Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
Volume 81
Explanation: Six Products Contrast Photography 68th (continued)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how Bodhisattva stay in three-Ring la suite NIE player countries which three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva from the play of mind until sitting shume, in the intermediate time period if they are born to go to the pitch angry, yelled at nhiếc or cut every single part that Bodhisattva still rings the humiliation, I should think: alms to all sentient beings, for example, should not give: need to eat food, it should drink for drink, until all things needed to feed are all for it. Take the Germany's share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds. Bodhisattva in the helpfulness, not born of two minds, think: who's helpfulness? Revert to where? What is the Bodhisattva in the ring three-Pilot NIE humiliation Thu ba la suite la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in Ring three Gender players NIE la suite humiliation three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva from the play of mind until sitting shume, at about the time that the whole does not hijack other guys network, not taken by not giving, so no deviant ideas, nor does them the Status Bar text, Buddhist Chi Mural. Bring merit her share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds. Bodhisattva's while non-helpfulness triplets mind the thought: One revert toward the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations? What law helpfulness? Revert to where? He is the Bodhisattva in Ring three la suite Regency capital About three la suite.
White memories of world Religion, how Bodhisattva in Ring three la suite Regency its three uncivil effort at la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva stay in three-Ring la suite b. mind the effort to think: we're going to go through a by week by week, or ten, or a thousand, ten thousand, memories by week, so another world, until the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, the memories, the world turns beings, to teach the person causing Shou maintained in brief; What makes teaching case was result of Tu da perfect, until the results of A Buddhist Luohan, Invisible Scout, genus upper Flange Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. Bring merit then split the salmon, the same beings for rips to Loads of upper primary education primary buds. He is the Bodhisattva in Ring three la suite Regency its effort of three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how three Rings in Bodhisattva la suite Regency its three Meditation la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva stay in three-Ring la suite, left, a French charity, had ripped off the evil there is a real sense; left out was born into a loving meditation, so in the fourth meditation; in the meditation he meditate the mind of France are back towards the place necessarily. While the helpfulness, Bodhisattva's for meditation and meditation of the genus are impossible to get. He is the Bodhisattva in Ring three la suite Regency its three Meditation la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how three Rings in Bodhisattva la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva stay in three-Ring la suite the France or be absent from the General, or General Chair removal, or the endless chess; not by General President of killing the witness to come sit shume pharmacy position necessarily strains; from shume stood up, turning the wheel. He is the Bodhisattva in Ring three la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite, because we don't take, don't quit.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how Bodhisattva in tons of players three three-Pilot NIE la suite la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite, environmentally mindful effort, not abuse, non-stop, think: you're sure to be Loads of upper primary education primary sensations, can not be. Bodhisattva's sake beings which go through a by week, or hundred, thousand, ten thousand, memories by week; or through a world; or over hundred, thousand, ten thousand, the memory world, stay in tons of three la suite, if not get a person to Islam turned left into the Buddhist leader, or in The van, or Flanges chi Buddhist leader; or get a higher education bill makes tu ten good Scouts, effort is not made, favors the French craft Photography Award candidate and member countries. Take the Germany's share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary sensations, not revert to The writer, is stained with Buddha Bodhisattva chi stay in tons of players three-Pilot NIE three la suite la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite Regency capital About three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite, from the play of mind until sitting shume, himself non, not teach people watch, riveted the exclamation the non, hoan Hy Su n the non; to depart on his own deviant comments, teach others depart deviant comments, riveted the exclamation not deviant ideas, wedding parties, Su n non-deviant opinions. Bodhisattva's stay among the three la suite, not in Physical realms Phuoc bridge, the Colors, the Infinitely good; do not bridge the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural. Bring merit her share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary sensory trigeminal, no mind: don't see the helpfulness, don't see France helpfulness, don't see it revert direction. He is the Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite Regency capital About three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in tons of players three three-Ring NIE la suite la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite, from the play of mind until sitting shume, in about or intermediary, or inhuman to cut every single part. Bodhisattva thought: Guys who cut? An unfortunate guys who I am? Bandits who? Re: I think good pharmacy benefit is greater. We, as they should, they loved life births born again themselves to take. The Bodhisattva's way of thinking a primary chon TAM memory General legal. Take the Germany's share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds, not to revert to the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural. He is the Bodhisattva stay in three three-Ring player NIE la suite la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in tons of players three three Meditation NIE la suite la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite, left, a French charity, had ripped off the evil there is a real sense; do exercise b. loving into a meditation, meditation, meditation, Delta II quarter-meditation; in from, bi, Hy, discharge, so the non-ownership idea. The non-ridiculous idea of; do not bring immeasurable meditation, the infinitely good, the head of its result announcement, that there do benefit sentient beings; provide six Three la suite achievements beings; from a Buddhist realms to a close Buddha realms donation lettered Buddha, cultivated fresh base. He is the Bodhisattva in tons of players three three Meditation NIE la suite la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite, do