the Radio Director of upper primary education primary buds. Take faith can complete six Three la suite, sensory intellectual property achievement for them, the net is strictly Buddhist realms; stay in France he was Detached from the upper level, to bring the primary sensory excess three primary levels of beings escape, nor take part in front of three redundant. As such, the French General detached Bodhisattva should learn three uncivil la suite.
Comment: question: Bodhi Monastery asked Buddha: If the radio-French General with no distinction, and how do you say six Three la suite other wrong? The Buddha responds: Bodhisattva in the five aggregates as dreams can full of six-three la suite. Bodhi monastery to retrieved that is not out of question, the Buddha took sense Not to. Q so how is that different?
A: the Bodhi Monastery to ask: If the French do not, how far see Bodhisattva conduct six Three la suite is the Buddha? The Buddha answers: The Divine Lady depart chon TAM intellectual truth, accept the Prime Minister should see Bodhisattva conduct six Three la suite was vexed, the French did Not earlier should problems. Bodhisattva while in the five aggregates as going, as dreamlike as well due to the mind that is not alms; so while the French, full three la suite without hindrances which Cannot; countries such as the haze away from the show, close to the see. Divine lady as well, because real depart General should see headless Buddha and Bodhisattva, as near truth General should see not; that's why no hindrances. Because no obstacles should be able to stay in a three-Pilot tu anniversary la suite which can adequately tu the French charity. He often smuggled Three radio-tu la pure security should the conversion yourself, dear bitten back Three la suite infinity pirated. Bitten is not natural, austerities get; laboratory experiments as due to the results reported are based label, can naturally see the SAC. Bitten-elect Three la suite infinity pirated it and can turn an immeasurable into a multitude of relatives, in that the phrase means ten Buddha, Buddha's profound sermon heard in full, the drain all sentient beings, gradually is strictly voluntary, as the Buddha realms translational vexed the.
Question: If the French don't, ill General how to distinguish, let Participants take Three la suite may be full of Three la suite to another?
A: practitioners while not distinguishing knowing that Chu Buddha, Bodhisattva says he runs the laboratory experiments, can conduct a full range of almond. As The writer on the Radio Radio Radio General illegally discriminate other people, the Saints also counts the French know they are privileged. Know what the General is General, she called Chief of staff. The Chief Justice called the Chief Justice strong comments everyday. When the brain is not harmful beings, evil does not work; He called the speech, Chief Justice, Chief career networking. At this time, but said nothing, nor do anything that is still referred to as speech, Chief career, why? Because brain damage not it. they should call it the speech, Chief career himself magic. From which came the mind, artifact called the Chief effort; forced the coast guard called mindfulness; featured photographer-seat Center called the Chief Justice set. See real-life relatives, generals, mind, France, he called the four anniversary of, until seven sensations such as well. In memory of the four parishes as well as in the Holy Scriptures, the eight workers were counting to know; Bodhisattva thus also operates Three Pilot multitude can's General Security dollar full Three la suite etc. Like the contender Three la suite, Three la suite photography collection the French charity as well.
Q: in the product due to a Three la suite full of Three la suite and with here, Three la suite infinity general stock photography French all had something other wrong?
A: there are in a full can recite Three la suite, this French-speaking but not indefinite, General that can still be full of Three la suite, it is wrong to another.
Explanation: the four Products Nie 78th
(Doing The publications record: 2 uncivil society We in Germany first 76)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, if the French are as romantic as the ECHO, as pictured, as waves of sunlight, such as going, as commodities, there is really no ownership, no general order, forecast how distinguished French Protestant, was a French Protestant, French is not the world, is a worldly French, is compounded smuggled, pirated Radio France is, is compounded vi, is France wuwei, as France could be result of Tu da complete until results of A Luohan, that France could be directed Countless Buddhas, genus upper Flange to be Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice buds?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: foolish wife had seen human dream, seeing who has the butt to see harsh, see someone see that starting up businesses themselves, the mouth, the good, real good, loads up; start up blessed career, Goldfield, real estate industry. Bodhisattva's uncivil conduct three la suite stay in either didn't is not it. and only I could not.
Because they are born the sermon This weight: they r the best, then no, there is no property; tho, thought, action, not knowledge, there is no property; Twelve type mưới, eight world's dream. Lust is the ECHO, as pictured, is the wave power, is going to get, is harsh; tho, thought, action, consciousness as well. Twelve import, eighteen is midsummer, is echo, as pictured, is the wave power, is going to get, is harsh; He did not have the five aggregates, twelve, eighteen entered the world, no dream, no vision, people find no echo, no listener echo; No photo, no photo people see; There is also no sunshine, waves of people show the waves of sunlight; There is not going to get people going to see; no culture, no people found harsh. All of France without the original maple tree, it doesn't have possession. The people in the room did not have the five aggregates to see five aggregates, no twelve type saw twelve type, no eighteen world found eighteen men; the French are due to human harmony Coast born, since starting the mind driven, it is the fruit of karma, the pretext for the French, not the original maple tree that accept the Prime original maple tree? The Bodhisattva conduct three uncivil la suite uses the media to the San in dual, sentient out by teaching them take alms, bring merit does large bitten alms; from the large quote Stella is out and then teach them to make merit by world maintenance maintenance about is born the heaven and dignified; back pull out makes stay on a meditation, do merit articles of meditation is born the Brahma; the second meditation, meditation, meditation, Foursome, tam boundless are not made, the formula of, loads of possession, the owners thought the non-ridiculous idea of likewise. For they take alms and bitten alms, the maintenance and the maintenance thing coming, meditation, and meditation thing coming then used every each pulled off the coast that an Invisible where residual Nirvana and in the moral Nirvana, which is made in memory of four, four Chief needs, four as a studentin one, five, seven, eight joint sense force the church leader, Not Indefinite, General, working out, sports, eight multiples to discharge, the 4th class, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, that an all sentient beings, made in the French mass loads smuggled, infinitely good, invisible, invisible for. See who can be the result of Tu da until completion of guide Flanges chi Buddhist makes an stay till complete Restoration of da DAO fruit Mural genus Buddha; see who can be disabled from the upper primary education primary education bill makes sense right security forecast stay in upper primary education primary buds.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, the Bodhisattva very rare, hardly equaled, the could take three uncivil la suite far deeper, with no ownership, no, not only I could comb it., which distinguishes the French is good, is good, is smuggled, is smuggled through the possession of, is the wuwei.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so. The Bodhisattva is very rare, difficult class, the could take three uncivil la suite far deeper, with no ownership, no, only I could comb it. not that distinguishes the French. This Bodhi Monastery, the French know him if rare, hard skin of the Bodhisattva, the time to know all The text, Buddhist chi Mural can't get the case, nothing else!
