Tuesday 25 November 2014

This is the 5th episode, composed from his 81 to 100 book reviews Great Location at. Before full conclusions Greater Position Of five episodes in which 100 books.
Comment about captions not in all students wall news operations, learning, a passport, birth certificate, degree, practice results. This should leave the computer failure, the weather could not reach the result completely freed of all constraints of mind distinguishes accept in advance, that have arisen within samsara, or segments, or variable schedules.
Computer doesn't also count egolessness, loads of self identity, winning possession count. Only one computer is not that because one object reference differently in this treatise has room to distinguish the two is no beings and France do not; In conclusion The consciousness-is falling no, France is not; said by the old Mausoleum is anatta, anatta France (in French, three eight-count, self consciousness, two egolessness); sometimes distinguished as eighteen not, from internal not external, not internal, not external to non-disabled, non-organic, non-compounded multitude.
Computer is not uncivil, have many benefits, drag them out of the idea of expected births hý comment, but difficult to comprehend, practice; such pieces of gold fire red is very beautiful, has many benefits, but can't get the handle; If the retrieved handle better burnt hands. Also, if you listen to say no that is not accepted, as inane, uncle most of all, must be the fallen. So the Buddha because they are preachers, always come up on two racks are continuing and chon TAM soles. Maybe because they accept the first should say yes to break; Maybe because they accept in advance that, should say no to break. But to say yes, say no are the means, as Pharmacology accept in advance; the disease through medication also no longer; all non-French and non-General nor.
If all the remedies are not, where to slash forecast for hoát? If enlightenment is neither French all the news is not good idea accept in advance; no longer good idea accept in advance that not starting up negativity, creating career reincarnation; He is freed. At the liberation, it is no longer good idea accept falling, so there are no functions to General and French General Department of radio, radio and witnesses said.
Grace Tam protection maintenance, wholesome charm meets, so I'm lucky room complete this General comment Placement modules. Pray does merit helpfulness to everyone, hoping to instill, educational experience that deeply uncivil, much of liberating all the melancholy misery because of the crazy ideas forward to the island accept the inherent in advance, which could hardly be more what other way to be. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/11/2014.

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