not see France Presenting three la suite, don't see the General Pilot three la suite, to not see meditation three la suite, see General Meditation three la suite; the four anniversary of till position necessarily strains; also don't see France, not seen; not find ph p, illegal, unlawful flight; as for the French no longer stick stuck. Bodhisattva he made exactly as stated. He is the Bodhisattva in tons of three la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite NIE player countries which three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite, left, a French charity, had ripped off the evil there is a real sense; do exercise b. loving into a meditation, meditation, meditation, Delta II quarter-meditation; in from, bi, Hy, discharge until the owners thought the non-ridiculous idea of; in the third Meditation la suite mind not disarray, practice your lab and France give them birth. Free practice two, teach others to practice two, riveted the French two Cyrillic letters, hoan Hy Su n the two practices. Take the Germany's share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds, not to revert to the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural. He is the Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite NIE player countries which three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite Regency capital About three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite not lustful mind, the angry, foolish; not born of mind-brain disorder that others, who only tu Samyutta with necessarily mind. Take the Germany's share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds, not to revert to the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural. He is the Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite Regency capital About three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite three-Ring player NIE la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite, a water foam crisp; a life like water balloons; visualizations like waves of sunlight; pubs such as banana trees; a formula like going; While seeing the five aggregates are not durable, think: who is cut Off? An unfortunate guys who I am? One tho? Who's idea? Who runs? Anyone awake? One chute? Who is yelled at? Anyone born anger? He is the Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite three-Ring player NIE la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite three-Ton craft photography at la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite, left, a French charity, had ripped off the evil there is a real sense; do exercise b. loving into a meditation, meditation, meditation, Delta II quarter-meditation; from the meditation and meditation of the genus, the Prime Minister accepted, born of the spirit like water: go on, go on land; on the land as on the water; There are two natural hearing considers English Sun, who knows the other guys or stock photography, or disarray, so the mind has infinite mind, upper; Remember to know the life ahead; natural pure label than the human eye, saw them born until its results are reported as industry has created. Bodhisattva stay in God's message, from a Buddhist realms come to a close, the Buddhist realms donation lettered Buddhist, Protestant base cultivated, intelligent beings for sense of accomplishment, strictly Buddhist realms NET. Bring merit he divided to them the same helpfulness to students upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. He is the Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite three-Ton craft photography la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite was not good, not tho, thought, action, consciousness; not the contender three la suite so uncivil three la suite; not be made for four anniversary to position necessarily strains; don't count microscopic organic, don't count wuwei. Because there are no do not do so it is not born, not born to kill, why? Because despite the Buddhist or not Buddhist there is as such, French resident-General's method, still born, don't kill; most often the mind austerities Samyutta with necessarily mind. He is the Bodhisattva in Meditation three la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite NIE player countries which three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite, no Cabinet, no Cabinet there are no exception, not foreign, can't get; no exterior, exterior not can't get; No, no, no, no never get, so all non-French, non all can get. Bodhisattva in fourteen does not not see the general good or not, or did not, do not see Gen. tho, thought, action, formal or not, or not; don't see the four general notion of or not, or there's not, so don't see the general upper level primary sensory primary Unconscious or not, or not; don't see situations that, as of wuwei, or there is not. Bodhisattva thus stay in uncivil three la suite, there is nothing he, or eat, drink, dress, map feed, a job he was not, not what? The alms, the recipient countries and of alms, not born of mind San one, why? Because the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite, from the play of mind until sitting shume, no good idea to differentiate. As Chu Buddha when testifying was Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds, no mind and sorry. Bodhisattva also, when three uncivil conduct la suite, no plates, and unfortunately, that dignified Bodhisattva, is uncivil three la suite. He is the Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite NIE player countries which three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite Regency capital About three la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite is not born of mind The writer Bich chi Buddha, why? Because The text, Buddhist chi Flange for Bodhisattva then can not get; the mind towards The van, Bich chi Buddhist nor can there be. Bodhisattva since developing the mind until sitting shume, in the intermediate range, he himself non, not teach people kill, Su n the non, hoan Hy Su n the non, so his self not deviant comments, teach non-deviant ideas, non-proper noun canopy deviant commentsthe evening of the wedding Festival, agreed non-deviant opinions. The lead fiction no unlawful or the Status Bar text, Buddhist, read what case Flange or the other! He is the Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite Regency capital About three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite three Rings player NIE la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite as French pros patient born, think: in France he has nothing, or run, or kill, or birth, or death, or good lyrics yelled at nhiếc, or subjected to verbal input, or cut, or rips, or broke, or tie, or rank, or killed. Bodhisattva since developing the mind until sitting shume, if they go to nhiếc data, says murder; stone tile stick, knife cuts, rips do pity, mind not to waggle, think: it's spooky, in which nothing is yelled at nhiếc, said the data, cut lumber, as pity, that they still bear the suffering brain. He is the Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite three Rings player NIE la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite three-Ton craft photography at la suite?