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, what is rare in France, difficult class of Bodhisattva? The text, Buddhist chi Mural doesn't have to be?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery: protection Is for the mind to listen to. There are three Bodhisattva la suite, stay out of the six Three la suite by the results reported are and stay in the year I was bitten by the French 37, Assistant Director; stay in Da la ni, these do not hesitate, go to ten mass media world; for the person who can do aerial photography an alms, alms and photographer used an era; for the person who can do maintenance about stock photography degrees, the weather took hold about stock photography degrees; for people who do ring the humiliation, effort, meditation, and depending on the adaptation that NIE degrees; for the person who can do a meditation photography degrees, the weather took a Photography degree meditation; for the person who can do the second meditation, meditation, Delta until the non-Christians think Africa loads thought of stock photography of fashion, depending on the possible adaptation of aerial photography; for the person who can do the mind from, bi, Azure-Winged Magpie, who took an aerial photography, a discharge from the discharge, marbles, 3/, NIE degrees; for the person who can do the four anniversary of, until the eight Saints Scouts, due to Not Scalar, General, degree and photographer tam working time I customised adaptation that featured photographer at.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva taking alms benefit sentient beings?
Hey Tu as Bodhisattva, Bodhi uncivil three la suite, alms depending where n need to use or what to eat, dress, floral, horse coin, you lost are issued for construction, such as donation Buddhas, Buddhas, chi Mural A la Han, A Private function, the function of da na, Tu da perfect evenness was no different. or give the order eight Saints and human, for the beasts are no distinction, equal alms, why? For all other non-French, without distinction. Bodhisattva's alms no different, regardless of whether it will be bitten without distinction, it is essential for a vaccine. Hey Tu Bodhi, if the Bodhisattva finds people acting like this mind or qifu gangui: Buddha is their joy, we should donation; beast isn't blessed filling, not to donation. So ain't no star, Bodhisattva Dharma? Because the Bodhisattva who played Loads of upper primary education primary buds do not think that for this they should do alms, benefit for the other beings he should not because he gives them big boys should be born great lines, favor Close line of Brahmin, the homeless musician, until he was taken by coast guard personnel to France three admit to making the Invisible balance Nirvana. If they take the Bodhisattva please nor born of mind to distinguish wrong is different: should or should not be given. Why? Because the Bodhisattva's Infinite beings who should play for the upper primary education primary buds, if thus selection discrimination falls into place with rebuke of headless Buddha, Bodhisattva, Bich chi Buddha, benighted, human and solar, that he who plays Bridge: who to save sentient beings, made for beings, where thũ households for sentient beings, making room for Lady b., that distinction, options should give or not to give? Again, if the Bodhisattva as uncivil conduct three la suite, or who, not having to go to the Demonoid Bodhisattva torso, limbs, then shouldn't mind is two or or, why? Because the Bodhisattva as sentient life should itself, now they are going to take, why can not give? We benefit sentient life in this body should, they don't ask, do it yourself should take for whatever case, born to please without giving! Bodhisattva conduct three uncivil la suite should learn the same.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery to see who to ask should think: in this one, who's got, for anything? Because of all the free French computers are not able to get it., were not. France does not have General for, no edit, why? Because of it. No, no Cabinet, no exception, no age, no exterior, the first non-sense, non-General himself. Stay out of it. not alms, then full Pilot Three la suite. Participants complete Three la suite; If the end in France, France outside the body, mainland think: who is Cut? Who is RIP?
* Then again, we can use the eyes of Buddha see the Bodhisattva in the East much like the Ganges, sand into hell to do turn off the fire, boiling water cooled; use three chemical education: one student is cleared, the two are tha mind cleared, three is the sermon. Bodhisattva spirit health information make the hell off big, boiling water cooled; due to tha mind who brought information from, bi, only arbitrary discharge, the sermon. Them boys for the Bodhisattva who was born pure, so hell be escape, gradually took France three redundant end up suffering the brain. The South, West, North, four corners, above, under such well.
