Saturday 22 November 2014

May the second pulse Tathagata       Chief Business:       first Easter, Good son! Language canopy Tathagata confess that own take legal world, unreal world, eight of the cross, the police necessarily, microscopic property, especially the most central ceiling, world class polar organic necessarily mote of Buddha. Most most Buddhist establishments, organic phase noise of the Bodhisattva customs Assembly. Falling off the profound contemporary winner, knowledge is money, of course produce the Attorney Resources goddess of magic damage based. Necessarily produce the most timeless sounds customs. The most best sound out words necessarily customs, claiming necessarily positive praise Tathagata merit tributary waters, the economic future, relative to any section, make u no any European legal world turns.       As unreal world market advantage We take birth gender, being now take, being negativity take, take detouring fall canopy, baby gender nowhere detouring finite even very disturbing incidents, falls very useful to try and take advantage of praise. Concept concept of continuity, discontinuity very useful. Body language very useful industry standard packaging cover.       Again Compassion son! Saying "confess canopy Tathagata" is: All mote positive in all countries to take all the realms of the legal world, unreal world, ten in three generations. In each mote are many Buddhas as some ultra-mote in all the world, where each of the Buddha are customs Assembly (19) Bodhisattva around. I would have used the knowledge wins (20) and very deep knowledge of currencies (21), [before every Buddha] are wonderful tongue out tongue of eloquence than nymphs (22). Each blade comes an endless sea of sound. Each sound comes all the words sea, sea-proclaimed positive praise the virtues of all the Tathagata to take life with no future constantly stopping, extreme measures are not Where did all around the world.       So unreal world take, take gender beings, beings now take, take being negativity, I praise the new take. But because the world of nowhere to take the negativity there, this is my praise not have the same advantage. Anniversary anniversary followed, no interruptions, the body language never tired tired now.       Tathagata Buddhas different from how? Why not say "spread the Buddha proclaimed" ? Tathagata Buddhas and other wrong. Beijing says the Buddha, the Buddha is said to speak from the Minister, said on the surface. Speaking to the Tathagata is said from nature (nature). On the minister we have equality of respect, not discrimination, attachment. We venerate the Buddha and Bodhisattvas; ordinary, spirits we must revere. Mind revered and venerated festival appearance and Buddhas such differences, until the glass, the glass material nor difference. It's called the "feast of the Buddhas" .       Referring agree not like. Feast is unconditional, conditional approval confess. The wicked do evil, can not praise their work is very good. Killing and stealing and can not praise. Who killing and stealing us to the feast, but they do we can not praise it. Anak approval is conditional, is virtuous and corresponds to the new nature confess canopy. No corresponding nature, we feast but not profess canopy.       This method of spiritual practice can be seen from fifty-three of the study visit Sudhana. Fifty-three good knowledge of the market well, and now, there are well-worth should now praise, there can not praise the career. Sudhana feast fifty three good knowledge, bowed three bow, Organic Noise three rounds, totally respectful attitude similarity as glass Buddha and praise them. However, for three people, Tai Shan equality only bowed but praise: Wins Heat Brahmin represents ignorance, Cam Lo Fire Lord impatient, representing Khue field; Most women are fine eyes geisha, representing greed. Join - Golf - Si exclusive three afflictions, Tai Shan did not confess canopy.       Referring agree that praise the good, the language of which are well worth emulating, we should set an example for the new public praise. Language unfortunate people not worthy of imitation can not praise it. Justification spread of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is good nature, unlike the usual compliments, because the mind does not use similarities, similarities such purpose, nor realm similarities, like the Buddhas praise each other. Owner - you contain each other, all the Buddhas and praise each other. Amitabha Sutra is the economic capital "is all Buddhas protection concept" . No no no teaching experience Buddha Amitabha, the Infinite Life Sutra. Teaching experience is Amida Buddha praised, praised chief medical stately Western world Bliss. Along a path that, Amitabha Buddha also praised all the Buddhas of the ten directions Tathagata.       In Dharma practice is often said to General Tri, Tri total sum is held firmly as leaders. General maintenance praised the language is simple but meaningful to perfection as teaching experience. General maintenance of praise is accepted trophies maintenance. All of the business by Shakyamuni Buddha preached for forty-nine years were in a question mark Buddha "Amitabha Buddha" . Reciting the Buddha brand concept is all business all the Buddha preached for forty-nine years, means simple, knows the title with such great merit. Reciting the Buddha Amitabha Tathagata pulse.       Referring to spread Tathagata has a deeper meaning extraordinary stories. As Lai Zhen As nature. Truth As the nature of all the Buddhas and the nature of the Truth As we are one, not two. Pulse Tathagata is justified by faith apart Legs As his own nature. Amitabha Buddha is our Western world is Bliss ourselves, should say: "Self-nature Amitabha, idealistic Pure" . Nature is the Tathagata, the Tathagata is also idealistic. Buddhist concept is decent confess highest approval Tathagata. Infinite Life Sutra Recitation, business Amitabha to recite all the Mahayana scriptures were proclaimed canopy Tathagata. We use pure mind sincerely confess vast incomparable to recite, recite this would correspond to pray.       