Buddha: Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite, because sentient sermon, leaving three Candidates tell tu la uncivil three la suite; teaching the cause of tu four anniversary of the Holy portion up to eight Scouts; teaching the cause are complete momentum to Overhaul the fruit Sponge Director chi Buddha; teach upper primary education primary be disabled cause sensory, dont stay in situations that, don't stay in wuwei. He is the Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite three-Ton craft photography la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite Regency its three Meditation la suite?
Buddha: bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite, except t I of headless Buddha, into all three black, or of The writer, or the Buddha, or the genus Flange of Bodhisattva; both practices, are to be. Bodhisattva's stay in the triangle you pros and reciprocity, and the eight exhaust bumper. What are the eight? The inside has a good general, outside of a good, that is a multiple-discharge head; inside no good general, outside the Consulate, the bumper is to discharge the two; multiple discharge of pure, certified partners themselves, is a multiple-discharge three; through out all good generals, killing General has treated, not thinking of the generals, the immeasurable nowhere to multiples of four, is the discharge; out of nowhere, into boundless knowledge of, is a multiple-discharge years; the Consciousness of, the Invisible property of, is a six-digit multiples; through out Loads of possession, the owners thought the non-ridiculous idea of origin, is a multiple-discharge seven; through out the non-possession, non-mineral origin idea idea to Destroy the life of thought, is the eight-digit multiples. As for the eight multiples to discharge him, or inversely or directly, either out or in to nine Monday filed a plan. What is nine? The French left, the real evil left in good faith, that there is a sense, absent from the exercise, born into loving beginner meditation, so through out the non-Christians think Africa life of ideas, infinite ideas to Destruction; He called the first nine grades, or pros or reciprocity, out on. Bodhisattva turns to her eight multiples discharge, 4th class, the French romantic triangle chalk Lions into tons. What is tam I lion tons of chalk? It's difficult, a Bodhisattva from the evil French real friendly, there is a difficult exercise, born into a loving meditation, so to Kill its ideas; from life Destroying ideas kicked up, back into the non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea of; from non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea of starting up, back in until the first meditation. He is a French lady Bodhisattva tam I chalk lion tons, into three Transcendental essence. What is the transcendental essence Freemasons? It's difficult, a Bodhisattva from the evil French real friendly, there is a difficult exercise, born into a loving meditation; beginning meditation started up, on to the non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea of; from non-Christians think Africa loads of thought run up, to Destroy its ideas; Prince Mohammed Removal ideas kicked up, go back to the beginning of meditation; beginning meditation started up, to Destroy its ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up into the second meditation; from the second meditation began up in life Destroy ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up into three meditation; from t-life Crush on up, start meditation ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up into the four meditation; from the quarter finals start meditation led, to Kill its ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up, into the parishes; from Not made up, starting to Kill its ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up into the Consciousness of; from Consciousness of starting up, to Destroy its ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up on Loads of possession; from Infinity possessed of starting up, to Destroy its ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up in the non-possession of general non-infinite thought of; from non-Christians think Africa loads of thought run up, to Destroy its ideas; from life Destroying ideas kicked up in the canopy in mind; from the thumbs up, began to Destroy its ideas; from the life-killing ideas kicked up back into the center of canopy; from within concur began up in the non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea of; from non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea of starting up anew in riveted the mind; from within concur began up on Loads of possession; from Infinity possessed of start up, stay in the center of canopy; from within concur began getting up, in the Form of; from Consciousness of start up, stay in the center of canopy; from within concur began getting up, not made; from Not starting up of stay in approved centres, from within concur began up to the fourth meditation; from the fourth meditation kicked up stay in approved centres; from within concur began getting up, in the third meditation; from the meditation started up stay in approved centres; from the thumbs up, began in the second meditation; from the meditation in WWII start up stay in approved centres; from within concur began up to the beginning of meditation; from the meditation in the first start up, stay in the center of the thumbs. Bodhisattva's stay in the transcendental essence was that the Prime Minister of France. He is the Bodhisattva in uncivil three la suite Regency its three Meditation la suite.
Conclusion. Q: why is only one of three la suite master?