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, we can use the Buddha's eye view showing the world the ten Bodhisattva levels of sand in the Ganges, as do the supposedly headless Buddhas, Buddhas, lettered donation optional rejoice, sweet glass; If Chu Buddha sermon can be disabled while the life of upper primary education complete primary sensory not forgot.
* Then again, we can use the Buddha's eye view sees the Bodhisattva in the ten directions the realms of water as much as the Ganges River sand, because the beast so to discharge the other life leaving, cutting the bolt body, dispersed way. Have they eaten the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva glass are preferred. Because your mind's still glass are left off the beast, having lettered Buddha, listening to the sermon Buddha as dogma austerities, gradually thanks to France three admit that the Invisible balance Nirvana. As such, the Bodhisattva as benefits are many, Roman Catholic culture they render Invisible primary education development centre upper Chief vigilance, as the theory of austerities, until the Invisible balance Nirvana.
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, we can use the Buddha's eye view sees the Bodhisattva in the ten directions the realms of water as much as the Ganges River sand, except for the suffering of starving hungry daemons demon, the demon's hungry daemons are craving dear Bodhisattva. Do mind the AI lenses should be left off the hungry daemons demons, having lettered Buddha, listening to the sermon Buddha as dogma austerities, three by France gradually admit that the Invisible balance Nirvana. As such, the Bodhisattva as they ran the ball Center.
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, we can use the eyes of Buddha Bodhisattva finds Four heavenly realms on the solar theory; above the Sun is thirty-three, the Sun Well solar power, where's da ma, it Turns off, it Spared harsh self-in theory. The heavens listen Bodhisattva sermon, gradually thanks to France three admit that was destroying the. In them, he had Tian Chu who took part in the first years of gymnastics, the Bodhisattva he presents fire burned their palaces as they discourse, says: this natural tributary, all compounded vi are impermanent, it was an OK!
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, we can use the Buddha's eye view sees the Bodhisattva in the ten directions the realms of water, see the Brahma in the realms of water as much as the Ganges River sand take part before the deviant opinions. The Bodhisattva teachings which depart deviant ideas, says: The what's in the hope that the French-born General who is not frivolous, deviant comments? As such, the Bodhisattva in the mind from because they are the sermon. It is rare in France difficult class of the Bodhisattva.
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, we can use the Buddha's eye view showing the Bodhisattva in the ten directions the realms of water as much as the Ganges River sand, taking four of the featured photographer its beings. Four work as alms, AI languages, beneficial, and at the same time.
Bodhisattva taking the alms NIE player they like? Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery this due to two alms NIE its sentient, as member countries and the French lab. Member countries how they craft photography? That is Bodhisattva taking the gold, silver, Yuri, far from the CU, brain code went bust, coral, treasures; or any intentions to eat, dress, map situated, rooms, lights, incense, flowers, torch property, he lost, or son, or daughter, or water buffalo and goats, horses, elephants, vehicles, or laboratory level for his students, told them that: you need to have taken as their obtaining, not suspicion, difficult. Bodhisattva's pilot, taught three refuge as transport Medicine Buddha, the French refuge, refuge Increased. or teach gender year life span; or teach about life in a day; or teach the meditation, a meditation for Christians to think of ideas to non-disabled; or teach from, bi, Azure-Winged Magpie, discharge; or teaching worship, reciting mantras, French Rose, anniversary's, anniversary celebration, flushing; or teach one impure, a breath away, or chess, or promotion; or four anniversary of the Holy portion for up to eight Scouts; or instruction, working me Mirna, General Radio, eight multiples discharge, until eighteen non-French General, or higher from 32 balls, chess, 80 the beauty depending on the image; or teach the fruit until the complete Flange director Tu da chi Buddhist upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. As such, the Bodhisattva tu uncivil three la suite, due to the physical means of teaching them born member countries come teach cause is nibbana loads an upper right. Hey Tu French he called Bodhi, rare, difficult class of Bodhisattva.
Hey Tu French Bodhisattva, Bodhi pilot craft photography using sentient beings is like? Hey Tu French pilot, Bodhi is the Earth and the Earth. France asserts the world is like? That is the interpretation, only the French Café, like worldly pitching impure, a meditation on the breath, four, four, four immeasurable heart to infinite shades. France French is so worldly tu with divine wife; He called the French contender in the world. Bodhisattva France countries according to the world so yes, use each parish Coast each Bill, prompting the French depart the Earth. Depart France's world, uses means which are holy Holy pirated and countless French result loads smuggled. What is the patron saint of France and the Holy fruit loads smuggled? Holy pirated Radio France is a French 37 third St., aid the rescue. Holy fruit loads smuggled fruit complete momentum to Overhaul the fruit A la Han, Director of the upper Flange and Buddhist primary education Branch Chief vigilance.
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, Holy France loads smuggled of the Bodhisattva's wisdom for the da to completely Overhaul the fruit the fruit A la Han; wisdom for relief Mural genus Buddha; wisdom for thirty-seven French Assistant Director, six-Three la suite up to date from the great bi; the intellect or the Earth, or the Earth, or the possession of pirated or illegally, or possession of, or vi. For France is so essential for a vaccine, then called St. France loads smuggled of the Bodhisattva.
What is the result of countless pirated? That is the end to all suffering and gas, called the Holy fruit loads smuggled.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Ton, the Bodhisattva is position necessarily strains reasonable?
Buddha said: so, so, the Bodhisattva is position necessarily strains.
Bodhi monastery ladies: Bodhisattva Buddha there's nothing wrong with another?