To confess agree to fulfillment is not always easy. Although not easy we must endeavor, as well as being part of a component. Practice righteousness Development Center will be Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Amitabha Tathagata, all the Buddhas blessings. Not only in order to learn the Buddha himself studied achieve true interests, but also to inform the Buddha grace, grace parent, chief grace, grace all beings, to bring the truth or common problems highly recommend to everyone. Recommended highly recommend is justified canopy Tathagata. Organizing an event of classic lectures are claiming canopy, it is recommended approval chanting confess, to at any time, any place, we join hands and recite a verse of Amitabha Buddha are claiming devastated. Such approval profess to be compassionate Buddha's blessings, induced current money is eloquence. Previously not smart to say, this is very well said, that is the Buddha blessing. There is a truth of my own experience: the Dharma Sutras (goodness) I say very, bad law is not a sentence. For goodness with eloquence, with no legal so evil!       realm of prayer as broad like prayers before. Samantabhadra Bodhisattva said: "Confess ocean sea praising the virtues of all the Tathagata to take the life of the future, such continuous segments, ultimate legal world, where no such all around" . We can do that or not? This is the subject of our interest amount. Like radio, just do not be prevented mountain, emitting electromagnetic waves transmitted infinite distance; if there are some obstacles in the way electromagnetic waves interrupted. Our mind is like this: In the center there is discrimination, with attachments, such as high mountains with negativity, negative three consecutive unobstructed ocean confess, he has range, full throughout France could not utter nothingness . If your heart is pure, there is no discrimination, attachment, no thoughts, positive profess true merit is full throughout France, the ultimate nothingness. Because it knows that the key really is One Mind, using three center (ie center delusion, attachment, discrimination) are identical identical obstacles, can not all around.       Buddha taught us: Right to Education Bodhisattva, Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha six paths are used ordinary consciousness. Inductive mind is the three-center two. Three's A Back Skin Food Center, Sixth Mask and Soul. The only Mask II (base form) and the Sixth Consciousness (consciousness). Such third used the atrium is used Legs Like nature, just as nature used by Chan decided to complete throughout France. Book Surangama chief exegesis Circuit Surangama masters of Optical Communications and based on that experience, teaches us to "quit Formula Based User" . Skip consciousness in everyday living, see Form hear loud to use the mind that only a true nature. Ordinary sight is used to show awareness, is using binomial headphones to listen to, ie, with six Consciousness. Great use nature teaches us to look Seeing, Listening to use nature to hear, turn back so immediately become a Buddha. Skip Consciousness, using Nature's Apartment. Based nature of the real, not illusory. Grand Master promotes good, authentic is the responsibility of the instructor Shurangama Exalted, such misunderstanding.       In the Self, the great master Optical Communications can tell a good story for us to awaken, according to the study. Optical Communications masters severe illness, Amitabha Buddha to lead him to rebirth. Such elaborate Buddhist concept of doubt, Buddha came to lead, he suddenly thought of the exegesis Surangama from neck to date have not said to be the original intent of the Buddha. His direction of Amitabha Buddha appointment, wish to stay in the world to write a new glossary for Shurangama, completed new annotations go. Amitabha Buddha nodded permission, Master was healed. It is also free from birth and death, to go free. Therefore, confess sound spread throughout France could not complete, we have to consider the mind what you are taking. Ancient faith teaches us two great principles to study Buddhism:       1) Listen to economic "nature norms" : listening to correspond with nature, there is a full and hear random thoughts.       2) Cultivation management such as Buddha, mantras or meditation, eighty-four thousand disciplines must "move into Tri Thuc" . It also said not to use the mind, do not use the three-center two, to use nature, use of six apartment units that nature. "As unreal world until such afflictions have the same advantage, this is my praise such have the same advantage. mindfulness concept followed, no interruption " : Bodhisattva teaches us to confess feelings of concept, no interruptions, no mixed complex, not skepticism that practice this method. "Body language the industry did not tired tired " : no depression, fatigue. If the lawful use of powerful, authentic is not tired, not bored. There are powerful fellow Buddhist concept, a question mark in my sleep Buddhist concept still, still tired concept, self-concept to the body and mind, the incomparable pleasure. The true Buddha, the more excited the more spiritual conception, as a healthy body.       The body we are due to have delusions, attachment, bodily afflictions should arise transformed, becomes not normal, there disease. Currently, the planet is polluted environment, unbalanced state of birth, illness nor earth stabilization. Effluvia cleared (ozone) had burst, it is unusual. The body has a physical illness that change will naturally restore normal. What is natural? In the center there is a natural. Which is of the mind. Sixth Patriarch masters said: "Bon most numerous animal hybrids" (which no one objects). Capital is not a natural material. If your heart is pure, there is something, your body will naturally restore, cell body where innovation organizations become extremely stable, decent body went events, nor ill, long life.       People in the Western world Bliss everyone infinite life, every one of the immortality of birth, caused by their permanent nature preserve. Want to change the physical practice only pure heart. The world is talking medications, supplements are not credible soaked. The peaceful nature of the goodness no easy being sick; the impatient, aggressive, smart behavioral often sick. Knowing the truth is the truth, and he should know how to do it. Body language is the diamond industry leaders bored indefatigable study, as well as elaborate righteous, learning efforts.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.23/11/2014.

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