A: the coast guard Personnel must grade thing austerities so. Bodhisattva in two grades: in the home and renunciation. Bodhisattva in part thanks to Irene rich, entertainment-rich German big demand for Buddhist leader, tu the Three la suite. Tu first alms, why? Because there were material, know who is guilty, Phuoc compassion for sentient beings should first of all happy, well, tu he favored benefit in order the Three la suite to another. Bodhisattva renunciation does not have an animal, in the class should be approved, the patient humiliation, meditation, because it adapts so called master. Except for member countries, the Three la suite to another, the renunciation should practice. Bodhisattva took Three Rings la suite master, that: If someone to cut my body mutilated, should not born angry minds. Now I tu DAO Bodhisattva, the NIE the Three la suite. In the Three la suite, he headed. In the alms, animal appreciation, mourn for nothing through his body, which can bring countries to the people, not pity, not angry. As such, full Ring humiliation Three la suite Regency its alms. Bodhisattva in rings humiliation, alms for the Austrian rice beings, objects, laboratory personnel who had been yelled at by contrast, beating Bodhisattva, want to destroy the ring that humiliation while alms. Bodhisattva thought: We should not because the stem frivolous lies which destroyed Three leaders la suite. We should not, he should be born evil mind, not because of some evil that rots away. Bodhisattva's network while running out of increased heart alms. If when the General network, thanks to the effort of two Three la suite there, still born into it well, he continued.
NIE player About Three la suite are:
Question: while the rings evil does not do, i.e. humiliation sex, what excuse did say stay in Third World Player NIE humiliation rings la suite, which should stay to NIE its more rings?
A: In here talking about chess rather than talking about things the class arises. But the harmony that every chess are no different. If the class in advance after the ring. Is not robbing people network, ring is not pity his life; so in the private humiliation rings say General boundary.
* Then again, his mind is self photography collection rings, not starting up anger; also maintained the two: one is brain damage not sentient; two is to do it yourself, because the original maple tree is born out of meditation. That bodhisattva tu rings life without the humiliation of the French border fortresses, only because of fear of crime should ring the humiliation, not because they are merciful. Her teacher, or hear, or think about the Maintenance of the coast: the Buddhist leader, not interference harmful beings. We now can ring rape, then approved is easy; He is The player can rape a ring Three NIE la suite.
* Then again, who is French of humiliation of the ring; maintenance is a French identity: Maintenance is the mind, the mouth speaks to its maintenance, and the patient who is abusing birth, life isn't maintained.
* Then again, dear and pure mouth called maintenance about; My purity ring called humiliation.
Q: meditation and Three la suite is also pure mind, what excuse just saying rings humiliation?
A: the big jewelry and Meditation so not talking. While at the Citadel, the mind is pure, need to have the rings humiliation to keep in mind. In this economy people Are saying the Bodhisattva charm: Germany and great base benefit intelligence, who plays currently for Buddhist monastery before the Three la suite, so the ever growing until being Detached upper primary education from primary sensory origin evil fallen. Bodhisattva since developing the mind until sitting shume not born angry mind, Rob sentient networks, also do not immerse the second redundant. It is the merit of two three la suite, left three things the mind, helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds. Three mind then: no, no, no, no on-site helpfulness mind accept the ego mind, insanity.
NIE its tons of Three la suite is: Or herself contains Group of Germany, or because the beings that play a mind not favors, so everything's accomplishments; If there are no obstacles along the coast people who, no doubt, the rotten, kham assume all suffering, we don't take the long hard days hard gauge. As in say: Bodhisattva to to go through thousands of great wall by the week, if not get a person to teach in truth France is Nirvana, then the mind nor lamentation; If having taught makes maintenance five precepts, who was now the wedding Festival, don't think I pass her degree of immeasurable that just met this person, so for the stonework, why? For a person that is all General people, generals who all is General a person, because the two French generals.
NIE its Three Meditation la suite is: Bodhisattva so ill patient who needs insults are so nhuyến; mind nhuyến need conditioner so much is meditation; in meditation the mind is the mind of pure French and from, bi, Hy, discharge; who offers no advance feedback towards the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations.
NIE uncivil player three la suite is: Bodhisattva in sentient rings every evil of them born to, tu Dai Xu; therefore should be blessed in Germany grew. Be blessed in Germany who wish to be easy nhuyến great French ring, meaning that all France it. sterility. Stay in France he rings a French General in General, not all do, endless General President removal as General Nirvana; now back in the ring, they are growing in it. don't like that, then who's yelled at, who's bad? Then two player NIE rings, do not see three things that France rings, the rings and the rings. Because not all such legal treatise hý, should be able to see all the French President, the President of killing as Nirvana. As a Buddhist prayer leader should not immerse into it.--no French, until yet sit shume manual not shown to Nirvana. When sat shume, NIE its Dharma, Buddha is directed, Zhuan Falun as do benefit sentient beings. Such things are run by your uncivil three la suite.