Buddha said: there are different. Bodhisattva are position necessarily strain called Buddha, why? Because the mind Buddhist Bodhisattva with no deviations. Bodhisattva stay in the position for the whole race for France nothing not well understood; He called Bodhisattva France countries according to the world. Bodhisattva French personnel of countries according to the world that the French full participants according to the export world. As such, the Bodhisattva teachings beings, causing the French to be the Earth, due to the physical medium of teaching which are French world.
Hey Tu French, how Bodhi came the world? There is no legal means that France, along with General phu, as four anniversary of, four Chief needs, until the eight Saints compete; third release, eight multiples discharge, until eighteen non-French General, 32 General, 80 the beauty depending on the picture, 500 Mon Da la ni; He called France export world.
This Bodhi Monastery, what are four anniversary of? The Bodhisattva Quan internal fuselage fuselage fuselage fuselage exterior, the Café, the Café on the exterior of the fuselage, industrious effort for the intellectual center of a trunk, a human torso starter set charm, a special body, the removal of the mission launch episode. Onions cry no faith whatsoever, against the world no AI infection; Shop tho, mind, France, Principality of mantras also.
This Bodhi Monastery, what are the four principals need? As for the evil French real improve the unborn, because makes no b. should psychically births industrious tons. As for the French charity gave birth to any evil, because making the end so industrious born psychically tons. As for the French charity not born, as do arise so industrious born psychically tons. As for the French charity gave birth, because making the full growth so industrious mind effort; He called the four Chief needs.
This Bodhi Monastery, what are the four as a student? It was tu tam Yu-I, the negativity of achievements, is as the student; TU I tam tam Center, the effort I, thinking I tam, the negativity of achievements, is as a student Monday, three, four.
What is the year basis? There are self-catering, serviced apartment, mantras, tons to root and lily root.
What is in force? There are tons of force, force, force, power mantras and Hui forces.
What is sensory Seven part? That is the anniversary of the French Scouts, the sense of feeling, the sense of effort, the sense of sight, except for the wedding (as an share sense of contempt-ND), the feeling of the discharge and sensory components.
What are the eight most Holy leader? That is the Chief of staff, Chief of thinking, speech, Chief Justice, Chief career networking, Chief Justice effort, mindfulness and the Chief Justice set.
What are the three subjects: t I? It is No t me, Endless subjects General, working t-I.
What is not t you? Get well no, egolessness to stock photography Center, then called non-t-I.
What is General tam I? Happy happy removal, the President took the far glass is NIE's tam TAM, General I.
What is working t I? Take the almond almond, impermanence suffering stock photography Center, he is working t-I.
What is the eight multiple-discharge? The inside has a good general outside a good, early discharge are; inside no good general outside a good flush bumper is two; NET bumper discharge, discharge are three; pass all good generals, killing General ownership for, think of all the other wrong General, a frivolous boundless, immeasurable was not made until the pass all non-Christians think the non-disabled life removal bumper idea of thought into discharge; He called the eight exhaust bumper.
What is the 4th grade? It is absent from the French practitioners, the real evil left in good faith, there is a difficult exercise, born into a loving meditation, meditation, meditation, Delta II quarter-meditation, to overcome the non-possession, non-mineral origin idea thought to intend to kill the idea of life; He called the plan to nine Sunday class.
What are ten of the Buddha? It is the location know as fact: are ethical, not moral; position to know the career, the life of French journalist; know it create career; know human fate; know the results of our past, your future, present; position to know as true to the meditation, liberation, t I, the distinguished General stigma, clean; knowing the high low gradient of beings; know the sexuality of other false comments, b.; know the computer world; know where to go to of all; know life before from a lifetime so goddamn immeasurable; know as it's Heavenly with fresh sugar students see them, the way the data; as it known pirated or out should be infinite mind contraband freed; then ten of the Buddha.
What are four things not afraid? That is the Buddha say honestly that: am necessarily position, or have the Sa Division, Brahmin, heaven, ghosts, and other say as truth that:--France is not known, until I saw that little else fear harm. Thus We are security glitches, be not afraid, an holy place, in between God stay in mass, the Dragons take the lion, turning wheel date ma the Sa Division, Brahmin, or Sun, ma, violations, or other facts not be moved; that's not afraid of the first one.
Buddha say honestly that We clean out the contraband or, if Sa Division, Brahmin, or Sun, ma, and the other says as truth that: faith Action cannot be taken out of the Earth, not misery, until I saw that little else is fear. Thus We are security glitches, be not afraid, an holy place, in between God stay in mass, the Dragons take the lion, turning wheel, the Sa Division, Brahmin, or Sun, ma, violations, or other facts not be moved; It's not fear Wednesday.
What are the four positions are not afraid? That is: 1. Position knows that, smoothly not afraid; 2. Position to know France, smoothly not afraid; 3. Position knowing words, smoothly not afraid; 4. Position know glad said, smoothly without obstacles.
What is the position knowing that smoothly not afraid? That is the position to know fate according to the mean; He is not afraid to smoothly uses Decor.
What is the position to know France, smoothly not afraid? Is intellectual fate according to the Dhamma, is the Place to know France through don't hesitate.
What is the position knowing words, smoothly not afraid? Is the position favored by the word, the knowing Mind words smoothly without obstacles.
What is location aware fun said, smoothly not afraid? Coast Guard intelligence is under the happy talk, then Position know happy talk smoothly not afraid.