Stay in the three Pilot NIE la la Three prime security suite are: Bodhisattva originally applied door effort to enter in the Ba la suite, three-year tu la diligence suite, mind restless effort, not different. In the effort's not afraid of a gauge hell A Bhikkhu, what other gauge conditions? Bodhisattva also know full-heartedly France it. No, from it. not starting up, because the mind of compassion should go back to doing the charity Karma Nirvana without proof; It is the overall effort. Bodhisattva in the effort: I should think so far for sure will be Infinitely superior primary education primary sensations, can not be. He goes through a by week, until hundred thousand by week, use the Member and France give them birth. So go through hundreds, thousand, ten thousand, memory, assuming the level of not having been in an easy-to-teach led to three superfluous, the mind becomes a Bodhisattva not Forex, no doubt, don't think: I spent much of Buddha without having someone available at all levels, how, when, who? Over hundred, thousand, or of having been a teacher makes tu ten friendly, don't hit on three redundant, not because the person does not meet are so General that embrace wholeheartedly despised, regret. Think I present user tu ten good Scouts, gradually bring moral three admit to the escape for them. Taught ten friendly then your offer seclusion and France full alms for sentient beings, and then provide the feedback towards the upper German Radio's Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. Mind-body effort spent countless of speed because they are born the sermon.
Q: all the alms are all due effort, what excuse just say your laboratory and France due to the effort arises?
E p: While all the alms are all due effort arose, but literally it says due to physical effort arises even more. This experience saying: go through hundreds, thousand, to bring the level of either the full alms for sentient beings.
Stay in the three-Ton la suite Regency capital About Three la suite is: Bodhisattva tu ten friendly enough Scouts called About Three la suite, or from rings etc. etc. incurred. If a Bodhisattva from the play of mind until sitting shume, quit ten real good Scouts, tu Thien DAO forty non-stop; He called the effort the three la suite. There's only one good leader can not be case, tu tu what four things good Scouts, also due to the effort of three la suite should not born into the three realms, not Second life result redundant. They are born because of heart troubles should offer Awards into the three realms, as mundane mortal should put Buddha relief, sign the minor change, there is general abuse award. So says Bodhisattva out of the three realms, not to sign the second redundant.
Stay in the three-Ton three-Ring player NIE la suite la suite is: Bodhisattva from the play of mind until sitting shume, or inhumane or go to an unfortunate cut bodies carried away. Now who broke the Bodhisattva insanity accept fell because of good karma it. No, should think: in no alibi, an unfortunate cut that means corrupt wife were observed lying; We are non-profit. When we know that the Prime Minister of France, may enter Nirvana, but because of the mercy they so loved life; they are going to take away, one should not regret. Now it's entering the general body of France, no general truth in General; native beings fear, giving the Germans time share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds. In this or someone yelled at nhiếc guest, damages could be rings; He called the ring; Hy does not regress carriage festival called effort. Two of France's or from effort born patient the humiliation, or from patient humiliation born effort. This comes from effort born patient the humiliation.
Stay in the three-Ton la suite Regency its Three Meditation la suite is: there are people who are natural meditation, as in the past life, take advantage of. Or have the time to be rotten, when born, or born in the upper to lower place; Although it is not meditation from effort born. The University's Bell which in the slopes that is taking part in education etc. sailings are meditation. Or have the remain about purity, practice patient centered, his humiliation of boring sailings is meditation. Or have the large intellectual health, know the sex, frivolous impermanence lies, impure, sailings are meditation; meditation but also damaged a lie but still over at the Exercise. While there is such effort, leave other places people are meditation, so it is not called from the effort was born. There's no entertainment place in France the master, only emerging effort, day and night, the Zazen, usually struggle with the mind, due in force, trusts, Tan, meditate on, trying to overpower the intellect, along the slopes of the year; If the mind of instant photography collection ruỗi dong back, as fighting with the enemy, until the sweat. Those who are meditating so as from effort born. Or Bodhisattva Root implant, for which obscures the old wrecked deep fucking fun secular, dong ruỗi difficult recovery; who should join effort effort can be given. Countries such as Germany, the blessed man settle it that LOC to self; the painstaking work, effectively thin fighting much new being. People are naturally blessed are called blessed Germany go to; due diligence the new fighting has been called by the effort that was. As such, every where but there is effort but in many places that name calling.
Stay in tons of Three la suite three uncivil player NIE la suite is: Bodhisattva due to physical effort should be Meditated Three la suite; meditation Three la suite should arise through God. Because the two things God uses information going around ten directions, insufficient merit to make full; back to Catholic culture beings. Except for the wisdom born from four three la suite, the other more intellectual effort from birth, should take the effort mattered so NIE intellectual capital. Uncivil three la suite has two: one is a true General of France, which saw French General, see chess illegal; the two are the austerities as saying. People who are unable to offer awards to do two things, thanks to your new effort to do two things in full.