What is the French public not eighteen? 1. the Buddha himself Is not at fault; 2. Is the mouth of Buddha is not an error; 3. Centre of worship is not an error; 4. Buddhist no idea; 5. There is no Buddha mind uncertainty; 6. the Buddha does not have the mind does not know that flush left; 7. the desire did not decline; 8. the effort did not decline; 9. the notion of not decreasing; 10. intellectual property is not decreasing; 11. the rescue did not decline; 12. tri-liberating opinion did not decline; 13. close all businesses under the wisdom; 14. all imports under the industry wisdom; 15. all my career under the wisdom; 16. wisdom know of past life are not afraid; 17. the intelligence to know life are not shy and 18. Wisdom to know current spouse is not afraid.
What is 32 chess? 1. flat foot; 2. soles are general enough wheels of thousands of toothpick; 3. long slender fingers; 4. wide heel and with; 5. fingers, toes has silk mesh was developed as the swallow; 6. soft limbs; 7. high instep and filled; 8. the thighs like deer God Y Nevis land; 8. when standing straight, fingers stroking the knee; 10. Urges the Buffalo Museum sounds like the Lord; 11. tall and wide as balanced trees Ni sentence types; 12. Hairy on the stem grows upward rotation; 13. Each pore has a feather; 14. Best Body golden color as gold; 15. There is a light-the staff; 16. thin Skin, smooth; 17. Seven seats on the stem at regular intervals; 18. Under both armpits plump; 19. The upper body like a lion; 20. great Body and straight; 21. round Shoulders and beautiful; 22. There are 40 tooth; 23. regular Tooth; 24. White Teeth in; 25. Two cheeks like a lion; 26. Are located in the epigastrium; 27. the broad Blade, long; 28. sound like of God Brahma; 29. Blue Eyes; 30. Cilia as Buffalo Lord; 31. the above design Humiliation; 32. General white hairs between the eyebrows. (this General 32 see explain on page 173, Chapter 7, volume 4, volume 1, General comment this position). Buddha-body of accomplishments 32 General, launched the aura radiating around three thousand heavenly world, if it wants to release time across a myriad of immeasurable ten enemy world, as they should--the staff receives an aura. If magnify light no immeasurable time of day, weather, years. The sound of the Buddha turned around three thousand of heavenly world, if you want big sound while turning around countless immeasurable means ten in the world, according to several beings at least that sounds throughout.
Comment: question: since before back here where it all says the method does, how to distinguish what is good, real good; from then onwards, in each other, not sensu said products what Bodhi Monastery excuse for every each ask again?
A: it has and. Then again, they are invisible from mortal mind only I could here the previous infection, deep, heavy, hard to understand should ask Bodhi Monastery again. Then again, three uncivil la suite mean weak sense of identity does not often ask. Then again, when the Buddha was born, they are easier to justify lucrative food poisoning; After the Buddha destroyed about 500 years, the beings in French wrecked statue of life your favorite Dharma, dropping to soak up France, French speaking or not, as dreamlike as going, what excuse is there good, real good? That's why Bodhi Monastery mercy they have filling hybrid root do not understand, ask again that: German Religious World White, if the French were not, how to distinguish good faith, any good? In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: Because the mind divine Lady driven, for France has kicked up hetero opinion driven, so don't see a France would indeed. Divine Lady for midsummer time immersed dream, for the lying dream time immerse the people see dreams, also wrecked the looks seen in dreams. If you don't believe him guilty of class blessed the start up three career real friendly, if believed guilty blessed time run up three good karma.
Career in good, real good, real. Good karma is karma in the realms of Education, have bitten delights; karma is having a real friendly result alert bridge, suffering brain; real estate industry is the industry has bitten into the SAC, the Infinitely good. Bodhisattva knows three things are karma is rotten lies, not true; in the two, because they are the sermon, get it. No, breaking accept France; taking loads only I could not break the general observance they born. In the middle because they are theory, which is the five aggregates, twelve, eighteen entered the sexes is not as romantic as going so far as to culture, in romantic no also no n see midsummer. Bodhisattva told them that: The French people for not because mind insanity should b. accept the former. Bodhisattva means health should from the crazy double Island produces khoi; countries like San took is insanity, taking alms broke the San took part that we born again wrecked by alms he should say bitten alms impermanent, snide, from dual alms they born out of which represented world. From the Citadel and bitten maintained about pulling them out of the students, told them that: Blessed the Sun enjoys over impermanence suffering brain, drag them out of the students, told them that: Blessed the Sun affected largely impermanent brain gauge, dual beings out of the Citadel, the left led to an overhaul of meditation; say meditation and bitten bad intentions don't lie n exam, or make them born fallen into insanity. Use each of the coast guard said the guilt of the alms, the Citadel, the meditation to make them born an stay Nirvana. The first Nirvana are the four anniversary made so eighteen non-generic. If alms, maintain world, meditation is the real France, forecast should not teach makes depart; as alms, maintained about ... the break means that France's first lady, human insanity arise, but the benefits they are short, but long time other variables, born brain gauge, should also teach the cause left off. Bodhisattva Media uses, ago teach them scatter, Irene n Sin dropout Germany alms, maintenance vehicles, to say the alms, maintained about; do not exit the brain gauge impermanent, so say the French not only claiming that France's approval is the residual Nirvana. The Bodhi Monastery glee for being very useful for Greece. Bodhisattva can know the truth so the French General. Literally know it. No, but because they are theory, which makes reaching a Ridiculous balance Nirvana. Buddha said that Greek owners. Question is left wanting to know France hope of Bodhisattva. All The text, Buddhist chi Mural failed France United by Bodhisattva he, what case is others!