Stay in the meditation of the three la suite master photography in Three la suite is: Bodhisattva in Meditation Three la suite nhuyến need coordination center, don't shake, one can observe that the Prime Minister of France; countries such as lamp burning in enclosed buildings, light radiate; He called in the Third Meditation la suite arises intelligence. Now is not the brain damage they born, again the center of mercy; He called maintenance about purity rings and humiliation. Mental health transformation through full alms material, claims transformation back to France. Again, the Bodhisattva from starting up meditation, due to pure mind like nhuyến because our theory; He called the alms. Multiply your timeframes start meditation spirit communion, going around ten Superfund approach benefits all without special award; He called the effort. Again, human meditation makes four three la suite is useful; He called from meditation student effort. Other uses, such as in this economy has broadly.
Stay in elegant Bowl three la suite master photography in Three la suite is, as in this Buddha himself said broad.
Question: But Buddha said broad, which he also who do not understand, so far will ask: in what pretext, not eighteen said the final four?
A: What does fourteenth is necessarily non-French. Say necessarily means bosses throughout all of France, so don't say.
Q: If so, just say what the evidentiary record, fourteen eighteen as well?
A: inside distinguish all non-French General, all irregularities of NIE in eighteen does not. In this because the false operator said. Practitioners or tu a no, the two are not, until the fourteenth does not, depending on where the previous accepted more or less. There are people who accept the previous ties to heavy use, a deep knowledge of four does not rest, because why? Because owners France France etc. the deviant comments layman. Bodhisattva who graciously nhuyến need overhaul should not commit comments are accepted, not accepted as such. Then again, no Bodhisattva who set the order of fourteen taken, should stay in there and obviously not accurate. So don't say the last four.
Q: why say Bodhisatta like Buddha, not taking part in advance; does the phrase mean?
A: the Buddha end to the negativity of gas volume, no longer born run, also made by Bodhisattva uncivil jewelry available, makes not starting. Now want to scatter the evening jewellery should use unlawful, however, uncivil, not end that effort with uncivil Buddhist Bodhisattva place has not other used unlawful ends, in order to make you known your uncivil which played the mind to think that, in this there is no legal or birth, or removal of, or subjected to yelling at nhiếc, cutting lumber.
Question: what is infertility patient, why say that positive need rings?
A: In here said Costa broke pretending they are, due to the five aggregates in harmony, not to break the law. What should my said: no man born, destroy; No one is yelling at nhiếc. Again, he broke the fall, while French number-not that can not penetrate, so your favorite still immersed in France. As French infertility patient who still compassionate mercy beings; in the pros ring also has the notion of the law No. In two of France's: one is in place they could not have been better as they ring; the two are in France could not have been so called French ring. France rings, not the obstacles they ring; they are patient, not obstacles to France only shallow depths, the ring differently.
Q: I Super not transcendental Triangle two ranks, not from approved centres which take advantage of what the excuse, the Removal was in here saying so?
A: Great, not Super Minor different legacy: two tier is French in the U.s. admitting said. There are also German Bodhisattva immeasurable joy and wisdom, penetrating meditation so can arbitrary transcendence. As singer jumping not too few staff, if lishi sun danced off regardless. Again, in A Bhikkhu and divine order for talks The writer that said; Bodhisattva doesn't do. Because intelligence on three black lions, pastel tones, which in for France; by uncivil can optionally theory himself in, adapt to them. Again, there are three uncivil Bodhisattva tu la suite much, knowing that an estate the French generals to stay, all the world, a person can not do ' a dynamic approach to the kidneys. If you are Member of a two-class, or he is the contender to the Buddha, or give them birth, because they shouldn't mind that equity, does not respect divine Buddha, not contempt be sentient. If the contender for the poor that contempt should be blessed at least, if the contender for the Buddha, which because of wrecked before so blessed is incomplete. If taking gold and silver, which treasure tree and grass to alms, because France should not also equally is no different. End to the hope wall differentiates France one or other, in disciplines not two that alms; He called member countries. France laboratory experiments as well as such, not you who has Tri-life laboratory in France, does not know who criticizes the balloon doesn't know French, why? Because Dharma immeasurable, cannot speak, do. As the French say he sighted, and twelve non-coast guard personnel said, winning chess, working; No, the French General is working loads maybe even deep, equally, no difference, why? Because France are on the President's removal, not hý conclusion. So is uncivil since he was born.
* Then again, bring her Bodhisattva sui merit Hy for three things by ten local Buddhist followers and disciples from, all share for sentient beings, and helpfulness to Loads of upper primary education primary buds. Because intelligence should have not laboratory experiments and share joy in Germany for sentient beings. Again, take Bodhisattva while he delegates the mind good, clean original maple tree uprooting San took part in that practice of alms. Take heart from the alms should end terrace of wrath. See the head tho be glad then, who challenged the wedding Festival should end the quiz. Get mind respect ma Bell should out of mind and ignorance. Don't think that the person and the head of the General life span given, should break ties comments have, accept no. Watch life leader like Buddha, view of alms as general upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations, watching myself go from it. no; If so alms unspoilt lied was straight to Infinite upper primary education primary buds. The so called General from three uncivil la suite b. alms Three la suite.
* Then again, penetrating three Bodhisattva uncivil la suite purity, so there are no sentient life that could hold ten friendly boundary. To break the mind insane should kill Islands have about non, not in General true that about it.
* Then again, have someone hold the non-born to them in a hundred by week; have people holding the world non for beings in a Subject Line Matches realms; so is the precept for the sentient beings are limited quantity. Or hold the world in a day, or kept in, the ten precepts; so is the limited amount of precept. Bodhisattva tu uncivil, keeping about immeasurable beings in respect of speed for a lifetime or two of his life. As: As such, nowhere, France counted, reality, because general it. No, should not accept its about chess, not hate sex, not before the maintenance. He is from uncivil three la suite arise about full, there is no distinction.
The ring has two things: one is that they are patient; the two are French ring. Bodhisattva penetrated three uncivil la suite should be France rings. You can trust immeasurable life the Dharma, the mind does not distinguish cities, Africa; Chess so called from the uncivil born patient the humiliation.
Get the full due diligence Bodhisattva, Three la suite should tu uncivil three la suite. Is it the end, háp General three careers, relatives are not artifacts, the mouth does not speak, the mind does not recite ideas; like who find themselves immersed in the sea, move your hands forward through out; When waking up, mind dream sailings end; He is from the uncivil three la suite arise Crystal tones. As in Tri Tam said: We had effort should in that Buddha Nature was inked life Post.
Buddha: Left brainer forecast no meditation, to the new intellectual power of meditation; so from wisdom born of meditation. As Buddha said of Sponge genus Buddha: has a King seen two Buffalo opaque because of lewd tussle should die. King of self enlightenment that: We do your bigger l should conquer other player has nothing here? Absent from the Mainland in education, is meditation, the Buddha Bodhisattva Chi Flange as well. Due to the more or less boring male sex hormones, the amount of productive fun in fitness with fun meditation, it's away from each other. We can be pleased because the little bit of the fun years but missed the fun why meditation? Funny thing is that meditation fun joy German purity, spilling all over the mind. So, from intellect to differentiate arises meditation. Literal meaning of meditation as in Beijing said.
* Then again, Bodhisattva from the Buddhist DAO because shit, immeasurable so cultivated a clean base left in education should be for meditation is himself in, penetrating As that of France, the reality. Due to physical effort, the media should get out of compassion, France might even deep, back tu the merit. He has won his heart recovery, in a book can order six Three la suite. That is Bodhisattva while alms that France discharged material removed; He is the Three la suite. In ten charity whom alms, not towards the second redundant; It is About Three la suite. If these afflictions San take part etc. and people go to, not the mind; He called Three Ring la suite. While alms, mind restless effort; He called the three-Ton la suite. Aerial photography into alms, not disarray, no doubt, not the foreign, coming Unconscious upper primary level public awareness; He called Himself the three la suite. While he, the person who receives and things could not have been; Unlike those deviant comments accept Prime Minister, hoping to see that certain generals; as Chu Buddha, Sage of St. view of General, the Receiver General, person and General helpfulness spot, when France so well known; He called Three uncivil la suite. Bodhisattva precepts full life, charity began up, speech, Chief career three suspected law: law precepts, meditation facilities and facilities suspected to act illegally; in fiction the alms is not afraid to sentient beings; He called the Pilot Three la suite. The defilements lust, the angry want to do break the world, may be made available, can endure.
* Then again, suffering people yelled at nhiếc, hitting hurt, for fear of breaking world should abide not responded. Again, see the hot cold, hunger and thirst, the gauge of the encyclopedia, as should the precept may be bearing; He called Three Ring la suite. Differentiate the General heavy, light, there are remnants, or no remnants, the original charm and tops; or preventing the cause, which is the center of effort; conduct maintenance as the French, with the exception of a kind Italian House; He called the effort himself. Due to the effort required to maintain it, the King of heaven, King, so no extra Sub Nirvana syndrome, that just because the world is stay made of Bodhisattva way, do maintain world can practice both men Three la suite; He called the effort the three la suite. Bodhisattva if maintained about purity cannot be absent from meditation, why? Because of maintenance about the forecast pure negativity, the mind is conditioned, the uniforms; countries such as the old age robs our best young, die to ease of melting tanks. Practitioners because not meditation should recite ideas in education, born in the slopes of the invasive, the maintenance men. So, because of the bridge's maintenance solidly fun meditation. Meditation is the currency of mind mind photography France a place called meditation. Meditators are career himself, evil mouth breaks world followed, except the evil-one three sensory, so after three subtle consistent sense of exclusion; that is visually consistent on national level, about her children and of immortality. Except for being such then, successively be meditation, he called Himself the three la suite. While the Citadel about, know about possible thing coming this merit, posterity as such; He called wisdom.