Bodhi TU asked: how is that France Greece property? The Buddha answers like in this saying.
Q: in doing this before he left teaching, maintenance vehicles, meditation, now comes back, what's wrong with another?
A: Before talking about this Bodhisattva incarnation, students talk about reincarnation; before talking about a water realms, now says the world immeasurable, there are other errors as well.
Q: If a Bodhisattva Buddha known as Fuk Tin, they weren't blessed filling, is not legal, so Bodhisattva Bodhisattva used what power can do for Buddha with beast of equality?
A: Bodhisattva uses uncivil, for all who are not French tu it.; so for all of France without distinction. As the beast because of the five aggregates, 12 in., 18 world harmony born, known as the beast. Buddha also, due to the French Evangelical harmony, Jia called Buddha. If a mercy beings are immeasurable joy Germany forecast for Buddha born mind accept in advance, starting up the wicked will suffer immeasurable offence. What should know because all France it. There should not disrespect them, don't mind the craving, the Buddha loved.
* Then again, it's the French General is General, in general it does not distinguish the Buddha, is sentient beings; If discern i.e. accept Prime, so the view of equality.
* Again, the Bodhisattva has two disciplines: A is not it. traditions, two distinct disciplines is good bad. The French are not consistent on the subject of equality; on the discernment disciplines A Luohan, Bich chi Buddha did not equal to Buddha, what case beast! Because the other disrespect them born mercy Bell, should teach cause regardless.
Question: Dear Bodhisattva not trees, rocks, why they come to cut the lumber that is not born of mind furnished?
A: some say: Bodhisattva on long tu rings Three la suite and so may not forlorn; as the first human patient humiliation, suffering the cut limbs that blood are turning get milk. Someone said: Bodhisattva from the immeasurable life back here in deep cultivation Center compassionate, so while there are rips nor favor melancholy, countries such as vegetation, not angry. Someone said: three Bodhisattva deeply uncivil tu la suite, transforming himself bitten not uncivil, should not know clearly. When cutting the body the mind also motionless, as those outside the estate, inside as well as such, because the bitten uncivil so for France without distinction whatsoever. Someone said: Dear Bodhisattva he is not mortal, but within the method body, in addition to the three students in Sacred Heart bitten loads smuggled, so loved as ice plant that can hurt your to cut lumber. Bodhisattva who nails are so so when cut lumber, Rob tries to take things on the inside, outside, the mind still not shake; French's hy of Bodhisattva.
* Then again, France is Greece as in here says: we can use the Buddha's eye view sees the Bodhisattva in the ten directions the world as much as cat the Ganges into hell do fire off, the boiling water cooled; take the three-chemical education they like in this saying.
Q: If so, there should be three evil line?
A: sentient beings in the three way immeasurable boundless evil, Bodhisattva boundless immeasurable but which of them born more immeasurable. Bodhisattva as they can charm an character, if in a three-way storage batteries which have the merit of Bodhisattva, also forecast a felony cannot see Bodhisattva. In mind the Bodhisattva is only a general, without distinction, should not per each search for sentient beings. Laboratory experiments as the college dormitory, poor near expiration time is out, guys are not near expiration time is not out.
Question: If they cut lumber Bodhisattva or Bodhisattva carnivores, the weather is guilty, how are degrees?
A: the Bodhisattva with a vow: if they eat meat I make are degrees, as in here saying: they eat meat Bodhisattva as born free from; countries which have good, sound, taste, touch, someone hears the Gospel, have heard the anger, the flavor as well as that, there are people who get angry, someone born free from. As in the Bhikkhu ma la kidney says: eat the Divisions that have the seven days was directed, there's not. Maybe because eating meat should be level, but since the onset of heart should be off the beast, which was born in friendly Buddha, was an encounter, origin. That Bodhisattva spent countless immeasurable shit runs deep, from obtaining outside grants give them birth, Italy has not yet satisfied, go get themselves a new alms filling enough. As in the United States, the Bodhisattva Medicine Wang obtaining the treasure outside donation Buddha, Italy has not yet satisfied, get themselves do the lights donation Buddha, now meets the new.
* Then again, people get animals outside while the more without deem me, why? As of great value. When was the body that appreciate, respect; so he took himself. Bodhisattva because every other celestial sermon as in this broadly.
Take four the Regency capital is sentient alms, AI languages, beneficial, and at the same time. He had two as in this broadly.
Q: what other leaders say four brief Excuse, which broadly humanitarian work?
A: of the three evil leader, because they suspected at least much so gauge; If you see the spirit of sacrifice by Bodhisattva as your preferred sailings, wrecked, news should be at. Chu Tian because there the Sun, found workers bitten Coast Crime Phuoc, Bodhisattva does little less than instant forecast student understanding. Because the eye meat, don't see bitten guilty Phuoc, again largely wrecked by Mr. Pagan and pagan books deviant opinions. The negativity has two parts: one is of the opinion, the two are in love. If only a part of the major crimes. The three poisons, have overall ties era could do enough work to heavy storage batteries; the ties have have took part in enjoy angry time can do the heavy guilt. As Tu da's but also three poison, but because there is no deviant opinions should not cause severe offense, three-way fall into evil. That's why in humans, many people there are three poisonous ties comments, eyes do not see human charm offense blessed so hard the hard level so Buddha said as much.
Q: If so, time for four things, what excuse says much about the alms said little about the other three?
A: in the alms NIE enough three things should get your gas, French fashion sentient chemistry educational does not stock photography. Then again, in the first, he extended the idea of three other things as well.
Question: If so, what about saying excuse alms which broadly entails about France?
A: Member countries at least, France charges widely, because why? Because Member countries bitten are limited quantity, France asserts the bitten without limit the amount. Member countries bound to the Physical realms, Shou thing coming in the realms of sex; France laboratory experiments also bound and its results reported in the three realms and also the thing coming out of the three realms. Member countries or for the fun riches in the three realms, France laboratory experiments or for the fun usually hang of nirvana.
Again, your pilot participants from France. Thanks to hear that as alms. Again, the result of the Member countries which are rich in fun with no other; result of the French lab also has rich fun, there are also other things, so bitten, the Buddhist Nirvana. So does Lanie should say more about the French lab.
Q: in what pretext this Bodhi Tu asked: Bodhisattva is position necessarily strains reasonable?
A: Italy Bodhi Monastery is: If when the Bodhisatta was no longer forecast strains necessarily place called Bodhisattva, how is the Buddha which could be locations for vaccinations? Be for a set new strain called Buddha; If the previous is the Buddhas need to position necessarily strains? The Buddha answers: now position necessarily vaccine called Bodhisattva; was the location for the strain called Buddha. chon TAM stated that: the Bodhisattva not Buddha, not, why? Because the Bodhisattva then not yet left the Buddhas were then no longer are back! According to secular France should say Bodhisattva Buddhas, which were then; According to the first definition as there is no case for France, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattva! Back in here saying: not other Buddhist Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Buddha mind is no different; Saturday class each connection does not end. The two centers are the same as the other, for there is no distinction.
Q: To 4th grade, 32 General, 80 the beauty depending on the French public is worldly, what excuse called France does not export the world's common?
A: Four meditation, four to infinity, the plan to kill the life idea called to nine Sunday class. As for the plan to kill the life just has to be holy, and four from four, to unconscious meditation a Zen run up not xen Center that in the second meditation, from the second meditation until the Removal takes advantage of trying out each each anniversary receives no other mind is called alternating layers. Divine lady who is guilty, how could one implant can be 32 chess? As London Transfer Seong, she Deals to her general momentum, Nan, the name but also that of the German prestige full, clean place with no Buddha. as earlier distinguished General of Seong General rotating Switch and various Buddha. Again, the General was then bitten by his endless French contraband, result in in my boundless and immeasurable, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is due to rotating Switch Enterprise Holy Blessed in Germany, not in limited amounts,.
* Again, the Title she gained most, Nan da only 30 General, not have 32 generals; Move LUN Seong but have 32 generals without Norway Germany, incomplete, misplaced, accompanied by craving, impurities etc. Eighty of the beauty as the only full Buddha and Bodhisattva get, others may have few, or long slender fingers, or small bellies without Norway Germany Nice should not talk to. It should say, France exported with no worldly divine Lady, no errors.
Q: since before back here where it says the France five aggregates until position necessarily strain 32 80-General, without speaking of the beauty as he looks now, this low, what excuse in every product say?
A: there are two Buddha was born, and France itself; in two large family, she, as the French. A large body of French to the many benefits, such as before the stated width. Now most of the investment, about that birth relatives need should say, for so far said.
* Then again, nice dignified general body births are the result of a French first Holy pirated radio, now the class said, also on the other end spoke with Three la suite. The meaning of the four anniversary of etc. as before said. The meaning of the ten of the Buddha is far deeper, far will brief said.
Q: Ten of the Buddha was, if the general public comes in just a force, that the position necessarily strains; If under General talking private time have thousand, ten thousand, memory power, according to each name; What's the excuse now saying only ten resources?
A: the Buddha truth is immeasurable power position, but only because they can't get out, can't be, should not speak. Ten stop for sentient beings can just enough degrees to degrees, why? Because the Buddha uses the power of a position, the pilot made the decision known to probably cause and effect in all of France. That is creating an evil path in the evil karma, as perhaps he (town of), created the evil industry that was born to the Sun is not perhaps he (non-native); doing business in good faith as well. Not absent from the slopes of the year, not the seven lead that sense of seclusion, he probably not (non-native); left in the slopes of the sensory seven genera, tu was directed, perhaps he (the origin). Nine other power positions are in this position. Buddha used this power position transition of beings in the ten directions of six lines, who can level, who can not speed; guys can be used every time the charm of each spirit through changes to the escape; guys can't speed for him tu rough-in. Countries as a physician or patient's general view that the assessment could live during treatment, no time left. Means of a sentient force of reserves there, who do that tho, bound body in the world, by the meditation should be freed. All practitioners must learn where to gauge birth, why kill, so use two power. Career resources has two parts: One is the book industry can stop the evil karma, karma is the stigma. Clean industry as meditation, intention, liberation, the tam I; clean air industry is for the life of the three realms. Who has a two-class: body life span because of base padded class should create career, environmentally beneficial because base class destruction should create karma.
Question: If so, what excuse are taught make do career clean?
A: Because they are radical turns, padded.
Question: why are they beneficial, padded.
A: because of the power of education, they have evil minds of sex, usually in place of evil should be padded. Education is like. Take part to the guilt born evil karma, so padded. The desire of good time management fun, tu Legal Assistant Director should benefit.