* Then again, sex, gender, gender local maintenance, three things that are impossible to get; He called wisdom. The three grades: The lower class broke the world, who hold class accept in advance about, people on the decline before the world. Bodhisattva thought: If we hate and who broke the world; preferred gender and gender preference center that holder, hated the poor bear back. Countries such as elephant shower pomp took mud illuminate themselves, and so should not be born of mind, love, hate.
* Then again, all of France, are part of human fate, not in. The French charity workers were born evil; If evil people born how did accept in advance be? Evil entity in good French born how did dislike it? Such thinking, go straight to the General truth of France, a work about gender and maintenance from the coast guard should not be born at; have at it. should not; it. There should not accept in advance; He called three uncivil la suite. Bodhisattva while tu rings humiliation, think: If they are going to cut the lumber I loved raising alms, do not let them born guilty heist. Or when the tu people, the humiliation humiliation ring ring theory, used every each charm distinguish the Earth, Nirvana, making them stay in six three-la suite, are they patient. Get environmentally alms called member countries. The French are rings, penetrate the French, because they are preaching, then the French lab. Two countries from two rings, the call is Ba la suite. Bodhisattva when tu upset don't ring sorry life, what case the brain damage they forged to break the world! So, multiply the patient that maintained world; the message of mercy, to beings ng escape for them. Maintenance is an established charity all of stay in France; She called About Three la suite. Bodhisattva in humiliation, body rings, four industrious minds tu Ba la suite; He called essential publications. In the patient who needs nhuyến conditioner, humiliation, do not soak up before exercise, photography Centre of a place; TA for sentient beings can ring rape as the land, then called Meditation Three la suite. Bodhisattva knows the outcome of the patient's body are the perfect General humiliation dignified. Bodhisattva tu rings, or obstruction of the afflictions, or bearing the bad evil of sentient beings, or bearing the French intensive magic, later the General truth of France; the capital itself was then assumed to be infertile France rings, i.e. three uncivil la suite.
Bodhisattva in effort born of Three la suite is, effort is the basis of all good things; absent from the effort cannot be friendly France. But just because the physical effort which resulted in Three la suite, so called effort born. Bodhisattva often order three ways he never left off; He called the Pilot Three la suite. Bodhisattva is the Chief industrial body, mouth, coming Second, the Buddha did not admit; She called About Three la suite. Diligence tu effort, someone goes to ruin Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva bearing can not shake; He called Three Ring la suite. Bodhisattva while tu the French, not disarray, most consider the best set decoration; He called Himself the three la suite. There are two ways: one is the General collaboration effort, i.e. mind diligence tu; the two are end foremost hý comment, should mind motionless. Bodhisattva while diligence tu action effort, nor do any real effort, effort is not actually uncivil three la suite. Bodhisattva health meditation that compassionate mind, should he not afraid for sentient beings. Or do your meditation should turn worked out as mountains of treasures tu di, filling enough for all; rain the aroma donation followers of Buddha and alms for the poor beings with robes blankets, eating. Or into the meditation for ten local sentient sermon; He called the Pilot Three la suite. In this meditation, depending on which runs the charity industry body, construction industry n the mouth; absent from the center of The text, Buddhist chi Flange; She called About Three la suite. Bodhisattva in meditation, was a pure pleasure, like nhuyến, can not soak up meditation. Thanks to your meditation should penetrate the French, or French, she, not mind bearing foreign facilities; He called Three Ring la suite. Bodhisattva when rings to the starter, the humiliation I transcendental tam tam, tam as I did tons of chalk lion etc. and other black Freemasons immeasurable nonstop; He called the effort the three la suite. Thanks to your meditation, the mind purity not waggle, can go to the General's French, it's general legal news is uncivil three la suite. Bodhisattva tu uncivil three la suite, or pubs, Gen. Bell as immeasurable, kill the hý on isn't there, there isn't; He called the Pilot Three la suite in the endless, immeasurable uncivil. The fuselage and gun industry under the uncivil, as being uncivil, should be able to maintain the purity, strength; She called About Three la suite. Stay in uncivil, they ring, the more profound purity rings in France, he called Three Ring la suite. Tu uncivil mind of the Bodhisattva to be pure, be real effort, see the effort as going, as dreams; because of being real effort should not enter Nirvana; This is called effort-three la suite. Bodhisattva tu tu loads concerned should then, uncivil but often in meditation, but because of the uncivil three la suite should not come out of meditation that can still bounce of beings; He called Himself the three la suite.
As such, the Bodhisattva of wisdom thanks to Spry, inside a mind, in a six-Three full time can la suite.

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