Question: why are they not equally good desires.
A: that's why Buddha spoke the Earth have each each computer: Computer friendly, computer batteries and. .. The calculated evil desires evil, evil desires should implant basis; as hot, wet, water consumption should not be responsible for what.
Q: the evil desires that is counted evil, what's wrong with the other two forces?
A: first, because to be so incurred; countries as before get scabies, touching up the blood. As in, the libido is out; computer-heavy, light sexual desire; computer trouble except, desires easy to quit; calculate depth, shallow desires. Use the computer to create career sure life will notice, user desires to create a career not sure tho newspaper; There are other such errors.
Again, some say: often desire to grow and behold the computer. Computer can also arise desires. People if this life or death often brings the desire becomes the computer. Does magnetism that do evil, to do good; If the computer can forecast an improvement, if at times not an evil computer. The Buddha knew the two of them come to know the other thing coming according to the charity, the various evil. The evil count time fallen into evil lines, as in good time into four lines: People, Sun, A tu la and Nirvana.
Question: power of Mind to know where all the natural resources label, what's wrong with another?
A: Natural Resources label only visible at birth, death, and this is knowing when not to die. Celestial labels see do result, and this saw the thing coming, that the money currently blessed guilt location got power to the whole (force parishes releases).
Q: The text, Buddhist chi Mural was also Nirvana, also Roman Catholic turned them birth, why not stop?
A: that's why said loading the following three beings in three years through the same all over. Use the force to know previous lives, know all over the base, the past of all sentient beings. Due to natural death label, known throughout its life in the immeasurable hybrid of sentient beings. So then, know they are in the present, people may be the time because they say France end up smuggled or. That's why only new Buddha has stop, Second row cuckolding is not possible. As one person in a day can be A Luohan that symbolism echo said in a day may not have been favored leader, and he removed that is not subject to the. At the Buddha-way, drivers use the spirit through the student network, see who's experiencing more than eight thousand before, have multiplied the coast now have achievements, so Buddha sermon for instant, is A fruit Lo Han leaders.
* Then again, Buddha used his powerful position, said Gen. beings may or may not speed. The second force, knew they were two temperamental stop cover. Not be prevented from covering the third force, said they, who have meditated, freed, pure land, impure. The fourth force, know the identity they have profited, with padded, comprehend method, do not understand the method. Use the force on Thursday, said coast guard personnel based benefit, fillers and desires of good, evil of sentient beings. Use the force on Friday, knows every each of two floors. Use the force on Saturday, said one benefit, fillers and seven possible thing coming in good, evil of sentient beings. The eighth force, know the industry in good, evil life ahead of them born hindrances or obstacles. Ninth, force knows we can't present an eternal student, born after may levels. The tenth force know they do Not release door that enters Nirvana, or because the door Infinity General, working that into the Nirvana known sentient beings for the Scouts, thinking in each book end is many unlawful use. Do ten position stop, human beings of energy transition can be that because of their theory. Due to that sermon nothing lyrics.
Question: wisdom of the Buddha, the Buddhist General immeasurable also immeasurable. The Buddha himself again over the United Kingdom, what excuse to Buddhist Converts there, rotating Seong 32 chess?
A: thirty-two General not more not less, sense as before said. Then again, there are n said: the General of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva does not present such as in this talk. Depending on where they are born of interest can lead the mind that does General.
Again, or have they not precious gold that the other colors, like Yuri, Crystal, diamonds. If the world is so excellent that gold does not Buddha era is the other great colors.
Again, or have they not you finger, canopy and netting, because long finger nails, are demons that General iron is La police; because the grid is working, swill General inconvenient, such as wear etc., the need to do? or as in the front next to water, the Bodhisattva Emperor capital contest rules are hand Portable screens, grids, the father of hate for that freak, cut, say why I like birds. Or there's the loathsome large round shoulders, which is the same as bứu; or for the abdomen does not currently display as Prime Minister starved; or have someone for blue eyes is not pretty, just like white eye, blackened, equivocate v. ..v. .. So know, customised Buddha prefers b. that does General. As such, often not so certain.
Someone said: it is the General 32 has given, God of health by making reincarnations, as it prefers b. that does General.
Someone said: Buddha there when God through transformation, sometimes according to the place in the world, it will not be said, came by the spirit through changes.
Again, for three thousand of heavenly world spawned by it they can speed that is General, as in Your area of say, or embody good gold, or silver, or the best incarnation is currently supporting the Moon, Sun, stars; either long or short, depending on what they can take that lead Gen. Here, depending on the country in the Tianzhu preferred subject line Matches the Buddha is currently 32 General. The Tianzhu water far trying to fix the shoulder muscles for thick, big, over the top has braided hair is beautiful. According to the British General, said General in place is beautiful. According to the British General, said General in place is beautiful. According to the British General, said General in place is beautiful. According to the British General, said General in place is beautiful. General in the eyes, nose, tongue, arms, fingers, thighs, arms, legs; or has wheels, or like the Lotus, or the White House, or as the Sun the Moon; that's why the hands, the feet of Buddha have general wheel of thousands of toothpick, long, slender fingers; a high nose, beautiful; wide blades, long and thin. The General more evenly so the generals have you as before, who should respect. There the Buddha water out of thousands of myriads of General, or General of immeasurable, or five, six, three, four generals; here because according to your preferred place of Tianzhu should present General 32 80, Buddha beauty depending on the image.

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